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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1905)
the Oregon Sunday jour.:iAt, rcTLAND. suiiday i:cT.:.,i:rot tznzz: jatib. I (wmimM Co., otree parla. aid lis wagoaiaa aooa At Apkn porta -oa. -x fwiiMt 4 Warooater towel sutfxt. ;lbt tit TOWBl BAIL CMk tea, soap. i aer Booth. L Umm Bra.' Towel SubbI .. Fosrth aad Coach. PI nottm. i. A. wrSCO. iWmiM sad ra.wlron a Mw ta law! hlrt.. 4th oo4 Morrlua WAXXPAPES. MnitOAK WiUPiFII JXI , ' IM-IM turn ay. bra. Taattu aa TifW. wnim, '' . " iteabciai. PORTLAND TRUST COhTPAoTT OF OBEBOB. The OMrot Trmt Company la Orogoo..'. . . ' -: rlsolbckb ;. ;J Genera banking -bnalaoas CnartHctod. gr1nr dVnoalte reco-lood. Tim orrtlaratre Uaacd. .1 to 4 Mr cant; anertal certiflratee (not aodor . tall for book of lIXt'STBATIONH.' fnoea Mats Ul ... 1UB ' Third St. ' " "V KKJ. I. COHEN. .......,,. ..PreeloVst i. L. PITTrwK...,...,.,..,.Vk-rraldnt r- LAB r.;ire,. ....secretary J O. GOLTRA... ...Aaatataat AVwtarj 'IklTXD STATTB BATTOBAt BANK I f POBTTAWTI OBEAOM. . TWTal COB, HUBS . AID OAK STS. taml iVnkiag nKirrt in(itu available ta Ail Cilice of the Catted SttteJ aad Europe, Hoawkoag .asd Uaolla, .1 OZXBOTIOVS KADI 0 FAVORABLE TERMS -woaat I. C A1MSWOHTH -PraaMowt.,., ,,....W. B.- ATBB o-Proairat ,.,,......B. LEA BARNES ? n. -E- W. BCHMEEIt .ant Caabtce AriL WBTOHf aa Caakar..... A. BOM 1 A JfTI.T0V BANKERS. - (EetaMlahod fat IMS.) Traneanta a OeoaiaJ Baahlaa- Baal Coueetloae aaada-at all aotata aa fareral -. . Laltara at credit laoaiS available la oe and all potota la the Caltad BtatraJ ' t BirbaBa and .Talrrranale raaafoct i aa New lor. Wathlnctea. Chteaaa, St. ote. Dearer. Oanaa. Baa yrta.-teeo . and atana and Brttlah Colombia. , Cxrhaaaa-aald - aa. Loaaoa. " fmrla. Barlla. -raakfort, HaaAnav ZekokaJM. aanlala. , . riBBT BATI0WAI, BA1TK r or roarLAjiD. obksob. Jalaatc4 Oepoaltorr aad rtnaadal Afra "ar r. hiwmh latant Caablar ...,.....W. O. ALVOR0 raad Aaatataat Caahtrr...... .B. r. STBTBNf Mttara af Credit laaawd AnltaM la Taraa aad Ua Baatara Statat. 'rM KiHiina and TalrfTapaJTraaarrt 4 aa Maw Turk. Boatoa. CaR-ro, St. Lao la. ' - Paal. -Oawba, Baa PYaarawa aaA ta 4 M4ata4a Nartkwaat -1 ; k., aad Uaaa bill drawa la aaira ta aatt Vial Parla, Barltn. rtsakfort-la-taa-n. aaaaraoac ' Yokohama, OopaafeCfrBi - Mttanla. aaarkholfa. , St. ratarabars. - ataa Ml or.V lata dniianrlaaa Mada aa Paranoia Tiraw . iXTCXTrr trnm 4k tlTtt COaTTAJTX. Baa AaarHaaa Bt. rortlaaaV Uaaaat AJIuaail aa Tlaaa aad Barlnaa DapaaM. AWaa aa tlailaa for Batata " Brmfai aant araara mt cradlt AraUaai la AH Paraat tha World... P. AMVfl.. ...Ptaaidaal A. I rwig.. ...Plral Uw-Prvaldrat A. L. KlUt .......Sreoad Vka-Prcatoaat B. Q. JVKITB Bomtarf i.Q. rV BLB8FXU Aaatataat Bacratarf CBCBABTB' WATI0BAL BAVK. i PTTAXDL OBBOOB. J. PBAWK WATSOM ..Praatdaat R. U PITRHAM ......,...Tk)a-Pral-at R. . HOTT Caahhat 0KOR0B W. B0TT..........Aaa1taat Caahlat Traaaacta a aaaral Baalaaaa Drafts aad Uttor at Cradlt loan. Arallabat to All Farm at tha World. ... v 1 CaUactioaa ' Bpaelalty. ' ' .' 10BB1B Jm01. CHBIBTKBtXB. .j L. tMba 'tat at faitliaa. Oa. ,; Cff or Gilt Kara taroatawaia la KaaMaat aad auroaa Bam.. . wnta ar uaj. . - - MORTQAQB UOAINS 0a Portlaad Bad Batata at Lavaat Jr-a Inaarad. Aaatraeto Paralahad ' I OI aOAAAWTtl TUVmt OO. , M Waaklartoa Bt. Car. Baoaai.'-. Humphrey Jones ; Fatally and ' Two Women Seriously Hurt ', ' f - ? ' at Oregon City. f. . Opaelal Oftpateh ta Th JaaraaL) .... j Oregon) City, Sept. t.-Th Southern Pacific 'overland train collided with a wagon , at tha - foot of -Singer- hill at Tenth atreet In this city at 0:46 o'clock -this-; morning" 'And . aertously Injured -Humphrey Jones, Edna Irish and Kate Jones of Carna. Mr. Jones, who ta 71 yeara old. ia fatally Injured. He 4s suffering from a broken leg. Internal (Injuries and concussion of th brain. 