The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 30, 1905, Page 16, Image 16

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111 UU....LJ
Council investigate
' na, cf Organizing : Dpart-
mtnt for 'Handling Garbage
Hayor Lana Caught ' Fish, fat East
r Clie Sloa;h and WUl CiTf Hfc.P
" sonal Attention to Draining It in
. JI ear Future.
Resolutions recommerfdlng that . the
at? council take Immediate teps to
ward passing an ordinance to fore the
renters to uses watertight garbage
TOM and to Investigate the propose
a of a separate city department to
k-1o the city's garbage were- adopted
r tha city board of health laat night.
Thl soma better method for eollec-
n and consumption of the city's refuse
-mid be found Immediately was de
A br the board, aa complaint have
n numerous of the collection of
rbaae In the daytime. '
CUr Health Officer Mataon ateted that
he crematory was taxea jo its capac
tr. and could not consume, all the ref
uee brought to-1C 4 He aaM the crema
tory waa the foulest place In the- city
of Portland. ' , '., 1 . "
"I wish to aay that-1 waa at the cre
matory today a Ad waa Informed br the
' foreman that "Superintendent Roblneon
rad been to the crematory but two hours
la a week, and he desiredt Jcfcoe what
t-ad become; of the aupertnxenaent. eaia
Dr. Mataon. I have been Jtol .that be
i -ends most Of his 'time In the vicinity
t,t -ifth and Stark streets." :
Tou had better check him tip.? ena
cted the mayor. ' j .
The mayor stated" that the civil, serv-
5 -e commission had complained. to mm
t ' at City physician Zan had been un-
. le to attend to the examination er ap-
t ants for position in the. dry am
ploy, . and asked . the members of the
board to see the doctor and try to, get
him te attend to the work.
Scavengers will be directed to dump
ashes, cans and all other garbage that
will not decay under the elevated road
way on Bast Morrison street, i
' The health board will take the matter
of the drainage of the Bast Oak street
slough Into Iteewn hands, and will
proceed Immediately with the work. Dr.
Mataon. was empowered to employ three
men to drain the slough, in ,
t 'I know this old slough better than
any of you,", said the mayor. ."Forty
years ago I leernea o ira ....
rowed a boat and .caught trout in It
when I waa a boy. In the fall the water
drained, out, leaving a. Channel ( feet
wide and a teet aeop. witn ui - mw
a... ak aMi it waa 1witi a
slough. ' In the mod flats: we used to
tick poles feet without touching bot
tom, . s v.-? -.
nww'j...1 Vu. ilkfninAil VhV the
a K. eVN. Co. and the Ot W. P. Co. Alls
because the drains tinder the fills have
not been placed deep enough, with the
result that a great body of watex has
backed up in tnis aiougu. ',.... -?
- "On August; 11 X saw thla slough and
llt tha ttantlnn fif dtV EnClnOer
Wanser to It, but he did not make any
attempt to drain it , invesugaw.
this morning and the men 'Wanser has
employed are doing no good. They
have dropped the water 10 Inches, but
It should be lowed two feet, and this
board should do the work. We have
sufficient funds. Wanser has suggested
putting in a box flume to arajn pa, tne
water, but I recommend tiling.
vv.. A iimiit water In this
slough, for the reason that aoo.eOO gal
lons of pure, com spring wir
the, asylum springs passes through it
every dayt but It should drained.
nevertheless." ;
Ths Albers mill wUl be notifled to
stop dumping 'chaff from the mill Into
the outlet of thorough, and the Oregon
laundry will be orderedto.make sewr:
connections. " , t
. tMlimnlai
On , September ift, J 17. the Great
Northern railway . will sell excur
sion" tickets to Chicago and return
. r a . t mi I m ani Mtnrn. SST KS
pt Paul, Minneapolis and Duluth.and
return, sow.
