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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1905)
" f S jfin ns .-r r -r . 9 V TTr-WT .ti:3 rcnEf.:c3T c2?aktet KcyssHyEST of ci::saco " I . , a. . . . AT 0 A R!.'" '. V::tc3 Ana unorD to eiijdy evzsy ' prtvilcgs c? ' THI3 GHAT CTCS TO TII3 UTMC3T i AT 0 P. M.5 I Jhfcrc . nighty interesting announcement to ihoppei rlendid ad- 'Jrturc of bargain stories and talei of the new forms the "makc- " of the store newi todav. , liarnetic bargains are scattered - , i f . . " . . ,sr ,, i 77 ' the stocks on all four great floors. They are all leiti- , - hte reductions in price, bro't about by the powerful motive that v Actuates the final, drastic August clearances the determination " " " , f ; ,, . 'fiat OLDS, WO&TMAN & KINO STOCKS SHALL BE FRESHEST AT ALL TIMES and most desirable. And Au a'n ft clearances persisted in ' are depended upon to do thjs at ih.'.i -season. A big million-dollar stock isn't set to rights with "nu.' f two the blue pencil as tho' a mantelpiece were fterno vented dusted "off. Fancy the stragglers and laggards of a -The bargains told of are the stragglers and the violation -ds of summer stocks that we find in the final "round-ups.' mtauty e goods are included, too, but without regard to that, they and the . stocks of the waning season OFFER SAVINGS THAT RUN TO LESS THAN HALF PRICE with sufficient frequency to say: Come-expecting more safe bargains in good merchandise than you may look-for .again in months. WATCHES CLEANELTaND WARRANTED ONE YEAR FOR 75c NEW MAINSPRINGS FOR 75c, ALL OTHER REPAIRING ON JEWELRY AT ' PROPORTIONATE PRICES. . FIRST FLOOR, NEAR. LARGE ELEVATORS. AUTUMN TINTS ALREADY TINGE THE AVENUES LEADING !7 . THROUGH . - Portland's Foremost Silfi and Dress Goods Store X: 1 riFril STREET ANKEXSST FlOOa- , BONNETS BLACK AND COLORED SILKS-GUARANTEED -BOND" TAFFETAS AND SUITINGS IN ALL COLORS. SOLE SELLING AGENTS FOR PORTLAND. A ; New Silks s ,:; -Fall Silks have arrived in almost endless vaHety. The Plain Bond Suitings that" are warranted in every shade are telling rapidly. - ' The Plain and Novelty Mokes are well worth making a -special trip tO- See. J ' . rr--''- v ,-..-.-r.' , '-..Ta"" " . It is simply impossible to attempt to describe the Jl&vetfy Chiffon Taffetas and other beautiful weaves. You must rerlly sec them. . Plaid Silks for' suits and "waists are now on disnlav. in evrv new effect and color, all priced lower than you find tha.sanie, or equaL-uaU tty, eisewnere. -r -A fci l.z. a -1" . in ;' . v Mew.uress uooas - : ; REMARKABLE SHOWING IN OUR DRESS GOOD? ANNEX. ; ' :$. :--- fi Rst floors; 4;-:.'.;;' : pt . Tv New Colored NDress Goods ior fall are now . in and, here; without doubt, you will find the largest collection of every new weave, and color shown west of. Chicago. The new Tartan Plaids are in all the different clans, new French- Drsp'eU, Franellaa and Chiffon -Broadcloths,- that are warranted not to spot. VNew Rainproof .-.Fabrics, new Panamas, Henriettas, Eolienncs, Poplin de Chene, Chiffon Voiles, Silk and Wool Poplin in fact, everything new thatxati be found in h world's best fashion- centers and markets. We wish particularly to invite you to see our assortment of Novelty Worsted and Panama Goths now on display, ranging in price from, per yard. ...i. .... ...f l.OO to f3.50 Final Clean-l) , ; ; V- . r ft UNEARTHS THE-FOLLOWING REMARKABLE VALUES. ';" ON "THE FAIR-WAY" SIXTH STREET ANNEX-FIRST FLOOR -THE GOVERNOR"! PlNGREE-MADE MEN'S SHOES FORMERLY,. $5.00 ON 8ALE Today for $3.49 a Pair Nothing but high-grade stock in any of these Shoes. In the lot are all ' kinds of leathers and all shapes; how going at the uniform price ' v of ...t....' . ....,,..... ....... aJ3.40 ' .MfN'S 'W.50 SHOES FOR $2.45. Men'a Tan Russia Calf Half Shoes, beautifully 'made. styli&hY 'season able Regularly $3.50; now going for.. .r..'