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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1905)
bc:::rvcr.:ccl J H '-, J f D.y S Roc2tte? THIRD FLOORITOS.E) P. Visitors to thestore :';'. XI ' : . ii Q.Oi invited to attend ants daily dem onstration in the afternoon at the store and lunch dainty, toothsome are cooked, .with;the, aid of these irons, by our clever dem onstrator' ' "': : s,-x- ::.'' ;:; ';" '.., . -. '7 V';;' i r I : A' ir it every week from their helpers, in a 14 business, in business hours,' 8 a. m. to 6 ENT STORE," that closes when the day day. " .:i:7:; PORTLAND'S LARQEST AND FOREMOST READY-TO-WEAR GARMENT ES- TABLISHMENT OFFERS A BEWILDERING ASSORTMENT OF ALL THAT'S NEW IN AUTHORITATIVE STYLES "OF- - : Suits; "Coats, wraps, SKirt, IfelsbrEtcr for Critical, Dressy Women "AND "THEY- KEEP COMINO MORE . NEW GOODS FOR OUR GRAND , SALONS ARRIVING EVERY DAY ' ; The new arrivals in-Suits embrace . all the correct styles' of . the season and in every fuhionable color. ..They are made iff the : extremely popular Redingote long-coat ' style; also' blouses and Etons and a very v pretty style with 27-inch, loose coat. These . come in . Broadcloths, - Serges,... Panamas, Homespuns, Mannish Iixtuesr Prunellas, ; ' etc; to suit everjr .jurse; prices from Values to - him down"o the last notch and got, the skirts "for a song." The lot is too Targe .and varied for detaile'd description. ; Suffice to say every 'skirt is cut in the very latest design, all made up in ex quisite and masterly workmanship with every late-and popular idea in trimmings, including plaits, strappings, buttons and -plain tailored effects. Materials in the lot embrace cheviots, Panamas, . - homesDuns. etamines. serres. worsteds, herring-bone effects and fancy mannish mixed tweedish effects. AU are in the-'neWcst round cut styles : Some cravenetted materials are included. These Tatfer are especially adapted for wear in this climate'. The greatest bargain ever offered in America in Walking Skirts; values . . c : l . i . 1 : i . t to Quctui luiiiuiiun uinjr ai tnuicc vi CORRECT; FALL FOOTWEAR AT BAR-- GAIN PRICES SATURDAY. IN "Ye Fair-Wiay Shoe Store' " v-v" ,' Anncx--Sixth Street.' ". i'H THt GOVERNOa ? 5 PINGREE-MADE -MEN'S - SHOES FORM I , ERLY $5.0a ON SALE ' . for $3.49 a Pair ;". '' 4Nothmgufe.higfegra4'stock4jC4injplM Shoesd In the lot are all kinds of leathers and all shapes, -at the uniform price oCrr, .--.f 3.4S - -Mflra-3.50-SHOES-FOR-12.45. BUllIU fui n VVQMENS$J.t)0"SHOESJ FOR $1.96. Women's Black Vict Kid Boots, from one of the leading and most reliable manufacturers ana sold for $3.00. On sale at.. fl.OS 79c FOR WOMErTS $1.50' HALF SHOES. Women's Half Shoes, in vici kid, with patent . tin; hrAarf. rommon-icnie heel and medium round to.jour tegular 1.50 value. Special at, th pair.. ' WOMEN'S $3.00 AND $3J0 SHOES . N FOR HM. ' , For Saturday we shall hsve on sale the cele-. brated P. J. Harney lin fi Women's tin Shoes. I These Shoes are ri vici kitLwith dull. : matt kid topsj some with the Goodyear soles for street-wear: others with light turned soles for dress or house wesr; our $3.00 and $3.50 vlues. - Special, the pair TtlE DIFf EnENT Iron G Jl 4 are cordially AT O A. a "VISITORS . FREE on the WATCHES CLEANED AND. "Rosettes" that Jewelry at proportionate prices INSTRUCTIONS IN EMBROIDERY GIVEN FREE ; by an iaperV la stitchery Art Needlework Shop-Annei-Second Floor., ,. . ' ' J' . , , . "-. . r -, ' . WE CLOSE SATURDAY AS CI All DAYSAT 6 P. 1 i A supervisor of an insane asylum directed one of the. half-witted inmates" to