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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1905)
. - . it.. 5-. ri tUreueai h l oo . . baker... Syria. I., Star .... ....... r.., . W. .."Weather-Breten B'lwoo" i'AJtc of WW .vWenoea" i...... . . .Mnelcal Bnrleeqiie ,,,."i Hwllir Hernia ,....,. VeedU iU TOV (MIX A WAT I Buberrlbert at The Jonrna) war tor WHl or kafr. tlia Hptf ttoeped at their Mr eae 1 realdenees j aee aaot to any eaaraae i mall at tli regular ratee, aad eelleet IllOe III M Bada by regular carrier after, raters to Iba ally, except at Lung Beach aad Seaside, where The Jours! baa ma- alar carriar delirery. Otto- A ice f Ilwaco, WaeMoftoa. baa eharae at Tba Journal aa Long Beach aa4 Lewie A C. of geealde Bare rbarga e Tka Josraal ea Seaelde or Clataop bases. Dehrarr will ba made at these Iwa points at regular uberrlptloa rates. Sire rottr rbanga at aridraae to yoef earrlee a Phone Mala BuO aod prompt atteatlo will ba glreo all erder, , "Infringement of A pajtant on- laundry basket Is ground of a suirATlled , X Ouatava H. Carlson sgalnst C. IX..Bd' wsd. C.' MeJvln Smith and Boott Hop ak' Fruit .Basket company. In th5 . Vnltad Stataa district court yesterday afternoon.. Carlson allege that ne in vented a splint laundry basket, in th manufacture of which-th defendant -engaged without his consent, and In violation or hla patent right. , He aaka that they be restrained from of ferine the baskets for sale. And that they be "" required to pay him Any damages that -thA court may; determine fit. . . - Plana are. being formulated-by " the - commercial . bodies for "expenditure ' of considerable money In exploitation worl ' ot a character that Is calculated to ' clinch the beneflta of Iratnlgratlotv'-'fol to wine the Lewis and Clark) exposition. :it ie aAid they wlli puah an extenalve . syatem of follow-upt-advsrtlsifig In the middle and eastern states. A new series - of exploitation literature Will be lasued and this matter will contain featurea that will further' Interest and convince people who made bnt a hurried trip through the Pacific -northwest and did - not pause lone .enough to conflrrn their favorabl Impressions. ----. :; t . . The City Messenger aV DeliTery com , . pany will lve permanent employment to boye between lfanaH'Teara of are, , pr older. The work Is easy, healthy And ' pleAaant. , -Delivery of telegrams, latr ' tars and small packAgea .Are the. only ' dutlea required , Steady, earneat and Intelllgerit boys can earn from St to ' - $6A per month.. Cigarette smoking, pro fanity or rowdyism not permitted, from to to SO euch boya wanted at onoa, -.Jlpply At mala ofllco. 10 Sixth atreet. or At Postal Telegraph offlce, 120 Third ! atreet . ;:, ,. ,, ',':;;. .v -,,Just as the movement of the grain crop la about to begin the Great North -- envAJUiou-iC -A large reduction of grain rates throughout Ha eastern ter ritory, aa far west aa the boundary of Montana, Thla reduction rangea from cent a a hundred at - thetmojta mote points-to cent from points nearest . st. Paul At the neaa or navigation on . the great lakes. . It-will .be. remembered i that considerable reductions wArrf- made 1 on tb western aectlon of the road two or ... three yeers ago. ;;. " ... ;y-. : -r A. i).. Oarblacb, a harvcet hand from ' ButtevUle. en' his way to the Palouae .country.