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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1905)
THIS OliSCOf DAILY JOURNAL. FOSTLAKJ. CA1UUA -.. smj - -Tk T12l:!iT TO m Vlrrt Concord Crepes cf Cawon to Arrive Irv " Portland Market ArsT From, r Farm of Fruit ,, Commissioner Newell at Dillsy. " - ' H r '4, toitiil Chipment Made by' Fruit Commissioner , W., K. : ; luJIw&l of, Dillsy. . ' ' v.z.xr:iC3 in poultry .- , , 13 STILL CONTINUED T; ToFpUer, Rmin Snail With I ices' bJ the Top-Cntoupe a Scare Article EjP,?0? firmly Held, ; "Tenet -Street,' Sept. A TM i prlnclpl featare ft the Portland wholesale WrM today ere . atalonpc . ar rather ereree ,;. ,V ,- eupulie tlll earn!!..' 'i ' :' i "eh saliuno fta eomlpg from sanTttu: ' ...''.' . ru-st Coueard grape la "Suwhet. ' ' i " V urtlrnerrlee coming rather faa. ? . : 1 : , r imt sacked anrt netatov la,, - " " California produce a steamer.. : Craaa are arriving ahjwly. ..---.,. -v.:-' . : Poultry market Mill Battering. Frit are grmly held.. , rr V " , . "Iivp ar gulet and ancoanged..'-'- -' t i V A Vthaat I moving mora freely. " ." ' Japaaaaa Sr demand nominal. - Tirat . Oeaoord wraps ' ta Market. : ' Tha atata at Oregon la again o the for. Tbe -Aret Uaneord . grapee ( the erasoe ara from thla atata, rbe Initial shipment" to rtnla r arart brine east 4a Mark Levy . A Co. by ' -ult ttHnmlaeluBer W. K. Newell f Wiley. '. a (Tap ware at vary good quality tor any -t r Ibe eram and vers aperlaUy sweet r the lalUel'ahipment. Alone; Front atreet 'y they avid readily- at ; toe . per . p0 - - -. .- ' . " l.ufarula grapes ara shearing 'a8 iua raeelpta aad Macfca ara atlll klnttluj a cfcaajiela at trada. M karats aad vtbac ' rarietloa at aalllaf aroaad 138 .aad ar erata.-- Oraaoa Taaaa ara rataai utKul with anallty aat aa tha averafa ' . raaebaa MB ta Saart Bvapty: f'Hh the aiceplloa of aoiaa email -ablpawatf t run'rtonea to aaarket 'runt atrret to rataat if hara of nrarkaa today and tba beal ' coaiinc ara arluu readily ' at-e-aT r bDail alaea ara la ahaadaaca . aad ara .aratJIaa; aroaad BO. ' ' " . . . , . '.. - Xtoaa Saakad Iwaat Patatoaa Atrr. ' The rat car at aacked a weft potatoaa ta ar rln fraat toa aouth caaM la tab) aMrpJat from hferced and (noad a tod sale aroaad M Vrated ara 2S blchar. Quality gcttlua battar. Urdlnary Burbaaka ara "M1U duU wlU of tarioca very haary and aa aatlra abaanea al votiuoe drpund. Ijocat daabira claln that po txiuea ara aaiiloa t. a. b. Stork toa. CaUtorala, f ally aa cbrap aa taay caa be laid dowa l thla city.- The aatoa aaarkat la ajaiet' aad aa caaa(rd. Ixrl otfortnjra arc aotall with tap pltra aialaly trom Walla Walla. " . Twa rare of Barllrtt aera will ' be aaal forward - ta Kew Ifora- today T tTporl Mroa. Racelpte aloof th atraat ara lacraaaiag aad daaiaad la-alow aiorpt for faacy. Ilueklebarrlea ara arrtTtnc mora freely (roar lower -river point aad prla ara aaaler at . ' . Eat Ara Kara TlrwJy Held. ?' War It not for ta praaeat baary withdrawal local uld-etoraf and aaatera ( from than- hiding puma tbw agf markat waald aaTfni eanta klaker. today thaa H av Ba cripu of frrab stock an very aaull with oa mand lm laaaliig Tba poaltry aiarkft continued It dallaeae of yeaterday and sols farther aoaeeaalon la priflP ara twaorted alara lb frat great elame la ta middle at the day.- Ueo ara fairly trm bat prlng ara eitraaaaly weak. . rreah aaeat deaiaad la llTely.wlth arrlTah not aa ta ekpaetaUoaa. Prlcea aroaad th tap. Oraka Ara Atrrriag Bawiy. Wit rerelpta bat one flfth of what the warrajsti theraJI a atrong tone ta thagm.e per ral. crab aurket. It wa a genera uy expected tnal I the ft aahlngtoa anaooa. waald opra September 1. bat the- real data la a amath later aleaa whlle the market of th entire coast are "be lag fed from yaqttlaa. ' 4 Salrnoa rerelpta ara now -aulaly Jrem the aorlherarater, with prlcea a boat It, Mm. - Wheat b atarlag afar rraaly. ' There t a batter maramtat la the -wheat market. - Receipt at primary aetata are abow Ing aa Inrreaae aad local ehlpaarnt ara alee . better. Th Boor aurkat la steady tor new rrop with the demand from Japan aaoal normal. Taer t nothing doing la the way a local . baalneaa.- .., . 4 .J; : A Sap Ara ftoiet aad' Taoaaagad, v ; " Tber la na artlrlty la the bop aurket. Deal ' are r willing ta bay eom small lot aroaad . the aneted ggarea. bat are ot la a harry ta archaae at any agare. .There la bat alight ' bnelaeaa offered tram the rof aad that I al ' arlated values. 1 Herman ' Klaber has - issued a atateamat la whlrh he) makaa th following eatimatee ef th coming crop: Oregon. lOS.aot balee: Waahlngtoa. dS.Ono hale: -Call (bra la. T.oralea; New York, BO.OnO bale; Englaad ' goo.aon balee; Oermaay; Mo,oe be lea ; Aaetrla, ' iUO.taa) bale. . . , ' , . ,i The follewlag prlcea are fhoee paid alona Proat street hr th retail trade for flrat-euue ' ajaallty la round kta. Ircea at country point " are ipedard: , j - .