The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 01, 1905, Image 12

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- - -a r - vr-
iiU yU
jncil tjnd Business Mm Di
com Aroused to Need
::or:Y 13 on ijand to :
. -ov:ih Vclanteers Rea to ; Qr
rr' Erriclent Force and Water
Ci-;.-' ca Uaio CtreetThousht to
Ee Adequate for an Emergency. -
Ti ait aid fflee ef The Innil te t
star f Mrs. K. W. McKlnnty. 3M But
irrtaoa WfwL T.leaboee lut -
"cent disastrous fire In Portland
1 the suburbs here stirred Mllweukle
lens, and it is probable that at the
ancll mmiln( neit Monday . night a
n will be adopted to secure proteo
a for the bualneaa distrlot at least,
r years the town baa escaped aerioua
through good luck, but councll-mm
ve that luck of this sort will not
the order of thfngs mat- and that
ia protection must be secured at
iha town'e water supply la adequate,
t except' for one large wooden' mala
1 the principal atreet there le hardly
ough water piped to- the residences
meet 1 (iM demand, end erea along
,e central main the pressure ta .not
hat It should be, as a gravity ayatetn
in use and no provision la made for
. direct preaaure from the pumps.
Except for the garden variety of hose
ere is nothing In the tows to-convey
stream of water from, the mains, and
a few hydrants would be useless. The
Rlnesa men of the place will aid the
incU In Its effort, to secure appara
., and there are volunteers enough
-ged. to form a live company. This
r two large frame store buildings
e been -erected In the business dls
t, and these are dependent on email
mlcal tanks owned - by-tbe jiroprle?
a. " ' --- '.-. '-' : '
Revenue from the O rat ton club and
r . and. the' saloon of the. place vhaa
ought Jn abundant funds, which -have
t yet been- appropriated, and nothing
1 said to stand in the way of the town
: once securing an efficient fire de
rtment that will lower the Insurance
.tea materially. , ;,: :,
. '-;.. ... aSBSaaaeaesea: -f -A ' ' .i . -..t-V-- '--.-r- -''
: sUUob of Pash Olabe JCeacd and Oai
;.. racOltiea Are Doubled. T" V'"
Though adequate service cannot " be
t"lven the Mount Scott residents until
a double -track Is laid from the Mount
"abor Junction of theOregon ' Water
-ower company's line to .Lenta, such
relief as can be given under the present
arrangement has been . afforded this
week by the management. The several
push clubs )! the big territory -sent
committees .' to the management ' and
petitioned for-- relief,- shewing how
crowded1 the cars were and how Inade
quate the service was during the ruah
Lours.-'-- Borne of the new trailers have
been added to the morning and evening
trams and larger motor ears have been
i anted, and while the trains are packed
here is room enouglr for the pasaen
r to '. get a foothold. The Increased
(oconrmodatlbhs'have also enabled the
ere to mske better time. . '
Over Bull Baa apply.
Montavtlla end Mount Tabor reeidetf
are getting a better supply of water
than ever Jjefore' Id 'the suburbs' his
torv. The . connection has been made
with the Bull Run reservoir by the
local water company,'' and . while, the
stream ia not in the nature of . a tor
rent there .1 water enough.. for house
hold uses, a thing J that baa not been
known before In th dry Beacon. Usually
1st rains bav kept some of the spring's
greenness for .the summer-. months, but
this year the early drought snd the lack
of .water for Irrigation purposes' have
left th lawne te die and the flowers
to -wilt. . . --!...',
' Tonight the Mllweukle grange will
jrrve a wiicrnaom sociat . ta mnn
Th Mllweukle band tomorrow even
ing will give a benefit aoclal and dance.
The proceeds will be used to purchase
rouula, and other necessaries.
Rivnrvlew lodge No. 171, I. O. O. F.,
cf Mllweukle will this' evening hold
.Initiation" ceremonies. Tne lodge,
thouh Instituted but a year ago, has
more than 1 members. ' , ; v , ' i
Organisation of the Arleta Push club
will be completed at a meeting this
evening, and reports will be heard from
he special committees oa car eervice
nd fir protection. , .;--',....-..,. ,
Boot Back rrom. tabrador.
