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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1905)
I V, '1113 OREGON, -DAILY JCUI:"AU FCSTLAl.O, TISA' CI" OVER A' j.W IS :y ? Executive Board Puts ? an End to Borrowing Money' , .'; ,;V - W V i-iinnmr DID DCDO Mill I . ' LOSE BY THE NEW ORDER Scrranta 'of tfat Municipality- ot th Vlfcinbm of 'Their Tamilies Muat ; ; Draw ,Wagea Dm and Sign Re . ceipts pir th Same.') "'- "S Mayor Lane and the eiecutive board fcave taken action to make effective th decision reached several weeka ago t prevent money-brokers from :"hv- f. warrant for city employee. Whan present administration cam Into ifl. tha facials found that a ayatem f braker had grown up- uTHierwhtch ore of persona employed by tha city Ve virtually eompelled to borrow iriey each ' month!'' f rom brokerage uaea.' " ,. " "! Tha political Influence of ona Ann and a pull of thra enabled thorn to make y employea understand'" that "they juld too mora aecure In their position thear did . business v with, .warrant 'rberfl" Many buiiueedftrioney from m-when there wa' really no" need )ier thaai'lay In hedelr to retain e favor of the .broker-polltleiane. ' For ,ra - this "situation had existed 'until . had become a .strong and vigoroua mse. -Sporadic attempts had baoa ade by tha employea to escape from e grasp of tha nnoney-changera, who, trenched behind tho political forttflca. -n of paat administrations,, made it joaalbla""for tho employe-, to break . Hia craft. : ' ' --,; pno of tha Hrst announcement made Meyer Ln wa that n purpose a Ulna a atop to tha practice of lending nay at usurious rate of Interest to y employe, and the rouowing reso 'on adopted ysrtrdy- afternoon .Jy executive board waa the result ot "uent conference: ".' v-- "itesolved. On tho around of protec- a of th public aervica'of tha city of Ttland and not tna private interest J welfare of the city" employe, that n and after the flrat day of October, 6, and Including the September py- of tha eity or rortiand, an salary warrant Issued only In the of and payable to the order of the . ."Ploy performing service for the city, aid shall be delivered only to such env I .oya or, some member' of hia' family or household. . In no ease shall any war rant for the aaiary of any city official or. employe be Issued or .delivered to y broker or other peratyi except' t,Qtve specified. .- 'v--. !' ".:' -r '."Resolved. . That the assignment or ledglng of aaiary to bo earned by any utiploye of the city of Portland ehall, on and after said data, constitute suf dent grounds for Che dlacharge. from t!H! publto aerrice of such employe; and tha habitual or frequent discounting or hvDothecatlon of aaiary warrant by any 'employe of tho or-with known loan agenta or roKW,' oaii jiaewisa constitute grounds. f of te discharge of sxioh employe."' ' ; . '' " " . The board also adopted a resolution Cltgr Auditor vDavlln to (ur nlsh a Hat of the 8 city employea for the ua of tha board. Bid for. the lmDovemet ef .' Eaat Twentieth atreet from tho north lino of Rast Btark to tha Bandy road.- which had been .held VP -for some tlmo, ware awarded ""as follows: Bechill Bros., blocks f and . for ft. 044.11; Joplln A Meek, tha balance, for tl.STl.4lt - Of DER OF EVENTS AT EXPOSITION SATURDAY . The order ef event at tha exposition tomorrow will be as follow:- a. m. Exhibit building, govern ment exhibit and Trail open. t a. m. Eduoatlonal conferenco. Audi torium,- Administration Dnv - 1 10:4S a, m.Cpncert, Admin- titration' band. Agricultural building. - 1 a. m.' National Cooperative league convention. American Inn. - i 11 a. m. to It m. Iew la School day exercise, Oregon building. Administra tion band. r ' . . , ' , l:8e to p. m. Modern -Woodmen of America, Auditorium. 