The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 01, 1905, Image 5

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. xoriQxrs atctzxtxtj.
ie. . .
it ...
and .
.""Tie Beet'oM,r''
."slice of Olu ViiKxnaM''
........ .Mulral Burteegue
......"A hooalaf Heroine"
T :. AWf xou some aw-ati-. -
- Suberrtber. at Te Jmil wbr
fur week or loom. Mr ae
tb peper etopped at taeif raaldaawM
ta4 aaot t any eddreae by Bull at
Itaa refills rat.,' aad eoi lectio, will ba
, pad br regular carrier attar retail
in the city, escevt at Long Iteeek aad
Seaside, wbara Tba Journal kaa a res
glar carrier drllTorr. Otla - Rica
o( Ihvaeo, Waaklag too. 'has ebarae at
The Joarnal an Lous Beach aad Laela
Co. of Beaelde have i-aarae af Tea
. Jonrael oa seaeide ar Clatao keeefc. f
Dellverr will be Biada at these tweJ
' iwinU at reenlae aukarrletloa . eatva. 1
6Te xeur change of aildrcae la fear
'carrier or Phone JxJn 600 and prompt '
atltatloa will be gins all ardera, :
The $1 Sunday sxoursloa to ths Cas-
Wa Locks and return on the fastest of
jl the Willamette and Columbia river
learners, the Charlea R. Spencer, stari
ng from the foot of Washington street
t l l m. and returning about dp. m.,
iTords on of the moat delightful
iteamboat rldea In the world. There la
o other trip on earth enehrlned In. ao
huch grandeur and wealth of scenery,
fne steamer passes through a aonatant
Vnorama of mountains and glens, ea-ta-
ncts and canyons, hill and dale, nighty
areata and rolling prairies, Bshwheel
i operation and. the wonderful Cascade
cks, built at an expense of 14,900,000
nd II years' constant effort, - Tourists
ome thousands' of miles to view the
trancing beauties of the Columbia
lotween . Portland and the locks, -
teclslly Multnomah falls, ISO feet, and
IV this matchless beauty may seen
tunday at an expense or i. . isxceuenx
teals served on board, 80 cents.
Mri. M. Martin, who conducts a res-
kurant nesr. the entrance to the fair
pound a., provided . her employes with
bras to attract custom. , A, number of
ritaurateurs sent Chief of Folic
rltsmecber a ' written complaint, stat
er that br tooting her own horn Mra.
Martin was, annoying everybody In the
iclnlty The complaint. was. signed by
leorge M. Pender, hrls Ladles. -A. S
lorotes, I.- Will lams-,-. P. Wittenberg,
Cottos, H. Bommer,; rif Arro-
trong and J. K. Lonslua. . -. j
Jacobina Oroha haa begun suit, for
Ivorce from -Christian en-the ground
f cruet -and Inhuman treatment. She
ales IIS a month alimony. They were
harried in 1IH.. and Mrs. Orohs says
liat since that time Grohs has treated
-r In a brutal manner. . Hannah K.
frovoet has sued Charles K. Provost
br a divorce on the ground of 4eser-
Ion. They were married In Portland
hi January 4, 118,' and have no'chll
en. Provost Is. In California.
With the removal of the ? deputy
unty clerks foe-the circuit court dl-
lon to the sialn office of the county
erk yesterdsy. afternoon, a. rule was
ade that hereaftai" all;, legal .papers filed, in the main office. All
irords will be kept In the single office
Id may easily be. reached by tha law
sra, whereas in the past papers have
n Kept In both Offices and clerks have
i viv vi.' rhu yiiia nave
r put (to somtt- trouble i finding
At the Temple-Beth Israel servtoea
his .evening, which begin ?
kddreHaes will be given br Hugo A after
na uo irving wtae, grand president
nd- grand "orator, - rwipoetlvely, 0f tn,
ndependent Order of B'nsl B"ritbrrThls
rder Is a fraternal organisation devoted
to furtherance of tha educational and
hllofophlcal Ideals of the people of Is-
ael. The addresses ar expected" to be
n interpretation of tha aims and ideals
.-J.." . . ; . ... : ... . V:..-- , - f
rom Hon. Idaho am Mlaamila Um.
hum. wnoro ne went lit the interests
ft Bailey,' Banks , Cohen, bankers,
brokers and Dromotera. of Phllarinlnhla.
