The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 02, 1905, Image 1

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    ; r
...jod .nv::.:;z:iG
Journd Circs!':.:'
Till! wATI3
' . Showers and cooler tonight ; Sun-'
day iho -n; southerly winds.
vcl.iv.uo. .
Attorney States That Ex-Bailiff
-i Sent Him Some Cases,. Then
Dunned Him for One Third v -?
- of the Profits. -
Intimation Made That in Causes Be-
fore' Judge Webster, and fat Which
y ' Upton Was Interested, Proper Care
Was Not Taken of interests ' of
Heirs or Incompetent Persona.
John F.. Logan., .the. attorney,- fur
ton. who resigned ea bailiff - of the
..county oourt yesterday, .used, his posi
tion to try to force attorneys to pay .hint
s part of the fees they collected In esses
which, he procured .for them.
District Attorney Manning . says ' hf
has had the mm of I'pton under Inves
tigation 'for several 'days; and' that he
WIU continue' t&e '. Inquiry until 'he ' h'aef
. learned all . thai .fats, .after . Which yh:
will determine, -what action
'taken. ; vv-." '''
,-. Upton made no personal statement to
the county court when -be submitted
hie written reaianation. . He sent
, letter, which st-forth that by the re
.rentr events la connection with the Ru
dolph Jansen .case, he. was. placed la
'a false light,, .and therefor .desired to
be relieved from the office of oainrT. -.-
I .That hla resignation was' accepted
and' he waa allowed to leave the .office
under fire. - and with specific ; charsea
"rorlsVI", m rffi' general
Charges Against BaaUlff. ;
V The - allegation against Uptonare
that he abuaed the confidence, of , th
-county judse. aaed his office and, the
know led ae aaJned sa the personal ad'
viaer of Judse Webster, to his own
"profit, and in many othet. respects waS
unworthy, tne truai imi waa npam
in-hlm." V ,-.
r It was expected that the' court would
refuse to accept the resignation until
final disposition had been made Of the
caae by .the . atata's- attorneys., .
. "Whew Jay -Upton. was'' appointed
bailiff of the county court In 1(03." said
John P.. Logan, "Robert Galloway," now
- law librarian, waa .instrumental in pro
curing the pohlh"' for him. After Up
ton began . his duties. ;-OaUoway , sug
gested that he remember me when eases
arone in which lawyers .were needed.
: : 'The lawyer under the Oregon-statute
swears thart he will accept aH casea that
come to him In which the litigants are
' needy and have no money with which to
.pay feee. ..-. -,...'- . , ..-'-.;' i-,
t "In the first few months three caaea
. were given by Upton to me and from
them I collected 4S feee. OaJloway waa
' my law partner. . One day Upton aaked
Oalloway what amount of fees I secured
tn those three caaee and-waa Informed
.-that they amounted t $45.- Upton then
sent me' a statement : demanding one
third of .the fees or. (IS. ...
. Bald Demand Was Zmperttaeat. .
- ent Bt onoa' to n)m Md tojj nin
that he was riot a partner of mine and
Jt was Impertinent end astonishing for
lhlm to send such a demand. - ; i
.. 'From that time no more cases worth
anything came to me; they were given
to H. 1L Rtddell, with th exception of
small cases .and a number . Involving
the Interests of persons who were needy
and had no money. , All of these I ac
cepted and attended to them as any
lawyer would' who did hla duty,' -a
Since that .time,, so. the reoorda show
' and many persons, about the eourthouae
know, Rlddell haa been ' worklnjr ' With
", XTPt0h- 1"h statement of Mr tiognn
lenda still further color of trutho the
aaserTIon' of County Commlaalonek W.
I Llghtner, that Upton admitted to Iilm
- that ho and Rlddell . were partners.
- ' Yesterday Tha Journal printed a atate?
ment of the settlement of the estate of
. J. H. Londlah, deceaaed, of which R. O.
Scott was administrator and H. H. Rld
dell eounael. Scott la a brother-in-law
f Upton. In this ease William efundy,
.a nurse, signed the petition for the ap?
