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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1905)
i - -. ';..V;. 1 v ? '0 1 k r- .L ? -SsJJi. -.-J u.':4.';-v;.r: rv- - f .. ... , f.w-:...V , -v K : ' .. ,v t "..' 4, j . . Vf N-' V? s? ' ; ;' ff 'LJJiU ...... . x : .a ,. .'V . I ' 1 ,.vV'- V ' 5 ' . . . , 1 " ' -r - ...iX. C. Soli Only ci Pirot and Cdzicn SSg.,-"C!:3 Dig DciitlD Storo Di!L!ns -! -t : . I " mus pn9Lt in hew tor or Chicago excitM6i No damaged or supposcd-to-be damaLged gbbds in the Hclland3ps.finc stock. No dark, pdij! brcropm; to light of the day on daylight principles. Read every 'advertisement m this great paper today; Read them allcarefuUynote the pne easily detect the' counterfeit from: ttie (igcntiinfe -ji Note the price specials, and: remci JNteit all the sp-called spccial"sales in town See where yp x 3 v oundacea unoi 1 AOmifl' L ana At v. Cotntnencin at 0ii5a.li3f Pturdeijr 7o Fit Evory- . ' t.y body All Shades r Vrr'ii we can fit you.! You'H-gtt one by coming early. -.-i. O ' O kFdr choice of 20d dark "and medtu ra color S10 Suits, .-: ..' ? " , - r v V "A. choice of 206 single, or double breasted l: ' ;7':, ' ':'lJ"- r'?-r$i2 to $15 Suits.1 : '..,;. v v.; v : :. .:Yp': - C 7 S For. choice; of 531 all wool and worsted Uildryrnade $15 to $20, Suits' P 'VSome full silk lined. ; t ; " ' ; . ' T ' v ' ' rtQ QrFo'' choice of over 1,000 extra fine Worsteds, Cassimeres, Cheviots, yVaays, Meltons; worth to. $25.,' ,v;:- ::.'v1. -v-, !i Sl x Eleven dollars and one' cent for choice of 843 extraordinary high class SV: ; custom, finished Suits j worth up to $30. ' . .. ? . '. nllte Holland Bros fine stock consists of more high class, real custom tailored Suits, , Overcoats, , Cravenettes and Pants than , was ever displayed under one roof in this city. Nothing was too fine for Holland Bros, up to $30. You know values and Here is where t , you'll see them. ; ' ';- ' ",V;,,r : " v.lV:i' ..r-,.....,.-- I'; 'V-7'''-."" ' 'v. 5. T r-r ' :J '(from Oregon Daily Journal, Portland, ChvAi;.:' t ;- Sincethe big stock of Holland Bros consisting of fcv: $100,000 worth of fine clothing, hats shoes and furr.L! ; ings, has been on sale at First nd Salmon streets, its gre V success isjeajusingi tion.,-Jt's possible that strangers may becjjtoght in their roeshesr but sales of the fake order cannof last lng, for the , ; public is not so easily gulled as these fly-bj-nght'lakers, may suppose. Holland Bros.' stock sold through Samuel " Xiini i & Co., la i a safe of real merit and is saving the pub .lic many dollars on desirable and fine qualities,' while the , priees quoted are ridiculously low. The merchandise 4a w as described .in their ! advertisements, -and big aV the' 1m ;mense double,'at First and Salmon, it is piljed moun- 'tain high with suits, overcoatspants, shoes, etc." V- " C C2 For one lot of Gray Meltons that are easily CL 'X OH FoV -choice of 106 dark color $8 to" $10 - . S'-V Overcoats. :. -i:? ;;; v-'. ust touches the $12 spot.' About 200 of them," Some belts and cravenettes among them. --;. W CJ Fall-winter, weight and cravenettes, 50 styles, 840 gar- V menta; worth up to $18. Some full silk lined. VQ QO Cravenettes, lall box and winter; weights,, paddock, belt K V Overcoats, opera and dress garments; up to $25 values. 4rFall Press and Opera Coats, paddocks,' Prince yilliam 14v' Driving Coats,, in the best of imported materials! The new fall styles thajt sell up to $30. ; r-' ' 7 The Holland stock is superior to any line shown on the coast this' fall. Garments that were made to sell up to $50 all go at 40 per cent of ctualvyalue... .7 , . ".- :Z ''. : :''-:.-. '7 ' ..' 7 r-i A ' I The man that invented Pants ought to see this stock : and prides over 100 big piles to choose froni. - 3D For gray and black stripe Hickory $1 Pants. ' ?8Q f For 10 lines of $2 Pants, corduroys amongthem. $1.39 For chbice of . 500 pairs $3' Pants, worsteds, iV cassimere and corduroy. ;;. i U-,Xk-,'zi'': -$1.89 For up to $4.50 Pants; 004'pairs.'i'. ": J 92.39 For the "best of $5 and' $6,Pants.';Vy!y7:j j . $2.89 Worth up to $7, -.1,000 ''pairs, y'f rj 93.39 Worth up, to $8; over 900 pairs, .