Ile reports Idaho and Montana In their
anuai prosperous snd go-ahead eondl-
ion. ivumooring along the Big Black,
'oot Is more active ihli Ydr'ihn in
previous seasons. . I -
The Invenlnrv kt h e ri..i ,
I. Prescotf waa. filed in tha
pun yeaieraay afternoon by the ap
Ft. A.. I.-Max wall. W. F. White
ftd Frank Knnpp. showing a valuation
tr l.Sl. in shares of stock, real prop-
' " f-.vaw in cash . ... . .
The Bohemia amm i B.n.i.
tprnpauy has been incorporated by A. IJ.
tr ?' ; Amn, W. Sherman, Wylle
Li!YPod.n,I.1f J- a- Keefer. - The and tha objects
re to ' Operate mines and a smelter snd
o build elertrln i w.
District. " " " """"
Ir. 3. D. Hammond of Naahvilie. Ten
eaaee, aeeretarv .f n,. ka j..
lu.Vth M- E. church South, will
each tha rlt AM .
. , u w aiiiu .will occupy
the puln It nf tv.. u c --... . .
POth aarvleaa B,.nji... , - . .
i - ---- - - v" uuiiuaj, ,n win vpena
I r,w days at the fair.- . . , ,
The Men'a--IR a 4v- 14 . -
KU0nal church will this vtn.nir ntwv
m nonor or ur. vmihom of Woff
tftr. MAR! . A MAMllat . ll
xtendea to at' members and friends f
be chnreh to .m . .
Canhorn. " C " ' " J?' m
A reception will be given at the Ore-'
'",bu"ding tonight In honor of Dr.
William T. Ilarria., United States com
rniationer of eduoaUon. It will begin
t 1 o'clock and concludo at S:J0 o'clock.
-. ..,' j , - .. .
vAny watches cleaned, 'l 1.00: msln
brlng, ti.oo: all work sue ran teed one
year. Metzger Co., fll Sixth street
if A. temporary order retralnlngA.
fumltst'h from printing and offering
or sale a map of Portland to which
DErsiVY :
Styles the Newest
Hswtti, Crcilay O Co.
S48 tVathlngton Sift
c it i :.. ; the . y. ; t r
l..-1 ty Lotted btatea Circuit. Ju.
...t.r,y afternoon. -Humlta h
.a o , j i"5ow cauee why taa.
Injunction I - i not be made perma
nent.- -: ' '. v -
' '- .
: Touriats, as wa:i as city" people, flnan
'. 'r am bar rea aad, will And the Port
land Loan Ci.lca, 7 Thlra street, tho
aafeat and moat rllble place te trans
act their bualneaa. Aatea reasonable, '
For Pan Francisco, the elegant steel
steamship I -ondo sails direct. 8atur
day, weptember 3. at I p. m. -'abtn. Ill,
meals and berth Included. C H. Thowp.
son, agent. Ill Third street. , ,
-Antiques Mahogany furntture."
braases, bronsa and pewter.' Orhy Store
of ltsttnd on .the coaat ; 111 Washing
ton street,,;','
We clean and press your clothes and
shine your shoes for 11.00 per month.
Unique Tailoring Co., 47 Washington.
Main 14. A.- ;, f . - .'.' ,; . y
Dance for the 140 caih price, every
Tueaday evening, at the Lwls and Clark
pavilion,' Twenty-seventh and Thurman
treats. .,x.' i: r
- Our large shop means 'quick deliver
Tester .4b Klelaer, signs, Fifth and v.
erett. ; .L. , t,.'-. 4 i
Dr. Frank .1. ' Ball, dentist, returned
from the beaclu Office, Dekum building.
, .. i, - I . - ...
