The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 03, 1905, SECTION TWO, Image 15

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7 Marry O. WMttlw. roremaa Old,
fr MMMM.
I , ' t - u .
' Ths following" t' from th
September 1 ' edition of tbc
Portland Labor Pre, . from
' th pointed pen of on of Port
land' beat known storswriters,
la -both pertinent , and to the
point. It should be of great
Intereat ' to Journal . readers.
' especially timely today, so It
' ta reproduced verbatim: -,-
, Bom hardbeadad philosopher
. ha divided . the , day qually
lnte . three aaqtiona,- and aa
alrneeVene each to; the three
component part 'of Ufa; eight
-oej- ioi JM"l "hjoavjoi SJnoq
' reatlon, and an, equal number
tor aleep. And Jt aeems a juat
.and - equitable division, on
which. Mother Nature indoraea
with liar full approval. Un-
fortunately, however, condi
tion everywhere not' being
; alike, and .calling 10 ; varied
: that no hard and faat rule can
bd observed In this respect,
some ef us must receive our
portions cut Into what w be
lieve lea equitable division.
. thitslde of a calling or., pro
fession, whose 1 practise - ln
. volve the -perpetuity of life,
or the lnroada . of the grim
reaper. Death., thia -condition
ahould not be; and we our
selves are in part, or wholly,
. responsible for Ha existence.
ITo discuss here the 'necessities
of our country, varied a they
are. and the hour . of labor
necessary - for their- proper conduct.
would be to delve in a subject so- deep
aa to be practically bottomless; and the
farther such discussion Is carried th
deeper we become involved in a matter
so many aided, that no jme Individual
lateompetent to set up an authority. ' 80
we leave each Industry to arbitrate Its
own necessities, and. to work out In' It
own way its own problem .aa to how
the mutual interest ot master, and man
may beat be- aerved for thla Isljpre
..eminently an age of arbitration. - Th
dayol dictation . la . pat thank to
organised Ubor. CapiUl and Ubor hav
learned well the lesson that upon one
depend tb auceee aye, the Very Jtf
of the other. - Nelrlier can aubaiot with
out the other and bota must alike be
under proper control. r . , ; v - "T -
"OliS, It la. excellent to have a giant's
Btrenth: "tmt-HI tyrannou ' to use It
like a. giant," quoth Shakespeare.
' While many branches of th great
cohorts "of . orAnlaed labor "have keen
busy d Juatlng difference .that hav
arisen) from time to time, between them
uIvm and caoltaL " aa .represented . by
emnlovera. and . regulating hour of
labo4 aocording to a seal of reason: and
humanity, they hav aeemed Mind to rh
Injustice being done hundreds of thou
sands of fellow, toller engaged in mer
cantile purmilt. behind - the counter
and on the floor ef th gigantic' retail
eatabllahmenta which control th trade
-nf -the larger 'American, eitiea. 'Tear
f bacS, ' certal:
with th spark of humanity within their
Dreaat rannea inio a iiamv wnoasH
toward their fellow man, led a move
ment ehortening the hour ot labor for
the aales people in their employ. On thl
'roll of honor we find Buch men aa John
Wan maker that prince of American
merchants; Marshall Field; , Jordan;
Marsh ScV6., R. H. "White. B. Attman,
Btern, Mandel. Steven,.' and,' for ex
ample, those bright - illustrations " of
"prophets not without honor In their
own country," Olda,' Wortman King
of Portland. Oregon pioneers of good
atorekeenlng on th Paclflo slopey
' Thwe great mercantile leaaera hav
endeavored to excite an Intereat among
their fellow to a degree that deserves
the commendation and hearty support of
every wag earner in America but hav
they -received kt we ween not. in
ated. the writer ha reason to believe
that -the apathy ahown thla movement
by those wage earners to', whom It
ahould be' of vital Importance, affecting,
aa it doe, hundred of thouaanda of
their fellow, would be most discourag
ing to men leas persistent in welldoing
and business-building; perhaps nowhere
la general apathy more apparent than
In Portland today in thla. matter, and
among those to whom one-might rights
fully look for active and moral eupport
the great body of wag earners which
composes that mighty factor, in the
trusineea world of today the-army of
labor. A bitter truth la sweeter than
.illusion, which I but th dust the devil
throws into the eyes of the foolish. it
ua meet condltlona aa tney realty are
rather than aeek o go around them
The truth I that organised - labor In
Portland haa been blind to the Injustice
s being dona thousands of their fellows
4 men and women workers in Portland
" stores, who are either too weak or dls
' organised to help themaelvea or aay nay
- to heartless, grasping, greeay employer
who demand. In thla year A. p. 106, It
to 1 hours as a day's stipend for day's
-wage. Think of It! You , men who,
working from 11 hour a day for a- day's
pay but a few years ago have, through
.organisation, brought it down, atep by
step , to eleven houra, then to ten., and
from ten to .nine; think of men and
women today DWng given the choice of
' working 11 i houra or losing their Joba.
