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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1905)
4 . V. rvrv r i in-' ii Xl i v rin r "rvn - v - V ,'. r - . y. ', . xs- -;.. . . r - T . X. V . . a. :f.:-?'...T-. ' r ' u . 1 jiiiuiiiiifil ijN (l(irniroH.iiiiaj() ' '" ,':v ' ' " "'. '" i'Sr--'- 1 s . .v. .' i -. t n . . . t - - A DONA-FIDE SACRIFICE OP MERITORIOUS MERCHANDISEa sale where thero are no dlfcfeppolnttnenU. Every article . advertlied -will be found In Immenss quantities. A sale that has set all the coast ago?,, and merchants are buying dally In large quantities and paying the same prices as the consumer. ' A sale that has caused Will or the Wisp fakers to spring up In every direction. ! Remember that Holland Bros: fine stock It on sale at PIRST AND SALMON STREETS and nowhere else; AT 40 PER - CENT OEALUE. ? , : -.' i - J '7 .ti : Sae I! 6.00 !.. I FANCY COTTON HOSE; repiUr 10c ! Now 12 . ......... .. ..T7. S ..3 ... BLACK COTTON HOSE; . i . . . . . .5 ; ' WHITE LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS ; regular 10c kind.; '; y-: : ' . Now, ......v'.., ..... ..2 BLUE ' AND RED; BANDANAS, larg : 10c ize."v"r:'r;H ' i:v;v. : ? . Nowv..:.........U.;..i.2 for 5 JAP SILK HANDKERCHIEFS 5 1 . ; Y:? ;,-v THAT'S ;ALU-;; -R E V ERSIBLE SILK" -FOUR-IN- . HANDS, good, glittering values at v SOcNow V.5...i.. 15f I EIGHTiMl CAS EStAI MEN'S ii FLEECE LINED SANITARY UNDERWEAR; never sold at less than $1 per garment. Now.T... 39 MEN'S ; DERBY RIBBED UNDER?' WEAR; extra special values at Brown nlv. All sixes. ' Now...r.M,...u.v...n.;v..49, CHILDREN'S FLEECE LINED SANI TARY UNDERWEAR, crackerjack ; 78c values. . Now... 29 SILK TECKS AND SCARFS, alluring and attractive; worth and well priced at 50c Now. . U . ;V. ....,...15f MEN'S LISLE AND SILK WEB SUS ' . PENDERS; splendid 45c values. Now -MEN'S REGULATION POLICE AND FIREMEN'S SUSPENDERS; standard ; . and universal 50c seller.-.. . -Now ;.. . .. . . . . i . .. . . . , , W .15 CBOYS STRONOT5" STOUT HEAVY7 SUSPENDERS. 80 dozen; good Ho values. Now . ... . . . ..; ,r.. . ..74 , MEN'S WOOL' FiSv EATERS iN ' STRH'ES, grays, blacks and blues; regular Rvalues.' Now.. V, . . . . .39 OVERALLS AND "JUMPERS ; 1 Now ! 30 CHILDREN'S LONQ HOSE, double knee and heel; standard 85c ; grader j r BLACK SILK AND SATIN BOWS; ; regular SSc grade. Now. ......... .9e SHIELD BOWS, AND-B AND BOWS, desirable and distinct design formerly priced at two-bits. . Now. psH:keWS 1-'. V. H't 7. f , ' ' j V , : Z ... -N ;:" .r'" .V , V- ' ,. .-V!. ' . MIKEU ':..', AOOORTMBNT A 184 SUITS IN DARK, desirable designs In union cheviots ; well worth and reasonably priced at $7.50, sixes 84 and 42. If we can fit CI - flA you.,,...w...l ' . AOSORTMENT B : PLENTY OF PARTICULARLY PLEASING PATTERNS in cheviots, clays, Thibet and guaran teed au wool tweeos; sold as high as $12, W. ;; ASSORTMENT C W ;; BRILLIANT. BRISTLING BARGAINS IN SILK ' AND SERGE LINE, worsteds, cheviots, vicunas and cassimeres. " All. union-made, modestly priced at from $180 lo $18, made with haircloth unbreakable fronts ; and hand-padded shoulders. : T 1 : , CC a a 850 ' FANCY VESTS. U sizes, ' madras whipcords, " cheviots, silk velvets, corduroys and worsted; values .ranging from $2.50 to $10. i, ;7 - . AQ now... ...... .......,..;....,.t..i.. VoC ; - OCORTMEINT D exceptional; eventful and extraor dinary J EPOCH-MAKERS Satin panel . lined cheviots, meltons, tweeds and silk mixtures, all union-. made and sdld up to $22.00 a suit. v CQ iA NOW. . ..... . ; ;;,;: AC30RTMENT B . f : V GIGANTIC GALAXY OF GRANDEST GOLD-: GAINERS 425 suiu .comprising 88 lots of trade compelling J specials, hand-made, -, custom-tailored" ; throughout,' single and double breasted, plain and fancy all wool worsteds, in sack and swajer swell cuts, silk serge lined and silk sewed, all union-nHtteY" f.!!...........;.......;.