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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1905)
THE OREGON .DAILY, JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY cvr:ntio, aucust-u ; -- . 3 . j - -. , i .1 s , today in n i . 1 ' ' " . . . . .r. - mj - 11 MHO CJ1DA Great Actronomfcal Eytnt'of th is Obserted in Manitoba and Labrador., MANY SCIENT3TS SEARCH ,, .SKIES DURING DARKNESS Phenomenon Witnessed Also tat Spain i end Africa- Astroaoment. Trying to - Rediscover the ' Intraraercurial J Planet Vulcan- - ' S'T (Joereal Special Ser-lta.) ' '' , Cam 8L Loula, Labrador, Aug. 1. rucreesfur observation of tbe eclipse 4 f tha aun war road tbls morning y tha aelentietB "-various expedl- Iiona sent toLaDrsaar ror mis uc-.:ira. Mthougb detailed reports ara still laek ' I c It la aafa to aay that highly vals- la material, tncludinc ocular obaerva- . na of tha varioue phasea of tha total . pea, paotographa and apctograpb ' tha corona. -etc, ha ' bees collected t ' .the aclentlata scattered-over a. ltm ' I t area of tha eastern coast of Labra ' V I V ---"'';. : ..('.. -r- v I . fi iwlna ta tha rreat astronomical int of, the year." , The pathway of 4 (kw begins at anuria south of Hud , t A bay, enters the Atlantic ocean a ihort distance north of Newfoundland roaaea nortbeaatara Spain, jtortheaatarnJ A Latere, and northern Tunis, paaaea can trally over Aeauan on tha Nil, and enda at aunaet la aoutheaatertt Arabia. The - , duration of . totality on ' the coaat of Labrador. JnBtin. and . at Aaauaa, la two and a half, Uiree and three fourth. 4nd taro-.-and three -fifths mlnutea ra- . epectivelV; . Tat In that abort Intervsl Jnuch may be learned with regard to tn . sorona. t hat iby s terious crovra of pearly light that aurrounda the aun end cmn be. aean only at the time of a total , ecllpaa.-' - .-.. ' Xne moat Important astronomical as edition stationed In thla region for. the purpoaa of obeerving tha ecupae w.s that aent out by. tha IJck bbeervstory r.f California. It waa headed by Dr. "Weber Curt la and Profesaor Joel Stea blns. who were assisted by a large force f competent and esprleneed scientists. Tha expedition had eaUbllahed Ita ata tlon at Cartwrlghtv a Hudsoa Bay cotn- " paar'a post In Sandwich bay, Labrador, about 16S miles north of Belle Isle straits. So far.'aa H la. poaalbla to Judge, hV atmospheric conditions weru : favorable at that elation, but tha pee ttlve reaulta of tha obserratlpna will - boV be definitely . known for sodm timn, as no effort will be made, to- dTlop 4h platea whlla 'tharetpedltlon la In tamp.. : iv, .,: . i , One of' tha .moat Important task ' Which thie expedition had undertaken waa the redlaeovary ef tha Intramrr burial planet Vulcan, the existence et , trhlrh 'la still doubted by, many astron-mara-v la the early part of tha "la . l- Verrier. a French aatronomarr ax - pre used tbe opinion that there must M planet between Mercury and- tha aun. ' a that waa tha only satisfactory ex . planatlon of, certain ecu:laiitlee IS the movements or the planet Mercury, - At first hla., theory Jound few.adhexe. purlna the eclipse of 1178 two Amerl ,- - carv observers, Profeaaor Watson of Ann Arbor, In Colorado, and; !. Swift .of ' ' Bocbeater, In Wyoming, obaerred wht they bellered to be several sroaU In termarcurial planets, but -tbelr 'claims ' were discredited by astronomers In gen- ' rU , v, V"? vi Slncarthan carefurvsearch for tha: plsnet.. which waa named Vulcan, -was i enade by astronomers In all parte of the ' .world, but, so far without success. -Tha 'proximity of tha planet to the sun made it practically Impossible ta see It, even arlth the mask powerful Inatruments. so ; long aa tha luminous disk of tha sun waa not obscured. Whenever there was .' ' total eclipse of the sun It waa hoped that some obeerver wnuld be fortunate enough - to discover or .