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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1905)
TII1E OREGON DAILV JOURNAL,' PORTLAND. FRI DAY. E VZ! II 1 1 G, - SEPTEI.IHZH 1. i::3. J -V.. " '' ,-4-. VI I ,'J. (TV !?nr A ' ''. t - 3 t v in ti 1 -; V' v. ,y if r Cheap Clothes are found everywhere. Some ; , y are cheap at a tmall price, other are cheap but X':' ""sold at ft' big price. ' 1 t .. ; ... , t r.. -tee :?V:.'ciir w: :cz:n ' - .;. , "f - .:. ,: . ' . ;-'':.' - V'- V . w.V-'" v'-'-' : -' '. v y;V-' "': -v '- ' V' -. v'- 1 In any case, cheap clothes are priced out of -," f proportion to their real .value and ..give neither pleasure istence. pleasure nor profit to the Wearer during their ex- vv. V '.jj 4 ,-v.. -rt . Good Clothes at a low price that give value In ''r-'!,' :' ; weax, In style and In fltaTe a matter of economy ,; " 4 ;r"vyv': Such Clothes are Inexpensive" not cheap. v t ....Lzyr,x:- There's s distinction 'with a difference.7i-Tr7 On account of the large volume of business we do we are able to sell thoroughly Good Clothes at a low prloo Inexpensive but not cheap. c,;;;;.-: " If you wamva anappy styllsh Suit . for FaTIiV i,- atep In i and jnake Wprove what we sayl-let the r . ' yVV " i 'f man snow you : i s aaiesman enow vou . ... . .. . , - - r ir f . . . V.. v i-., : . ... i - . -j'.. u r it irrouRxDrrrs so" iyuv u .11 '"" ' ' ;?- ''':" "-": if ; ' '' '' :''. O) THIRD ill Nx arid OAK 1 T1s the Last Call! T;SA TURD A Y.MONDA VAND TVESDA Y. ; TE LAST THREE DAYS f ...v . ( X- "-..v Efaroo's Remodeling Sale has only .two days more. Unexcelled,, bargains on these two days. Prices, are ; ahchallcn&ed.:zOurstock;must be, disposed of so we i, ' catty emodel ourstore tQ accommodate our increased -business. .Take this warning and you will get the great est shoe bargains you ever enJoyed: ; 7; , ; ;? ,' - 'i w'X : Men's Vid Calf ; and 1 Box 1 Calf - Shoes, in , Blucher and lace styles, broad and narrow toes. For mer price $2.00, $2.75 and $3.00.,; Now.1.95- Women's lhoes in good American - kid, in Cuban, military and Tow beds, broad and nar row toes, patent and kid tips, hand sewed. Former pnce $3.S0.vNow........lV;yi.8& Men's Good Dress Shoes. Former price $2.00. Now v ...... ..... i .... , . . r . . . 91.45 Men's Good Dress arid Working Shoes, in calf skin. Former price $1,78 and $2.00. ; Now, rr;-f.7;-;v:.'i.x: i'iff 15 Men's Shoes, In patent . kfd, patent, colt.and : patent calf, in Blucher and lace styles, in broad and narrow toes, in bigH rind' low T heels, strictly up to'date. : Former prices $3.00, $3.25 and $3.50. Now 4. 2.45 Men's Fine Shoes, in vicl kid, vici calf and box calf, strictly upto-date toes and heels,in Elachrer and lace. sty les.Former; price $3.00 .. and &Qa9U. . . . , .. .$245 Men's Good Working Sh6es,-with two soles, full ' stock, waterproof, at ..,.......,.;., $1.25 Boys' Good Shoes in box 'calf and satin calf. Sizes 8yi to I3yi. Former price $1.50. Now ; ,..4. . . . , . .:. .98 Boys Good School Shoes, in box calf and satin ; calf. Sizes '11 to 2. . Former price $2.00. - - Now ... . . . . . . . ; ; ...... ... , . r . . . . .91.49 Boys'. Shoes, with extra heavy soles in box and ., satin calf." Former price $2.50. Now.. $1.74 Shoes for big girls and little girls, in vicif .box -calf, and kangaroo. calf, in. heavy sole with ;:ibw heels: "V . V--- Sizes 5' . to , 8. . ... .... f, 89 ,f Sizes -8 v'to' u.....n;i.?;r7?:.98t Sizes 11 -w 2.; V.'