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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1905)
f - I t . atari ciyi::"..:; .a o r-1 V 0. . - e i n j ' .. . .'.-.. 1 I 1; 14' r . ....... 4 . -'.,- '.;."' , , 2, is - -I v - J. - t. " v I'"' ' ' v. . ' 1 1 I '..J." v. :- i ; . . .... v ; ,. - . ' I I' 'I I " UAlAfc WWIJ Jmf UI VU4UVM nVUII.WIU W mM WM W mm-m . : . -north sixty mUes ii Mount "Adam., 12,470 feet highV on Puget Sound, one hun- . ouxre 'the every direction, as far. as the eye can see, stretch bounteous fields of grain and scores of fertile val leys. Those who donot care to scale the summit have ample opportunity 4o hunt and fish, vn:":. make short trips to Eliot Glacier, or side', trips into the woods, always finding something new , 1 I t . ; - ,.' -J ' dred and fifty miles away, is Mount Rainier, 14,410 feet, and to the west is Moi - : , n!. 'r '- f St. Helens, 0,760 feet, saying nothing of the lesser peaks. For miles and miles 1 , v a . mighty Columbia is seen winding its way through .the gteat section, while in ev "".'" " . direction, as far as the eye can see, stretch bounteous fields of grain and scores of fertile i - - - 'V .... T..?...T..- -c i , 3 . . , rrii A, ind inWesting. Cloud Cap Inn, unique and picturesque,'stands at snow line on the northeast- ' " i ' era slope of the mountain at an elevation of 8,800 feet and from this point the ascent is made. . ' The Oregon Railroad ft NavigationCompany has placed on sale $15 round triptieketj;cxr t f v ir- for 10 days," including lunch going and returning at Mount Hood Hotel, Hood River ; stage - . ' - v .fare, two nights lodging and five meals at Cloud Cap ImH. Particulars' and O. R. AN; Sum mer Book telling all about the trip, by asking at Third and Washington Streets, Portland. ' i i'.'ff v - " - --,----s- i . , Ji . - - ' - n - . . '-'.( ' i . ' - ! v . - .. , . .,4.V " - : i , - , '.v " s- 4 " ' , .', ' . - ----J-- - ' .' -''. , , rl , M : v ,- ..J , 1 r . r, . -. - ' , . . , ,( . . .... , . - ' ( ' . , . r r-- - r- ; ' y - .... r .... , .; - j. qrf,.. U. ryMrfh -"-t- Jzl:'; ' -t3 , . . V . . . ' 1--1- - -'t'- . . . . ' i " ...v..v, . t". ' ' ' ' ' r. .... f- ; :'.'--,r.f - - - t i . 7 ... t , ,; . - i - ,y y , . . . . . . , " , ' ' 1 ; i ' t i w -i- . 1 - -' - ' " ' " ij w 'J.l..! ' . r, ' , I" " " - ' " ?r tl"-'' '"'V;" "'r,t - ,- - .. -sli.' 'v:'".' v-;. - "-;.'; " , ' feFaH-to Talio Tills -Trin : 'v- :' - : , - -:.: ;- ' :. . - - - ' C. ;W.:STINGlXEl, City Ticket Agent O. IL & W. Co. SECona HERCULES SALE MADE One ; Sixty Fourth Taken on T" Basis of. Four Million DoU7r- Iars Valuation.1- , MANAGER SAYS: HIS MINE , IS WORTH MORE tWif ' of Early Stockholder Disposes , v of Her Interest in .Coear. d'Alene . Bonsnxt to Thote , Who Hold the - - Majority -of Stock. " ' r tlon Indicated br the ta 14.000.004 for tha nttr mine.' Aa the divldanda from th property last yeawar $67, vvv wimoui a. coiKwniraiorr n la Bvpar ally eonoeded that thla aaJa la at a aacrt flca flKura.' H.U Day, ona of tha heav leat owners and manaavr- of tha Her- culra, wa quoted recently In tha tat nifnt that tha company retarded rite mine aa worth fully f 19.09,00. -Paul-aon-Huttqn Intereata have -an easy ma jority of Herculea atock with tha recant purohaaaa. v-r- ' ' '' ' another drill here. 'r rSpeclat MMrh to Tbe foenaLt . r' ' Hpokane. Waah., ' 8pt. ! I. Another ttna-alxty-fourtb Intereat l tha famoua Xerculea mlna In the Corur. d'Alenea, Idaho, la being- mM for I6J.I0O Thin ahara la to ba Durchaeed-by tha Paulaoiw t Ilutton Intereata, which laat week pur ' chaaed a one-alxty-fourth , Intereat . of II. V. Samuels. .. ; 1 . ' . V i na past year thla . one-alxty-rourtn . Intereat haa paid 1750 a month In- dm denda. Thla la tha rlchaat mine In the Coeur d'Alenea, and ita treat proflta are made entirely from crude ore, aa it la taken from tha mine. Theee two- trans fer are tha -only ones that , have been made since tha property. became a pro- . Tha aale was by Mrs. Blrkerton, the divorced wife Of H. F. Samuels, who laat 'week sold hla one-sixty-fourth Interest to the same people.