St. Johns, N." r.. Sept 1 Ellhu Root,
-cretary of state, returned - from Ia
rador and left last night-tor . Naw
or. He reports having had a most
lovable trip in th north. " .
T twaetioy fflie ekla. eieasea tW era if. grew
t w., -n-. Itchle ao4 Irrltatlom. te
I -a t eVucale aie pare nil sweat, saparlally
1 4 aealea, taete soialng bs
-C.t15i el Ha EaltM la Crery Cakg.
'ya. eenenrlctBt. fragTaat. ' Maltlteaes ef
Mf barAna kaa se eqaal for every Pr-
f toilet. bxa aae sera-iy. Aided fcr
Tiit. )t dttmB all aamne rwa,
xiKKeralo, rwakia aed btaaoil aair.
. iniBtn Ave for Hart-
' 1 i..nnt. To.. -'-'.
i eonviKw jrm nt the mj -w1
i t t eMmHos (pa mt ttmm. tn
Ml l nMlMtMl lis Ffu ie.
" tilte Hf Bprll..-e o..
"M Sotaias.iUMt t
h --i - .
'Ui-iAiJ, C-AJ.KJ " i.
r.( ' iywV5 i -J r imTSSS
. y- ' - - " J l-eiflea,
. 00T, lUrani
A- "T lra a
This Is pear time, ' Supplies ln the
market are liberal,-but the demand-Is
great on account of Ue short crop tn
other states. Although Oregon Is not
the birthplace of the Bartlett pear. It
groe better and bagger here than else
where. The Bartlett pear la a native
of England, but was early Imported into
this country.' It is Ihe most delicious
pear In the marget -Grown wlthlrr the
confines, ef the, state of Oregon are-7
variance of pear a, nearly all of which
are for 'eating -purpose; in their oruT
nary atate. ' Although Oregon ia claaaed
as on of the beat peai-growlhg states
in the country,. not a single vsrlety
oriirinated within her borders. Europe
gave" birth to the larger number of the
varieties ; of the American states. New
Tork Is -among those in the front rank.
Oregon pears have a. reputation- that
cannot 1e surpassed, and the fruit rrom
this state is In demand in the New York
market, even when the pears front that
atate are : glutting the markets. The
Oregon Bartlett pear, unlike that from
California. Is a very good shipper and
lly withstands the hsrdshlps of e
journey acrcss the continent in a freight
car. Pears from Oregon arrive in the
big American metropolis in perfect con
dition. When it eomee to selecting end
packing pears, the Oregon grower takes
the lead; this la one of the many reasons
whv th local fruits are so eagerly
sought softer, -j, i t-.: . y- -
Durins; the past. few.dayshouse.
wives bad : the opportunity of th sea
son to put up their winter's supply of
peaches. Receipts nave mown a aavy
Increase, excepting In the case or tne
very fanciest grades, and prices have In
consequence been- lower. . email sises
have been, plentiful and ordinary ones
have ben coming in too fast ror. tn
former high Values.' This caused some
concession In the retail price, but oa ac
count of the rapid Chang In the whole
sale ' market," tHe decline . was not as
large as It would have otherwise been.
Good, ordinary peeobee could have been
purchaeed the past few daya- at about
( cents a box. -u-.-:1 i
New Limited Train on Great
Northern to Have Oriental
3-, Furnishings.
.- V1 r V .''';'. , - - . . ; i .-i.'tlT'TT"'
Three Million Dollars.' Worth of Xs.
senger. Equipment -Ordered J. for
Winter j Traffic and New Coast
Service to Be Installed at Once. .
:V" ij'uwui Sneetal 'sWttes.''-'V'4'"?'
Chicago, Sept, l.TU. Great Northern
ralway la preparing to enter upon an
active campaign' for "passenger traffic.
and with thia end In view the manage
ment ,1s having between 12,000.000 and
$1,009,000 worth of paasenger equipment
constructed, to put into transcontinental
eervice late thla. falL -i :.