-tv.,..i rata,' Flour aad Tee. ' : "4' "BtXT Or, tracts, lanoKew Han,1 Wei ' Bed RnseltB. 04r: blueetem. 7tf. Taller. Tie. 4BL.ET reed, gzi.miazz.oo; rouadi SZS.Bt l.u; brewing, t22.ooe3S.oa. ' . ' COUS Whole, tXT.uu; cracked. gSS.M pa Ua. . RVM1U per ewt. : OATHNa. 1 white, 1300; gray. 928.00.. ' FLOl'R Raetera Oraaoa nateeta . t4 Aa d.H: atrslrbts. gS.T&; sx ports. aalley. H-lo; grabaat. . HAM.' Mm, ;.i - rye. ofla. $r.,0f; hale, -dl.TS. MIUJTCrFa Braa. gto.oo per ton; mld dllDgs, 2S OU: snortaV. aoaatry, V2S.0OI city, i1.: chap. I1S.00. . .v HAt ProdoeFra price Tlnsathy. . Willamette valley, fancy, in oo 18.0": errftnery. gU OrMl ja.n: eaatern Orcr n. f u.oni5.ou; mixed. I MW.0; ckrrrr. tn.0Q lo.JjQi gr'la, ga.uij t.OO; cheat. H.)QJM. . . . ? 77 , ' Butter, Erra and raattry. "- rtrrrcB tat nwcwt, asct aour. 1 (j ITER City eraamery, beat, XOc; aaeaad r'aua, 7Va; entalda (aary. gT)ac ordinary, ; atora. 10lla Callor la fancy, a KiMi Ho. 1 fresh Oregon, candled, Mazttae: CMSBSaV New rll cream, twin, UtlWc: Ti AmeHca. 14aiSei Cheddar. Ur. POLLTalV-.hlekena, . mixed. Utilise per r; in a- jr nwnav am, iue lb: frrera. 1261.V per lb; broilers. J2Us c per lb; dnrka. 1811414 par lb; ,e2j7 -v per ll: torkeea. 1hK!c uet Hs dreased. . . jj par lb; aaoaba. X.UthXO per doa. Xoaa. Waal aad Bide, t ' . . (taatract. lyft)roa, I413e: v -tea, 'iil4ct 1U04 crop. utt 17a,, 1 - t- V lie for Brlma nd martliinai . clip, ealley. cearaa te awdtaax. f .; Boa, aj; aaatard tlregoa. " k V Mulaf 08le. r' ' Ail exc;:-::::c. to U , ; clcc2 c;j r.:c::DAY Momlay ta tbor day and It will b generally celebrated la the eastern fit lea. All the flnan- , rial exchangee In tha country BUI be rlnaed nn that day a reetijt. The New York-cot' ni -d enffee eachangeg werg cIoa4 d e e V ! 11 ' ' . kaairteav.l'gaAslJtaiU r ;. waoi, SWIgcOct Wag weal. ' 1 . -. .'.W r "Brj -ad4et-HNi,- -nag :. rf""v X-atUc ipag' ' .. e ; bael-a, hk 1 W But ., ' I - - r ' I : y ke,iNat 1. a te IB Iba. ' ler; dry e J, No. L aea B Iba. loaglaac dry aeiied hidna. , ---i. o Ibe a -ear Q Bee: w w H t.-. --eei aaaer a am and JOURNAL'S DAILY TIPS TO SHIPPERS lr, nnultrv tha rwoelpta hav been -very heavy, aapeclally In- d tha aDrinra. . There haa been also ' vary liberal arrival ! hena. Hen war fairly Well taken, but In the- aprtnga tha quoUtron ' dropped vary auddenly t to I eenta per pound. - Han held thalr ; d price or nearly ao even auring; ay the atrenuou time. Tha chances d a 'are that tha market .wUi feel . a little Dettar, but no ret W ehsnda In nrtcofl is early antlcl- t donated. - The raaaon'for tha drop - d la Hard to explain; tha waakneaa a aeemlnr to com all In a mo- d d roent." Tom Farrell of Everdlng ; it rartelK . . .-.. .-. ... ,V f v ' ;- :- cow. CHc; taaa aad hall, aaaod. 0Te: kip, II to it Iba, Set aoand. tn 14 lbs, ) IVie: calf, aoaad. nndar 10 lb OH 11a; graea iuneelted). I nor lb leaa: ealbv le bar lb laaaj aarsehldaa. - ealted. each. l-Ol-I: dry, eacb,r1.00ei.o0; aolt hid, each. SBOaucl goat aklaa, summon, each. lOf.lacj ' Angara, wua wou on. eaea. sdcjii. - , r. ... ' rrarta and Tegatahl.' - tWTATORJ Raa . (arewoau T5MWe: ear lot Oc aack: ordinary. dOtiWe: weat. S2e. . OKinvR Km ihmii yellow Danvera. gl.00 ear wrtn, 6c; WaUa ,Wlla.- eWegnrlre, rRKSH FBUrrS Apple.' Oreana. aTlet$1.2o; fancy. 1A0; rrahapplee, 60r1.00; aranrea, late Valencia, 3.70t4.u; - nana nan, ; Irmoa, choke, per box;; fancy, 29 per . box; umea. Maxleaa, r tno- imLa a nfl B au- naachea. fancy. TSCaoci ordinary. o0676c; plums, Tocdgl.OO ner crate; cantaloupes.: flASMixo pur craw wuorrmeiooa, YOCri.tai par rwi , giaim, v. 7c: rallfornla. tl.lftCtljaO boa; Bear.- Oregon, Ura11.2S nee hoi : klarknarrte. gl.Zo4tl.aO; casabua. gl0lg. aaw.dsa: Iran , aconam. ow 17Bc per crate. " VKOkrTABI.K Turnlsu. naw. 11.00 par Bach; earrota. il.00fjl.2h par sart; beets, gl.004 l.w per aaex : ureaa raaisaea. saw e we cabbage. Oregon. gl.00Ol.2B. per cwt; , green peppura, 25c I per box: local, tomatoes. wJ 50e; parsnips, Vl.OOe 1.2ft: string beana, mfA- to per lb; green corn. TftcWgl.OO per aack; peas. se per id; eaeomoers, hiuiiw per aw, , Colorado, TOc; local. Tno'-par mm arrolsnt. ga.od nee aratat numoktna. lm. . DRIED r SUITS Aanlaa. asaooratad. ta aer lb: anrleota. Vleiae ear Iht aacka, W ear lb lens: neacbea. 8A12 per lb: naars. aer lb; proeea. Italia. H4U nor rht rVeech. tUJ4A4e per lb: figs. CalltoraU alack. M!m tr lb; California, whit. per Iht lama, anted,. ear lb: (lata. .golden. a oeHbr tarda. tl.W oee- lg- aaav pr ' aoaa1!, lata, It. " fOA Back haalsbe. n.Tnr pwoeed. 5.65) fruit grannlated, $8.48; dry era sola ted. o.48; tenf. A. go.80; beet granoUted, 8.a6; extra C. goldaa C, aaeS;.! yellow, $.; bbls, lot; H bbls. Z5c;, boxes 50c dTnc eu aack basla. leaa BM par CWt (0 caa. If SIM? mtnU IJAIh, ee nk. -',f, ''.".. ' DONRT it mr crate ' - -i, 4,."T M ' UOFFEB Pscksr braadu. i.tx ' . HALT Flo Bale, ts. aa. 4. fta. , lorn, ..: tahe. dairy. Bun. .11.00: 100. IO.Tt Im ported LlTeraeoU 60s. I1T.00: 100. l.SO: U24. 