The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 03, 1905, Image 12

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    : cionm vnw mask ,,- . t , ,.., . . jr-- . . .,.---.. .. .. c&wnaun vz i i nx .
When ifcis briter know
Hundreds ofPbrtland's
of Portland business men;
We have sold more Clothfinff, Hats, Caps, Men's Furnishing Goods and Alen's and Boy's JFobtwear
we expected to dispose of in the first week of our business life in Oregon and this has given us broad opportunity to bring to
the attention of eve
Just to introduce ourselves we are sell-1
mg , iucn s ccgani vusiom-iaiiorea
Suits, single and double breasted, plain .
i ajrd ancxiaUJiwool xworsteds, 115 sack
' and swagger swell cuts, silk serge lined i
'and s ncr seweaall union madeT"sold
An extraordinary- fine" assortment of
Satin Panel. Lined Cheriots, meltons.
tweeds- and silk; mixtnres, all union.
made and sola , up
to $22.50 a suit. ' V r
A', most enticing.stock.of,.Overcoats for;"
k Boys, consisting of fine paddock pale-,
tot, belt and box, ulsters and universi-'
: homespuris,' which we are selling at
'$10 and $12l values3:'Kow. ''.f 425 ':.
; $15 and $18 values.. Now. , , ..f 7.75
-i $20 and S valuesANpw.;..,? 95 ;
Imported -Tweeds, r Homespuns '' and
Whipcords, hand-sadded shoulders and
' collars, unbreakable , front, and silk
. lined throughout, union .made, and low
Exclusive and exceptional examples, of
the tailor's art in 'splendidly fashion-1
able men's overcoats, hand-made
throughout ; splen-"i
did value at $25 to '
$30. ; Now;. . ; . W
1,4 ... s' . .
: Soft' and Staff, all blocks
1 - and , 'shades ; ' grand $2
values. Now. . ,v . . . , ,
, Kegular and Universal $3 SeUers. fall
stiff, ; black " and
brown. Now.'.i..1ir
Dest Grade Custom-Made" Mat; made i
to sell ffv
for $C .
l';nTs Pants--
" ..." ' ' -, i. . , . ,..
Every t I::s . Vorth Three Times the
Priv-e ' ."i'i Tced: on-Them.-See-
Portland's professional
The glorious vacation days are practically over and it's time now to get the children ready for -'sc-hootr London's ir head
quarters for Boys' High Quality School
1 L : it. . .!. .
. udrct ever accu 111 ihc wfsu x iiciiis tlwiiu
-v. ..! j j; 1. T ! t "
Come - Monday v and benefit
Y : Pays' Scfcwtr Sails it $U5
. Youll not be able to- equal .them else--
where for $3 Splendid Suits,; made from
" m ' A A ' . T , If
good wearing wool cassimeres, in medium
; )ind dark pattern effects," suits that are
. built for; service as well as good .looks
sizes 6 to 1 years, ; As a school opening!
Special Monday, ' at Lbn
Idoo's,ren6ice,.of, hundreds
for... .........
Good quality ' drab ' corduroy all ' seams
taped, hip pockets and suspender buttons,
.' just, the thing for knockabout A
wear; - regular 7$c " kind. ; For 0
Monday's opening sale. r.. mt)
t A' Dollar"" Will' Spread Over a "Barrer of Territory far This Part of Our Store.- There are bargains here that cannot be thought '
of in any similar establishment in this bright city.- Here are the figures.;. Peruse them for yourselves. -, If they do not appeal ;
ito' your pocketbook then nothing, on tMs''earth-wiH;'H .1.;,
' Men's Wool Sweaters, in stripes, grays, j Towels, Rough Crash; 10c kmdj". Men's Lisle and Silk Web Suspen- " V;
' blacks and blues: regular $2 values.
""NOW ...a..-.... ''.". a. .... . .55
... ,;..' ,v r?
y Children's Long Hose, dbuble knee and
-heel; standard 35c grade. vUt. - -i'
Now y .. ........ . V". . . i . .V . . .....8H
Black Silk and Satin Bows; regular..
