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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1905)
4 , 1 Till? OREGON DAILY J jQURMAU- PORTLAND. WEDHECDAY EVENING August cv i::3. rm a 101 THI-Y- BRING THE BEST CLASS OF ROOM ERS TO YOU! RENT YOUR ROOMS! Mciu i.u lviiixa . r -y, I r : ...... -; . - ,- .. - JOURNAL WANT ADS i; I v . . - : r- : -4 ; Iat reed at the J L traaporlstleB lrnnfh, TB " -.u For as S. W at li . - 1 ITl- II U M BUM, S i ecatst 4 PafOa, - ' i viee,.............".rT ; FOBEJOB ABTIBTIEIB- "f1!?! B2l2 lirkTlrluuae Bail Cblcsfe. v ivMcximo tx "-"'ri' The Dkllr Journal. v.lta Sunday, 1 n"''I!5 Th Pill Journal t wr.. ...... ' D.oy Journal, with Suedar. shaathe. til 4 tour Journal. ......";" ,u 14 1-..". per week. eliw4. ""f. M copted. ......., Ami kp " Dally JournaL Dally Journal, Lie r Jours e pa. f iounii i-a- f journal, who annuar, - j l.i.y Journal. montto.. "5 lal.y Journal, with Sunday. I anonth.. -JJ Iuy JournaL I BOBt . ltuy ..Journal J year j. Wkui JnraU tsonth. " The Semi-Woekiy It- r-asa.wekly JwirMl, I n a km, luustrsieoa " a. u :i.tewi . KptM orders snd aumil enKmntj ar .rftabM I I aaa aweui r- v- . ' ,:. XBB iuauiw P. O Bog Itl, roltUn. Owr inouuir ' tbx lomxu.- iut s towft ti. .VEft, COL0.-J. BUck. VxtMatk tt trts. J . - , L i a POU ft MT J. T'Ku(k. to io-tk v HA MllUr4 Ratal '! oil L-ai f I'PV 'r...M flntal MM StlM! ,ito Bm. 41 Wl rU I .. LOCIB PM"P ! M1 . K. T. Jtt, 0O OH trt. . .j FIUNCISCO W. K. Anting. Hojjl ltk Bro .10 att- rMt , kraarta krli farter Oiw. . rfrr i ' H. Wktlf7. aMMkto m C TTLK Rjlnlr Grand Kawa Ua4: ,W. I na Hotal fwttl Mawn ataad. -tiuKAME. WAIIHIJiGTON Jk W.'raial TACQMA. TASrTIN0T0!-Oral Kaw CobV Pti Hotal Tacoma Kawa atand. . TICiOBIA.- BIUTISir COLUMBIA Tlctortt fiaak A Itattour.r eaopany. ' - W1ATXZB MJOOKt. tr Llfht ahrturopa h'T acrnrrM la an1wtrrra Orrgoa and . woatarn Waahli:toa, aad Haht rain, la alaa raportad In . ortharn Naw Mai Ito. ar,t-r Colorado aatar Nakraaka, aantrrn Booth Dakota, taatharn VlnnaaiHa ( alone tba want fulf aat, lk tha kmar laka TrfUm. frmten raaaajlTanik kd Ika Watrlct of Columbia. - It la waraar Thta moralny liartfMark On on. aaatarn Waahlartoa. waatara Idaho and faatarn Montana, and cooler la tka UakoUa ,amt Mlnnaaota. - . -- , J ' s " " -n. aM for fala ana ararnMr arrathar Tn -Ihla dlatrtrt Tknrada.' It will fca molar tonlcbt In aaatera Oraaon. aaatara Waak; . lBtm ana laano. ABBIAOX XJOXaTfXB. Joon rv O Hara, tS, aad Klaaaor B. Car. Tclark $amnaai ot. faloa, JS,. and Marta H i m. -9A - r i iiwtaMi a ' anJt"Mnn 'Barton. In, H. Rooada of Botoa, , Idabor and M. Joaaph T.afa'C'Sr" ajtd frada Hlolllna. n.-l- larar araajtianov at. mwn v.. -. orw' apoaaaa, T.-aud Bartht B. lonnf, JM. -. , ava r.Mia- W n. milk' At Co.. Waak fntna bids., evr. mrtk aad Wahrnfra Ma. BtBTaTJ. V i BAIT-R Aauat M. ra Mr. and Mra. A.' J, uHU 1 tut Pnrli atraar;: ma. ! TiK HORN Aoauat 37, to Mr. and Mm. Wal- lr J. Van Hora el Plttabarf. I'i.i. a nan Rllcrcr.E Anrat ML to vJr. aad Mra. Jaeob m Mallnrr atraat: a dancktarr MI RI iiV Aacnat M. to Mr. aad Mra, Tkaau Mnrpbr. aTrat atreer; a aon. . BKAL Ancoat t, Mr. and Mra. Frad A Naal. Irrliur atreat; a awn. IMBAnia-Aarat la, n Mr., and- Mra. B . M. Lombard auO Haaoock atraat; a duh tar. , -- . ' -- - OOVTAOIOIT. SXItAUS. , BLAKB Anauat W. William Blaka, 410 Nortk Twanta-fonrtk BlraatJ dlphtharla.' WIIjoi.n Aoa-aat . Ktaal Wllaon. ,TM Haa '8XATHB, TAU.r.R Aucnat 3S. Paal rallar, agml J iMtE at Honlk Pralrla, Waablnaton: raaaa, . Itaart falhira. , Burla! at KlaerTlew oaaM- Bl NlJ Aat M. Ban Mar, arad (A) raara, . n, an atraat i caaao.. Brlsbt'a dawaaa, . , Kuiial at Uona I'lr aatnatnrr. tYUNH Ana-nat SAV Jana LroM. a rod yaara. ' at Portnmontb atanon; eaaaa, ajwxuimj, nrtal at Bnaaaa. Orafoa. POERR Aaiuat as. Karl K. Doarr. aaad I .... nontna, V Tint airaat; aaoaa. (aatro aa M-4t HMUt-ir Ijm Via aaamatarv. ' CBAW Aagaat M, Genre A. Craw, 'aaad ' raara. at tiotai raniiMi canaa. wmmnm Mailt. Burial at Bltanlaw raeaatarr. tKTERaOH Anna It. Uanrf Pataraoa. arad 21 raara, at a lata Bnont kin; eaaaa. boroad In flra (accidental).' Burial at Lona rir eaaaa- . tarr. ' MOKRIt.L Annat M, Albert MorrM, arad II nmniha, at Hi. Tkwant'a biaqiltal; eanaa, n terltla. Barlal at lone Fir eeoMtorr. BATFIKI.D Annat i HnwtU K. KatflaM. ad raara. at (land aamnrtta baaplul; ' f-aoae. alrar of atomark. Craaiatorlnm. WUXARD Anenat IT, Anna M. WHIard, acad . 25 raara, at One. Air aanltnrtam; eaaaa, nvptraHh Barlal at Oquille, Oreaoa. UMITIJ Aarnal 27. Ira p. Hmltk. arad U raara. Tttft Klrlif. atraat; auaaa. lataatlnal neotirllla. Bmlal at Dariaa, Oraaon. BAI.VRA Ancnat . Anna M. Ralrea." naad 11 raara. at Oracoa Cttr: eaaaa, paaaatanla. Burial at txna Plr eamatary BAUI.I Ananat 34. Mabal Raaa Bar i la. arad I rear. 4 II Baeramaata atraat; eanaa, fatty aVaanaratloa kaart. , Barlal at Blearrlaw I'aanatarf .' - ' V VAKul.HV Aaanat . Lanora Intlar, arwf OA raara. at) OarfleM atraat: eaaaa, ranker cf atontali. Pnrlal at lane P(r eamataar. CTVXB tilt CZaUTXXT. la eraaes 10. Faartrf tat ITS t 81. o. ,. Ta onlf eamatary la Portland which awt r aaaialalna aad ear for let. Pet f 1 a,.anoa a "ply to W. B. Marfcenal, oroeeaer bior. if. W. M. La 44. arealaaat. The Edward Bolmaa ' Cadertaklat ewaapaar. funeral 4 'rector aad aanhalSMra. 