The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 02, 1905, Image 2

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    V -' : -
Man't .Ingenuity Show Itself In
Interesting Form In Manu- v
.facturer Building. jSe
a Remarkable variety , .
' of the displays shdwn
Viaitori Find Instruction and Enter-
Jtainmen in n Examination of th
.Wares Which Cover Wide Ran
of invention and Production. :
.. -." An Infinite variety' of exhlblta. more
r "Or lea ingeniously presented to the. are
. of - the curlouslty seeker, make : th
Manufacturer' . building' at th , lwi
. ' and Clark exposition one of th moat
. v Interacting olaoee on tha around. . Kv-
ary foot of available apace la ooeupie&J
( and everything . la kept scrupulously
't clean and la perfect order, although
I thouaanda of vlaltorg daily paaa through
; it many corridor. . ,' V- ' -
The hum Of Industry la heard from
, the moment one entera the aouth door,
where the Portland Cordag company
1 lia a splendid dlaplay of hempen pro-
duct, -and machinery, nicrodHig a mod
rn spinning machine la operation, man
ufacturing binding twine. Tha company
' Haw ev dlaplay of filial hemp from YOca-
tan, tha world' source of eupplv for
that particular aorC and Manila hemp
from th Fhlllpplnoa. .tha. only aource
Of gupply for. tola variety1 of rope mv
ferial. -. v- , ,.
. There la .practically no barking 1 1
' thla- building and no crowd congregate
at any particular, place, although .there
r article lor aala at many boo.ths.
The only suggeetion of a crowd la aeea
occaaioruUly before the booth where a
.""low-voided, orator 'telle" of 'the' wonders-
OX'a patent. top, ana spins it aa an-aor
companiment of tha story. The top d
flea all known laws of gravitation, and
eubetltutea a law of lta own that cauaee
amaaemant In all who ee the perform-
' anca. ' Over at the Waldea Knife oom
; panya booth la a email manufacturing
plant to ahow bow pocket knives are
made, , Toe company has a force of
eight people at, tha fair. . Among ' the
most' novel of the "moving" exhibits
la ' that . of - the Broderick Ba scorn
- power rope factory, which la worth go
ing miles to gee.:;,. '..! ". ,"'y
SawfaeT Bnttona by - Machinery. : A.
The Singer Sowing Machine company
: baa an exhibit made up of machinery
exclusively, which la one of the most In
teresting at tha fair.; - It Includes nearly
10 aorta of sewing maehinea. made for
, alt Imaginable -varieties of sewing, from
the fashioning of a laoa cottar to th
sewing of a button, on , a shoo. In a
booth 100 feet' away Is a weaving ma
. china In operation, putting plcturee Into
ellk handkerchiefs and wraps Tha pic
ture" of the government building at the
"fair la a favorite in the Hat.- -r- -
Woodard & Clark have a email plant
'. In operation to show tha method of man-
nfaoturlng trusses, supporters, and ban
: dagea, and tha weaving .machine at-
- tracts mooh attention." The Koken -Bar-
oers - euppiyorapany-aa great-dt
play of chairs, and la the center of the
, spaoe la a glgantlo -one that. Is con
stantly revolving. The- Mergenthaler
1 Linotype company. of Naw,Tork .la there
With a dlaplay of, the latest type-eetting
na fiug-oaating macninery used in ttbe
l newspaper offices "of tha ctfuntry. Tort
land' Job printers have not neglected
. their opportnnltlea of . publicity. .The
Jrwin-Hodsoa company ' has In opera
tion a novel machine for printing from
.' steet die. JBwshong tt Co. have a preaa
' roonv Twltb, the Huber .Hodgeman book
press OJ operation. The Melhle Printing
Presg company has a handsome display
J. K OIU e Co. present aa. exhibit of
magnifying glasses and stationer nov
elties.. . .. , : ;,. ':
Oook ptavea. aa JUUUne sfaohlaea. f
-Tba contents -of the building Include
- nearly every oonunarom product mad
,la America, from a cook stove to aa In
.. trtcate machine for adding up long col-
..vvi -,v..--vi- r-. h a i a'.;-- a-. ,
ii ?i ii ' ii : . ii -1 1 ii
v. ' V
Wiq si Impotii&i&t
y- iio bne caictell-good ' bJong t powder, ,;:
- ' l I J .11-. L... L1l 1 ' . '
- v The price is seme giitde., but potman in- '
' Some clieicip brands may raise diejJqughlll-l
yetlxiiiinwKblesoin mgredients.' ' :r
; V rrfA to follow kthe f ecpriimendarions of the
: -r'
-, ..f,V -U ." . '
. .t 1',, .