-'.i,. -S C't." ' ,Th4 Pants Stock consists of 6,000 pairs,' embracing i everything from $1 to $10 values, in sixes' from 88 to f56 waist and 28 to 38 inseam measure, -Over 1,000 pairs EnglislrCofdarOys the kind that wear a life- All Go at 40 Per Cent Youthsijit ;Vr. f: -p". ; Sizes ' 1 to 20: ; .v:X;";;. ' , 82.65 Takes choice of about 56 $7.50 Suits ' x":- ': ' 94.65 For black or blue Serge, Clay, Cheviots also f ( Fancies; worth up to $12. . ; " . ; j 96.65 And you can select from 200 single' and double' ' breasted Suits, light and dak colors; worth to $18. Child's Knco Pants Suits Hollands' Fall Styles Ordered for This Season Real -. J; Fine Ones. ' - r : 39 For Sock Samples, some all-wool; worth $2.'. . 89 For Sock Samples worth to $4, jS;.. ' ; 9179 For extra quality individuals and lines; worth': ' ' tO-$5r-- -,--.7: -- ' i'V- -r;--:' . 92.30 For fall style double breasted extra fine Hol lands $5 to $6 Suits. ' -1: ?2.8 and 93.39 For Hollands' fall styles, made to ' retail p to $8. ' . : ;; . ', Mothers, don't be skeptical. You will not be dis - appointed in style, - make -and quality- at First and - -Salmon Streeta. TrffMMIAltlMM . - . Best, Concise and Positively Least. 2 For White 10c Handkerchiefs.; " ' ' ; Sf For White 15c Handkerchiefs. -- . ' 8 For White 25c Handkerchiefs; r 2 for For Blue or Red Bandana Handkerchiefs J3 For Fancy 10c Cotton Sox. . ' v; ' V - 5 For'BlacklSc ScW '''"T ' ' : ':'" '''V ,' V - 8 and 9f For 20c Plain and Fancy Sox. -zLs.:.L VZxt For 25c Merino or Lacework Sox. - - l9t For 35cand 50c Wool arid Cotton Sox. ? 29 For 65c extra heavy Wool Sox. ; " 5 For 25c Silk Bow .Ties.'' .-';.- -7- ,'..,';l: : 15 For 50c Silk Teck or Four-in-Hands. ' . 7f For 20c Boys' Suspenders. r 9 For 25c Men's Suspenders. v -7 . v " " ' 12f;For.35c,SuspendeTs .and".?!..-..!,!! 22 For Police and .Silk, up to $1 Suspenders. , , , ; Soasonabb ond FcD. . - ,- 29e For odds worth to $1. "" ' ' ' Z9(p Fleece and Derby Odds, fall, worth to $1. .".49 Regular new fall $1 quality fleece, etc j 79 For mill lots, wool,, up to $2 qualities. -9129 For green sign, all wool and silk to $3 values. 'V- 1 Sv7QZXtQV3 ::. ' 39 For a lot of $1 Sweaters."7 . 7.-'"' '.. 89 For AIT Wool $2 Sweaters. ; ..' 8194roa up to $3.50 Sweaters.' , 91.89 For up to $4.50 Sweaters, t .. . 'v, ; ' 92.89 knd 93.89 Up' to $10 Silk , and Worsted '' Sweaters.'".,':' .,' '; ; ;. AlMVc cl I Sweaters 49VS9f - 919,Lworth- to-! SIlC3G t it- New Fall Goods, Cass Lots or in Single V ,iu,.;,: Pairs .t:40PetjCentjf "Value. .w 98f For a lot broken sizes ; worh tp $50;-; f 1)9 For regular lots, alf styles J , $2.50 . ' Values." u i - """ "'r 91.B8 For fall Styles, regular lots,! $3.50 , .value. ." y'-V".- ' : '" ' 92.39 For -irregular case , "shipments, all zxszsis;t:9xsiaEtiisiiiiititaRtsi9cszisfesiitKsiiaisiiaiisiiKxisaczz-i 1 M v ' M to liW in aetol Trade 1 H s 8 -Tliars is no reason for any person to patronize this sale of the Holland Bros. fine stock unless you can save money. For fifteen days wo have Ijeen serving thousands of patrons daily, Including some of. the best .clothing merchants pn.tjjs; coast There have been no disappointments, and there Will be none. The sales have grown larger each day until th Im mense big Iron and stone business block cannot accommodate the crowda. The bare naked truth' about qualitJaa, i!,. qilantlties and prices did It, and the mighty multitudes have kept an army of clerks busy from. 8 a. m. till 80 p. m. cv;ry day and Saturdays till 10 p, m. " " . ! : . ' ' ? i . . . ' ';' . ' ; . :' il n 11 II 1 1 1 1 1 11 irt:5ri:ttzt:titaeaexx2t;t:x:$zeaez?zsasaefeaeaeisatitrttztsttzsxt3SJtxtt2trt:t:trtTrr:r- : ;r 'J a. . Just Two Prices and fa Pries. 3 For choice of any Straw Hat v. r:t! $2.00. ., - r:; .1 ' . For soft, dark ot light colors, up t Hats. ,- .;.' . pl9 For Wt and" stiff Eloc' tr T , . $3 Hats. . V- Do lou want a better brands nd you will tiy ! 1 1 .. 7'."- . .