-to" help" nm' A thresher; met - ,A man who. fald he was seeking A Job, And AecompAntedT him to A saloon near the, depot. Having had no '-sleep; -tie slumbered In A chair. Lter. he reported te the police that tlS; an ha had. and a bundle of clothing had ccrr- taken . - f ronr him. The man seeking employ ment' waa gone. - . - -' Fred Love of ArletA narrowly escaped fatal Injuries Monday when he fell from a' heavy wagon within A -block of hla home. Hla head atruck-the road and he waa pitched directly in front of on of the wheela. which pushed him 'along the ground until parsons who wltneaaed . the accident stopped '. thar team. : Hla Injuries are not regarded aa serious. r '.If anybody sees a barefooted boy. aged. 11 yeara. with brown hair and eyes. .and wearing a white ahlrtwalat - and corduroy trossers, he will confer a favor on the police by reporting the fact to them.- The lad la Richard Bell. who lived with, hla mother at the St . George hotel, but haa been - missing -since tba cireua waa in town. ,. ,Ahtlqnea Mahogany furniture. ' brasses, bronse and, pewter.' Only store ' of Its kind on the coast 3S washing' ton street. - ' ; '. '"' V. "Newman, fh charge of the weather tation at Wall Walla, passed through aVhe city this morning on his way home We have the most artistic X photograph of beautiful Ml J Hood, , ready, for, framing Just the thing to send or S J carry away as a Souvenir of f f Oregon, or to have in your f own' nomo. in piiiuic is m 18x20 inchei. , - v : . ? THE I J. U. GILL CO. j Booksellers and .7 ""'. Stationers. 'THIRD' AND ALDER 1 i. Head J (. ' . .. v. 1 t I Cents "H - , .-i A m : ....1Ji. u 1 . Fciry M - 1 -f m . - - as) si You will find in' your bank ac count 4iext year 'when your in terest at 4 per cent" is. added to it:; If you start an account right nb,w you ,will find that you have : a ; snug .. little sum with jyour savings : and inter est within one year. rf( : from the beach, where he spent a short vacation, . Mr. Newman . reports that there waa a longer period of hot weather at Walla .Walla this Bummer than ever before in the history oiVthe. town. , For several' days In July the thermometer hoyre4 .Around -the ill rnM-" ? t mail in ulai lail aTmia nmmrm a-... In the. Yakima valley "by ,tarmrs beadeoLf by Walter aranrer .of ZUleh-Ha - to- be built by v the Northern Pacific. The original promoter;" began conatructlgn and failed for lack of fu nds. The road will be about 20 Inllea In length, through A farming Aectlon from Toppanlah to MAbton, . ' t-v-.-r ! -..; , . (Jeorge L, Beach, And family of Min neapolis, and Mra. Will Lang of . New Hampshire are visiting the parents of Mrs.. Beach and. Mrs. Lang; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob McOuffeev. of. fit Belmont street. --. 7 , -;. . . ,-; Reports from New Tork state that the Harrlman lines have ordered IX locomotives. Including TI - simple con solldaUon, 11 almplA Atlantic. 10 simple Paelflo and II switching. locomotives. Dance for tb I to caah prise, every Tuesday evening. At the Lewis end Clark pavilion, T.wenty-eeventh And Tburman tweets.' ....: - ... r. Any watches "cleaned, ' 11.00; mala spring, 110; all -work guaranteed one year. MAtsger Co., Ill filxth, street We' wfli ' call t regarding year signs Phone roster Klelser, ex. . . , , Try a meal wlthoot meet At the Vge- Uiian cafa, 101 Slxtfi Btraer, ., Awnings Nootv, Bag compAhyv First and Couch atrectA..... , Dr. E. ' C Brown.' Eye-tear. Marquam. Trita'a ta males are the beat '-'. 4 mmm.m .mmmwwm mm RECOfiD OF CHINESE . : BJRTHST0 BE KEPT Birth a of Chtneae babies are never recorded ln the office of The city- health board. The attention of Health Officer Matson waa attracted to the -Infraction of - the law and he will make an Investigation. In case he discovers any one ' withholding Information which should be given the city health board he will take actio against them to force them to comply with the law. Death notlcee of Chinese children are frequently received at the health office. but the record a of the births for months past do not show that a Chinese child has been, bom In hla city..