-rediscover tha elusive, planet, but tha hop 'was never realised. No- reports have arrived fro-n the jrartoua expedltlona scattered along ; tha LAbrador coaat to tha present time, " which would vouchsafe the .-statement . that Vulcan bSa been observed.. but It Is poaalbla that some .of the mors distant . expeditions.,, far from any point with . telegraptjlo '.com m m Icat Ion, have been more fortunate In that respect than tha .i Csrtwrlght expedition. - i . There are abeut I tor 1 axpedHlons from ,tbe United Statea and Canada Stationed along tha coaat of Labrador, On of them la. in oharge of the scien tists from tha United States Naval ob servatory in Washington, snother .Is rompoaed of several professional nstron ' l-L I I I I1,, I II TIME A. , ;Ti.ald:that Trouter Time Is all the time but this is your test 711x04 to purchase Trousers at cut prices. -Men's1 -$5 Trousers ; are ' now selling. at. v. . . .f 3.63 Men's $4 Trousers are .: now selling at. . . . . ,f245 Men's JJ Trousers are" selling at. ,;.;. .f 1.85 SWisa buycrt come early and often early to make their. twn selections,' and often with ; ',trienda.- -: ; "-':-S':r'i' ' Y l::::iCLtmiinjO, Omfitters'to Men and Boys J I6 .flM Third Street, , , , Near Morrison, . i 9UOO A RIP. rZ-k ' .. i ' ' " omers and amateur observers from Hart ford, Connecticut, and another party 1 beaded by W. F. King, chief astronomer of the Canadian -government. ' Tha approach of tha obscuration .pre sented a wonderful snd imposing' sp? tacla. From n. high elevation thr shadow et-tha eon could be aeen rush ing over tha surface of tha earth like an enormous thunder-cloud with a ter rific velocity, approaching I.&OS miles aa hour. The .complete obscuration lasted about three mmuUa and SO seconds. . SEEN IN MANITOBA.1 i' atlr ropalation Tans . Out . With ; ..J.,.Sxeoked wlassss. ' 'ueurael Special Servke.t Selkirk, Man, August JO. ;The eclipse. or the sua waa oDaerveo nere at aunrie by nearly tha entire population. Small telescopes. ' opera-glasses and - plain smoked glasses were. In great demand and those who had prepared themselvea for tha event by laying In a' stock of field snd - opera-glasses did - a' rushing business during tha brief tlm during which tha eclipse . eould , be observed her. Tha atmospheric conditions were fairly satisfactory, but the fact .that tha aun. was close to the horlson line when ths obscurations began and .waa veiled to some extent by the moisture suspended In the lower strata of tha air mada ' tha- obeervatlona - here- of little value 4r-cientlfto purposes. No satis factory photographs could be taken. , AMERICANS IN SPAIN.. Sclattes Wasak Bolrpss .' roUat With Sawsfastory Basults. ' (Jeuraat Joerlal Serrlce.k ; .. Madrid. Aug. 10. Reports from Val encia, Burgoa, Saragoea and other nolntM- at which . observstlons of the total clipBewere .taken by partlea of aclentlata from all parts or ne worm rndicat that the results of tha obeerva tlona were highly satisfactory snd would . orove of tha greatest value to science. ,Tha expedition aent out by tha United' Statea Naval observatory and established In two points, near Valencia and s few miles from ssragoaaa. re poraa having obtained photographa and spectrographs ' of - tha corona and . the expedition headed by Profeaaor John A. Miller of tha Indiana Stats university reports equally satisfactory resulta. Nothlns- haa been beard so far, of s re- diacovery of the planet Vulcan, -. ' - , '& Waaoaing for Tatou. : Uearssi Soectal ltarvtee. ' , . r-.