', And no class of crafUmen work harder
than;' the ealespeople in the large city
, atorea. Their, ioll la ceaseless, wearing,
"laborious, -j Yet how patiently - the
' atand and wait wpen our wanta.Truly
: we may aay with MUton. that "They also
' serve who only atand and wait"
""AQTionof lo those THrrernlHtorr'!
'that plan a day' werk is be dene, la
day's span or ten hours, ana snow appro--elatlou
nf luial Jielper ty gWng a fuU
week vacation annually with full pay
n item amounting high in the thous
ands without question- as . to . whether
or hv'1t pay.'; uch 'Btore gr tb
bright, oase on the desert of selfish
merchandising as represented by those
stored' which require a 14 hour day for
a day's wage. - Why not ciual1 right
of store employes with those totlega In
other business branches. "What are you
doloi..Wr. Workingman. or working
wnmant What are-you doing, wha4lav
striven' for and 1 attained comfortnbl
hours of labor for - yourselves, .to help
the store toilers attain, too, hours that
allow of healthful recreations and pleas
urea a well as the rest that nature de
inand a her perquisite I . .,.
Are- you helping or hindering the
movement ..fer shorter, hours .for slsr
)eopl a led by one . Portland store,
single' handed and - alone" i ''BuC wtint
Jinve -1 to do with Itr; 1 hear you ssk.
"Am I ray 'brother' keeper?" And be
ortnuui fcW '' iwrtlglr J?!?r
sides, it's so convenient to be able to
run through th -stores of a Saturday
night and pick up th trifles forgotten
In the week's shopping.
Convenient, indeed! 1 Convenient to
aid and abet in the tyranny that giant
atorea gloat over. In. compelling thou
sands of : tired tollers to drag their
worn-out ' bodies .through' summer's
heat , and winter's rain back into th
store, that greedy, avaricious mer-
chantamay listen" to-tlurmutc pt
clinking gold as a-vesper service to a
flay already full of duties' done. .-.And
do youT Mr7Wge-arnr; TeallssthaH
you .ar" furalahlng the power that runa
the lights overtime in the stores T
How many', many times-haa the writer
Slked past these marts of the modern
ney changers and noted men - and
women who belong to ouf labor anions
coming out of and golns Into thee "af
ter dark ahopa." . How. long do youi sup
pose, reader, that theae selfish, grasping
storekeepers would keep open evenings
if Ut. was not profitable? - And .is - it
those who" pay the wages -that make
them so by their patronagsT. No, In
deed! "Tia the wage-earners who fur
nish the power to run the lights - which
transform the modern department store
Into the ancient Slav pen. Satiety Is
a mongrel that barks at th heels' of
plenty. The moral la obvious. The an
tedeluvlan merchant puts up -the good
tn three -and a half our packages of
overtime for ' thousand . of worn-out
clerk and the wage-earners pay the
Uhopplng.' .
But you aays "If I wish to shop on
Saturday nights, that's my right". Sure
thing! If you place that right against
the rights of thousands of your fellow
beings to a restful evening at home or
healthful recreation abroad. "Inasmuch
as y do jt unto one of the least of these
my brethren, ye do it unto me," aald
that great leader of mea mora than II
centuries ago- and Chrtat lives today In
His teaching. Saturday - night - shop
ping is but a habit rello of the dark
ages in store-keeping discarded long
ago by th - better . class . or stores
throughout the lend as entirely unnec
essary. Uet rid. of the habit all at
onee the only way; for hab't, with on
letter gone, still leaves "ablt"; with two
letters-, gone, . "bit" is still left: an
other letter,' and It"' is still left; an
other letter and yet you hav soma of
the. habit left. Get rid of it altogether
nd "do It now!" But I still hear a
voice from the back 06-th house'- which
say. "Wail, we'll admit that early clos
ing la. th coming thing, and that a 10
hour day affords ampl tlm for shop
ping, but on th other hand. .1 hardly
think Portland Is quite ready for thla
modern practice yet." Fie I For shsmet
It's such aa you that help to keep Port
land fronr soaring. You're the sandbag
that ought to go overboard. I believe,
with the governor of fan eastern state.