330 Third etreet. l-aawa kOT. . I. P. Flamy A Pn. fanaral director I and etaaeimera. eoraer Wrd and Madlaoa atraat. tllar at enaatr oomair. lelephoa Mala . Faaeral arreatha and it Sower a epeeialtr at Beat .City t , . Twenty Kaat Morrteoo: 1 tFTTS. , I xnMI.B Aa(nat 3". ! K. Eedalle. repair t -tte-. ClInhHi bctwee Faat Twentr-eecoad , -t taat Twewte-thlrd a--et) oral. weou. v "I -J;s Annual it. J. H. Iioldea, aroenlMaie, -mrtk beiweea Jct.ereon aad Columbia treat; 4ia. nFKIA-Aea-iMt re. J. X Kadderty. re rir ta rhraa-atwr lr k emre, I nloa aeentaa Ueliy JWHI, W1IB - 1 ao Dally Journal. nootne.......jv;'' J e tXllr Journal, with tawlu, 1 "'", -W flly. W imt MTmi Snaes - MAIL. ! - MM I. Wit snow, i T '" Oak aad PI-- r-eta; coat, l.. Kr., 1. V taroat far-, -a. V. nWley. toalehed. """-r Firat aid--4o- oirry atrorta; caet, AIMANr! TBIBT CO Anauat 3. Alllsae Tne -awtaaar, reperre ainee. CnhHi are- wee hew ret flak a a eat Stark t recta; - fv K.. a tdu-tatan It. r 1- WoadwarA, rw- a driii.,g. (jr. arcane ad Beat a . ., aal, l,t., " 4..M...V...nV.M'MiViV stments ... . . . ..... , . ; t A Traat ' eomnaar ' kaa ' fat-Ill Haa for datar- nlaloa tka ralua of jaarketabl aarnrltlaa that ant not alwaja at tka dtapaaal of la dirldoal. .. - Oar aatrona bar tka bonef It of oar tdrloa and aaalatanra la naklnf Inarataianta. alrea arltnout prrjudlra, wr oalr obj'ct balkf t obllm oar cllania. . v- ' ; r Wa par lataraat oa aaaing aeeoaal -and Ubm .depoalta, . , . v., t, ; . PORTLAND TRUST CC"PANI OF CREGON . Resources Over $ii 000,000 ' IOC Third Street. ' Pboa Mala 46. BESJ. I.. roHKK..,., H. L. PlTTfM'K .. ,..w.i...Praaloant ......TkaPrealdaat Baerararr . Aaalataat-aoeratarr B. I-KE PAUKT. i. O. G01.TR A ...... . BXAi xstatx nuursrus. ' B. M. Moora and wife to M i. Flak- bom,. lota U.. 14, bx4 , fcaat - port- land Holfbta :....... Wa . Mtaaford to H. C. Kanaadr, lot 5; . aoatk 80 taat lot t, block ,103, Caratk- , A ora' add , '. T. tKearna at al. to W. fcarna, . ! lota 10. It. block a.' Btaatart'a park... .. . I A. W. Lambert and wlta to 1, A. Scar, lot 1, Haaelwood :f v a . I n r UAfWiataul. - lot U Haaalirood .1.400 V. Cook J J. W. Cook, .lota .. T, block 24. dtr . t. W. Cook at al. to T. Cook, lota 't, S , . and nortk H lot T,. awca ai, eiir . ., Tka Title Gaarante A Trnat companf ; . a al Uiu, ana V hlna 1. Nortk lrrtntTUb : ,. dJS B. Morlta and wlfa to U Blraa. aama . 10 i. M. Dane to J. R. Pearl, lot 10, block 8.' Dolaa'a add ....... .v.....rv- 3,860 Portland Lone Ktr Ceawtarr companr to J. W. rUrtctt. roatk . , . lot, W,. .! , block SS, eamatarr ................. JVI M. U. Holbraok at al to 0. Blnbarka at . V, at in.. ii ta 1.1 itiAf-k a at.-Johaai Park add ta Bt. Johna . TM Lwi p 1 1 tta.i.H a Truat raainanr to M. A. Ounal. lota 8. 4. blork 3M, rltr PO.OOfl . IUbcrab.pi to. C. ' B. ounuw. Jota . 18. 187 block J. I. Irrlna Klrat adtf-J.O00 C, K. Ulaaa to w. W. . Bcioar. bioci a, ' Sunaralda add 1 at. R laaan at al. to D. T. Wllllama ' . at al., lot 4, block 41. Coacb'a add... 18,000 U. W. Andrawi-and wira to J. M. t .,. I . n.lM -ai'ttl' araa aatWMiaw IB. SM). -. Mwnabro 1 nortk. ranae 8 aaat...... L WO Victor Land bnipytb J: B: Bloaa, lota ,. '11. U. block 17. Klaaal park .380 Uacohl Baal Batata A Inreetaaeat eonv -, panr to u, U. tiaotaMaa. KM iB, Diorl la. Llnrolh Dark . . Jp)0 H. O. Kleber at al. to H. ,Ba, aupdry . i. Mabalht park.. ..,. - . I . a Hart at al.1 to B. M. BteTana... . ,. treat vw reat lot a. bmcb u, tidot Rrlabta 400 A. Bukoarakr and wife to C.-B. Dant, 'r-' lot it. block la. wiiuaaw ato. aoa.. iuv 0. Bmltb and wife to J. P. Wllaon. nortk . . H lot a. block 81, Central Alblna,.., aov Set roar Inauranc aad abetment to real aetata from tba Title Guarantee A Trnat eaa paar. 340 Waablnftoa atraat. corner aecoaa. - V0TICX PB0P0BAL8 FOB OTMlfABITJM SHOES Depot Qoartermaattir-a OfBce, M Mew MontaxaBvarr ' at.; Ban Kraarlaco. California. Auinat 23. JttUS. Healed propoeala la trlUlcate. aab Jeet to tbn. aanal condltkma will b recelred ; at, thle ofttra antll 10 o'clock a at. Mondar, Beptember Is, llaiS, and at tkat boor opeaed, for furnlahinf and dellrerlnc 4 eltbel. tbe New York. PhtladelnhU. Boaton. Cblcaao, Bt. Lonla ot Baa Kranelaav depota of tba. quarter. ; maatrr department, llnlted ' Btate armr, ' free of drarace and aacorelr packed for ahlp ; Bient, Ue followlnc rtlrlaa of .elotblng, eoutpaae aad materlala, tber belnf tba ansa " t or which blda will be. opened -at eacb .of tba depota a bore named, rla: 8.00 palaa. of - (jmnaalam anoaa. 1 ' ' ' .All artlclea anil ; conform ta cxiatlni -ktandard aamplea aad apeelOcatloti. ' SUnd brd aamplaa can btaeen at tbla of flea aad epeclBcatlona obtalnedhare. - Qnaatltle anedned are aub)ect tncreae n 30 per rest, If dealra br tka departmeat. Both earljr commence nirnt and eoaipletloa iat dellrrriea ara abaolotelr eaaentlal and bld ere mnat atata how. aooa tber can commence aVIIrerr aad the rat per day and week antll ' filial completion ot contract. Including alao the 20 per cent tocreaaa at aama. It required. ' Tn aoeerpmeat laarttaa the rlcbt to reject ' or accept Snr ar all prapoaala ar any part tbareof, aa the Intereata of the aerrlca mar ; reoulro. A U1ARANTEE In 10 per eeat ot , tbe ralae of tba article bid for moat av companr eacb proposal. CerttAed check will . be arveptad In Ilea ot written guaranty. i IKOITABANTKEJ), Wda, blda baaed apoa aamplea dtfTTrlaiFrraa. tan4arda ar apect Bcatloaa, or bid for'.dellrerr at place other "'than a bora will net he eoaaldered. Praferenc will be firea to artlalea of domeatle prortue Mob or Buonfactura, eondltlona of onalltr and price (larlndla la tha prlc at farelaa firoductloa or maaafaetarea . the . dutr hereon) aelnf enaal, '.. Bidden, or their -MpreeentatiTea, ar to , Tiled t be preaent Bidder ar warned aalt eolloaloa for malntatalnc prleee. Blda npn , leaa onantltlea than adrartleed foe wUf be eoaaldered.-, Blda recelred after ' tha hour eat for opantnff will .not ha o aldered. Blaaka 4ne aannnaala and full Inforautloa -Will be farnlaked apoa application to thle nrAc. . Knelnnaa aoatalnln iiroBoaete to Indoraed. 'Propoeala for aothlnf aad Eanlp- are ta Be Opened at 10 dock A. w.. e , t.mlw la. lata." . . 