The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 03, 1905, SECTION TWO, Image 18

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y,. y.T. .
1 7tN.".T0Ed; TOTVEHKIOmS' ,';
- I new dramatic leaaon. Th lone
,A caaiplg f preparation on un
empty eat la over. ' Th-lnvitUM-to
tbe plajrhouaea has btn aent broad
caat And whlla playgoer ar kln
themselvea haw. they will far, man
agers ar turning to thai very auggaat
Iva and . algnlfleant quotation, 'What
rahall thTTiatvet-beT"
Portland hm -not been -without amnae-
mant for a alngle dafTTi
: L' htlf doen .theatres hava eouraed along
- throngh the- euwraar tnotrtha wHh-mora
' - or Irs succaaa. .but their dog-day ora-
rnaa have alight bearing upon the tegu
' ' lar theatrical year. ' Labor day. now the
- TBcceptedTiTgnarTof The beglrmilig Bf Ull
' stern-, business ef the stage, 4 Juat' a
. ijeeorattoB day 1 regarded aa the finish,
la- near- at hand, and with. It Will coma
... . the -kalaldoaoople- aralancha- of playa
and players; vld and new,, t tha town's
. '.' big transient hoase, the Marquam. :
iisTo. give-.Porttandere- an Idea of what
? 1 1n atore for them the coming months
: ' la not a dlfflault matter... Tha ens fact
that loo ma un .big and convincing ; at
' thla season's' outset -Is that tha number
. '' : and magnitude ,of dramatle enterprlaaa
' In Broadway are. greater-than in any
' pravjoug rear and we may reasonably
- ' expect that soma will make their way Jo
tne. oaat . a. 1; f--" -ti-t'
" rTr.""" Icr mahagefi af optlmttUd In' Uielr
...view of. the approaching campaign, it
. , - la their bualneaa to b so. . But in case
.. .'. abould fall to "get oura.". remember,
- goad people, it waa becauae - business
. laat year was sot all that had been es
'(" pected. and doubt leas many "manager
, : ' in. New Tork and other . centers have
; vl9Qiavtm of . aootflng- aitractioiia to tin
V Pacific However, the, season will be
1 . .r'eb. In personalities and Interesting to
, , the rank and file of playgoers on that
account... A number of the nation's most
' prominent stars and a doae'n or more
t new plays are promised tha Manjuara.
ft la gratifying to be able to aay that
" tfie year has opened at that houae with
" . a star of jio leas brilliance than Cars
-Kendall. r Ha ended his local engage-.
went last night in his new play, "The
Barnstormer." produced -. for the first
time last Thursday eight. There are
many graatarpiaya than -thislatest
by Sydney Jlosenfeld. but that It will
serve Kendall, well as a vehicle for hla
return ' to Broadway whether he ever
com p If tea the trip or not Is beyond dis
pute. It was a rare and-enjorable week
the ,'Marquam bad with this . favorite
comedian... .
There is more than ordinary signifi
cance. Jn -4ha. capacity buainema . which
greets the productions these daya at the
Relasco theatre. It looks as If Portland
had a stock company which it will tie to
one which will entertain for" a period
ef years, rather than weeks. . Belaeco
A. Mayer are Indomitably energetic. Wa
tery haa repeated itself In the case of
the Ban Francisco firm since It was' or
ganlsed. .These me -took -tha Aleasar
theatre when It was a "dead one" and
..loot llt.ooa before the tide turned. It
. has since made them a fortune. . Prae-
, f ttcally the same waa true of the Central.
; ; , likewise,. In San Francises, snd again In
-Vr-fXos Angeles- there weie weeks- and
. weeks of loss and Indebted nea before
' sne penny of .return. Now It Is a gold
- 1 mine. Then they earne here, did Betas
; , ,'o Mayer. And It Is violating no
". .confidence to soy that for five weeka
t in succeaalnn the receipts barely covered
f. the running expense bf the house. To
u ' . day it 1 a case ef struggling for tick
t eta. .:
The' Empire theatre opens Its door
today- to.the rfiUlr A-UavUn- shews, the
; first of .which Is a popular thriller.