umns of figures In a banker'f counting
room, i w j
The Portland furniture --dealera - and
manufacturera have Installed some mag
nificent exhibits. - The Oregon Furni
ture. H anufacturfng company ha "a dla
play of ta product that Is-egOkl to
anything shown at ex poult Ion a by the
great furniture " factories, of the east.
and lncludee poll ah ed Oregon' woods
and a alab of myrtle that la an object of
euiuusiasuo aa miration oi every visitor.
xne jjoernoecner . .Furniture Manu
f acturing wmpany showa- a 'paneled
house In which are exhibited sets of lta
handsomest furniture. - Tull Qtbba
have a"' furniture dlaplay .that for ele
gance rivala anything la the building.
It Include a dlnlng-roora set -of Italian
renaissance style, valued at H. 00. . .
An exhibit that attracts the curious
ie .that of the Sweeny Surgical Manu
facturing company, showing all aorta of
hospital fttrnitur and equipment for the
uperoimg-roqin iioe DV la I lie dwu
of tha A. A. Marks Artificial Limb com
pany, wjth a varied assortment of sub
stitutes for -those removed by accident
or design." . '""".v"7-;;:"rr
, Bailway sTannlnery and AJllgwaosa.: 'I
The Railway List company , shows
machinery and methoda of modern rail
way construction. Including tha steam
shovel and -similar equipment ' The' Pa
olfie Coaat Rubber oomiany display an
intereetlnr lot of metallic. rOfcber and
cotton tubing, belting and other rubber
gooda .. -The .Bower Rubber company
has a novel exhibit, the piece do resistance,-
being a revolving figure of a
womn.-Tlfs- -lay"wtth a- rubber neeli
about three feet long, surmounted with
a smiling face and a new aprlng hat.
'A striking exhibit la made by the
OroMmait .Leather -company, whose
booth la decked with-aa array of alli
gator hides and stuffed alligators - of
all varieties and slsea . from. B.
Augustine, Florida .- In tha-booth work
men are buay . fashioning purse and
other goods of alligator akin. The Fair
banks Soap company deserves to. rank
among tha possessors of original - Idea
at th exposition. In the midst of Its
dlaplay la a giant foantaln, aurmounted
by a nymph supposed to r present-Fairy
soap. Prom the . fountain la constantly
exuded clouds of audaV Among the most
creditable of loeal displays la that of
tha Lutke -Manufacturing . company,
makers of showpaaes and, store f Ixturea
:V,- -Van ' Oharx and Aatealah.'.
Eastern and southern people pause In
wonderment and. admiration-before the
displays of Portland furriers. Tha firm
of H. Uebes ax Co, and the Sihrerfleld
Fur. aompany have outdone all previous
effort In the Paclflo northwest the
horn of the real fur exhibit. Here are
seen -magnificent Tura, made op in their
most attractive .forme for ' ruga and
wearing apparel, or mounted forms of
th animals from which tha fure are ob
tained. Thar are polar "bear, grUsltee,
black and brown -bear, moose, elk. deer,
goat, veal, cougar, leopard, beaver, otter,
all varieties of tha splendid fox families
of Alaska and British Columbia, tiger,
lion and even buffalo.