4i. A. OEVOU Major . and Quartermaeter taita4 State Armr, Depot Onarfrnaaater. BOTICB I hereby alrea that I, b. H. Tarplry, admlnletrator of tbe relate of Mathilda Jublta, deceaaed. will In accordaaca with aa order .of tba cosaty eourt of Multnomah county , heretofore made on tba let day ot A a mat. IDOtt, Bell at prlrat aale tbe following de ralbad real proper ry. belonclnit to Bald e - tata. situated. Irmjr aad belna la Multnomah cooety. atata ot Oreaoa. to-wit: The weat aaa half twUI of lot tli re 111 la block ."Bambarad ality-tw 2t tn Coach' addition tn tbe elty af Portland, The term of aatd aale ta be Cash ta band At the data of -aale, That eeld aw Cannot b mad until after tbe 8th day of September. 1005. and aotlc ta beteby alrea . that after said oat shore ao mod. to-wit. Bepteaiber .1008. 1 will sell tha a bore deacrlbed real property at prlraU aal for caa. . ., - . : FT. TABPLET. ' Amtniaeratlw of tha Batata of Mathilda lubtt. Ueceaaed. V"c a nnuioari uawio muiaing. , . Flrnt pahltratlo. Ancnat 3. 'ItaW. Last publk-atkan, Aasuat 30. 1008.- - NOTICE of DlaaolatlOB af Pertnerbl.-The Ann of Mathew at cmnocil aaa aamm i uhM. Wmrmmttmm the hoalnea will ha ndarted br Tbnmaa W. Crandell. who la .t pay all Mil aad collect aU credits bow ,mno n . MA w. )CB ANDBLL. , - ,A. H. MATHEWS. . Dated st Lents; Or.. Aagimt 31. J0. f, . MACHINE-SHOP Th BBdoralgned, traata of the Mill uaa engine at nicam uiyn, offer for aale for eeeh tba eatlre atock of machinery, tool, pattern, etc.. of th bora companr, located at Boa. 224 and 224 Oak t. Thl to a moat complete aba) for all kind of repair wark and for cone tract o af gaeollne em a I nee. rtiinam a. waiaii, inn MEETTJfB BOTICBB. 0RKOON CIRCLE, Ho. in. W. O. W., meeta : Monday sight la Lleoe' hau, aoraor rrn Uam ar. gad Bameil at., at S nek, MART BANDALU Clerk. ' FTBEBAB BOTICB. CRAW Friends and ueenalutaaeee art reeneet fully aBTlted to attend th funeral aarelcra of the lata uWai A f'raw which Will, be held at tbe chapel at I. P. Flnley A -Son.L.jr Thuraoar. Aaguat 81, -1808, -t 3:W p. a, f I J, lutersaaat will take slac. at Fort. Wayne, Indiana. . ... LOST ABO rerBB. LOFT Monday noes. , Woedatock aar, mH black po-'k.t-aook. .. Lear . addreaa Jour pal office. Reward. 5 AGENTS WAKTFDT aril ear superior klgh grade aoraery aancki new gad complete out fit rarnlaked free; assb weekly) write today for choice territory. Capital Cltf Narhcry C'o.t-nelem. Oreana. - r . " ' BALER If EN wanted far etchaalra agency, emrtet weae and aeamleaa healery, factory t otmtuuier ;ert. l CowuMtclal bkick. J. imMimnHMinMHimniHiMiMiiiniMn HUB VABTI1 M4T1 t inn ainrtti ao ilk 424 arrea kopai all aired nceoBioMMUtloaa. rocerr, bakarr, rea- tanraat. boti-kar-aaou. beautiful raaip BroutxM, . k.n . nna n , I aatiY. tC '. r ducad eicrelon rataa. Applr tamber X, reoai 41 Bborlock bulldlnc. Third aad oak.. - ' ..ira i.iii.Mii nlulni mill foreman. vsaaa 8100 par awattii akarper and band iaar. W.Tpar Af, -ldln awn. Si . 5,1? ballSara. 84; Bane but at.jjJr and flrat .i. a need auulr. Andraea ulaaouia 1 L-inbar Co.. Mlaaoula. Moataaa. . WAKTBD-1.0U0 ? to fit rf- tar poallioiia a I inw a. 4 aarrr different anboctat '"'" .VT" -I. rtambar 36. - Call at AaaMtetlaa bulMlo. oo nar Fourtk aad lamaiu aia. 4or iwauim cataloaua- ' '. ACTIVB ladr wanted rack coo Mr ta deown- , at rata and dlaplar aamplea; aalarr ia weaa.. f Var Co t raaatnut at., PbllaoelpUU. Pa. BTATION MEIf, rock work! (rood price, new u. u aiAa cat, all winter, aaatara . Otecoa; free far. . Particular at Banaaa KmploraiaBt ornea. w twni at. WANnCD Piret-elaee almpalntra, mnat U Na. 1 abopneBi alao ona abuw-eard writerl w. mpTika beat. ;rater A Klalaar, lfU . IBQ atartib. COMPETENT opera tore, aiperienced la railroad autloa work, for la and ajnntt-CMcaroi atata a fa aaa . aapariaiwa. r"- joaraaL - : - - TEAMSTEBB waatad, 2. par. day. Applr twtland Brick A Power company, Llnutoa , Road, near Lawla and Clark fair. TWO food Me aolldtor: aoammlalaaa and-aaUrr to rlbt partlaa. yi. H. .ohaaua, i tailor, 604 WaahlaEUMt at. - , . , . EXPERIENCED atlrhermaa and bench hand! Waatad at Portland Saab A Door Co., 3M Front at, near Mala. -' - wanted Aa anoerleaead man ta clear lata. 1 Applr C, JU Ejdotrakl, . W Ilia met ta atatloB. t- Bt. Johna ear. riRBT-CLASB broiler and ronckmaa. ' Addreee a M. Campbell, 8a0 Jama at-. Beaiua, BABBETTB Detect Ira Sctioot Laat : cutaa thl "tirrn; reduced rata, no WaabUwtoa at. WANTED Handy roaa to work aroaod aUblC . Hubert A Hall. Sua Fourth at. i MEN fo work In fold mm; atuat Uk4 atock. 301 Mcay ouis. , - - ' XXL WABTXIh-JTBrarr 100 PICKERS to pick S4 arrea hop: aU de al red acconnaodatloo. BTocerr, bakery, re, tauraat. butcher-abep. beautiful camp, ground, dance AnIU pore moaatalB water, etc. 1 re duced aicuraloa ratea. Apply Baturday, Sop tember 3. ruom 44) Sberlovk building. Third and oak. - . "T - WANTED 180 1rl to make earalla and ahlrtai tna traction fleas to -inoanarleacod. Apply Keaatadter Bros., Standard Factory Mo. St. our. Eaat Taylor and Urand are. WANTED Competent 1H tot aeaeral houoc- kork: four la family; wages - Applr at 4 Eaat Klgbteeafa. north. Take East An- keny at., car. . .. .,.. WANTKD Refined, eapahle woman, wider 40, working nonaraeepar wwwi 'T . 7,-l fornla: employer bar. ZMM Xamhlll. rbon MatB'wtla. . . --,'. ' FITTERS fat tmlt department; mnat a thor oughly comparcni ami mu,m ' aS. WtliittteiMVobVt, Old. Wortnaan A King... ' 0IBI, wanted tor aouaework 1b- amaM family. Call' forenoon Jlo, 2 Eaat KlfttA aU, Aakeny or na n. ran. WANTED BiperlcBced, raferanoad cook, flrat- rUeai prlrate tamiiy; wagaa e-aw. noj TamhUU'wo Maln Ml --f-. WANTEDt-Eiperlenced aecond firW- flrat-rlaa family: wage ga: anntirnan aum. . e?i yamkllT. Pboae Main 8418. ' '.a HANSEN'S LADIBfF AOENOT. Waahlnr- toa at,, ear. Be Tenia, apeiaro. -w-gai nM, a. .1. hw.1. aulMl. - y' WANTrD Womea and flrbi work la fruit cannery, Apply at .aai ein- m- ai.aiiva t. HotnMB i'snalBB Co. , WANTED Today, S or 4 good women for boppleklRg; can, sea employer. ov aaaa hlll. phonw-htalh'Mia. --i NEAT girl deelros altuatlon In good fast-tiy- aa cklldren Btirae, . 