(ConUnued . en- rPaga .Kleven.) . '
First of th. series of modern snort
Journal, is a feature of the rainbow
Barr Is the author. Hla name tells
or not. -n '",-.. -f n ;:i-..3 t.i
11 you tninlt it a worm cents co.near ins cnnaren isugn you anouid -buy
.tomorrow's Journal. ; .The .Katsenjsmmer kids play a brand-new
Joke on unde; . but. 'retribution lands In. ths midst of the fun. Maud '
has soothes turn wtth ths elrcus shd tws won't spoil your enjoyment f
the other four by hinting-what they ar. ' 1 - ? --trj.. - . '.
As- or the news well. The Journal continues to have a monopoly
of the only apecfal' leased wire-In Portland, and If you have compared
the newspapers here you have certainly ..found that you had missed
.someining if :yu hsd : not read - ; S
... r
A Few Minor Points Remain to
Be Adjusted but Instrument '
. Is Ready for Inspection . ,
' ; by the Envoys.'
Drawing of an ArmlsticeTWas Done
by the Japanese Plenipotentiaries
on Their Own f R es pons ibility
Witts Accepts Invitation to Visit
Chicago and New Yort'. t , : -
. (Joaraal Bpeetal gertleat-
TO'6FWmolCrSepCTX.iTh first d'rsft
of the peace treaty haa been completed.
B.B, Russ of the state .department.
John Sullivan of the poatof flee depart
m en 17 s ni ved th ta momi h g toworlt on
engrossinf the treaty.' They say If the
treaty doee not exceed 10 pages it ean
be engrossed In two days, by them work
ing sixteen . hours -each. While the
tresty consists of lk articles It Is un
darstood that some sre-very grief. .
' Witt has accepted the Invitation of
the Metropolitan .club to attend a ban
quet during his stay In Nsw York. He
will r-afterwards go . to - Chicago ' via
Kiagara -and Buffalo. . r- v -
' The meeting of the envoys called for
thia afternoon, a-th hotel. Is to be a
mere formality. They W1U probably sign
the protocol of last Tuesday's meeting.
Th - meeting of the treaty-f ramars
adjourned at IZ;C3 o:oloca. , Dettnlson
aaya that a" few minor : points . remain
to be adjusted, but that the treaty has
been practically' completed for th In-
spectlon f . th envojrsatthis. afterUtlve
notmnrTneetTBt" wlieh. Vt . understood,
the. divergent views as to phraseology
will be' .harmonised.--.-, ' . ' , . ,
At. 1 o'clock Dennison announced. I In
response to Sn inquiry.. that no, message
had been received from the emperor: of
Japan for five daysv 'He admitted that
the.v drawing of the .armistice Friday
was taken by the Japanese envoys on
their own responsibility. ' -' ; '. ': .
At a conference last night an agree
ment waa .reached .by Wltte and Komura
on the points of difference in phrase
ology relating to' articles on Sakhalin
and evacuation pf Manchurta.'.; A time
Is fixed by the envoys lor th evacua
tion -of Manchuria. The details will be
left to ' th-eommanders In -the. field;
Both nations are prohibited "from erect
ing fortifications on ths island - of
Sakhalin. . , , i
T Arrange Ventral Sons readiag Mf
. ysreal of Troops la th SPleld. , ; ---
A V. (Jesraal. Bpaelal serrlea) ' ;'-;
Qunshu Pass, Sept. S. The flrafintl
matlon of an agreement between the
"peace plenipotentiaries waa - printed . in
todays Issue of. the army organ. Ar
rangements will be msde for a, neutral
sone between the' armies pending dis
persal. . Foreign military attaches ere
arranging formal leave-takings of com'
msnders,. expecting -their recalls.
rhyslciaa metoraed from the' Stoat
Says n la Only a rroloiurea Armiatloe.
- ' (Jenraal Special Serrlea.1 '". X
New Tork, Sept. I. Dr. Louis L. Sea.
man, speclsllst on contagious dlsesses
and expert on army sanitation,- who has
jusi reiurnaa aner an" aDsence or two
years, witsr the Japanese end Russian
armies st the front In' Manchuria,' had
something to, say today at hla home
"The ao-cansd peace of Portsmouth."
said Dr., Seaman, "will In my . opinion
pme to 1 be regarded - as-one of the
great mistakes or the century. - That
wmcn is causa peace will D ln-mv
opinion only - a prolonged armistice.