r-1 hare ' are other Interestingexhibits,
both of machinery and commercial prod
ucts, and many display of manu
factured goods. Ai novel machine la
shown by - a California Inventor who
transfers tha grain of any wood to lum
ber, of another variety by meana of two
rotary cylinders, one aurrounded by a1
jacket of the wood from which tha grata
la to ba copied. - The latest milk con
denser, tba neweat things In all line
of manufacture and Invention, may be
seen.. , ' ; . - . ' '
The ManUfacturee building- la well
worth a half day of the visitor" time.
. - ' '- at naaiv : hlinvuut
.'l 'ipeelT Olspsteh te The JoaraaL)
Albany, Or., ilept S. Two aulta were
yeatarday afternoon 'commenced again
S. C Smith, a local dairyman. - The first
was br-trauda. Ft Oman, for the col'
lection' of a note for 1400, and a writ of
attachment was Uaued. . The other waa
by H. Bryant, and ha. allege that be
leased a dairy ranch te defendant, Whlob
the latter was to manage, but that de
fendant haa failed to live -up to 'th
contract, and' Mr. Bryant ask for a ra
oetvershipr and an accounting. . ;
' , ', " . '; OoaplatlBir' smrreya,
.(Seestal Dsatali te The Joereal.)
Helena. Mont Sept. t -The aurvey
of th Flathead 'and Crow' Indian res
ervations., which ,are to ba opened for
settlement next year, '. are toraottoally
completed, ,
1 ' r. -Ts i-i.-f ,iv;;
i i v
mi "
v ''
- ''
Photograph of the Famous Paintinf
'Sr':' alierLStoknFrom
Exterjslv t Dramatic Jntertsts
Gathered Tosetherrby Shu-
Porporetion Formed ' With . Million
and a' Hall Capital to Fight ' the
Octopup Upon. .Jte Ovm Grounrja
fielasco Lends Aidv - V ", r
(loaraal Special Servlee.) . v.
KewfTork, BepU.J. Extenalvo the;
atrlcal Interests have been fathered to
gether by Bhubert brothers since they
were thrown overboard by the theatrical
trust., early In the' summer, and merged
today Into one great corporation under
the , title Bam : B.i Lee - Bhubert,
Incorporated, with a capital stock of
11.400,000. - .- ... A-r-
Papers have been filed in the eeere-
tary of' state's office at Albany, and It
I the largeat corporation of tha kind
ever placed: on 'record there. "The direc
tors of the -new comoanv are alt M
long associated with the Bhubert hit ei
eta David Betasco and other inoe
pendent - managers have lent the new
corporation financial and moral support.
"8ani B. Lee Bhubert, incorporated"
la the final, oryatalllsatlon of Interests
in the theatrical world that for aereral
years hare been opposing th so-called
theatrical trust. It la also the first
counter-movement that baa had a - fair
prospect of fighting th trust on It own
grounds, i -
. - -.-
(gpeettf BUeatch to Tse Jeereaxf V,-..
Roseburg. Or., . Sept. I Th party
eonalating of Attorney-General A. M.
Crawford and eon,- J. - W. .Crawford,
Btate Printer J. ,B "Whitney, and SI C
Patton of Balem. Professor Wr H. Mo
Call of Eugene, and Neil O. Watson Vsf
Marahfteld, returned today from a trip
to Crater lake. The party went by way
of the north riv errand .Dia
mond lake. As a result of their trip
they killed IS deer and three bear. One
of the bear being a large cinnamon
bear. ., They all report a splendid trip.