'.'JStQc grade 1 NO w . . . i V . 10
Shield Bows and Band ' Bows, 1 desirable
and distinct designs; formerly priced V
s at two-bits. 1 Now ..... ... . ".s ', . . . ."if. 9
Children's Fleece Lined Sanitary Under
wear, crackerjack 75c Values j ; , '
, .NqW't a ! a .. . . a .' v. .... a. ( Z 35
.... - v -r, - : ..- ....... ; t . ,
Children's Medium Weight ' Underwear,
sizes-up, to 1? years; only standard t4
75c Values.: Now. .. t . .ii ;v.V..23 -
"iid 'hundreds of "other 'bargains
came Trom a piatc ucwunucnui atuyuy. ii uuuc nuiii a vuu iuwii uui nui u guyu as roruanar-
Portland people are being good to us, and they. will, always find us worthy of their. friendship. "We a;e
r" k ;- ":: " '' metropolis ras they arc to'. us.," ;..-'. ",- tizrr'-'-'h.'---'V'
Wherryoii buy at London's you get exactly what we. tell you you are getting you are entitled to all of t.hat. .
Mail orders accompanied wth certified check or P. 0. orters will receive attention same day as received.
A jUJ vH
.... r,..
men, Portland's laboring
Clothes, and is now exhibiting the largest, best selected and richest lines of boys', ap-
. it..:. 1 11 J 1 i iL.4'it ij; i j a:. !.-
London's., WVe positivel rt guarantee better, clothes for: less Tnoneythanrcan be obtained elsewhere. .
nefit'.by these' special trade inducements. ''.ffrT''
2f$p;;"E Scbocl SO ct I2.CS ' 'V' v'ys''sd:ocl Ssili'ct $5i5 7iX "
wtui iiicir uuys wct uiesscu, 111 euua .nii
i . . in .u.l c-
They're equal and in many instances even
superior to the $3.50 kinds shown else
wherebuilt of all wool fabrics in service
giving and nobby patferns,-fully 20 new
and clever styles in this line, sizes to fit
6ys bl all ages. "Parents will do well to
carefnlly study the merits of these splen
did , clothes.' As; a 'school
. opening special . Monday,
choice for..;.
Of percales, cheviots and madras cloths-
all the-well known makes, big assortment
of patternssizes 4 '.to 15 years; Ort I
75c values." For Monday's open-v ff?
ing said. , ... . t. . J Lm'J 1
Now ; ; i ; .V. .'. ....... .4
Overalls and' Jumpers. " Now . , . ,47
. . : -v- ' . : jtt: t
Reversible Silk Fourrin-Hands, good,
glittering values at . 50c i "? now . i. . i: 19
Eight Cases Men's Fleece Lined Sanitary
Underwear; never sold at less than; ;-'
$1 per garment. . Now. . ... . .. .....43
Jlfen's Derby Ribbed Underwear; extra,
special values t$1.25. Brown only.' '". ' ':
AH -sizes. " Now. .:, l .'. ;.-.'. ;"; . y. 57
Silk Tecks and Scarfs; alluring 1 and tat-
tractive ; . worth and well ; prjeed at-U
50C' NOW. . . a a a .' l ... ,'... . a a ,. . 10
i .1" i- . w. ' ,
Men's. Regulation Police and Firemen's
Suspenders ; standard and - universal
50c seller. Now.'......... ..a ... .17
just like ; theseTTThlif Is the place to
men j Port
wui Kc maiinic unu saiisiyinK service,
: j T
The very finest School Suits shown any
where in America at the price products ;
of the most talented boys clothes tailors ;:
h in the United States, over 30 distinctly ;
qinercni siyics in mis line, an xne very.;,
'smartest .and dressiest effects for boys 3
to 16 years of age; un equaled ekewhere i
under $10 to' $12. '; As a school opening
jspecial Monday at Lon
don's, choice r ;;; i-h ..t:y.:
-- Boys' ScocI Ccst fcr ltcv,",;-
.Absolutely fast black,' double heels, and
toes sizes 6 - to 10, fine ;ork heavy rib;
stockings fully worth 25c . For Vl-A-"
Monday's openin g V- ';;v;t.-'l l r
sale. ............., . JL4j '-.
