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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1905)
v 1 . v THE OREGON - SUNDAY - JOUHNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY rcniriHO, SSPTr::rr? 8. It: X WHAT'S ,'-? ? r.''.Vt- tV''c COtnWht ISO, by A Imjew UmihwJ . USB? DOES IT PAY? .. , 4e4 '' ' 1 I : . 1. A "man -will spend tvrenttMlve dollar en 1 4 X -. a fUhina outfit, ' . " , ' '.. ' " Xs T ' 'V.1 v y a . .v. ..' 9Jrmj mg invito- iwr w(i vu.tnyj .vp;.., - X i' ,, - . - v..- . !. , i 1 .', - 1 Hrr-V- y V '-".- LThm alt all day -In the brolllna hot Milk 7 bo oaten ally by moaqMltooa ana oundry po Tenoue Inaoeta," ' , -T "":,... .--v 4w In ordar to oatoh a fow pounda of . flah i f that ho ooHid buy at tha markat for twentyflvo canta." 'OhrwhAra'' tha UMrcwowit payTj 8200,000 LOOT II FIVE DAYS : New m York ; iri'; Crip of Daring Burelar Band Whbs Rob T v beries Ar Trtmendous. SKILLED EXPERTS. WHO ' LEAVE NO CLUES ABOUT Ransacking thc.Hamt of Aymic Waa Biff est and Boldo'at Singlo Bob -bery- ot m Residence Ever Reported iik Manhattan. , ; . ( : MMMIIUIIlWllHlIIIIMHMIItMMIIIMMM:HMMHHttltMIHMHHMHHM IDS SElEH IIUSBflf HER RECORD Pateraon Woman Is Arrested and Calmly Confesses to Having i - 'Committed Bigamy. : i ADMITS FIVEf WEDDINGS , - WITHOUT ANY DIVORCES , She . It Thirty, petite and Pretty, ' : Say the World Owes Her a Home TA68bt-lt Jnffiedfffarrylflg , as She Did. ' -V . h BmcU1 Dtopctdi fcj Lmm4 Itlr to Tk oaraal) Nw Tora, Sept 1.- Mra. Chabbencu-Barnea-Abner'-lToreBt ' was arrested to. - nltht In Pateraon. Nw Jeravy. Shd ad ' mlttad lira bisamous marrtaaa. - ThU woman of aeveq known buabanda- , waa arraated at her handaomeljr furr niahed home at ro. 17 Hamburf arenue. . Pateraon. on ' Jnformatloa fumlahed tha - Bollca Jbr Jaraea Foreat, a all k worker la tha Adee mm, and Michael Chabbenou. . ' a rrench-Canadlaa ot LambertvUle, New J tamer, the'la-at aod one or the earliest i husbands of their remarkable wife. - Of petlta and comely flcura, some St odd years old,' a pronounced brpnetta v type of much beauty. Mra. Chabbenou- - Hamea-Abner-Forreat presented an at tractive picture as she sat In tba prta .; oner's dock of Police Magtatrata Cohen's -. office today.. . -a ,c i, '. Calmly she heard the amasing charges -of her lllea-at aaarltal relatione.' ; She i aer winced aa the aworn depoaltlona r.-ef Chabbenou and .Forrest told of her marriages to them,- to Milton Barnea 7 and to Charlee Abner, a farmer living .near pateraon. :t.-.-i a j '- Neither did aha display . any algn " when evidence was ' submitted to the ' magistrate that she had .jnarrled at . '; least two other men In Bucks county. Pennsylvania, prior to her marriage to ; ". Chabbenou. - t- r-. :' "Do you deny that' you married Chab- benou, Barnea, Abner and Korrestr queried the police Justice. i .. "1 do not," answered, the woman. "I married the men and t freely admit ... that 1 did not obtain divorces from, any . of them... , "'"-i1 ". "If It ll of interest.. I also admit that I married another man living In few Jersey but I will not espos hla name and get him Into trouble." j ' When aakaA If. aha Ka i.n f. iwo. men; Hying near Hope. Pennsyl. esc r. 4 w' f' van la. the woman looked tba .'