- "escaped from the fUrom," containing
. .an elephant" named Zanzlhar, If Ihe
, pnaters are believable, and other things
(.The Baker, ban' aUrled its Ion season
f burlesqua -under very prnprtlous clr--
cumetances. The Lyric stock company
; ls being reorganised and gives promise
of great things The vaudeville houses
are playing, to capacity,. What more la
--. j required? ri " $." , '
xtiiig u uiv.ithi 01 tne curtains?
Wilton Lackaye. supported by a eom-
'Ttliy6f C'rPTn,: iiirs -ti ttw-wgr-
' quant rtrand theatre tomorrow night for
a - Mk'i- eniriarement tn- vvllllam A.
itraoy s firoouridn 01 im rn una an
lelabort revival or -irnoyr- mm lor
tner Will bs the bill ror ine nrsi inree
lilahts. ' and the latter will . ev aeen
Thursday and Friday nights and Sat
? tlrdav matinee. " '
The Pit" la a dramatisation of Frank
'( Norrts'.fsmnua novel of the ssme name.
It haa hot nnltf been one of the big sue-
't reuse of the peat two seasons but haa
' created a veritable sensation. Tha first
srene nuena In -the lobhy Of the -Audi
: (nrlus itwihtcaao on. the nlrM.of the
. grand Opera and the action leads easily
-aeg aeueiIIr to the tU on--ths. :hl
saga, beard at tf . wliere a pajilu la
-1 rr- ai.-
I ' t -"r r-. v vr t
depicted. , and ubacr to , the Jadwin
home ' : ' 'U.' .''!
The end of the play Is tragic In a
way, but It Is impersonal tragedy, Bank
ruptcy, and poverty are,, visited :op the
daring speculator and. his followers, al
though their courage 1 apparently un
broken. ' In ' nothing is the conception
more typical! . American . and modern
than In the glimpse :. of Jadwin, the
ruined speculator, rising with his' spirit
unbroken from tha wreck or his for
tune and starting out to begin life aver
again.' "chumming .along shoulder to
shoulder with hla wife whom ha had
nearly - lost ' through ' hla neglect ' while
he wrestled with the passion, of gam
bling that ultimately ruined him., but
turned failur into' success by restoring
to hlsvrtns the wife from whom he had
drifted apart.. ;'-!..-' - .
. Noteworthy will be 'the dramatle re
vival' on Thursday night of Trilby,"
as Wilton Xackaye .was the original
Svengall, and this 'performance will be
the first time that it has been glvea by
him since his appearance in the revival
t the New Amsterdam theatre with the
original company. . The high standard of
excellence set : by the f iret production
at the Garden theatre will be surpassed
In the Lacks ye revival, for the physical
side of the latter will represent -all the
remarkable, advancement In. etageoraft
during the 19 years , that have sine
elapsed-.' -'.4:i-.-U't-l-i-,
"Mn. WigKS of the Cabbage Patch.?
Fresh from record "runs in New Tort
and .Chicago, that moat delightful nl
American character, play. "Mrs. wlggs
of the Cabbage Patch, comes to tho
Marquam-Orand Iheatre'JTo four nTghti
and two matinees, beginning Wednesday
night, September lVwlth the f ulLjnet-
ropolltan cant snd stage setting. '.
rew plays nave given spei ihbiibii!
given a quartet that wltl be remembered
lwllh the gieaifst eieatlonsaf.- merle id
humor, in Mrs. Wlggs herself.. Mis'
Ha sr. Lovey Mary snd Mr. Btubblns.
