The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 30, 1905, Image 3

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    - " o -v r y"ttt if r-r -r n .ivnvniVi TvrTvT ' it"""'" V 1
k. 1 1 Mr
truction of New Pipe Lines
From Quick Lake Is Fin-
; Ished by City. V; '
on Wains Laid Insuring Suf
Vnt Supply and Pressure to Ex
tuish Fires, Thus Reducing .In-
knce.'r':' 7:. V "t. '
SpeeM Blsattch to The iooraaU V
hmook, Or., Aug. IS The new
katerworka have bean formally
h.. Tha eonatruotlon. , r thaaa
, whlcltf haa baan In progress, for
( . months,, has bean under tha
llslon and control of a watar com'
In chosen br the . city of .Tllla-
and composed of L A. Brodhead,
ant; Mort Goodapeed. eecretary
HcNalr, treasurer; Mark Harrison,
Hadley, Charles Reynolds, Oeorge
Ion, Heary Crenshaw. B. C. Umb.
er la brought from Quick: lak,
five miles from tha city,. In Iron
For. fine purposes U haa a pre-
t 126 pound to tna square men.
lent to throw a stream ovar tho
ttrildina In tha city.
estimated coat was to b $47.09').
hlch tha bonds of tha. city wara
11. Tha ' actual cost somewhat
that amount. -. - "C in ' .. vh
civil engineer In charge waa w. ft.
of Portland.. Oregon, who - was
t today to wltneea tha successful
fetlon of tha work. ' '.:'
kmook ' now owns a good watr
h, aufflclent for a city of 10.040
tlon. ;-.
Spedsl DUpstcft to Tne Joerasl.)
hne. Or Aug. IS. -The Eugene
unci! his called a special election
held an Monday. September 11,
ror the purpose of aubmlttlng to
lople tha question of bonding tha
h the sum of 1300.000 to raise
with - which to construct -. and
municipal electrlo light and watar
4t la believed that tha bonda
krry by a large majority, as tha
ara generally . In favor' of tha
pal ownership of thaaa two pub-
It les. .....
city haa filed on Water power on
cKensie, river. IS -miles aaat of
k for . tha proposed electrleplant
ps secured opt lone on pieces .of
mmr tha city for wells and reser-
ror itha. watar worka. - '
Ppedal IXioeU to The Jearaatr -
hpls, W;.ih, Aug. IS The state
y commission la sending out let
b all timber Snd lumbermen
hoat this state asking tbem to
ute funds to keep tip . tha . nra
- aarvlca. Tha money appro
by tna laat legislature for this
ia practically exhausted and
private Individuals take a band
will be nov flra protection next
STaw Books am aparts.,'
f a few new books have Just been
ed In Spalding's Athletio -L.I-
whlch la the moat complete and
late library devoted to aportaTSnVl
ks that Is published In tha world.
tha books In Spaldlnga Library
ted br erentlemen of oromlnenca
Lthorlty throughout tha athletio
and tha new books that have lust
sued ara without doubt tha beat
r kind published. -
book la complete in Itself: and
sports which. arav governed by
1 associations alwaya dealgnata
iga Athletio Library aa tha offU
iblieatlorr: This glrea to each
he offlalaf authority to contain
i. - sack year tha books ra
t up T to , data, with tha lataat
itw Ideaa. new pictures, and ral
information, thua , piaklng : tha
tha moat - valuable of Ita kind
world. Tha price. 19a per copy,
them In tha reach of all.- and
brary cannot be complete unlesa
numbers ara found therein. '
ATENT yarnp
l-strat) bowsliD'
era with French ;
teels, regular $2.00
'leather l-strap
30 w slippers, con-
ave leather fieeis,
urn soles, regular
pecial .4
Taw are priced low 1
to more them nlon I .
. . ,
7TTT.T 'AT.7
' " M M ; If it
"'a, II 1 ' "' ' 7- -
Work Commenced on Structure
'.' at Grand Avanu and Burn-'
v. v: " " id Street. 4 ' .
Many Rumors 'That Rallwsy Cora
Vpgay Is Bonding Right-of-Way Into
' West Side and' Securing Terminal
Grounds Along the River, ' ;
Work waa betun'thls morning on a
three-story brick, with 0x feet of
ground space, at the aoutheast corner-
of Grand avenue, and Burnsme street.
Tha property la owned' by Daniel Kern,
while tha contract has baan taken by
J..M. Wallace. - - v ......
Thera will ba a full basement ana tna
Drat floor will be for atorerooma. Tha
second story will be devoted to office
uaea. while tha third will be ror rooms.