'Kat-Jones." hi " daughter,- suatalaad .a broken leg and dislocation of the hip. .Mho la also badly bruised on face and beck. - Edna Irish Is severely .bruised but her condition la not dangerous. ' . i Mr. Jones waa driving tha two young women and Jo Jones and Glenn Irish Jn from Cam. They were going to lake th early , train for th up-river .liopyarda. . Ha waa driving alowly down the Tenth street hill and the train waa pulling slowly out from th Oregon City aUtion. The bell at 'tha crossing- was ringing and the tram was in full view. The young men. Joe Jones .and Glenn Irish, had got out of th wagon on tho ill and wer walking dowa Seventh street. Tho young women aaw th train jind asked Mr. Jones to stop.. He evidently thought h could cross In tint and kept on driving. .Miss Jones grabbed the lines and , tried to 'stop the team,' but . could not do so. The wagon was .completely - demo! ihed;'on horn was Injured a badly that It waa shot on the a pot by Mayor Hommer and th' other bora was badly iiurt. .. f. ..v 1 Tha Injured people wer taken to the onw of William - Wilson, a -nephew of ,fr. Jonea, wher they ar being cared ;::.:es courtmartial ,N BENNINGTON CASE JJaaraal Bpadtl srrlea.1 Washington, Sept, J. Secretary Bona p JH-UMUJ' nnuuncea tin mamMfaBip il.uelen Young and Charles .Wade, , oiharged with noglot of duty In sAnnao, I tlon with th Bennington explosion. Th t-mirt will meet at .Mare Island February U." and -consists of the following: Rear Admiral Henry Glasa, president; Captain ; Charlea " B. vPrklns.; Captain William p. Day. Captain John IS. Roller,-retired; Captain Frank H. Holmes, mired; Commandera Iewls C Heilner, James H. Bull. JCdmund B. Underwood; W illiam Winder; Bttcey Potts. Robert Tt. loyle; Henry C Clearing, A. W. Dodd; aln ErnrttTWatL marln corps, . advocata r - vMl Bxemrstoa BjstsB. " y 1-ov toay. tickets east ofTcred it. N. September 1. IT. . O 1 "u.r",,n eastern points; "' graataa r' Borng and rauiralaa. M tl'llAV?' Un"' Cl" iicM ' -ela Portland, . " '....!"' :"- ' " I " tO'OFr(j!!LIZAC : ei;os iis sessi::i.' Assessment ' of . Corporations r; Raised and Private Re Ettat rls Decreased.- rTTrTapMatWapaaab -to too Jot tap I. , Oregon City. '6vt Jt-'-Thd board of tauatlsatlon adjourned thla afternoon after being in aeaalon alnce Monday. Tha' board la compoaed of County Judga Thomaa T. Ryan. County Asaeaaor J.r T. Nalaon and . County Clerk Fred Oreeu- man. ? Tha Oregon City bord of trad, aftf.'wo rnontha' agitation, appeared before tha board with a comprehenalve rrport showing the comparative valua (iona between the farmers and bualneaa men's holdinga" In the county and of that of the vartous corporations doing busl nass in Clackamas. ; The board of trade asked for an enurntquji increase lntba asseapinent' or the propertypr tn cor Donation. They did not get It " Tha board did not change-the assessed valuation of the Southern Pacific Tbla ia given, at ,) a mil. . Th reason alven out foc.rhts la that th auprerae court has recently decided that the roaa- bed from Oregon -City to New Era is not the property .of th Southern Pacific company, but or Oregon City. ' Tha aaaesament of tha Portland Gen i.'dl' V a. ... 1 J. MMI.H " III HIT HI MM1 A I J0.D0. above tha-asaeasor'f flguras, Tb- assesantent or tne wuiameit jruip at Paper company was Increased - (4,400. and of thav Crown - Columbia- Palp- Paper company 12,000. "No Increase was mad th assessment of tha Oregon Water . Power A: . Kallway-ompay'a .h,5lWjrigai They- will -pay- more taxes, but. the rat per Jnilo la ih time. ; rh board . Increased i assusiraents 140,009 over the assessor's estlmat and decreased then) tlO.000. giving a. net gain of 30.