1 00; extra fin, bbla. Sr. aa. 10a, M 50TS.): balk. S30 lb. 0lhelOl aneka, 601.. e. . , . . , ALT Cosraa Half rroand. lofluv tee.' 17.00: AOs. wr eon. rT.BO; MrernooJ Ju"vaTock. lit 50 per ton 1 B-n rock. IT Out 100. td.T (Above twice a paly te as lea at km ttaa ear lot. Car tola at asocial prime ea bleat la flnematkatet. . - i . GRAIN BA0 Ct. " : S1CB ImoarUl Janaa. No. 1. de: "e. B. (Vc: Mew Or leaa head, glact Alas, dvial Or ale. BU. BBANBBmall white. la4V: larea white, tact nlnk. gtaOSWai hay on. 4tt Una. Wis: MaaTy41ll n4laaa esnewuuna, NUT Pea as ta. 71a ct yambaa, U par ! raw. alioe ear Iht roerteo. J taraeeats. aaa0e per doa: walnut. Ideal aer Ibt pine nor. lOmlzue ear lb: hickory not. 10 ear a: ekeatimra. eatem. Iltaline ner lt: Bra all sate. IB par mi filberts. 14016 par lb; fancy Parana. ItaiSe: elnvoada. lsrllBe ear h . . Tatata. Caal Oil. Xh. ., ' OPrm hfunlla. IrV: ataadard. 12141 alaal. 10 c: llal brand SL . ... COAL Olb fearl er Astra LCaaea. VI aa ral: ..water white. Iran bbla. - IB aer gal: oadea, Ida ear gall baadUafat. ami na. aaar. UB"UJN& 12c wr 'MK ltmf bbla. 2c per ral: atora. B4e par aai iron mh. las nr a BKNZINB edea-. can. a ear gat tran now. inue er aau TDBPENTINB In eases, ale aer bbla. one par gal; Iron bbla. Jie per gal. WHITB I.KAI) Ton lota. 74 per Ibt 800 lb lota. Ac per lb: lea tor. SUe par lb.- ' V WIRI rfifTTl riaaiul haa at as, To. L1NSEBD OILPare raw. ta bhm. BT par gal; cam. The ear-gal; geaoln kettle botlea. eaaea, TOe- ner gal: tern, aoe par aai: areuua raka. ear lot. 20.00 par tea; kme thaa ear eta, 90j0 per ten.. . ... ; i5 ;, -1 ,:. . ateata, 7 tab aad yyivllliai. V ,i ', I ritntR iilAT . rtuut street rleaf ataar. tflde ner Tb; perk, block. TV OS per lb pace- era. TV4t8c aer lb: bulls. 4t0 Bar lb: eewe. dttBe per lb: mutton. BQf per B: lambe with pelts. 40e lb: veal, extra. THtftae; aruiaarr. guelTa aer lb: Door . a pew w. HAal. BACON. ETC Portland aack tioeatl ham. 10 ta 14 Iba, 134 per lb: 14 te Id lbs, 13e per lb: IS to 20 Iba. I3e per lbreottage. Be per lb; break f aat bacon, 160 1H pec -lb; picnic, he ner lb: raaralsr snort clears, . na wnoked. lie per Th: amoked. 12c per lb: clear barta, anaowkeo. 1040 lb; amoked, UK lb; Union butts. 10 to IS in, anemosaa. Be lb: amoked Be per lb: clear beillaa. an- smoked. lie per lb: emoked. IB Bar Ihi ahoul ire. siAa per id. .. ." , LOCAL LABD Kettle war. Ida. 11 net : Ba.-llke per lb; BO-lh tlua. iiue aer ibi 1014 par in. CANKnn UAtJtOV ftdumhla i1ar -t.ha talht. tl.SO; 21b Ulla. B2.T0: fancy. 1-lb flata. B1.B0; b-lb fancy flata, 1.1B; fancy 1-lb oral. B2.T5-, Alasks una. rink- ooaauei ran. bijo; eom X. tall. I2.0B. riwH Kork end. Te aer ro: Tionnaera. a per Th: halibut, BVe per lb; ersbs. tl.80; at lined baas. 12U.C per lb: eatnsh. a per dh: ealmon. Chinook, Te per Ibr- blocbacks. Be pea lb; Herring, oc per in; note, or per lb; shrimps, . lor per lb; -perch. Be per lb: black cod. 7c ner lb: eilver smelt. Ta per IB: lobsters. ibr; freest macaerei, ae per id; orawaio, .?ae per oor, . . ;. , , . OY8TBBB nboalwater bay. gar (si. $2.28; aer aacx, .tb. v CLAMS Hard atwtU per bag. B2.00I (lama. 12.00 par box. ' . , . v lVEAKr:ESS STILL SHOflilJI THE HOG MARKET Demand Remains Rather Slow . at Former Values- Cattle Un - fv " able to Climb Higher. nrtland TTnloa, BlPCkyafds. JkftU aJ4itt tocg seceipta:J Hoc Cattle i Sheep 50 ' . ., 23 Today.i.j as j, 2 . : - . 23 Month aro .33 -JT 4 , The hog market retain It fWsner wetkiaVea, bof Talne were (tatlonalf ' today. " Cattle bare a good son, hot prices erem aaakla ta gee ever the prearat llmHa. Bheep and vaal .calvea ur firmer . - ,- ?. ., Official nricea far tleaatocb- . . lines Best east era Orernn, -Agd Krl,riO: hlnrker nd Chin fate. a.80; stotkera aaJ leenera, ..iu. I'aule Beat 'caatera - Oraeim rhan Haul B.23; llrht and medium a leers, $2 .t.1 00: llrjit 2?" i.'.fH S: ,ocr feeder, XXi, ""i. e--v. .. , Itheep Wetbers. t4c;' railed aneep. IMe; afralaht ewes. atiSUc: anruic laah. lua Vmr-i4K4 veel. 1W Ba nooede, BH) H T0B SABK STATtaTKirt. . ,Nw Turk, Beet. 2. Baak etamment: . ' ' ' ' rtecreaa Beeeasp , B.47,S) Beaeree, lea C. B.i.. .. . :..,.. , S.4ST.77S lana , ........... t-ecle ...,.,......., I"" .,,.-..',.. ' 1. 440.4110 1 -pratte t44mlnin .rmlatlea .rm.i 'IM.faie wreint, raallflower, 7 per doa; rhubarb, I per in; boreeradieh. larVlb: arttchekea. dOaS oOe per dea: botbonae lettsce. fOOTta: bead lettuce, le per doal erase anloan. loeVlltie OCT deal spina CO. DAY'S FULL NOT RETAILED Chicago Wheat Market Makes A Good Advance- Early but : Fails to Hold Same.-? , ;" PROFIT-TAKING CAUSES ' . SOME OF, THE DECLINE . . . - . . , - ..... -t v All Options Close Vrith a U. of Three 'Eighths olnt-Broomhall ' Estimates Shipments at Consider : abl Less Than Wsek Ago. ";. v. ' T ' BATUEDAT'B WHtAT MABKET. - ! , V-lom' ;.! -, -.. 0m.Clo v . .- eri. - Hat. Tear are Hepember.;i. .Wa J iTCTiawi . . . . , .eiHS, .01 v . .'-w -vis Ch k-saYi. 