Frlta'a tamalea are tba beet- "
A "radical change- in prices to the
great Pain spectacle.. Tbe Last Days
of Pompeii," at tha Oaks, goea into ef
fect tonight The immense seating ca
pacity of; the fireworks' amphitheatre
makes It possible to .arrange a scale of
prloes and accommodations to suit 'all
classes, and Immediately on. his arrival
in. the oity i General - Manager - H. B.
mesne authorised his. representative to
put-the. following, schedule in force:
Five thousand' splendid seats at SO
cents. Including free outside gate admls.
slons to tha Oaks; i.OOO choice carpeted
reserved seats, with ' comfortable f oot
reeta and backs, 71 cents. Including free
gate admission to the park. Inside the
big fireworks' amphitheatre will also be
found 1,000 seats at IS oents. This is a
popular arrangement of prices that
should psrmlt all '. classes an oppor
tunity to witness this magnificent open.
air speotaole and pyrotechnic diaplay.
The SO-eent and 7S-cent eeata and pri
vate boxes are on. sale during the day
at Skldmore s drug . store. . 1S1 Thlrd
street, and at the ticket -office ' of the
Oregon Water : Power 4k Railway com
pany. First and Alder streets, The spec
tacle begins promptly at 1:41.
A splendid ; fireworks - program has
t.een .arranged for tonight, including a
fireworks portrait of Portland's hand
somest kociety woman. There will be
the usual brilliant display Af great' Psla
shells, aerial devices, fanejr aet pieces
ana novel .Tire works.
- DXrbano's ' Royal Italian band ren
ders tha music snd gives ft half-hour
popular concert preceding -the opening
of the spectacle in the bandstand of the
smphltheatre. '-nHnr...,....,
The Hoyal Ha wstlan ' tilnd will - play
conoerts at the. fair torn dr row as fol
lows: . v. - '
- Aternoon March, "The Diplomat"
(Souaa); overture -'TiosarfttSuppe):
vooai .- (aj" Nianu WaipJo."- (b)
"Rain ;: Msnoa." Madame- Kane
Alapai:" walu. , Taradlaa- of- the
Pacific" (Berger;'. vocal .(a) "Mo-
IoIaniirT--(bT -. yiM :. Pikake." , Royal
Hawaiian - Glee club; selection. ''Na-
bucco" Verdi); vocal a) "Lllll Wal
Ahea," (b) "Wal Puna Lau." Madame
Nana Alapai: gavotte Khlne Sounds'
(Latahn); vocal its) "Nee-Nee Met
Aplll."b MalulkaOet Royaf 'Ha
waiian Olea club: finale, "Tha Caarlna"
(Oanne); Hawaii PonoL . "The . Star
Spangled Banner." ,' -
. Evening March. A Deed of the. Pen"
(Moret): overture, "Zampa" (Herold):
vocal (a) "Kun - WeUC tb) .."Kaala,"
Madams Nana AlapeU selection, "Clor
Indy" iMackie): .vocal 4a) -v Noho
au a Kupa.'t (b) "Ko Leo," Royal Ha
waiian Olee club; "Reminiscences of
Offenbach" (Conrad!):, vocal (a) "Ko
kohl." (b) "1I Ponl Mof Madams
Nana Alapai; waits. "Thousand and One
Nights" (Strauss); 'vocal (a) "Kaukao
pua."' (hi "Moae,": RoyaK Hawaiian Glee
club; flnate, "American Airs" (Reeves);
liawail Ponol, "Tha Star Spangled Ban
ner.T.V- l. N." : . - -. ' '"'
Aad SVellgawl TTumsaaaa of Toarista
S4-8eason tickets 111 ; V .
On sals every dar. j-t-
Two-day tickets $2.1(1. -y.
On sale Saturday only.
Through tralaJeaven union depot' t
m.. dally and every Saturday at t:I9
p. m. No delays, no transfers, no dust.
See C A. Stewart ' agent t Alder
street, about tickets, official Informs
tlon, time cards, etc., snd ask for Clat
sop Beach souvenir, containing I beau
tiful halftone Illustrations. Tickets sold
at union depot. , .
;'."""' Popular Trip.5, ;,
There Is no place one can go and get
as much pleasure as a ride up the Wil
lamette river to. Oregqp, City, This trip
of three hours affords a splendid view
of the city and giving yon the privilege
of returning by electric ear. Boats
leave foot of Taylor street at S and
11:10- s. m., S:3 p. m. 'r-:
. . - . . . - . .
Low Excursion Rates to the East.