-. Bona. Algiers, August"1 tCC--tbs'aclen tlsts connected with the observtlbn party sent out by tha United Statea Naval obaarvatorw and the. small party ef aclentlata beaded by Profeaaor W11. Ham H. Picketing of Harvard unlverelty report having mad auocaaaful observs tlona of the total eclipse of the sun 'and having obtained many valuable records, pbotogrsnW of ths corona, tha Stream ers, etc.. but It la not yet known whether they succeeded In observing the planet Vulcan. "v - . ... f ., ,.;,;,'.' ' WsAsssS fo 4 Benson. . . Uoersal Special SereteMV:' l ' Madrid. Aug. ' 0. Tha total ellp of " the' aun waS getMirally observed In tha northern and middle parts .Of Spain. Several French aclentlata. including Joseph Jaubert and Comte Henri da la vaulx: observed tn . eclipse ron- a balloon which aecendedueer Burgoa, In Andalusia. " , . - Observed la Bgyps ' - ' :.' '',. Joorasl seelil Servtce.t " Assouan. Egypt August IS. -Reports ao far received Indicate that tha British expedition under Professor Turner, ss wH- ss I. fh American. Rilsalhn an French expedlUona obtained Highly eat lafactory reeulte In their observations of tha cllpae...'--r r-1-"----: A-. .- - - FOREST FIRES STILL- ' BURN IN COAST RANGE " lloeeUl tHssateb to The Jearastr- - - Rosebure. Or.. Aug. . . Tha forest flra on Hubbard creek, ft mllea north wcat bf this place, which baa bean da atroylng valuable timber fof th laat two weeka. la still burning, but with lees -Intensity than at first Heavy dewa at night have dampened the vege tation, cutting down the amount of tlm ber burned to half of what It was at first- . , "' :- .' . All of ths count southesat of th fir is covered with a heavy cloud or smoke, making slchtseelng tmpoaalble. Little effort la being mad to subdue th flam unless tha conflagration ap - The flra. belnr in tha coaat. range, 1 not In ths district of any .fire warden and ao burns unrestricted except . by weather conditions. Tha damage haa not bean est lms ted, but will be great , ' Tha Boutnern acmc company la I btjrnlsg tha grass along Its right of way in Oregon xor a, nisiance 01 iwui t feet to avoid setting pastures snd fields afire from sparks. . Already the aparka have caused heavy loaa which tha com pany will be asked to settle. K-BMBMMBM a,M MM - ' COLFAX THREATENED - . WITH WATER FAMINE .. --(peril Dlsastch te The Joaraal.) , Colfax, Wash., Aug. 10. Colfax la an during a water famine and sprinkling of etreete and lawns pas been discontinued by order of ths city council. Laat sorins tha city put in a new water ays-. tern, piping ths wstar from s spring near Elberton. 