....'.,,.-............f '"I-. WOMEN'S 13.00 SHOES FOR.' 9&-:' Women's Black Vici Kid Boots, from one of the leading and, mont re-' s liable manufacturers and sold for $3.00. On sale at.. . ,...fl.9tf ; VISIT THE GLITTERING DEMONSTRATION - , . OF THE FAMOUS --. mi "W. L." Sold Gold Shell Rings . at 25c, 50c, $1 and $1.50 SUPERB REPLICAS OP GEMS ' WORTH, , THOUSANDS ! JEWEtRY SHOP-SIXTH STREET ANNEX-FIRST FLOOR.' THE FINEST IMITATIONS OF RARE AND GENUINE JEWELS MADE IN THE WORLD., , 4 ImniiGnmf finln Ifinnc from f GEMS OF DAZZLING BRILLIANCY THAT RIVAL THE REAL I ? We nave just received a large shipment : of Wm. Loeb & Co.'s Solid Gold Shell .' Rinas in the newest and handsomest designs, set with pearls, opals, tur quoise, amethysts, ""etc., also In plain oval and engraved -bands to fit men, women, misses and- babies;", values from ................ , 35f to f l.ftO Mi v y; " -FAC SIMILE OF GUARANTEE ' All Rings stamped W. L. & Ca are warranted to wear S years constant use. - Those that fail to give satisfaction, will be replaced in any store in the United States where W. L. & Co.'s Rings are sold. v: -?-y- WM. LOEB tt CO, Makers of Riiigt, Providence, R.. I. , A Grand Cfscranco of ASfcort Lets and Balancing of Stoclis Amongst ; t(.o rMcrchcndbo Tl:ct Mdst Jilterests Uouscr wivx5;CiRdJIotcrFpllx : DOMESTICS. XinNA AND KITCHEN UTENSILS, "CUICK-MEAL" RANGES. CARPETS AND BLANKETS. Ala ;uv uw wi u gvuo uuw,. tviu iU4uyi uiu IwUliU kvru cr three glasses ofvour last years jelly, or a, jar of peaches L put Up last peach?fime--or had found any other remaining lots you'd made up your mind to "use up" whether, you needed 'em or not on your tablet. That's practically what we've done the KSSsekeeping stocks but lots here aire much larger and ( more "diversified. And with mis difference: -Not all are last, season. stocks." Many of the lots offered here are new ar rivalsand .staple as cereals and crackers but they're in the way ot tne broom tnat s so busy just now store-cleaning. A Clean Sweep in i Domestic ;-;v':Afeles First Floor 16.00 LINEN TABLECLOTHS $4.78 Fine Irish : Linen Tablecloths, border all around. 2 yards wide, i -3J-4 yards long, pretty new patterns, very durable; regular value $6.00. SpeciaJ.ach.. ....... ,-478 16c ' TOWELINO Uytc Russia Crash Toweling, can't be beat for wear and drying purposes; regu lar value 16Cr Special, the yard,-.... ...... ISc TOWELING ile--geavy Twilled Unbleached Linen -Toweling, -d$ inchet wide; regular value , ISc Special, yarf.;.7t7.. .......... HEMSTITCHED LINEN TOWELS Three spt cial values at, each .'; . . . . . .50f SSf and 25f BEDSPREADS 85c-r-Hernmed1 Bedspreads, double - size, neat design. Special at, echJ........;.8ttf MARSEILLES BEDSPREADS llJJ-Ue Size Bedspreads, Marseilles patterns,' good for hotel. '4 use. Special at, each...... CROCHET BEDSPREADS $1 JO Fine Wearing Quality Crochet Bedspreads, made -f three-ply. yarn. Special at. each..i...4.,...i.-....fl.60 SATIN BEDSPREADS $3.00 Satin Bedspreads, in handsotiA. raised desivna. rut corners and frinred. - Special, 'each .......................... ..f a.OCMf I$e PaXLQW CASES ioi Heavy rpillow Cases. made from good round-thread sheeting. Special, , each .. .s............iot APRON GINGHAMS 5c YARD Extra Fine Qual ity Ginghlm for aprons, 'etc .Special, per yard. 5 . SpedaPCIean-Up Sale of : Blankets : ' -"- , FOURTH FtOOR.', J-, SCARLET WOOL BLANKETS-Value $5.00. Spe- Special ScleOuick Meal' , , Cooliing Ranges THIRD FLOOR. ' i "J Quick-Meal Steel Ranges are. distinctly different , "from others inasmuch as they they possess all the - good features of other makes with many special features not found in other' ranges. ."SPECIAL PRICE THIS WEEK.. ,.........M.f 