'Bent.' jl Loaaa A ' Brvaa ear: ' I Wheat Brooaihalla eetlmala the world' ehln menta attl.oUO.OUO hoanels leaa than a week ara. Price made eon fttrthar headway la the day' market, but the full gala for th day con Id not be retained. In tha last 1.T mtaatce ef the trading profit-taking, auplemented by a timet aggreeelTe bear pressure, coat ta marte a boat half Ita advance, leaving the gain for the day abont higher than yesterday. There seems to have been persistent buying the lent two er three day by a prominent local In tercet, bat. however, to art Ion ef the market 'dona uot pond aa fornwrly -te buying or twit, tfMMBftle te tn e mMeait mixed poaltloa aa la price movement. HmltatlonTl la show a la aalllng wheat except on to bulges, but un the ether hand th low point doe nut ens ta csuee any great amount e eneoaraxe enT amour the rank and file ef the trade. There have been evenlng-np of contract pend ing the holiday, and ald rrom tola,, ana aaying by th above amtlooed prominent toonl inter eats, derrlonments of the day had a apcctal algnlflcaac. ' L . . ' ' J .. ' Tne- cor vrao conimnaa eaaw aas or nnlntlag. Caah buslneas aroma te have petered The oale trad 'continue to n mao up aai nmt srhnll ejf local nit condition. - Home near preeaure developed la tbe May fntnr. but aal-le fram-thl trade, wa wlthoHt algnlficanea. . v In provisions 4t Is purely a packera' market. They continue to talk or runire. . , , Cooke company: . ; - - . ,,win..-, 1 rvoeo ' Mian. Inw, ' CVwe.-. .7P Pee.. . , . .! V4 " M i-M .... May.,;.," t.g4 v .8 ' , ' OH (tept. j?o;i;uec. . hlay.v y ,( ;' ATS. '..'J ept...., .! nee..... i- ,JW v7' .-- 2 My,... .2 at KM POBK. , ' M.4S 15.4B -ISB IB.dlWf-'- Oat...T. l.2-1 c Il --13.18 .li.2aA Jan..... 1280 - ," srr la-BUJI ' . :-. : l.ABD, x : Bept...7T'.T.PT T.PT T.WI t , , T.BB Oct..;,.. S.OR .!;' "8.0H-: 7. .l4l -,' B.0S.;-! Jan... ,. . B.W - S.6 S.B7 ' short Bept ' .T S.7 . r S.RO , , - S.T Oct..S.80 vC B-r-rS-,'' )aa..,.. S.M -B.80 B.80 ; S.80 .A."' ntwAsr ssact jfoinuMT. J.' rChicago,' Beptc 1-T-Primary receipt if,: age, eepic a-7-rr; Tear Age. iwiay. 1 kw-L. Buahels. T72.0O0 . AefOUO . 651,000 Wheat , ...... ... ......1,018,000 Corn ........ 0SO.0W - Shipmeate ' - . Whrat .........5...... BM.000 rw. . aao.otai 47.000 "Clearance! Wheat. 211,000 bnahfla; corn. TT.000 bushels; Sour. 12.000 barrel; eu, 23,000 boshela. . . . . CnOASO CASH WKXAT. CXIOABO tisia WBAAI, t .,,,.;,vav-. i Chicago. Sept. 1. Cash wheat; Bid!- Aak. Ke., S red..,. ....v............. .14 . I -S2 No. S red............,.....!...,- .T04 No. herd. ...1, J7H No. Shard............. -7V .W No. 1 northern.. .an No. S northern.. .... ; J0 No. S apruigi........ ........... , . ,BS - ....'sax jrscrsoo ssAnr iubjot.'-'; Saii rnacmco, Sept. SS-ffleUl cloaa: . WHEAT. ' A: ." ' '. '--! Open.. Hlglr: ,' Lew. ' Clone. I1H 1J0 Dacemhar..... ;. X. LiTjaiPoqi. sSAnr mabjczt. I.lremooir ia-nt'.!. Clom: "Whrt-otem her. a Stad. md higher; December, s I14d. ...ict,ilJ-i.;i7n: Com nepuauiDeT. ee 4011. amriieHsw, wwee- ber, 4s 8Vd, aachangad; Jaanary, ancbanged. . . TOVOVAH mTjrni BTOCXS.'; ,,'4; ;v ''Pa Francisca, -Sept 2. Tonopeb etoeka, ef- Bclal cloe: . . . .... Bid. Montana -. r....,3 07M Midway ....... McNanmra .... .BOA Belmont ....... l.BB . Korth Star , .Bd Rescue .08 Cold Mountain. , .12 Jim Butler ..... . Red Top .8d ton. Nevada ItU Ton. Ex ten,.,.". S.2M tioldfleld .R2 Bandatorm 68 . handatorm Ex.. .0 Adam v .OS Mohawk , .. . .... . -IB i : 1 sid Wxle -..f.f.v.f.l .1 Kendall ........ .13 (Mumble hit.... .17 ' Jumbe ......... .77 Kllver Plch ; . Jnmbe Extra...." .IB . Black Butte .... .23 ' Itoldrn Anchor .7 Kay O'Brlea ... .OS Ton. Ohio ....... .BO- 0, Bull Frog.... .21 -Dlamondfteld .Bd Lone Btar ..... .na Homcetakt , ...,. ,0 Csh Boy ..-.. i .! iEcllpsa,,. ....... .,,.88 r : bostos corns stocss. ' Boat on, Sepfi t. Ofadal copper close , . , BIO. , . . .. Adranture'.-.l B. Mas .-.... Atlantic .... 21.78 llecaol .... Alioues ...... BI.00 Prrot ..... ? Ingham ..... B0.O0A Phoenix al. Art.. lMI.I2ti Qulm-y ..... Calumet . .... S.WI0 Shannon ... Copper Range. 80.80 - Tamarack ... Centennial ... , 24.2B Trinity .'.. Iiy West... 14.00 -nltcd ..... Kim -2 80 Victoria ... . tlranhy TW" Wlnoea Greene . . . . .V, 24 214 Wolverine . . (lid IMtnlnioa. 28.78 ITtah ....r. Mohawk - Bd.78 ' I '. B. Mining Mlchigae 1.2S I Royal ...... Bid. : . . 8.00 . lOO .25 28.00 1-00' , lOl.oo . T.12t . 120.00 . . - 8.28 88.00 ? "S.T5 V" 128.00 V . 4o.lU1 V' B4.B0 -.10.24 sab rsAjrcisco toe ax stocks. daa J'ranclaro. Bent. 2. Of Bclal cloa: - m - - . -. .- Bid. Awk. Contra Coat Water ............. eta 40 Spring Tlley Wter T?7t'. . ...i.T fm . . - JJau. rrtocleco Q ft Electric 7W . TOU Clnt Powder T 77 lionnken rir 18 . 1H -ftwTchlnaon -Hiarar i. n..v... I -- lt Makaweii nncar .....v. ... a? . ,. Paanhaa Bnaar 22 1 tA SBt HaelBe Stalca TelepbOB ...... ....101 Mulnal Klcctrlc IAi Callfornl Win ....... ... ....... Oceanic Steamship,. 