14 miles-swsy. it naa been found that thla aprlng was Insufficient to supply ths town snd for - several weetts water haa been pumped from th Pa louse tiver, which haa gone dry ex cept In a few places and la merely a stagnant pool. , Phyalciane have exam ined tha water and declared an epidemic of fever would follow Its use for drink ing purpoeea and urged tha council to atop pumping from th river. . ROGERS CONFESSES TO CASHING FORGED DRAFT Hoeraal Special ferries.) , Providence. R. I., Aug. 10 John W. Rogers of Waahlngton. and his, wlfet who deserted their tw children at a hotel In Albany. New York, laat Friday, war Identified at th office of Dr. M. W. Houghton, government physician at this port yesterdsy. Ha Admitted to the phyetcian that ha had forged a check, on a aoutharn bankTor fl.lOS which was cashed for part of Jta face value. Ha satt-that he was penniless. (The couple will be brought back, to Al bany. If arrested, ,n a charge of aban doning their, children. , , ' ' Bobbed Sis BmptoFSCS, , ' . aearsal Special gervka.) , , Hoaulam. Wash , in, ta wmia-n Oordrm. who pleaded guilty to a charge of burglary, haa been sentenced to s year In atata'a prison. Hs waa for many Lears a trusted watchman of th Wood rMmber company,'- . !. ;. , The Award of thi Ihcnib1 Ac.jho&v en t!io $50,000 Stock T. . it.Cli IS a Xlllllg.UI U1C poal. UUl WC IJA&CAll W llltlta. The insurarice companies were gch -ous with the public. -y.r Watch Friday Nights Peptnibr'A : . SATUR.DAY, SEPTERIDER 2nd. THE PLACE 207 FEIST STREET. We Want 50 Competent Salesmen. Besides lrappzrs and i; AL ADAUS TO BUILD BIG HOTEL - Policy . King Who Robbed East ?: Side Poor Planning "Huge H : 'Hotteiry. . . 'V, Joaraal Special" STle. New TorKT'Xug. 10 Al Adams, no torious aa the "meanest gambler In. New Tork." becaue he laid tha foundation of hla big fortune by conducting policy games for tha east aid poor. Is having plana drawn for' a 40-atory hotel at Thirty-second atreet bet ween Sixth and Seventh avenues. In tha vicinity of tha new Pennsylvania . railroad ; termlnue. Tha hotels according ta Ita plana, will take two years to. build snd. will cost W.OOf.OOO. r V- .-''"' Tha property on which -Adams will build was tha site of tha Houaa of All Nations. . a resort ss -notorious in Its time ss Adams1 himself.-, The arohi tects plans comprehend th erection Pf a' structur'' 800 feet in - height- Its room capacity will he on 'Snd a half tlmee as . great as" ths Aaaonla. the largeat apartment house In the world. There will be accommodations for-J.tOO guaata. and to single rooms with baths sttschd. . :-. -w- Ove a MUllon te inshses. ; (learaal Special Servtee.e - - -Astoria, Or., Aug. 10. -It la esti mated thai not less than Sl.lSS.SOO has been paid In wages to fishermen for ths catch of salmon during th past season. For Presenilis,; PmilYliisr and Bcaitiiying ttc Skin, Scalp. Hair, and Hands. OfJtflsfVJV-S 9&f MelTrMg) esWMSelie) nnWeflCBBal 0jebsl eWMw tm liiimi -!- m Cimm. um ra SkM Cot, ms Um pafaal 1 ilMstlpf fciaiteiili mi Ike ta na..ilig ie 94mn. T saae le tM el e rt-. wmmmr, a M-rWI aa Tat a-a aw SM. asrsfcse," e.aeilssb."' , J I. , orCIotbing, Slices crJ Farn!;mi.g Gcces Daina iiniiili .r iU. .1.4. L.a .... y.-itn ROAD TO BUFUR IS RAPIDLY DUILT Great' Southern Will Be Com pleted Within Ten Daye From The Dallea to Terminal. r TAPS RICHEST REGION v ; EASTERN OREGON LAND tropg of Forty and Fifty Bushels to the AcrV of Wheat Raised This Year Warehouses Being, Built AU Along Great Southern. -: t ' : - (gpeelal Dispatch te The Jesraal.) The Dallas, Or.i Aug. . Officers of tha Oreat Southern Railway company atated this morning that tha railroad to Dufurwoold be completed In- 10 days. -- Twenty-four mllea of . track are laid, leaving only el miles more to Dufur. Three bridges are yet td beiullt which will b completed br, th -nd of this sreek. Ties ere