who recently vlitd our great exposition
and spent some ' few days In this me
tropolis of th northwest, that Portland
"really needs a few first-class funer-
ala," and such people would splendidly
grace . the front vehicle. The - writer
would gladly drive one of the trailers
and agree to provide a few professional
mourners to give the procession an air
of decency. A, v ' 'v. 1
Then there' a moralaldln the ouea-
jinn, pf . keeping the big stores . open
evenings. Here's a topic for the teacher
and the preacher subject of far more
vital Importance than that ef denying
the gospel to sinners (T) who frequent
the exposition on the Sabbath-- .A- topio
that th writer believes Ha who came
upon earth "to bring sinners, not. the
righteous to repentance" would be In
terested. In far more-vitally than the
boycott of the fair on Sundays by the
"holler than thou"' folk who wear the
mask of religion ta veil the body of.
selfishness. He Who Went out among
the highways snd hedges carrying His
Father's gospel to those who would not
come -for H Is the. one who sntereuths
leinpls.j and ' tfvfrturmmla.tha.ti) f
the money-cnangera, so th good book
read a.. Would.. Me not enter, the modern
Slav pens that defy the laws of Ood
and nature here la this age of progress,
bp compelling -an . unnatural day of
drudge for their slaves, which extends
Into the night, and overturn th tables
of "fheae, modern "money-changers?" We
wot H would. ' ... 1' ,?"i-. ..'
Let us see what you would do who
would follow "In His Steps.". Two paths
lay'befor tia. On the mllepost pointing
back Into the darkneaa of a bygone
century w -read "Greed." We Illustrate
thla way by a letter lately received by
local firm, well: known for their
splendid storekeeplng and progreaalve,
modem business ethlos.; The-only Port
land flrm that clones It doors every day
of th week at p. m. known far and 1
wide aa "Th Different Stor.". ,
W appchd".t?ie 1ettf" heMwirn; Mnit: '
tlag only at tn request of th firm
ffll personalitlf that might reflect Oil
other stores. ,-;,!' ,, I
'" :' ... ' 'l 1
- . .. ' . j
.:. v-' '
f ' . I
1 .xr--''?
' 3
O do
" shall
v' Pertlsad. Aag. Is, W0&. )
aTeasrs. OMs," Wortman King. City. -
Dear Sirs: The writer, wb Hve la ea ef
the larger Waeklogtna tnwse, kas ea a eloe
eeaervw ef rear well-sdvertlaed early ekahtg
(Satarday atghO awvesteat, sad been later
ested la the eaaw, aa his experience wttk n
ployes has alwar siad kha feel that It 1e
anmewhat emblematical e t whetaer-er sot
these "refena" awveaMsU si appreciated,
whether or sot year help eerse am foe year
latereats aa a result ef your alee treatment, and.
Boat of all. what totereeta ate la DOE8 IT
PAY I -I nrlhrra If poa eould ha hen with
aw oa last Pa tarda r alaht at and have
seen the aswat of hnalsee they were onlef,
and torn bis awap. yoa woskl hare fait aa hadlp
ae I did to ksow that tlie VBOPLB (aa4 It
seewed a food kmklns tot el wate-earaers, tea,
that ntpht hare helonaed to the hl( lahor
snlona). whe I bellere weald tar traded with
a dependable aeoee Ilk years, were farced to
so te these etana ta eroer to satisfy their
wants. I hav ao mtereau la Pertlaad what
ever, hat as aa admirer ef aay ftreKlaaa hooae
I lost hope ye will "eat oat" thle early eloatng
ea SatnrAay aurht. for I believe there'a Both ma
la It. The very people wham yon aaeala attract
hp oar phllanthrepp ears sethtag abont n ao
trad where tbsy eaa he aeosauaodated.
did a trenjeaeen emnaeas Bataraav
night, snd, of eoaroe. yoa wonld alee had yn
been open. . I think ye eaa see that this letter,
boiled down; awens that I weald like ta see s
houee wb doee bnelneee "on the square,' like
youra, get their share ef A LI the trad that'
going, day or sight. For your own good 1 hope
yba will took late this matter deeply ynamelTes.
Tours truly. EX-mgRCUANT.
Our readers will be interested to read
th' firm' reply; and as it explains .the
position In a UWOld, WCl ppend It here.