--It la said that .they are much opposed to heralding the nirta or a child owing to their secreUre domestic life.' . - - TICKETS FOR POMPEII TO BE HAD IN TOWN As hundreds of persona wish to avoid the annoyance and! inconvenience of a rush at the ticket windows on the night of the performance, th management of Pain a "Pompeii" has arranged to place a block of reserved seats on sale at the ticket offlo of th O.. W. P. aV Ry. Co., First and Alder streets. No advance in regular prlcea will be - charged. The flrework program at the termination of the apecUcI will.eontaln many feat- ureA-, . , ,t.-, iu v.v . - . . old rva atvem V -stoOord. ia gold-mounted 7 xountsin pen was preeenled to James 8. McCord. retiring chief deputy of th recording depart ment of . the .county 3 clerk's office. by his fellow 'employes. . The pres entation speech . wit made by County Clerk Fields who, in. a few words,. ex preened his ' appreciation of ' Mr. Mc Cord a service In the . past . and his opes that ho. would . be aucceasful In the life insurance business, which he haa adopted. Aa a profession. '. - '"'' .." :A Dream. : -.' . :" This -delightful trip np the Willamette Iver is surely A dream. No on can Imagine Its beauty, until they have made It. The fir-clad hllte.- th fine reatdences. tall buildings all can be aeen from our boat a - Don t mlas It. Three rraura ride for 41 cents. Boats lea v Taylor street dock I and-11:10 m. and 1:10 p. m. - ..; " . - . . .Try a Tavern Breakfast. : Just on win convince you thst there nothing flner. Also remember those fsmous frawflnhj for afternoon or even ing. . Opposite Oregonlan' building. Ladles' annex (00 Aider atreet .'jVjWhtit In Seattle Ot It th RathekeUer, a htgh-elsss Jilace to eat. Sea 'foods, eaatarn meats, srte orchestra dally. . ' . , , , Milwftukis Country Club. Eastern and Seattle racee. Take Sell- wood and Oregon City car at jrirst And AWer. Oreoon Savbips Sbtth and Morrison; Sta.;' : IH LEAtJTIFllL PICTURES Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert McClurfcV Mr. and' Mrs. Gilbert McClurg, whose Illustrated lectures were features of the expositions at Chicago, ; Paris and St. Louis, will be the guests jofhonor this evening . at" -the exposition auditorium, where they- will ' lectur' on "Panoramic Colorado," Illustrated with ZOO colored stereoptlcon views.. .. . .--..JUt. l" FRED SUMNER SUCCEEDS I WALLACE AT BELASCO'S ""' - - i i .. , . - Beginning with th ' productioA v of Harriet's Honeymoon" next Monday night. Fred Sumner will be th Juvenile - l i i,', ... C' t if- '- iSwl v., 1 s &,'" - VH-'-' ' ; ' i.' Mil f ." -r k-r-ft. n r- ' innn.ii- ' " r i'; '- ' VAM Fred. Sumner. of the Belasco theatre stock company, succeeding Morgan Wsllace, ' who has accepted -an eastern engagement. ' r Mr., Sumner, come, from', Mary Man nering's company to Portland with, i flrst-cUss reputation and not a little Is expected of him. .: His last appearance wa -on Broadway In "Nancy Stair."-- JAPANESE WILL HAVE1 -4 . . . .. r -... :: : JOY DAY AT THE FAIR The'celebratlon of the' Japanese paM lublle will make tomorrow a ; notaUe day at the expoaltlon. Thar will be ceremonies in the "Auditorium . at' o'clock in the afternoon -and a carnival on th lake at o'clock In Che eveniite:. The order of event for tomorrow will be aa followa: -- , -. . t a. m.T-Exhlblt buildings, . govern ment exhibit and Trail open., 0 a.' m. Educational conference, Audi toclum. -' "-'.; ' -..-. c a. m. to 11 m. Concert. . Adminla- tratlon band; -Manufactures building.