8 14 Onomeaa Bugar ..I;,.. Bd .. 00MSTOCK aTJITfJIS STOCKS. Saa rraersere, BnL 1 OfSdal doer: Bid.' Bullion B'lrber .12 Con. fL-Vi., 1 101 "avag . ..rvyt.S -4T Potoal ,og Cnton Con .82 Onhlr .7HIVallow Jacket,,: .! Caledoni .28 Mexican ...... 1.10 Con. ' Mercer., .48 Bcorpton .14 r.xcneqner ..... ..a Hah A Norcroaa. I.20 .23 ' rOBTLABD BASK STATZMZBT. f'learlnra . .................. 22. 13 M Balance. ...v B1.II3.18 : : - aeeseueel Cut ten Blgaei. UTrrol. Bent. rmton atar8 cloeed 2 point oigaer tea may, , GAIET IBBO'JEO Closing of Stocks Shows a Bet ter Feeling AH Through Ust Bank Statement Better. SHORT INTEREST GETS " v ; UNDER COVER TODAY Trading Had All Holiday EarmsrkB, Most of the' Dls Being oi Evening-Up Chsjapteiv-Seritiment I How in Faor of Longs. ' ' i '- ADVANCES. - J Missouri Facte . iKaty Amalgamated AtcnnjoB ....... . Atchison, pfd . .... IKaty. pld c... I North America Car Foundry Car A rouadry, )rf d Pennsylvania dhwiwc aireupis a uaa Baltimore niKaamg Brooklyn .......... Haadlnr. 2d pfd 44 canaiuxa a Alton ...... H Greet Weatera 4 Moathern Ky Boathern PacUe Union Pacific . 1 . 1 Bt. Paul ... . . ;. , W Steel . ... 4... .-.,. H Hteel, pfd ......,.. Ont. A Weat Norfolk'.., Cbesaueake ....... DeL k Hudsoa .. . 4 lienver, pfd ...... Erie , Erie. 2d pfd ..... 1 racioo Man ...... Pressed steel Car.. Rep. Steel , Buck Island Hock Island, pfd .. . St U A B. W. Bt. U A 8. W., ' Wisconsin- Ceatral. Wabash , Wabash, pfd ..... , JrBawtfd ...... Inlnol Veatral ... 1 ixuievilie ........ Vetropolitaa -. .. , . . W Manhattan 1 Mexican Central . . t . a . v. arr.( AMceuda . ai . . ..... dVilBu: gar ............. mnriiw, pi u ,.,, tl. Y, Central ! Colo. South., lat P. HITenneaae coal ... HI Bubber . nortpera . rscioc.. ' Wall Street. New York. Sept S tVogaa A Brya Bay: Tb stock saarket cloaed with a Improved tone j alt through' the llat. -la the early -.dealing aem little leregulartty wa la evldehce but the hauk ' statement coming better than. ex pec ted seemed to shape eeatlmenl more favorably to the long lid. The .abort Interest was Inclined te -cover ever tb boll day. Thm ha been n typical holiday market, trading being moorly of SB evening-op character. Looking at the market broadly tt neem o poiaaaa betfer staying qoalltle thaa la receat aeMlona. Prlcea bars had a material Bet bark. The week, la the , reel a ban cloeed leavlag tad neralatlv structure la nrnce- stronger poaltloa. n ita no accident oreorlnc over the holiday. tetter! reueervattve opinion la that prlcea should da Officnl quotation by Overbeds, Starr A Cook company; ' PXSCBIrTION. nacond Mining Co.... Amalgamated Copper Co. 82 Atrhleoa, eom. .. . ....... 80 ao prarerrea. Car A roand., com. I U I S8K1 SS do pref an Ara.-Biursr. com...... 1M4 Am. Smelt, com..;,.. 124 u 1 do . DTaial 1 ail . I . . , . IS Baltimore Ohm, eom. 11214 Braoklya Rapid Transit Canadian Pacific, com. Chi. A Altea. earn...-., da -preferred ... Chi. A (I. W.. earn. . . Chi. Mil. A St. Paul.. Chi. A N. W com.... Cneeapaak A Ohio..... Com. fuel A Iran. com.. Cole. Boathern, com.. do 2d preferred. .. do let nreferred. .... lawsirs nqswi , .t. Denvr A B. O., com.. do Breferrad. ...... Erfcv T 1 1 . .. 0Wr 404L ao Mi preterrea....... do let preferred. . . Illinois Central. .... .T. lioulavill A Naahvine.. Metropolitan Bt. Br... Manhattan Railway.,.. at ex. ueatrai Kauway,. Msasoorl . Pacific . M.. K. A T com de prereried. ,e.. New York Central Northern Pacific....... Norfolk A West., com. North American....... N. Y.. Ont. A Weat... Pennsylvania Railway.. People o L. A C. Co. Pressed Hteel Car, dntn naTBSaMta1!!! - . . Pacific Mail 8. Ce- Bkeaatna:. . com do 2d pesrerred...... "do 1st preferred.. . . . sum. Iron A Hteel, cam., do preferred. ........ Beck lalssd. com do preferred Southern By.j- comotii do -preferred. ........ Southern Pacific.,, de preferred.. St. L. A 8. F, Sd pfd. St. I.. A S. W.. com... do preferred. ...... TT Teiaa A Pacific........ Tenn. Coal A Iron.. .... Uakm Pacific, com.....: (t pt'tyf'JfTdl a a a. a a 11BH 11B 1114 - pr8isrisfl a Steel Co., 1 D. 8. MS 1TB 88 d preferred.......... Wheel. A I" Brie. com. do 2d preferred...... ' do 1st preferred. .... Wat. Central, com.,... do preferred. ......... W. IT. Telearaph...... 102 2H Wabeah, preferred Total aalee for day, 822,700 shares daE!:po3T iu:.:ber ,co. CHATIEES HAIIDSr- One of Biggest Timber Deals of v the': year Is Consummated , - "and New MiH Is Planned.' ;s.;.L ... n 1 1 1 --.pyj-j. ""ji;". One' of the largest timber transac tions during the past year was closed when Robert Bmlth and F. 8. Stanley of this -city purchased the' entire interest of the Davenport Lumber company of Hood-Rlvsr. Together "with the T4An rtport Interests they purchased -,, o-altlona.