The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 01, 1905, Image 10

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    - -
A 4
yvancks t iMosklman. Left on b
t iTUand. Oakland, 4. Time of uuJ
" IS Mill M lIUUtV ' WeMaeav-T"
McDonald; ' . '
k J
f , e
'Jar.i rizyi-1 J Peculiar
"zrrie tnd Oil.xHi Cornet'
le Aa-e ,
Pm Fuselage
4l B
M 4,
f .'
i;- rc.:TL..:."D.
, ' . -.v. V . '' ''' '-' : V'.., v. ;.v,'' ; ' ' ' -
7Y0 HC.Y.2 RUH; -.:.
I f
V'ni Iber
Twirt Beautiful
X ! t-t jFdrmer' Support tW of
Dark 1 Brown Character Hoff-
and XIcHale Jajgrrpnu
akland l.-Portland -4. '.-u.
Uarlee Cates and McLean; Iberg
Cymea." (; .-';,'.. V..
r the need of a plaver errora were
j; forthe batters the. hits
. fade; : for tuewent of leader
oea were toeaed ; for tha want of a
agar tha tame waa loat. And there
i lire.. . -. .": - ' ' ' ;
m too bed to have loat yeeterday a
td the Oakland nine, not becauae
altera are not entitled to win their
t of games, but because everythingl
i the locale out tne. ran snipm
..played In handling tha Portland
t m. It 'a hard to-have aome men,
t and play 1 innlnga of good baee
jud then have ell of their efTorta
,r tiaught because of the-tnrsTakes of
w, who either do not kow how to
'e a proposition or eise.a ireintw-
bluff la being put. up to the local
lefljr relating, tha Portland player
rot know how to atand the prosperity
t lead of one or two .runs oooa
. Everybody know " that Catea 1
t-rate seven-Innings twlrler. Dur-
that time be worka bard"1n fielding,
hlng and batting; yesterday wa no
ptlon. ' Catea had the uaaiana jnen
,lng up until the eighth inning yea
ay. allowing but I wo hlta. Hoff
i's error In tha fifth Inning let In
land a llrst run. With a lead of
runs at the beginning of the eighth
Cates should have been relieved
either Corbett or Garvin, n this
ter Van Haltren hit for a double,
icks" slnaBseWad Dunleavy drove
ball over the fence for a home run.
i put the visltora one ahead. ort
( came back strong In the ninth and
the chance of a lifetime, but It was
,rt awav.
McLean drove out a aou-
and McIIala scored tha big catcher
t a single. - Hoffman was next up.
the crowd yelled for: McCredie te
, his place at the bat. and the tall
ter picked up a stick aad started
tie plate. He changed his mind,
ver, and Hoffman strode to the
i and promptly struck out. HcHale
ttuaht off first and Catea hit safely.
ent out at first and the game con
1 for It Innlnrs.,: In the twelfth
x Kelly hit safely and ltosklman
ced him. Devereaujt Hew to Me
Byrne was given a pans. 'With
o irikes and no balls on him Iberg
xakod in the ribs by Catea. With
, filled Van Haltren bit to oen-
- i .J .'and the ball went through Mc
3's trllblea- and Kelly and Byrnes
A. Portland oould do nothing with
-th the last half, so the game was
utes worked like a Trojan, having
e chances, nine strike-outs and two
s to hla credit. The score: ,
,.t PORTLAND.'-. :
S AB. R. H. PO. A. K.
t, ks. 0 f J
n Buren. If. ...... S I jr I 0
cliell, ll. ..,8 ':lll!l
,iiifly.":b."-.7ii.-.. : a-4 1 4a
upholder, rf. 6 a 1 1 1
1wtn.Tc.-.. S t I la 0
talc cf. .......... 4 t t 4 1
i man, Sb. ........ 4 0 4 1 t
e,.p. ........ .....4 8 S
TlflaisV; .-'.i.4i 4 11 4
'it f . AB.R.ILPO.A.E.
an !Hltren: ef. .... , 1 , J 0 4
-n'k, ss. ......... 1
itileavy. If. ........ 6 ' 1
.hard, rf. ........ 6.
elly, 2b. .. 4 . 1
Ofikifnan, Ih. I 8
evereaux,' 3b. ...... 6 , 0
vmes, c ........... 4 : 1
.jerg, -p.' '...''.'.'.'. 4 '
. i i
7 1
l i
-2 2
4 4
4 4
I" 4
t 0
4 9
t, 0
Totals. : ..........41 I 1 It U 1
rlland .-.1 1 M t 1 I M I- 4
Hits . ...1 141114121 101!
kland ...IMIlMlltttfl
rilte ...a a 1 4 1 4 4 4-4 7
t:mmary. Ti ..