- 1:10 to 1:10 p. m. -Concert, Tenth In fantryband, TranaporUtion . building bandataiid. . .. . ... . . . 1:10 to I p. m. Concert. Chemawa Indian band. Manufacture building. t p. ,m. Japan day exercises .' Audi torlum. Administration band in attend ance. - . -y .-'.- ' ; . 1:10 p. m. Grand concert. Royal-Ha wallan band, bandstand. Gray,'. boule vard. , ' s' 1:20 p. ' m. "-Organ ' recital. Professor r. W. Goodrich, Forestry building.' 1:10.' p. rev United States llfeaaving aervlce exhibition drill pn lake. 1:10 to 4:30 p.- m. Concert, Tenth Infantry- band. Government terrace; 4 to t p. m. Concert, Administration band. Agricultural building. 4:10 to 0 - p. m. Concert, ; Chemawa Indian band, , Transportation . building bandatand. - - - . : ' . , i 1:10 p. m. Government exhibit close, t p, m.- Exhibit, buildings close.. t:80 p. m. Grand operatic concert. Klralfy'a "Carnival of Venice" com pany, on rustlo steps (free). ., r . T:30 p. m.-r-Grand concert, , Royal .Ha waiian i band, bandstand. Gray boule vard. . J ' '-. 5--'. v,1. '.. 8 p. m.--Orand electrical lllnmlnatlon. p.- ro. Spectacular Japanese peace Jubilee carnival and pyrotechnic display. 11 p. m. Gates cloae. , .TH0RBURN ROSS SEES SIGNS OF IMPROVEMENT J. Thorbnrn Ross has returned from A three weeks' outing In the Canadian Cwt cades, whither he. was accompanied by hla family. . - -' -k I return and find excavatlona under way. on every hand In Portland, And An ppearahce of great activity and prog ress," he ald. " "A. man-need b out of Portland but a few day to fall away behind th times and. lose a whole, lot of the knowledge of what Is going on. I am devoting com time to catching up with the marrh of event." .' - ; ' He visited Banff. lAggan and th fa mous Tohn valleyi saw the highest falls In th world, and many other places of acenle Interest. He aays.the Canadian Cascades Js magnificent field for sight-teeing. , ... .,, . j ,. i. , . m . I .. . .. . Scrofula, salt rhenm. erysipelas and other distressing eruptive diseases -yield ejulrkly snd permsnently to the cleans ing, purifying power of tfuraocK .Blood BltUrjft ' . i s. The lecture is under th ausplcea of th Colorado - commission to, th Lewis snd Clark exposition.: A large number of invitations hsA been issued and ad mission will b by card, which secures reserved seats, i Th grandeur of Colo rado mountains ' and gorges will be ahpwn with wonderful .realism, on' th pictured Canvas. ,. . PETIIiOIJ FOR Ml Meirs of A: H. Johnson Ask Court to Remove Present Guar- V dian of Eatate. ALLEGE THAT PROPERTY ; 4 BEING MISMANAGED Charge Thst Debts Have Not Been : Paid When There Were Funds and That - Various. Farms Have Not Produced Foiroer. Revenue.. V " f. ; v . ,' A petltloiti for the removal ot William M. Ladd as administrator of the estate of A. H. Johnson was filed In th county court lAte yesterday afternoon fey N. Johnson. , T. .M. Dunbar and J. B. H lb bard, representing the children of th deceased. The complaint states that be fore Johnson died in 1804 he executed a trust deed to Mr. Ladd cowering real property valued at 1184460 and . 