..1 , v.. . MlTMiiin limit aa
Igaare ivri - - -
-days,' good going via Great . Northera
railway, returning m-i , i
roite, stopovers allowed going and re
turning. For tickets and additional In
formation call or address Hr Dickson,
C P. and T. JL. Great Northern By
If Third street. Portland,
; a"
Hz Utiited States Nationai Bank
I - ' v r
aasisiejsL . ' f '' h ,'fiH l ItWlEaC
. foans and TMunta....$l.l1.0.1.71 WUi,; i-i.'V
UTS. Bonds to secure ........ Surplus and Undivided .-I,,.:,,
Circulation . .- I.00.0 Proflts . liS'SSH!
tt a .n other Bondas - r- Circulation.,.-....,,... P-JSY'SI
'aid FmlumV.TTr..,-, . P7""d ,.
FcahEatate . . ' . , iH,8J.7 Deposits.. ............ 4,IIM.B
Omee Furnlturoand Flx-i ; . 4 .
Bank Building ......... . U50f.M , ' , '.
Cash and Due from ' -y :. ,n
v. Banks... l.MMld-11 . . . : '
t5.ui.ut.ei .. '.'M'M'Vi
. ' T Attest: Correct, . C-. AINSWORTH. ; PresrdenV; I
. :. ' . . .v, ... ' ' t j
lilt ECuOES
Japaneto Day at Fair Tomorrow
; to Taka Fo pf Poaca -
V . Jublloa T
jreta, pn. Guild's taka ; Will -fnchida
. I Procession " of . Oally Dacorattd1
, BoaU, pattla of Roses .and a Fine
Display of Fireworks. v .,
' -7
Immediately upon receiving news, of
the successful termination of the peaoe.
conference the committee having in
charge the arrangementa for Japan day
at the exposition tomorrow announced
that the : celebration would take the
form of a great peaoe Jubilee. At 1
o'clock there will be special ceremonies
in the Auditorium, and at o'clock -In
the evening there will be a water carni
val on Oulld'a lake that promises to be
among the most elaborate events of its
kind since the opening or tne zair. t
The following schedule will give some
Idea of the night festival, which . has
been designated . "The Feast Of Lan
terns": - !
. ,: -man e fso Boa. ,
f I p. m.-'Dccorated boats leave the
llghthouee at , river entrance , la double
column, '. '
I to ' :ll tsv-lJnea of boats In
sarnentlna course pass fort of fire and
grand pagoda, returning to ' starting
point. Gondolas with- bands of Hawaii
an,, uypay, venauan - ana -i-yroiesii
singers serenade boats.
.--a.". ;-'. ajf a seTeas.:'
:I n. nv IUumlnated launches and
boats, acting as a convoy, escort floats
liV-ttie- grand" water parade,- ;the, grand
naroda" bain m' the reviewing ' stand.
Emblematic floats as foBOws: Japanese
battleship with guns' ready, for action;
pesos float,., white doves -of peace,' Rus
sia and. Japan shaking hands, Columbia
as peacemaker: throne or the miaaao.
American and Japanese army , and navy
represented; the flower or Japan, a
chrysanthemum 11 feet In diameter,
with -Japanese, child In center, eaored
blue doaa of Japan on guard: rioat or
longevity, with storks and turtles; an
cient Japanese houseboat; Japanese tea
garden - and Geiaha girls; Japanese
dragon 40 feet long with god of war In
background. , ... " .- ;
l:it p. m. Boats and. floats saluted
kv fnri f fire. ' " T " : . i.
L :1 1 p. m. -Battle of roses In front of
grand, pagoda, participated w oy -occupants
of 0 boats. t.
p. m. Procession of boats and
floats returning to lighthouse.
y... ", -.-v- Srsiid Ollxeas. : '' ''".'
M6 p. m. -Parade of " Illuminated
boats In front of fort of firs; volcano
of colored lire from fort; massed bands
on Government Island, w with " anvil
chorus and cannon for baaa; . magnifi
cent display of fireworks. Including
showers -of fire.-' bouquets, rickets.
bombs, illumination of lake and grand
finals from fort of fire. , -- v
' Fref erred wssok
Allan Lewis" Best Brand.