. Judge calmly in the face and said: - . ''I am not compelled to answer." It Is not necessary. - I have admitted that I haiva married Ova men. , la that number not aufflcientf -Jil : tell yotilhr world oweo me a home. It's due me, and it makes no difference to ethers how I secure that home. I married thear tnfiand I left them -.. because of cruel and Inhuman treatment.!-have Hved and -1 have loved. ,J ' "I have left those who have treated me shamefullyand married others who were no better. It la all a trivial mat ter and ahould concern me 'alone.1 When Magistrate Cohen announced that he would hold 4 Mrs. - Forrest r In ll.oeo Bail for the grand jury which con venes on . September 10. the woman burst Into teajra and said that the sum was too -much for a "minor' offense. She", waa led weeping from the court -room Into the Jail end there .becoming calmed down, dispatched a' telegram to her . father, who ia employed by the Pennsylvania railroad at New Hope, Pnn.vlv.nt. ' BAJMFtLVS RULING dFFi --.MEETS WITH APPROVAL (Special Plapateb byUeeed Wire to Tat Joaraal) New TOrk. Bept f.The ruling off the turf at Saratoga of Jockey Balrd and hla managei?VNlcholaon, has ex cUed much comment. ' : TheJatter ' la more to be blamed than the hoy for the erratic Jockeyshlp of Balrd, and ilja good to reama. that therttewarda, in their Bunlshment meted out to both of fenders, especially' noted thai they' held Nicholson more culpable man tne ocsey. . It ia certain a aertoua case waa made out agalnat Nicholson, aa tha steward used the words '"ruled ofr In-hla case. It la 'rarely tha ease that turf Jobbers are aa emphatically denounced by rac ing official. The penalty visited upon the convicted manager means that his place la outalde the gate of every repu table racing associations In thla or any other country where reciprocity exiete- Nloholson'a worst offense waa In claim ing an apprentice allowance under false Dretenaea..' , ,.. ;.. .i These reprehensible actlona are most flagrant violations of turf deportment. as every horse ridden by a Jockey under a falae ahowlng Is liable to be disquali fied where the apprentice allowance was claimed. It Is too late now to undp the crooked work of Nicholson, owing to the time limit for such things.'- Had any . one discovered Nicholson's offenses some time ago demurrers would have been filed that would have tangled up tha result of a number of great races and auaed trouble to tbousanda of turf speculators. ...;'.-:-.-. '. ''. v . ..v j 1 . ii i- i ! CHESBRO ELUCIDATES ? THE FAMOUS SPITBALL v:"" '..V -it -' ' . i. : ' J. (SokUI flpatck bL(4 Wire to tai JonrpJ) New York. Sept. t. Jack Chesbra Itaw Imparted hls Ideaa on the best way to use the '"spit" -ball as foHowsi fthe pitcher must take the ball In hi right band that l, If he should be anrignt handod artist end then, moisten - his fingers a bit.1 Then he ahould look closely at 4he batsman and draw beck throw. It Is beat to aim a little lower than -with' other -thrower If these- di rections are observed it la safe to say thar no strike wtlt be' secured. 