- .'' ",, : '. ;.;
' ' .' (Jovratl Special Servlce.l
"Chicago, Sept. I. A thorough shake
up of the police department . baa been
made by Chief Colllna In a general order
affeatlng-SO commanding and uljur
oxficiai in the i flejactmeot.
order is taken aa a precursor of a great
upheaval. AlmnsCayjry .pcEClnct-Wher.
police activity la sDowa is artectea and
a change I made .at each district bead
quarters. 'v . ; . ; ;, y--1'r'
...;-.v "' 1 - ;- t:
(Jearaal Speetel Servlee.)
Bhanghat Sept. . A typhoon last
night-swept the coast of China. This
rity la flooded thla morning, tha water
rising to a height at three feet. .
Kay Sateaa Prlntera' Btrlka " "
;- (Jvaraal Speelal Servla. '
- Chicago, Sept. S. James Lynch, prea
tAmnt of tha International Trnorranh-
leal anion, la bora In conference with lo
eal leader regarding the strike of the
)ob printers. A a' result printers In
several other' large Pities,' whef. the
National Typotbeta
1 1 ' J
naa shopSj (may
by Frans Hals, "Portrait of CaT
- ThaHaaTia Gallery. ..V .'; "
Sundown But Makis Visit to
; " Oyater- Bay and. Talks '
' Over Old Times. ,
, ' v- IJeoeea)' Bpeeiu .gervlee,? -,.,..
Chicago,- Bept J.-rr"Bundowo Boa," th
original stagecoach driver ef SpeaiTlsb
oaayon,. South Dakota.- and a friend of
President Roosevelt for many ysars, has
arrived her after V1H to th presi
dent at 6yatr Br,v .- x'. . .
L"Taik about men not worrylhf aald
Bundown, '.Theodore takes the antelopa
tinhorn ' gambler risking a t-eent
piece on a turn of the wheel worrlea
more, than Theodore did - when' he. waa-
settling tha Russlarir Japanese row.:- He
never turned a hair, r t .
"Theodora skys to m. tBus, bow'a the
young cattle on the range this yeerf
-Merer Detter,' says 1.1. v -
"Then he aaka- about tha irrigation
diteh the 'Thompson boy -put -In, -and
aboutJUra. Reynolds at Medora and said
aha made bully pie.
"We were Bitting under ' a tree when
the president up ant says. "Prospering,
ar you, BuT 1
Jot a bank account. 10,000 acres of
land to feed my cattle on and ain't done
nothing to displease uoo, aaya 1. -r
"Thar a bully.' aaya Theodora.
Sundown Bus I In reality Bamuel
F. Busby, aa influential man of the
West -. He la for-Rooaevelt tor president
100 years, or aa long aa he Uvea. ; ,-
Sfaay Vemlte leaned.
(SseeUI Dlspatck t The JoersaL)
Roseburg, Or Bept I. County Clerk
Agee baa Issued te date 720 hunters' li
cense and SO fire permits, v out of th
total number of huntera'i licenses there
are IS nonresident licenses. Tba fir
permit ar of but little benefit in this
county as there naa been out one ap
pointment 01 a nre waraen in tne
county. '- Tha wardens are appointed by
the county court upon application of
timber ownera desiring. a., warden . at
tneir .own- espenee. j :", . , . ru,
, Trainee xeoap rraa rnna.
. ' (gpedal Dispatch te The leeraaL)
Walla Walla, Wash.. Bept J Two
trusties. Edward Long, and. Bert Taylor;
escaped rrom tne penitentiary .nignt be
fore last, one or tnem waa recaptured
a lew noura later ana a poss or . six
ar supposed to have Taylor aurrounded
five-milea west of her. . , .i . ,
Round Trip Daily to Astoria.
-Eiauislon steamer Telegraph make
rounds-trip daily (except Friday).
parte-irom Aiaer sirvoi oaci i;su m. m.
From Astoria 1p.m. 'Arriving Portland
1:10 p. rn. ' Sundays leaves. Portland
a. to. . Arrivee Portland f ev m.
'j Honolulu Excursion. .