230H Yamhill. I lum Mala 8413. ; ' WANTED Lady partner for stag, fond iBet, a good ncopoaltlOB te ngui pariy. awana b. Journal. , . . .. WANTrtV Good pUln wximan cook tot board-Ing-Boaaa; food wage. 144 North Eighteenth. WAItncn BrnerVnced makar. alao api tlce. , Neeelty Millinery Btor. (U Third U 0IRL8 wantad to work la aaper-bor. factory. F.C. Buttler. corner Tenth aadwllaB ate. WOMAN or girl tor kitchen-work, at 01 Bond wage. Pboae 8071. 428 Sixth at. WANTED 10 glrkt tor diaaaataklaf achooL tr. Fourth. r . 371 H at., 01RIJI at 310 Stark . light work. Apply St - . . . WABTTT) BT3TB ABB FDtALX KELP, WANTED Bookkeeper and ateaographerel wa placed 307 pupil la locratlT poaltlou aurtnf pt year; call or sand tor catalogue i. day ar ' Bight; It will par yoa. . - BEHNKE-WALkEB BUSINESS COLLEQB. WANTED Lady or gentleman of fair edaea tlon to trsrel for a firm of 82n0,Otw capital: aalarr 81.072 per year and ezpenaea: paid h weekly aad eipenaee adeanced. Addreaa, with attmp. . A. Alexander, Portland, Or. ' WANTED At eaca, a aright, eaergelic pra eo table maa or woreaa, a food talker,' at take ap aa attrsctle proaoaltloa. 1 squire Tkt Chamber f Uanrak k a. am. ENEK0RT10 man or woman of good appearance to take up aa attractlra and permanent proaoattlon. Apply ay personal utter, - M 44, car Journal. HOPPICKERS Oood yards, food camping c commodatloaa; 81 ' per . hundred. Addreaa Oscar Cone. Newberf, Or. - SOLICITOUS Maa or women! permanent ear pkiyment to bustlers; xparleac BBBaeaa aary. O06 Dekum bldf. ... OBCMMEKS and agaut for food aide laaaa. Call bat. S and 8 a. m., or writ,. Boom a, xis Kornaoa at. - WANTED Mora bop-plekert; bast yard; eaay t earn money. ; Apply Andrew Kaa A Co., SbT . Momaoa at. . , , HELP wanted aad eapplled. ami er female. . M. o. Pa A HE. 3tMj WaahiagtoB at. Clay 4a, , SUTFATIONS WABTIP MALE. - WORK watTted a ajeat or pa try cook or baker. Ailrdeea w. W. w.. Hotel It or tber a, roots 184. Phone Mala 1488. YOl'NO man wants work Ar hbard and mom, either In restaurant. aPrtt itand -or doing J s. journal. pONITTON la a drifting ronm wanted by younf man. aaoreea marun jnanwn, sn -layair ai. arrrrsirfAva wiimtn-rniiif BT capable woman wltk child ot B. aa bona. keeper cook or general work. 21 Vi Yan- Btll at. IlKine nam oain. ' WANTED MI8CZLLABX0 OB. PAINTINOj sprayluf and whltawaahlnf trees. baeemeola, aarna. ooraa, aic oooa, irgeai faealln aprtrlnf ut8t oa the eoaet. M. 0. Ilorg aa t. C, 0 MUwaukl (at, . Pbon kaat 341T. X SCHOOL BOOKS boairht, sold, aad exchanged. Jonas' Book a tore. 301 AkW at. BOrtKS bough. e-M and rich aged at the Old Book atnre A jYamhlll at.- ' BTDF.R, jr Second asd WilBftes ' WABTID SEAL XSTATX. hours: and tot hetwaea MorrlaoB and Buruld and not farther out thaa Thtrty-feurth at. oa ' eaat aide, or would boy en weat aid It not too high; fire location aad prlc Srat lat ter. Aoareea w sa. oar FARMS WANTED AU ' klnda ttock, poultry, fruit-, arala and hoa farma: muat be good and reaaoaable la price; fir full deacrlp- Uoo, prlua sua terma. . , SOS Allaky bldg. WANTED Small tract reliable for - Chtckoa . rancBea; muat oa goou ana reaenuiuaa, ew t Cat. 113 aeoond at., Portland. - WANTED Hotter to rent; w sar mora call thaa we bare nouae. , ; 304 Alltkr bldf. ?; WANTED Small tracts suitable for chlck- raache; muat na good and raaaonaDia. SOS Allaky bldf. . ' WANTED Beat house 81,300 cash will bay. 308 Allaky bldf. '". ' '' XMTL0TMXBT A0XB0ZB. ; ' ' ' ' BANSEN'S EMPLOTMENT OFFICE. ; " TOaat nal atM SS B. Saeosd at. - Phone Mala 1834, PIONEEB BMPLOTMEN CO. Labor eeotru aarai help free to ompl 31 starriaaa, WABTXD TO BXVX. WANTED 4 or -rom cotuc. flat or un furnlahed room oa weat slue, by reliable petr. Phone Et 8307. ' ' BOB XlT nBBTJHZB BO0XB. - TPTB BOTCRE8T. ITS Twelfth at Xamhlll Jnat opened; txcluele rosmln- ao oaimodatloua; houa and furaUhlsg a eatlnly , new; elegant suite, with hot aad cold water. Sne - beds; sue lof I room; will rent a limited aumher at roome Bow to permasenl " peoeee; treaaleato aallclted. THB KINO New build Inf. handaomely fur- Bkumd. equipped with erery gaodera con ren te ace; oa direct ear Uaa to eipoalttoa; all outstde rooma; heat, fas, electric tight, Boree lals bath; rery low rates; Uk Fifth at. ear from bnloa depot to SOS Jafferaos at, soar City UslL . . .- - HOTEL VAN NOT. Commercial mea' headansrter, Bret !, - water rn all th room, bath free, esatrsl, direct ears to depot sad exposition. - SSti ThlrA St., car.- Plna. ' THB HAMANN. 188 N. lSthM ear Hort Newly ruraiahed rooma, fi.BOap: aoneeaieal lecaiioaa IS mtaata walk to lav grounaa; aaa ear at union depot direct to I konae. fsooe i S47& FRONT parlor, cleaa. wall furnished; la bark parior; centrally loeatea. near jayiori ponna ana oats ; tor ma reaaooaoie. 3UT Fourth at - 1 - WANTED Lady for fornlahed roomt rata reaaoaaom; foaa piaee tor ngnx iauy; wn Ida Boar car Una. loeutre F 64, ear JoaraaL MABQUAM HODSB. 14BH Stb BeosM an aults er BUgle; Boaaeaeeptaf rooma; aaa aoaewai bath, electric light; trsBateBt aallclted. . THB WILBUB, S48 Bast Oak Bolts bonae- keeplnf -rooma. 32.38 per weea aaa np; lous ing 81.28 and up. Phoa Scott 864. THE BELLEVl'B 80 room steely furalebed; frlea reaeonable; traveling punua ouciua. MV, Fourth at. Hood Till. . - LABOR,. Best,v alcely .furttlahed root, twa block to ear; suitable lor oaa or two mea. 388 Water at. -.- .- . FRONT parlor for gestlemaa ea rafsewient era wlab aa i noes, seat the eeatet . elty. IKH Breratt at. FOB BENT Furslahed room, 37.00: bath. 410 Fourth. Phon phoner-walking dial neat . THB OLADSTOHB S13b BaTtor St.. fwraisaed roeoaa; anday nAAV.axasagamaat; Brtoa tea, CHEAPEST and beat located rooma la Portia ad. 31 weak a np. uumaa. r irai ana auaaa DESIRABLB well furnlahed rooma, brick bouee; bath, gaa, phone.. 