Russia, who Is sUll one of the greatest
nations on earth,, will never consent to"
be bottled up. and will never ba satis-
fled until ah haa regained the preatigt
and territory she lost In this war.
"Trad will puah her. on and when ahe
(Continued.' on Page Eleven.) .
m 1 1 " ' X. 'A 11
atones which .will appearln Th
section of tomorrow's laaue. RoheVt
you whether you want -to read It I
t .. - w X
. -y; r - w
)uriday J ourngl r ;
Wreck of the O.'R.
AllOfficers of Mutual, Equitable;
New York and Other Con- .
Lr cerns Subpoenaed.
Legislative Inquiry, to Be Thorough
One and All Suspicious Tranaac
tionav te. Be - Brought Into Lime
''"' ligh-Ba Risks'. TaJtenV' '54
"(Jearasi. BpecUl gerWea.)
Kew Tork, Sept. l.r-It Is learned that
sabpoenas 'to' appear, before the ; legls-
Senator -William Armstrong. Is chair
man, have been served on nesrly all the
officers of , the Equitable, . New Tork
Life. Mutual. . Metronolitan and- Mutual
Reserve. This . Is. merely -a beginning.
There' are 49 Insurance oompanles doing
business In the state, according to a
Statement made bv ' ana 'at the investi
gating committee, and all will probably
be' called before the committee before
the 'inquiry. lo.nded.v ; v rs ' :.
The committee pursuing ths . inquiry
does not intend to tske up th examina
tion of each company separately Wit
nesses will be , called from th com'
panies .;. Indiscriminately to testify 're
garding certain general subjects snd
specific faets. ' :r . '.'.. J .
The Ktl.000 blind loan account of the
Equitable supposed to have been -used
In paring -lobbying fees, campaign con
tributions and 'other 'Improper expenses
is to . be looked Into - thoroughly. The
Depew losn Is to be Investigated despite
its psyment. ' v ..-.-
Evidence of extensive ' fraud In - the
writing of. life Insurance. on risks known
to be bad haa been brought to the -at
tention of the committee. It Is asserted
thst in this class of fraud there has
been collusion between the officers and
agents of the companies of high Stsnd-
Subpoenas summoning the medical ex
aminers -of some of the big companies
to appear before the committee have
been prepared..- They -will- also - be re
quested to have ready for the committee
the medical records of th 'companies
for the last 'few years, to, be used as
exhibits In caae they are required. All
the medical . examiners - probably will
be called for th same day. ; . V
Forty - Old-Maid Teachers . to
: Make' Twoscore of Homes '
X Happy in Chicago. .
-' - ' (Joaraal SpecUl Strrtc.)
' Chicago, Sept. I. Dan Cupid -wrouaht
- havoo In the ranka- of
teachers la the public schools. At least
40 have been led to the sltar during the
last " stimmerr!WeSrir'air wrrrrdrsake
pedagogy for' matrimonial happiness.
These - twoscore lemaie pedagogues
will make twosoore of homes bright.
Daniel haa Shown-himself kind. : Prone
to launch shafts .st blushing girls - In
their teens, this year for work in thia field
he- has selected those of more mature
charms. Of ths total number or tears,
era ; ensnared 1 0 . per cent Xnteas M
years ranging from Sf te 49. . . -
It Is expected by. tne time met ecnooi
opene next week the number of brides to
b will be considerably augmented snd
probably ?( schoolrooms suffer the loss
of their rulers. . -.t ' V
. .. " 11 1 ' V -
.-- . 2 Vaekers Plead Tuesday. "
' ' (Jearaat Sperlal Ssrrlra) ' 'i ; ;
Chicago, Sept.' t Officers and law
yers of .the packing Industries umtaf
indictment on a charge of consprrsey tot
rlolstlon of . tbs arUt-truat laws 1 hare
been ordered to appear' In th federal
diatrlct court at Springfield to plead up
Tuesday, September e t ., . 1 ,
ft Company a Dock Whicb Was
. Fireboat George H. Williams,. That
Empire Steamship Company, With Ten Million . Dollars .Capital,
Organizing to Take Care of Trade in What Is Canfi- :,
St dently Predicted Will Be
k Another steamship line from Portland
to- the orient le the latest great bus!