'and if the bMtr i""'d iiicklly hit the ball NEW BOOKS FOR THE LIBRARY " " ' -ETHICS.; Btdgwick, Henry ' Lecture on the Ethics of" ' T. H. Green, Mr. Herbert Spencer and X Martlneau. . ' ' . -RELIGION. Mack, A. E. For Hla Sake. Wernle," Paul Beginnings of Chris tlanlty, Iv . . , u SPCIOIXXIT.. ; rAduns, H. C. Science of . Finance. Baldwin, W. A. Industrial-Social Ed ucatlon. Blaurelt, M;Ti -Development ot Cab Inet Government in England. - , , Clapp, E. B. Courtesies. " Courtney, - 3U H. Workf ng"jContitu tlon of tha United' Kingdom. Dod s Parliamentary Companion. . ' feeieaf:ri nea. Low, 8. J.' Governance of England. Mills, W. T. Struggle for Existence. -Patriotic studies. Inrludlng axtractal from bins, acts and documents of. the United States congress, 1S88-1805. Strong, Joslah Social Progress, If Ot United Ststes Department Catalocue of the exhibit of the Department of State at the Louisiana Purchase Expo sition, Bt. JUOU1S, 1W4. , , ' .PHiLOLoar. , ' ; Alden, R. M. English Verse. ' Earle. John.PhUolor -of the Em- lllsh Tongue. Schmidt, Immanuel & Tanger, Gustav,' loaa. sMUgei-Dcnm idt-Tanger a Diction, ary ef the. English and German Lan guagea for Home and Schools. ," . ' v.V.if .SCIENCE. -.., 'ri. 5; Sr: Chamberlin, C and Salisbury, B. V ueoiogy, t. i... . a' v : -' I'SEFVI ARTS. " Altken," Thomas Roadmaking " and Maintenance. ' , Pratt, M. 0. and Alden, a A. Street Railway Roadbed. ' U. 8. PubUe Health and Marine Hos pital Bervlce-Publlc Health Reports, uwt. vol.. , two parta. i . ?l ' riNB ARTS. " '.'; , v Benn, R. D. Style In Furniture. Thonger, Crarles Book of . Garden Furniture. Whistler, J, A. Mclf. James McNeil wnistier; by Mra. N. R. E. (M.) Bell. i ' .' LITERATURE, ' Clark. S. H. and Blanchard. T. M jrraciicai i uuuc opeaxing. . - . Hartshome, Grace, coffip. For Thee Alone. -':.., ., . f- HaalltL. WiUlam Essays Lalng, O. J., ed. Masterpieces of Latin literature. ... . ;j ; Mack. A. E. Hetven'a Distant Lamps. Matthews, J. B., comp. Ballads of Books. ' . . :;rv More, P. E. Shelburne Esaays. y :"y DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL. ' ' .Behham, Wlllianv and Welch, Charle p-Medlaeval London. - i - -: Birch, Q.iH. London onl Thames 4n Bygone Days.. Chanler. W. A. Through Julgle and Desert. - ., ,., " St, -if Dougall, C. S. Burns Country, 'i Glsslng, O. R By the Ionian Sea. '''. HISTORY. ..';.-! . "Paul,-' H.', W. HTory icngiana. v. i-i- tuU LILr.ioTis.ire Orrfar Fotter xt Chi AgedTO. Wher Secretly Wed" : . t a Divorcea,', In most cases If Will turn out to be a fMUl WMiy-'panigiit'py'tiie'man betiiiid rar from being an exploded tneory tne "sptf bair-ao fir-Hi moar pltrhers are concerned. Is in its Infancy. , If all the big . league pitchers - used the l-"plt" throw exclusively there would be mighty few hit seen on tha diamonds. ,., .. About Barney OldfUld. Barney Old field, the heretofore, dare devil driver, of motor cars, la ahowlng signs of having Irlgld pedal extremities over suto racing. He has announced flat hereafter he will not drive In races where there are more then two contest ants, and he will insist tost -these two must each start from opposite sides of the treck.! The terrible Injuries eus tained by Webb Jay are said to. have turned Oldfield against the wild racing he has heretofore Indulged In. HIS stand J th aU Witt mbBbly aid ma terially in more safe conditions in auto racing, In which. It Is certain, there has beea too much recklessness shown by I pvi dr vera of motor oars. of Modern Frledenwald.1 Herbert Declaration or jnaepenaence. i, , -. , , BIOGRAPHY-COLLECTIVE. Brereton. R. M. The Breretons eiishlrsi1' 1 ri . ' FRENCH BOOKS. ' V v I ' "Mgunaswr of Cholsla. - .-'.