4S wreata au . . . ; . THB CA3TI.B 873 Weahlturtoa at. oam. t Phone Mala la.s. 00 to 388' Third at. tut large front FOB BXBT KOtTSPtXEPIBB BOOMS. FOB 'BENT Psrnlahad honaekeeplng-rnnm la beat brick Mack ea eaat eio; gaa raafes, bats, etc.; ao traualenti; price saoaarats. Lot a a blk., 108H Union at, ext. Bast Alder. ' Phone Union kZSa. THB LOWNSDALB Large sew elegiatly for- Bahed honaehaeutng-rooma; (as ranges run Blnf water. b(3 Alder. FOR BENT 3 large honaekeeplnf mom far. nlahed; aaar at!, sriage. w nsscs eu I PlUtNISHBD honaekeeplnf rooms, with as ot phone; Call M Tin au FOB aVXB H01TSXB, FOB BENT BT THB DCSNLAWRESCE COM PA NT. . 330 Eleasat S-reaoi realdeace.' 3M Baa Rafel. tit .Nlro 7 -room reeMence. large lot. abond- . nt trull ana aoruowrry, n a, mui- tli PWantlrnl 4-rnnrn rattate. ' modern eoa- TeDlcacea, ei awretrprona n,, ppiy, , iAHi nrat ntreei. ' . COTTAGE. BMdera, fir rooma and bathroom. rnll brick Baaament, no. noil maaiaoa at. Inquire Wakefield. Trie ' A Co. and Joha Kloetermaa, 81 North Twenty-flrat eu STT ART ttatlna, Mount Beott ear 4 large rooma, osthalioinga, atoaeraf paruee witnont children; furniture for aale. Call the BU taa, Fourth and Salmon., mn wrnT Modern 12-room boua. 8 abttnoaace rruii.. city waior. aiecino wgni. partly rurnJatiea. Appiy u. it. weija, suing ton bhlf. POR BENT Fm -8-room corner house, Just newly renoestea: reaenasnie re tna rig at parjx -IsdllltA, 7o First er 2Z I'lne. . FOB BENT ft-room modern cottage, faralahed; good neighbor aooa; rent fm I'nona acett LA ROE 7 -room cottage far rent, cheap; earpett for aale; central, inquire ezr waaoinftoa it. TO family of adults I0-raem modern boas la food location. Inquire 204 Thirteenth. HEW ' 6 -room hoot. SCO Windsor at., Wood laws', key next doorFT-bO par month. FOB BENT 4 room bouee. Eaat Stark ate. Fifty -aecond aal FOB BXBT TrtmrBBlSHID BOOKS. 3 LA RGB Bttfiirnlahed rooma Jar light Bouee- keeping! modern: refertBces reqnreu. 1 ' qnlr 68T Waehlnftoa. " i BOOMS ABB B0ABBV FIRST-CLAaS roome aad board for permaaeat people. 823.60 aad 82o . per aaaath! table board 84 per week. Aatnr beset. Itk Madlaoa at. Tel. Mala 2tl. , IBB IRTI NO Elegant aceonmedatlo, n lorMUBt ehrfe . dining -room la oa . section; prtea rVa'at, Cor. Mth aad Irrlaf, BOOMS with board reaaoosblal Srt-lai Sixth t. ' t eooklnf. BOOSES FOB BXBT FTrBHlTTJBX FOB SALS. FOB f5 BNITCBB," Whether to bay or aH. rlnf np Mala . - PORTLAND AUCTION B( kOOMS, ' - 811 Flret at. Fl'RNIEITBB ot 8 -room boos at roar ewa price If sold at once; cbeap rent, good neighborhood. 3 block from city Ban. ai rirts st. FI'RNITrBE ot 4-ronai hoti for tale; for rant, 88 monthly. 84S Fourth at. boat 'I- FOB BXBT FLATS. FOB, RENT New Iat with fnrallor tot sal! rentrillr located; waal tide, phone Mala ' 1821. - MODERN 6-mnm flat, J hlorh north of areel hrklge, froaMnf ilrer. tuqairt 398 Larran, nM.mnMaaaaa. BOB BXBTmCXBOOsfB. FOB LEASE, lotif term, top soar Steam bldf.. . Slxta and Morrlaoa; growth eompaia aa to Behske-Walkar ouaiaaaa eouea. FOR BENT S traat office rssma telteble tot doctor or deatlat. Apply loom Fit St., a. . Chart liegeie. OFF1CB-BOOM for rent. nangk bldf. Apply ale rater. sTOTETISS CHABCIS. BUSINFHS CHANCES 'AT , WK18EB, IDAH0. ,; ' No. 180 A Sne baalaeas pcopoeltton: eoA feetlonory end bakery; beat paring propoal tloa la city; will pay more oa iarwtaaent thaa a ay bank or inercsBtlle bualneaa la City) forced to U a account f alckata. . ; , 1 r " " ''V" No. 428 (THIS MA SNAP) ; ; 130 Ticret of lead. n eultlratloB. o-'roent kouat. tree -watertight, food orchard, all feaced, Bile from city, fradad school, i, , - Na.' 183 83,300 will bay 180 ecrea at land) .100 acre .la eultletttoa. all aader water, S-toeat houaa, wlthla one nil of city. No. 188 30 acres ot hind IWj Bille from towa. 8-roonj house! a barf at at fLOU . . Addreaa all communications f. A. EULBU4D. Bex 308, Well reiser.- Idabe. J'' :'' X WANTED Suburban grocery; would bap bulld- tug; z.etiv to sj.taw. Houaa sad fractional lot ea weat aide tor eaah. ' ' Llat-yoar real atlat with a. W ktr bayera. , , i, -. - - SMITtT BB0S.. . ' ,. ; WVi Sixth. Ihoae Mala 40fl.f FOR - SALB OR LEASE. Hotel ot 31 rooms, 100x100. foot lot. beat eoraer la tow a. doing a food bualneaa Bum mar and. winter, la a proa Derosa Orefoa towa a rallresd and rlrer; would -prefer to ell fur niture and lease the hvtoi, er erlU toll at a talc bHm. ' s , se hare aereral food hualoeaa-rhencea la roomlaf- bouaea tn tka city.- , ... OKUNDT-MBLBATH. CO., ' K '. , " SUA Morrlaoa St..- STOCK Is arodurtlra fold mln tor aal at Cr, ea raloatioa f S30,auu working unoer is and bond for ea year; 140 seres min eral land; 10-tmp Freaer A Chtlmer mill, complete sawmill butldlngs. ' etc.; water power and ateam; 10 areraga aamplea flea ralaa'of 0 per ton: ere chute 800 feet long; a aaa re, 882; coat of mining and miUlnf low; all tunnel work aad plenty ot or ererhead. For further Information icell at 301 McKay bldf. Pboae Mala 816T.r - - THB CLARK OBAIN COMMISSION CO. SOS McKay bldf.. J -;,.-t ' PBIVATB BOOM. FOB LAjIES. ' ' . 10 buy or sella 10- aharea at atock at 1.000 buabekl at grsia; commlaatos Js aa grain, ea atock. We buy aad as II putt and calhk ' 1 ' FREB LANDS IN OR BOON. FERTILE toll, pure water, delightful cllatsts: land of alfalfa, apple aad eloeer. For full . iDformatloa addreaa tha Columbia Soutbara Irrlfatloa Co., 8JB Worcester blk., Portland. NEW hotel, best location. TO rooma. "alt takea erery . Bight, completely furnished, clears ' 32,000 per month, long lease; ea aceoaat . of sickness muat b sold cheap.. Address .' it 67, ear Journal, . , FARMS Wheat and timber Unda. acreage, elty property; umber tna aomeateea location; baslneaa chancre and Insurance. TOWNSEND, MAXWELL A CO., ejajr Alder at. - Phone Main 1323. FOB SALB Ob account of alekneae, ntca, cleea. moaty-wiaklaf basineas -ea eaat erae; sie from 1 to $38 pee day; price f 1,400, er will larolce; aa agaau wanted. t 00, The Journal. A PRACTICAL printer with $600 can get aa Intareat In a weekly bow ana joe ernce tasx will net him 81.000 per yeer. For particular adrdest Beflater, Houl ton.v Or. . . . FOB BALK Well-eqalpped nlanlng-mlll ea eaat aide,- marbinery la Bono oroer, togetnor with atock eL4umber, at a bargain. Aodrree J 40, cere JournaL - BAROAIN Roaming boast, centrally located, clearing 1100 month; food funutur, kr ' rant, trass ; price $460, term. . Telephone owner, Paelflo 18S. - WANTED To confer with those contemplat ing a bualneaa eoaraa t your pereoaal and : financial Interest to Inreatlgat. Address . J 4. rare JournsL GROUND FTOOR real estate office fan or part) for aale cheap: an e are ot tonal opportunity. Particulars, with the Horn Land Ot., TJ - Sixth St. - ..... 