The 8 B. Alameda sail from Ban
Francisco Bepteirnber S. Rednoed rate
fee 1 thla - t r I pv S I teV -vh'
Get partlcuUra at office, ' SIS Market
atreet, Ban- Franc!
d of America
CelamMa Blver 1 moantalns. Beaks.
ttirka, leilses, eaaynne, eoraee. water-
fans (MnltDomak, ato feet), ravea end
tonete sees oeUy from tb eecks ef tiie
" '.: ' ran stsauxe .0 r .
Chas. H Spencer
" Leavla('eet ef Wasktnstas) street st
t L a (eseek frllw ana eeaeerl rev
The Dalles esd.reWa. t laaswsere- eed
freight st lovest ratas. .
to thx rotra Mnxiow ftotLaa
. OASOASS locis a a arruaa. ,
teavlng foot 1 ef Waahlnftea street at
a. B., antvtag fceeM at p. a. -
;-"Telephone Mala list -;:
" -m. w. Bnaroa, . -
Oeneral Manaeer, Portland Or.
;vy:----v";vN- '"?;.".-, ':.'. ::vj' .'v ; '.- -''V-.'
"''-' .
. HONOLULU, the capiul of the young territory, is in, many ways the most beautiful o! :
tropical cities. - '-?iX?'j 'iLL'S-f.JtJ2 CC Ul1-,:J 1
. , i .ee'sK A si aT mm e . . O . " . al 1 . iLa kasFVA I
ridge of the Islands of Oahu
most extensive Pacific naval
, : . HILO, the second city,
to the eternal snows on Mauna
KILAUEA..the 'reatest
and carriage trip through cane field and fern forest. . : , ; : -v
;A : HALEAKALA. whose dead crater takes first rank for extent, offers rare views from two
v KAUAI, whose rare valleys, great canyons and impressive ;waterfaus are au too uuiei
v.known, calls fpr 4 voice of beauty, w--.1-, .'o .-"--'' .' "A '-, V,; . ;
Every'road is full of striking possibilities and the industries, the views, the people, the.
:' spectacles " are; all worth seeing . aru knowing. ; U;;l-'-if A g AAft, r ''A' AA: t;"
Votes received '.vp
Of Tt JbtaxaTa
Honolnln Tonr
yntS Aay yew Udy mrt ISresf
ef r but be eomlnated at any me e
blanka prevlded br Tke Jearssl. with the
-eedoreement of te weU-kavwa - ct Usees
ef the alstrtct la waleh ate resMsa. t - 4
' nO0irB-tree Jedgis moMo V the
eitfennt caaU4aU shall be selected te
rfleialtr aaeaesee tbe erUnav bb eah .-
THian AS la vthee. eteettoea, . eeeh. die-
trfct akan vat aeearsteiyv- ise me u
ene eaanet affect the ether. '. Matter erap
mttf eoseernlog the district tl be ettled
hr the wtshea e the SMjarttv. Tbe wts-.
.taanabt J
U eaaU to stteed herself.
yOtrST Vetta wlB'waaeae- There
day AacDrt a W0. ssd clos Satardey.
oeeesieer o, at eeieee m. m.,.. iwm,
Oeeeeas net be voted wlthls sevea
sfter laaee. Ooopoaa eat free, the vally
feeraal nrwt be aaetly trlaped. . All
ceepeos, wbetbes single er special, west beat
the aaa ef the candidate, t. be voted te. .
' .. ' " - . i ' r "-c . ':" -A
oovToas Aai armr as yoixowsi ;
'' yiTTB fle eeapeee, eat tnm tbe Salty
paste, are aood lor ene vote. ' eabeerlptioa
to tke Evening Jeoreal aa gaeday Marala
Jooraal, three, boo tha, 1.S, a epocta
enapoa e 150T vetee (pel la advaaee),'
oheerlpttea te leasing sd Basday store.
la Jowaal ata amtba, M-T6, a apeetal
eeonoa ef ISO vote tpald Ie avaeee). Bob
eeriptlae e tbe Imlnf aa Bud Mere.
