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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1905)
.Two: wek ago we were unfortunately visited I ago-we were unfortunately visfted the entire esublishment was deluged witH PATRONS in the way of reductions in prices . uiiani uiowi.uic nvot a, uui piy wiin u" cta 01 mcrcnanoise. wiuie acnuu wear ox uie garraeni mjr noi dc m unpwea, uie purensser iooks upon it as aamagea to an extent tnat renaers It almost entirely unsau able, takes advantage, of that pretext and will not buy .unless the most alluring inducements are held out to him. OH OUR $50,000 STOCK OP GOODS WE HAVE RECEIVED (23.817.SS INSURANCE MONEY so that the en -.1 i. 1 Al 1 1.1. A. 1 . ml tire store full of our high class merchandiser now stands us only 123,482.67. or but a trifle over 50 quamunce oi tnousanas ot tnegooa men ana youtn or vormtia anaTne nortnwetrana oy wis tjne acr secure an advertisement tor our store that will oe as lasting as time itself. THIS WILL MERCHANDISE;- ALLEGED TO HAVE- BEEN BOUGHT. FOR A MINSTREL'S SONG, BUT . . ; : .. "TT ' ' , .That shall live In the mind of every patron for years and years to come." OUR STOCK WAS NOT BOuGHTAT SOME CHEAP JOHN SALE. It came direct from the high-priced manufacturers bt the east, is first class in ' all particulars, except that some parts have been slightly damaged by the downpour of water and the 'smoke . that accompanied the blaze. We could have removed this clothing and sold it in another building at full prices, ; because its damage would not have been discerned once it was laundered, dried and the clothing pressed, but we have preferred to deal honestly with bur friends, as we would have them deal with us, hence these MONSTER MONEY- SAVIN U VALUES, v Read tnese figures and BOO Men a high class,' enstOm tailored, hand .. aiJk-sewed and shoulder;. padded Suits, .iunbreakkbl frontSj ,in "imported tweeda,: ; theviots;1iomesptths And whlpcofds, equat 'aagarnebts in any cloQung etablfsh , ent oti .Frs( atree) splendid 4alues at v$a5 and nohf'without the slightest dam-. age, except that of sra,oke, . yZuli $30 Custom made,' hand sewed, silk lined, t double or single breasted dandies, in cas " sirneres,: cheviots worsteds and vicunas. At this great Fire r 1.:::,' -y:-; 'Vsaie.i;iV..;.,::.;..'.fi4b' 200 Suits, just dampened by a spray of wa t' ter, as good as when they left the fingers , of . the makers ; - always soldat $25, but -. at this astounding Fire Sale t ' '. f V :. ....1 j 1 . -'-r - $15 Stylish" Suits,hot hurt a bit, slightly dis arranged by firemen, i .Will be ?old 7 y. .' at 'this Fire Sacrifice at....-!.i,,.f 7.65 $12.50 Fashionable parments plenty good v ' enough for any ordinary "business man.' i .Magnificent values v V Y. - at ... . .f 65 $10 Men's Working Suits, well made and al- ." ways considered remarkable values at this ; price, finely tailored,, substantial in every '; detail, not. injured ur anywise except-by, ' dampness and smoke. ,CAt .thia v r y wonderful Fire Sale only....,'.,.. 4.05 ' Suits hundreds of them worn by men of Portland. Going at this' appalling, "I Fire Sale at. i . . . ; . . . . . , ;.;. : .f 3055 t :TTT. ' DO NOT CONFOUND THIS SALE WITH V myy::y-.yMy:yy - ': - i -:'... , i -., . ... ... ....... by a fife that proved disastrous to our stock of by a fife that proved disastrous to our stock of water and smoke was so thick that one could Lt. ' t ' i m-.- ... iin.!i and to show the public thatthis if one of judge for yourself; tne saenhee offered nere: A an bidicatiori of the superiority of our high , class ; merchandise, worn : upon the backs of scores of dtlsens desiring really iaahiojiahlejjarjitiow. modest prices. THIS BIO- FIRE SALE brings. in to the foreground a brilliant array of the cream of New York fashions in our .' . .,. . - .-, .. : - -r : $35 Paletot, Belt and Box, Ulsters and Uni versity, all wooL, hand tailored, unbreak - able ffonts, up-to-date iri" style and every - attribute of fashionable. London and New '. York, which we will donate to all desiring ' ,them at the insignificant price r "-r of .... , i i . . .... . . ' ?16.50 ' :v.. y . . ' . . v r .:No more-than two to a customer, -and will hot be sold to the trade at these prices $30 Pick and choice of any of our elegant : and stylish Top Coats, worth every penny ' of their former price, $30. Now . t only . . . . . ..... .. , . . ; . . . ; . kf 14.50 $25 .S welt all. wool charmingly built 'and magnificently tailored Top Coats, at this .. 'surpassing Fire Sale . " ; ' f " on ly 912.50 $15 Best Overcoat values ever, offered in Portland at the Fire Sale Price . of ....,..k........i........U..f7.e5 $12.50 An Overcoat;, worn, by many of the . well dressed men jof this city all last sea ; son. A very - handsome garment', pro- - - nounced "swell" by many wearers,- .at the Fire Sale price of.. ."