whitewash the: walls. : rThe lunatic did as directed and really performed a' very creditable job,- but for some unforeseen reason ' he . had neglected to whitewash , a space over the ; . clock jwhich hung on-' the walL'V : ( y ' . v "That's very well done," said the supervisor, as he : returned to inspect, but, catching himself up short, he demanded: "But why did you leave that " space oves the clock?" y "OK t don't believe in . working overtime-was the reply. ;: More sane, after alL than some of the employers who demand : . - hour day on Saturday. I Let's do a "sane" :-'.r p.m. ' Remember this is the M DIFFER-' is done at 6 p. m-slturday, as on all - v -yv?' !' ?r,-r-:- 'i .-1 '. ' -V, :ri:'v LONG CO ATS, SHORT COATS, AUTO . MOBILES AND ALL THE IftEST. Our advance showing can best be expressed, -by the words of one privileged to see the ' goods on display: -It s simply wonderful.' v No other store hereSbouts attempts to ap proach our display either in magnitude of qualities. The coats consist of every late style, long and short, made of the season's . newest materials, in all the wanted colors, such as purples, greens, gray mixtures, reds, olives, tans and black; prices range from , $t530tr$85)Q A ' MOST ASTOUNDING - SLAUGHTER OP WOMEN'S NEW ANJD SMARTLY STYLISH WALKIN6 SKIRTS. A GRAND SWEEP OP A LEADING EASTERN MANUPAC TURER'S STOCK AT RETAIL New ahd Fashionable Pedestrian Skirts $15 Here Saturday for The greatest bargain in new and stylish Walking Skirts Portland. Women ,ever knew. It is absolutely the biggest bargain we ever got to offer our patrons in this line in all our business career of over a quarter of a century. Out, buyer. Miss Bernard, while in New York in August, , run across a manufacturer who was anxious to exchange the balance rtf him atrwlr fit Wsllrinir Slrirta tnr a amall raah nnivalnt 5th "h . and not more than one or two of a kind in the lot.' i in me lot. $5.87 lue 101 lor. ....,.....,........... . Glistening Oargain Nuggets in Jew elry Aisle and Leather Goods Section Sixth Street Annex Firat Floor. ; . 59c FOR NECK CHAINS WORTH We. A good assortment of Sterling Silver Neck or Locket Chains; our 85c value. Special, v each ....; .... $15 LORGNETTE CHAINS FOR $1 J9. Sterling Silver Lorgnette Chains, with slide: our - $1.85 value,; Special, each.............f 1.3 l9T0ftXADIESRXJOCHES--WORTrr- v. ; t:.,- ..z ... ...TO 65c, , pretty assortment of Ladies' BVoochesTn , nnmlil dfiigni and fnmri una oxiaizea su- -vefMFalues4ip to oSc-SpeciaUeaclulPfZl COLD 3ROOCHESFOR-35e." FfelTy TiewCold-FitledBrooche V"hr-fiOral tie- signs, in rich rose-gold color. Special, each.S5e PRETTY BAR PINS FOR 10c AND ISo Dainty Little Fancy Bar Pins, in Roman gold, suitable for waist or collar tns. Prices, each........ ...10 and tf 5 LEATHER GOODS " ; 65c COIN PURSES FOR, 49c ' Coin Purses, made of genuine seal and walrus t leathers; in black, Drown or tan; trames or. gunmetai or . nickel; our oac vaiue, .opecir tich ...... j,... ................. .411 'Wc JEWEL POCKETS FOR S9c Fine Chamois Jewel Pockets, with silk cover ings, -in white, pink and blue;-our 45c value. Special, each ...,......& STQnE " Finn, IXTU Af.D WASUIuGTOri STREETS TKE FOSEftCST DEPARTMENT HOUSE WEST OF ARE U5GED TO ENJOY EVERY , PRIVILEGE OF THIS GREAT STORE TO THE UTMOST WARRANTED one year for 75c New mainapringt Pint Floor, near large elevators. T, Matchless Millinery Values ; ; ' : Saturday :': IN THE "BIJOU" SALONS ANNEX :.;TJ-. SECOND FLOOR, . . . ypazn end Children Are Interested I lndsome New Clack lists $3 Dress .; ; -fi, Kate for -$2. 