. ta Jeeraal IS Boetha, (T to. s Spsetal
eoepea of TO votee (paid la avaeee),
Bnbeeripttae to tbe Ivesta sad Seaday
Hornlaa Joornal, three awotbe by bmII.
S1.P0. a specUI eeapoa ef too vetee (pal
la edvaaee). Babeerlptloe to the veelsg
Baaa IfanlH Jeoreal bv anil aia
awsths. $ata a Speelal eeapoa of ISO votes
Journal, f 1.50 a year, apedel eoepea eC lte
votee tpaia w aovaacei. . . , s. -, )
SIXTK Ooopooe sbeald be voted at the
BoeoeaaReto uwiieet yea er welled to the
'eeapoa aepartieeat of Tbe Joormal e at
' any point aeiaed below. , Votee wtll be
eoaate Moedaya. . WwlBeedeye aad Frldar
aod the' totala aaweaeed to tke public tke
following dev. .. . ,.
Aay eaedlAate wtthdrewlag from tbe sea
teet eesaot have be vetee eoaated tern a
.mtAnavaiTEU Am Toxnre kaoisi:
Vbst DlaUleb laltoaaah aad ClefkaaMS
coanttes, .. Vetls pUee, Ceepea Depart awat
ef Tb Jooraal (.,..; , ; f
waiiowa coeaqae, -. ,t r-;:- - - m
' ThfaC XHrtrle Veeee. Sheroiaa. 011Ma,'
Marrow, , WbeejF aad Oook aooatle. . -
yeoith Wetrlo Baker," Mat. - Barsey
aad Malheor eoestlee. i ,
Fifth Plotrloi ColmnMa and ' Oatao
ensntleaOrecoat KllekiUt, Oowlita Clarke,
Pacific, wahkiakaaj aad Bkasunla coontiee.
VTaahingtoa. . ,, : . .
r Btett'' Wrtrlet Martoo, , Uaa" and Ua
ensues, -- . -,';"..;,; , .. ,5?
a-vonth WaWeV-WtAliwtoe, TIllaaMOB.
TauhUI, Beotoa. Polk aad Ltaeola1 eoontlee.'
Xlatth lMsUlet.'.Deeclaa. "" Oaoa'-'corry. "
Jeeepiilae, . Jaokaea, Klaaiatb aad aeke
I . Anv information regarding con-
j:... f Uama1,.i,. -.kM,j
oiuune ui we i,vuuiui ww xiwwoi
ha-artihwaarl tn-tliar 'tsiiaer uf
the Contest Department of The
Journal . ;A; v. -..' A:A:;-;
A.v i . , Mopohiltt, HawaHtsi Islasvis
' t, TOte for........ ..M.............,
- Thla eonpoa maat'be voted' on Or befor Sept. S, llOS 1 . " . '
a cuit witn one tnousana teet xace,
is one of the natural wonders of the world. - v-: , ,
wonderful enclosed locks, where the United. States will build its
station, is but a half hour from. Honolulu. " "-' Ay V-.Y .
from whose bay, surrounded by tropical verdure, one may look up
of living 'volcanoesy lies beyond
to Friday eveeSas bk 'VetoanolV Heae!shi trip v
-'-Ai.-A. District; No. '1
- :,: .r - Total Vote.'
Minnie S. Phillip, deputy cleric Hreolt oourt ............ ,..)0 MI
Ijira Ttatv. 140 Ban Rafael Street . ...........,..... l,zit .
Miss Sadie Wlntermantle. City Dye
. uiu fiMiKhaii Krth. tolanhnna otterator Portland hotel. .......... II. IZt
-Missr-I,oey-oo Idr telephone" operator
Misa EOltn Hern, is otara sireei . ,.,.,....