';.v;'. .I'.. "' ' " '.' 'i " (
Keep Wlraa Hot Urging President
- to Civa Him Bellinger
Senator Fulton Is Said to Feel Very
Confident That Hia Candidate Will
Get the Appointment to the Federal
Bcnctw '
A flood of telegrams la pouring In
on President Roosevelt from attorneys
of-Oragon. urging -the .appointment .of
Judge Thomas :A. McBrlde as United
States district judge. , WlUiIn the past
few days Judge McBrlde's friends liave
been making an active campaign to. se
cure Indorsements Of bis candidacy from
membera of the bar in this 'city and. in
other parts of.ths state, i . , t i
41 IS SaiO IIUH WW iwyw,,.
McBrlde's Judlotal district'-are almost
unanimous la urging his , appointment.
The canvass - for. Indorsements In this
city has also met with a law response;
His friends havefound that many of fth4
attorneys of 1 Portland' had previously
gtvea-their Indorsement to Mother ( can;
dldates. but even In such' cases they
have usually been willing to telegraph
the president' commending his 'as well
qualified for the federal bench. Other
attorneys who had not previously In
dorse anv candidate have seat tele
grams urging bis as their first choice
for the of flea Tne signatures or near
ly 100 lawyers of thla' city have been
cured to telegrams sent in Judge Mo-
Bride's behalf. -'-; v ' '-..'
No' hint as to the president's inten
tions "has been received., tout It Is 'be
lieved that 'Senator' Fulton Is confident
of the appointment of Judge 'McBrlde.
The culmination of the negotiations for
peace , between Russia and Japan will
leave the president free to take up other
matters, and one on tne nrst to engage
his attention will probably be the filling
of the vacancy- tm the federal bench' In
thla state. -
.Fo Advertislao' Farpossa. ..
When- it comes oto progressive adver
tfsing. the furniture . Bnn of X Ocrurts
A Boa Is up to date to the moment. 'They
made use of today's eclipse of the sun
to call attention to their "Eclipse" steel
range, through the medium of a new
electric sign that-Is something of a
marvel in Its way. The crowds ' are
kept guessing bow It Is operated. "What
makes the cloudsT" Gased at intently
for a minute, after dark, an optical pus
tie Is presented; the complete, perfectly
rounded, glowing sua appear Instead
of the crescent shape actually painted.
1 had a running. Itching sore on my
leg.' Suffered tortures. Conn's Oint
ment took away the burning and itching
Instantly and quickly effected permanent
cure." ,i w. juennan, stowung usaan,
Ohio, '
4 j
"71 ' -IT"
V? ' 1
h I 0 I
.eLi a-J -
; .
' ' ' ".'
... f ' 1 ' -,:; v-'?- '
: We have the suit for you in our Fall ctcc!:.
There's not.the sUghtesi doubt but that
we can pledse you,
you tire dbout fabric or. ntyiCt-- y- r
hard-to-fit. We guarantee ,to do it
v The colorin are :new' .
The ffarrnentsj.are;aUifashioned after
models bv New York custom tailcro, and our ' .
salesmen wmP V
few suits in town, for $15 that are any way .
near as good as
mm m m
Third' andalSts
' 1
-Reserved Seats on Sale
. .' .':. at.,''' "
r?: SMtercs Brafl Store
151 Third Street, and at the 0. W.
P. C& RyaXos Ticket Office, First
.-'.v and Alder Streets., "
General Adassica, fccteang Seal.' 59 Cents
Reserved Sects $1 ; Private Dox Seats $1.50
... j. . .i . . -" .... .
in T i i '
...... , . , . i- . : ' - .. -k"l ' '. '".' ..v ... I. :!'. '
Admission toTHE OAKS'UO cents,'
- Children 5 cents, r
p u I i
V ..rr.'
The O. W. P. Ry.
at 8:45 P. M. fiPositively no rformarice givehyin the afternoon. .Safe and t
cornfbrtable'acxommckl already the talk
of the town. And this . '
Thb performance concludes in time
to enjoy the hundreds of amusements
OregoriiariaIn its' initio
Telegram "Surpasses anything the people of this city have yet seen." '
Journal 'You haVe heard the sh . . .
: . Big sensational specialties, to Italian
- - - Band at every performance. ; ; ; . -
i' 4.