19, - i "veVy"woman wants at least bn"dressyBIactr i llat in her wardrobe. We shall place the op portunity in the path of the patrons of the . Millinery Salons tomorrow at a price- less ' , than baU their price and regular value. ' Made 1 of best materials, soft silk braids, finished in ' pretty jet spangles, with trimmings of silks : and cbitton and dusters of ostnen ; tips. The usual $5.00 values for $2.19 the day only at, a choice for... . . Cargsins in Children's Hats .FcirJinal closure we shall offer all remaining of t our Children's Pretty-Summer-Hatr at xidicu--i-lous reduction. Plain white and plaided straws, : " trimmed, in mousseline -de . soies 'iA 'rosettes of ribbon and flowers. Value-'Ayf; to $2.50, at a choice for................. NEW ARRIVALS include a host of Children's , Smart and Prettv Dress Caps for fall wear. A Middvs, - Patent - Leather Caps, velvets and aps, . vcivcis anu . 75c to $3 v plushes, in white and colors. Also a line of stylish Hats : for children's-wear.. . ., . . . ;. . A Grand Benefit for Fall Silk Buyers I - The "Annex Silk StoreFifth 8treet . . SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY 1 $1.00 regular value Novelty -Suit Silks," in all - new weaves and colors. The best value ever , " shown at the price. Special for, the yak .Tf - - NEW FALL WARRANTED BLACK v- A TAFFETAS. , - : 19-Inch Black Taffeta, 75c- gsjade. only,, yard.4 19-Inch Black Taffeta, 85c grade, only, yard.T4a 21-Inch Black Taffeta, $1.00 grade, only, v - yafd ..v. -i-.i..v. .......-.U.T. 24-Inch Black Taffeta, $1.10 grade, only, yard .....................v.....f 36-Inch Black Taffeta, $1.25 grade, only, . V- nrA . ...... -.- .X.OB 36-Inch Black Taffeta, $1.50 gradeonly, ' 36-Inchx Black Taffeta: $fc60 arrade. ontv. yisrl si sVj Saturday's special Bargain Events in Portland's Leading Dress Goods Store Fifth Street Annex Firat Floor. ti: v . , We mark the opening -of '.a new season' of v fabric selling by sharply cutting prices already ; closely trimmed to a profitless point .JThese ' ' extra special values will be distributed among the patrons, of the Dress Goods Section on ' Saturday. . . " '- ; Hard-Twisted 'All Pure Worsted Serges and Cheviot -These fabrics will be in great de- mand this season; all staple wanted colors - in the line; our well-known .$1.25 grades. Spe- '. cial, per yard. .....4.. 53-Inch All Pure Wool French Broadcloths In - the new, highly-finished: chiffon make; colors are tans, browns, blues, greens and Alice blue; Unequaled at, $1.50 per yard. Special, per yStrdi ' a t k C)aC0 3,600 Yards 'of .New Fall SuitingsIn every new weave and color, including the new ' . shadow effects in worsteds and illuminated- .' Panamas; our regular $1.75 values.- Special, , , t per yard .:...........".,.;;.......... $1.5a ... Seasonable Specials in Women's Knit . - Underwear Section ! - j V First' Floor. - : I ! . '. ':; WOMEN'S 11.00 VESTS AND. PANTS 63c White Merino Vests, medium light-weight, silk crocheted trimming, with French band pants to match; regular value $1.00. Special, -- ' each '..... ..63 WOMEN'S 50e COTTON UNION SUITS 39c .White Jersey-Ribbed Fall-Weight Cotton Union Suits, half-open - front, long . sleeves, ankle length; regular value 50c Special, the , suit . ... . t ........ i ....... i. . ..994 1 WOMEN'S $1.50 FALL AND WINTER UNION SUITS FOR $1.19. ' Bleached White Winter-Weight Cotton Union Suits, irtade of fine combed yarn, silk-cro cheted "Ineckj,- half-open- fronts- Ion f -sleeer ankle-length j- regular, value xi.w. bpeciai. he-suit i ...... .f 1.19 . hirtfisieof DtichtPrecrf6ec I r-t vt .ta. est itmsf tL o art - Ladies' Fancy ' Plaid Umbrellas, covered : with , pure silk in the swellest blue and green plaids. All have the best steel rods' with the double ' . imnroved lock-rib Paragon, frame. Best natu ral wood handles with fine; heavy silk tassel; 'I regular ram size; oar $5.uu value. ' Extra-spe'1 , cial for only, each.,... ...........3.98 Specbl Sc!c ot Fancy rT.tbofixSctur df Tomorrow you raxy- take your choice from a most beautiful assortment of wide, fancy rib ; bons, all silk, in stripes, polka dots aid two- toned Dresden effects; worth 40c, 50c, 60c and ,73 per yard.- Special price, per yard., .., cmiLiuju'UiJcniy'.iLDiiiJUUL CHICAGO StCHECtCSES AT 6 P. M. (or 75c AH other. repairing . on Come and Yes It's Mighty to Take But like all other pleaaurea, "allee tamee" individuals, they must be paid for. .We're going to join the rest of the great army ; of LABOR on Monday by taking a recess "from routine" diUiearo have planned to do double" work tomorrow. .. Can't extend the hours, you knowso must do more than the usual amount of celling in the Id hours we allot to the doing of a day's business. . We put on the full current of bar gain power for Saturday-F-open the throttle wide, ahd "let .'er go," Savingjoppor tunities are exceptional, will you share? and will do your shopping before the day ;r Prices Kdved on Corbet Coyerav t Annei Second : Flood.-:t-:2:r - " ''7-""7Sc SKIRTS TOR nr-QX-Odd and broken lines of Corset Covers, made of . cambric or fine nainsook, in full-front style and - trimmed daintily .with lace and embroidery; our regular values from 35 t6 $1.75. - Special at... ....HALF PRICE . 57c FOR boMET FLANNEL SkJrTS T, .v . : worth 75c. . 'r.-i Ladies' White Domet ' Flannel Skirts, , knee ' , length, made with deep flounce and tucked; ' Our regular 75c value. - Special, aale. price, - ' each ...... .....,......................5Tf " " - SaturdaiH Domeatica and LinensFirst Floor.'-;. " y.-'i -r;,: : iiiiL Carpets, Curtains and traperies, Blankets, Bedding, etc. Fourth Floor. .Kitchen Furnishings and Tablewares, Stoves, Ranges, etc. Third Floor. Three Largest Passenger Elevators 3 . GIWRITTErrjIOlJnS' SPECIAL BATlGAUrCAnrJIVAL TOMonnowi A Clean Sweep in Domestic ; Aisles First floor $6.00' LINEN TABLECLOTHS: $4.78 Fine . Irish Linen Tablecloths, border all around, ; 2 yards wide; 34 yards long, pretty new r -patterns, very durable; regular value $6.00. Special, each J.,;.f4.TS 16c TOWELING 12c Russia Crssh Towel-' ing, can't be beat for wear and during pur-'.' poses; regular value 16c Special, the yard ... ..Mtf -lie TOViTELINaUlc Heavy Twilled Un- bleached Linen ,TowTmg,--4-4nchitlwide:L ' regular value 15c Special, yard,. ....llf v HEMSTITCHED LINEN TOWELS Three '. special values at, each....50e 85f and 35 BEDSPREADS 85c Hemmed Bedspreads, dou : ble size, neat design. Special at, each....85 MARSEILLES BEDSPREADS $m Urge r size Bedspreads, Marseilles patterns, good for ; : hotel use. Special at, each 25 CROCHET BEDSPREADS $1J0-Fine Wear- : . ing Quality Crochet Bedspreads, made of three-ply yarn. Special at, each......f 1.50- SATIN -.BEDSPREADS. $3.00 Satin Bed- , spreads, in handsome raised designs, cut cor-. . ners and fringed. Special; each. f3.00: 15c PILLOW CASES 10c Heavy Pillow Cases, ' made from good round-thread sheeting. Spe cial, each ..4.......10 APRON . GINGHAMS 5c YARD Extra Fine Quality Gingham for aprons, etc Special, per ard 6e; Special Cleon-Up Sale of i Blankets . : . )'', , C FOURTH FLOOR. ; --SCARLBT:WOCO311U:TSALuje$5 00. 