'Administration band. : .-w '." ' 1:10 to t:IO p. m. Concert. T"eth IB fantry band. Transportation building nana a tana, -.(.".:.'' ;'; v. );30 to 1 p. m. Concert, Chemawa Indian band,-Agricultural building. :. i . p. m.-raxino Coast Billposters' ana distributor' assoclatloa- conven tion. Pavilion annex. i t 9 p. m. Q rand conoert. Royal Ha wallaa : band, bandstand. rOray '. boule vard. - - -i . -. J:S P. m; Organ recital. Profeeaor F. W Goodrich.' Forestry building.' . ' XJ0 p. ga.-rUBated Btatee llfesavlng service exhibition drill on lake. - - t p. m. Modern Woodmen of Amerloa prise) driller In front of Oregon building. a to. t:se p. m. concert. Admlnlstra- Uon bhnd. Manufacture building. - I;30 to 4:10 p. m.v-Concert. Tenth In fantry; band. Government, terrace.- ' 419 to fl p. t. Concert. - Chemawa Indian band. ; Transportation -building : C:t0 p. m! Government exhibit clcmea. . p.-m. Exhibit buildings close. f :30 p. m. Grand . operatic concert. Klralf y "Carnival of - Venice? ,. oom pany, on rustic step (free). , I T:S0-p. m.-vOrand concert. Royal Ha waiian band, bandstand;' Gray" boule-' yard. ... - .- . 8 p. nv Grand electrical Illumination, t p. m. Flreworke display on lake. .11 p. m.-mt bio.' .v . -.-'A ,-t : Article of incorporation of the Kleh- waukea .Land company wereflled In tha county clerk' office yeaterday by C. F. Bwlgert, H. C Campbell and E. K. MHoryv The caplUl stock la IJ0.000. and the. object are to build dralna and to cultivate lands In Oregon and Wash ington. Mr. Campbell and Mr. Bwlgert hav been connected - with tha street railway- of Portland for many years. Mr. Msllory attorney. ', ' r The Oregon wood Distilling company waa Incorporated by M. B. .WUllama. W. E. Young and H. a Campbell. Tha capital. tock la 10,00.: . t .-s. - ' ' 'atoXood Banian tha Charge. I., R. McLeod, proprietor of the Sheridan Saloon at Ml Flrat street, dent the charge made at the police station that he is keeping a disorderly, plac. He aaye that slnoa lh deelslon waa made In tha box -ordinance he baa and no women hav been allowed In hia saloon, nor. doe h. keep open -after .1 fc., m i - .. a - V V:, '-. V- decide m m : FOR C1JAL International Board of Advisers v Meetf In Capital to Co - , Ovor Situation; '-r 'Vv';- , ' V .,, MANY FAMOUS ENGINEERS PASS UPON PROCEEDINGS All Work ; Dona' or Suggeatad on Isthmiia to Be Coniidcred and a Report , aa , to Pinal Conatntction V of Big Ditch to Ba Itada, ' v ' Washington, D. C, Sept 1Th Inter national board of adviaer ot the Isth mlan canal commission opened It ses sion at the Mills building annex of tha war and . navy department today.- - Tha board waa called together for tha pur ppaa of considering and dtaousstng tha numerous plana and auggeatlona for the construction of the Panama canal sub mitted from various sourcee to the itab mlan canal commission. The board of adviser wis called te order by General George W. Davis, U. 8. A retired, who la beading the board. He ,wa formerly governor of the eanal sons and la a man of wide experience, ill associates on the board are Alfred Noble, a civil engineer of Levonla, Ml oh., formerly-a member -of the Nicaragua canal board; William Barclay Parsons of Now York! Prof. William H. Burk, of Colum bia university; General Jlenry I. Abbott, U. B.A., retired; .