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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1905)
jour: tt v i v - FlIjji i;r',"ii...r.i Lccil Fruit C 7 T!. Ar Tlrti tf Hivinj ThcJr Clock Cue WKhiriton Cm cr, and VV..I (":iLi.l(Ab-.r.fO. j for Cxmass. f T- -V. 'Af FRUIT SlfPEilS TO . HIT KG I Local Men Say They Will Bring Suit AgaJnet Various Wash- w : 'ngton Officials. .tvi ) ,vV"-, j' . !' "..-,-x:-1ECCS SHOW SCARCITY v ?FF7WITR PRICES FIRMER ' Slackening of I Demand JJbown 1n , Spring ;; Chickens 'i-if Others':'' Are ' Steady , to Firm Graham and Whole-Wheat Flour Lower.' i Trent Street, Aug. 80.Tr,e orlnelpal Of M Fort land wboleaal mara.i. '' 'Fruit meo to eue WenalngtoB.rtflelalB. K - " - rluckleberrle ato'eomlnB feslsr.- ' . Blsekberrles are In good reeelpt.. , Ka are mm with price tiff. , , OrtHM and whole wheat floor tow. .' rkwr and wheat are quiet. -- 'I Oat u rim at torr,atoaa, " .1 hm (Inxutiln inlM' frem Vallaf. 1 Meat racalpta ara aooiewhat hatter. - ( Tomato aiarkft aoM t pla. s'v , t aiall-ahwd' vaaahea, ara dull. ,. . - Potato aiarkat rentlnoea woah , . 1 ' Irnil giuwwa aro hohtuic onlonov , ,. ,. Hop Mwa la at 111 oonniftlai T .. Uprinf rtk-kooa dull,- otuora ajaad. 1'rMiMirr hotter Barhet food. , Chaaaa la erea. rleaB, rir. n 't14 Umm to Ima iraakittctn OfftoiaUl 4 'aahtastow-tnU -liwpertora that eondemB Onaoai tralte foe -aajr. o4 rmaon Uara boea !VH warnln b tba Joeal. fraK trade, tlt aolta for damacea are la order. Uerelofora tba frojta that hare boea cohnned and "" . by the rnlt Inapectpra or toe Dorthem otata , hare bm t dlwcDoea apon tbe loyal, ehlppere. J, Jkpptea. peara, plunia and other fralto - held ap. erra after paaeloc the loeal luapeetora I and eeero tone have reeolled lo- "' f After the irabllcattoa ta Tba Jraal reeterdir , of the official -opinion 4 the polled Htalwe ' k Boearaaien aa to dleoaaoo of eltrua frolt tlie J e.rfcma dealera who hare ee ,eaoUt ta -tba net b the Waabtngloa fratt taapeetore derided to txnl their tatereata. and ault f will be the outcome. "Vr. wa are tired of-thle natter. aaM fred Paire of Pae Boo. whoaa Cltrn haa bee , eapecUUr hit bjr the roe.ble- eome mapectora. ""e do aot tataod to ataod for tola eondlttoh nr Vmaw aad-wUl Jirln t anlt to harrthe mattjer ttetea n w.wi I, , Other dealara were of the aatne oplhloo. ... rotate Kukit 3onilaW Weak.."- e. wat"Muitmna Ira wear lobe'. " mritttn is. local orawera are aow Terr heae - "'aad trade la Terr dull. Meal dealera are btijr n from hand to mouth and there la aa entire aheeace of anjrttlat to the way of aa oatalda 9.; demand. .- v r- - ' '. v.' ""'. ' The ealoa market Ja quiet with local troweea v taMtu off for hlcbee ralnet. The market ta atlll belnc fed br Walla Walja. and a tbeo are cheaper thaa btbera.. dealera are auwilUnf to Letter ttalet 'ia rloar aadi Wheat, , tlm-. IlitU boalmaaa la etlU reported la the floor nurket'from tba orient, jepaaeoe erdera being of aormal- alae. . Kotbrng aa tot iron : i Ki... tcal trade eontlnooa onlet. Graham . and whoie wheat flour la dowa 9o barrel or v 15e a hale. - Th-jrheat market la doll with tollV aro not ercraMkna ta bo or ffowera hurOrto v 4a- elh Prteea tba amme. .;):' e- Thooate market to-eery .qrnut.yaeaaea- re- r. BoreTre rea mot dlaappolriUaa rhaaJ bad ' lcn erpeeted and the maeaer Brto nl ahapa. fheT fact that Mlnneeata oaef won anrohaaiil ny .' .. imim Stated aorerament to fill the Phil- L ewlai order baa hot hnrt the market, although r nimeiDtereaCa are trrlbl that, ag. a, teat to beat V Tomato Harka ' 0a' t Ftooei..- HcaW arrttaht aad etrme high prlcoa bar -" combloe to raoaa a 'alutnn la ordlnar toma ' ' toed. Home en lea of thaap atoeka were reported , ' mada yaeterday aa low aa 80e, while the 'reg , our arica todar ranaee around soaaoe, . tba , latter for tha faner axadeak . r . Small-etoad peacheg aro the ha Of I the . t market today and tba tone m rather doll. Taney peachoa are ararro and thw top of-theparket ' 4 fie arplnla waa TB. . w ' HueWenerrlee are now coralrig In larger rap ' v . AMmmmA la ratr around flc. Peara are owning too feet for tba demanJ ': aad prices are aomawba oft. Bblnptng demaud r not -ao good. . 1 Orapoa aro doll for blaesa, bat fancy white " atlll bring tbo top. hm. tct fane Orarkneteta apnleo - Jnacttoa City were among tbo arrtrala tula 5.; momtng from Vlllametto eanry pnMt. Ifemaud ' good ,wlth price the aanw. ? ' Key Vow b Stfll Conflicting. . Keen from local Tarda the hop aewa no --being received la eery eonfllcllng. Grower . in too aamo nalchborhood tell tor tee that eary . 