Orest 1 as- Is the pepulsrlty of -Alias
Hegan' Rice's ' two books; .upon which
the dramatisation by Mrs' Flezner 1
based, the reception accorded the play
haa been even more hearty. - i -
The Rev. Charles Wagner, the apostle
of the simple life, declared after seeing
Mrs. Wlggs at 'the Sa voy theatre that
hers was "the simple Jife lived humor
ously.r ; Her example, he declared, made
for. happiness and ' gave en latence the
saving salt of honest funv- No- play has
ever been more peeked with humeri In
terest or made a more direct sppeal to
the primal emotions.- "Mra. Wlgga" I
play tits appeal f whifh is universal.
Mrs Madge fare Cook as Mrs. Wlgg.
H1S lwi II as- Mtn1 t larr anct V-tiarlns
J CarU-a Mft-tubhins , have created
1 n2V W r
mm . V
..; .- - I ' it ' I
A mm br
r' ' '"'''' ll ?
-r- - ti r mmf ft7n TTirr
roles that have mads their reputations
for all time. ' There ar 2 -people in the
company, -and the production Is elabo
rate la its presentation of ' the scenos
In and around, the "Cabbage Patclj.
..p. '.,,. ; 'xJ-.:
' f'i ' . "Harriet's Honeymoon." ; -; V "
The Belasco stock company will give
Its final performance of Ha greatest
success, "Alice of Old vlncennes." tnis
evening. . The usual matinee will Jbe
given this afternoon. '. -' x " ,
For one week, commencing tomorrow
night,' the company, will -be seen In
"Harriet's Honeymoon, a modev-n com
edy laid In a German watering place,
written by Leo Deltrlchstelh, author of
"Are You a Mason T". and other suc
ceases. The play was presented in the
east by Mary Mannerlng and was a dis
tinct hit. t- , ' - "
Tha author. hag developed hla com
plications out of the fact that a newly
married girl Is jealous of the time which
her husband devotes to the stock ex
change. . There la an underlying note
of- sentiment but the plsy is chiefly
comedy. One of it chief bedntles Is
its natural qualities, It Is i without S
climax, but will fill an evening of mirth
that Belasco' s patron, will be unable to
rests' ' ; ' ' . v "'-'' r "
.: Miss Lillian Lawrence, who haa sprung
Into popularity ' with perfect ease as
leading woman of -the nsompany, ' wllll
appear In the title rola of Harriet, oris
Inated by M las Mannerlng. while Will
Walling will be seen as .Elliott Balrd.
the young husband. ', There are enough
rolea is the play to occupy tu atten
tion of a full cast and that the produc
tion will- be one of merit la a foregone
conclusion. "Belasco "ft MayafTiavIng a el
a standard1. which they maintain at any
cost. r. :. ' ' v '-
The Belasco waa crowded at each per-
1 iviin
-Josephine Deffry Coming. .
"At tbe'VaFquam tirand iiext Saturday'
night and the following Monday and
-Tuesdsy. night tha-Joaephlna-yDeffri)
oompany will appears Thla company H
considered by competent Judges as one
of th best popular-priced organisations
touring th Pacifle coast . The opening
bill will be ''A Broken Heart" Monday
the attraction la "A Deserted Bride," anl
Tuesday "A Wicked Woman" will holi!
the boards. . Miss Deffry haa a strong
aupportlng company; among the players
are many who are familiar to regular
play patroaa of Portland. Mla Def fry's
leading maa Is Tom B. Loftus, who Is
remembered In thlecity for capital-work.
Another well known player In th cast
la Mis Meta Marsky, who long ago ea
tahliahed herself In the. favor of Port
land - f erl Mls-lf!-4as-is
tfonal - aptresa of - unqueslloned ability
h A
1 vvr;T tjx;
ns, wr n. a sslekiJL
1 K. v
" 5W I '-
and' talent and her ucce has been re
markable. The advance sal of seatf
will opes hext" Thursday, r V-
vv rv: -':. ?.