(H)0, - In every Instance th increase waa er holdinga of the corpora tiona and th decraasa was on. privaW real estate. . - ' The board points ent that the assessed valuation - thla year la 1175,000 more thanjt waS last year.' and this Increase comes almost wholly from the corpora tiOnS.'.,.;' - ' ... , n- i- ! .- " 'Orajoa City BawatttetV ' ; . (Special Dh) patch to Tha JaurnaL ... - Oregon City, Sept t.C J, Buchanan wfll iava Monday fop th t'pper Mo lalla'' country to fish for "ten daya- He Wllh go alona and will ramp out- . . C. y. Sparks, will leave (Sunday night for fipaulding. Idaho, to reside. Marriage-license wss granted today to W. E. Baugh and Miss Fannie Peck- . - ...... . - - - vi. uwi u hi uiausitinv. ".-f , 1 1 . 1 1 Mrs. Julia M. Brodle of Eugene, who fiaa been" spending thr mmimf M Fuiet sound. -Is In th city visiting ber son. Edward K. Brodl. ' . i ' ' . . -' . .- - John A. afoehnk returned bom yes terday from a - month's . trip through Eastern Washington." '-' " - . Mrs. U A. Hunter "of Minnesota and Mrs. W. H. Godfrey of thla city hav gona to Minnesota. .v. i-: Miss Lillian Oana nts returnad home from Lincoln county. - Mrs.' Oeorglanla' Beala and daughter Ethel of Tacoma. Washington, ar visit ing Mrs. i. E. Jack.. .:'- - W. ' A. Wood baa gone, to Wall Idaho, to reald. - '". . ... Otto-Krlckeon la-bulldtng a now house at Eighth and Monro streets. ' Otto C. Ashbaugh has recovered from an attack of th typhoid fever, and has been appointed collector of th Metro-J polUaav. blf lasuranc company. . Mra..D. D. Shlndler and son Norrls and Mrs. N. C Steveaa. Jrv and sons Harley and Henry, who hav been visit ing relatives In Oregon City, left -last night for Ban Francisco. . . : J - Mrs.- Linn wood E. Jones and Mrs. John Adams and son 'Alien returned horn thla evening from Newport ' Miss. Oei tnideBaahBr-weiif tdBateml thla evening to spend Sunday with her mother." '," aVdaalttae Probata. . , (Specttl DU patch, to Th JaaraaL) .ij Oregon Clty, Sept..!. The estate of tha 1st Thomas Lemon was admitted to probate In th bounty court 'today, and his widow, who has. since married and. la. now Mrs,' J. Moor of Eugene, waa appointed . executor.' Mr. Lemon haa bean dead seven year and the "es tate la valued at 12.00. - Tt'. .ChoaMB Aatoag Tftoopa. v - - - (Joaraal Special Berrlee.) - '.-.i-:V .".' , " Washington, - Sept. -1. Th - war de partment reports two deatha among th troops In Manila. of cholera. Mrv RaTrriond Robins. Heirets Bride. !"."-i'.; "-'.. - "-':. ': ,'"t".V'.. ,i lV'..' ' -""'tel.. ' ' ' ' v . I I at'r Trf SS&rZ I I I '' W. ,Vi&MSr l i' y. I ; J I A saJ' M 'V..".'JS0.i-c'i. jr ' I ,1 I I '" ATFi ' vAv aM-. AWk VMi -a" ar. T v lis; -r .-.'7 NWAa m BP . ' r - -- V , r JPTvf n "3Zr ' rt-r f MrB.'Rarrfiond Robins, Heiret Bride. She Wai MarfarerDreler Before : Her Marriage to' trieCWcaSociaItSmJkrrn i Secreurics in Conducting Hwr WomeB-' V'::' 5 ., rV,rr c:.!Li:o.,.Dvis"t:::;LV.j -- IVITH AGIIEEL'uiT Rushing Work on Grading for t Underground FootwaSk With ., 4 :.. Biz- Force -4f- tfaaalil hloaiw-4aW aaraat - Oregon City, Sept. X.- The wor)f of ex eavating th grade on Fourth street, where th Southern" Pacific ""company wl IV make an- underground footway, la completed and the force of In bo pert; ar now at work on the underground wagon way at th Fourth street crossing. When these crossings, ar completed t com. pany will btatn tha construction of an overhead bridge for foot passengers at th Seventh street crossing. Those Im provements ar being made by the rail road company a a part of the contract between- Jecltyanil company In pay. ment for. the franchise granting a re newal of sidetrack privileges. ; CHARGED IVITH BSE.Xf::3 Ten-Year Old Boy Arrested on ,Cornplaintj of Electric..., . ' Company. 5 ' ) : t . .,"-..