Perhaps many of the Labor Preaa read
era msy have read it already,, aa It p-
all Ihg, dally pwrwtrBqorijtOTrng
of th latter above. ilere It la
iw-tlnuwrltten by th head of the, ad
vertialng department, slgnod
and ; Inr
doraed by ths tlrm: ' ,
l .- ; : See It rapt
- A letter' earn to hand aoder reeent eate,
fram an anonymon fiiead ef the store, anent
the early Barardar elating Bwrament.- Me aakai
Umtllal hitercoarae are enjoy dallp with oar great
army ef helper ore are ONTBMe that we pao
aeo their hearty sppreelatto la a marked
sree. Tb writer telle of elsltlnc asother elty
atore on PMiarnay aeon in - am, unain 11
thronfed With people, maay ef whom, he felt
sere, weald haf preferred shnpplnp here had
thlstore heea'epen. And he ht s earseetl
to "ent nt" the early Satorday eloatng. ' H
aaearea na ef the "Ikm's share" of pnhlie
palronage If only are-wlll keen, ee the soore
of if he etore-daring the eTealns.- Well .we
don't dnabt bat that ear good friend maid
lire I the - gone, as mooted sowee ror eariy
we aet the balk of traile that ha done durlil
tnialneaa honre esd We ballere we aeaorve What
w, gtdon t-yoaT uor sTai any wi eip.n
hltr..lf '-rt Merchenl." aka oa "lOC II
PAM" Xti. hreUer, we , ballet , it 1UKd.
m . t . -w ; i . -. riifg - ri
Portland's Style Store
The Foremost Department House
JThcfelaji pleasure In Achievement ; there: Isj an Inspiration In work?' Hughes'
600 Helpers, Ylll Rest and Recreate Tomorrow
" Without labor, thought
not prar for eAsyiiverpr7J be
I equaLto:yoai-taksi then, shalLthe . doing
wonder at yourself, at the richness
-: V
prjrNrjQQ IWIC AilaAV Nching doing" at the store. Read Monday evening and Tuesday
3 W. IVIKJiyiry morning paper for an ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY
of A GRAND BARGAIN CARNIVAL on iTUESDAY, incident to the informal opening of the FALL SEASON. A
FOLK to SAVE IN BUYING! Don't miss this SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT-and make sure your plans are laid
to allow you plenty of TIME for SHOPPING HERE .ON TUESDAY. : OLDS, WORTMAN & KING.- .
WAKU the aalaaoe ef pear Ural Weald ye
look agalB apon thla grand csaatry ef oars
soaked la the blood sad tears ef million no
mas twin hossd la th castas ot sopewae
elavery breaoae It "PAID" a few thousand
slaveholder a few tnoaeaad miserable dollars
each? Woo Id yo see Aawrlea g HACK to
that? Weald yen, "ga-Uarcsant,' want tu see
that great and growing, peosraaale l-OKTLAND
ef oars fall bach' bite the track ef bar vlllaae
days, with Ita ttnw-ballowed eustoma sad Iwf
Indlaa "trad Ins Boats." where- shopptna was s
ayatem ef "swapping" nd the storekeeper wue
coald "awap" the beat and cheat the worst
waxed rich the nlckaatt FORWARD! avM
Backward, tar the eloan of oar claa. PROgrea
a km, sot RgTROgnsawa. oar watchword. Bo
ca aa other atorea (run la the darkneaa of a
bygone ceatair with Its pi on oar day and me
dia oral coetoms, a ad becsns ether stores pou
eeaa neither capacity nor desire h keep pace
with the tlnw-a. Is no reaaon why thla "t)ir
PEittNT BTORV euonld halt In Ita forward
earner. k Would yen, Mr. "Bx-Merenant, ' a
hnete or ether Mend of this store's piosieaalre
leadership la all that lends to better atorakee
Ins. won Id yoa that we - sbeuM -emulate the
riEXDH. Ike WAN AM All Efts, (be WHITES, tb
ALTMAKS sad the STERNS, or would yo that
w follow the rood backward with the Bower
Ites and "pullerB-ln" that error (loo their
ahopaf We think ore hear your saawert -"Oo
forward--upward Oe ea." If you're net
fully tleetdrd Just eome dowg to ear star ie
svnrrow night St , o'clock and bring year heart
with -you. " Hark th hi aung thai liberate
00.-Happy helpers. . Lawk at their faeee, .ami
tell s If yon would so any wan, worn look M
these eheerfnl feature. Follow theta out.' sod
with them to their aomea. I.krtru to
merry chaff sad llfhtsenw laashtar; hear them
plana Ins for a Jolly erenlng of pleasant recree
tlnn and s restful Babhath. Look en this pic
turethen Ol THIS: Coot sown scat at
select another atore, whoa owners IIt for I be
stoney there Is la it" "tost a an." 1 uo in
ver-Texcltement sos eat with the lit bis. and se tb
artificial lights to eat watch the light go out
la -Tb- eyea or tn pour cieikar tit itfttr ereopr
tired Seede arh sod temples throh. Trembling
ankle retaee to eupport lensuld bodle so tboae
botllee. thomashly joru oat wt th 14 boars of
patient waiting, drag themaelTee forth In he
darkaeaa. or the blastag maee of femptatkat
that line the city atreeta. Rut. there's yet
etrength enousH la tbnes tired limbs to drag
their owners Ond bleee 'em ' peat the- mase,
aafe home, bat tired eat, mind., body and eonl.