ness undertaking1 for the - development
of the Pacific northwest. ' Ths Empirs
Steamship company,!-, with" a' capital
stock of . 110,000,000 paid up, is, being
organised fn New Tork7 by American
snd' British capitalists, snd, will be in
corporated within a. few days in New
Jersey;, to. build snd operate a number
of. ateamshlps ; between : Portland and
porta of China,' Japan and. the Philip
pines. - :; . :.?- :
The company haa plans for three.
to be named "Oregon." . Washington"
and. "Idaho.; Each , vessel will be 00
feet' long, with gross-tonnage of 1.800
tons., and of the - most modern design
for carrying freight and pasaengera.
. A party of engineers, quartered In a
houneboat.on the Oregon shore near, the
Vancouver, ferry., have for the last two
weeks r been-, surveying and' taking
soundings for docks. -These will be
1,200 feet long, and will be located With
a view to the most advantageous facil
ities In connection- with traf flo com
lng ver the brldg to be built by the
Northern r. Pacific - Kaltroad - company
across th Columbia, river at Vancouver,
and also a connection with the Oregon
Railroad - - Navigation company a 8L
Johns trackage. t Is saldtheplans
show three piers, each 1 00 fee t,, wide.
rWrtti"soa-'feet "eif- eaiei""ejeee lictseeu
each pier. -
' . J e"0elayla Bhlpmeav . . ' , .
Location of these docks on the Colum
bia river. Just outside the environs of
Portland, la said to indicate that 'the
route of all through freight trafflo will
follow the water grade,, and that cargoes
transferred to and from Oriental liners
will- pass without being subjected to In
terfereno or delay fry passengeis-traffic
in -and out of the oity. Ultimately all
heavy shipping will. It la said.' be -don
from Columbia docks for tonnage to or
from t be east and th Orient, and th
uptown docks on th Willamette wlltl
be need v only for coastwise snd river
traffic. :..' j " ; - 1 '
There Is no longer any doubt ' fn the
minds of well-informed people thst great
developments are In 1 th near future
for rortland, TS faet that; the- CoVerm
bla river tty Is deepening the chan
nel soros the bar, and soon will en
sM the largest ships to enter this har
bor, and that the government-haa-, de.
- - - -;' - ' , ' ; V
Swept by Pire yesterday;
Saved Hundreds of Thousands of -Dollara' 1 Worth .of Property During the!
Coast's Greatest City.
llberately -entered ' upon the- tssk ' of
opening-the Columbia -river at -Celllo
and bringing Jthia port Into direct con
nection ' with ; the greal inland country
from Lewlston tp; the British Colurobis
boundary... 1: at .list being' sccepfed as
a great business-making fact by, men'' of
roresight and capital.
Portlaad the Coast BaXlway Caster.
'- These men are preparing.. . Is said, te
take, advantage of opportunities' thst
will be 'offered . ss .the development of
river end transcontinental - lines pro
ceeds. . It Is declared by those on the
inside that Portland is to be ths great
railway center of the" Pselflo' eopst."" II
has t tbs natural , advantage of location.
commanding 'th basin of the Colum
bis rivsr,: whoee- tributaries furnish
water grades for every railroad line ndw
being built from the east .toward, ths
Pacific seaboard. ' The great 'ocean
transportation, docks' of th future, will.