- II M III i I . ':' '!, Orerworked Babies. f The London ooonty council announcrg that hereafter school managers may ex clude from board schools children under ( years old. .The Hospital heartily com mends the decision and -says: "The most serious argument against the sys tem which has been tolerated so -long that it is - absolutely injurious to the children themselves. The brain of In fanu. under 6 ought not to have the etraln of any kind of school curriculum Imposed upon them. . ': "There is a great deal! of speculation a to the reasons for the growth of In sanity. We have -B ooubt-hat-Hiw development -of , baby intelligence at school wnen u anouia oe aevotea to toys and childish amuaemeats la a con tributory cause- ' v .,, 8peeaJJ)lBatei tw Uased Wire Tae Jos null jdew rorn. oPu . xnis ciiy is in the grip of a daring barglai band whose not within the last five daysfrom rob beries in and about New irofk have aggregated almdst 1100,000. Never be fore In-the history of the: police depart ment has the city been ao openly under the hand of burglara.s now..- The burg lars are highly skilled in- the art and in no case have they left a single-clue by which' they can be traced.:" The Tpollee; who are baffled at every , turn, . admit thelr. y helplessness, declaring that in cases the burglar have entered by rear windows which -the polle are unable to guard, '--v t-.-. -. -...--....;. ..-.. The police records are being -carefully examined to ascertain- if - any of- the celebrated cracksmen have jecantly been released from prison. The homes that have been ' entered . bore - unmistakable evidence, of having been operated on by experts. - ,.-f---x-'! -J 7 -r-?." ... jtctlng Captam McCauley as head of the central pfflce has aaslgned every available man at hla command to run down thai thieves. ; - ' - In this elty alsws' .prspsrty aggregat tng ' I1S0.006 in value has been stolen within the Tain hours.- t. , The -ransacking of the home of Jose Aymar. in which the thieVea gof prop erty valued at 1128,000, is undoubtedly the-biggest single robbery of - a resi dence that hag ever been reported to the police .of this cltyr f v -The thieve. It ia believed. "visited, the house every -day. for a week or more, removing plate. Jewelry and cutting oil paintings, from- their frames and carry ing them (oft at-will.- Had not Mr. Ay mar' butler returned Friday It la pos sible, that he furniture and carpets would have' been carried) off. , The place is such a wreck aa to make ita owner heartsick."' -. ,'-- -i. .-'c . i. . The police ahowed some activity to--day by arresting number -of men who are' being charged with burglary and other whom they detained as suspicious characters. , i. ..:.r ,. ., , . - . ,'. ii i ' ii i i i iii .- li53:Lii.MPENSE':;V:;:;,- MILLIONAIRES' CLUB OF POTOTLAYErtS (SpteUl Dlspatca by Msssd Wlni t Tbs joaraaH w York, Sept.--1. A number of the leading millionaires at Saratoga have formed an organization to revive the old glories at polo. Harry Payne Whitney was elected president-of the Newt Sara toga Polo club, George T. Smith,. "vice president, and August Belmont, Jr, sec retary and treasurer.. ,t : The board of governors includes Clar ence H- Mackay, Charles E. Mather, E. C. Potter, August Belmont, Jr., Yr Am brose Clark, S F. yon Stada, H. P. Whitney, Edward Murphy and George T. Smiths The -field and atable com mittee Is made up of L. Smith, j. 8. "y onfaendJIdw SrdTfurp'hyrTI'He promoter or'the new club intend to spend thousands on groundagrandstand aridTThe clubhouse. While the old Saratoga Pdlo club did much to foster Interest In the sport It, hud only subscribers to Its funds and there waa no fixed membership. The new club will devote, a great deal of time and money toward the development of polo, and It will also take steps to obtain recognition for datea from the National Polo association. : : - RED PEPPER THROWN ' BY FORMER SWEETHEART ' -.