Mlsa Bess Sharon. Il East Thirteenth street 11.01
Miss Ruth Lee, CSS Hood street ,.. .,,.....,.10,tl
.Miss Sallle Mad I ran, S4T Flandere etreet ,. 10.471
Miss Genevieve Holmee, Sit Harrison street 'l'V-
Mlea Henrietta Wlnkleman. 4T Kaat Couch street ............... 7.444
" Mlea Marlon lahy. Woodard-Clarke drug etore ..,....t.4..,.. S.IT -Mlea
Elsa Orleeel, SOS East Thirty-first lret ................... J,74
Mlaa Nellie Munger, tt Raleigh etreet 1.147
Mlea Margaret Smith, 14S Fourteenth etreet ....... ......... J.004)
Mlo Irene HIgglna, StS Everett .street, ,,,,,.,.,.,,,-,,,,.-.,. J.Olt ,
Miss Cornelia Barker, ISA Orand avenue S.tlf
.Miss Elva Hurlbert, St. Johns ?
Mlsa Sophia Olson, ll Ivy etreet...... i.. S.SM 7
r Mies Bur Roddick. Oregon City.................. J.'W
Miss Cora Jolly, T5S Flrot street .. ....... ..y......
... (voting place, coupon xepartmant, journaj uiiice.. . j
Wi-W District
If la Molly Proebste,' la Oraitde.
ivaii.. t firwtAm. ataifilteck A Slaver eonfaettoneryjV
"Ml-Agnei Fletcher Pendleton, Oregon - .i ...-.. . , ..4.'....ti4.I4t
, i Mies uraco iawa. renqietoa. uregon
Vliaa.Carrla Burton, Pendleton. Ore von
- Mlaa Effl Jean Fransler, Pendleton, Orero
. .' (Voting -place, Pendleton. Brock aVMcCoi
Mlaa Vmllli CnuaM. The Dallaa:
Mlaa Lucille Crate, The Dallee. Oregon l.lit
. . iir-tl-. 1 - n-ll.. Mnl.. ffM .....
Mis telle Richardson, Hood River, Oregon ..................... l.lit
Mlaa Laura Cramer, Hood River, Oregon 1,161)
rVMIa. uiu. Hm4 Rlvar. WH.hl'i atnraV . 1
Mlaa Florence Oeorge, Arlington,' Oresotl ....... Ult
Mlsa Hattle Barton, Raker City,
Mise naii;
eisa Mrrt
tss Ethel
lsa Oerti
Ttl i) ration, uajcev wity. uregon 4.12a
e) Parker. Baker City, Oregon- .......................... 3
a uertruo 4icek caaar iiy, unm ...................... i,t
(VnHnr nlmpm. Baiter CltV. Levlnaer'a -dru Store.) . r - .
Mis Effl Ma King, Ontario, Oregon ...
Miss Clara Swain, Buraa, Oregon. . 11.