- Tha baata of valua DaWng Poivflor An Gooijo'nv The rjrice, is one third that o( any other high grade bale- r1 powder, f 3C::3f::Cjt:H:3 Vortlaaa Oompaay OparaUas I Bake ' Ooaaty meeelTsa Staadard Mig rUat. -A Keyston proapaetlna; drill for the Weatern Exploration Dredclna; com pany, which, haa headquarters here but operates In Baker county, haa been re ceived and will be put at-work anon. The company's land la In Bnr'ht River valley, where there -haa been, a heavy placer work for a halt -century. .Oeorte w. Kimnau. a oredce - expert "from Placervllle, California, Is to have chart of the prospecting work, which wlU be proaecuted thoroughly before 'any addi tional equipment la Inatalled. . - MINING NOTES. ' : Summing up the work recently -done at the dranby smelter, ki British Colum bia, tha Boston News Bureau says the company earned In June 184,000 from, a production of 1,1(0.000- pounds' of cor, per. In May 1(7.004 from 1.S2M09 production, . and for July the earning) Will be close to f 100,000. The average for tha paat three or four months, with atx furnaces, has been t'2.000, or. SO cents' a share, which would make the annual earnings, 11,100.000.. With the new furnacea It is eetlmatod that tht earning wilt-be $.115.000 'a month, of IMS a share on 1.1S0.O0O sharea. . amount of low-grade base ore In the district which will not stand shipment, and which cannot be leached. ' He thinks the only hope of aver handling tt is to have a matting plant erected at a con venient point, and says that tha mlnlmf men of the camp are anxious to encour age suck an .enterprise.'.j.Tt.. GUSS PLANTS REOPEN ' . WORKERS WIN STRIKE ' Mioaraal Speeltl 8nlea. Pittsburg. Pa.. Sept. I Most of the glass manufacturers in the glass dls trist have signed the Burns wsga scale anil everything Is In readiness for the resumption. . The wsgs question may ba considered aatlsfactorlly aettlad. and be ginning with today ever 10,000 men will ba given employment In the planta which havs resumed work under the new scale. During the period of Inactivity many of the large manufacturers - gave their plants a thorough overhauling and mads sll necessary repairs so ss to ba sble to take up work with their furnaces, etc. in good condition. ,i - - Grants Pass. . Or., . Sept I.- "Almond Baker and J. E. Chappell 6f Ooldendalo, WaaWngton, president and . secreterr, respectively, of the Grants Paaa Marble Urns company, are looking after tha interests - of tha- compsny-They- are pleased with tha showing- mads at the qusrry and the quality .and. .ttuanUtyjf lime manufactured. - A WedSlaa; ta taa WeoAs. ( . (Joersal Bpeelal 8r.lce.t ; . . : - Loon Lake, N. Spt. Miss Flor ence Fargo and Frederick Wheeler are to be marrled In the woods nee r the Fargo camp on Loon Lake, one of the most charming spots In the Adlrondscks. Only members of the family and sdme of their ' friends who are sharing the hospitality of the camp will sttend the picturesque wedding ceremony In tbe woode. '- .r V -.. . - - - 'JtuJ.J. AMERICAN SOLDIERS IN PEACEFUL INVASION ;'.' (loans! aseciui BerriM.1 . .j ' Toronto, Out, Sept. I. Tha Seventh fourth ' regiment, : New .Tork National Guard, arrived here from Buffalo, New Tork, thla morning, accompanied by a . jo. ys, wno awns a. quarts prop erty "near the Big Foots creek dredging plant. Douglas county, said this moraine that when he left the district to visit the fair the dredge management' was busy installing tha at Ha thought It would be a month before the plant would be ready to resume again; , bat said when : work" did . oom fnenca ' with tha Innmml i k Champlln boat : would ba ready to dn ibi of the most aff active work ever recorded on tha nnaiL TM kn. . 1-foot buckets, and Is a marvel in the way or nsnaiing ssrtn With low power requirements. When electricity is use-1 greater economy-in. thla reanact.ia . peeted. .' . . A. D. Leroy, one of the lAcomoratnre of the Bohemia Smelting A Refining company, aaya the operators . of the camp ere serious in the, desire to get a matting. plant near their propartles. According, to Mr. Leroy there le a large V . , . , r7Tir II fi lliri.' I lrig)1 LqiiqUSuo 1? Pleasant to take and does, not eripe or nauaccto CurSs rGhrohic ; Const! pation. Stomach trnd Civor Troublo .Stimulation Without Irritation. ; Oknro Laxative 'Fruit Syrup is a new IT laxative syrup combined with the dell cious flavor of fruits,. and is very pleas ant to take.. Jt Will not gripe or sicken. It is much more pleasant and effective than Pills, Tablets and Saline Waters, as it does not derange , the Stomach, or irritate the Kidneys,-Liver or Bowels. , " V-?.' "' f Constipations,'.' v: Okiko Laxative Fruit Syrup will posi tively cure, chronic