-., r (Special DUpatek by Lsased Wire "to The Joaraal) .New York. Sept 1. Jealousy and red pepper Interrupted a wedding at Union Hill today.. Charles Marsh and Miss Elma Coy, his bride-to-be, were leaving the house, at' 411 'Union street, to be married, when he gave a yell of pain and grabbed the -hand ef May Muller, to whom he formerly had been, very atten tive. Miss Coy fainted The crowd of merrymakers loosened' the hold of the partly . blinded man and found "In the Muller girl's palm a pill box, : empty save for a few grains of red pepper. The girl was arrested and a doctor was called to treat the" injured man. ' He said Marsh had a narrow escape from total blindness. Later Marsh and Miss Coy were married at tba office of a Jua. ttce of the peace. MISTAKEN FOR BURGLAR . : 1 .AND FATALLY SHOT (Speetsl Dispatch to- Tk JoeratL) ' 1" ' New York, Sept. . Mistaken by her husband for a burgjar, i Mra. Pauline Bowman, 81 years of age, of Woodatde, Long. ' Island, - was shot - fafally, it is feared, by the husband's friend, Charles Wllle, when ahe returned unexpectedly irom m vuuntrx laiv r nuij niBUt ana tried to enter her borne through a win dow. , wjt ..' 't "'' ' -, When - Bowman- realised what i had been done he became frantic with grief end begged hla wife for ; forgiveness; She was removed to 8t. John's hospital. Long- Island City, where she lost .con sciousness, and the., doctors say' her -r IThere Badinm Fails, i New York Cor. Philadelphia Ledger. The hope .of many thousands, .who have looked epgneUnn ae a possible ( I1 .'; ..... i .- . 1 ..;.'' : ".'.'!'". i : . . "l i ' ;vm;'tT mm T-T ttreoseAsesltherto likely to be blasfed. If) fxperlments, which have Just oeemr-mafia oytir. wen- dell C J'Uilllpa, a surgeuit at the Man hattan eye and ear -hospital, are . to be regarded aa conclusive. ' He says that he hae drmohatrated that this wonder fully potent metal has nO curative effect whatever In maladies of tha eye, ear or throat. He discovered that It failed either ttf stimulate the diseased tissues In such cases or to destroy bacteria. ..Whether the result haa so general a significance as to affect the hew theory Of the value of radium In the treatment of cancer may not be said with poslttva nees until other ' specialists have re viewed Dr. Phillips' wore. ' The subject of his experiments were seven men and Women, their agea ranging from IT to 41 years. Each one had a germ disease. Bacteria were taken from , them and plated under - the ianuenee of radium, j The experiments lasted five weeks, snd I Dr. ' Phillips says that., he performed them without the least prejudice or pre conceived Idea a to the possible result I ' HONOLULUfthe capital of the young territory, is in many ways the most beautiful of tropical cities. ' x . - v , - - 1 j- - - . . ,v . . TH&NUUANU-PALI, a cliff with, one thousand feeMacei-the-aMa'the backbone Lixiflije of the Jsland of Qahu is onejof the natural wonderr of the world. -';, . ' rEAKu HAKBUK, the wonderful enclosed locks, where the United