H truck out By Cates. ; by Iberg. .
es on ballsOff Cates, 4; off Iberg,
Two-bane bits McHale. Householder,
n Hxrtren. McLean. Three-base hit -i-harda.
. Home runs Van Buren.
inleuvv. ixiuUle plays Schlafly to
i to Mitchell; Ats to Bchlafly to Mltch
: Mimkiman to Kelly to Richards:
,e nave the most artistic
- '.atosph ot beautiful Mt S
iloodT ready for framing $
Jzt" thef thing "'to "s'enti'or x
"try away as a Sotryenir of y
vi iv mv juui J i
", "'.'..'''
fl Cents
.viirioinc. I ue. pitluieiS' iTVrws1
12x5;3 inches. . , :
. ti. GILL CO. I
Eoc!aeliers and 5
Eutioners.-. :
- :::r.D and alder.-
ll lw
. !.. '. ; pnrtaa-XaaBBT Ooataa. .
i Mearael BpwUl Semfla.! ,.; . . r
- San Francisco, Sept. 1. The Slwashea
pulled hard yesterdar and defeated tha
Seals in , a lS-lnnlng contest, r i Whalen
weakened In the last inning and allowed
threa hits to push ovecMa necessary
run. i ne score: , .
Li"'",.v.,:,.-.fa - - h-h. m
Ti"oe .o o o a 1 1 a a e e a a a i 14
Seattle. .4444419444449414 10
Hatterle Whalen and Wilson; Roach
ana oianKsnsniD. u rapire juevis.
r'A r ; 'aKaafa" Waa wil.'v. '' 'f.
. emuU.afNla! rvlea.t r .
Taooma, Wastk, Sept. I. Bobby Keefe
hit three batters, gave a base -on balls
and. with five errors thrown In. tha An
gels had no difficulty in winning yester
day's gam. Hits happened in 4 he third
Inning and after that tha Angela could
do . nothing with Bobby.' Baum . was
touched up for, nine hits, but the Tigers
couldn't bunch 'them, so the game went
by tha boarda.; The score: -.. ,-. . - .
. ,-- . ' R, H.K.
Taooma . .. ... ..a a e a a a a a a t
Loa Angeles I . .4 S 4 4 4 4 4 4 ' 4
' Batterlea .Keefe and Hogaa: Baum
ana epiee. umpire .rernne.
"t - 'V- : ' Won.
Philadelphia. ........ 44
Chicago . ....... . 4 1
Cleveland . . ........... 4t .
Boston. . 61 :
New York . ..,...,. lit
Washington . . ....... -17 .
Detroit . . 64
SL Louis 41 '
Lnsir: P C.
' 41.
71 :
- .626
w .604
t .474
- . '. At OlerelaBO. . ' ' . -
T - R. H.E.
Cleveland . . ......4 4 1
Philadelphia . . ......1 t- I
Batteries Joss and Clarke; WaddeU
and BcnrecB... . ., . : .
.';.. '.'SV-At tn. tOtUa.". ' - '
. . . ,. R. H. BJ.
St Loula. ...V,... .Vfl J -2
Boston i ...... .'. .2 7
Batteries petty and Sugdea; Dlneen
and Criger. ; - ;'-
Chfcago . .
4 4
1 ' 1
and McFarland;
Hughes and Heydon.
At Satralt. -
, ft. H. X.
Detroit . . '....t 11 1
New York t 1
Hattenes . imnovan - ana - warner.
Powell and MoGuire.
; . i . Wow Lost.
New York .......... tl 11 -
Pittsburg,.......'.... 71 J
Chtcago . .i ........i., 74 64 - -
Philadelphia -r . ...... 41 ' 65
Cincinnati. v i... 4V .. 57
Bt Louis. ........... 1 74.V
Boston .. f ......... 1 '.-II '
Brooklyn , IT - ;r,. ,
. .617
' .177
. .tit
- . At ptttabanr.
Tlrst game .. '! , .j .R.-H.E.
Pittsburg ,;. ...!,, 1
St. Louis l ..............I I 1
-Batteries Phllllppl and Gibson;
Brown, Rgan and L-eany.
Second game
-R. It B.
Pittsburg . . . . .i
8t.-Lrfuls . , .........