-. P. Blearna, , josepn Ripley. Herman Bchuaaier, isnam Kan dolph; Henry Hunter, a British engineer; Eugen Tinoauaer, a German engineer; M. Mv. Guerard and Quellenso, two French engineers: Prof. 'Jacob Kraua' of. tha Technical school of Delft and other. . , Tha number 'of plana and suggestions which will be considered by-the board I vary large and th board will remain 4. .session until. alL.of them hav been considered. Then the board will draw up a report or perhaps a minority report; m bodying the result or it aenoe rations. Beside tha plan, of tho flrat commis sion, of lfOl. will be the plans of the old Do Leeeepa- company.- the project of Runatt-Varlllar the nlana of Linden W. Batea - of . New York and .various Othefl plana for a canat between cnsiooai anq La Boca. Soma of those projects ara for a sea, level -canal, while others oon- template a canal above tha sea level and eonneated with . the e by means 64 lock and" dam. ? ' ' If the member of. the board find It impossible to form an opinion wthout personal Inspection of tha condition In volved In the various plan, .they may visit tna canal son before waking their final report . . : NOTORIOUS SALOONS 1 J: STILL HAVE LICENSES Thomas McGlinn and C B.- Johneon. owner of the Tuxedo saloon, hav been cited to appear be fore, the liquor license committee -of vUi clty oouncll ' next Tuesday to ahow cauaa why their .-li cense enouia not do canceiaar Tni alooa , a one, of te two In which the polio say girls arc permitted to drink and consort in flagrant violation of tha stat laws and the city ordinance. - , Th fomraltte held 'n)eetlng yea- teroay arternoon, ana iisienea 10 re ports of persona wno bad - inquired Into tha faota, and. haard a communication from Chief Grltamacher, who- Urge the annulment ot the Tuxedo's license.' The committee waa expected lo take final action,- It having' been thought that sufficient evidence had been 'ad- duoed to prove that the Owners of the saloon had ao grievously disregarded tha law thdt they were not entitled to further considers t Ion. , . i . McGlinn and Johnson,,' according to tha evidence, not only permitted, girls to .drink liquor In their satoon, but also kept Open after- 1 o'clock a; m. The' polloe-ar endeavoring to enforce the ,1 o'clock closing .ordinance, and the, disclosures in connection with tha Tuxedo and the EI Rey.- which waa also found to hav don muoh a Mi Tuxedo did, were such a, to warrant 'prompt cancellation of their licensee. T '; ; mtxhmMi laic NEWSBOYS WILL BE f t V l GUESTS AT THE FAIR - A program ' has 'been completed for Newsboys' day u ati tha -exposition Tuesday, September 6 when the boy will be admitted at the Twenty-sixth street gate at 11 o'clock a. m. and pro ceed at one to the auditorium. Where exerclsea will be held. y .. - Governor Chamberlain will welcome them on behalf ot the -state and D. Bolls Cohan will perform similar aervlce for tha city. Oblln H.. Molsaa will apeak for tna exposition- management There will be a reapons . by Otto P. Prag, chairman, and speeches by - Senator C W. Fulton. Judge A. U Fraser. W. W. Cotton. A. J. 8v McAllister,' reclUtlon by - Professor. Rasmus and - Mia Bode,i and musical numbers by Master Frankl Rlchter, Mis Eva Bhlveley, Mia Cell Barker, "Joseph Thompson, Mis Gertie Wajinamaker, Fred Puritan, Mis ' Molli Reynold.