- . . .. . ' - 000.000 feet - of . timber , on . lands . that were owned by B. F. Laughlln of The DaiiBS, iia DniaTA" 1 ; . A new company will be' organised by the locaf capitalists arfirl the Davenport company will pa as out of exlatence. The name -Of the new company has not been decided upon. - tt will fcave a capital stock of 1100,000 . ', - - The purchaaers propose te' begin, at once the erection of a large aawmill at Hood River. The mill will be equipped with the latest and most .'modern ma chinery, and will hav a - capacity of 150,000 feet per day. It is expected fo be ready for operation March 1. j. , MAY SUTTON SUFFERS tP: ; FIRST TENNIS DEFEAT ." . ' (Joornal Special Service.! , - Cincinnati, Sept. J. May Button Vaa defeated tor the flfat time lit the. Cin cinnati tournament this morning. Myrtle MaAtewt1 and Helr-Hrnnans T4t "Mlas Sutton snd Lulah Belden In the chant plonsblp -doubles f-1 and t-t. , - Whether Major Wins Divorce Suit ; or Not Must Face Trial --y-r-'bf. Army Officers. WIFE WILL BE WITNESS V AGAINST HER HUtSAND Miner Prefers Charges and Fortestjue Will Also" Officially . Prosecute Plaintiff BUly) ; Taggart' to : Be ' Placed' oi the Stand Agaiiw w s (Jooraat Special. Servl, ; WooBtdf, Sept.. J, -Whether er'not he wlna his divorce ault, Major TafSSft moat stand trial' bjf courUnartlal, - Ao army officer aayg that courtmartial Is waiting as th result of the divorce acandal, becauaa . an eraended petition In the divorces trial is the basis pf the charges' of the courtmartlaj,, ' ' 'Captain James Taylor, attorney tot MrsTBBgartaays it is pracUcAUr cet Ulo that puotensnt rorteaque will file charge agalnat Majof Taggart. . Mrs. Taxgart . will be a . witness Against bef huebarxi le the oourtmartlal, which. hears the charges filed by General Miner.'- - 1" ,": ' 'ThUi""mornlna; was spent in reading the. depoelttona of srmy officers :who aald that the major vkas sober, and to the beet of their knowledge, kind to hlg wife and children. Major Newberry. Who waa "aaeooiated with Taarrart In Manila and who knew Ausustlna, la com in to testify Monday. , . ' .. 1 Witnesses are coming from Orrvlllh to contradict Billy TaggarCs testimony. Billy will be placed on the atand again. Tha judge is anxious to finish the caaa. He haa decided to hoM court on Labor day. It is expected that the evidence will be all in and the argtimentg com pleted m Thursday.. ; . r-. In oross-examlnatlog . Mrs. . Taggart dented that aha ever tiad correapondence with Oeneral Bell tor General Miner, In which atTe attempted to have Major Taggart courtmartlaj ed. She vlgoroualy denied the slumming and French J41 stories of Baa FTanelaoo. j . IVOOLtq-CILL STisIXE W BE AL'IMCLY SETTLED Striken -Considering Proposal L and. If Accepted Will Return rtfto2 Places Mondayrn r -yt s. , - .. if .-. v- ?. . : : (Special I?lPtcaf t Th JooreaL) ' Oregon -City, Bept. t.-ThS' probabil ities are that the strike In the woolen mills of the 'Oregon ManUfacturtht com pany v will be ended - and th - striking weavers resume worhVMonoay.. , -. .The. committee .went before -Manager Jaooba yeeterday and presented tha de mands of the strikers in writing. .These demands ware that the former seals of wages be resumed, as welt as other con ditions that existed prior 'to the reor ganisation two months ago.. '. ''.'. Manager Jacobs refused to accede V these demanda, but made , a counter proposition. He proposed to 'establish a aaaie of wages that' mrtl Se the average of tbe wages mat are in vogue in an tbe mills on the Pacific coast. .The mill at St, Johns Is not Included In this average on the! grounds that the St. Johns factory 17 not yet- an estab lished Institution. - . The striking wearers took this, mat ter under aovlsemBnt and it will be dls ctiaaed at a meeting to be held tonight tn Willamette hall. C H. Gram of Port land, president and organiser . of the Federation of labor for Oregon, Wash ington and Britiah Columbia,', will be praaent at this meeting. The Idle mill employes held a meeting at noon yesterday la Willamette) ball and appointed a committee of -elx to D re sent to the mill management tha de mands of the strikers. .Mr, Oram was present at this meeting. The attaches of the mill are giving put ths statement' that the strike is' ended and that the mills will be running a full force Monday. This,- according to the strikers,- Is not true, and while the strikers are hopeful of an amicable adjustment, they are by no means, sure It will bereaohed. - Manager Jacobs declined thla morning to make any statement In regard to. the terms of the proposed settlement. WHAT'S DOING ALONG PORTLAND WATERFRONT Six hundred hopplckers took passsge this morning on the steamers Pomona and. Oregon for Mission's landing and Salem. This is 4he largest crowd to go to the'hopflelda since tbe season be gan. 1 , . '.': S On. account of Labor day the steamer Alliance - will, not . sail fog Eureka . un til, next Tuesday night.