Frank -Oekum SuccessfuL 1
" Frank .Dekum, one of the most popu
lar members of the younger social set
tn this city, will' mske hi appearance
with .Wilton. Lackays tRla week at th
Marquam Qrand theatre, and wll play
what are known, technically, as the lead
ing juvenile roles .' In - "The Pit" , and
'Trilby." In the former he will be seen
as Landry. Court and In th latter he
will appear a Little Blllee, one of the
most sympathetic Juvenile roles known
to th stag. : ' ; . .. i
Mr. Dekum ha been- very successful
In hla chosen profession, and hla present
engagement Include an arrangement
whereby he Is to make-Ill appearance
in Mr. Lackaye'a support In that artist's
new play, a dramatisation of "Les Mlser
ables,": which he ha made, himself and
which will be given; aa enormous pro
duction on Broadway next February.- i
'r:v:,''? ?i;-si-..i.:
V:;.;,'At the Lyric, Sr-MM
' On Monday the Lyric 111 goffer a
sensation In th way of plays, entitled
The Tiger.',; Claw," a melodrama -In
four act. It Win be produced here for
the flrt time. - t :
"The Tiger's Claw" ha been secured
Strenormou-epnse"rrm "an "eastern
manager." -The story of the play Is inter
esting and exciting, and deals with a
gambler and woman companion and their
is noted for his charlties-but Is Incllne-i
lo gamble now and.TIi,ii. After failing
In this they follow their "Victim to a
oufn"ern summer "resort aif'Jay' a plot
that seems sure to succeed.. learning
that-thelr- lntendnt.'prr'rs h-Tthe ihabit
ef-vleltrtlgra large gambling club,- the
pair concoct a schema, whereby they In
dues him to play s game of poktr,.sn1
It Is discovered that they have a tele
graph, cede arranged with a man In the
room above by which mesne he - sig
nal .what cards their victim'. holds, a
fight follows, which .1 thtf strongest
cnatn.4he play, as It Is one of the
most exciting climaxes vet1 witnessed.
The gambler Js killed and the adven
t ureas -marries the man whom she had
tried o hard to swindle.,- Starting with
next week, Tlobert McLean will open an
extended engagement -at the Lyrle a
leading man. Mr. McLean -comes direct
from NewVork tyr-where-hs-helir-it
slmlar-sos1tlM-4a --s st eesv -company.
AT THE ktt iiXi mJIXmi 3
I ..V.'.O, L.
He wilt undoubtedly become a great
favorite. '. Monday alio bring a new
leading lady,, for tha company- In " thi
person of Miss Mack, who is capable an.l
handsome. - Last' chance . today to sal
"A Hoolr Heroin." . -
.:,,H; '.-'"';
"Escaped From the Harem. "r
' Th' opening of th Empire theatre
today I something of -an event In , thi
theatrical world, as It Introduces the
first attraction . of thk. season which
come Intact from New. Tork. . The com
pany' is under the direction of an' exv
Portla'nd theatrical . magnate, .Manager
W. M. Russell, and the production Is
under, the .Immediate direction of the
author, Charle A. Taylor, whose tlti)
name the company bears; ; These facts
are In theniselveg rather unusual; The
company--carrle ' a -full equlpmerit t
cenery. Ths play Is a melodramaj "Ka
caped From the Harem,', although th3
name would indicate a mualcal comedy
or extravagansa. ' ' It begins at .a church
social In a quiet New ' England town,
where , a schemlnr -sdventureia. and. N
male companion' have engrafted them
selves to a happy household In order lo
entice the beautiful daughter' of th
minister' to New Tork to turn her over
to a prince of .India to' replenish hit
harem.-, - ' .;.. T f ---';-:
Emissaries of the prince spirit the girl
away, and she Is taken to Persia, where
herr friend follow- and . undergo : some
most strange adventures. She finally
escapes on s trained elephant-: AM par-i
ties are . brought together In a circus
fW0 Iff t IS )ft(rl1
Tork. Hippodrome, where it will be one
flt-the jittractlona
.' Alt ,
''.-ilr1 r- ' A
i p s
1 -ll
rim nr ,- Ai. . I fne mma-reaaer. wno nss causea sucn a
Mlnnr'l',lm 'nl Portland -during th ; pait
i!5 J-' .Sl mhl.m-" . o" his engagement at th.