.A large portion of the new equipment
will be used to fit out eight complete
trains, which will be known as tbs Or!-
en tat Llm Ited... Thla, wllLb anew train,
on the Great Northern, to run between
tM Twin Cities and Puget sound, with
its western terminus at Seattle, but with
close connections to alt the country north
of Vancouver. .;; " : -
The new train will be an Innovation In
passenger service, for it will be equipped
With dining cars with oriental rurniatj-
inga and have Japanese waiters and
Japanea porters. On the diners an
oriental dinner will be served any trav
eler who want to know what Japanese
cooking really ia. - ;
.- The large expenditure which is being
made In search of passenger trarrio
cauaing some eomment, becsuse it marks
a new era for the Great Northern. Here
tofore J. J. Hill has neve made a spe
cial effort to secure ' passenger bust
ness. ' ": ' '. 1 , .. ..
Round Trip Daily to Astoria.4
Excursion steamer Telegraph makes
round trip dally (except Friday), po
parts from Alder street dock T:I0 a. jn.
From Astoria i p. m. Arriving i-ortisnd
p. m. Sundsys- leaves Portland
a. m.- Arrive Portland t o. m. .
. V ' iraseelal Dtapateh te Tbe' JrMt '
" Eugene, Or., Sept.-1. Rev. C W. Pow
ell," a pioneer Methodlat minister, died
at the home of bla son-in-law,- Henry
Kompp, si miles west of Eugene, Wed
nesday at the are of SI years. . II came
to Oregon from llllnola id and -has
lived In this vicinity almost contlnu
ously since. The funeral was held today,
The burial was in th Mulkey ceme
tery. ' .:. ,.:f.:
Kent Him
old. High
eaaia far Be esd Weies. Ket dye.
wima-at 44 mr aatr waa gray. ILt
H .! t? grar Slr mad him
i?ij?-w.V.lln.h l eaptrleaee I aaml
ilirm,Jr,fc har tb wax
..." T w n il liuu sr
.V"'' hair. kT era dlralaaed. I
witbeut irt. f-i.,!- r.r .:..- " -g
Frca Sfin Offer cte
-A and VuUit tW
'J HI Iff-
ff V - II ( I I
mm m
end iet l?r.2 rol1owtogniggita
Jiaset BOe. snttl lialrkea ta and Herakf
h.rfiij So.rv BMeieated. kU lwVtiM
XZ"t: 5 ' th
Watermelons have aeen 'better daya
and there le but little movement, to the
market '- Cool' weetber has caused . a
great falling-off la thedmand and
prices went down. - Wetermelona have
been cheaper this year than for several
seasons,' despite the fact that the crop
here and In California has been matarl-
allycut by the blight. .. (.'
Best quality - is shown In the canta
loupes coming te market. This year
has been an exceptional one In the can.
taloupe Industry as the fruit did not
seem to ripen as In normal seasons.
Butter will not be cheap this winter,
if 'the indications count 1 for anything.
All over the country eupplies during the
spring months were not ever two thirds
of the regular output, and thla has ne
cessitated higher price at etoring time
Oregon is becoming a heavy producer ot
creamery butter, but. the population hat
in' the paat two or three year grown
faster than the. supply, end the result
has been since that time that many care
of eastern product are annually aeld in
this market - .
Eggs are high and. from the outlook.
they will climb still higher. Aa In but
ter, the production of egge baa also
shown a decrease la late years, when
the Increase In population is taken
Into consideration. Eggs are now sell
ing at 19 eenta I doHit in the retail
markets, but' dealers look for the prloe
to go-beyead that In the wboieaale mar
keta before many daya '-.-
Chickens are high, but this la caused
solely by the heavy demand from the
thousands of visitors at the exposition
Heretofore , springs . have been quoted
at from t to I cents-" pound hlghef
than -old hens, but this range in prices
has been wiped out. and th aama prices
are practically ruling In both lines. -
There has been somewhat or a scarc
ity of good pork In the markets during
the past few weeks, , but supplies are
getting better snd prices will not likely
rule eo high. Good veal has been hard
to obtain: thla to some extent "' ha
caused the advanced quotations.'
1'JOUIIOS GllililllD
Alice Purkee. Shot by Harry
Stanley Who Commits
: 'dt; v! ;yC Suicide. fi
Tiro : Siatera, ' Whoa ' Horn It at
NortbporV Preparinf to Ieavt foe
Rosalia When Married ' Acquaint-
4 ance Enacts Fatal Crime. . " t .