Mlas Florence Heavren. Vancouver,
(Voting place, Vancouver,. i
Mlaa Amelia Will lame, Kaleo, Waahlngton
- (Votlna Clare. Kelso confectionery
Miss Katharine Oor. Kalama, Waahlngton
(voting place, juuama, correy a
. Vies Esther Anderson. Astoria. Oregoi
' Mlsa Mary Berge, Horaevalley, Waahlngton 700
yi.v:.;';;vi;'.,;A,District' l6i: pfc:
Mis LI sal Veatoh. Cottage Grove, Oregon ;.:.1.......J,It
- Mlaa Effle Stewart. Cottage Grove, Oregon rvj ........ . -e
(Vitlng place, Cottace Grove, Otll'e oonfeetionery etore.) . :
i Mlsa Pearl Shelley, Salem. Oregon ....... ........ 1,11
Mlsa Jj. Belle Darby, Salon, Oregon
Miss Mary Davidson. Salem. Oregon
Mlea Nettle Reddekoop, Salem, Oregon ,...,.,...,.......,..... Sit
- Mlsa Minnie Aobenbaoh, Salem. Oregon ' 10
(Voting blaoe, salami Haas drug
-Mlaa Myrtle Traek, Wood bum, Oregon ....... . SOS
Mlsa Lucy Moreont. Woodburn, Oregon ' lt
(Voting place, woodburn, Heebee
Miss Maggie Chambers. Albany, Oregon .......' 191
- Miss Pearl Savage, Albany, Oregon ........ ... ..,,..,-...-r-105
Ml Alice Lock. -Albany, Oregon ......... ... ..,.,,.. . .- , 78
(Voting place, Albany, Dawson's drug' Store.) . :
- Mlsa Madge Battee, Eugene, Oregon ......... w.. ...... ......... 1.144
Mlsa Stella Baker, Eugene, Oregon 17K
Jttla Emm Moffett, Eugene, Oregon ...... . ................... . . St
V,.. (Voting place, Eugene, Hull a drug 4tt,,;;i;l . .j..1 ,. ' ' ..
,v'; 'a a; District1 NoeJ-AAr- ;
Mis Bertha Courtemaneha. McMinnvill.. Oregon ..
(voting piece, MCMtnnvuie, Houeer
- aaiss aaaria noeieuer,
r, Htllaboro,
. Miss Rosa B. Bowser,
(Voting piece, Hllleboro, Schulmerioh'e tore.)
Minnie Koy, uanaa, uregon
tVatinm Yilara. 71.I1IL kt.,ri AAnfoAtlnaew mtnrm
; Mlaa Myrtle -Butler, Forest Grove,
t -(Votlng -plaoe, Forest Grove,
Miee itoeaie u. tioieneimer. ueaverton,
mis Julian weoeterr rbiiomatn,
Mlaa Haael Kennedy. La Fayette.
1 (Voting place. La Fayette poeteffloe.)
'Mlaa Olive Stratton. Kawbera. oreaon -. . .
IJflssljCor iSpatigle, Dayton, Oregon
voting piece, rtewoerg, uaiweu
- aWeaj auiig ViliII g jt. e a
Ufs. tyton lUrris' drUf mbr. -
i - ? . . ... ,
I (Voting place, Roseburg,
I Mlaa iUoeilee Tr-Joweai-Jach
Mis Jennie Woodford. Med ford, Oregon ' ............... ....... . 10
- ivoung piace, jaeaiora. ttusseu s conrectionery eura. ; .
Miss Maude Berry, Granta Paaa. Oregon
Mia Maude 1 Bader. Granta Pass, Oregon .......................
... .. (Voting place. Grant Pass, Or, jSmlth' drug tor.) .. , ..
t; t y
Ha wallan Trip
at w gap
Hilo, reached by combined rail
Works . ...... ......T,8t
Oregon hotel-m mnoum 1 M JS -1
No. 2'
'Oregon 'r.
. a e vfra
... ........... .l5
,..t... 4..1
n ......... .. .......... i.vs
nu oni ovwro.
r a arAa.a.Ae Me , a., ,. . ... .... .,... ., .,.
Oreaon S.70J
No. 4:
Oregon 1.47t
No.. 5
jwam streeuj
................... l.UV
nery atore.) ,. - ) . . I
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'a atore.) r. ., - . . I
gon ........i.. 1,101
:,, ................. 1.21.
store.) -;
4k Whitman a atore.)
tor.4 .'
-Oregon ...... .... ...... .r .... 1,1 J
', Hllleboro, Oregon u, 7i ... v It i
Oregon .............
Ia Courae'e etore.)
,'..';.;.'..t..-.;;.v;;..'.' is"
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m .......,..... S I
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............. . ai-.?vO
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No. 6
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ton' drug Store.) '
-v. -. . ,:'-:;.' '.
. Monday Vcib-;'
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be called out ,
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