- , She arrived last night from the south with the usual line of freight and a full passenger list.' The officers say -a, atrong north west gale was blowing s they were coming ub th coast, v .The Regulator line has chartered the steamer Albany from the Western Tow ing V Transportatioa Co. to place In th grain -trade between Lyle,- Washington, and Portland. ... Steamer. Sarah Dixon will, leave for Astoria - tonight to bring a houaeboat belonging to F. 8. Morris to Portland. ' George Gentskow , and A. la, . Jones, mantera on the steamers Albany and god pealtlons. Meaars, Edwards and Faller,. Vnlted SUjef '' lnnpectors, jreturned C .high, from ATtorlirW here "they Inspected ' the steamer W. H. Harrison. ; The work of loading the britlsb. ship Plnmore -will be completed this after noon, -She will have on board about 1.(00,000 feet of lumber, which will be taken to- Australia. Exporters received advices from Ban Francisco this morning confirming the report published in The Journal Thurs day that ths British steamship Knight Krrant nan neon cnarterea to load grain st Portland for Japan. Abe -was taken by "Mttsul A Co., Instead of Kerr, Qlf- ror d m Co., but ths latter firm wll) supply the major portion of the cargo. She Is at Hlogo, China, but la expected In - time to load in October. - ' i v V MARINE NOTES." Astoria. SepUJ. Arrived at S and left up at :10 - a. m. Steamer. Vslencis, from Seattle. ' Arrived it I C nv Sttsmrr Eureka, ri. ir.z Vaneer. paralysi Jumors. rheumatian r.-r.. o, c.a, liver and kidneys. He nas 1 nao gr Stoma euraptioa when tne vioiim : short time. He brewe bl -' and will stop hemorrhage; In JixSli hk and woUV.; T:' wn mediolnes from Chines i:,;;" whose medicinal propertl ... J teas, all of which are Z.tSrwSi in hi practice over BOO dit.- f are unknown to American doctora, iie v.,.fi . r-Tl ferent Oriental remediea, ' DR.;. WINO LEE . UuUUuttuU .t Phone Msln aooo . 1 : vmii and vme & iron voniaS; :u. SSSSSMSSB PB.T. . WltS. IX: blDlN'T HURT 1 wkat tbey ear at Lt' daul work. W de worn for people rreea Jut ef city eulr y 'VttrJ'i Bverytalag ap to data,. Opra vealag aag ansWayaTT alala SS. . WISE BROS., Dentists . tka FaOlag, as. Sktrt aad Whlgta. wrwnwvarroWB. OOTTOBT. STQOXB AlfP SOBPAj... . . .tr.. "1 t .: 101 Third Btreei. aauavavr - - - r-m 90 A aTaUm.T OOatllXSnOS! BWSISniBaV 1-ne.tlnr.. ifarketa Ur MlVstenrsr REFERENCES tavdS ( SS United States National Bank ef Portland, :-;-- - fVomrjan: FisUtciacb, and ; leftup, at noon.? :-.-- Honakonr. - Seut 1. Balled. . uerman steamer Aragonta, for Portland. San Francisco, Sept, t. Sailed at 4 p. m. Steamer Carina., for" Portland. Sailed at p. -nv-r-Bteamor' uwr"w. for Portland.. --, . " ' '"v -' s-". Astoria. Sept J-Y-Arrived at"l:IO and left upi at- :dt p. , tn. Steamer Ascen- clon, from San Franclaca ; . Arrived- at 4:10 and ten up. at : P m. Steamer AUtantfrpmJlCooBBay and Eureka.-:...r.t. .-. ,. . " .1. 1 ',.-' ' Sailed, at I p. m. Schooner Virginia. for Ban. Franclecov t ' " '""- ' " ABtoria. Sept I Steamer Spokane arrived down at ll:l, a. at. and aalled at I3:ii p. m. "- v- - ' ' ' ' Astoria, Sept. a.-ondluori Jf the tar at S a. m.-r-Obscured;, wind northeast; weather, cloudy and foggy. NATIONAL LEAGUE OF: w ft COOPERATION ORGANIZED C The National Cooperative league eon ention resumed session, this morning At tha lAmerlcao Jnn And voted to organ ise" the American Cooperative league,-to serve as a central - organisation, with the country.- The object-of the .league will be to educate and organise) local In dustrial cooperative societies. Jt Is in tended to bring the4 employer and em ploys tttWk national Union. - . The convention will adjourn late thla afternoon, , after . Issuing a call for ; a national meeting; to which delegatea will be sent from" all local cooperative bodies for the purpose of framing a con stitution and sleeting national officers, . .-The last perform aaoe of "The Bataatornter will ha (Iran by Ears Kendall aad his excellent company at tha Mraam Grand taeatr u Morrleoa street. Betweea Blith aad Beveolh stmt. Umlgat at 8 JO , ,,- . T , t - All Records Broken. . ' "Allc ef Old Tlacenaea," the atost heantlful foot prodnrtleai ever aude In rhe city of Pert land, ha' hrohaa" th week' record for at tendance at the Balaam theatre. . It will be Been tonight aad tomorrow afternoon and Sight. The new bill will' b the brilliant enmedy la which Mary afennerlag waa wewderfulig) aoe eeeefnl, ''Harriet' Honeymoon," opening Mon day alghW . .-. .- ' ...,..:' - ,- At the Star. -The Star la nreaeatlac' aa unnanallr at lfractlv hill of vandevlll wlla Mnslcsl Klelsf tn feu tore. waiter Terry, a monokxtlat, hv by far tb heat in that line that baa bee here In . atany Week. Xirk-k and Lakmda. hlgh-claal entertainers, and sisiTllle (ml A sail In a sketch. Boy McBrslu and th BUroacop eoBapict - in But, Lstt of TatarrL- ?':r '- ' :-i ' Tomorrow will nh th last day Ihat Tatum, th marrelous Blndreader, will be at th Grand. Th - perfernuincee -totnorrow will be rontinu. on freat -t until 10:4B p. In adrlltlon to Xatmn there la trong- vandevlll bill with plenty ef singing,- aanrlng and comedy. There I will b contlaaeu performaaeea atoaday. Labor V '- ' . '. . . At , the Lwric , - " - -" . ' t 1 . - - ; Tonight nd tamrew will ' be . the hut epportunitle to sea what ha been one of the greateat succeese ever prod 11 red at the La-rle "A Hooeler - Heroine." . The play pleases all clssse ef theatre-gner. The eeenery la hrantl- Jnlndwaa painted esperUlly for thl pre, art Ion. Next weak Ibe big scenic meludramt, "Tb Tiger' CUw. - t . 