34.90 'A RATTLE OF BROKEN . PRICES Among the China and " ? , Kitchen Wares . THIRD FLOOR. - , " ' ' Extra Special : Dainty Lunch Served FREE J';'r . ONTHIRD FLOOR. , . , . Cnms and sup with us on the toothsome delicacies our demonstrator serves FREE on the Third Floor, near the big elevators you will fall in love with the delicious -ROSETTE WAFERS" she is; cooking with the aid of the new "Rosette Waffle Iron," XJto 0 p. m, daily. ;, l,Q-y ::' ,-V,'-f i -. ; Sneriff Damtntrt1nn " : '"v t' i ',. y-' OF ASBESTOS SAD IRONS J TODAV ON THIRD FLOOR HOUSEWIVES ARE ES , PECIALLJNVITEb TO ATTEND. ' AUSTRIAN ' CHINA DINNER SETS $18.00. -100-Piece New Austrian Chin Dinner Sets, with dainty pinic niowefs and gold lines. Special at, ciai wiiiib iiict iaai ia. Value $&.5lr-5peciai while they last at....;..fs.zs Pendleton Robes, value $4.50, tor.. ...... .,.,.$2.60 Fine - Navajo Wool - Blankets ; regular, value $7.50. Special, each . . . . . . . . ....................... f 4.95 Pendleton Indian- Robes,, choicest : patterns -and Colors - Value $7.5i-Speciant . !i. ..V.... i.T:. .;...l.f.00 Value $6.50 Special f 5.00 Value $5.50 Special f 4. 75 August Sale of Carpets - . . V ' FOURTH FLOOR. " ; "nThe largest and best convention of new and down-to-date Carpets shown in the northwest. Many pat terns are exclusive with this house. ' These prices are matchlessly low. Quotations are' for carpets sewed, lined and laid. :y.-yy:-y.iy.:-:n v Tapestry Brussels, per yard.. f 1.08 95t and Blj Roxbury Brussels, per yard.. .............,..f 1.22 Best Body Brussels, per yard. ......,k......f 1.68 Best Wool Velvet, per yard.,.. ,.t,.......f 1.44 Wilton Velvet, per yard..........;; ...fl.Tt Upson Martin Axmtnster, per yard. ........ .f 1.83 Bigelow Axminster, per yard f. . . .... . ; All other , makes at lowest 'prices. ; NEW ARRIVALS IN COUCH COVERS, POR- TIERES AND PIECE GOODS. J the set ...... ........ ...SIS.OO HAVILAND CHINA DINNER SETS I27.A0. ! 100-Piece New laviland. Decorated French "China Dinner Sets, dainty ' decoration -ol small jpink flowers and green leaves. Special at. the v let r f3T,00 : ; . new-brass art:. goods.' vir. In Fancy Articles Special, each, from.2S to SIS ViUNIVERSALOOD CHOPPERS. A;; Unequaled for general use chops everything meat, vegetables, bread, etc. - " : - Small size Special, each ........ V? . ." ........... 79 Large size Special, each . . ... ,V. . .'. .... ."i. .11.10 Family size Special, each ..,.... .'. ; .... Hotel or restaurant size Specialkach....;..f 1.55 TOASTERS FOR GAS OR OIL 8TOVES 25c . No taste or smell of gas or oil; does not burn bread, .but toasts to a golden brown. Special at, each. 85) y-'I ' i y. V Y ROSETTE IRONS 50c! yiC)St, Latest novelty f or making dainty desserts; price,, ; the set......y...'t.....v.....'. ...V... ,, ...50 OIL AND: GAS H EATERS.' v - Just the things for "warming up" on chilly mornings and evenings J: ' v . ,". . .. -.. --,,... ; Oil Heater, gunmetal finish-fSpeciat, each., ..f 4.90 Oil Heater, nickel finish Special, each. ,.. k i.f 6.00 Gas Heater, attach to gas jet Special, esch...'.T5 Home From iey Ycrf Will: A' Verio MISS BERNARD, MISTRESS OF PORTLAND'S LARGEST AKD 5 FOREMOST SUIT AND WRAP SALONS ON THE Ay ';;.7r--ji,(WAClOU; SECOND : FLOORS - y c ,'.. Miss Bernard arrived home from', he trans-continental trip to ttt great eastern metropolis yesterday, and is full of enthusiasm regarding pT-'n her fall , stocks oty Women s Keady-to-Wear ' 1 s s Garments We couldn't begin to print all she j 1 has to tell ot the beauty ot it an, the sttrpasa- 1 . i i i . r. . i . I ing siyies mw wnu iwwii fwuwa iaues i who favor themselves and us with, a call at; the"-big Fashion Salons-of Dress. We -will only drop a hint of the story she wilt tell yon 1 in full if youircome and stay long enough to hear it all. We'll wager you'll be mightily interested, for the saory. ot the .styles is a treat when told bv so interesting a personage as our interpreter of correct fashion Miss Ber nard. .'