States will build Its luvai iii9ic ravuik uet eiauii, ia uui s iu. uuui iiuiit nunuiuiu. HILO. the second citv. from' whose bav. surrounded bv trooical verdure, one mav look un tO-lhe eternal snowi on Mauna Kea. ', t ' - - J . , - Vr JKILAUEA, the greatest of living volcanoes, lies beyond Hilo, reached by combined rail and carriage trip jthrough cane field and fern forest. - HALEAKALA,' whose dead crater takes first rank for extent, offers rare viewa from two miles above" the sea- " ; ' - ,( , , . s , . , KAUAI, whose rare Valleys, 'great caaytg'saTT4irnpresiive waterfalls, are all. too little '. knowni calls for a voice of beautv. - f". XV, " - e . , . Every road is full of striking possibilities a'nd.thc industries, the views,. the people,, the HERE IS THE WAY THEY STAND Voles received up to Friday eveiifag in the Journal's Honolula Trip CONDITIONS - -f. ! Of The JottrnaVt Honolultt Tout -CONTEST fimiT Anryoon Isdy ever IS year ef ae mtj be aoalnttea l any tm o lnks prorioxl by The. Joaraal. with the -eadorwawat , ef -twe , weU-knowa eltlasae eC t ltle la which. sfca. reside. , XOOVO--Three ladee sgreesble to the dirtmnt easdlrtatos shell 1-.ssloctsd ta. efflclally sbdoddos rue wnmer-ia ssca ai trtct. mm yooag lady to ho ekissa '-tr,a each district. , , ttxA-ZtM rn Other otoettei. eaeb -dl.' . trlct sbsll vote -eepsratoly. The vote la on cannot affect the other. Matters prop erty concerning the district will be settled ; by h wishes ef the majority. The win-- aer sasn save ins nnt ie bum a pvw if jBsble Jeettead aersell. 7 yomtTH Votlnr wilt - eemmesee Thar. dsy. Aiunwt I. 1906. s close Bstaritar. neeonnor so. si s e'eioea p. as.. jsi. ius B vote winila ooo after issne. Con pott ent from the Journal most be noatlr - trimmed. coupons, whrthee slagle or apodal, must boar the aa ef the candidate to be voted for. cbtrrovs ass tmi as roxxowst YITXB glngle 00a poms, ent from the gstly . neper, sre goo for one vets, gubscrlptloa to the Evening Jonrnsl and Bnndsy Mnrnlna Joaraal, three months. $10. a spoeUl eonpon of 1M votes (ftsig In sdvsncs). Bnbscrtptloa to Eeonln and Bnodsy Mora. In Journal six months. V3.TS, (peclal , coupon of ISO votrs (pale In aovancs). Bus serlptlos to the Evening and Bnndsy Mora ine Jonrnsl II month. fT.BO, a special coupon of TOO votes tpaid lu adesnee).. ' Buhoerlptlos to ths Evening sad Sunday Morulas oornsL three months by mall.- gl.80. s speetsl eonpoa of loO votes -fpele- in aaesnee). eunaeripnoa no tne Evening snd BusiItT Morning Journal by mall six months. 13. TS. s special ennpoa ot SSO votes (paid Is dvnee. Buhacrtprlon to - the Evening and Buoilav Morning Journal h mall 13 months. IT.OO, a epeclal ennpoa of TOO votes (paid lo advance). Betal-Weekly Joernal, ft.BO s year, apodal eoapo et 10 , votes (paid-la advance). , I aJUITIHV I IW im uiviuii ,,,'....,,,.., (Voting nlace. The Dalle, recorder' office.) v . j aniwo oioiia i'iartiun, nuva MTor, vrvxwil 4 ... rhii 1 aaiaa Laura. i.mrar, . nuwi mvor, urragn -...,,.,......' ii? I ' ' (Voting place. Hood River. Wright'a atore. " , . jmiaei r nn rnvr ueui fan ai iiiiiuii, j ?kuii (Votlnf plac, Arlington.' Brtiharo'a oonfctfontry tor.) - J, r';;:piatrlc:'So'. . 