'aa moch aa do aummer and winter Roroe aay ; S the tleld will he-larger, while othera Joat'a ( ! atmngiy aaeen inai 11 win uw bikm-i. h prrw, . J bowoTor. .that the onalHy will be flret-cUea. V'ew. Terk la atlll ttooblm tha loeal dealera. , aewa from, thert being .Oreo more eonfltottng . than tola 'Otata. - E. J, Smith today reealTOd ' the followtng front Oneida. Maw York! ; ) " 1 Prank D. Miller Hop crop af atato win he ' from to to SO per cent abort. . Ilc aad amid ; Ore ahown to tha Tarda. Top creo. Bralnard ; ' Co. reported to hare, yareeaaed early hope at waterriua at etc. -, Henry rVberkt Many yarda are' badly blighted. Leland it Tanner, who hare recently opened ao office at Oneida, are reported to bare ' contracted one half of eeeerel eropa at SO. Urewere here unwilling aa a rule, to aeU wader sse, bat tome few may let go at 10c. ,u ', ' Syrlag Chlokon Bull, Other Steady. Pprlng rhlchen are quoted aomewhat weaker ' . on account f the larger eappllee, but ben are ilrm aad unchanged. ' . - " The egg market I firm aader nuU receipt gnd a eery good demand. v : ' Creamery nutter retalaa lta firm tone aader mall. arrtrala. . l- . tlioea la ecarea and prlcee are eaally Bala ,' talued.. - : . k ' ' .. . ,Ireaaed meet are coming nore freely, but demand aa a whole la excellent around the. top. . The following q notation are thoae paid by r tallera to Front atreet dealera for choice quality - ' ta round lota. Price t -country point are .- apeclfled: -. . -. c 1 4 .. 4 ii, wrata.. ttoa aaS read. "' . : WHtJAf-Omtracto. 1005 !trw trtuhi ! ' Bed Raantan, Mcj hlneetem. T2c Talley, Tic. BABLIY Feci 21 WJf M 00t rolledi. I2S.B0 C28 00: brewing, ta.ft0O2a.00. , . . CORN Whole, iin.oo; cracked; S3S.M per tea. ' UYK ll.H per awt. . - OATS No. 1 white. 00.00: gray. $.. ' ' PLOUR Ra'tara Oragoa rateat $4.oeJ 'd-B; atralgbta, ISTSj eiporta. 3.S0J3.gli ealley,; graham. 4.00l 10. ,. rye. na. 00; halea, JlTS. BflLLSTTjrFS Braa. lao.M par toe; BldV ' dllnga, $21.00: jhorta, touatry. $22-001 glty. iai.'io: chop, iti.oo. . ' HAT Producer' price Timothy. Willamette ealley, fancy, $11.Ms ordinary, IlO.OOj aaatera .Oreron, $U.oneiB.nO; mlted, lt.O0: clerer, . $a.OUitt.OO; grain. $ft.00. eheat, M.008S., aruttor. tn aad Poultry. .-.-, BtTTtR PAT eweet, 38Hot Boar, tH. W-TTKR Otr creaaMry, beei, 0e second trade. 17 Vie oatalda fancy, VIHei ordinary. Wednesday prices in s; ' . 'the wheat market - J Sent. ' Dee Chlrage - Liverpool .... New Tork.... Mllwaukeo ' St. Lou la. ..... ,7IA I .80 A lHd ,MHA .MHA ,KJ4h A . .104 A .7HB f 'JIUB. Kanaag - City .7tVi,A i . n in nrapoijaK r "DuMltll ....... ' Ban Franclico JCUnNAUS DAILY . vTi?s to-srtippEns d " d "Tha tomato -market haa ion d to piece. Rocetpta of lata have d d ibeen very heavy and .tha atreet In e I d general hag been overatocked. d - Late yeatarday 'afternoon the market - alumped and prloeg in d . many caaeg ruled very ' low - In :, order to allow dealera to keep . tha market - cleaner. Smaller d alaed peachea are a drug; on tha e market-and prlcea on. them are 4) lower." W. H. Dryer of Dryer,. : e O'Malley at Oo. - .-c . '4444 '' t-V; atore, lIJl$Hc; California fancy, a irrvie. KOOS No. 1 freak Oregon, candled. SteMULo! aaatera. 223220, CUKCSK New Full cream, twin, lSQleej Xoung America, 14a,loc; Cheddar, lee roULTaV Chicken, mixed. taQUMe per lb-, beaa, 14e per lb; rooatera, old, lie per lhi young, 14c per lbt broiler, lavifjia per lhi fryer, laHQl&c per lb,- duck, U&16c lb; aeaae, g10 per lb; turkeys, 18t28o per lb: pxeaaed. 22f25e per lb; eijuabe, $3,00 per dog. . ' atop. Wool aad Rldea. ' HOPS ' Contract, luon Oregon, . KOlSe; Washington, lBi4jcl4c; 1004 crop, 171Jle for choice: KKailtc for prime and medium. WOOLe-lut eUp, Tiller, eoarje to aeedlaaa, t42&He; . Sae, ttJe eaatora Vregoa. MuH AIR Nominal, SOtJtle. . ' ! ' . BHKKPBKIN8 peering, 10020.'. abort woot, toaaoe; medium woot, , SOtjeoct luag wool, e0rt$1.00 each. . . TALLOW Prima, per lb; dOSet Mo. 1 aad greaae, tQ2hit. ' ... . CHITTIM BARK 3SHc per iST""'" . . H1UKS Drr hldeaV f-ia uv ue W tJrlH per lb; dry kip. No. 4. e to IS Iba, itc, rr cau, no. 1, uaaer ids. leejisct a salted bides, ateera, sound. SO Ihe ev erer H tie; 60 to SO Iba. SttSUct anaer ae Iba ai eow. SQd He; atari and bulla, eoand. atfTcj kip, IS To 0 Iba. Ac: aoond. JO to 14 Tb. atj eelf, sound.. aader 10 lbs. SH(11: greea (ansalted), le per lb lea: euiia, la par lb Weal honehlde. eaHcaV dry, each, $1.00(J1.50; colt hides, eech. SSaooei goat aklna, eommon, each. lOfliftc; Aug or, fflthi wool en. each, 9eQ$l. , ; v ' rralta -aad Tegetobtea. ' : " ' POTATOKH Beat Oremn. NOe! ' car " lota. 005e each; ardlnarj, 40tSe; aweet. 2tl. uniuno pew Oregon yellow DanTera, ai.oo; car lota, $loai.lo; Valla .Walla, $1.00; farlle, $J10e per lb. . - ..... I'rUflH rBUITS Apple. Oreeqa. $1.0031.90; faacy, $1.78: crabapplea, oueQleW! oraagea, lata Valencia, $2.75fi4.00; bauauaa, e lb; lamona, choke, . $4.60 -par' boa; , . fancy, - $8j00 per. box; limes. Mexican, $1.25 per lo0 plaespplee, $3M per dea; peaehee. fancy, T5ilc; ordlaary. 