- --'i ' . ..;v.:-i. ! ?'.- . SHE REPORTS FROM PARIS That "Empire Style" shall ru! in. Women's Coats. We had an. early, and authoritative, hint from, our eastern; headquarters .that the "Empire" ithrce-quarter) atyle and Empire effects would rule this fall in women s coats. Collarless styles are much in evidence, as a rule in collar effect with velvet in harmoBizin tones. ; The chief newness in sleeves ,is the long cuff. Full puff sleeve at top leg-o'-mutton style is correct, but the cuff is extremely long- as is the new cult on the new fall waists. J Almost to elbow; either, i i folds or plait of self, often with turnback , of velvet and trimmings of Silk hraias.r"And with the word of assured style, we followed . with making generous purchases that enable us to offer two for every one garment ahown by any other local Jiouse. Choosing here is generous, no need to pick from a dribbling of doubtful styles when one may come here and select with assurance of absolutely correct fashion-rom such a plentitude of garments aa exists nowhere elsnwest of the largest Chi cago houses. i v , ' . ' . ' i tall Coato end Vrcp3 v V. LONO ' COATS SHORT. COATS, AUTOMOBILES F , AND ALL THE REST, --- Our advance showing can best be expressed by the words of one privi leged to see the goods ; on display: "It's simply . wonderful.' No other slOre" Hereabouts attempts to approach our display- either-in .nagnitude or qualities. The coats consist of every late style, long ..and short, made of the .season's newest materials, in all the wanted colors, such . as purples, greens, gray mixtures, Teds, olives, tans and black ; prices" range from ..;..., . . . . . . ; . , . .f 6.5 to f 86.CO SWEEPINQ REDUCTIONS THAT PROFIT. SHREWD SHOPPERS IN THE f. Women's Underwear & Hosiery Shops FIRST FLOOR. Like-a careful storekeeper the Underwear and Hosiery Manager has been thrd". his- stocks, like a philosopher taking the losses incident. to broken Tines of laggard .stocks, all at once, in one pill, rolled up hard for easy swsllowing this week. And you gain in prompt buying. ; . , - . r .;-. ". , ; v 1 'i,- WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS TO CLOSE THE v;'V;' $U0 VALUE FOR 89c. " Women's Extra Size, Medium-Weight, White Silk and - Cotton ' Vests and " Pants; vests with long sleeves; "pants with French - bands. - The" Merode; you: know the brand $1.50 value.-. Special at, each;.....y..89f .'" ; : ; VALUE FOR ' 69c; " v ' Women's Aferode Silk and Cotton Long-Sleeve Whits' . Vests, knee and ankle length pants (a match a great " $1.00 value. Special at,jr.. .60 V:-, ' $1.75 VALUE FOR fl.I9." ."V.: ; .'.J.,' Women's White Silk and Cotton and Union Suits, long sleeves, short sleeves or no sleeves, knee and ankle 7 length $175 value.. Special at, sch.f. ......... 119 I !V V $1j00 VESTS FOR 9Sc f Women's White Medium-Weight Merino Vests, 65 per , cent wool, a nice fall weight and a splendid $1.Q0 vslue. Special, each t 3f THE HOSIERY BARGAINS 25c HOSE FOR 16c j "i Women's Black Lace-Front Hose, with fancy cross stripe, seamless; 25c value. Special at, the pair.,.10f . an extra : hosiery 'Bargain. v ' For fine trade. Women's Extra Fine Gauge Black-faco Cotton Hose. .German make, lull finished, white cot- ton sole; a hns-that good judges of hosiery will surely appreciate J.A5C 'quality. . Special at, pair...... ,.r.BOf - i.V FINE" RIBBED BLACK LISLE. , Women's" Black Lisle-Finished . Fine-Ribbed Seamless . Hose; J5c quality. Special at, the pair............3f V ; ' ' BLACK GAUZE HOSE. Women's Black Gauze Lisle Hose; splendid 25c quslity. peclal at, pair.. ....,. , wf ........ ' . ... Misses' Fine-Ribbed T'tz't Hose, f ii!sed foot, elastic. linen-solicti knee: 2.:. i i 2Jc dualities. ' st; the p:r ..I '.t,..T.....,.1 al AND THEY KEEP COMING MORE NEW GOODS FOR OUR GRAND 8ALONS ARRIVING EVERY DAY. LadieNeF Suitis: The new arrivals in Suits embrace all the correct styles of the season and in every fashionable color. They are made in the extremely popular Redingote .long-coat style; also blouses and . Etons and a very pretty style. with 27-mch loose coat : . . - ;-. --V-t ;,.;' r 'r..;,: These come in Broadcloths, Serges, Panamas, Homespuns, mannish mix- turO&vPrunellas, Cheviots, etc.; to suit every fancv anil every purse; prices from .... . , -l-V. i-. . . ;V. ;. .f ia.eo to f 160 LadiesS$5 Umbrellao $2.C Ladies' Fancy Plaid Umbrellas, covered with pure "silk in the swellest 'blue and green plaids. All have the best steel rods with the double 'improved lock-rib Paragon frame... Best natural wood handles with fine, heavy silk. tassel; regular rain size; our $5.00 value.,' Extra special for only.ach ............ J.. .............................. ...f2.J '. Prices Hal vqcf on CcrisetCdveni ' - - ANNEX SECOND FLOOR. - ? 75c "SKIRTS vFOR'' 57c:':K Odd and broken lines of Corset Covers, made of cambric or fine nain sook, in full-front style and trimmed daintily with lace and embroidery: our regular values from 35c to $175. Special at........ HALF .PRICE - " 57c- FOR DOMET . FLANNEL SKIRTS WORTH 7Su. Ladies' White Domet Flannel Skirtsknee length, made with deep flounce and tucked; out regular 75c value, fepeciajjsai price, each.; Tf Children's Colored Vash 3 Dres&esiat HaPrice V i "IN BABY-Td-MISS SALONS. Winter goods are coming in very early this season, and we need room for them. Rather than store away the remainder of our stock of Chil dren's Colored Wash Dresses, we give you an extra benefit and offer them at just half their actual value." . ' ; ,'' . ' ' . i' - ; ! V ' They are made ot plain and fancy wasn materials, in a Dig variety of styles, and in all sizes, from 4 to 14 yesrs. , Your unrestricted.choice of any of them at HALF PRICE. ,?'-,-y '.:,'' v '. 't., HALF-PRICES ON CHILDREN'S HATS AND BONNETS, Our stock of Children's Hats and Bonnets in mull, chiffon and lace. ribbon trimmed, Was never so pretty as it has been -this' season. While the stock is somewhat broken at, this, time, there is 'still a good assortment from which to selects and" regardless, of former prices we have reduced them all to HALF PRICE. SPLENDID SPORT TOR MEN WHO COME BARGAIN HUNTINO. - i , : In Our- Outfitting Preserves There's a plenty of game and the season is still open. . Bring along a gamebag big enough to take away a plenty of the spoils. Hert s a hint of what you may bring down: . . L, "''irw;' t' MEN'S 25c HOSE FOR :lSa.'.:; 1 "': A line dtMen's Plain Black Sox of Maco yarn,' with high-spliced hrrls and douoie soies; extra vaine st zjc. special at, the pair.....,....' - - -'-:-;f Ti'hji:. UNDERWEAR -ZJ.:ZZ:.,:L Two good lines of Men's Ribbed Batbriggan Underwear, in brown and salmon pinar. we wisn la close out these lines betore me ummr season is over so wc-.offer them at-the astonishingly iow price of. the garment'., . .'. ... i . , . .... , , .', . ,.....,......" Men'a Negligee Shirts.'wi'th soft collar' and cliffs, made of good str- Oxford cloth ; our 75c value. Special at each .......v.;...,...,. . : t"'" " r ': . V NECKWEAR. ; ' ' ' -: Men's Four-in-Hand Ties, in plain and fancy effects; our best i.z r special at, escti...................... ',y 'r: " suspendeks., - : ;'- Men's Suspendeju, in medium and light weights and plain r- witn leather ends; our 50c value, specie sai price, t V;;-:V-"ci;:nn:;3 aluoatc2 i;A::m ' r; 1- " es or men, very landsome, wcll-ns ' r ' f?ec: I f!i ':- ...