.The company
successful summer season aver, played
west 'oryft lea go. - .y p... - .
; li-, mj..!.. p- V'.'-1 rv'Y'. V. .
; The Brigadiera .at theBaker. i
: Starting with th matinee thi after
noon the second -week, of burlesque will
begin at the Baker. Cromwell a Amoui
troupe has received flattering preas no
tices and played to Immense business
at ever city, on the circuit so far... , It
I composed ' of - funmakers who - know
how to make use of their " axoeptlonal
talent , This organisation offer a num
ber of .original and diverting specialties
snd give a two-act comedy called 'The
Wise Guy,", Edmund Hayes, who plays
the' principal role, IS a comedian of repu-tattorr.The--tHo-f
-the-flrlgsdierk -fg-ettt
: of-ths- clnsrjr-andHnciuds; turns
m a r ".w .. .ar .- 1
' 1 JVA
rrr TT2TKrfhavinprz7TrK
' v" ": i--Vw
that vary from scrobatlo acts to sing
ing and dancing. The ' costumes have
been designed and ' selected with rare
good taat and are expensive, The light,
and stag effects ars novel , and the
scenery I entirely new and painted by
artists. The players aim to please, and
thus far have succeeded. ,
Regular matinees are to be given at
tha Baker svery - Sunday, -Wednesday
and Saturday.'- This week there will be
a special matinee Monday, Labor day.
No burlesque performance Saturday
night as the company leave on the
evening trala for-Ssn - Franclsoo.. :- -
., '
. , r: v The Start New Show.. . ":rx
' The Star offers a splendid list of at
tractions for th week commencing with
tomorrow' matinee. By way of novelty
a strong two headline attraction will
be offered in addition to ths regular
programme. TJie Mexican quartet of
Instrumentalist from Jsures, Mexico,
who were featured by Orrln Brothers
for. three seasona, will render selections
specially prepared for the Star engagement-
These people play sweet music
on. stringed Instruments, costume themselves-
beautifully- and present a r
attractive ,- stage '"appearance. f Eva
Thatcher come -with a-crisp Una- of
talk and Jokes and has several new,
catchy song. . Bearlea and Roekwell ar
to be seen In :comedy--sketch,--,Th
Cheeky Messenger," -whlc'tt ha i made
them very successful on th coast-Earl
and Hampton gre funny and will .offer,
an original composition In German dia
lect. . RoyvMoBrsln- of f era-an-sttt ractl va
number-with tha new song, "When the
Fields are White with Daisies.' The
song IS Illustrated with' beautiful pic
tures. The Starosoop will show a -number
of amusing 'picture with "Bad'
Lodger" a its principal- subject,1-Today
and tomorrow , the show will run
from- l:iO to 18:iSo'clockiWlthout.4n
tnrmlsslon and w 11 1 be Musical Kleisfs
last appearance. ,
urand. "This has been one of the most
remarkable vaudeville feature that this
leading house haa offered, and the won-,
der .of Tatura will . be discussed) for
months to icon.' 'Beginning today, the
performance will start, at- and continue
until 1:1 p. m, Tomorrow, there will
be a complete change of bill and the list
elected by Manager Ertckaon contains
a number of sterling feature act., -The
topllner vl th famous Lottie Ollson,
'The Little Magnet,",, assisted by Slgnot
Dupree. the ' world's greatest , harpist
Lottie Ollson Is-one of the best and most
widely known soubratte In th country.
Brydsn's dog circus, th aqrne.of animal
education, Ma 'another of the big acta
These dnga will be a 'delight to old and
y6unfr"li,Tr" "performance is Jn iJHre
spectT srmllar. to' th - ordinary., canint
: q I T" " ) 1 r
1 4 ' ilL'll '
tHt fy
Straus. u FraBkvClay
musical monologulsti with new ideas In
ths "Way of fun making Vlrdon and?