1780 WILL- bay foraltnr ef 8-room houee and dining-room that neat 80; well faralahed; thla la a nap. Baad A Co., room 40, Hsottir ' ton bldf. .-. 7 FOR SALB CHEAP A brand-new Ocean wngj .. mast fo eaat en bualneaa. Call or addreaa Herman Gobel. 407 North Twenty-fourth at. PARTNER Alao general agent; SjWI to 3800 - captal required; light mannfaetnrlnf; enor moua pro8ta. Boom 13, 22CV Flrat St. DERIRINO to dlepoae ef one of my three enter. prises, will sell one reatauraot, under 80. . room hotel rery cheep. 403 Third. BAKERY for sale, country town of 3,000 Inhabi tants, county aeat : only bakery, fine besl. Aoareea i, aoursai. SAWMILL tor sale, 16.000 feet rapacity! plenty . af timber and orders; fin propoaltloe. Ad dreaa O SO, cere Journal. WHEN looking for a location, either eMy er country, call an the Northwest Land C tOi Morrlaoa at room 311, PHOTOGRAPH (tilery for aale; elesrlng erer 8100 per month; itrkneas the rtaeoa for sell Inf. . 208V Flrat at. FOR SALE Soft drink and tee era am boat. neaa on the TrelL Inquire Penny Arcade, fan ground. . e 8100 STOCK .and Sxttiree' nice rtgtr and to. 1 I Jl I m mMA Call IRS vmwr b.miu wvaup a)ww vuww. . .vw North Sixth. . . .... FOB SALB Brick hotel, 88 rooma, food feral . . tare, aplandld laeaei la Portland. V 44. JoaraaL FINE opputlunlty la establlabed bnalneeal need help asd capital. Address tt 64, care JenraaL INTEREST Is good Davlnf real estate ef fie tor eale .to food eatald man." 3u Allaky. . . . . . . . . 8660 GROCERY, send slock sad Sxturea. with It-room ast, fooa 1 toastion. ais rine. FOB SALB A reetaaraat, food location, dotnf food buslaaas, cheap. -373 UUasn at. HOTEL for tale ta 8 food lire towa. Will matt valley. Addreaa Box loo, Eugene, ur. FOR SALE Small dairy; tea at 3 yearav ea St. Helena road. . Ana war J 44, Journal. , - WAKTEIk To bay a milk badness'. Vlth eowt - or without. Address J ,. Journal. BEST ronsalnf bargain In elty; 14 resnm, 1680. Oppoalte elty ball, SS3 Fifth tt. , WHO IS M. O. MORGAN A CO. I FOB Salt ST4T. ESTATE, Fob etAIJt m a. raa. rheaa. with cheap. 10-rneea bona, a loaf golf llahearllne) ana bearing fruit treee; Binet be oiV. Inquire am prentlaea, (70 MUwaakl at. SACRIF1CB 4-reem haee, batbroara. - pantry - ad haaameot. plaatared and painted, street Improved; $AM eaah will beadle tamV.. Call ,827 Beat Twelfth, north. 1 mi 1 anl 1th Vw. $l.0ni 4 rooa hnuaa asd 1 lota 1 . flaa etrhard, $700. Fbon Scott $516- : - '- I ' . . v FOB SALE BUI BSTAT3V WB INVITE YOU TO SEE US FOB THB BBAL - mmiiiva.i utir, nRU. 13,000--r4O sx-raa not eeer nilUta from Ea- tacada, tha Cltr ot tna iiaosauiaa. , Bpiendld public hlghwayt So teres i ' 'f rain, 10 acres potatoes and cora. 00 ' acres clorer sad timothy meadow, bat ' nc paatur; email houaa. bars 40x84, - filled with bay; one a pas of boreee, ' barneee, wagun, 40 bead cattle, farm ',' tmpkmeata, tooht, etc,; roabl $ 8,000 itoubl, 8-room cottage, food rental In come, oa Mill afreet. .. .. I 3,600 Very deslrabl 30-acre plac S4 mile , , from bualneaa center city, juai orrr Portland Helfhta; , within half mile I'onaullrtatad rallwa when cotupleted , to Bbttack rick toll. 'Urlnf waters ). small boua. no lead ta ins com munity can be bought fur lea tha ""- J84i0 par acre tad li t .the beet nlact - " Ant thra. . .. x ' I A, 400 Very nice, ttyllah 8-room rMldrnce, .,- run asi, auiaauai , iuwi- . Molahta. I 1,880 For a rery beautiful residence 8-room . Queen Aon cottage., comer k airoi ' Bltualao- North lrvlnafoa. t 1,100 Full lot. choice fruit and ahrubbery, Beat a-room cottage, stOAiiasa, iiaaei " North Alblna. aoaverr excellent acre tad a quarter Sttdea with alee cottage, nearly new; blocka electric can. Oak tiro. A dandy for the money. '. I ' 460 ISO feet en Madron etreet with aeat Mllaa-a am hWMk WoodlaWS CSr. ' I ' 300 Nice 3-acra place, one acre cleared. - : . email aback, Clackamsa. . ., : . Wa beat 'em all for bargained THB DCNN-LA WHENCE COMPANY,, . , 140)3 Flrat 8trat. - l.ano ACRES, 88 per acre, Cowllta eeuaty, Wash. mile bf boat and railroad depot; " iFb cleared for 310 per crt; lb key to unlimited range; only a abort fence needed .to abut eft nelfhbort who ne thlt place , for cattle range; jaat th plac for ft atock ranch : food ruid. running water. .'. acres, lis per acre; Id miles dows the Heer: Improremanta coat; .county road ' dlrldea place H mile to railroad tad nott; ' seres In frsaa; running water;, plenty out . tide range: boat ealla dally- for cream. -. W, H08KA WOOD. m Boom 10, 141 Flrat St. . - i'hone Bed SM. MCt realdeace lot If blocks from tteel bridge, - lays nice, eaat front, food eldewalk. 7Su; er will build bona sad sell oa eeay term. Six-room boua oa Bellwood car line and two food lots, 400 caeh. balance term to suit. 81.26J-t- - -. . Nest A-room houaa. 60x100 lot, nice laws, la Buanyalde. ' Bereral good T aad 8-room " houaa and lots oa eaay terms. Three tin lot tn UoUadsy't addition, at : lair prices. .. a.,,..- ORUKDT-MBLRATH CO.. - -, ' 246 H Morrlaoa Bt. Boom 13. ' WILL bay yoa a tot aad build btatta to aaht to any pert of the elty. S 60 caeh, f 10.00 monthly, get f 400 bom. "' 100 eaah, . 12.60 monthly, fata - - 400 heme. . 160 eaah, - 16.00 monthly, (eta ' 1.0UU- home. 330 eaah, 30.00 monthly, f U 1.600 home. 800 caeh, 83.00 monthly, fata S.000 hem. ' 600 eaah, ' 36.00 monthly, (at 8.WO0 home. If yon ara Interested we thtll be plea aad to meet you: ao expense for plant tad etllmttta, . . 