. ... ..... ,. .. -J
""':".r :: "'''-'.-'''" """T- i-A , f ti-J't
(pedal IMepatcs ta th Jeanul.) . (
Spoken, ' Wash., . Sept. l.-Anether
crime . was committed here last - night
when Harry Stanley shot and probably
fatally wounded Allcs Durkee In a lodg-ing-houae
on Main avenue, ; than . shot
himself, dying' about I o'clock -i. this
morning. ' The girl and her sister, aged
it and 17, respectively, cam to Spokane
from their home at Northport Wednes
day looking for work. They secured
poaitiona as waitress es at . Rosalia,
where 'taos wen gwtng this noralnav -4
Mystery - surrounds the tragedy. . the
shooter being a married man, who had
known the girl only recently.
The girls were at a . livery t barn
Wednesday evening, where a rig waa
procured of Stanley,- who worked there.
That was the first time the slater had
seen him. : Yesterday morning Stanley
rented a room . tn the eeme -. lodctns-
house, opposite that of the Durkee girls.
in the evening no called to Pearl, the
sister of the victim, .when she was pass
Ing his open, door, to tell Alice he went
ed to see- her, ' They conversed a few-
minutes, when Pearl mentioned the fact
that her approaching wedding -was act
for September 10. . At that Stanley
turned Into the room, took .a revolver
leg about six inches above the knee
and going upward..
The -next bullet went through fitan
ley s head. He , le eeld to have had
trouble with his wife, who left him
year ago.,,. , :
IX So, Teara Akoat the Tory SVew O.
. -X Bates. .
'September T. I. and le, the' O. R.
aV N. places on sale very low rate long
time tickets east, account I. O. O. F.
grand ' lodge meeting. Philadelphia.-Pa.
Particulars by asking at city ticket of-
flee, Third and Washington - streets,
Portland. - . s ,t
" (gpedal Dianatek te Tba JearaaLI
Salem. Or., Sept. ' 1. The report Ot
the clerk of the land board for the
month ot August shows that : in ths
state land deportment there la bow out
standing on cert If lea tea of sale the sum
of IT7i.m il. divided among -the dif
ferent funds as follows:-- School -fund.
1743,174.11: 1 college fund.;
university fund. fl.ZZI.
The report also shows that t20.eg9.ll
waa tptld over to the state- treasurer
during the month. - The -moot of this
was -common school f una Jrlnclpal. bfr-
Ing peymente on certificates and cash
alti.'Thee Hint ar sraallrthan
they have bsen for a number ot montha.
Tnf ac theyha v been growing pmHel
each month. Thla le thought to be due
to the egltatlon of the land fraod ouea-
Uon. - ; , ' t .
:: (Special. Dlapatcb t Tba.fcaraaL) .
Olympia, Sept, 1. The attorney-gen
eral has begun work on the- complaint
against the Northern Paotflo, end O.
R. N. Co. under the direction of the
railroad commission to compel a change
In - the ratee on coal shipments from
Roslyn. on the Northers Paclfle line,
to points on the O. R. A N. road. . The
hearing will be held at Colfax within
14 days. The discriminatory rate on
which the complaint Is baaed Is the
rate of tl.te -a ,ton from Roelyn to
Walliila Jurmtlon and'tM from Wsl-
luia to "Coltax, while Wxomlac coal to
; WHITE CLOVER is the only butter on the
; Pacific Coast made from purest, sweet cream
that has - been tjasteiirized, then packed ;iri
cer for this pure, delicious butter. They have
. it, or, can geipui make. lf you arri
:lingl3r suppliid telephqn
fgive you the name of the nearest dealer.:
tow -mm anw
, . ; navjrr ooTnrr-aaf
Another Illustration of the prosrres-"
alveness of the PALACE MARKET la
this new feature. THE ONI.T'ONEJN
PORTLAND. It enables a .large display
and st the same time assures ths con
sumer of meat that the article bought Is
always fresh and sweet ' -.w
Full Line Eastern ,Ham
and Uacon
Home-made lard, fresh dsily. ' Choice
cornbeef, steaks, . chops - and - roasts of
all descriptions, v
Everything In the line ef flsh freah
dally. Vegetables and fruits: - , .; "
Of sit kinds, fresh killed and dressed
otm - ansv vornrTA-ar.
wojroam or rara aoztzo .