-."'r -siisLij-Lt . , (Bpeelal DtaWtdi to Tha JoaraaLI ' Oregon City. Sept S. Caddy Melvea a 19-year-old boy, waa arrested thla morn ing by Deputy Sheriff Harry Trombath. on complaint of Jacob Miller. chaVged with -breaking th Insula tors on th polea of th Portland General Electric company. The boy wtll be brought be fore Justice Uvey Stlpp at . 10 o'clock Monday morning for trial, . Toung MeU en la aaid to be one of a sranar of bora On fhe west, aid who have been playing navoo-witn the wires of th Portland uenerai tiectnc; company. 4. " r , ' . v.- ' -. ; - . looal aad Personal. :", : '- (Spaelal iMapateh to Too JoaraaL, Mr. and Mrs. Robert - Worahana of Malheur ar visiting Mr. K. J. Marshall at Caneaaah. ' .. - Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Eattharn And little daughter and Mrs. Eastham'a aunt, who Is herfrom CallfornlaeftJllila-aooTB ing for.Taqufna bay. ; . . , Mr. and Mrs. Julius W. Moreland of Wood bum ar la th city visiting their mother, Mrs. : id, J. Moreland. at th taBPdto.rt.; Iv.rrh: ..J 2 i :y ' ' -. r - V--'- E. p. Rand haa returned home from a surveying trip tn th staoad country. - Hugh - JoneS) who waa - formerly em ployed at -. Huntley'a drug store. Is - at home on a visit from 61s new horn (n Arisona. ". '';!',' .'.-. Miss Cells Goldsmith has returned from a visit to San Francisco. . ' Max Bollack baa retnrned from an ez- tenslv trip to eastern Oregon. ; W. H. Latourette of McMlnnvlll la In the city. , ..;.. I.xl " R. M. Dimlck of Wallace, Idaho, and Mrs. R. J. Dimlck of Colfax. Washing ton, ar vlaitlng relativea at Canby. .- . Rpadal Otepatch to Tao ioarsal t Oregon City. . Sept." 1. Th 'barn of Thomaa Blancbard of New Era waa da- ratroyed by fire yesterday. Th fire orlg- lnated front, a spark from, a threshing l4nglne - .. Other -, balldlnga were - saved only by strenuous work of the threshing crew. The loss is about 1 1,000. PREDICTS GREATEST OF MINES AT WINDY ARM . '(8i1iDlajtcb to Tba JaaraaL) ':' Vancouver, B. C,""Sept. I. E.. Bristol, member - of parliament from ' Toronto, has returned from th north, wher' h viewed the silver deposits of Windy Arm. near the White Pass railway. , He states that Colorado will be excelled and th greatest mining camp In th world will b established.- . - ..". . , anrUt At BaraL ' ' . Maaraal tptdal Barvlea.) 'j . Reval, European Ruaaia Sept. J. A general, strike haa been proclaimed her a the outcome -of a political movement. Measures . have been taken to prevent dlsordrs. .".: ." v .. ,;-,;- '- , ' - If you writ to a Journal advertiser gay that you read his aB In Th Journal. She Wat MargareVDreler Before Work of Form in g LAbor Unions for .U V:.:; '-J:,:,:, , , J IJtrLiaiD ABU BTBABTBOAT TtKB TAX1B. Makes the roiind tria 8:30 r-,.r 4 ' f.!.'.:iy lILTiTERS: LICENSES -issued i;rv.::sc j i'er Came Season in Full Swing and :.r Permits Show Big Ijn- . ; ' crease. L - " (BpteUr Dlapatcb to Th Joaraal ' . Vancouver, Wash.. Sept. I. Tha hunt ing seaaoa. Is ,ln full awing - In- thla county. . Although but A few days hav elapsed sine the open seaaon for a ma. Jority -of the, game opened mora than 60 hav taken out the necessary hunter's license,; Last year. less than SO had taken out their permits at. this time. Each year -shows increased Interest In gam hunting In Clark county. Follow ing la A Hat of thos who have ao far taken out a license: J. N. Berry, Rldge- flaldBtsphen-Collina and Michael J. Murphy, Battleground; Harry J. Thorn, Amboy; Jerry Perkins and Henry Bly stone. - Battleground: Bert -Harden' brook; C E. Farrell and C. oTWallwaoe, Camas: Frank' Hull, Pioneer; V. '- B. Dobbins, Sara; T. M. Bowman, Sara, Edward" "T My era; Ellsworth; D. "AV Col lings. Henry Borgy, John C. Huston; U a Henrtchsm. O. , W. K. Fisher. O. H. McKee, a 8. Parker, T J Good. O-W. Bene, J. L. -McGoldriCh. Oacar Good, Hugh McGinnla. Ed red R. Schlfleld, Dr. J.' M. P. Chalmers. Fred Merdian, C A. Howard, T. D. Talbert; B. F. Shaw, Jr., Emory Chapman, L. D. Seal. Frank Wilcox,- E. 8. Blesecker, Jacob Westof f, William R. Cobb, H. Day; 0.H Smith and John E. Blssenger, all of this city; T. B.' Thorn, W. F. Upmaa, Dr. K. At J. Mackensl. C. F. Adams and A. L, Mills, Portland; John' Black and Jamas IL Sheldon, St. Helena. Oregon, . with trie exception of thos issued to residents of Portland and St. Helena, Oregon, those taking out licenses reside In Clark county.. - : . .