. . . . li e
Rh t terles 71a hert y.
case ana retrs;
Thielman, Grady and Leahy.
Em site.
Philadelphia C .
New York .....f..t 2
Batteries Nichols, -Pittinger and
Dooin; McGlnnlty. Wilson and Breana
han. . Umpire Johnstone- -m. ..
'P:ri,; ,v - "
. ' - ...
The lacrosse fgnelers who wish to aea
tha good old' game played aa It ahould
be will do well to go t to Multnomah
field tomorrow afternoon at 4 'clock
to see tha match between the Vaocouver.
B. C, Champions and the - Portland
Stickers. Vancouver his beaten the fa
mous Wtmtneter te am twic TMif e r
and has a crack 'collection of play era
The locals are. In good condition and a
rattling match la expected.. The teams
will play-a second game on Monday
afternoon. - Accompanying the team age
W. C Brown, president of the visiting
club; H. B. Godfrey. Miss Godfrey and
Alexander Gunn. One of Vancouver's
crack player la M. Garvey, sporting
editor of tha News-Advertiser t of Van.
con ver. .Tha lineup will be:
Vancouver.. . V Portland.
T.Campbell .....goal...... Sapderaoa
W. Madison ... . .point. ......... Hysth
Hanoox ... ...cover point: Porter
Ritchie ...... firat defense..., Campbell
Payne ...... second defense,:. Jennings
Garvey .....third defense Haua
Cameron V.. .soenter. . Hamilton
Little third home.-,,,.... Hurd
Knight second home.-. McDougall
Qulgley ......first home. . , . . McNicholl
Clarkaon .... . outside home . . . , Williams
Douglas inside home...... McKay
J:- j (Jioraal Sperlal Swrte.)
New t York. Sept. X. Played from JOC
to 1 down to 90 to 1. post odds. K1I
dara proved the good thing at Sbeepe
head Bay yesterday, winning from a field
of 14 maiden 2-year-olds. Tha bookies
dropped a big bank roll on the race. The
results:.. . i . . .,' ' '"'; .
Five . furlongs Klikare won,!. Bivouac
seoond. Leonora third; time, M 4-6.
. Six furlongs Jocund won. Rose ben sec.
ond. Bieticher third; time, 1:14 1-4.
saoeod. Kuroki . third; ..time.
Mile arid "three sixteenths CoyTlfald
igwoiT. ptivar Crnmwetr seconarTon Tromp
tmra; time, 2:012-4. . . . ,. ,
Hempstead cup steeplechase, 'full course
Otho Vaughn Won, Pure Pepper sec
ond. Justice third; time, 6:32. '
Mile and a half pn turf-rRlght Royal
won,. Hippocrates second, Leila, third;
time. 1:244-1.,. . .-.i . -
. TomrrurTBurne af Canada knocked out
Dava Barry of Ban Francisco ' at tho
latter city last night n 'the twentieth'
round, with a full right -swing to the
jaw. - It wss an tntereetlng contest.' tha
men weighing ia at 111 pounds.
y. .- "- " -
After many years tha aspirations of
peols C, Wright of Boston was crowned
with surcess. When he defeated Hoi-
cocoa wa
rd, of Orange, New Jersey,
I.'''! .'
V,'' ?.'
yesterday,. ' at Newport, Rhode - Island,
for the natlonaltannia championship In
straight- acta , or t-KJ.idL-. .
v ',:.'.:''' ' eve.'. ,1 .
A dispatch from Palo Alto aaya that
A..J. (Bull) Chalmers, an Oregon hoy,
has been elected captain of the Stanford
university-football eleven, w . . .
-. - V i-'-Vir
Trying ta Break Aato Baeorda.
(Joaraal BpteUl Serrice.)
Cleveland. O.. Sept.. 1. The automobile
race meeting -on the GlenvlUe s track
opened today, with tha moat flattering
prospects for breaking, aome American,
It not world's records. Tha entries are
numerous and include some of the most
famous machines . and equally f aaooua
drivers The moat Interesting event of
tha meeting will 'undoubtedly be . tha
tOOO-mlle motor car run for record.'. It
Is expected that Guy Vhughn, who holds
the- 1,000-mile , record, wlU ' be able to
lower It. . . ".''T-"1-.- ;''"':' '. " h '
' ' ; (Joersal Special Berrloai -
- Corpus Christ!. Tex. Sept L InaaCj
cord a nee with a law passed by tha laat
legislature a tract of state lands, com.