60inr; plume. TSct$1.00 per crete; cantaloupe. $1.00431.23 per crtte; watermeloaa, ,7oci Hftc per nrti xraTO; Oragua. 75c6$l.lft; California, $1. 1B1. 25 , boir peara, Oreaoo. oer box: blackberrlea. S1.2Sei.fi0: caeabaa, $U(0(tSJU-pr. doa; freeh prunea, 30 mioc per crate. .. VKOKTABLeS ffurnlp. new, $1.00 per each! Prrota. $l.ooJ.l per each; beets, $1.00J V pe aack; Oregon radlahea, 2Be per .doa; eabbage,. Oregon. , Too . pet , w; . green peppers. 60tiiie, per boa; local tomatoes, eoft 0-: paranlpa, $1.00l.h; atrlng beans, lVtl2c; nuUtlower. TSo per doa: rhubarb. 2 He per lb; boreeradlah. 12e lb: artichoke. efxiioOe per dox; aoinouao lettuce, VHai lM; eeaa lettuee, loe- pee doa; greea eoluaa, futJlllV, -par doa; aptnaea, 2e Bar tb! .mu mm ai ret oer aackr neaa tc per U: cucumherov Sa)f5 pee sack; celery, Colorado, - fW76c; - local, 7aoSc per doaea; eggplant, $3.00 par era ta) pumpklsa, iwiiv r nulla Aonlea,- eraperaiea. -laxae per .lb; anrleota. tVal3 per lb;, eaeka, -. k per Jh leaa; naecbe. aaiS per lb: ears, t or Ib( prnnea. Italian. . SWjfMlte aer -lbt Prench. SUOiVte ner lb: fir. CaUforala black. StU per lb; California white. per lbt plnma. pitted, a. nor lb; datea. ewhtoa. ear lb: farda. $VM aar 1 o-!b box. . , f . ... . , -r.v . wraaarlaa,: sTato, Its. v?i " lnOia,et haala Take IA Tttl nowdered. M.BOj (rnlt graaolated. :$5.60; drr-graeulated, $S.0 'Conr Ar$S.B0v beet granulated, $9.40; extra C. Stf.uO: eo!dea C- t4.o: D rellow. 4Jt0;-bbla. loe. W bbla te,- ao BOO adraae ea oack beat, leas S3 per ewt tor caah, 1$ "TVarah ' 'l K COPPEB-Packaga braada, $15. TS. -ISALT Pine Ralaa. am. 4a. Be. 10. Sl.OOl table. . dairy. - BOa. $11.00: ' 100a. tie.fB: Int. port 224e. led UTcrnooi. 60s. $17.00: 100. sie.30; 1. $16,001 sxtra flno. yttole. S. aa. 10. $4.ft08S.M: bolfcjiao loa. $40e0l aacka. 6u. dnae. : SALT Coaraa Half (roand. 100. per ton. $7.00; sos. or ton. $7.ft0; I.Wernool hi'xo Tock. 118.60 per toki SO-lb rook. $7 .Out 10b. $0.75. UbQse iPrtose apply to aaara of- leaa thee ear lota. Car lots at asocial prices aabjeet to flnetnatlonsi. . ... . . - UBAIN BAGS Calcutta. TWe.. , ' RICH tn.n.rl.1 l.u- 1. Ma. R. $Uei New Orleaae head. SHet AJax. 4e: Cre- . BB4NS Bmall white. 8i(14Vel laree white. JHc: ilok. SUfllHcl bayos. 44t Umaa. $3I Mexican red. . ' KUTS Peanuta. Tet tamboa. Ue oar lbt raw. eerde nor lbt roastea. J eocoanuta. A90c per dost walnota. 140150 per lb: pipe pnra. tOQlSHe oer h: hickory nnt. 10c per lb; eheetnirre. eaatern.. IKcfiac per lb: Braall nut, ISo per lb; filbert, 14010 per lb; fancy aecaaa. Iiatsei almooda. uaiHe per la, ' Palate. Cool Oil. Xte. MOPB Pure Manila. 14c: standard. MWei iaal 10e; Hale brand alaal . COAL OIL Peerl or Atrl. Caeea, SOJae not call water while. Iroa bbla, ID per gal: woodoa. is per gall baadllcht. 170-dea. ease, aM.e per rL - - .' - O AHOI.IN & as-dcr. eases. t2e per Bel: - Iroa hhra. See per cal: atoeea. eaaaa. S4He par gal: Iroa bhls. IS per a HF.NZI XB da-dee. 2So per sat! - Iroa hbV tatic per gL - TtRPBNTIKR 1 eaaea 1 oer aal: waodea DDT, iwr per aal; troa aots, nc per gai. WHITE LEAD Ten lota74e per lb; BOO-Ib ta. ftc oer lb: lesa lota. tli ner lb. WIRE KAILS Presraf base at $2-70. UKSRin flit Pur. raw. In bhia. BT per gai; eae, tzc per gal; genuine aettie-aoiiea. ceae. 70s ner gl: bbM. e5e per gal: ground rake, car lota. $20.00 par toal Van) than ear 'ota. $30.00 per ton. , Veato. FUh aad PrevUloaB. . PPUMn al RAT riwit ateeet WMaf ateera. $Qe per lb; pork, block. 7Ht8e per lb; pach or. 7fteSn no lb; bulla. 4&ae ear lb; cewa. 4zSa per lb; mutton, . 7o . per lb: lamb witn pen, oUK in; veal, extra. itvaiKi ordinary. SUtj7e per lb! poor. Se per lb. HAIIM. tiaiX. arm. Pnrtl.iul eh .lne.1l ham. 10 to 14 Iba. tJe per lb;, 14 to 1 lb. 184 per lb: 18 to 20 lb, fa per lb; cottage, 8e per-lb; breskfaat bacon, l8le per lb; Plant. Pc oer lb; recular abort clear, in. moked. lie per Vay- smoked, 12c - per WA Clear book v bnamoked, 10 4 lb; smoked, UK per lbt Vnlea botta, 10 to IS lha, ooamokod, 8 per in;, erooara . e per in; clear eeuiea. an. amoaeo. u per lot aaioaea. ue per sere, awe per id. we ner lb. lL. LARD Kettle leaf. ' 10a, UK per llUe oer lb; W tb tine, lle per lb; rendered, 10a, 10o per lb; Be, 101c lAHJALi lb; Be, staam rei per lb. CANNWrl IlLUnW-rMaiaM. ete I t, $1.80; 2-lb tall, $2.70; fancy, Mb fiat a, Sl.OO; Vi-lb fancy flata, $1.18; fancy l ib ovala, $2.76; Alaska taila. nlnh. BtalOOe: rad. aijioi alnal aa. ran. az.w. ,vrit!,T,t'!.'01- Te .Pr t floimderB, Be pet lb; halibut,. SHe per lb; craba. $1.60 per jda Krlped haaa. lfu 'per By .eatflah. 7e- per I ealmnn, chlnook, Se per lb; eteelbeads. 