170 shares of stock in the Tnlon Meat com- 'pany, appraised, at tlT.8tO. r- Under the trust Mr. Redd was to pay a claim held by Ladd Tilton. bankers, for U80.128.04, and tl other claims amount ing to 977,841.07. Th excess of the trust 'property over the claims wss placed at tl56, . Other pooperty not inciuaeo in me trust aeea Drought th total valu of the estate in 1804 -up to 1782,552.57. Mr. Ladd had th powsr to sell or incumber th property, deeded tovhim in trust and' the net proceed were to be applied to. the liquidation of th indebtedness ot the estate, and any sum left over was to be given to th heirs. . Mrs. Cordelia Johnson, widow of Mr. Johnson, administered tba estate until her death In the latterpart of 18t. and Mr. Ladd waa then Appointed ner successor. ' - The petitioners sTTege that sine Mr. Ladd haa had.' charge of th estate he haa-falled to pay the Indebtedness from th trust property deeded to him; that he hss allowed all the indebtedness. In cluding the Ladd At Tilton claim, to be established aa legal elalma against that portion of th -estate not Inoluded in th trust deed; that in his dual capacity Of administrator . And trusts he- hss been Acting in th Interest of himself snd Ladd At Tilton; that .h did not In clude in th inventory of th estate Any of the, trust property, but claims to be th owner of all th property conveyed to him by tb dead)- thst the Indebted ness a till remalna s gainst the '.aetata with th exception of a email portion which waa paid by sacrificing realty at a Judgment sale, and that he haa con ducted valuable . farm in -Washington county at a loss. - Tlis petitioners allege that unices the -admlnlatrator la re moved th lndebtedneaa and Intereat ac cruing thereon will absorb what remains of ' th estate, including th property held In tiuat-by Mr. Ladd.- - A citation for Mr. -Ladd -to appear In th county court and reply to the peti tion wa laaued -by County Judge Web- ater'thla morning at ' the ; instance of th petitioners.'. ..Th. time, alio wed- for appearance was 10 days from th service ot th citation. ,,.. v -, REED CASE APPEALED J ' TO THE SUPREME COURT Notice of - Vppeal ' from the decision of the county court wss filed. -thla morn ing by Emily Pickering and the Cali fornia heirs of Amanda W. Reed on th ground that the county court held that Mrs. Reed waa a resident of Portland at the time of her death, an, that the portion of her -will bequeathing a .for tun for th foundation of a nr-educational lnatltut waa valid.' Th. appal- lanta declare that Mrs. Reed, when she died, was A resident of California, and under the laws of that -state only one third of her estate could b devleed for th purposes Intended. i . - Saoazakra aWtaa to aTewpon,, ' The Southern Pad fid ' corn pany haa placed on sale at all "- Portland offloea ronl, trip tlcketa to Newport at rat n ii. uaniiea to ucioDer id. irvt, ana for tl Saturday,. to Monuay tickets. Ample hotel accommodations At reason able rate Are provided At this popular reaort. . v- ,. . ; ,;; . - Bate BhaaAa tTpnBare. The 8odr)ieeAC. Pacifier eompany baa placed, ta JSSls At Its Portlsnd effloe round trip ticket to ghaau flprtnga- at rate of tie. Beautiful, llluatrated pamphlets descriptive of thla resort can be secured from Any Southern Paclflt Ageac '- ( , i - Oasaot Xsat Seet islaaaV - (Special plapateh ta TTaa Jearsal.) " Olym pt a, - WAsh., " Au g.' 10. -A 1 1 orney- Oeneral Atkinson today- notified the gam warden of Ran Juan county that th new era me law prohibits the hunt ing of deer in all Island within thla WlilTORi i I T l . Oil TC2 TUAIL' ..; & Our Prfeep Ljait 1 Reaat .2)tMllk, fm v'wi'.' oial IiiWi ... '.,WTn, pot Halt rhlrken ,4al Leeaaaade Haadwlrh. Ha: li Ice Tea lo!Bee ' KaaewleA..' Ks.rl0r Hop Qold. slate. Hod. 0ldr alala. .Of .10 .18 . .! ,l .35 . Handwl.h. clua... .26 Two Fried Est.. .IB Hnp -Uatd, ' plat Hop , Odit. ' quart Blua Hlbhoa, pt. Blue Klhpoa, At Ml led lh-liik..... Hlb Mall. ..:..,. 