On . sals - September T.V ' K : 1.
1, and IT, th RockT. Islsnd ? rail
way .will . sell round trip tick
sts to aaatern points at greatly, reduced
rates.' Tor fair -particular' alt-m' or
address A. H. McDonald, general agent.
119 Third Street. Fortland,-Orsgon.
$fbtnj, reooJ?lpg9jTba ta,l ns in
gr jceriea a nd . pruv Islona. They canjba
found, an page of lrTb
Journal , tonight. Don't ' fJVo read
them. . !.'' A '- .' ' 1
When In . Seattle
Go to the Rathakeller. a hlgh-claa
place to eat. Sea foods, eastern saeats,
large orchestra daily. ,. ' j
. .1 i i ii-. , .
Milwaukie' Country Club. I ,'
Eastern and Seattle race a, "Take Bell-
wood and Oregon Clty.cara at First and
Alder.-- s- t . :
.i. " ' .'
Spsdal Szeamoa matee. .
Very 1" 10-day tlcketa east offered
by O. R. N. Beptember II, IT,
the O R. N. ' sells - 10-day spe
cial excursion tickets to skstern points;
stopovers granted going and returning.,
Particulere of C. W. Stinger, city ticket
agent IX R. A N Co.. Third aad Washv
pgton .streets,' Peruana.
1 -J
3000 Bcautixul
A A A-' fc
Take O. W. P. Ry; G
Oaks, feeserved seats and boes
and O. W Rm Ry; Ca's Ticket
, " . ,.r. ' .. ..',,
..... w t ,
Flour Shipments to China Hav
s Greatly Decreased in the
s . Past Month. .
Many Orders for Foodstuffs Have
-Been Canceled Here and on the
Sound, and Shippers See No Relief
l ia Sight T-;.T:;.i'f. ?A
JUvmi co ine vumcaa wwjwi.
American producta flour shipments to
the orient , nsye m
month from' every port on the Pacifio
coaat. In a table prepared by the
merchants' exchange it Is shown thst
in' August 1S.S9 barrels of flour were
sent f ronv? Portlsnd t---tha-. far- aaat
aarainat fit ATI 'barrels . exported for the
corresponding month .last year, i Puget
sound surrerea even a gremir !.
Ing dispatched only 6I.M7 barrels last
month sgalnst 207,210 barrels In August,
104. - . c- .
Since the date that the boycott was
supposed to have gone Into effect some
local exporters hsve had canceled orders
for flour shipments to Hongkong snd
Shanghai. TJ Mi Stevens Of the Arm
of T. M. Stevens, ft Co. said this morn
ing Jlhat he had a number of orders held
up. It was business .tnai naa own
awarded him some time ago wun in
structions to " make, shipments In
inn.t lis wna notified not to send
the flour until further orders. -
"It Is practically tne same tning as
i v. Mn(tl tie a Iff
navina v . - - .
K)ther exporters haveTiad tha same ex-
perlence.' ' ' '.' v
t.i-.n- nn ka amind aav the out
look Is anything but encouraging, as
there, ta nn. npoaDeSct of an early settle
ment of the '--question, Several steam-
shirks cava been. enariereajrc-;nyiw
take lumber to me iar sui
win clear for northern China, where the
boycott Is not In force. It appear that
the flour business will ds in oniy une
thst will be effected, but so far as
vslu Is concerned It Is mora Important
to the Pacifio coast than any other class
Of freight shipped from here.
During August llt,;v ousneiS'Oi
... -.are, aant to California, DortS
from Portland against 210.181 bushels
for the same month last ysar. Puget
sound shipped SH.Olt - bunhels of the
cereal to California in August and 130,
401 bushels In tb same month a year
Kom Toaaag oa Way f oi Oargoe Thaa
Xas Beea Tears. '.