It i - said, be on the ' Columbia-, river,
close to th- mouth? of' th .Willamette
and Portland will be the New York of
this coast, with ,Vsncouver ss Its Jer
sey City. There ere certain, hard.-un
yielding conditions existing her tn the
form -of advsntages for Portland that
rev possessed by. no other city on ths
coaat, and no amount of talk tp- ths
- keasoaa os City's Sapremacy
"They uuliil to thtrfrssti water hi
the great productive' country back, of
Portland, the inland water transporta
tion courses, and ths numerous prelimi
nary surveys over which railroad com.
pan lea th Northern Pacific... the .Mil
waukee.' the Northwestern, th 1 Gould
people, the Rock - Island and th Grand
Trunk are projecting main line te
Portland. - " 'i -'.'.' - V , '. ..
When the -obstacle : presented by the
Columbia river bar . Is mentioned, they
laugh it to scorn snd predict that it
will a a thing of th past within th
next few, years. .The outer harbor of
New Tork 'Otty has si wave required
dredging; and whil thsr la 40 feet of
water at toW tide in th main channel, a
silt bar In forming off Sandy Honk and
tha government prepariig-to'piant s
Jetty In the form of a half cirri to pre
vent more s"rious trmihle. . It Is said
Portland Is not - the only grwit freah
: '
i : i :
e ee ''eT'eV
..-,v, .':.,.e
.;' (Jonrnat Special Serrkse.) e
e5 8t. Loula. Vo, Sept. 1 In a e)
head-on 'collision on . the Iron
Mountain railroad near Valller.
Arkansas, this morning four pee--e
pie are. reported to. have been 4
Hied and a score injured. The e
north and south bound passenger e
trains met on a curve while go-
e- ln at It miles en hour. ' The e
' fireman of ' the - northbound and -
the engineer of the southbound e
e ' were kUled and other members e
T of th crew Injured. The en-
gineer of tne nortnnouna aave
'himself, by- lumping. Both loco- . e
- motives v were completely "ae-. e
mollshed. as were the1 baggage e)
and mail care on each train.' . .
The baggageman and a tramp e)
era also reported dead. A nuro-,
ber-of the passenger coaches e
were derailed and a amoker. over- e
.turned. Injuring many - paasen- , e
gera. Traffic la blocked, on the , e
system. -. " ' .
ever Known
mm - 1.1 -V"" ' ru
Social Democratic Labor Party
of Russia . Preparing for
. . " Gigantic Walkout. r . ,
Working-People of Gear's Empire
Pronounce Douma as Merest Cari-.:-
cature of s National Gathering-.
"Want Universal Ballot."" T""" p
,Jorl SpUl Serrlce.)
New York. SepCi J. The New Tork
section' of ths Boclal'Dem'ocratlo" party
has received a manifesto Issued by- the
central .committee of" the Social Demo
cratic Jabor- party of Russia; stating
that l)t Is. making . prepsratlona for' th
greatest strike ever known, afore than
10,000,000, working people are . Involved.
' The. strike will- go Into effect at the
time of the general election in Russia
when representatives , to . the national
assembly will be chosen. The new
douma fs denounced .by ths ' working
people ss ths merest .caricature) of a
national- assembly.-
Ths party manifesto Is addressed "to
sit thoe who. are robbed of their
right".Tb strike, is agaloatth plan
to restrict suirrsge. Tne striKerS will
ngnTTor am hi versai tati
f: ..... 'fr "
(Joersal Sneelal Bsrtrtca.k . .. . "
Chicsgo, Sept. J, Special deputy ahr-
If fs snd specisl policemen who have
been engaged in. strikebreaking held a
meeting yesterday "and organised a
Strikebreakers' union. A scale of
wsges of not less than IS' a day, and l
if it csn b seVured. was fixed. Charles
K. Tura. a discharged - policeman.
elected president.
Tre I r"-s t- ry State.
'I -I ' - 1 r-a.-- -
i According to the
i 1 n nnltnn of Massa-
U ' t pa- - !?ion
' tf'( , 11 , 1 ;
state ct
chuset' t
shows -
H yp
ill, t
. . . ... . , '
.... 1 " '..
Detectives Believe' Flames That
Swept the Waterfront Yester- "
day Were Started by FIri
- bug and Are After Hirrj. ;
Says He Saw , Under ' Dock a If an .