-.-T ;:.':: -.. H3ES ARE SL1DEO - CLASXE COU.ITY Crave Fears - That ) Flames May Spread and Cause , Much Damage. (Special IMapatca ta Tha Jearatl) Vancouver. . Wash.. Sept. 1. Orava tears are entertatned.a'or, many million feet er standing timber in varioua parts of Clarke county. For th laat two daya Or haa been smoldering In many plaoea and some of these hav already burned aome timber. Should a. high wind spring up and laat for any length of time, the result would -undoubtedly ba worse than that of th fir of three yeara ago.- ' At that tlm th people In many- dlatricta had no warning of th approaching danger and as a result at least 100 person were burned to death This year farmers and ranclfera la all parts of th. county where there la any quantity of atahdlng timber are prepar ing to leav ion short .notice if nee sary. . Tha fires southeast , from Bell mountain ar1 rtfoited to txr-pnder"con- trol. although burning fiercely in places. In th eastern and northern parts of th county there ar numerous small slash ing fires which would spread rapidly should a Prlnd spring up. - Residents In allrural dlatricta near her ar praying tor rain, aa tney wen remember th aw ful experiences of thre years ago. Even at the present tlm many farmers hav not recovered fromth loss they sus tained in that fir. - ., ,. Xooal Ba PeraonaX -''-.;':' ' (portal C hi patch to Th JoaraaLt Vancouver. Wash.,' Sept I. James Chtncklll of Astoria wss In this city today.., ; .r Miss Magge t Clark of Baker City spent toaay. visiting - friends , In this city.' v,-. - ' "t -r -. -.- - ; -? Judg W. W. McCrcdla of this city mad a "business trip to Portland to- day,- - v.. , ., ; t, .. - .. .. , Thurston Daniels and his wlf. of this city, were in Portland today. - Willie Catto of Hobson, Washington, spent toasy in tnia ctty.- George Hursh of Manor, Washington, was in tnis city on business today.' Miss Louis Helgel of Baker City was vlaitlng friends q th city today. B.Buckel and hi wife, of Portland, spent toasy looking around this ctty. C F. Kinney sod his . wife, of this city, mad a pleasure trip to Portland today. s - - , .. W. H. Ham II ton .And-fAmUy.ol.thls city, spent today vlaitlng th Lewis and cmrK riir. . MrawJullA -Atcott-oXVaraaont , la . hr visiting with Mrs. I M. Hidden. . j. Th . blg.stem fruit -avaporator .of General Bacon, on th Fruit valley road. Will not be operated this year. '', 'General "B. 8. Bumner, commander of the division of the' Pacific, arrived at Vancouver - barrack today. - General Bumner will mak a general Inspection of the post, t- Active efforts to flnd th body of Ralph Ollllhan, boy who . was drowned In th Columbia here a week ago hav been given up. It la thought the body haa-drlfted down th river. Miss Ksti Orshsm has gone to attle, where h Is visiting friends,' ,. ' SserlaTt's Back Brokaa. ' . (Spaelal IMapatck to The JowaaLY . Vancouver. . Wash.. 8pt i. Th body of JAmca Seer I at, - th -young . man. who .as killed at Camp No. 4 of th WBr- hteiiaef Timber, company, - near Yaeoit, on Friday, was taken to the horn of '. 'Ihla parents Jn Fruit Valley Saturday 'r- BAIX.B0AB ABO STXAKBOAT Tr""!"' 