Thirty-five vessels, suitable for grain
carriers and representing a net register
tonnage of 00.460. arex listed and. en
rcnit for Portland: It Is th greatest
amount of tonnage that haa been headed
for the Columbia river, at this season of
the year sine 10I. In addition to this,
the grain freaeels i are of I.U1
net tons resistor tons. The grain ton
ne re en -rout and listed foewPugstl
sound totals 43.1. wnus ine vesneis
Idle at the various ports ther ar 11,7
Vuna. Until ths lsst wnemciwo, J?eftm
and Tacomarwwahesd of Portrand-tn
uila'xespct!t.T.,"',f'll1d''wltri tliw re
cent charter of a number oriargeTcraft
to load bar.. 'The names anrt ton mr
of the grain 'carriers engaged to come
to Portland are as follows:
German ship Adolf. 1.061 tons; British
steamship Agtncourt. 2.7(1; British ship
Bardowle, 2.011; British hjD Blyths
wood. 1,405; French berk. Cambronne.
1.4.0; "Swedish ship Clan Macfarlan.
1,440; French bnrk comil Bart, 1.711;
French ship Crlllon. 1.714) Brltltsh
steamship Croydon. 2,410) British stesm
shlp Coulsdon.. 2.771; French ship David
d'Angers, 1.679; German ship
Km Hie. I,71,'- British ship E
kaaonl. - 1.71.; British ship. Falls . of
Dee. 1.045; British ship Gsrsdale, 1.045;
British ship. General Gordon, 1,551;
French bark' General Keumsver, 1.464;
Brltlah -ship Glenerirtit. 2,210: French
bark Hnehe, 1.7.0: Britlah steamer Im
aun, S.504; British bark Invergarrr,
i.l; British bark'Jaan Baptlate. 111;
British ship Jeaaomene, 1.700; French
bark Jules Oomrnes, 1.002; British
Carpeted Reserved
steamship KelVlnbank. '- J.JS0; French
bark L'Hormltte, 1,711: - French bark
Mlchelet, 1,747; - British steamship
Oceano, 3,00; German-, ahip Oregon,
1.771; British ship Oweenee, 2.1J4;
French bark Brlxeux. 1.717; French ship
Vauban. I.7S4; Ruaalan ship Fennia,
2,154: French bark Europe, 2,070; Brit
ish stesmshlp Knight Errant. 4.744.
This list does not Include a number
of steamers under charter to load lum
ber at Portland for. the orient.. ' -
s ',. ,. , .
Oover-uaeat BaUaiig a Craft to p
v ZBtranoa Clear of Sediment.
. In a couple of months a combined
dipper and suction dredge will be 'used
by the - government : clearing - out the
upper and lower boat entrance to the
Cascade -locks. The dredge la being
built on tb upper Columbia at a cost
of $7,500. and will be the only craft
of that description in .the district. All
that will be required of tier will be to
keep the channel open near the locks.
-Th channel lmrnedJiHely above and
below the' locks la gradually filling up
with sediment. - : Had no steps been
made t remove the accumulation It la
said that the channel would have be
come unnavlgabl -to even the lightest
draft boat. It Is al.-o declared that
provision- will soon have to be made
for dredging th Columbia a good part
of th distance between the locks, and
Vancouver. 1mproyement to.' th
cnanpel has-'ever been4 made along, that
section of th river. In
the matter this morning Captain Allyn
of the Charlea R. Spencer said:
"That portion of; the river Is at s
lower stage than I ever knew- it to be
Near Government' Island th channel Is
not more than eight feet deep, I mad
soundings th other day, and found a
number of other very shoal points. Ap
parently th river below the locks Is
slowly filling tip."
oreramant Saglaeer Fralses Kevet-
at eat Work ITpper WlQa-aett.
. Major 8 W. Roeaaler says the govern
ment revetment, nearlng completion at
Independence,-Is a splendid piece of
work and will prove of great benefit to
navigation on the upper Willamette, In
company wlthDavld B. Ogden. assist
ant United States engineer, tlie major
returned yeaterday -from, an lnapection
trip up th river. This was his first
vtalt there snd hs wss greatly elated
with the Improvements so successfully
carried on by his predecessors. The re
vetment will be completed in the next
10 days, after which the plant and men
who have been employed on the pro
ject will proceed down stream to repair
a number 01 'wing dams.