prising about 10,000 square miles, was
thrown open to settlement today. Tha
greatef pact of tha lnd lies west of a
Una -drawn from here to the aoutbwos:
corner of New Mxlco. , There sre, Kow
ever, smaller tracts la . nearly every
county. Tha conditions axtatlng in tha
territories thrown open to - settlement
vary considerably and while some lands
are fertile and well supplied with water,
others are not very suitable for agri
cultural purposes. Some of the barren
districts may become available for cul
tivation by artificial irrigation. Up to
the present time tha demand for lands
under this -homestead - grant has not
bean very great. ........ i.....-v,i-J.ije
- geeial Dispatch to Tee JeeraaL) ' '
The Dalles, Or.. Sept. 1 Unleae the
city council accedes ta tha demands made
by the, local firemen the volunteer fire
department companies win disband on
Wednesday next ana i the city be left
without firefighters; which will mesa
that' insurance rates will go skyward.
The firemen demand a new fire alarm
tower and bell, additional flrehoae and
a ' permanent. Jiome. for tha department
V kaduetloa of Orate Rates. V
'"JtJSJIF'aj'afaw- AyWatSw -tSeJtTTftJw W"
duotlon in grain rates announced by the
Noitliwewtei ii isllreea ana wther western
loads -went Into effect today and tha
grain movement whicfr haa- been some
hat retarded oy tha announcement.
haa now fully, begun, .According to an
estimate the western farmera will save
about -$2,000,000 by tha reduction of the
Vatos. . .-. .. ', , . ""-
You must hare a peculiar
tea taste if no-one of tde five
Schilline's Best is rieht for
. x .. . - - .
you and coffee four.
.Your "grocer' ; moneybackl
, '.s '
; K.jCra:j.CWJ ; :
T7i nnT iOin
'. ;
. P -
Work Starts Next1 Waek at
' Three-Mile Rapids Carnps
'7 it Opened At Celilo." ' -
,'. - --'.'o
(Speelal DIepeteh to Tea JoeeoaltT
Tha Dalles, Or Sept. 1. Work will
be -resumed clearing the obstructions
at Three-Mile rapids tha, first ot next
week. - J. 8.: Anumsen, foreman, when
aaen st the works today, said: r
"I am only waiting for the river; to
fall about a foot, so 1 can get a scow
load of wood, and then wa will get to
work. ' I have about-20 man at work
cow getting ready, and from present
Indications I - will use about 71 men
all winter.-'--- ---t--.-.- .
He -expect - tdfuiTsa -removlnjrtha
nDiiruciions oy ine next nign water,
unless more work la to be dona than
eontracted -forV , t .
Mr. Anumsen thinks that there are
other ' reasons th&a danger to naviga
tion aa reasons for captains n6t 'taking
their boats np to conneot, with tha por
tage road. Tha channel la - 264 feet
wide and 104 feet deep. While the Cur
rent Is a little stronger than below
the Cascade locks, ltvlar perfectly
smooth, ''' ' " v
The main obstruction ta be removed
la a point of rock at the heady of the
rapld. About 15 feet of it will be
removed, and after that la dona It will
give the boats a long and aaay swing
into-the ehanneL 5
Campa have been established at
Celilo - and active work will be com
menced on the canal in about 10 days.
About 200 men will be employed and
the work prosecuted with tha utmost
speed. 1 . . '., .-.v V.' T1"'.'- I-.,.,
- ' - ' (JTeeraal Speelal aVrrke.)
- Washington, IX C, Sept' L Two Im
portant new rulea of the poatofflce de
partment - go Into ' effect today. One
of them Is of particular Importance to
newspapers, while tha other principally
af facta trade' aaagaslnes and advertis
ing periodicals. Under the first rule tha
poatofflce department will , refuse. ,te
transmit at kawspaper ratea any calen
dars,' ehee, music, patterns, - blocks ot
board spectacles, .disks of -soluble paint.
outline drawings, etc.; but will denianil
regular merchandise rates for them:
Under 'the other dectaton all tnagaxlnas,
containing aamplea of papera. Inserted
In the aiagaslnee for purposes of ad
vertisement, will have to . pay fourth
claas rata Instead of tha cheaper aec-ond-claas
rata-. . '. . -T
- 1 ;'' (JWaal Spacial Serrlee.) - '-'
Asbury Park, N. Serfc l.The kite
Hying contest which the Deal Uka car
nival committee had arranged for the
laat but one day of tho great carnival
week, came off today and proved in
many respects one of the most Inter
esting features of the week. Tha wind
waa quite favorable part of the day anl
thousands assembled near the ocean and
of Deal ak ta witness the exciting
M Ml 'V I i ! f, I I I 1 AX
' '''V'-.', '' ''''...' '" '' 1 .' ,.. t--w-. . ' .j
:i .'. cvsny mat, Airrno
'... . 7 :y-.:,i.