'Vancouver Transportation Co. ; - daily, except; Sunday, lrmving a cl, retiinimg arnves 6 TUD:&3 li ... i., -; To CASCADS LOCKS AND RETURN Reguhtcr Line Steamsr BAILEY CATZERF btrat foot of AUaW BtMHPt AaUy BOO .'aa.i. twtMtmg SaM r m. 01150 Fook Sang & Co. imin t'aUBT- nwuaa. JAT ITU :CHONO, Mgr. 231 Alder Sti Portal Pur. Beautiful ' Jad Jewelry. Gold Braclt and Signet Rings of All descriptions mad to or ier. . American names n graved "In "Chines; character tn pur gold or a-ood-luck fings engraved wltn th threa cardinal Chinese charactera, via: Glory. Prosperity and Longevity. hara-ea reaaonabi and orders ot.any " i . i .TMutaA and sent ore- paid to any part of tb United 8Uta. ternoon. . No arrangementa nave uwn made for. th funeral, aa Secrlat a par- wilt await - the arrival of a son I from the eastern-part of the stat be fore making final arrangements.- A Xar aa can ba learned: no jblama la Attached to the management o tha logging camp for the accident which coat. Becrjst his life.- Examination off th dead man'a body shows plainly tBat ha was struck In " th back ana tnai nia broken by th blow. Mil. 8ecrlat had many friends In this city ana county. ra of mm kustli::s FOR PRESTIGE Citizens Determined to Make It ;-s Metropolis '-of Clarke "7 ?--'::f :'H Courvty. ir-rT js tSaycUl MaasteB to Tea JoaraatT ' Vancouvpr. Wash., Bpt. J Th town of Camas on th Columbia rlvar. A few miles above Vancouver, has taken on new 4tre , during the last fw month. Th cltixen of Camas declare that they ar going to mak It th metropdlla of th eastern part of Clark county.-" At th present -tlm work la In progress on a . number of stately dwelling housos. Several buaineas houses ar - either In course of construction or con tempi tea Tho new McKeavere building will be a valuable addition to th buaineas sec tion of th town." Th most Important Improvement under way ia th addition to th paper mill. When .thla la fln lahedth fore-at th mill, which now makaa-Cantaa A- good town. ' will be greatly increased. This will bring many new residents to Camaa. y - t '-. m ' !-vV" . . petition for Admlaistrator. ' . (Special IMaseteh ta Tb JoaraaLI "' - Vancouver, Wash., Sept. J. A petition has been filed In th superior court by Henry A. Frank asking that A.' J. Stai ns appointed adminlatrator of th aatalJ or A4Dyn i.. rrana. in pan tion acta 'forth that Stalnaker la suit ably fitted for th, trust and capable of handling th estat In tha Interests of tha belra.-, .t;,. i ,-". J EIRES ARE U;:DER CQriTKOL ; i IIEAR. HILL CITY Numerous Houses and ' Barns ; With Contents Are J)e strayed. , IBpeclal Mspatrfe to Tha yewrsett ' ' Albany, Or., Bept I. Tfi (forest fir near Mill City is now under - control ThAAweather "todajTTt7cloudy'wnh n wind, and the Area burned leas fiercely. A 1 '.si0werof r In ls expected. which will quench all flres .Rallroeid property is nut in danger nuw, and tialt bib run nlag ragiilarly .Tha flraa hurnad t In half a mllof th property of th Curtlaa-AAHnaar -oapAnF at-Mlll-CIty for a tlm threatening th -mill and lumber yard a. t -, On the Ketlun farm. oar Mill City, two fin dwelling And a bam burned. The. Con Millar house ' and barn near Gatea. a henhouse and barn near Mlnto and thre other houses arid two barns burned with all th content yesterday and thla morning, the occupants having a narrow eecspe, I6tflg all their posses sion. Th Ar Is now between Gate and Mlnto In i poor , timber, and doing very inu oaanage. - , Saytoa-B . Watoi Bymtom. ' (apodal Dlapateb to T Joaraal) Dayton. Or., Sapt S. This city Is x- tending Jts.water jnalaa-1.000 feat, th dltohlng being nearly. Xlnlahd Dayton has ona-rf th best water systems In the valley, the supply coming from A Ufge spring on Bed hill. ... ., , -9 i i rr- ',: "in s - Taylor Street Dock at "p.;,:ni. - ;f"r" :.:'i.