The river is st a very low . stsge.
however," concluded th 1 major, "and
navigation - Is carried on- with diffi
culty; and tha worst of It Is there Is no
mmediat prospect for relief not until
th fall rains. I expect to go to Salem
next week . by steamboat to examine
other portions of the river and ascertain
what- improvements 'are necesssry at
the .various points between here and
there.. : t
' In three weeks tb dredge Columbia
will- complete th work of cutting a ship
channel tnrougtriauguter , oar . add
will proceed to other points down the
river where bar formed. The dredge
Portland la digging a -channel between
Vancouver and the mouth of the Mil
tametteTlvee Ujoalng xapUlprg4to. b. p.!,, whtu boMndfr--tb.
res. It Is supposed, however, that it
win Terjulr the beat- part of th season
for her to complete the work.
AHhdugrlTiostnitWr a? erpracnTTmr
end n the tar sstt It la tha opinion
of Tocarimaerwrlleis that In order to he a suia.uyriexsWLU.coaiuiu
to. cpver their shipments to the orient
with war Insurance for" the next month
or two. Ther ar many floating mines
In the, water and other dangers dus
to the wsr are likely to be encountered
by th ships. Wsr rates are quoted at
one-elghth per cent. ' . . ' r, - . , -
To date -2.171 packages of -goods
valued at 107,101 have been received jn
bond at the 'Lewis : and Clark fair,
grounda; 047 parkagea have been sold on
For Infkats aad CMldren.
Tha Kind Yea Hars Aftrays t::iht
BtKT.aUr of UU&ttCUc&U
ri ?ay
Seats at- 75c. The
on sale at Skidmore's, Drug Storc :i51Third Street,
Office, First andv-Alder; r ; T :;:y:y:i.:yy:J4 '-r::
Save Rtey
Purchasing your Clothe or Shoes at
th high-rent district stores yon are
bound to psy a high price.'--, -.;
4 For your ' own economy 'you ; should
convince. yourself at - - y, ,
vnvo ST0BES
FIXST xsi YAHHI1L cr Ccrcer
. TCKD ju:! DAVIS -
' Newly arrived Men's and Boys Suits,
Pants. Hats.-' Shirts, TJnderwar,' with
a general linr of Shoes. ' . ' r ,
' Tou will be surprised to see th good
.qualities, newest shspee . for but little
money. 'Tou also can save oonsiasrams
wlth. uson Trunks. Suit Cases, Blankets
and Comforters, as . w carry quit a
large assortment - . '.
Which IU.10J.71 was collected,. Japan's more valuable than those
ofny other .country! they aire appraised
at 132.230. The shipment from Italy,
th next In Importance, ar valued at
Jl;02T.JItaly nag "Td" Bioi-a-TOrty--t
Unef Sam than Japan by ovetj0t
" : : ; MARINE NOTES. '
. Astoria, Sept. 1. Arrived last night
and left up at 1:10 a. m steamer Acme,
from San Francisco. Arrivsd-at tiii4
and left up at 0 a. m.. ateamer Roanoke,
from Seattle. . Arrived down at 0 a. m.,
schoonen- Virginia. Arrived - at 10:16
a. m., steamer ; Columbia;-from Saq
Francisco. ' .; :.t ... jv ' -.--..'.
San Francisco, Sept. 1. Arrived at (
a. m.. steamer St. Paul, from Portland.
Arrived, schooner O. M. Kellogg, from
Patrtland , - '
- Holiday for ookpUs ...
Dame Fortune bestowed her most win
some smile on- the members of the
county rockplle gang this morning and
ss a consequence they ar th happleat
people In Portland. . They are' men of
leisure? todsy. While being carried to
Linnton. the scene of ' their labors, on
th steamer Republlo th machinery of
the boat gave way and th craft bad to
return to Portland for repairs. A coup
ling on th shaft Is ths most ssrlous
break and It will require all day to put
the vessel In condition to resume serv
ice. So th convicts are enjoying a
holiday. , ' 7 V ' - -.
Spokaae aad Yalaaeia Cosb!b.
Eirly this afternoon the steamship
Spokane, owned and operated by. the
Paclfle Const Stesmshlp company, will
arrive from Seattle bound for San Fran
olsca She will sail from here ..tonight
with a full' list- of passengers. I .The
Valencia of the same line left Seattle
at o'clock this morning for San Fran
cisco byway of Portland and will, ar
rive tomorrow In time, to sail In the
svenlng for tha Bay City. , ' ' ., .