7H per lb; bleebarka. Be per lb; herring, Se per lh olee. Se per lb) ehrlmpe. -10c per Jb; nerch, Be per lb: ehad. 4c oer lb: ma ahad. ie ner lb: hd roe. 80e per lb: black cod. 7e per lb; llver (melt, t per lb; lobatera. 16c) freih macirl. Se per lb: crawflah. SAe peg doa: fjouadera, Se ser io: arnrreon. ie per id. - oxsTBKit boaiwaterr bay. .per aal. $2.20; it sack. $3.78. - ' CLAMS Hard ahelL aez bos. SS.001 raane flame. 12-00 per box. . .. SAB rEABCIBCO tOOAt STOCKS. Raa rrnclctT:iof . SO. Official eloa. aaorn. tog eeeatuu: . .... . , , ' .. :,-. -Jiid. -, Contra Oata Water... ........,. 4(1 8irlng Valley Water.......,.....'.. tn. Central l.lxht..,....,....,... 4tJt Mutual Electric............. San rranciBco -uae A Electric..,.. -TflV . Aak. 47 14" 77 , Olant Powder,., 7IVh 77 llnnnkea . BoxkT 19Z . . MHicuinenw pninr .it... ...... .. lrt' Make well Suaar. ,V.......w. 87 $714 Onomes Stiaar.r... .,..... 884 e... Psaubaa 8ugr. ..A ......... ...... S3. Alaaka Packers'...... W 4K., Pacific Coast Borax lox , ..... . . - oobUtock vxtcm iTocxt. .-,' .... I e . ' ' Had rrioclaco, Atat.; 80. Official ekiee mora- ing aeeaioa:. r a . - "f- ' Bid. . Sarage .,..,..$ .47 , Potoal , ,..,....- .07 Hnlon Con .HA . Bnllloa ......$ .St Bcli'beT'- ....... .'13 Cal.Va..., lis Ophlr 6.00 r'aledonla .32 YWIew. Jacket, r. .14 Kxcnequer .411 , Hal A Norrroa. 1.18 Aades, M ' LV-y-v. Mexican-....... 1.20 Con. Mereur ... . .45 toorploa ....... ' 44 El'I L0.'J PRICES IDE TODAY r Wheat 'Market In Chliao Dull V Early and tha Bears Dom- u inated the Trading. ' SOME RALLY DEVELOPED LATER IN THE. SESSION Firmer Tone During Last 'of Session , Saved the Price From' Closing at i the. Very,; Bottom September Corn .; Showed Much 4 Activity. X )"-; " j WEDNESDAY'S WHEAT MA BEET. '...,;. r. Cloee .'.' Wd. Tuoa. Close' Tear Ago Sept.-.. .....$ .TAA$ $1 OTH iec., ........ .BUiaa May. .00 . Chicago. A eg. SO. IxraB Bryan aay: la wheat the primary recelpta are about $00,000 bnebele lea than a- rear ago, but 840,000 hualiela In exeeea of 'the day'a ahlpmenta. . New low prlcea were again made In today'e aiarkat. but ae In recent aeeelon Bom rally developed late tn tba day. which eared tha market from elnelng at -tbeJow point,. Theee ralllee Imll cate that the trad la narrow and tbe abort, are Inclined to eorer on the dlpe. . Bearish sentiment etllLasema to predominate and tha action of the market Itself eeeata to encourage tola reeling. ' , , ; ....- i',v-: ; larg; Cera' Slmrt totoreai, t.'Jn eons, the primary, rocalpto.are S00.O00 hnabela lean than a year ago, but a full 000. OiiO buehele larger than ahlpmenta, Ja spite of hesrtoese.ln .wheat, tbb) market ruled firm .until late la the Mealon, wbn tb unexpected demand lor September canaeq aaaty coTeruig ny the aborta. Tha deferred future did aot par ticipate In the movement, hut bollleh activity centered altogether In September. The action of the market. today aeema to Indicate that tha abort tn tercet la large aad possibly witn top much -aoupany. JTbeoate market ruled e,nlet hot farm, -eloalng oncbahged after aa uneventful day. Pork was again leader, with the nnrrlalnn market ekjelng . 'aharply higher. As w said thla morning, the market rcoponded reedlly to inn aalvo support- by tbe psckers. They eeem till aa confldBt aa ever that the atatlatleaj poattlon Wmrraut the preeeat range of, prlcee. Official ouotatlohs 'by Over beck, Starr A Cqpke company: . -:. .... ... Open.- Hlsh. lw. .7'4r f .7 .77A Close.. .7HHA . " .sn.A , 8S Kent. ....8 Dee,.,... -J4 .83 , CORN. : . - ' Old Sept .... M Old Dec.. .44 4 "t M . .: .tit .S3UB : .4414 , .424 4". -"'. May...., , i4Jt MM OATS, Sent. ' .211 DeCrvT iftt .28' ... - .ssvf ?3 r$ .Sn4 .2dUf .26 May, .28 MESS PORK Sept....,, 18.00 Oct..;,.; 14.M Jae...... U 70 15.42 15 00 14.88 J5.4J - 18.10 12 111.10 " .12.78 LARD. : 12.87 Sept, ... Oct Jan 7 .07 ; s.nn . AOS ' 8.12 .Y8 . 8.0S . 7T 810 7.07 7.0B 7.0 k - ayaavr u. a ntuu. Sept.. ' S.t , ASA ' . 8.87 i Or.....-vS.OO S.00 S.87,wS.PT. jaa.,,...-$.o Aoo-d g.eo PiraTART SEAIaT atOVXaTtlfT. Chicago, Aug. $0. Primary receipt: V -v ' ., , ,VV Today rear Ago , ; v i' ... Bnah. . Btrah. Wheat .-......'..a....... 7o.ono Corn 864.000,1,071,000 naipment: .,- Wheat ..................... Am.OOO S84.0M Corn-.,. : S53.000 S42.0O0 Clearance: wneat. anna: flour, le.orm bar re la; corn. 828,000 bushel; oata, 38,000 buabela. ' bast rsAjrcisco ORAur afARxrr. Saa Pranclaee, Aag. X. 3ffinrt-'ioe, mg arasioB: i. . . .-, . .. r WHBAT. . ftoetl.-"- High. Low. Cloee. December..... $1 JO $1.80 $1.30 $1.8014 e .. BARLEY. .. December .$ $ .88 M , : urtmpooL exAiv atARrrr. - Liverpool, Aug. t. a 7.d. Si 80. -VTee: Wheat. Sente-n. lower; December, Ba 8Vid, t lower Cora September, 4 14d.' 4d lower; TJeacm. "Tdo, Mu lower; eaauary4 ea ou, a v CKIOAaO AOT CAR LOTS. Chicago, Ag80. Oraln ear lot: , . tare Srade Bat. 1804 re 337 300 Wheat ...