- AJLaaU , Through taamra fop TBa Sail aa4'' way (wUats iaav dally (axoapt fcaaday- -.A' DAYS ON PUQET SOUND . . i "The Mrdttamaaas f Uwa paeiaM. ' , -rntx BomrD BBmsB oolvkbia. Pits rat ears rousd-trlp ta TACOhtA. BB ATTLB. BVCRBTT. . BEIXINOHAlaTANA. COBTBa. WASH. I , TAMCOUTBB, BB1IUU CUl.tMBIA, etc. . - LMTlng Portlaad Beptembrr S:M a. aa., .Irattaaa traaaporutloa, atoal aad horrha .hM-tvaVd. - - The- palatial eeaaa-solag ataaauUpa tJMA. TIU.A,UEEM. C1TTOP PUBBLA. T ror tlrkota an rail tofaraiatloB apply ra- aiAe Oaa.t BtsaaiahlB Co.. S4 Waatalitsioa. at-. booth Mfrv, aad uaa uibii- axis aos., t Boand Alaaka - Kxi Fair Tloda: Pasei Boreaa, Ooodai Alaska - Exearaloa laoaah kldg th aad , Saatsul ata., rortlaad, Or. FAST .AND POPCLAB BTEAJfSHIPS .' - Laare Seattle S . Bk 'Jofferaea." HftoaUier T. IT. IT. . , 'Dolphia,'' SptrmW p, IX SB, --'' .- ' CALLING AT ('--' KETCHIKAN. Jl'NBAU, ' DOtTOLAS, HAIfiKS, - BKAOWATT' Oonaoeta with W. P A V. roate for Atlla. "-w. Tt , Nom. tr." - - i FOB ALL BOUTfTKASTEBir ALASKA i, POUTS. ML S. "Tajrallaa," Havtraibor 4. 20. " -, - a A. S. "Dlrle-a," BeatoaitMw IB, a,,- , v Can or aaad for "TH to 'Woaarfal Alaaka," 'ladlaa -. Baokotrn" ; '.'Totrai fBlae." ' - . TR ALASKA S. JL CQtZ'XZT Fraak Wootory Co., Agvaita. BBS Oak 8t , . Portlaad. Or. Hra, Klut b Tbis? SodJi!n New? " " A hyghrale electro vaeaaai appll. face. a. Bonvarore lor waasaeaa. . T tUm, Tarleaealr. loeaaaotor aUiia b- it aaa aorvom aeoiuty. aesa a lamp iw ino LiipirTv, oooa. , vopi. 0. HMlth Appllaaca Co., Baattle, Waah., or call sad aaa tt at lot norta aixta at., ror uaaa, or. CLAIRVOYANT Brother mitti. The Qtuker Prophet lfI Jt'ST AS CHEAP TO SEB THB BEST. . ASTUO DEAD-TRANCE CLAIBTOXAKT. : ,, LOW FEE. 1 oo Bereay soieainly aire sad caaraste to stake Sis charge If I fall to call roa bp aatt la -full, aame of yoar frlenoa. oaoBtlet er nraia. i promiae to tan roa whothar poo hatband, wife er sweetheart I tram er fataaj tall yoa bow to gaia tha love of the oae ye npnvt uaairv, ,'i-n fNHfa-anifli awayi la Boslnaaa, apecniatioa, ja Itt; bow to aiarry th one or yoa pour ebole: rapala ymip yo(h, health and . vitality. Re moTfi mi innaeneaa. curat drlak hablm. drlak loeatae traatnraa. , .- aiSH WAshiBfftom Oop. of sixth. ; C. QEE WO The Great Chinese Doctor Farawrly laeatod st tos Aider laird. lias loved- Te roa large arte building at S. E. eoraat or rirat aad Mecriau StS. ; ".- -- - ' Batraace - '-4 rirst Strwt Br. O. Oo V, the Soat flhtaaaa Ptaotoa. It arall kaowa aad faawa throafboat the V. S. boeaaae. fcla woadarful and atarvaloas caret ktva boaa bmlood broadcaet throaghoat tho aaftk aad braadlh ef thla eeaatrr. Be traatt ear sad til dlaaaaet with aowarfal Chlaaaa oota, Aorba, buda, barke aad vaaatabla that tro entlrtly ankaow to siadleal aolrsee Is tall eeaatrr. aad tbroash the see ef tbeee fearnlaat rBodlB ha goaraot to care eatarrh. Botha) a. laoa troablaa. rbonmatlaai. aarroaaaaoa. etaaaeah. Ilvor. kidoar. f.n,U t ran Mm aad all arlnu dlaooaot. nia rtBvws doetor enrn wfrbaaf tha aid ef the kalfa, wlthoat sting Botaoat ar drasa, Bandrads ef taetlmnnlahi aa fllo at bla afSoaa. vau sad are mm. Cat fcONSTTLTATIOW. JTBBB. i a Ptttonts' out tit tho clip artlt for blonki aaa eirmiar. I wko. : ausip. AAlrrat Tbt a 0e V Okteoae BTollela (14 laajb la Sk, par. Marrlaaa, Partlaad, Or. . , - . rieast ataauoa tau paper. " t f .i y tt soth. ...ii r.,i .rf . l . . I r ; -'t i i T'-t--" f " panrT"! 3 Trtlzi ta tis Lzzt CyA nroogh PaDataa ataaCtrd aad toarl-t ataa. raf-eara aatlr , to ObmIu, C.,cro, totx-ot toarUt sloanlng-ears to h-aaaat U.fl throogfe Pnllaiia toorlat alaaniBeaia (emoa. ally eoadoeted) weakly to Cam, Bnruaiag fhajrearstaaats fr aa) to the k.ot Saur. ptitOH DEPOT. baaraa. ArMvaa;- CHICAOO-PORTLAND BI'ECIAU Par ta Bact via Baal lagtoa. t: a. at. Dally. . Daily. SPOKAN8 PLTBIL For Eaatara Waahlae. tea. Walla WtUa. Low latoa. Caaar d'Alea IB a. I Dally.,. A ana unat .HarUara aolata. ... i - ATLANTIC for tho Bai BXPBKBB. DaUy. T:1B a.. m. - Beat via Hani- lagtoa. OshuaMeBiver Uvaaloa. BOB ArrORIA aad warl Pflata, eooaaetlag wits too p. bv Pally, ex. SBaday. Satordax. About :00 a. aw. fttar. for Uwaes uwaes i. atmr. 1 . Aadu. "ona Boaea,sti as. Saapt. ' , aao-at 10:aa . m. 