30ST0N BUILDINO CO., .' ' latM tFtrst. ear. Alder. ' ' S LOTS, wall lmerored. new S-rooa) bowae-nndl ontBuiioinft, 3 m lea tea io car, at umi 8260, pert eaah; worth 8360; alt S left adjoining, Improved, with aew 6-roots bouee an8nuhed and outbuildings: price (350. worth 8460; part cash. 4X B. Addltoa. Lents, Ot. Taks Mount Beott ear. 6c - 82.000 8 ACRES well, improved, all tn Sne fruit, fair building. 4 block from ear line, .ea be boufht en very eaay terma; 1m " mediate poeeeeelon; will take part la real t eaute. Csil, 107 Third at. t J . HOM ESTCADERS Ws haa" tortta pea ea eaeant wheat or Irrlfatloa lands In eaatern - Oregon latTor write Van Cleave A BcholL .- Beat Btttta Agent,. Echo, Umatilla coaaty, Orefea. - . . VERT cbetce tot, 60-tlOf, -pioltaday't add!' ale a hone at Mt. Tabor, lOuxloO. ea car line: -Bull Ban water.. T rooms, bath, barn, all .klnda fruit. Owner. 120 Third at, .. NICE three ream cottage en Mentavllls ' ear . Hner trait tree, fenced, tc, 8460. Be C.eorf Aaderaon at Flaher Male Co., 190 Third Bt. . Pboae 40S. . .j : CLOSE la bualneaa rcrner. three-atory bttlldlnf, paylnf 13 per cent oa ineoatment,- fiz.nuu. Tyson KlnselV SOS ComaaercUl blk. Phon - Msln 982U. . . v BRAND-NEW 8-room cottage with toilet 'hath, baaaasant, lot 60x100. ea Dtvtelea at,, $1,000, Tyaoa Klusell, SOS Commercial blk. Pboae . Msla 3823. - - - - SOilOQ LOT with email boose. 44 Bhermaa at., bet. Seventh and Eighth. Inquire of Mrs.' Mlnalnfer, ; 428 .North Twenty Arar tC, . city.'-. .--Wa'?-J , ' ....... .- - HAVB ton choice wheat farm for sale cbeap and oa eaay terms. Write te ef call oa H. D. Randall, Olex, OlUlem county. Or. FOR SALB at t bargain. BMdera .on Bast Taylor, close ia; terms -to salt porcbaaar. Apply F 43, ear JoaraaL- . FOR B A LB The atlesoarl build mf ea the e ' position sToands. Bend blda te tbe secretary st building. E. S. Osrver, aecretary. FOB SAU Modern aa burban eettaas. . to- car line, Sn Inratlon, ground IOOxMsa O. W. P. Tow naita Co., 184 Flrat gt.. . DESIRABLB watt aid kouae, T rooma, fruits and (lowers; alao corner lot and aubarbaa acre age. 8 est to 807 Corbett at. - 300 FARMS, email tracts aad Iota; bargatna oa . . 0. W, P. electric line. O. B. Addltoa. Lenta. r Or. Take Mt. Scott car, -ne. . . . ,-. i t-BOOM Boats, lot and furniture for aale rheap; eaay payawnta; all Improvementa; bargalu. Addreaa Q 6S, ears Journal. MAKE aa offer for 8-room modem cottage. Joe Nash, tt Naahvlll elation, oa Mt. Beott car line. Mast bars money.- - FOR SALB er exchange. 11 acres Improved, 1 mllee from Moatartlla ear 11a. iaqslra awner, 414 atolaonC aru.wonD iota. 86 down and $6 i ath; from $78 to $200. Sellweod low salt Co. Phone talon, 140L ' FOR SALB Hon S rooms, modern, 746 Beat Main, by owner! halt eaah. bale act twe : years price 82,800, ... . FOB SALE Lota 11, bt. H. block 2, Arleta Park. $126 each, Address Kat Webtter, Bartoa, Orefoa. . ' . FOR AALB-rooat cotttge aad of Bwnnyeldo and Monat Tabor car tint, coca p. soan ' O 41, JournaL - - - A 4-mora and a --roora bouse for aale cheap. H. T. Cummins, . NaahrUla autlas. Mount Beott ear Hue. ... l,oSO New 8-room cottafewaad 3 large lob) . ea eon- wrens are aew eooraa- u wee 884 Shaver at. ' - - V FOB AALE 4 roam hoase era frail . tta, . eta. Sixth at. ea ear Una with 1 squire Ssi , Kael FOB BALK 8-rsnm beuae In Wendltwa; handy , to carl, price saoo. zoo atorrlaos at. I ali J .. . . , . - . 4. K.nonafl hauas. ehean ror eaah. 1 aon Ira I B, Remington. Boaamoat a vs.. Meatarllls .ear. MODERN -Toora honse. full tot. fruit, flower. bargalu lx token at one, ana urssa svs, FOR BALE By owner, modern T-reont houaa, - Tenth, and Prescott. - . . . 3 WEST-BIDE Iota, ties ta, for atl at bargsla. too Allaky bldf. FOB SAXX FABHa. 30 Ml ktrely 128 to lOO-tert fimm at from $ao to $48 per acre, Thaa Bvtetly are all in cultivation ana in ine near larating atarrici . of tha W lllaaaette vallarTvr. have arranaed . to divide up Borne large farms, tad esa make tn aiviaiona ro auu purcnaavra. 0, av-veoa A Co., 251 Alder. at, WB bato tent eUttad 180 Beret la ' 6-eere tract. It h) ene of the heat piece Of land In Multnomah county ill miles east jafPort- " land aad leaa tliaa f mile from O. W.' P. alec trie line; there la ne rock or trawl; tb t prlc la $A4 per acre, as very eaay termA U 18, ear of JonrnsL ' THAT-104 arrea in 10 miles of th aeatar af Portland I a ana p. aura: thee. I an land Bine fertile; fine water; SB a area In cultiva tion, and only $S per acre: abut yonr eye tna buy tnit ttwt we 11 ttmn gone tor any Jwss. B. . Cook A C., 361 Alder at. UNDEt ANY CLAStiriCATION; rive Ceitx Lhc ' r"No' ad takes for leea thaa IKe par 8F. Scree words, at a rule, eonatltute.a Una bat each line la chaffed reefdie of tha number of worde, WlAJaXT BATE- - l"!-1 (bmladlaf ene Busasy lean) 84 r$ par Uaa MOATBxV BATE (Inolndlsf an SvaAu laanaa) 1.64 par llae per meats, ABVXBTIBx.XXTS. muat he UJearasl baalaeas etaoa by IS s'slsak weak dsya and by It e'elook asturssy avsoing for the BiAOdsy laaua, to near claaainnatlaa, Display , rataa fives apes applioatiea at the efsoa. 1 THE JOURNAL BRANCH OFFICES '-"; ABVXBTISXMXBTS ' :. ''i'V,: Will be ' received at regular me Is -a far rataa. . Following It a Utt of aathortsed agents, whs will forward your edvertlae. meat ta tint lor public tloa Is th aaxt lawatl J ... . .- ... V," , B0BTX HOB. : '' - B. A. Frtttoa. draffUV Twwu.fAlr aad Thurmta itrsett. Nob H1U Pharmacy, 880 Oltaas I treat, corner Tjrnty4rt. -. ' A. TF, Alice, pharmsclax. SIxtotntt nasi Merehelt atreeta. ''',. . rMcOommon'a Phtratacy, NlBatsaath and Waehlnftoa atreeta. , , ,: . . SOUTH 8IDX. ' - - B. B. Jones Co., draf flits, Frost aad Glbb -etreet. . . - . Cottel firuf compsay. First aa4 Orsat ta?b!ta Bywley, duffUt, 404 Jaffaraaa a treat, eat set Tenth. . Bettmela Pharmacy, eomer Sixth aad Phimmer Iruf eompssy, X60 Third atraat, I eoraer Madlaoa. ;: 1 : BAST KB. W.J. Lave, drugglet, corset OrsaA a vena aad Jiait BarBalde atraat. . , Nlehola A Tbompaoa. 