No twereatkia foe them, pone alar-T. No pteee.
ant home erenlng. hut merciful deep taken them
to her hosooa and ralla them Into forget fulneea
of their weerlneoa. Then Sabbath Vraralng
eomee hot they're tee tired for chorea, too
tired foe the reatfnl out hie . toe tired for
anything hat ftl.RKP. .And the day gee, snd
Monday morn In eooMS spala with Ha work.
Thla pic rare appears oa tlw canras U time
dnrlns the peer, friend. Did yoa ever or It
tn all It hnrrtd forma before! take a rood nek
Then k "DOgs it PAT r" Doee WHAT serf
te h bnman. to have knman feellnga for oar
fallow worker men and worn, ta heltere '.n
th hmtherhond ef man and carry eat Si belief,
to ra"cr set ear empkvree their btrthrtebt Bad
Oor. it prlTllece of enjoying tttatr own time
tn tnelr own war Tftlt IT PAYS'. Tber-1
more than mere money jn boalneea for aa. We
wrmMn't eiclianre one penny's worth of the
respect and loyaity gla as ky-u( ., et
Is unhealthy; without thought labor Is unhappy
stronger menr Do not pray for
of life wnicn nas come to you by
of the happtoess afforded by knowing wr
RIGHT, for aay gold erer taken "after hour '
by heart le, graaplng merctianta. No "REN
BAR'S" but glre to a ttie esteem ef the popular-
and mpuiyesllke end we'll go en la the
good fight for BETTER BTORKKEKr'INO. Tea
a oe all others, at S p. m. W a meetly thank
the writer eg that letter elgned "Ex-Merchant."
Let's bare mora opinions oa this subject or aay
other that porta la to- better etorekeeptng.
And now' It's up to you. Mr, Wage
earner, and your family, whether such
a houae ahgll longer be left to fight this.
oatue xor riant singie-nsnaea ana aiona.
Th atorcs that do bualnesa under eover
of darkness do not depend upon the plu
tocrat for "plutocrats do not trade on
Baturday nlghta. It Is ths great
masses which furnish . the powder - that
Ughta these - glittering slave pens- Into
the nights. Thousands of your .fellow
tollers are. crying to. yoir from out of
the depths, to-come over on their aid
lid help, v Will yon do it? or will you
pass by on th other aide, and continue
buying or stores that stay open nights,
allowing your - fellow-beings and co
worker to sink deeper and 'deeper' In
the slough of deapond and despair T You
can no longer walk in th middle of the
road. - "The' time has eome when organ
laed labor and humanity moat; show
their eolors enuat prove -true- to them
selves and their principle, or forever
maintain a shamefaced alienee. What
snail it he. hrother andjUtrT-jLWlll
you -refuse to shop after g p. -m. and
boojvthey crave or ahallwe ee you.
ifhen anotner BaturdaV firgfif'TolIg
around, aiding to crush ' .thousand by
helping to flU th stores that keep, open
rights? To those who are shocked by
tbe-wlnln way In which we preaent facta,
we would say: i ' Wt don't believe In
sugar-coating a pill It take
dissolve, and do Its work. That person
who ca ' shock society haa the world be
fore him.'. To araua it, on, need only
to be- clever, but to -ahoek It requires
genius.' Do you know, we'll wager the
hock will do you good?
. . " aimd .KJasI Yst, ' : ;', ?
From the Detrolt'Trlbuna.