11a 11 .-' , , At the BaksLyeefc. Tber win b no perfaraiaBerS'at the Baker theatre tonight, A a the borlesea enmneny leavee a the- evening tralh for' Baa r react, Starting tomorrow afternoon and alt the en snlng week, with regnutr tnatlneea Sunday. Wednesday. Thursday snd Saturday sad a peclal Leber day matinee Monday, rrenv well' fanwua Brigadier bat huieuer will ba the attract:. - , tttr action At Ernpire Tomorrow, . Tha Chtrle A. Taylor company, which openg a season 01 twe weeaa ai tne Empire theatre to morrow matinee, la com posed ef 3B people, spe cially enraged trace several hlg .roelo-dramatlc or ran hat t tone ef la at acaeont they are under the personal direct lea of the author of the play, which ara of th most evennoue mele-drematlc character, gperlal mattnaa Monday, Laser day. .Wnton Uckaye Next lyeekv ' Th noted Bctnv. Wilton Turkey, add hh) eapn.t will aveeent The. Pit", at tb Mac "ftiam Grand theatre neit Monday, Tuesday end Wednesday njghtat "Trilny ' Tbnraday and Fri day alght 'and Saturday out tine. Seals aid Ulng for the entire week. . aaansaaaahaanhjr ; ATTHE THEATRES - : V, 'A -;f - :.-rr Lgst Perfonoancc Tonight. -a. : r rrN 1 - - t P ' w ' uiw.-. iU...--L..s.t,. LQCATBPlN PORTLAND I since ueo ; - ,- r, vv- ... - . ' ' i- . H 1 etllttl 4rrt bcuM b curesj all f " t."Nou th exict nature of your trouble, r I He treata aucceaefully very tormof fe- , ' J Salemplal-t. all prUt. and blood id . , , V. ...w. eon- f cmaao Hundreds oi wsuuwa-. .. -- ..e-T 1 1.,. 1- ya W, ' . BANK AT1D OFFICE RAILIuG Barbed Wtre, Wire end Lawn Vtxido - Poultry Metung, ,tc IS i3 FLANDERS 5T.i Near Thlrf PS. W, A. WTSB. IC, STARK waJMlvc wvjp : Members Cbieage Board of Trad. :. - i.'l. ? Ui,lUln. Dwll. M Cr. - . .. - ... VoJ ii loj - s - 1. ; 1 t 'jj-v-ir til t: ' V ''J'.::' y ji'&a -. - . ,r'.. v - iwa-' . -uTtoallSBSi -IBTS. ,'.,;;. -.- ;. C'Jl MTJ!IS c:i IBI JUVXHB . Tnaaiaaaa la Portland aad all ever tn anrthweet caa taatlty t ear great; and an easplad u crass. -,. t, -aji-, , ' '?-. Hay B attended wita the gravest eeufpllru tlnn If neglected er lutproperly -treated. We save a sperlfl treatment walcA earea salcfly, aly and naUlaanly. -7- - ; , . SYPHIUS - " Is aaoraer Bcqnlrsd dlaeaaa. fee ravage -ef which when fully dee loped ae pan caa describe. Whea It shown by nkla eruption II eracTjaJB most, .wroil M nareas. ffr u-eadybeguuC w fly and taer 1 1 eaghly care yoe aad se aslaaral poaian a. Dpaaye.-.: r"w ' : VARICOCELE AND - HYDROCELE -t ' We treat ad core, ant by tbe eld ears -preeedure. hut by inalalee BMtaed'Aal TV unewiBB wis cure rop I the Buffertna aaaod a tad tW Sarveoa PehUlty, Lost aUakoed. Imuettch, Spsi isaterih. ' Bastaiaal ImUalaai, I ' v ' awtnrs Decline, Leaa ef Memory, Energy -' AmbltloB brie teat tiaaa it caa oaf--', and we Insure yea a eafe aad acnttlv t j ;- Ooaaultatlo and azamlnatiott tree. aymptum hlank aad hook II yo ear, . -OfSe Roar: . S s. sv te S f. m.; sis say, 10 te 1A vST.TIa.OUI3 ' Mtdtcat and Surgical DISPENSARY Oer. M aad TaaUUl gbk. rarUaad. Or. j- ii w iv ,(,.--.; OOVOBJUtOmA, OUST, aTTJPSrJXlV RVMOanJI, TAJUOOOSTU, toss O- : aSAJTMOOB, asSaaTrraUTXSat, SOSntS, ASTSTSLS: and SatTjr SISSASBS. w. . want every man . afflicted - with --' tha above dlseaaes to honeatly Investigate ;' our special system of treatment W In vlt In -particular all who ha.t'',treated ' ' ela where without sueeesa, . all who cases t have been abandoned by- family j phyalelans. and so-called - -UttGlAI ISTB.T all whose . troubles hav ' been 1 aggravated and made worse by the use of BSXTS, fUI SAJSJPXaSS, TBZAla 1 TaUBATarJEBrTS. and so-called SFSCIIe ; XOB. - W will 'explain to you why such ?" treatment - has failed to cure you. and will demonstrate to your -entire satis-, faction that we oan our you. safeli; . quickly and permanently. ; Our ceiunae will coat nothing, and we will da by yt, . as- we would wiah you to do by us out j: jwerOeyoxgedj.Wrlte- fat 017, home treatment if you cannot call. .. The DR. LIEDIG STAF BBS Baraglde Streahs, rorUand, Or BstAbUshed 18TS. , BQwsmra, storuvs co-' v. (XUtabllsheoT-tltl.) . , A ABB STOOJC BBOXXBS. yj Boom 4, Ofowad afloor,"-"' , OStAAIBWB Oaf 00 aatxmoa. BANK CASHIER SAWS r-v WAY OUT OF PRISON ; "'.'' Uoaraal Spsdsl Serrlee!) ' j Rushvllie, IndTPt S. Oliver Jones, formerly cashier of the bank at Arling ton, In prison for- embesBlIng IH.OCD, and two . other prUonera sawed itheer wsy our and ssoted early, this morn ing. 4oTt 'left b hote saying he ex pected to recoup snd repay Big credit ors.v -" y . ' . , . , - M L S -V