.;.. coast. v.; .
260 Yamhill St.
Bet. ad and eta 8ta Phone Main 180T
CASS GROCERS , Phone East 283
The Saw Store, M aAn ATS.. eoars frea
Merrlaoa.- laaeeta le high grade et CeCtea, Tt.
Estrada aad Spicea, ' '.-.".'-. '..'.'!7!...-:.'.
18 sound Beat Sugar tl.00
B-roana pau mac ura, mi iu
I seand Horal Baking Powder Ot
1 mead SchllllDc-s Bakuia Pewoar S6e
I aa geod hard wfceat rknw St.00
f"J'V1 I"'?",,-,P!ge,:
S-eaDT hot tie Leaau Kxtraet
TaagU-reet Flreaper, g abeeta for
Uooe Coffr. lOe
Jara Coffi-. foe per paeae, S soaaoe.
Engnaa Break faet Tea
Ml Oaneowder Tea .t. ......... ......
Oood Ei
1 pooiMI
Haaa Brea.' Cataii. 1 battles
i parkaga cars Btarea
Seeteti Oate
..- 10
Beat Jara aae Moea- Cetfae, per seasd , S5e
l-aoaae eaa Baked beana Be
"-oou4 eaa Baket Beaaa ......... ... .... ' loa
Poataia ... ....... ............... ........ to
Good Baeea lde
fig Fruae Cereal ..................... --tnt
Beat Him, per penad ,, IV
Wklta and Tallow Cor Meat 1Mb sack.. Ht
Beat Bago aad Tapioca, JO paeoea ........ . Me
IS bare Soap ......,.........'. ....... SBa
1 noaad beat Cocoanut ................... 16o
Bottle Blaelag . (e
Jrana Oregon. Orap Cream Se
eaaa Prlmroaa Craaat lae
Fancy Table Srrnp. par gllloa...... Soe
Olive Oil. eoart bottle oe
1mt boa Maearoal .e...... BBe
S piaU Cms ..v,... ae
about delicious roasts, we had the
iinest that ever happened last week.
Now send us another just Uke toe
last. We have everything the market
affords. Let us know,' your wants.
Kindorf Bros.
130 GRAND AVE. 1-
It lb Dry Granulated . . ..$1.00
Beit Creamery Butter. .55
Potatoes, per sack ...... .'V1. ...... TO
Java snd Mocha Coffee, lb..;'.... .25
The City Grocery
ista, aad Ollaaa.-
rhon raelte lte.
hauled l.tee-mllee to Colfax for 14.4a
ton. - .-. ', , . : - -
Scrofula, salt rhinm. ervalnelaa n
other dlatreanlng eruptive diseases yield
quickly and wrmsnently to the cleans
ing, purifying" power of Burdock Blood
ast -xca
is n:E
air - tight: cartons: Ask your gro
y - ' " j f
grieving purchased the stock and cood will ol The McKinnon
: Grrxe-y Co, we' have now opened aa a first-clasa cash grocerr. .
LyuyinErirorn us for cash yon
on your month jrocery biHa, ';;' Call and get prices and be) eon--jvinced.,-
A few specials for thla week: : : ;-
. .v,-.. - . . ... ' '.-'.-. .. -- v '','.i :'t -. .-. .'-
1SI Pounds Dry Granulated Sugar for. . . .. fl.OO -:'.
' 1 Cans Carnation Cream. .......... T . . .... .1 ........ 2Sa) .,
i... t .an oacera vocoa. ..v. ......................... .f . . .ww .
2 3-Pound Cans Pork and Beans.'...
1 1-Pound Can Schilling's Baking
I Pound Corn or. Gloss Starch.
t lbs Hamburg Steak ............154
Boiling Meat, per lb. .............. .4
Choice Pot Roasts, lb..... ..r...,..5e
Cottage and Picnic Hama. b.,.,. ,9d
Ibe Loose Sausage ......i.......lBe)
S Ibe Bologna .............. ......15-
Cooked Corned Beef for lunch, rb.lOe
Choice Creamery Butter, roll. f.i.. 55e)
People's Market and Grocery
Cor. First and
rree llvry e All Parte of the City.