. V
v'aToTtk Xlag ok aa War.' j '"'
Steamer- Nerth - King., which recently
arrived from - Alaska, ' has been hauled
flahlng grounds In the north lsst sum
mer th vessel was almost wrecked In a
gale. Nearly all of her lifeboats wers
lost snd she suf rered other damage,
helng futved lo put Into1 Sitka fob le-
spalar Steamer Make ZataO Trtp
. , ti.v tssapar 10V .....
'In order to meet tb demands f th
beach patrons ths T. J. Potter will re
main' In service between Portland and
North Beach, stopping st Astoria, nntll
rtha middle of September.-making the
last trip down Saturday, September 10.
Leaves Ash1 street dock this week si
follows: Wednesday. August ' 10, - 2:20
p. m.: Thursday. Auguat'tl. 0:16 a. m.;
Saturday, September 2. 10 a. m.' Par
tleulers and O. R. N.' summer book
at city ticket office. Trlrd sad -Wssh-Ington
streets, Portland. 1 .-' 1
Commencing WednesCT.' September 0,
the. Potter will tnek certain v daylight
trips from Ilwsco ta Porllaaa. - ,
TTMltma Stoek Ceaaea flroeaa. .
Allen Lwla' Bast Brand. .'
Astoria, 6ept-l.--Condltlon of the bar
rt 0 I, m, immnhjwlnd, east; weather
.. r . i-
50c and 75c Seats
Great Auction
of Chinese and
'Owing to - being . overstocked . tor
' the t Fair trade and th very
limited room It) our store, w con
cluded to force our goods at auc
tion aale. Th largest stock of
- this kind tn the city, consisting
of beautiful silverwarer-eloissonne,
sataums, . new brass ware, ebony
carved -furnitures, embroidered
: silk kimono and fin decorated
porcelain, tea sets, etc -
Sale commencee 2:20 and 7:20
p m. ContMu retailing befor or
-after sac tlon; wholesale at ware-
agy aConrisom Street,
ronrtk aad Slfta.!
to Mount Hood
ISITORS to iba Lewla
and . Clark expoaltlon
have a rare opportu-
' 1 Blty to. visit Mount
Hood, becaus of th very lot
116 thirty-day round trip rat
from Portland made by th O.
R. AN. Includes rail and
stag far, lunch at Mount
uHaod hotel (Hood River), two
m a a a jjm. u-r . wta-.t ...
nights' lodging and nvs WlOals- 1
at Cloud Cap Inn. and return
ing lunch at Mt. Hood .Hotel.
Cloud Cap Inn, nntqu and plo
turesque, 0.800 feet above sea
level, affords splendid accom
modations. : Summit "of moun
tain easily accessible from this
point Psrtkmlsrs and O. R.
N. summer book by asking
at ' Third and ; Washington
streets, Portland. -
etood etlvsr, Oiessm.
A KIccv Clwa. Smooth i Shave
Ton can always get when' you us
a Henrkel rasor. We have the flneat
stock of high-grade, fine tempered
eteel rasors, that are, guaranteed to
be th ' beat and most satisfactory
that Is msrle. Our stock of fine cuf
lery In tablewsre, pocket knives and
.scissors, shears, ar th best manu
factured. , , , - J . , .
2rtad aad Ask.-.... .
- Hint Studl-' wilt' oiien ' m'inhur' .
rsrlors and 10. OOyg Waauinaxon at
:-:Jv.,;, ' r , ,;.;'..-; 'VX
Andrew Karifi Co.
Include FREE
f VE tre sbowb a let cf
cewSlaiWtilsb eta-
f waaSe taaaaeaaSe BauSCaatS '
plested zzi tecked. Ttry
trt priced "very csierc!:.
Tht SIorclTiatToar Credit b Cc:J
::s i7ASZa?.sTC!o STnnT
ways ornamental and
' never wear out. A; large "
-shipment has just - ar y
nyedcoverin the', very"; "
- latest notions as to style '
SrJ3QEty73"AIt prjceiJ
and terms that make allj.
able to afford them. The
... econornkisl r hfAt
; Dining-Room Special all
' this', week. "',.- '...'::'
Ati Our Cu:'.r tri
111 H