"Ooorgei dear." , aald the . fair mll
who was new to the. game. , "when the
man with th - wire toilet mask says
'Piny bell.'- what ev-b-naanr- i
"When certain team r engaged la
the ..contest." answered George, - 'It
means tlirj he I sonawhat sarotlc"
Home M Fashion
West of Chicago
tasks equal to your powers, pray for
you shall be a miracle. Every
tne grace of uod. Fniuips. Brooks.
' The Royal Hawaiian band will plajf
Its - evening concerts in th Auditorium,
Instead of, at tb bandstand, beginning
Monday vnlng. Th band's programs
for today at th fair will b a fol
low: . :-..',''.-' i V "-: .': ..'-'-;-::
Aftmoott r Grand march, ' "Ha
waii Nel.", (Berger); .overture, ' "Victor
Emanuel.'' Kllng); vocal, (a) "Hoo
heno," (b) Xdhi Kal Chl, Madam
Nans . Alapal; finale, "Tannhauser,'
(Wagner); vocal., (a) "ICo Koo," (b)
"Komal Hoeueu,1 Royal Hawaiian Otee
club; "Orand Musical International
Congress.". . .. (Sousa); . vocal, . (a) tWal
Mapuna,". b "Ahea O." Madame Man
Alapal: In termesso, "Kamara," (McKIa
ley);. vocal, (a "Mololanl," b) 'X'sno
ho An a Kupa," Royal Hawaiian Ole
club; final. "Cruel Belles,- (Lamps);
"Hawaii Ponot," "The 8Ur-8pangled
Banner." . ''.'",'';." .:
. Evening- program March, "Festival,
(Kappy);, overture, "Jubilant." (Flo
tow); vocalTXa) "Li Ponl Mol," (b)
"8wt lt Morao," Madam Nans' Ala
pal: introduction, "Lohengrin." . (Waav
ner); vocal, (a) "L11U Wal Alcha." (b)
"Kau Lewa Ana," Royal Hawallaa Glee
club: "Remlnlncenoes of ' AH Nation,
(Godfrey) ; vbcaV (a) TCuu Wehlwehl.'
"Gloria," twelfth mass, fMoaari) : vooaL
i "ll Plhakr'f b) J'HOT-Or-Ha.
Royal Hawaiian uie ciut: march, "Th
Spirit of Liberty," (Bousa); "Hawaii
Ponol." "Th. 8tar-Bpangld Banner."
ttrlder the auspice of the Independent
Order of B'nai B'ritlJ a special meeting
will be held Sunday evealng at t o'clock
st Tmpl Beth IsraeL Addrs -In
which th alma of .tve orgruiiaatlon will
be presented will t delivered by Mn
As her and OUo Irving Wise of Ban
Francisco, f 0 -nt and grand
orator, re , of-district grand
lodve No. . I. - r crk-n will pre--
st t . - a i ,;.- t p,.-
f' t Mitlo a will
b I iv. ! . . A. T. L ftor Ut.
Ooo 1 1 . ; ;vor '.-',. I
6 -
powers -
day you
For th first tlm In th bla
de tory of government building
at exposition, those at the
d Lewis and Clark fair will be
open to th publlo on a national
d and atate holiday tomorrow.
d V It Is officially announced that
Uncle Barn's 4uildlnga at th fair
will b open H day on Labor
day. 8eptmbp 4. A Ursa at-
tendanoe of th wage-earners Is
, expected at the fair on that day.
and the government exhibit will
e - be one of th star attractions.
' V '
Tb erdr of vnt. at th x posi
tion Sunday will be aa follows;
- a. m. 3ta opn. , ... .
IS- m. Exhibit building and Trail
1:30 p. m. Grand concert Royal Ha
waiian band, bandstand. Gray boulevard.
Ita buildings clqse ri '
"p. m. FOralgn"Na UonV" celefara rfo,t
and. icptlon President Ooode, Andl-
torlum,. Tenth' Infantry band, ,
p. m. Exhibit buildings close.
T:H p. tn.- Grsnd concert, Roysl J"v
wallan band, bandstand. Gray boulevard.
' I p. m. Grand electrical Illumina
tion, ;-''..''- I .... " ' '-
ll'p, m. Gates cine. . . "
northwest ec;tc:d
Th Oregon tat Pr' '
will meet September
Amsrlcan. Inn. The V:
paencUtloa will r" -Tueavlsy
snd on V....
prtrtund la a txn'-r.
-. 1 - t
.. ' t i
In s . 1
m mm-