Best Creamery Outter
t dosen Fresh Ranch Eggs. ......
Full Cream Cheesa, Ib. .:.5gV and lTt
Special Blend Coffee, per lb.. 15
English Breakfast Tea. per lb.... .25f
a-aiuaee now tor canning oy tne DO a..
Between Washing-ton and Alder
; ', Try our Fancy Blend 'i "
s potnrps po ti-oo, j
. ., OU lip .Main.'. Jitl PrnmitU-.
- ... -delivery.
Try Empire Market
For Choice - Roast's. Steaks and
Chops of all kinds. Hams, Bacon,
Fresh Lard everything In ihe
line of meats. " If you : cannot
come down phonfr us your order.
Good - service guaranteed. : j,
60 c & 65c per
ISM. fir.t SC.;- Ituu VUhi Ki,
' '. ,' ' ''
Aatoria Portland Seatae
r -
Near Yamhill
can aava lrom-10 tft25 per cent
........................ wT
" - -. waa
Powder .40
II Ibe Granulated Sugar:.-.... ..fl.OO
Upton's Tea.. No 1 quality. 1 lb.i,.65e
10-lb box Mecca ronl, Bpaghetl or '
Vermecelll 4 .S5d
I cans Pet Cream ............. ...2B0
1 eack Potatoes .............. ..i .SOd
rack Hsrd Wheat Floor...... 91.OO
Tomatoes, box .40el
I lbs New Oregon Honey. ......... 2Se)
Taylor Streets
Phone Btaia tela.
;- wiouiiu in marram - -
Oregon Creamery Butter
55c,XOc and 66c
One sack good Hard Wheat Flour. .S1.0S
f pounds good Rice., ......See
New crop dry Prunes, per lb........ .So
I pounds Seedless Raisins ...S6
Beat cleaned Currants, lb loo
romatoea. standards, t cana.......l5e
can Baked Beans.... So
fTwo S-lb. cana Hominy....- SSo
can Corn, Peaa or String Beana... 860
Ppstum or Flg Prune Cereal, .SO
nmimon, rana .,..,.. ...... 100
Tomatoes, Solid Pack. ...... ,....,..10
One l-lb. pkg. Armoura Washina-
Powder .. . . ..le
,i-mpin soap ,. 1 ... ...... .So
1 1 bars Roy a 1 Savon Soap .......... .SB
. i.?, BhT El'Phant Soap. ...... .'.SSo
bottles Bnlder's Catsup.. T..r......38e
f".c S5I'" 1.0- ,la, ...... see
1 id. wnica inn.T ... iiu
rKb' P.'U pur? trd..... S1A0
v." -"uu- -4.1 . .. . 000
fn" P'!mJ-0" Cream.... .....,.18
lb. Knallah Rrealr.a. T.a 11.
1,. - " A WW. ........ .V.
lb. Ouniwe',, Ta. ajL
Miner a Maptha Soap , Se
Full line Flaccue Bros.' Mustard. Cat
ee,-iangos, eta; . -
Townyhd jSryan
f Schoonhoven
?S gsTtdhgtaSt 1JT TJTisja-a iai 1 S. S ST '
Aqa AWW. 1 Phon Main lilt. .
3 u
373 EaVf Morrison Street "
. " Phone East 147. ." : -
Splendid, assortment of every
thing; in the Meat, Poultry and
Fish line. Our specialty is
Give us a trial vrt can please
Is the talk cithe tsmm for bar '
gains In Groceries tr. J Proriwons.
Ths householder knows it's
money in his purss to consult "
his prices.. ; ; . :-! t : '
'.:. 10 Pourfj.
' Dry Oranulated Sasar for $1 , - '
. : ., I eans Jtmericaa Sardines. -. :r ,
r ' I eans Deviled Haw, ; -
'-- ;l -;:-. lOe; : v:4:f;
I -lb. can Solid Pack Eastern Tomatoea. '
. 25.: ' .':r7T
'"'' T pounds Standard Rolled Oata.
;--i5e- ' f 1'
l-lb. pkg. Pyramid Washing powder. '
Box No. 1 Macaroni. TermleelU-wr ": -
.' :-:' Spaghattl. . . - .