.f.r.:...".". 91.19 :;$isi Women's Spoes, In vici and calf kid, good broad , toe. and low heel; $1.75 and $2.00'values. .Women's .Three-Strap.".' Street, and " iiouse sandals, with fine white kid linings. Former price $L50. ' ; Now ........ ...;...,i89 Infant and Baby Shoes af 1 ' ' nearly .....ONE HALF PRICE.' Women's Good Kid Oxfords, - at . .;..v..:;. .91.49 A m 11 ) SHOE.STO'RE ; 232 nc-rjson street, near second ithis miwhjriijport down tha ways for, Christianity, Wc arc spank iuidmfor to-; ; morrow. . The garlands of the clothing world ;wil Authentic, adopted fasli unueu oiaxcs will dc rcaay ior mspccuon j x 11c nuu s pi iucs sers that are willing to. saver - money and not sacrifice style or uty'have,:m waiung . ior? you,;unu . yuu u luiu a c nuu uic ; 4- : ' '( J" . The xeal fashions for fall consist chiefly o! single and double breasted sacks. . The, long frock is worn only by comparatively few jeople. The variety of stylish fab- - rics covers a wide, range of coloring, with the dark de- "::r,.:,Lr!y y,.igns aatrong favorite. !, . t ;.. .'!";';;:,' v. V '.f :" 'i'-t'i: ' -"H'-'; aV''v? ';ti:t '-'. Is the starting point for choice !of over a score vof fall styles, in single and double breasted sacks. , They are pvsiiiTCijr wuawuiiwi . guvu values. ' .: ; . lilliiliill Just touches thetailor made class. c The styles are superb and materials of the strictly first dass'order. A $3.50 better suit for $11.50 than youH see elsewhere: : . " " -..-'" ' --1 ; ' High class imports, serges, Italian or Venetian lined. ' The fash ions are ' very select consisting of fabricsshown in merchant tailor shops at $25 to $30. The wide range of colors and weaves insure you a thoroughly satisfactory selection. r;l-V'-f '?LjTr 1 Robs the fashionable clothing world of its brightest sparks and lights. Printer's ink only can serve as a notice that the highest arts of the tailor's and weaver's skill is on display. The eyes' and touch create the desire for them a The Hub has robbed them of all fancy profits. . : :J.'jC'V')z - ' ' You can save 02.50 o $5 on the : CIotKng Ring Profits of -this city. ''.- :: i .: - v . FALL OVERCOATS 2850 Silk Lined Garments are a special leader that cost you $8 more usually. ' t '" ''''' , ; ." ; ' ; iy' , A; .;, ; '" ".;' -'.' "r $11 .50, $14.50, $1?;50, $20 and $25lOvBrcoats Puts you jn a class of styles, materials and workmanship :iat you must go" to the tailor shop to surpass ed must pay mor than douoie. r .;. , . . : . . ; . i Opening of the Hamilton Hat Scicon mm Soft and Stiff Hats, fall of 1905, choicest styles. Over 100 dif ferent ideas to select from.'- The Hamilton is as good as any hat on earth, no matter what name you call them by. '. , v ;T The Great Thibcts Fell Styles 23.50. I - a The Shoe that teaches all shoemakers how to make shoes right. We say ,it aU in the following vwrdstyle,. Proper FitGuar anteed Satisfaction. - r "';. :r: C-'l'-: '-.''i' "j . . i . . . . The Hub Should H 7 1 V u