4 ' 1." v : xnise jiaiiie rtarion. rrnaer v.iir vrvxon , rb-st Surtriot Multnomah and Clackamas counties. Voting place, Ceupoa Depaita ef Tha Jonrnsl ofBce. . eeoad DiatHoi Onto,' - Vswtill and Wallow aouatle. (,-; ... . . ; Third Ststriet-kWases. Shensan. Ollllam, i Morrow, Wheeler and Crook counties. - roirth District Baker, Orast, . ' Baraef . sad Malheur oon&tlca, r...: , . " " ' j ". ' .' ' :' -u - riftk Clatriot TolomMs and CUtsoe " round, Orefon; Kllckltst. Cow Ills, Clarkt. Paclde, Wahkiakum and gkaswal counties, ;, Wsahlngton.: . .. . . t. ... ;i. r. . Dtatrlet Marlon. Una sad Lane . eCiHtiea. -.. v -. . . . . : . - - . ''' - . -K!-...." - Seventh IM strict WaaWneton. Tills monk, T aiolilll, Benton. Polk and Lloooln eouatls. VI.Mh TMatrlmWrmnrlaa. rVma rCtfW. -Tnwpi:tn,Jacliatmv Klraattr sndLkr eouniics. . - be addrcsw4.t93he. rnaneger-oi the Contest Department' of The District No. 1 VTnl OW-Mla lf la Mlnnle'rl. Philllpsrdepuly "clerk circuit court ,7X0.t8 Mis Lura Baty, 340 Ban Rafael street ,1, IS , Mfss Sadie Wlntermantle. City Dye Works .17.2 . Miss Oretchen Kurth, telephone operator Portland hotel. ......... .It, S Miss Lucy Gould, telephone operator Oregon hotel .,'..,. ...-.,. 11,172 .': Miss Edith' Born, 14f Stark street ............ . ..t.. .......... .11,119 - Miss Bees Aharon. 210 East Thirteenth street ........ .... .......ll.OCS ' Mlsa Ruth Lee, 6SS Hood treat........... ...10.1 Mine Kallle Msdlaan. I4T Flandar street ...................... ..10.471 Miss Genevieve Holmes, fit, Harrison street ,"..'.., ...... ... ..o T.tlt Mlsa Henrietta Wlnkleman, 407 East Couch street '..,... i. ...... ,7,444 'Mlsa Marion Leahy. Woodsrd-Clarke drug store ................ S.I70 ' Mies Elaa Grlesel, 80S East Thirty-first street .................. S.794 Mlaa Nellie Munaer.. Raleia-h etraet S.147 Ml us Margaret Smith, 14 Fourteenth street S.OHO Miss Irene Higgins, tverett street ritrrjtjTrr-fri ,....-r;r. .. 8, on Ml Lura Derbyshire, S9 Water street ...... j ......... r., .... . 1,917 Miss Cornelia Barker, lit. Grand avenue .. .v.. . .. . . . . . . . .'. . l.ilO Miss Elva Hurlbert, St. Johns. . , ......... ' .....f 2.41 Mies Bopnia ison, t ivy street... ... , .... Miss Hurs KeaaicK, Oregon City...-. Jslss . orn jouy, vs first street .... ,-... .eps ...i. ......... S.Ut 1.714 (Voting place. Coupon Department, Journal Office.) ,; ' . District Nor-r Miss Molly Proebstel, la Grande, Oregon i..V. .-........, ... key s,m. t voting piace, uranqe, Hteinoera et tfiever conrecuonery.l , r Miss Agnes Tletcher, Pendleton, Oregon . ..... ............ . 4. US Miss Grace Hawks, Pendleton, Oregon . .... ... ........ 1.15 Miss Carri Burton. Pandltton. Oregon 2.441 Miss Effle Jean Fransier, Pendleton.-Oregon .... .: i : i ....... v. r 1,9 ? . (Voting place, Pendleton, Brock A McComaa drug store.) , District No. 3 -M laeKmlll CroaenTha ; Dalle. Oregon. Miss Lucille crate, Tne uauea, uregon 1.2 5 1.S1S Miss Myrtle Bratton, Baker City, Oregon '.i. Misa xsinei farcer, ttaxer uity, uregon Mis 0 e e e r . S eeaeae . 1.47S 1.12S 2 ; ts 5 ... n Gertrude Tlce. Baker Cltv. Oreson (Vottns olace. Baker Cltv. Levinrer a drua store.) ' Miss Effle Mse King, Ontario, Oregon .............. .......... v ' Miss Clara Swain, Burns, Oregon., ........,..........'