' -'15V:- i--x4
I cans Condnsd Cream; tie dee. cana
' ' ; f eana Minced CUuna. : '
Deliver on JCaet .Side Bvery Day, 1
Cos. West Park aad Waahtatresa Sta,
. aoae atais saee.
Fellows .
Prices of. r,2cat'.
Cut in Tv6
The place where all the meats ar ;
keptLia .fine condition and alwsyt
salable. Come' and get buripriceX
Boiled Btti ...f.,......4 "'
Pot Rqast ...;............;5 '
Corned Beef , t . . . 5d
Rolled Roast ...... .;......9e v
Beef Steak, 3 lbs.....,.....25 "
Hamburg Steaky 3 lbsu.25y .
Lamb Chops, 3 lba.;; ; ... .23c
Sausage, 3 lbs.,.....MVR.2STT
Corner First and ColumbU Sta.'
Phone Main 111. " - 3
Free delivery to any parf of city.
Third and Jarftatva
s- ;
"Tea eaa .aaya IS r -eeae kr-4allag
Ith aae. - .. . , i :, .-,.'. . ... ,t ;
8 cans Primrose Cream . . ........ . .lio
I sack Beat Soft Wheat rinnr .kl.oe
10-lb. boa Crackers ...'....I0o
Jib. Shredded Cocoanut ........... 15o
package Scotch Oata .............19
11)8. good Rice ...ISo'
1 lb. Arm and Hammer Soda ...... le .
a-io. can tuna leans. ............ ,10 -
l-lb. can Baked Beans. ........ . .to ' .
lb; BchUimrs Baking Powder... ..S&e
lb. Royal Baking Powder ....... .49 . ,'
. .v. tn m. mm tgnn ......... .ja
J! ers Royal Savon Soap .........Ho .
1 lb. good Engllah Breakfaat Tea.. .lte
Bet Sugar-Cured Haraa, I lb..,.., .140 ; ,
1 lb. Ounpawdar Tea (
J."f,Tk J"t I Susar .
J ibai. " fl"""- 1.00 .y.
1. sack Beat Patent Flour w,
1 eack good Hard-Wheat Flour.,,, i.e
10-lb. pall beat Lard...... '.I. 1.3 -
10-lb. pall pure Loaf Lard. ...... .Jl O
t-lb. ball Dura Leaf Lard IA- ,
, . A A . . ..ML. .
.......... e
,.4. -j,".: -j.v.j'.- J, - . '.'(- ... '"' J
teliTrla oa Seat Sid. Tuesdays and
Friday a ,. . .;...-,..'.....;
lit rirat Stieat,' Vat. Stark aad Watart.
- raeae SUia Mia, -.. -. . - -
Rone Reset Beat
e kefh.efe .'
Prima Rlk Resets..
...e.e.... .....,.lHl
Slrlola Staaka
T.nderlola Stoata
PortertKmaa Btaats ....i.............. jAe
Itoaad etaaka ...lOe
Plais Steak. 4 lbs for ,.2S
tag Muitoa .10,
Leg Lemb -........ .............IiU
Mnttes fbeaa. S lba for OL
Loin or Rib Ctw-pa Joe te 12Vie
Hbealoer ef at at to ..........le
Mattea Srew;.- 2 4
rare noara . ............. ....iu re I
Pork Cbepa ........ln to
mi .,.-,. ......iur
te ljva -s
U It
Veal Cbope 10c I
Baaeare Maat, IIMR
niinuii mwf. m mm in. .............. m.
Sua.r-4 Tired Breakfaat-Baeea ...le
Beat Creamery Butter a..... .S0e te tISe
Preak Raacb Kgga ............ ......... ,...3S'
re... loaraa for aa J -n. H . n. . . . .
Boll Beef
......Se ta
VagaUMaa ef all kins.
taleptaoa erdars . eeUrared areaptly. east a
...,.,- waai ate. -.. - -. -
We want the restiwanmen'lo
remember that We are headquar
ters for Dressed Chix in prifje,
quality ; and . quantity. Lamb,
Veal and Mutton are scarce, but
we have them. "Bonl forget tne
place. . y ;; '.'
- '
43K North Sixth St
PHONE MAIN1 lfjfl"