128 Baasall atraet. earner Alblna avenue. - . Jancke Drug company, eoraer Hawthorn and Orand aransee. . Wr O. Cable, druggist, earner HoUsday tvana aad Laxrabe ttrMt, , aeat ateal brldf. B. A. Wilton,' 13S Orand areas, seat Eaat MorrlaoB. . E. W. Ball. 366 Bast Sevaath ftratt, cerate Staphna. ... .. . . . ' XaftBATB. t F. . CUrk, arufflat. 1003 Berth Untoa artaaar . JJ.L.- ,. -, i.- - , ' tmnrttXBM. . I. a Wtrtfc, pharatocltt, 80S Belmoat ,teT: BB00BXTB. . ..': .-,. Breeklrs Pharmacy eampany. Pawall aad MUwankie atreeta. - -' v,-.,.-i' ABXXTA OBXwOB, ' . Arleta Pharmacy, Mora aad Foster streets. veTmmmmmmmmmm ...,LJ. ' - ' ' XCHrfU BOB SiLaWTABMs. , CLABKB COUNTY BAB0AINS C.JH.. . l: kr A Widow BacrlAc SO acrae hrrel wed. rich eoll. ne reck. AO acres cleared. 40 ,. acres fonced, t hooset. bars, atone dairy, family orchard, close to railroad, echool and -'"Small towa. worth 8.1.000. Price only $LT60. . Deetrabl 6 teres.' S In cnltlvsthm, 800 ' fruit tree, v-room house, barn, Vaacenver. $ mllee. $1,000; terms. - - -1 - Snap ldo-aere ' farm. Me4 Improve men ra. -beautiful house . Urge crop, atock. Inipisw menta, aaar rallresd. . All for $S,600( la ' Teatlgat. ' - . .. , , 'J eu ecrea aooa ami, as a - 1.1 a M a MaMra hark onlr Xla ml Ira u ecrea gooa ami, so acrwe at . trom dally eteamboata. Prlc 8350. i Bereral Auudred seres logged land, food anil, weir located; woald make xcalleut "paatur eftee eeedlng-. . , M aeeaa lerel laaj good toU. 1 cleared, s.r. oiiA) a mile to Vancouver. U.OnO. hi AdeVaa ,Jaae - J. OKasae.. Christ -Vancouver, Wash. .. , ai... FINB farm af AS acres, 33 Is cultivation, good orrhard flue aprlng. food bouse, 2 bama. . rallreaaV etgtlon en place, 3 horaes. 8 cswa. A : hetferar lfcalvea, 3 hogs. T sheep, some chick- J, - m ie too of ker. 7 acre Dottoe.'r " Lil farming' tool, S wagons, 1. buggy all for .' $6 Sou, halt eaah. balance 1, a ana a years. 6 acres miles freat courthouse, fine toad, , $300; $100 caeh. - . - - . 140 acre 10 miles weat Forest Orov. 30 v , Cleared, 4-roem bwe, good orchard, aft acre ,. Bond timber, I stiles from eawmlU, $1,2801 ' ""'cHABLEBOif A KBILL, ' " V V ' V 810 AUsky Blug. Phone Weat 881. ;'l - ACBEAOE ' " --.v...' ' ..; ... 8 acre. "'en- electrtr'-earllBe, mnnlnf ' arrets) ef water, nice new room cottage. 4. cMckea-bousa and park. 8n aprlas water ea the hi Helped la to tbe sou; a cheap plac ' iracres enotcs land, ne (tstsI, living water, food noate, asm -and ctbas. A appla ; trees, 4 cherries. S pears. Tsapberrles, black. .w V berrlea. tnwberrtee, aaperagti. all choice'.,'' and bearing-; S choice ornamental tree. omv trapes, t mils from ststleav 8 mllee out) ' cneapi now only $1,400. . " ' 3 acres cbstce land at South Mount Tabor, , all faaeaA and osKlvated: Jn cholca beartnf , fruit tree; rtp tt ll.ftj.". , ; . -'menKLB A BAKES.. y ..- (if Ablngton bldf.- - HOW IS THIS? -". . ... V. S acres Sn land, a travel, tit In raltlva- - ties, hooae coat 3700, bar a coat 3260, chicken. ..t yarda, hsnses and fence cost $200, wall asd . pump coat $128; good bores. - wagon and harneaa! S Sne fresh eowa. 1 yearling and. 8- ' ' year-old calf; 100 Sne bans; 8 acre la po . iatoes. worth $800: 100 fruit trees, H acre Sne etrawberriee. 10 eprda wood; remember- -thle 14 only 600 feet from the electric ear. .line) can fire terma. Price only M-OOU. If yoa want a home dos't mlat tbla. Addrtts F 48, care JoaraaL - - v 8 ACRES all la fruit aad cultivation; toed , A-room ho nee and barn, 3 ehlehea-boueea. I bogboaae, 1 ffnltbeuae aad root hone 12x20, a. - good family orchard. 1 acre etrawberriee, 12.000 planti, 1 wagon, 1 fruit-wagon, 1 cow, plow, 3 cultivators, 1 hreow. 8 Incubator. 9 broodera, 3 dosea chicken, H cr esrrote; . price, $3,000. Kapey t h Bajlty company, . 1, jianuitoa oiaf . - - - - 1,600-ACRE rtoch with 3 mllee riverfront," rich greet lands, oa railroad, near Portland, Improvementa coat ever ' $10,000, sreaerF auperh. Chin, phaaeents, daekt tad Bah la abundance! ta Ideal Sne atock farm; price . only $20 per acre; eaay term. Bee er ad dreaa T. Wlthyeotab. room 8, Hamlltea blk., . '' Portlaad. Or. FOR SALE Wt ran five yoa bargslna la all klnda of farm and atock ranchea; lo have aome of tha beet wheat land oa tha market. Bee us. If yon want somethlnf fooa. . ' NORTHWEST LAMP . CO., , 385 Morrison St.' Boom 311. i 0NB S aad en en 10-arr tract, ef a mil : mm o. vy. P. electric Una and oedarvllle station : verf Sne (oil, laya level and ery- : eaay to clear.. $25 down, balance very aay term. Tber I nothing better tht mWA kat, T 46, car Journal.. a- FARM of ISO aeree, tall from O. sv. station, noatofftfe. ertiool and W. P. la cultlvatloe, food crop, running water. ". orchard, stock, ajarblsery sad erne II dslryr .. terma, half eaah. balance oA Unto. S. Klnf. . Eagle t?raek, or, BETTRB than etreet railway A lrg cattle ranch, all compute; good Investment for ' atock companr 1 abundance ef green; arte ' Il.noO.OOO, eaay term. See or address T. room 6 Baaatlton. block. Pert land, Oregon. . .- ' . . FRERV LAND IN OREOOB aader the "Carey . Irrigation Act. Deed direct from. tut. Write today. Booklet and map free.- B. S. Vookt A Co., 361 Alder at... Portland. Or. . FOR SALB SOB acre, with 30 head ef cattle: (nod dwelling houa. 3 tors bama; for $3,300. Andrew Oallagher, owner, Perk la hotel. Portland, er On P. O, Oregon. . 183 ACRES, all la cultivation; a beautiful tract la boat fanning dlatrlet; exceptionally ..a u o r.M.1. a, . $48 ACRES A aplendld atock, (rain ar- fruit . farm In Yamhill county; bur thl at lea, then $23 per wort, B. S.' Cook A Co., 361 Alder at, i " - - ; $ ACBES 4 mllee ent, 1 block from car- -fine, all la high atata ot cnltlratloo, AO par acrei very eaay trrma. Call 1I ThlrA FOB SALE 40 seres, ardmarovedV 7 mnr from courthouae; no (ravel; ner I wo; t fesrgila, ' Inquire O 64, oar tt-m, "V -- tt 1 i 4