constipation as it re stores the natural action of the intestinal tract. Ordinary cathartics may give tem porary relief but the stomach is upset and the bowels are irritated without any permanent benefit having been derived. The condition of the patient remains un changed. The Stomach, Liver and Bowels have not been 'stimulated and in a few days a stronger purgative may have to be taken. This is why Pills and Aperient Waters never give permanent relief. Their violent action results in an unnat ural movement of the bowels and it is nec essary to keep taking them indefinitely. Why ORINO la different. Oamo Laxative Fruit syrup is the only preparation that really acts upon all of the digestive organs. Other prepar ations act upon the lower bowel only and do not touch the Liver. It can very read ily be seen that a preparation that does not act upon all of the digestive organg can not cure Chronic Constipation, Torpid Liver, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, etc - For Biliousness and Sic!l- 'V..;t-.' Headaches - :; - Take O&nro Laxative Fruit Syrup. IJ sweetens tbe stomach, aids digestion and acts as a gentle stimulant on the liver and bowels without irritating these organs. Clears the Complexion. Oanro Laxative Fruit Syrup stimulate! the liver and thoroughly cleanses the system ' and clears .. the -complexion of pimples and blotches. It is the best lax ative for women and children as it is mild and pleasant, and does not gripe or sicken. i.ef use substitutes. OMR GUARANTEE Take ORINO Laxative Fruit Syrup and if you are not satisfied your money will bo rof undede fraparad only by FOLEY a CO., Chicago, lit. ' : . . SOLD AND RECOMMENDED DY v LAUE -DAVIS DRUG COMPANY AND VyOODARD, CLARKE A COMPANY. A., "A babe In the boose to a wcQ-efrnt; of pleasure " if he to properly fed ani well aoorished, then he to happy and everybody is happy." , Your baby wtn be healthy tad happy and a ere 11 -spring of pleasure, tf youi iwiU rir him MeUin's rood. ' Sample bottle sent free of chatf. ban of pieces.T The ylsltlng; soldiers, who' carried their ' arms and complete marchlnr outfit, were recelred by aa enormous, crowd.' which - cheered them when toer. stepped from the trelnJThe officers of the. Queen's Own : red men t were assembled st the station and aare he American officers a hearty welcome.' Uba vleltlna solilers sasrah.a, wltfc uie band playing martial aire, to their eamphic (round, and sU alona- the Una ef march they were cheered by tha crowds. In the afternoon they will be presented to Lord Qrey, v . , , A ARE YOU GOING EAST? : tt Se, Xaem About taa Very W o. B. y.'. ' V Saeee, . . , Septembef 7, i. and 1. the O. R. ft N. pieces on esls rery low rate long time tickets east, account-1, O. (X T. trend lodve meatlns, Philadelphia. Pa. Particulars by' asking at city ticket of fice, Third and Washington streets, Portland. ' te M ow aware .f tse Le.- sa lr. MaXUN'S FOOD CO, SOSTON, HAM. here today to take ' tbe pasaengere to Denver. Colorado, where the Grand Army encampment will open next Monday. . 1 FRIENDS-STILL-MOURN- -F0R.MISSJIAUDLHUST I Tnamyetefy"1 ojrTfis"dtsappearsncs orsaauds Ruat. aged -If years, deepens. Every clus -that xould afford a solu tion bae been- run , down but ' to no good purpose. .''" '...'"""--- - Chief of Police Orltamacher haa r celved word - from the authorities at Reuo,-Nv.. that, ths girl Is not there. Ona theory was' thst she might hare left for Reno with E. E. Kellogg.' her etep-fathsr. , Kellogg denlee all knowl edge of her whereabouta. . i .', It has been ascertained that a mis take has been mads by ths person who thought he ssw Miss Rust at Clacka mas station in the company of bai mother and two men a-f.w daya ego. Mra. Rust .aassrts that, at that tlma sha was at home, end has wltnessss to prove her statement. ' -A,-- atari foe Jtaeasapmsat. i Boston, Sept I. A special train load-1. eT with veterans from this city and other, cltiee In thla sute sUrted from I aursriuka 1 4f,' ' i '. ; BRJOMT, SffAPPT, " iasty-Ffintin Tidy PressworkV Harmony of Col ors. We are paatmaetera in thla 'art ; .- ;; -......, : ..( 147 WONT T. . Tel. Ma . Bet. Morrison' and' Atdsr. ' : There haa been end win e no- change b the. prices of Mineral Water, Soaa Water. mphohTlyrupeT eta : tie - MBHWss Jtf4f-BMB'ette eAeWSeWsVas! ell reports to the contrary aat withstanding, " STA2tbnLc:sv:r3 Vheae Mam 'mT " tfnej'u : -: .1-1 i.