Finishing will ba neat and in Keeping
with the uses to which tha buildings la
to ba devoted. Tha coat will ba about
110.000. ,
Central east alda districts ara drawing
mora business. Tha big Burkhard block,
oovarlng 100x10 feet on Burnalde
street, between Grand and L'nlon sve-
nues, waa tha pioneer enterprise in tnis
Vicinity, but slnca ita conetruction Sev
eral other buildings have been ersotea
and tha growth of ; thla district as a
business canter continues. .
aeyorte Tat Opttaaa Are Salat Taken
aa Varmlaal bsaA Vortk of spot.
Rumors that' tha Northarn Paolllc
RaUwav comoany ia : buying ground
along : tha .waterfront to tha north -ofi
tha present terminal property nave oeen
mora persistent of-, lata than usual.
Many peraona believe that the eipecieo
is happening and that the-company la
getting an , independent footing on the
waat side to connect with tha proposed
route through University Park to Mock
bottom - and thence - acroaa tha ' river
about, Bwan island or ..slightly above
there. It la atatad by some wha ara
In position to know that tba Island has
been bonded and that; ground on -the
west alda connecting thla route with tha
Northern Pacific Terminal company
Drooertv: Is being- secured by ,,men
authorised to-act for tha Northern Pa-
Nothina definite la made publlo by
any one authorised to. apeak. .Judge U.
H. Carey, who la attorney lor tne com
pany here, was asked thla morning If he
would either affirm or deny tha reports.
Ha answered that ha would aay nothing
on tha subject Othera believed to ba In
position to know what wss being done
by the Northarn Paclflo were, equally
reticent. Buck an attitude on tha past of
those working for tho company would
ba expected as. a matter, of course until
at least .all tba property required had
been ascured.. - . . " .
One of. tha .moat persistent rumors
afloat la that J. Couch Flandera and
Ellis G. Husjhee have been oondlng con
slderable areas along tha route where
tba. Nortbenf-Facine la believed to con.
mnLata enterlna-the west side. Mr.
Huahaa la known to have bonded land
tn thla district and waa doing ao before
tha present exolteroent. Ha haa stated
repeatedly that ba did not act for tha
Northern Paclllo and when Interviewed
ssld ha had baan buying no land there.
Mr. Flanders said ha. bad been buying
neither for himself nor othera In that
district..:. V,v.- ... -
Public expectation haa been Intensely
eager over tha plana , of the Northern
Paclflo. Jts operations along tho Colum
bia have convinced local people that
Portland will be made a great terminal
point. Positive Information haa been
given of the approach .from across tha
Columbia and property-owners ara ex
pecting to hear that the route to tha
heart of tha west side nas naen aecurea
In tha struggle between publicity on
tha part of tha people and secrecy on
tha part of tha railway many rumora
wilt ba given birth until authoritative
announcement is made.- .
Tkree Baamttfnl Bones WOl Ba Brooked
- U Bear Batare la' WillaanaMe.
Plana : and apeciflcatlona are, , beln j
prepared by Emit Srhacht for thresTea
Idencea, on which work will commence
m soon aa arrangementa ara compictaa.
HThe first Is for T. R. Goodman, and la
to ba located at Willamette Heights, on
Thuman street. Mrs. Rd wards will also
build on Willamette Helchta. and Mrs.
Lovelace In the aama district.- All throe
homes are to be excellent residences, but
detalla ara not yet made public Within
four or five daya blda will ba Invited.
Oottagea aad Baaldeaeea la Large Bas
kets Aatkoriaad ky City Offiolala. I
Work la to commence Immediately on
tha following new buildings In thla city.
ppllcatlons having been made for par
mlta: - . . , ' - ' . .
C N. Dant. frame dwelling. Monroe
street between .Williams and Rodney
avenues, to cost 12,000. . ' .
Mrs. X Lilly, dwelling. Morrow street
near Williams avenue, to coat fS.OM.
George W. McConnell, dwelling. Bell-
wood, on Ltnn atreot between Kaat Six
teenth and Eaat Seventeenth atreeta, to
cost is,eee.' ;. r-'.c '
W. 8. Lilly, dwelling. Sunnyalde. on
Esst Thirtieth street between East Mor
rfsow and"East Alder, to coat l0.
8. R. ITirr. dveiring.'ln Hansen's Beo-
and additions on Eaat Twenty-eighth
street, near tha dorner of East Alder, to
cost ll.too. v v i .t
C. 8. Bell, dwelling. North rup atreet
between Seventeenth' and ' Eighteenth
atreeta, to cost 11.700.