feeing received by scow and rail and are rushed to the front In order to complete tha road la time to haul this year' a crop. Freight la taken now for point along th Una as fsr ss finished. No regular trains srb running yet, the construction train leaving her early In th morning and rturnlngta th evening, doing an th wora. , BoaXlag Osastruotlon.' Everybody along tha line Is anklou to see th road completed, snd Mr; Hlemrlch. president of tha company. Is hers In person In charge of tha construe tlon. About- to man are employed an.l work la rushed -aa faaf ' Ss . posslbls. Large warehouses are being built at Dufur, Rice's station, Wrenthum and Cooper.- Some hsvs been completed and the others will be opened for business this week. - i." - '. . Ths Oreat Southern company began grading for Its line to Dufur in tha aprlng of let and naa naa many ooaia clea to overcome.- Many people thought It was only a bluff snd nothing would b done, accept enough to hold tbe right of way, but now they aea that all has been done thst was "possible. Tbs country thst Is being opened up Is probably tha rleheev section In east era Oregon.' - Wheat raised In tha neigh borhood of Dufur and as fsr south ss Tygh ridge. Is yielding ss high ss 4 snd svan ftO buahala par acre, rin fruit is raised tn aome aectlona, and with ths advent; 'of a railroad much, timber will be brought out, anJ the country devel oped to Its fulleet reaourcea. I ; ape a miesT toa. ! - Th country Is well watered, and along the eastern edge of "the timber a few small sawmills ara cutting only enough to aupply tha demand at tha present time, but ss soon 'ss tha road la ax tended larger mills will be Installed and millions of feet shipped, out bf-th aiaie. , Dufur 4a A village ef several hundred Inhabitants now snd Will probably grow to bs a good elsed town, situated as It -Is In a pretty valley, with nice nouses, areen Iswns and plenty of shade trees. It gives one sn Impression of sn excep tionally prosperous community. 1 There Is still ' room for many farmers snd openings for business man are plenti ful.. .Freight rates will be lowered con siderably ss compsrad with wagon haul ing. i POTTER KEPT ON. ' -Pennies' arssasasv stake XVast Trip Sep. -" tamper le. - - ' In order to meet the demands of the beach patrons th T.-J. Potter will re main In service between Portland and North Beach, atopplng at Astoria, until tha middle of September, making the laat trip down Saturday, September 10. Leavee - Aah street dock this weak as follows: Wednesday, August 10; 1:10 p. m.; Thursday, August tl, 1:1s a. m.; Saturday, September I, It a, m. Par ticulars and O. R. N. summer book t city ticket efnee. Third and Waah lngton, atreeta, Portland. Commencing Wadnesdsy, September 0, (ha Potter will make certain daylight trips from llwsco to Portland. Preferred Meek Oaaaec woda. . Alien A IawIs Beat Brand, ' wr - mm- Jm..! i Mn1ra Vriai Great' SBOii: M.Astoria Astoria, Aug. 10. (Special to. the Office of the Steamer Telegraph) Steamer arrived promptly on time, 'Ave houra from Portland, end passengers delighted. All enthusiastically -praise theractlvlty of th Telegraph and " ' say ahe Is worthy of ths name.