'orktall Hlralatit Wb takey. White Rork ..... Hares and Eaaa. . . .th Ham and Kse., .13 'Id Haai ...... .) Folatoea Baked Beam .... I .IB! Bread aad Butter. .1) .18 .Si . Crarkara ,,- .05 Chlrkea Broth ... ,1A Muda Water .10 VesetaMe Moup ....10! Apolllnarla" '.....' ..2S Ureas Peaa .... UB Wlue,.l'laret, gtaaa .IS Husar rora . Dill Pickles'. Ollrea lie, Lrw rat.. l-a Cream Aliped Tomato .lftl Wine. -Clart. plat .M .lol-Wlne, Part, laaa .IB .IBI'VMaa.'.Haatenir, t 1.00 .10 M'lna.-Sa.tnraM p( ,TS .loPurter, . nlpa.,..I. . .101 Porter, alaaa..t.4. .It Hllred rurumbare. Hllred Watrraieloa v.lofMiunm, pint...',... X.BO l antoloupa-, order. ,lBl Mtunm. Quart.', .i . .i"0 t.iiea, cup .lOUrapa Xiili-. alaea ,KI Hot lakea with mapla tyrap aud bulter. . ,30 Pan't rarry tuaehea wbea ye- eas oame te our plaea aod ear juat what rou wast at the abore rle. Bememorr the place:, Laat bulidlnf ea left-lda of Trau. . MERRILL DUILDIKG H ' k ; Seventh and Oak Sts. :: j This Splehad - Creech- IciifcaCen-i terrire,L Utre Government Sprinslield ; Rlfie; : test $16 to na!(e;;0iSlY j 'No Detter i Gnn ivss I Ever Shot. This U I Suit . o! i I Govern- ci'eht HfcnM Qolhing for- li .. - .-- . Hundreds Of varieties, of 'Army aad Navy supplies at -one fifth th coat ef manufacture.' -. . , . - "'" - ? i t;. m STOKES KIRK i WAoleeale eU mail , Bealer tat .- , a aga-A A - - . ; pUe Vsed by the AVrmy . i-j , . v gad sTayy, ; ; , 1. I MERRILL BUILDING I : .. Seventh ndJ0kSt8 f I Th, ItlMM atl ..III. fMM t Vt A thAflt factories. . . , - ' . i, . rrctorlea that have been lit' the bual neea for th greatest number ot years. Factorlea that hav ample capital and build piano for goodness and not for cheapness. . . t ) - -"r Paatorte that will; not ' allow their goods to- go Into the - hand of un reliable-dealers, but are represented by th very beat Arms In th whole country. W never lose a sale to any on who know what good value sr. .. .:: V '.-x ' - ' DundorePIrmoCo. Steinwey god Other Piano 233 WASHINGTON STREETS LOUIS 1!. DOLL Piano' Atudlo -will open September 1. Parlora snd It. 142 H Washington st state. The penalty Is A' fine of from i to Hot. ft 1 ' tU 01 "Ptr-- A. W. T. a Tit. O. Hei: . rraa. I' Merrlaaa -t hetwaaa tb aad Iu. I -' ,- . a Wla tea. ; . , , ' . - v. ' All TAi WKXA - - - ... . v F? P A Tee tgsi Kae aJ k JICENDALL TONIOHT AT. 8:10 OTICKr y. - Laat perfannaant the remedy - Drapa '-. "WTATXie BZATEV BIheOV" , , Tkarsdar, rrhUy. Sstarday Aieht. apeelal-Prlea-liatlaee satardae. - ' " , First Prearatatlns oe Aaf stage., ' ;" . . "THg BAAXfTOAATEk," ,. t A remedy-Drama by AMaey Atwaafald. ' PRIt r.S 2w-. iic, tor. TV. II. 8100- ', eala are , aelllpa - tor the I eattra . week. Belasco' theatre w ifatVi ltA aad waah. Btlaar Uayer, Bropa. TOaTAKT AT 1 11 V. X ALX WXZX. . ALIQE OF jyjjjgg OLD yOVBTIXBT: BtLAaoO T K WIU OCX -CO. VINCENNES : A DramaMaatioa'ef Vlaarlee Thompaoa'a avaL . Matlaeae Aaturday aad BUBdaf., ,. "DDIfP atttloeea 25. V aad see. "Iii W-.J. M,ht -Br. SSe. Kir and TBe. - ITtZV WTEX XAAAIST OVKTBtOOB. BAKER THEATRE 3d and Yamhill OKKOOX THXaTAB CO.. LEASgKA. ' ' OtO, L. BAKEB, MASACEB. " '-' -': TonighJAU This Week' N Barawsunee ga tarday alht. " atatlaeea Baadayr Wad.. Than, aad Bat. UNMUSICAL BURLESQUE - ? The Recogalsad Leader af Tbem An, . Fay Foster Co. AVEBTTHI.tO BETOXD COMPABIBOK. BEALTlrlt, OIAI.S. OOBOEOra SCENES Y AND BEN8ATIONAU XOVALTIC. , PrireaNlfhra. J8f,.V. ao'Trk; matlnaaa, IBe, 38. V. BOr. . ITXXT WXEX ''TM MMOASIZKa.' FMDinr THBATRB tUITII Itftt. Itthaad: , "in k en rortoAm&aums.n CeasMsceBeat of ' the rtiuW '-' rati sad .... '.Wlster Beaaea. - . . , ,'-: tVATSAT ' XATZXXX, ZPTEatBEJt t. Aperlal encag emeet of . Chat. A. Tartar -t New York eompaur ef Ala yen, th beat apla- draaaalle argaalaalloa, la ealaiaaea, pramatlag aoly Mr.. Trk a.Tlara wader hla.ews par. eonal dlractloa, . epealug with the big dranune avnaatJee ESCAPED FROM THE HAREM ft Play, Cam paar,. Beesery, Wardrobe Cp-teData . aad rtrat-elaee. l.