J. A. Watkins waa granted permission
to build a cottage on San Rafael street
between Grand avenua and Eaat' Six
teenth atreet. at a cost of II, BOO.
. T. SV McDanlel will erect a Mttave
on East Stark between Bast Nineteenth
and Eaat Twentieth, to coat ttOOO. -
Tha Oregon Water Power Railway
rompanjr will build a aubatatlon on East
Thirteenth atreet and Multnomah ave
nue, which will cost 14.000, and a cot
tage at tha aama point to coat 12.040.
D. C. Vincent will build a cottage en
East Twelfth between. Thompeon an J
Tillamook- atreeta, to coat lt,SI0. -:
H. E. vVlte will erect a dwelling on
Borthwfck near Falling atreet, which
will cost 12,000. '
J. B. Olmstaad haa bean granted par.
mission . to erect a eottajre on.Pattoa
road which will coat 11.700. . ... I
McHolland Bros, have- taken out a
permit to build a cottage on Couch stre-t
bMw!i Twentietn ana jwenty-rirnt
on' Couch airaet between Twentieth and
Twenty-first streets, costing 12.000.
Tha following repair permits have
been granted by tha city engineer: . .
td Braith. 241 North Fifteenth street,
dwelling. 160. '. ' t
I John Daley, 140 East Morrison street,
100. . . . .
. J. P. Wilson, ' Borthwlck atreet near
Beach. 74 ' . , . .
C. G..Ochwh dwelling. Alblna avenue
between Skldmore and Padfiol I $00.
Dr. Henry Jones, store, 208 First
street. 1,50. ' -
Eaberg, Gunst k. Co., store, 2SS Mor
rison street, 1200. j
George Cully, shed; Union avenua be
tween Easl Pine and Eaat Oak atreeta,
:00.-"-V . . -
- Bsileiaf armtta. ; . 7 ' '; . -Bmlth-r-August
20, Smith estate, re
ps Irs to dwelling, H North Fifteenth
streetv cost. 150.,. v
Daley August 21, John Daley, re
pairs to store, 100 Esst Itforrlson street;
coat. 1200. ' t - t
- WUson-August 10,- J.-Wllaon.- re
Pairs to dwelling. Borthwlck. between
Beach and Cook atreeta; cost, $75.
' Ochwlo August J. C. G. Ochwio, ra
palra to dwelling, Alblna avenue, be
tween 8k Id more and Prescott atreeta;
cost, $100. .
- Daub August 2. C. N. D'asb, cot
taga, Monroe street, between Williams
and Rodney avenues; cost, $2,000.
Lilly August 2i. Mrs. J. Lilly,- cot
Uge, Morris street, near Williams ave
nue; coat, $2,000.- - ' r " .
McConnell August 2, O. Wr McCon
nell. cottage, Linn, between East Six
teenth . and East Seventeenth afreets;
cost, 1200. --. v-- ..! v. v.
'Jones August 2. Dr. Henry Jones',
repairs to store, 205-207 First street;
cost. ll.BOO. . ' i
Esberg-Gunst Co. August M, Esberg
Gunst Co.. repairs to store, 251 Morri
son strert; cost. $200.
Llbby August 2t. W. L. Llbby, cot
tage. East Thirteenth, between East
Morrison .and Esst Alder. rftreetsV cost,
Hay-sAuguat II. S. R. Hay cottage.
East Twenty-eighth and East Alder
streets; .cost. $1,100. . . . : ...
. Cully August 23'Oeorie Cutlsrra-
pslrs to house. Union avenua. near Eaat
rina street; cost. zoo. -;
Bell August 'II, C. B. Belt residence.
Northrop, between Eighteenth and Nine
teenth streets; cost $1,700. .
- Ure you going eAst?
-A- e-. . tw.. eBBaaaaaasBBsMssi-
XT atoT&aara Akami the Tary Cow O. B-
b . Batae,. 'ii'..
Septembar T. f and 10. the O. R.
N. placts on sale very low " rata long-
uaaa-tickets) aaat. account I. CvO.'F.
grand lodge meeting. Philadelphia, Pa.
Particulars by aaklng at city ticket of
fice. Third and Washington streets,
Portland. " . . ..f- V :
Low Excursion Rates to th East.
vOn ' sale '. September ' i. I. ; . iO.
la, "and 17. the Rock Island rail
way will -aall roand trio -'tick- pastern points at greatly reduced
rates. For. full partloulara call on or
address A. H. McDonald, general agent.
lw JDiro uaoi, Jroruano. uragon.