..,..., ,M . lMiM. District No. 3 1; l-CZ- Miss Florence Heavren, Vancouver, Washin gton - (Voting place, Vancouver, 113 Main street) , .Mlaa Amelia Williams, Kelso, Washington (Voting place, Kelso . Confectionery store.) Miss Katherine Gore, Kslams, Wsshlngton .,... ' ivoiing piace, Aaiima, oiivy oiurv.f .. ' .. , - Mis Esther Anderson, Astoria. Oregon ................. r. ., ; 1,101 ,Mlss Mary Berge, Homevalley, Washington J TOO ,I2S S.I24 glXTBCou on ne should be' voted at' tha headouaireni aesrest yon or mailed to the eoupoa department of The- Jonrnsl, or at soy point named below. Votes will be counted Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays' an the totals aaaoaacea to the pshae the following da. Ant eandldate wlthdrawlaa from tha aoa. teat cannot have hae votes eotmtad foe ia. '.ether. . . z.,.-. , s.;,;-,jj I . i - . - - :. . . i l " ninaeianal In voenta a4a-J 2" , -iiainuro, ianr, ur.ra - . w...- I miss fean savage, .jvioany, uregon - V , - District No. tk ' Mlsa Uzxl Veateh, Cottage Grove, Oregon ..... , Miss Effle. Stewart, Cottage Grove, Oregon- (Vitlna rflace. Cotfare Grove. Gill's confectlonerv store.) . . . Miss Pearl Shelley, SaTem, Oregon , Miss I Belle Darby, Salem, Oregon -.-r. .Trtji ... n. . . . . Mlee Mary Davidson, Salem, Oregon ............................ i Miss Kettle Reddekoop, Salem, Oregon . . .... . . ... ...... .. Miss Minnie Achenbach. Salem, Oregon - (Voting place, Salem, Hau' drug a tor,) '. , ... i . jvtisa Myrtle 'i rant,, wooaourn, uregon ..................... Mlaa Lucy Morcom, Woodbuni, Oregon ..................... (Voting place, Woodburn, Beebee dh Whitman . store.) . . Miu Alice iocae, tAiDany, uregon itri (Voting place, Albany, Dawson's drug store.) - - .Miss Madge Battee, Eugene, Oregon Miss Stella Belter, Eugene, Oregon , . . . i- , .- ..... . . t . , . i .. .. Miss Emma Moffett, Eugene, Oregon ............. . .. ,, (Voting place, Eugene, Hull s drug store.) . !,23 ( 'l.JST 1.231 1,201 :. loe -30 I lot s 105 75 114tS 175 . IS District No. 7 Miss Bertha Courtemanche, McMlnnvIUe, Oregon ............... t.545 (Votlns Dlac. McMlnnvIUe. Houser's store.) miss Mane Mostetier, mnsooro, -uregon 1.121. 20& Miss Rosa B. Bowser. Hlllaboro. Dregon tvoting piace, -niusDoro, ecnuimericns stors.l - ' Mia Minnie Roy,. Dallas,. Oregon I71i (Voting place, Dallas, 8taai' confectionery store.) V Miss Myrtle Butler, Forest Grove,. Oregon i.,.-m.t,,,i;,;,mii( -114- (Votlng "place, Forest Grove. La Course's store.) . J - - 1- Miss Rosale C. Holshelmer, Beaverion, Oregon ............ 1 ...... . 37.- Miss: Lillian Webster, Philomath, Oregon 724 , Miss Haxel Kennedy, La . Fayette, Oregon tlO (Voting- place. La Fayette pos toff Ice.) : - .' j "M nllva Htnttmr- Nash.r. rrmnn , ' ' 'V ' XVotlng.j?lnceewbergCalwelij:ow-drug-atora.) .. ... JL Mips Cora Spangle, Dayton, Oregon , ... ............ 200 -'---.(Voting place, Dayton, Harris' drug stbre.).:-' -.--,' ' 1 .'"." " 1 I DlstrlctrNotro -Any information reflJlllH con- I -Mia 'T.An Parsley. Roseburg. Oregon .- i i, 1 1, . i-i a. I ,. s ii wiei .i.rmerti tinnermra, irtann www. naniwn wui aiiuuiu I . (Voting place, Roseburg. Hamilton's drug Store.) . Iii o. I Irtn.a l.-nli .-..-..Ml. ss Jennie Woodford, - Medford, Oregon WH 1,124 X .... .... - - IB (Voting place, Medford, Russell's confectionery store.) , Miss . Maude , Berry, Grants Psas. Oregon Ill Miss Maude -Bailer, Grants Pass, Oregon ............... f 101 vutui vnin, raas, r. Binitn S oruaj siuru.j , j j " wwww- CouponFree Hawaiian Trip ' ' Honolulu, HawaUa'a Islands : '., ;, ' Thl coupon tnut be voted on' or before Sept. 10, l'JOS. J v ' , CcKitfrj b tea ca tr.r.oc-:c3i to tha r tbj fzU