1 ; Special at .r n . . .. ... a'" JValue S6.S0-Special at. ................. . S3.25 a AT Pendleton Robes, value $4.50, for. I Fm Vavalo Wool Blankets: resrular value $7.50. -Pendleton Indian-Robesr-ehoicest patters-n4 colors-'- Value $7.50 Special f.0O Value $6.50 Special.. .. . rTTT'.... . . . .$5.00 Value $5.50 Special .. ............. . S4.T5 1 Special Sale Quid; Med" oo!ung llange; is THlRDtFLQOR. Quick-Meal Steel Ranges are- distinctly, different - from others inasmuch aathey possess all the . ,i good features 6f other make with many spe cial features not found in other ranges. SPECIAL 34.eO ZZJZZ Asbsotoo Scd I; A THIRD FLOOR- 10 A. M. TO 0 pj'l- v Women-folk will be particularly interested ' the-demonstration of these said irons vrhi lakes: placV daily JnahtJHousekeepet's, E. change" on Third Floor J Do your hands fee. iurn4uLand lame after the household ironing i done? - I hen you need a - set of these, mm-;. vie 'em when you're in. the store. Fine, for ; a Store Holidays - - Of course you know we close at 6 p. is done. - ; - - Tiraeiy Spccii!3 In tha Vcmen'a . A First Floor.'" ,,J vv''" I ": -'.WOMEN'S' 35c -HOSE 23c .-V: ' Blacft Imported ' Cotton Hose, , with silk em . broidered boots, fashioned foot; regular value 35c Special, the pair............i.......aj " " WOMEN'S 50c HOSE "35c'. -V: Fine Black Cotton Gauze Hose, full finished rib " " top; regular value 50c- Special, the pair.. 35f) - CHILDREN'S 35c HOSE 19c Children's ' Black , Cotton Hose, finished foot, njinen-splieed knee; regular-value 35c. Special. ' ' the pair .V.... ........... ......19 on the Pacific Coast Running Constsstlr 7 ' ' Sale of Carpets - - .1. FOURTH FLOO .- . " ' i The largest and best convention of new and downtlkk-date Carpets shows in the northwest. Many patterns are exclusive with this house. These prices are matchlessly low. Quotations , are for carpets seWed, lined and laid.. 1 ' . Tapestry Brussels; per '; " yard......;r..,......S1.08 95f and RJ Roxbury,Bmssels, per yard.. ......... Best Body Brussels, per yard.. 91. t- ; Best Wool Velvety per yard..-......'......tri.' 5 - Wilton Velvet, per yard... y. atl.T?. Upson Martin Axminster, per yard tt-l , Bigelow Axminster, per yard...:....... .ft.t All other nialtes at-lowest prices. NEW ARRIVALS IN COUCH COVEr.S. : PORTIERES -AND PIECE GOODS. A RATTLE OF BROKEN PRICES Among the China cr.J Kitclfen XVcrco third floor. AUSTRIAN CHINA DINNER SETS $18.03. --100-Piece New Austrian China Dinner Sets, with . .) dainty pink flowers and gold lines. Special at. tne sei ............... t i i . . . aiH.C j HAVILAND CHINA DINNER SETS C7.C3. 100-Piece 'New ! Haviland . Decorated French China Dinner Sets, dainty decoration of smatl ; - pink flowers and green leaves. Special at. the set . . ...... ... .... ,;. . ..f ST.0- . NEW BRASS ART GOODS. In Fancy Articles Special, each.' from. ........ ...,.i.,....,..25f to ft8.C3 UNIVERSAL-ibDrjCHQfPERS.-11 Unequaled for general use chops everything" """ meatjrvegetabiesv bread, etc jrrv- 1. . - CaVTT ...... i ... T.afg aiT tp-:,l -.t. FarmlyzeSperarrTacn-rrrrr: mi i j izr peciarr racu 1 - , -Hotel tr restaurant aize-'Speeial,,aehTa' - TOASTERS FOR OAS OR OIL STOVT3 ZZ No taste or smell of gas or oil; does not burn bread, but toasts to a golden brown. Sp at, each7...,,...... '?' . ROS2TTB iscrrs sac Latest tic rovelty for risking dainty J. pHce, the set.. . oil and CA3 irrATrr. Just the things for "warming up" on c' ' , ings and evenings . Oil Heater, gunmetal finish Spec , each v ;."; V ' A ' " : : . Oil Heater, nickel finilv-irff Gas Heater, attach to gas jet. : "'