'l?w: hptBihr , :00 a. . aVptamhar . LJLf ?i sl; SeptMber a. 10 a. -(- -teaiber 11, 7o a. m. - Beateaihcr -14. a. m.; eVpternhfT . IB a, TaatMtt Bhrar Beato.' PVjb mrmx City and Taanlll rtverl T:-0 a. at. T:0.BV Daily, as. Baaoay. poiata, stmra. Rath aad Dailr. aaannr, AM soos (Water paradtHag-) as, Saaday. Baaho Birar Baat FOB LBWISTON, Ida., ana way - poiata Rlparla. Waal Bpohaae sad larwl'too. XICKBT OFFICB Third aad Waaklsgtea. Tale. - : - pfcon Mai HA - . C. W. 8TINOEB, City Tick at Area. v . A- I CBAIfl, waoararFasaVsawrSpaatr, 1 OVBRLAND EXPRESS. Tralaa, tor AaUat, Roaa-1 Aahhtad. I :, am. tMoto, OgdoB. Saa Fraa etaea, Btoehtoa, Los As fairs, Bl faoa. Now Or- TdB a, 1 aane aad taa cast, Moralsg tro I a 4 aorta at Woodb dallr eieaat SuBdarl SJOa. sv with trala far Ut.n-M a. at. BrowoaTllta. Iittt g tlald. WaadUag aad OiaTTOB. Eaceaa Ba 1Mt.a T BO a. "at. saett at Woodbara wlthl lOSa-aV ML Aagtl aad. BUvsr- tea toceL .-a.." r - Corvallla Bbartdaa B:8fl p. nt. " hfl-BL : a. at. 10:4 p. at. Foraat Orove paaaaagar, Ill bob, at. Dal It. 1 1 Dally lexeapt Saaday. " avoistgi awbarhaa- Savvies Mat TaataUl Wvlaiaa. Saeot foot ef Jaftaraoa street. . Leave Portland dally for Oaweeai T:30 a.'tot' ,.. t oo, s:otv eTis. t.b, iaie a. a. Dili, (aieept Saaday). JO. SiaS, AUc 10 : a. at,; 4:00. 110 m.--Baaday eel.. wan a. LotToa froat aaaae dapot tor Dalit ted Intor-- Leaves. I VMIOB DBPVT. i Arrives, J 1:10 p. St. Daily (eae-wt BoadarV. ta, T:J5, , . .SO, 10: id. U: .; Eirrpt Moaday, 11:2a ." B. at. Saadar oatr. 10.-00 a. m. . - - . f tBodiate Mlatt dally S:00 p. av . Amv Port- ; Tha-:' IndiipanooBfa MoantoBth ' Motor' '. Us . operate daily -to MoBmoath aad Air Ha, bob , " aeetlBS with Boo roar paelSe eBSipaay's trtoba -tt Da Ilea aad loaPadBC. - J Ftrat-elaat fare fmnt FortHahl to Sacra nam to sad Baa Fraaetaed J0. bartha, fl; tutal-elata ."' -; Cart IIS. aeenad-elaaa kartbt ft. Bo. . Ticket ta Eaatara po4ata and Knropet ato " , fanaa. China. Hnnolala aad Aaatralla. ; V. City TWat Ortce eonior Third aad' Wata. togtna atr ta. Paoaa Mala Tit. , , , 0. W. BTINOEB. W. B. COatAl. City Ticket AaaaL : flea. Paoa. Aseat, . feTTIME CARD fSrt - or TRAINS. Portland! DAILT. , CK10M DEPOT. OoBsrt. Arrive. T.iuw.tfwi. ntrJit. LobIs Sdo-I rial tor taob.lU. Oo rallt, Olraapl. rHrl SJOtl bl M p. I llarbor. Beats tMaa. ia eesM. Seattle, epoaaae. Lowlatoa. Bntta. Bill- ln. . D etar. Oataha. Kanaaa Clip. St. Loalal aod aaathaaaf. . North Coaat LlmUrd. eloetrle llfhlod, for tA 9:00 p. to IMbA. Baattle, SfKHttH, Butte, Minneapolis,. St. Paol aad tho Eot. Paget Soaad Umltrd. ror loeaana, teatrtllt. Taeoata - tad Seattle 4:10 p. at. 10Jp,SL - ealr, Twta City Express, .ror Taeoata, Seattle; Spa-1 LyoUoaratoaa Park. alio. nr. niau. aatto. 1I:4S b. Bk :B0aV nrapnua. ab ttl aad the Eaet. ,. ; a. d. charltonT Aastttaet Ooaaral Paaoenfer Aaaat, SB Morrlaos at., eor. Third. . Portland. OrafO. Astoria & Columbia t t River-Railroad Cor Lot roa. UNION XEPUT. Arrlraa. tO0 a. av Dailr. JaOFW. For Warfare. Rattier, CIt take ale. Wootport. Il:a.ja. Utlly. M Cilftoa, Aatorta. War- root oa, PUtoL Baat Biand, Fort ataroaa, OaarhaH Parav SaaalSt, Astoria sad Seashore. Brprets dolly. I a toi IIDally. Atterlt EiprK Saturday oolr. IIEtoapt gatardty. - s-or- t. O. NATO, ' . L F. sad F. A.. Astoria. Or. 1 C. A. STEWART. ComBNWeial Agaat, AldaP IBBOt aoaja aw. - Ttotot OS IBS TkirS BV nM 8M Trrtjsoorrtlriritl a TralntB Dally JSi . PAOT TIME ' TO SPOKANE. ST. PAUL, DUt.TJTH, "" aaa a hV to fj O ot V y"t a A A a u O-v ALL POINTS JtAST. f yavllaht -trip-through th "CbacacTs" and Rocky mountalna For full partlo ulere. rates, folders, etc, call n or ad dress ' . 1 ' rB7,.CltP J rtiaiA. SSS Thixd Aareet, 7'