-, With Paper and . Matches ' Who
Drove Him Away a Few Minutes
Before' Flarftee Burst Out on O. i
R. 'ft N. Company'a ' Property. ;
Officials snd detectives of the Oregon
Railroad aV Navigation company Insist
that It war an incendiary Are that yes
terday swept -th- waterfront' entailing
loss of approximately tlEO.000 and
threatening the destruction of the ex
position buildings. - Ona, street was .....
made, but for want of Identification the
suspect- wss-released. :,r .
Th entire detective fore of the O.
R. A N. has been assigned, to the esse
and Is following various clues. In
vestigation,'- It Is said, has exploded th
theory that th fir waS ' started by
sparks from a passing locomotive. '
The statement of a lt-y ear-old boy
who lives with - his. mother, in Albln
is th most definite clue that, ha been
obtained by th detectives. The lad ''
was on the dock gathering wood shortly,
before the fir. - wm-w -
He declares that he went beneath the,
dock and there saw a man who had , a
large bundle of paper and some matchi j
In his hands. The boy wss driven away
by the man asd a short time later tfa-e- -
fire waa discovered. The lad went home
and told his mother of the occurrence
and as soon as th fir was discovered
she notified O. R. A N. officials. The,
lad was closely. questioned. ' ';
"He tells a perfectly straight story."
said sn O. R. A N. . official, "which has
sll th elements of truth,- ,H de
scribed- . the man aa ' well as a boy
coUld and told his mother of ' haVing
been driven from under the' dock be
fore he knew any thing about th fir.
Other crues lead us to beleve th fir
was of lncnd1aryV origin. ' We cannot
give out the facts and theories on which
we baa our opinion at present. The de
tectives, however, are following every
clue that will likely result in th arrest
of tha firebug." r, . . v '- .
Insurance men, say the losses hsve
been exaggerated, that they were fully
covered by Insurance and that no cm
will suffer. Conservative estimates of
the- losses approximate 1 1.60.000.
Th Albln O. R. A N. dock was to
tally destroyed with Its contents; the
building sws Insured for 160.000 In the
Union Pacific Insurance .company. Th .
contents are estimated ' to hsve been
worth 130,000,1-fully covered by Insurance!.:.-..
The O. R. A N. company also owned
the dock- of Ahe Pacific Coast Elevator
warehouse and x landing. The . Isndlng
waa ssved. but the warehouse wss ?e- :
stroyed. , Th ,ioa la estimated at 171.
000, " which waa covered by - $7 9,000 of
Insurance. j . . s -
The superstructure, of the dock,
where the fir started waa owned by th
Pacific Coast Elevator Company, and
was totally destroyed. Th loss la es
timated at $40,000,. fujly covered by In-.
surance. t ;.- s y -f ' 1
Th Eastern sod Western Lumber
company carries Insurance ' to tha
amount Of I2S0.000, ! It loss .Is esti
mated at 1 3.000, while the Banfleld
Veysey Fuel eorapany. - whose propert y
Is slso heavily InsuredT suffered a loss
ef about. 1500. - --,-. -.
QF AQlluI . '
Precautions Taken by Expreca
Company Cause Robbers to
4 Cive i Up Attempt.
' ',''" IJesraal gpedsl Sorvit.)
Omaha. Bent 1. Templed by 5ls.
I sew in gold carried" fYwro'Me fluiseseasw-
mine In th Black Hills, s bass or train-
f TObteTs-tor twr-pssr-three- days in
threatened ths eastbound wortnwesier
trains south of Omshs.t To ward o
th robbers all train have gnn und
a guard ef II heavily armed sien w
Instructions to shuot to kill. Inforr.
tlon wss grven the nolle several r",
ago' that holdup would occur bet
this City snd Logan. Iowa. JO mile
Twlc each month th great got ' '
sends its bullion to Kew York.
handled br the Amerlran K.r
pany os the Northwestern rr
wss to ge h's fortune the
contemplated f -idnwr
stop trains whi. .ever
press s " s '
th csr or l,r e
t '- ' '
r-pn a '- 1 rU
t 1 ere f e
1 r- r w t
jlContlnucd on r Eleven.)
-'.v .-. -;''kN.,