- The regatta la splendidly attended today, the .general verdict being that It Is -' sf fording ths greatest sport svsr witnessed In this city. Tomorrow, however,-will be th great day, and those -arriving on the Telegraph will be her In tlm to witness ths cream Of th enjoyment. Tou ought to- hsvs a : big load down -en tomorrow trlp.' .. :f . ' yvi .., ;; '.v:., ... .. ,, $- f THESETaAJRE (CHARMING ENCOMIU.VIS FOR THE;) ;,' SfeDijiicir Tie 'And we modestly remark that we believe our smart, trim, elegantly appointed boat deserves every pleasant word eeld about hr. WE HAVB THE FASTKBT VESSEL ON THESE WATERS. - AND WB TREAT OI'R PEOPLE WHITE. BE SURE TO SEE THE BIO CONCLUDING CONTESTS AT THE) BIO REGATTA TOMOR ROWLFTERNOON. . THET WILL. BE THE BEST OF ALL. ..',-- , ' Roand Trip Tickets $2.25 Leaves Alicr SUDqck THE of Commerce - Capltnt SS.700,000 , Reserve $3,500,000 ' . Portlead Branch, Hi Washington. X. A. WTLD, Manager. - ; Trifi clcrs- leftcrs of (reiit- AvaUabla In all psrts ofths world J 111 branches In Canada and the " United States, . Including: ; San Francisco, Seattle, Victoria, Van- : eouver, Nenalmo, Nsw" Wsstmlns ter, Dawson (Tukon).." . " - . " , ' : ; . Drafts issaod on - ; ' any Bralach : , - . ' Transfers of money te et from any part of Canada by latter, or -i tsUgram. ' . . . ' a. . A General Banking; Business Transacted SBVOATIOVA&. Or "w will place your appllca nMwtlCn on file' la tha excuse bust , neaa men give to the hoard of ln t" ' cbmpetente who apply for poet- 1 '. tlona each day. If you are pre- pared to serve the publio you will not meet such rebuff. Take a course at the , ; Multnomah BuslnsM Inastltute T; , M. A. ALBIN, Principal. . Phoae Main eeoe. ae Sixth St. ass ecsam piiuiii iteei Aa eleaxatary , sebeal, with srtsiary end grastaur grailee, Aa sMeeaty proper, wkleb fee eastera - A bearding ball for girls. ' . Oflre keen ef tke srlsrfpahf earl a rse ina s a. at. te is aa at tse r "T D i - warn vw P'i'.i j i rOaTLAND ACAOSelT, ' ., thlrtaestk aaa arrlsea rwtlaae, Orajea. rnr eaTaiogoe, ioifmi Canadian Batik . mm . Porliand Academy '.;r.4Me - v. m TJIry OIa CAmntViinrr Inflff ff r 1th Ulg UWV - ...OUUlUWUlg j mind i -- v Cashiers, GOOD TO JUt, TVIMIUWTIL la Portland at 8 p.m. T ),,,M,Mt ,M,,M,,: ! 769bdb Records in Stock i COLUMBIA PHONO GRAPH ' CO. X ,365-371 WesUnsto. Street. ;; Iee.QOeooooooee,,oeoooeoeooMo ooeoeet TO FAJK DO NOT ASTOWA'S GREAT REGATTA J: AtO LIST 2 9t h. Round trip tickets via the Astoria A Columbia River Railroad only 93.00. sold on August 28, 29 and 30. Good (or return until Sep.' tern ber 1, A beautiful trip along the banks of the Columbia River. 'y'y For Information JSe)e , y.yi-':,;' ; 248 Alder Streetor Phone Min 906 ' .1 r - eeoeeeoeeeeoeeeeoooeooeoeoeeoeeeeeeeeeeeeeooeooeeoe SPECIALS THIS VEEir ONLY We heve a fine line of Hand Parlor Flower Stands which we reduced rates and we trust you tunhy and make your money go - Hand-Carved Chairs; regular ; Hand-Carved Parlor Flower Stands, $13.00; special, .....f 11. TS ; Hand-Carved 8 tools; reguUr $12.00, special. ........... 9.95 r : A large assortment of fiasketsnowtfit hand among which are the' T -latest thinge-in Lunch Baskets with straps.. Large site, 30 cents; x m.1liim. IvfMiti ant .mnall OK Mnti , -8ee us before purchasing elsewhere. Vr v ' , ; r ( 32a Washington street-. r.; "1 in i T ran ' the ioue J ( v : : APPLYBETWEEN -4' AND 5 OXLOCks-FRlbAY i Sept 2 :4-.:--i-r-i s i. ... . veaeie urvna rruv St. Louis, 1904 $1.00 UOWI. $1.00 PcrteR CoIusahU BuHdlog. fWand, Ore. X VDSJTOKS! FAIL TO SEE t. 30tl sntj - Carved Ebony Chairs, Stools and are offering to you this -week at will take advantage of this oppor ss far as posaible. ; ' ' $25.00, special., ..19.50 e(girsip!hi 1. v