. i.i j s
Round Trip Daily to Astoria.'.
Excursion -at earner Telegraph ' makes
round trlpa daily (exoept Friday). De
parts from Alder atreet dock 7:10 a. m.
From Astoria 1 p. m. Arriving Portland
1:10 p.. ms-- Sundaya: leavea Portland
I a. m. Artivea Portland n.' m.
: BrafetTed Stock Canned Oooda.
Allen at Lewis' Beat Braod. . .
r( mgk pi
' - .- . "- '. -;r;V f VJ.---.. -
" ' i i r i ' i " " "i ' '" ' " i
Aides' end Ln
- dics'Cravcnsttcr:
Our entire Jot of Misses1 Tailored Suits and Coats have now ar--rived
and presents a most unique-array of new creations for fall and
vynnter,, The are entirely different from anything seen elsewhere.' V
t ''i -('... ''. ' " ""j r" -. ;: - . : - . -
i ' Included are all the. novelties of the Famous Buster Brown and Peter
ThompsortThe'SaUW'are-oierw-atmctive; nrolor4nge-bluee,- browns j
and fancy mixtures finished in most artistic style. Prices moderate-.
SUITS AT. . .' . i ...... . ..'i?. ,..'. .-. f lO.OO 18.00 and f 15.00 I
- '-' The Coats come in two styles the long-belted, double-breasted and
t .. ...... - t . i
shorter full-back douhtaBfeasted. A wide range of colors prevail
Halues, browna and pretty gray jnixturea. ' --r'. J':"" ';"':)'' ''.
COATS...... ivtiMtllt4t'i a a e a a a
.,...flO.OO and fltt.OO
Greatest Clothing House in thc.Korthwest.
" V (Spsdai Oispstek ra. The Josrast)
' Eugene,! Or.,-Aug., 10.' Marr,- Welat
baa aued" Frank Welst In the Lana coun
try circuit court for divorce and alimony
during the pendency of -the aulL- . Cruel
and Inhuman treatment ' ia ' alleged as
grounds of. tha legal- separation. They
were married ;ln--Lane county 'i October
II,- 1101. . -.i;;"-.' --'.' ' ;
' Harry A. -Whltemsn .sues SMaryK.
Whlteman for, divorce-on tha. ground of
desertion.. They were -married at Suaan
vllle, California,. February. 17,-1192, and
have ono minor, child. . Claud, aged Al
years. : . '.--,.-. y - , .
, '., Boatoffloa IMaiahad. -.
. 'tfooraal Special SerHca.1 -j ..'.','
Ban Francisco, Aug. 10. The . new
postofflce building; at Mission and Sef
enth streets waa formally opened yes
terday. Mayor Bchmlta and federal and
city officials participating In, the exer
cises. Tha pestofflce has been in course
of construction for eight years.
Steamer Telegraph for Astoria.
' Round trip daily (exoept. Friday).
Leaves Alder street dock-7:10 a. m. Re
turning leaves Astoria lp.nk Arriving
Portland l:S0 p. m. Sundays leaves Port
land la. m..- Arrives Portland S p. m.
Vancouver TranspdrtationtCp.
..OSLaSCSLO' LoclkaS :
Makes the round trip dyexc'Survdayneaving Taylor' Street, Dock at
'" r ' ':.V " 8:30 a. nx, returning arrives 6 p.m. . : i ,
. -' ' -.,--...,, - .' V . . ... '"-.
, '. . ' .''.'' .. v . 4 -J
Thousands how cook with OAS for its
. . i. convenience, cleanliness and comfort
,1- ; , . Other thousands for its Efficiency, and
ALL Deoole shoulcf cook with OAS for
-'v.-..- -; aa
'"'Ci;1 ; yV'Sr i;"i '-THE COST-:and FACTS wUl prove
,1 1 T .1- f . 7
you conclusively that OAS is pre
eminently and -WITHOUiquestion 7
the cheapest and best fuel. ', i v
-- saaea '
for it within thirtydays we niake you. a discount of ten per cent Where a fuel stub is already in the kitchen, and no ppe is
;Tf'-'' : .; '- .. r!''-'-' '--necessary a discount of twenty per cent, is made.'".-' ; : '.' ''. : '
SF ar-
' i ii
' a- J . V J I
r -
V -
f '".ln 11,10(1. ..
tan will ereca a dwelling
4v"v 'V V. V V V V v V 'v' V. v V. 'v- v-