$ll.lS -' ' .v V. . -i. ; LONG PANTS SUITS FOR YOUNG MEN Sizes ; from 18 to 20, especially adaptable for school and - dress purposes. , ; .w ;-' ; .- . :. . ASSORTMEIST : F '.Vr PEERLESS, PRINCELY AND PERFECT-FIT-1 : TING TOP COATS, in swell, snappy patterns, guar anteed Skinner's satin lining, union made; frjfi A( ; strong $15 values. : NOW........ ...O.lU ASSORTMENT Q IMPORTED TWEEDS, - HOMESPUNS j AND WHIPCORDS, hand-padded shoulders, and collars, unbreakibl front, and silk lined throughout, union' f- made, and low pricedjat $18. . ; - V ' 0f1 QA NOW. . . ....... . . . i . .... i u .. . v I " r ASSORTMENT H THE CREAM OF THE, CO tLECTtON Dainty, delicate and desirable designs in Top Coatsr Exclu- 4 sivs and exceptional examples 'of . the tailorV art. Hand made throughout; splendid values at Vlv-Vcv Hats f SOFT AND STIFF," all Mocks and shades; grand $2V value. NOW. . . . . . .m... ...... I y L ' REGULAR AND UNIVERSAL $8 SELLERS, fsU blocka, soft and stiff, black and brown - CI NOW.. ........................ : Umfcrollao - WILL SOON GO UP TO STAY. At ths prices ws will sell our stock you can carry one in each hand, and a good one, at the price you formerly paid for an in feriorone. i " :''.,y'ly.: ' :l 'V,---; ' . $1.00 Umbrellaa. 1Z tJ Urn- : Jflt -NOW .OOC I breUas. ; NOWOyC ASSORTMENT I CHILDREN'S TWO-PIECE SUIT, ages 4 to Aftl 8; regular $U0 yalue8;,T..V.........;..;.OyC 132 SNAPPY. AND SMARTYOUNG MEN'S SUITS; reasonably priced at $8.50 to $10. f( ...................... ...,........,7J7U NOW ASSORTMEIST l ABETTER GRADE-Good, substantial, strong well made, double atitched Suits; the kind you are accustomed to paying from $3.50 to $5 for. CI "Ati now;.Vm.. . . ..... ...... pl Ay i. ... . ... Men's Panta t At 59(; Mc," ?149rr?l 8?lMd ft EVERY PIECE WORTH THREE TIMES THE PRICE WE'VE PLACED ON THEM. See them and youll buyi.f -.. School time comes on apace. The boy needs a new suit, something that will stand the strain of school v ; life. We have them. , AOSORTMEINT K - 48 YOUTHS' SUITS, all aixes, dark union cheviots; worth and sold at $8.50. j -. - ' - ( jr NOW. ..y..... r;..:; 4)1 i J BELT AND BOX, ' PAD" DOCK 'PATENT, UL ; STERS AND UNIVERSITIES, materials of Thibet, tweeds, beavers and homespuns, in three Alluring aa- sortments .-r - -: $10 and $18 values. , 7 C2 y now , , :$0L J $15 and $18 -values. C f NO W . ...... . . . . . . . . . i...... .......... v J . $20 and $25 values. ' , : k.-..'.. 7-- ' , ... , CO CS NOW.' vUJ : Shoea - SHOES THAT HAVE PROVED THEMSELVES ; ' . shoes that discriminating buyers unhesitatingly select. . Shoes that are good, honest and well made arc merd-, lessly mauled in price. ,-'.-v.. h BOX-CALF SHOES, in plain lace and Blucher lasts; weU worth $8 7-" .. J. ".:"'. ; Af THE STANDARD $3.50 SHOE Morocco kid, war ranted counter, in Blucher, plain lace, C rO ; PoUy and congress lasts. NOW, .,) V PATENT CALF AND COLT, In all the lateit fU models, the Slater, Potav, Blucher and Gusal lasts; 1 never sold for less than $150. : . M now. .:v.;. ....... v An especially attractive number for tylsb dressers. ACCORTMENT L Youn Men's Suite 218 CLEAN, CLASS Y COLLECT CUT CT.Z ' TIC3r-I3 Y-crent and distinct .-lays," ii t tractive a;scnj:enu; extraordlrry val-cs O ( ttcutativ i;oy., ....... v.. ....... 7.... ' , . i! tf k. -. THF, BIG DOUBLE STORE BUILDINON FBRSTm 7.L ' SALE :D AIW: FROM C, A. M. 7lLL C:c