ders; splendid 25c values. Now...; 12t
Boys' Strong, Stout, Heavy Suspenders
30 dozen ; 'good 25c values.- rv:
Fancy: Cotton. Hose stripes, plaids and
silk, embroidered ; regular 23c values. .3
Black Cotton Hose, seamless and double
heeled," also1 tan;, same grade; regular
25c . values, Now, . .', , j.t . . . . . . . 7
White ' Linen Handkerchiefs $
:reguar , 10c kind. 1 Now. . . . V; .2 for 5e ."
'il' -'1. -L, ' , '.. . :- '. '"r' :
Blue and Red Bandanas, .-';,- .v . .'
large 10c size. . jow. .
:.. ;s for
Jap Silk. Handkerchief t7That'tAll.
trade.TT It Is'a yvoriderfurstore. ; It
U 9 l Allii
9ih Kfn
two days; than.;
-ioi better, tor s tne . money eyerwom.
ion .human..f eet
Box Calf ; Shoes, in plain; lace and
Blucher" lasts ; - well iff f
.worth $25. . Now..'n'VO
The Standard $3.50 Shoe -Morocco
; kid, warranted ; counter, in Blucher,
plain lace, Pbtiy and . (h '
congresi lasts. Now.',iPc J
Patent ,Calf and Colt, in all the latest "
-fall models, the. Slater, Potayj Blucher
and Gusar lasts fhever sold for less ,
than $4.50. i .. ;r.
, Now.,;.. . . i ;
.. UmbrcDss. '
Tremend"ons assortment, just"now-ie
fore the rainy season, going kt-'
$1.50 Umbrellas. 5 J: :JigsJ'
;NO W a ; ........ aaa. a aa ... a
$2 and $2.50 Umbtes.'t';;: ,"
Nnw .1---"..... orjL,
'y".a.. ..., , ,
Stylifctp-tHOte Goods Marked at;
W i Mtnwttvtiy' teV Jrk r ;
";.v:. - : r -T; . w tW...v
; Men's Negligee Shirts, in darlf and.
lights patterns with detached cuffs
made from extra quality percale and"
" cheviot, sizes. 14 to 17 ' Tjiese'are all
new fall styles. " We -have fi )-",
marked them at, each .V . . . . UU ;
- Men's Colored Negligee Shirts, all our
regular ' $1.50 nd $2. qualities, mad"
either with', cuffs attached or detached;
v best of pearl buttdtfs, all linen neck and, '
; perfect fit. To be-fClosed out QCr '!
at, each. ; i . . , . .pT r', !
.".' ":' ' s ' 'i'"-'"'." '
Men's , Nightshirts,' inade irom Heavy";
twilled cotton and also from vhite cot-'-
ton" with . neat ' fancy' trimmings, -52 .
.inches long-and extra wide. We "have -.made.
the price at, f
. ..eaCh'.a ...a a . a . a. . ..'
;, i". vl - ' -
50 Dozen Men's Fine Ribbed Balbri'e-' '
r"gan-Shirts and Drawers, made from an ,
Textra - quality of Egyptian combed ;
yarn.- The shirts' are extra made' and
.the drawers; haye spliced seafs.-; These...
hirts and drawers are' just-the right
insight foOaJ.h;s.,have CfZ
marked them... . .. . . t'y
100 Dozen Silk f?Four-in-Hnds, ' excel-V
i.le'nt quality, rich "and heavy, all good
.patterns; regularly sold' at f 50c.. .To.
be closed out this week at,. f, rj 1, :
Teach; r;v. .l.v : In r 'U Q.. '