-87 S Bl Cora ........ t 43 . , 848 , 41l ' Oats'. 188 8I 387 , HALF FAT HOGS CAUSE AI ' . heavy 'Nmm Receipts Are Heavy and Blockers and China Fats.. Fifty Cents !' I Off Others Lower, Portland Ho ton Stockyard, Aug. SO. Live stock recelpta: : , : Hog' Cattle, Sheep Tor1y ............. ....... .438 10 1st weea ago. ................ ... in-wiKi z.iso Prevtona week ,.,,..& . ; , iS Month ago Hoiiaay. Half-fat bora are not 'especially evmght after la any market theee daya when the arrivals begin to a bow a heavy tecreaee. Of lata the recelnta of thla claas of Block la the local varla bar been very heavy and the tone of tbe mai ket haa been eoneiaeratiiy weeaeneo. ia to the IraBer demand tbe entire hog market lower, today. Beat are off 33c. blocker aad China fata 80c, ahd tockar and feeder 2ft. Cattle and oheep are firm. There la a very liberal demand around the toe tor real calves. hut receipt are nominal. : ' - nrricial price tor iiveaioca: . blocker and China fata, ' $3.41-toe.kera. and feed ere. $8.00. - '" Cattle Best eastern twegoa steera. mama $.23;, light, and medium ateera. $2.S0j;2.00; llrht rnwa. $1.80412.00: storkera and feeders. $X233.70: hulls. $1.80. Hiveen Wether. $Hc; mixed abeep$Kc straight ewes, iflSc: sprtas tamha. . Calves tjood veal. 180 to 300 found. tc; rough and heavy. 4ig8c. EASTIRlf HOSS iuSlW.i.i Chicago. Aof. SO, Llveetock resclptr"'' " Hon Cattle Sheep Chlcage .....20.(0 2.SOO IR.ontl Kanaaa llty. ...... ........ i.t in.taai a,oi Omaha ..... B.0O0 t.SOO anO . Hnga opened ehnr with S.AOO left over. Re ceipt a year ago were 18.000. Prlcee! Mixed, a XilJii irona. eo wxae-eo; rougn, ee.uvj $.ar; llgbt. $3.8i.0. Cottar toy to JO lower. Sheep Steady. " ,V. wall rranr eossrp. : 1 Kew York. Aug. SO. The Wall Street Jonraal eayai- - Tblrty-tbree roe la for the third week -f t ifail anew B groan TorTeaae oi o.oa per cent; 12-ndnetrlala advanced .67 per eent: 20 active rallmado advanced .88 per cent. Western rail, road officiate are highly aptlmlatl aad report better rar reeiiitea tnaa ever nerore. The hank Vt to the nuhtreaeury elite Prtday 13.8MO.O0O. Probability af tocreeeed drrMend m Paeirte coaaf. Conalderahle ahlpmenta of Penn sylvania atock end eonverttbie bonne petng mail to tlermany. Demand la the -tnaa crowd tt) aw tiler and everything le plentifully affexed. , . . . tarinur aaiee. . Kew Tnefe. Ana. . Sterling rat! DenundL Werf '83 A MCTIOJ STOCKS THE LEADERS Brooklyn "L" Leads the Advance With a Cain for the Day of : Three Quarters Point. , SAN FRANCISCO SECOND ALSO AMONG THE RISES General Trend of Market Is Down- ...... ... .i . ; ward With Some Severe Losses In the Big Xist--Stcel Stocks Lose a Half Peace News Discounted.' - '-.- DECLINES. ' - Amalgamated ,....1V Missouri Paclflo.... Atchhwu .Ml Norfolk J Sugar (JlN. T. Central..lV Smelter ll Pacific Mall ......IV pfd $.IPreeed Steel Car u r'onodry Baltimore ..... aepuuue eieei .... do pfd ....... 'Bj Colorado Fuel .....t Bonthera Br....... St. Paul .........1H V. A N. W i Chapeak Colo. So., Id pfd..l do let pfd ...... Denver . ... .'., do pfd ......... Brie ' hi do Sd --efd'-Tr....' do let pfd Great Weetera .... IUinota Central .. V St. U 4 t. W...M do pfd ......... D. S. Steel ....... do pfd Wlaonia Cent.... dd pfd .........n Penaeyivanla ...... Peonies' Oaa ....... Reading ..JH Bock IaUnd do nfd ......... Southern Pacific.. ..IV Ixtulivlll ..,1 Tana. Coal ...1 ai ........J idfle ,....1 meaican central. rntoa racine Katy ... do pfd Wibaab do pfd . ADVANCES. Atchlaoa, pfd.,..., Jil Brooklyn , HlBrooklya . Ui Metropolitan ....... H M Texas A Padfls... Saa Fran.' 3d pfd. Wall Street, New York, Aug. SO. The tock market suffered a aevere reaction. Peace news haa been -badly dUcounted for . the peat two dye and today's market at taken aa m' nat ural consequence. Deaplte the general weak ness of the market the tractume were atrong. Brooklyn "IT leading the advance. . Trading waa heavy. ' r ,, Official qooUtlona by Over beck, SUrr Cook Co.: . DESCBIPTIOK. anaconda Mining Co... Amalgamated Copper Co. 118 87 BLu?iuon. common ...... do preferred a Am. Car Fouadry, .. do preferred Am., Suger, common ... Am. Smelt., eomoaoa... do preferred Baltimore Ohio. eon. Brooklyn Rapid Transit. Canadian I'ac, common. Chi. A Alton, eommoa. . do preferred 108 88 10114 1441 130 12844 u mm 70 188i 1884 188 Chi. A U. W., eommoa. Chi.; Mil., A St. Paul.. CbL.A N. W -common. Chi. Terminal Railway.. 82 V4 ins 221 vutfsapvaBe , at uaio. ... Colo. Fai a Iron, ooto. Colo.. So., eemmon ... do 3d preferred ..... do let preferred ..,.ei 3 wmwii, as nooaou..,, D. A R. O., -eommoa... ' do -preferred ........ Erlo, eommoa ... ....... do Sd preferred ..... lat-areferrefl-.. niioole Orotral ....... LoalavtlHe Naahvlllet 62 78li! nniinuiu ox. t ... I Manhattan Railway w.irwai vnirBl mj. . . Mleeoarl Padfls ...... M., K. A T., common. 88 78H 5ft new xors tntrai. Northera Pacific ... Norfolk A Weetera, e..( oo prererree North American ....... 1. T., Ont. A Weal;,. Pennavlvanta Ballw.r . . Peoiile'a O.. L. a o. Co. 1 rreeeea steel car, eom. uo prererrea Pacific Mill 8. a. m. Reading, eom oo second prererrea,.' do first ere f erred. . . Rep. Iron -A Steel, earn.; ao orererrea..... - Rock Ialand. com..,,. do preferred Southern Ry.. com.... do e referred S5J mjt st. i. 4i, r.', id pfd! oi. a,, m o. w., c ore f erred. ... Texas A Pacific. Trnreeaee Coal A Iroa. Toledo, St. L. A W., e. as - prererrea. ........ vaioa ramie, nn,.. ii. a. leMtnerreom.... OA BrihrHi . . t. ,' Rubber, com.... tT STteel Co., on.! 874 10H Wheel.. Lake Brie. e. in 80 '4 B7t 83 32, WjacotMln Central, com. do preferred .... ------ W. V. Telegranh Wabaah, com........... do preferred. ......... Qreene Copper. . . . . . Call money cloeed 21214 per cent. . TqU! aa Ire for day. $02,000 sherss. . fi , - '..,t0sT0fax iinrrjtw stocks.' . . Pan Prandaco. Ana. SO. Tbnoeah stacks, of. flclal eloa, toomlng eealoat . i run. - BHI. , ar,.. '- - U iiTUini.1. a , ....... . ...... ,......,. t ' Minway ,,,,. i.m in.enaan McNmra .... .88 Colnmhla Mt,,,' .17 Jomba .rrJ.,';7T Silver Pick mu .10 Jnmhe Exten..., S Black Butte Doldea AnchorJv - . ' ... .ia Belmont-.-....,. 1.67H North Star .... , .88 Rescue ,e Oold Mountain.. .13 Jim Bntler .... .81 Red Ton .... -HT nay v nriea ......11 Ton. Nevsla.... ..l$TsT( Ohio l... .81 Ton. Fx tea ...-. 70 n. Bull rnr... ,23 ,o Goldfleld ...... . .68 Sandstorm .89 SaodBtorai , Ex.. .OS niasMndfleld ... Loo Star .....a' Momeatak 10 Adame .IS Caah Boy IS Mohawk ...t.. .18 BOITOIT OOPPIR STOCXS. Boton..Ang-8'Ofnclal copper .close: Bid Wfifc- Adventure:...! 8.00 Atlantic H Alleuea . ...... . 81. BO - Bingham .... 81.75 Cal. A aria.. . I 0cola ...... lo.of Parrot ....... 28.00 Phoenla ...... i 2B Qnlnry ....... Hhannoa ..j. 7.T5 . Tamarack .... 139.00 Trinity S.T8 Cnlled IT 37 U. Calnmet 8611.00 Copper Range,. 70.B0 Centennial . . 38.00 14.80 Paly West . .. Rim Oranby ...... Victoria ...... ' 418 380 7.60 . .82H 27.00 Winona ...... 11.60 . Wolverine .... 126.00 I tab ,..-tt:-n 44.00 U, SMIalng.. v 84.60 Greene . Old rtottitnloa. Mohawk ..... Mlchlgaa ... 88.00 14 0j Royal B1.EO.. 1 84.60 , . V -. Maas, ' POITLARD BARK STATntaJfT.' ; rtesrlngs ...... W . 367. 18S. SO Miancea ........ v... vo,aal.vl ' rnr torx oorrxR markxt. i 1 1 .' Mew York. Aug. SO. Coffee futurea cloned B to l" pom ia aigner. , ; v orncui qootauena: -- BI1 Aak. Bid. Aak. January ...$7 68 $7 Jaly ......ST.8S $S.tM) Febrnary .. 7.88 7.70IAagTil ....7.18. 7.30 HarcB .... T.i" r.ioinepieraoer T in April .....t.78 7 il October .... 7f T.J8 Wily ..,.. 7.88 T 801 Xeeeiubee .. t.$0 T.38 fane ...f.. T.noiueceniDer. ...T.eo 7. 1 ' ' Tore lea Ooffas Marketo. : ' Kavr. Ana. S0.coffae uaabanged. - Ham burg , declined. M to H. Rio recelpta ll.tino bar, market weak, prlcea .7$ down; Sealne U.000 bag, axarxet ataaay. nj aowav .' w ' Terk Oash Ceffe. ' ; " ;'' ' New . torh, - Aaa . SO. Cash coffee;- He, T ExwCounty Jude Morelantf Sur- prised to Find Cuildinj on . lot tie uwnse - Several yeara ago ex-County Jude J. C. lloreland purcbaaed three and A half acree of , land near Mount Tabor, with tha IntenUon of erectlna aaubur ban, residence there. - Thla morning; ha Vlalted the property and found that somebody' had bnilt ' house for blm without his knowledge or conaent. v Tha houae waa , not Juat what he would have had conatruoted, but It was comfortably furntahed and It appar ently had a tenant.'. Tha tenant, hoar, aver, waa absent when tba Judga called, or at leaat thera' waa no reaponae to a knock. . :-' T ' "..-,-.'. t, . Judge Moreland will pay aaoond vlait to the house thla afternoon or to morrow, and will endeavor to aacerta-ln from lta occupant how tha building; came to-beereeted on hie property whether by mistake or with the deliber ate Intention of equattlns; on tha land with the hop of claiming It by adverse poaaeaalon. - . . i . w The caae presehta a unique feature, la that Judge Horeland may claim the houae aa hla property If ha wlehee) to. jCourta in different etateVhave held that a bulldlna; erected on the land of an other man, even by mtataka, belongs to the landowner. Judge Moreland had not vlalted t&a property for two or three yeara, and from the appearance) of the houae It was built about a year ago. IS PUT OFF TRAIN . . ' AND CUES RAILROAD Suit against the Oregon Railroad 4 Navigation company for $10,000 dam ages waa bearun in the etate circuit court yesterday afternoon -Robert Watklna, a real