-.:--'" . i Bait 'Attractloa ef the Kind aa Earth Ap i: pearlog at Posalar Prleee. ... I r - EVEN tyO Id. SB. BB Bad M eentt. . ' ... MATIMK 10. 16 and SB cants. . '.' Bale ef Beast -Opaai rvldar. 10 a. m. 1EOBIATI0B rABX,l eraer TaagaA aad Tweaty-f earth, . PORTtANO U OAKLAND AUgUBT . tl Baptamtar 1, I. i. . GIAHDBTAKD,.t5c. . CHItuDBBN,- lie; Bex tickets aad reeerrad - aeaw. cm aale at box enice. TH E GRAND 'TATTTst. TH? aTOOrETf -TAMO. XA AT, areola GO, THK DX PATS. - KB. FAED rUAINTOB. TU AADIAOOPE. - fleaeral admlaaloa 1 east a: raatrved aaatt ID rente. Daily swtlDeaa. eatare loarer aosr 10 eesta; box aaata so ceara. aaadaya tea tlnsoas 1:10 te 10:i p. m. THE -STAR, : ,' " KT7II0AL aXETtT. ': ttLVILLE AXEIXC ' V WAXTIB PIAAT. .' -i --' . '-.. '--' ' B0T M'BBAIB. ' -; . THE ITAAOSOOrE. Oeeerat admlaaloa 10 eesta: reaerved Seats 10 eenta. -- Pally matlnaas, aatlre lower Bone 10 eeata; bos aeata x eenta Bnadays ess- ttaaowa 2:A te 1:4 p. at.-. LYRIC THEATRE . -WEXX OF HOBDAT. AVSmT t,""" l IIUUJILU IILaUUllll Calesrsted eoaiadr-draDi la tomw ' acta wttli Indiana bacfegroaad. .. - , ' 1 0f ADMISSION far 1UU Reserved Seat mc IVC LEWIS JfMD CLARK OBSEKVJt. . TOBILAaTD ATXtOXTt- . This Partlaad Belskta eat aad saaatt - aa Bewtbarae Tarraea, oae block from ear Uss, Ke eUatBtaa. Electric elevatar. ' gae boaatlfal effect ef pawarfal eaarehllghl from top af tower, lorn eaa est a gaiety nark While vlawlag.tbe awet . atagaiMcaat seaaarr la Asiertca. Opea li.Abla AdsU atoa is eeata. Boya Shoea worth tl.C'for..'...f.5 Boys'' Bolts worth 14 to for. .. .'.-$2.50 Boya' ftweatera worth !.'. for. ,91.35 Boys'. Overcoat worth for.SS.50 Boy Bhlrt worth lOe for. . . . . , .35g Men's Suite worth 111,00 for. ... .08.50 Mans Shoe worth t ISO for. '...92.50 Ladles' Shoa worth for...91.50 Men' Hate worth 11.00 for.,;.;., ,&9 Men'a Penta worth 14.00 for,... 93.50 Men'a Bhlrta worth 11.00- for. . 4 . . .T5) Men'a Underwear worth tl-00 for.'.50e It la to your Intereat to In veetlgate thla SPECIAL BALK at. j r ; , . BnraTXjif ' two bttoub. '. ' : Corner First tzi Ytzim tzi Ccreer Ttlrd tzi lzij :" 1 $1.00fo1S$1.C0 Tur:tfc!i ' th Bld HMh 1 i f i xrt r ' :i'llWl5''r;: m. -A W2 uc;.s E ' want ' yoil to tee tJiU advanct show ins: of autumn Milli nery. It embraces new and popular hand - made . Polo. Turbans' and. Pattern Hats. Th line of Polos is particu larly ' -attractive there are patent leathers and felts and velvets in many colors, Th Pattern .Hats are shown in great : variety of shapes. ; , ' -' Prices --,' Tke Store Vint Yost CrtZX h Czzl jinrirnrG CO j: WASZTaSTCI STriTT Are fin sale tbia week as a part of our' dining-; room apectAltw. If you '. need the " thtafi or ' will . need them eoon, . this gale i worth jronr ' ', while. , XW ia not a Hne of outgrown gooda, but ."'? a" apedal order of a, - kind of chair that it ia a ' pleasure to sell and . ; to - own a kind and a 5 price ; that builds buai- r-'aegs,-..- . Our dining-room gpev , v rial this week are an . interesting: sort.. '9i ' 184-8.FIRST CTRSET " CUtAB TpROCOB THB BLOCt. , , Ask Our 'Customers. rhf- 'Aiipffn Owing to being vrstoeBA4 for 4h ralr trarte aad th very tlmrted roont tft OW store, w con--Chided t force oar goods t ac tion le. Th Iarga atork e tbia hind In the city, cenelat! ef beautiful eUverwar. clolseor atsuma. new hraa wr. k carved furnlturea, ambrot silk kimenoa and fin deeot porcelain tea eeta, ete. , Sal eomsteneea t:ll - ' p. m. Continue retat"-- 1 after uct(on; who:, house. . 4 80 - '-.:r " I .,; L.jJ-.-r 1 I