...... $6.35 . ....... - .; . ' $10 A perfect peach of an Overcoat for the ; money, at the Fire Sale price . y- ''-" v 5 " ' ' ' ' ! V I . ' f ! " : " . , ! t. of....... . . . i . .?4.e5 ANY OTHER ONE ADVERTISED IN Ovcrchate at Cost ISffcaminS WiSoMMm In Men's Trousers' , a - 1 .m- 1.- if. HOME MERCHANTS, SCOURGED BY THE FLAMES, AND Ail Men's, Yonths and Boys . Clothing, j I Men's. Youths' and Boys1. Clothiritr. Hit. v fairly cut it with a knife. - This waten tind smoke permeated every nook, cranny and corner r . i " . . . ti ,1 : m . it er cent of hriemal -cost: -THIS 123,517.85 INSURANCE MONEY WE ARE GOING TO DISTRIBUTE AMONG OUR the SQUARE-DEALING CLOTHING HOUSES OF THE NORTH PACIFIC COAST. ; ; ..- ,.. -y . '-:-.a:h, r"7 - ; fThese garments were in, the rear, end of the stbre near where the fire first burst ' through the walls, and were damaged by both water and smoke. Properly pressed, TidweveSflhey wouIdTbe' none the worse1 Tor' the fire, yet we are-going to sell them off at almost no price at all An those Pantaloons formerly sold at' .'. 'c $3.50 now "fired ofT at..;.'i..;......704 The $1:50 kind for worWingnien now. .69 Th'e $3.50 values,- iiotdamaged except by smoke, at this big Fire Sale...... $1.95 'All our $4, $4.50, $5 and $6 Men's Trousers, ' Fire Sale price only......... $2.15 -. The cream of the manufacturers was rep i resented here; and here things go at these unbelievable figures- : V . ' Men's Shirts," ranging in Value from $1 - '. , to $1.60, at 75 60c .Golf Shirts, now only, . . . . . . ... .20 : STRAW HATS Values from 50c to $L25.Vv.,; . . : '..29 - . (These hats practically good as new.) . Ail otner Mraw iiais, ranging in vaiue -.u from ,$1,50 to $3.50; go at. ........ ..70 i ... Furnishing Goods Department -rT'r-ry yy-r- THE NEWSPAPERS AT ANY TIME. ' THIS IS AN HONEST, BONA FIDE CLOTHING FIRE SALEy BY ONE OF YOU .THE GARMENTS ARE NOT; SURPASSED IN ANY STOKE IN rUKTLANU UK - - " ' f 1 - r ... ; I "V " ' V.' ' .-.. -AlLr.-r' ' ..VS-, y .. ' . Caps. Furniihlne Goods and Shoes, not that e . . aa an - '"!t'V - !:r iiAl heavy- Heeced Underwear ;. regular . 75o values. Jfer garment.. ., .. ... . Extra heavy ribbed ; 75c value. 7T. ....34 15c Hose, not hurt a speck,,........ .4 10c Handkerchiefs .4 We shall off er .our lady friends bargains in footwear that will arouse them to the im portance of providing themselves with styl ish and fashionable Shoes for a year to come. We have carefully assorted thia merchandise, and arranged It in lots.- None of this foot wear was injured more than by the breaking of the1 boxes, and in a few lnstancesvsmalL damage by water, but even then not nearly so much as would be experienced by walk ing a few blocks in an Oregon shower. LOT 1--Ali $250 welts and turns:.. ..25 LOT 8 Regular $2 and $2.50 values, ; 'heels just dampened by water,... $1.10 LOT 3 $2 and $2.50 values, discern!- ' bly damaged . , . . . .. . .j . i . ... .$19 LOT 4 Regular $2.50 and $3 values, only : shoe boxes soiled by water and - smoke ,. . . . ............ . . ..$1.69 Lblr 6 Misses', slightly damaged ; -; ' regular$2 values. .' , ...- ...,$ll.4 LOT ft-Cbdren' regular $1.50 values, damaged ty smoke only;.i '.79i tOT 7 Women's spring heels, tegular ; 5 $1.50 values I . : ... li. ..... . . .. . . ; .59 mm V ' ' ' 1 ' ' .. ... -. . the fire actually burned our stock, nut almcrt . of the house, and no one ma well mm the mor. . . . m . . We hope by thia distribution to make the ac- . BE NO FAKE SALE- OF FAKE EVENT II LOT 8 Infants' Shoes, regular 75c ' 1 1 values v , ; . ; . . . . . ; ,-r. iVV. . . . . 50f : LOT 9 Boys , Shoes, regular- $2 values ; boxes only damaged by fire.". ., , ,'.$124 JLOT.IOBlack and tan Boys' Shoes, values up to $3. .... .. ..$1.C3 LOTH Misses' Sandals and Leather,. reg ulaf $L50 values. Fire Sale" . -: - - ' prlce ' ' ' -. ' '' LOT 1 Children's all leather Sandals, regular $15 valnes . . .". . . ; . . ; .CC LOT IS Misses' and Children's White Can vas Oxfords, regular $1.60 . .values .....CC LOT 14 Men's Shoes, damaged by fire and . water, regular $2.50 and $3 values. - . ' Fire Sale' price. .... . . . . ... . .... . . . .7C LOTIS-Men's Box Caif, Vici, Blucher ar i x Bats., $2.50 and $3 values. T v - 1 HOW . . . ...j iiiiii ihuhujvLv..- LOT IS Men's Box Calf and Vici, Blucher and Bals., not noticeably damaged, '' now ....................... .....51XI Not in the slightest damaged, except by, smoke.' Divided into two lots. LOT A Values up to $1.50 go at . .v. this Fire Sale price bf .. . . f ; . C. . . . i ;2Sf LOT B Consists of all the finest Umbrellas . in the house, in values up to $4.50, but ' here they go at. . , . .. .. .......8C 'And so it goes all down the line. , ; --(- ' I n I ' 1 11 '. 1 '",' , ANY OTHER TOWN. ... n r fit n UiiiDrei