-Gen Wilson. Miss Xeola "Btrubbie, Arlon Eppltg,- ' Tha boy win devote the afternoon to seeing the fair and eating peanut and ice cream. . -' -. ' MORAN MAY BE HEIR v .TO MINES AND LAWSUITS 'Thoma Moran of til East Ash street, learned yeaterday afternoon that Patrick Moran.- who waa burned 4e.detb at Daddy. Idaho, last Saturday. And Who was reputed to- hav been worth- nearly $400,000, wa the 'brother from whom he had parted nearly (0 yeira ago. The last Thomaa saw of Patrick waa when started out to begin life aa a miner. whiia-Thomaa chose the eea. - - -- Thomaa' Moran 1s the only -known relative of the dead man, and he will probably obtain the aetata,, which con sists of several plsoer claim at Daddy, and of a contested suit for the posses slon of six acre in tha heart cf Helena. Montana. Moran bought this land a placer ground. - but when, he left' the city he asserted that squatter settled on the property.' Ha began kutt and ob talned several Judgments., but the de clslon were not affirmed by the higher court. . The property Involved I said to b worth from, tioe.aoo to 1400,000. The placer claims at Daddy are said to b valuable. ..,: " ."". -vr.'r :"the Steamer Telegraph for; Astoria. Round " trip dally (except Friday). Leave Alder atreet dock 7:10 a. m. Ret turning leave Astoria l-pt m. Arriving Portland 1:10 p pa. Sunday leaves Port lend a. nv. Arrive Portland a p. m. Worcester Building Scene : of Great Activity as Officials Are ' - Changing Quarters. ; : CONSOUDATION CAUSES1 -tv :, THE NEW MOVEMENT Southern Pacific and Oregon Fall road 4 Navigation Companies Tako , Temporary Place Until Wella-Fargo Building la Ready for Them. ? It aa been a' moving season tor tht Southern Paclno and tha Oregon Rail road A Navigation companlea' general office. The Southern Paclfio- people opened ' the ball aome months ago by removing from the corner Of Washing ton and Third street to the Worcester bailding. -Today the work of changing deaka and archlvea to other, offices in the earn building waa thelraln. making effective tha consolidation of the ps- aenger and freight departments; -of tha Companlea.- Thia will, they ay, ba tna last move until next . year, wnen tney will go to, the -office .building to be erected by . tho- Wella-Fargo Express company at the corner of Fifth and, Oak ireetsv , i Today change, install R. B. Miller, general - freight agent- of the - cqnsolf- dated linear in a large and. pleasaet oft noo- on- th third -floor tt the Thlrd atreet aide of tha building; Tha freight offices occupy th entire Third aqd oak atreet f route of this arlaa of tha third floor. - Mr. Coman. first assistant gen eral freight agent, la located la com fortable offices on tha Oak strsat aide, and adjoining him are the office of tho second and' third assistants, Paul Bhoup and W; D. Bklnner. Mr. Comani juris diction is extended to the terriory ot both companlea In Oregon, Washington and Idaho, and tha change rotns for him a much larger Held In whki to de vote himself exclusively to freight bust- naea ..-.- Tha taasnser buelnees ef Ih con solidated lines- Is. lurnedf over to A. 1 CraUr. who remains in his I preaont quarter on tha second floor, (bur who will have additional space fori the paa- aengerclerk - from ' Mr. Corian' eld office. Th work of II. M. (Ilall, ad- vertlsing agent of tha O. R. eVRf.; I ex. tended, to Include the southern Pacific line- In Oregon,- - It . 