eatate agent of Doming, New Mexico, who allege that ha waa put off the company'a train st-Cascade IXK-ka early In Auguat, that hie round trio ticket waa taken up by the conduc tor, that he waa aubjected to numerous indignities, one of which was- that be was called a lawbreaker in trie presence of a crowd of passengers. "Watklna al leges that he bought the ticket at "Doming and paid $6$ to the Atchison. Topeka It 8anU Fa Railroad company for It," The ticket read from Doming to Ban Francleoo- over tha company's lines, thence to Portland, and : from Portland to Chicago, . ." , FINDS HUMAN SKULL ' ' ; WHILE HUNTING GROUSE .. - (Special IMapatch to The JoarnaL) Baker City. Or.i Aug. $0, Last week while Roas Badger was 'hunting for grouaa on the -open ground above he Stoker ranch, he diacovered a ekuH ly ing about 30 feet from Catherine creek. Tha akult had been exposed to the wekther and .ravages of beasts and In aects so that every particle of fleah and hair was removed. - In February, 101 a recluse,"- named M. Hill, disappeared from hUr-oabln about three fourtha of a mile from -Where the akull waa found. Hill had a very large head, however. and the exun is amau. FIVE THOUSAND SMITHS IN ANNUAL REUNION V -I -" Usraal Special Bervle.) Peapack. N. J., Aug. 30. Over I.OOS membera of. the Smith family of Amer ica gathered on J. D. Smith's farm near thia town to attend the annual reunion f the, Smith clan. The Creeeent Mili tary band of Rarltan furntahed the mualo for the occasion. - This evening there will be a summer night's festival on the grounds of the Reformed church of Peapack. , !"..- '.:. . . COTTON IS SEVEN . . .iJrJO ELEVEN LOWER llew Tork. Aug. 80. Cotton faro roe cloeed T. to 11 points Official amotattone by OverWk. Starr A ceoa eompaay; Open. Riga. Low, Close. January , ,1111 1110 lots lioeeos February ........... ... March ..,.1118 April .....,.,.. ... 1110 1130 1UM 1115 Hie may ...............i w August 11x3 1134 , 1114 lOftS 10a 1074 1074 1101' IOhS 1104 . 101)0 1113 10M HID lONOi IOTg September ........ ..1074 ortooer ,.i.......itnrr lnexflM November 1101 lOMMOg ,....... .1108 1108(204 ''Sew Orleans Oash Cotton. New Orleans. Ana. 80. Soot cotton 11 Witt market aelet; middlings. ln ft. . 1 "I s - Oattan Lower. Lrtrrneol. Ana. 80. Cot tea futurea eloael 8 te 8 potato lower. . . V Terh-Lendon Sagar. " New Tork. Aug. SO. Bef toed and raw augaf anchangod; London beet, 1,8 off for Aug oat at BSt; September err xi4d at ea a. TOO tATS TO CLASS ITT. Cost Bvenlng of August V Kearney ana marquam ineatre, reone goki theatre, round watch charm. Lata Pit ' to blue enamel faee. O. B. W. oa back; reward for return to 82S Kearney. . C. QEE WO The Great Chinese Doctor Formerly located at aaa 4 Third. Moved To the large ierct building at S. It. tor aot of Slrat aad Morrtoxe eta, ' , , ' Entratae .. llnU IInt Mrnt Sr. C aVaa Wa. V aVraa tmraaaa SeetaTi I won known and fa move throuaboot tb u. S. beeaua his wonderful and marvel oaa cere have boea heralded broadcast throeghoat the Veagtb aad breadth of thla eeuntry. lie treote aay and all dla with pewerrol caiaees roots, herbs, buds, berk 4nd tegetoble the! are entirely ana bows re mtdlcal arlaoce ia thla eeuntry, and tbraoeb the nee of theee harm lea remedle be gnaranteea to core catarrh, aithma, king trouble. rheunMtlam. nai aoaaaaa. tomb, llv.r, kktoey, feaale trooba pad all prlvat Thl thaaoua dec toe ure wttbeat the all of the kalfe. wlthoui aelng polaon or drug. Randred of taattaaonlal on Sht at hi eta. Call aad htm. Charge aaodarato. , OOBSTTLTATIOV FRRR. Patient eat of the eity wHle- for bunk aad circular. Inclose 4e alamo. Address The a See We Hedietoe 0 1S 14 ihe ear. M aula am, fartlaad. Or. . , nae meettoa tola paper. , , BOWarnrCr, Kovxrsra sj otx - (atebllshed !$$$. , .- aVtot 4, - - rioov,- . l v jrasov. This choice tract U sellins fast from the fact thxt tl l.". the cheapest and best located of any suburb around Tex. This tract is on the Oregon City car line and river ar.i CI I are 50x100 feet with SO-foot streets; level and sightly. kzZ c irice to all. whether you buy one lot or fifty the price for fz: , ot is $50. The title is perfect, complete abstract of tit! . Milwaukie Park can be seen by calling at the Ilibernia ings Bank, owners of the tract, and free tickets to and f.; 1 Milwaukie Park will gladly be given -to aU iritendinj rxr jchasers by calling at Room SC3, McKay Building, Corner Tlird ind Stark Streets. Come and inspect these lots facin car line for $30. Acre tracts. for $160 td..,--;:r.f,: ,:'X-X' Chtase $5: '' 's ;. . . -v;V" Sanborn's iCoffees prove tobe the- most popular, brands with the people. ; ? We Hold the Exclusive vAuency for These Cof fees In this City. If you -appreciate 'good coffee we would be pleased .to have your ordersjfor it. ., y7i Seal Brand, 1-lb, tins. , .40 Seal Brand, 2-lb. tins. ;.80f Dresser's Special Blend iTava . and Mocha, lb 35 3 lbs. for. ... ........ ..f 1.00 - Have our wagons stop at your door next month. They carry the best and furnish un equaled service. ' F. Dresser & Co. Seventh and Washington East Fifteenth and Broadway. Seaside,-Oregon. : , 4 ' , XtoUba lSTS, . " , 001 Mis ' Tboaaaaos la Portland aad all ever the northwest can testify to ear freat aad aa, examples aaocee.-- ... c QONORRHCBA ' Uay he atteaoed with the travoat eeamllca. tlon tf aeflctd or Improperly treated. W have a apeclfl treatmeai which eures eulcklr, eafely and nalalaly. . .. SYPHILIS ; f I another aeoutred die, the ravifea of which when felly developed ae yea can doaerlh. When It showa by skla eruption er by ore In moots or throat It horror are already brans. We eafely . and thor enihly cqra yea aad ae miner aoaaoa are employed. ' , ' VaRICOCELE AND HYDROCELE: W trat anil ear,' net by fbaold irartiral aeoeedorar but Jy a nalnleea methad aolely our own. . We likewise will euro yoa nd ev yee the sufferlnc ssaoelated with Barren DohiUty, Lm4 ataaheod. Imnetonoy, Sparmatorrhoea, aTeoturaal Emlton, re mature Doollno, ttm f Memory, Baeray aad Amhitioa In the hrlefeet time It can he don aad we tneure yea e safe aad pa I tire cure. Ooaeultatloa and ezamlnatloa free. Write Ine armotom blank aad hook If Ton aaaaoa can. ... .. OfSca Hoere: 8 a. 8a. ta S B.av aaye, u le.ia, . " Madlcat and Surgical DISPENSARY Car. Sd aad Teatoin a4a ttrtlaad. Or. the ' "Stare KrafataUla4T v oeaur ei s-oruaaa. - " Ton can buy property cheaper today than ever In the future. -W are on the eve of a great industrial movement, that will make our city the fpremoet on tbe coaat aa a factory town. . AcreaBe, biocaa, nouaea ana iota at tbe prevailing low prlcea. Call Anjd. ae W. H. KINC, St.. John SPECIAL. ! $0x140 and two t-room hooaea, Mlcht ran avenue, near Beach atreet. Stents $21 A month, thrice $i,soo. , J. V.Jatreighton & Co. ' Stock Ranch Near Xorth Tahlma: 8.000 acrea fenced and $.000 head good atock ewea; plenty water and outrange; about '$0,000 neenea, one iDiro. caan; neat aheep ranch . 1. w. fTavmarvfTur a no .. ISSVi third Aire. . I lOreaTOB, - OVGilQECItl DfARK CtSfi? " Members Cbtcago nearo w , . , . MAxy. rsornrioirs, oorrssr, btooxs in t 101 Third Street, McKay Bnlldlng, Fortland. t Wat 0 A tJXiSnt 47530X3 tTi. ContlBr" 1'trkete by rrlvate Wire. As CvallflSSiial ' ,.. :, i -j' , . ...... , .' The four names that are tsDtsfJ o mors than any others. Why 1 l lr$ Rooaevelr is probably - tbs rrestj man in the country today. Seco-' VERNON U tht most beautL . suburb of Portland. Third and fourt.V Rnsaissnd Japan on account of jreat war that is going on thcra. It costs hist 10 cents to go from any part of th dry to Vsrnon and ' back. Or if yon wilt call at our: office w prill take you out and back' free. We will guarantee if you will' visit Vernon, get our prices and terms : on lots, you will buy if you would boy anywhere in the city.. , . Mot5re Investment Co. 151 Sixth St Phone Alsia 15 5 Why aot ewa year home? Toe - ' can do It as eaay aa foa eaa .: rent. ... ..,? . , ." FIR LAND) V rbolce trset la eentor of art. Smtt dlatrlct, SB mlnutofroea rlly Mt. Scott car oc far, no ' - transfers. - Ite $180, payable $S "down, and $8 a month. Houaee v-bullt to salt you and told at 'cost twith' lets)- at ml rate.-; Hlad, pure air, aU convenience, and eutarowlnB all ether sea. arhe. - There -a a reasoa, - V Com eut aad aee, Geo. W. Orown Jf8 'iSlilna BrrTliIlhfc , '." ;' . Phone aula 2l; , ILA. TAYL02 st Flrlir.i ' City effice - SSSfSfJe 'Fine property bn Waahlngtort atreet. ..-,.' SeooOyPractlonal lot on Waahlngton at, S80 On (-room ' houae and one $ room modern houae and 4 lota, on M1K waukle et.; Income $88 per month, Keom for three more bouses; a bar M90r3Moa8rt,'-room ' colonial boa -BTitr lolo; ;tln Sunnyeide; eaarf ; terms, , . . I1T.000 50x100 and' fine l-etory brick I income $180, per month. - , flO.OSOirirat at, buslneas propertys n vvun.fiiv yoc muaukj u u . $41. BOO 18 FLATS, eor. Tenth and Tsy .vi .. iv ml aoev monuiiy -. $1000 108x100 on Third at U, i "- $1.000 On Seventeenth; Income $14 per .. month.. -. ... .,.. ., yi. i - - ' . . , . " f - ' 1 .'" XSSH rwVk. " 4. ' atontaon. Secure a Hcnio t it 18 rent a day (' Choice lota $180, down aad $1 r month). . Don't fall to vlalt KVJf.TN Before venting In ral aatat. The lnd-tco-I offer wtll appeal Btrongly to yo ")VKLTW la on the Mt. Scott e" railway, 1 aalnutee from the eity. B ELFORDCr omoi m.TTg - Qalcli Serv -o. RE v ir urn EVELYF 'dAdeedddmw aat.ou; eu say a, at.wx tie, &e her 4 . e aaarae, yj(jTto, . "P WeSBaHaMaTawawaWpTBTaW taKkA,. c. J V. ' ; -Va j r