. s- '- '.-,( " . a a . V ' ,
- : ft - ar w-ja
sport. Tha number of entries wss quite
large and among those who took part
In tha Interesting contest were aoma
of the ""roost famous klteflyers of the
east There were I kites of every else
and description, from tha ordinary flat
kite,' known to boya all over thp worid,
to the moat scientific box kites. "There
were kite relays. Chinese and Japanes
kites in i varloua - fantastlo forma . an J
some of entirely novel construction. No
entry fee was charged and the compe
tition waa open to alt . This evening a
number of prises . will be distributed
among the victorioue klteflyers.
Blogan. il L-i... : -V?
The BlogeiTTs a machrnt That shows
a moving picture Jn such a way that
tha thing represented has sll the action
and movement "oT Ufa. There is a
Biogen In tha- Mellln'e Food booth in
tho Agriculture, building at the Lewis
and Clark exposition, . - Ton ' ought to
a tha Baby in tha Biogen aa one
lady said,. "It's too cuta for anything."
' asaaxaloB states ta STewport, .
, The Southern Paclfla company- haa
placed en aale at all - rortland offices
round trip tickets to Newport at rate
of t. limited to October 14. HOt, and
for $1 Saturday to Monuay tlcketa,
Ample hotel accommodations at raaaoa
able ratea are provided at this popular
raaort ....
r y?.
' Oer- er Tin Oeppea"
VII ailaatIM
.i. - U"?;' -v. ; "V,-"-'.''-'
Manjr Students ' Applying for
Admission and Moving
to vCity.
' (Special Sbpetca te Tke Joaraal.)
Albany, Or, flept, L Albany college
will open for the college year on Sep
tember 20. President H. M. Crooks,
who recently arrived from Ohio, will
deliver a lecture and Miss Roach, the
new teacher of vocal music, will sing.
The . faculty la composed of: - tarry
Means,, president philosophy and Eng
lish;" David Torbety mathematical Rev.
Tracy B. Oriswold. Biblical history; Rev.
Harry L Hopkins, history and econo
mical 8. Herbert Anderson, science and
Oreek; Otto R- Patswald, A. M., lan
guagesr W. Lister Kdwardn. prrnclpal
commercial department; Bliaabeth Ir
vine. English ' and Latin; - Laurietta
Do well,' shorthand: Florence . Roach,
vocal music; Emma Rebecca Sox. piano;
Edwin B. Tilton. arithmetic; Arthur K.
Wllaon. athletlca. . .'
dustiy. of -Bohemia and
-if 1 1 ,
Budweiser is hot only eaual
, and , Bavarian beers in all their properties,r but ex
ceeds them inkecping qualities. Budweiser .is
; brewed and bottled only at the home plant of the
AnhcusciBiisch Brewing As3,n : :
,-.' . T K . "... ... j
r - ' - ; ', v ;" Order Promptly Filled bf ,:: f
Ttilmana & Dendel, Distributors, Portland, Oregon
1 ' -V
' . .
Or "we1 will place your applica
tion on nie, is tne excuse nnsi- -ness
men give to. the hoard of In-"
competents who apply for posl
tlona each day. If you sre pre-'
pared to serve the puhlle you will ;
not meet such rebuff. Take a
couree at tha T-;
Multnomah . Bus lneat ;
Inatltute .'. ,
'.J ..X. U. A. ALBIN, Principal. . ft
Phoae ltaia toa. - m Sixth St
The edwel essiDilaeai
- As elemratary . eeteol, wtth . BrtaMry ted .
gramaiar gradae.
Aa aeadeav proper,' which sta 'for eastara
. aa4 weetera eollesaa. t . ,.v . .
A boarding hall for girku
Orftre sonra ef the prlaHpala earing the
SaaiaMr, trow 4 a. m. 12 Bk. at the
eeaeesv. roe eauktgae,' addraae . . .
TMrtta and Harrlaoa. PoHlaad. Oretna.
, , ! a
'Cr'-i: '.Sf ;.
Bavaria, attest-that
to the best Bohemian
, r.