1 exp4-ted - that tha great Bald for exploitation! In south ern Oregon will receive apedlal atten tion from htm: - - Mr. Crala- will be reinforced bv the addition to hia aUff'of WBllam Mc- Murray, who cornea from Sanf Francisco assistant general' passenger agent, of th consolidated . line Here. - Colonel George Buttle remain ss chief clerk In the passenger - department.) W. H. Jenkins, who.' fits' been chief clerk to W. H Coman.' I ' transferred to Mr. Craig' department, together with other passenger mon In -the Southern Pacific office. .- - .. v.: ;. A. bleeslnc alike to young and old: Dr. Fowler Extract of Wild Straw berry. Nature'a specific for dyeentery, diarrhoea and summer complaint. .'. ----7V - -.SU'-; '( i The crops are all right this year and that means--febple v. are' going to be more r particilar , than, ever t about their . clothes." .'''"-' -v " -. ' -7"""'.' Our new fall stock is all wool stock nd in reliable goods pt rcUablepricefr and in U)e st that reliable men will ', appreciate. ' er a M '" .m - . .ik Your (Jiotuoq from Us, Thoy'U bo rUgbt v Are you' on the fence' like many c ther men-don't know whether, you'll buy made-to-ordei or 'ready-made suit? ' -Many man has been bothered the si ine way until he earned here and had his mind relieved. Our Suits bear all the, ear-. marks of made-to-order garments an 1 they cost about one j half less. At 015, 010 dr.020 You can choose a Suit that will look as if; It was buQt fpr you . Clothing, bought here will be kept - when .wanted without charge. w S. ' - t w in repair, and pressed M- V ' f -UiA.i.:: ,;,V.-H-v. OUTFITTERS TO MEN ANIVBOYS, MW.i. 1CS-160 Third St.vKir Morriion twoni efpagaB-T 3 f ULLVVOaTW FUIJLVYOTH FULLWORTH FOLCWORTH UllRTH; f UtLWORTH "FULU70RTH mtWORTH '? FULLVOJlTHFULUVOnTH FUCCWORfH I - x r- -r: o J 3 : i cc o fife V WUlliiOM lf(M Hi " tfc I' ."'i'rTTTlrrT!" : 'V'tTlPl''. ''::!) ttt ttti nrm mr A Hat to Fit YourFace: .. -rj t -x- -, - & ; a" - it a iiii iiilllill 100 Styles r-Soft or; Stiff 50 New. a , Shades and Colors . - ' 'Wt !"---;: '.-- .-. '- -: .';- ' . vr--:, - - forDiiratiUWofWcar . ... w . , v V. te-J- e-1--, aseBBsaiaaSaaaJBSaaissaa , '- - !.' '.v--:' .-' " '.:v 'K ' . 'i;''.';;:'iv'i:''"7'''-;'':'.' '''? ;t'':-,'?''N-;:.-'f-'?'Vv;- l .'")': ',J:'': '.".V-Ti -7r ':'-''C:': i-r- V;.. '?' ,-V- v. '1 ; THE TOP OP. ALL $3.00 HATS - . - mm m 1 A tJ Lor 1 -. &. ':,:; '-..i. i,;, '. '.'.' -'v. -" (-"--- r L Fuss Apbut nab ; i . trt of mn Ttry man ought' - "..'-'-.., v w - ava wwp vihiuih w put a " fl-f fjaod-looklnr. Boodflttlng, "good ' everything" hat among our showing ef. Full worth. . ..... ; ' ' " 'J Seventy-five Style Soft of Stiff . Thirty New Shades and Colors srhUerbies - ouu nuii Are ii . Kepeclally designed In . the jnost "natty" style for lightness,, durability and T JU waar,Wa have the best stiff hat In the country. , ;. ' , j- -; ,.' '-r-A complete -Una and -every new atyie la Mlorylrtl'ear7 - -v , '" TlU Top -of aU-4.a -Hals.. . 1 . Our Soft Hata will give the much desired finishing, touch . of amartnee to . your appearance. - . . : .. , , -. --Tney are -ic" yust now. W are showing a very attractive Una Id tha awaH '.i Itallorr Soft "Hata. : - . k'TTT-,- , . -. , Tha, Top ef aU tt.00 Hata.-. , ' ' 1! " The Big Store In lie r.Iiddlc of lie IJlockIIorseshces Over the Doers 69-71-73 Third Street ' a, 1 5 .' W i' s." ' WDHTH FULUWOnTH ULLWORTH ; FULLWORTH FULLWORTH FJJLLWOTrLFULLWORTH FULLWORTH FUILWORTH FULLWORTH FULLWORTH -FiJLLVOnTH FULLVORTH FULLWORTH 5 o 39 o ZD cz- i o so o I . - . ' -ri c o 30 I ar; 5. o 30 a-. E o ' 30 "'y , .-11 .