Dunlao have a sketch called The New
I Girl" that will be entertaining. Bennett'
i anA' O mwMat AtrM - llnlfilISi tflfi III Sail J '
Sketch team,, and their offering -promises
to be Interesting. Fred Purlnton
will rendrtU bS -Waiting in the;
Gloaming. ' Sweet Oensvieve." with snj
accompaniment : ' of . colored pictures.!
The . grandlscope Is -to unfurl X-a- fllmf
called Ths Steeplechase," tha picture:
for which' were-taken from- a recent
great haas held In England in which,
one -of the rtdera wag rlously Injured.?
tibor day (Monday) -the performances.
wUl be continuous fsom X' till lv:4l'
p. m. .?J-a .-
wla burse's Xdsa of a-Baaattful WomaaJ
' From Harper's .Weekly.
In ' Swinburne's recently ; published!
novel.'' "Love' Cross-Current'.' .occursi
this description of a beadtlfut s0manJ
wnian ie vurm quouni, dovui, as iu
does. : the author ability to-translate!
Into proae thoa.auallttea ' which ' havej
distinguished him as s poet Reginald
Harewood. writing to his friend. -Edward!
Audleyr hus pictures his beloved, Mrsj
Bad worth : ,. t :' I
.. "She he sweet, Jheavy f yeJlJieanJ
afigeTS'lh Some great strange pain; eyes
without fear, or fault .in them, which
look out over coming, tears that 'neVe
com. There Is a sort of look about he
Up and under the eyelids a if ,om
sorrow had pressed there with hla fin
ger, out of love for her beauty, snd lef
the mark. She hag a throat like pearl
color, with, flower color over that; and
a smell of blossom and honey in .he
hair. No ae on earth I so infinite!
good as she Is. Her finger leave a
taste of Violet on the Up. , Sh let
greater In -mind and aplrlt than menl
with great names.' -Only ah never lets!
her greatness of heart out in words. It
don't think now that her eyes are hasel
She bss in her th royal scornful secret!
of a, great silence. Her hair and eye-i
laabe change color In the sun. I shall!
never come to know all ah think of J
I believe he la always doing good some -I
wher with her thoughts. - She Is a greatl
angel and ha charge of soul. Sh has
clear," thick eyebrows that grow well!
down, coming lull upon tn tipper ua
with no gap such a there I above!
some women's eyes before you come t"t,
the brow. Thev have an inaxnllcahlel
beauty of meaning in them, -.and thel
She has charge of me-for one. . I musrll
have been a beast or fool if there ha ill J
not neen sucn a race in tne worm. sni,
hag the texture and color of rose leaver!
hands. She can forgive and understand!,
and be angry at the right time; thngaU
that women can never ao..-
M -Th n U , ' . '
New fork Cor. Philadelphia Ledger.
-Many 'of the thousands: who- vlslfJ
Grsn't , tomb ars at first a little pus-
sled. . and then are Inclined to .laughlrl
when' they tead the following Inscription!
on ' th bronse , tablet that' stands a fw
hundred feet, north of the monument
Thla tree wag planted to commerao-l
rata - the greatneaa of ex-President lllys4.
ses S. Grant by LI Hung Chang, - A- l
. , There would be nothing amusing aboutLj
the tablet were it.not for the fact, thatjrj
there are tw trees, standing iiks ssni
tries, one on each side or it. :
; "WJilch tre 1 itr, tha vUltor ' won-tl
ders. feeling' sur that he has a Joke enU
the park department. Not a f ew takrfJ
trouble to look up the custodian oa
tha monument far an exDlanatlon or tna
mvsterv. When thev leav . hlro 'Ihsyl
look wlSerTahd often quite hsptshv fo
he Intimates that, after, all, it J not
remarkable for a. well-Informed man
knew that-when ?rs t In n is to
ommemorated In this way it would b
unwise to Dlant only one iro. it v
P' f"" "'
are' living-and there IS no
x mi
e;v '.V'.: -. V'... ..h ... .. .. -.t,. . .
fri, .
. .. .