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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1905)
THEC5REG0N ' DAILY JOUH!!Ai; roriTLAKD. ' XVEDlirSDAV 7.:;:iN0. ; AUCUCT1; t ' IZZt i'1 QPI1TQ MIT iiie : o,:;;i::os LenrtJiy Twirler in Fins Trim I f--end Visitor Fade Away C store Ms Curves. 'j'. f.:iTCHZLL'S HIT SCORES v ' THS ION ELY TALLY -Fireman"; Conrad -Faied fccLesn'f Boots to 'the Satisfaction of AO Schmidt Suffers a Severe Injury to His Pitching Hand. Portland 1. Oakland 0. 'f' ' Batteriea Garvin and NConrad; Cchrnldt. Grabam and Byrne,.-'. Vlr1 1 Garvin waa in tip-top trim'yes terday and whitewashed tha Oakland aggregation on to nothing. It waa a fairly, good oonteat, although there waa - ot so very much real baaeball In It. arvtn waa tba whola a how and -wee a iail to vry Commuter but "Van altren and Byrnea, ch of whom re lved two hits, but thsy did not come t dangaroua times. Virgil - waa aa dy a Gibraltar and aa unerring; aa UtUMr it W paces and mowed tha nchara down tn pleaaing atyle. : Scbmadt started tha gam for Oak and, bat a liner from Ata". bat. Injured hat clever twlrler'a pitching band and no waa compelled to Civ,, way to Gra ham. With but a few conda' warm ing up Oacar went in the box-and o far a runa war concerned it waa all day with the local. Portland broke into the going aarly in th earn, scoring the aoliury and winning run In th first. Inning, and at though at tUnea there ware Glanta hang ing around tha third and aecond cush ions, with but one and aometlmee pone V th Oakland pltcbara 4 denied, tnem In the flrwt Inning At -got m bas oa 51 and van Burn laid down a pretty .criflc. ' Mike Mitchell cam alone and --p out a corking alngle and Jskey pranoad hoimsward, aoorlng th, vagrant Tbla waa " th end of th run-getting and th pitchers and fleldera got buay .and quickly retired th batter aa they rut In , aa appearance. Van Buren'a i .laing wa th featur of th gam. i at long-legged "devil" eating up seven . i.iea. Tnree or rae aeven looked Ilk spiders, but Van got them. Conrad waa ii .McLean's plada and did good work. X-J.iiankln officiated and hla work waa ?rT good. The players, tried to -"Jolly" Li several time, bat the big blond ev r-.ired offlclal waa there With th good. , Th score; .. ., . . ,. . ,-. ;, 'PORcrxJiNp. . , ... ' -' i " ARR.H.PO.A. 15. At, aa. ............. J i i i 4 e vsn nuren, II, ...... i . Mitchell, lb. ......, 4 r-r-hlsfiy. lb. ......... I ... Householder; rt. ..... 4 cHale, cf. , .--4 Hoffman, 3b.r S Conrad, c .......... 1 Garvin, p. .......... g Total ........ .It ; t: OAKLAND. '" . ; AR R. H. TO. A. van H nitre n, ef. .... 4 , , r ram-as, ss. ......... g- Ixmleavy, If. . . i , . 4 , Kruger, rf. 4 I-elly, 2b. 4 okiBian, lb. ....... t I'evereaux, tb. ....... S . 1 Vmee, c .... , .'. S a Schmidt, p. .,.'..' 2 Graham, p. - ..'v 1 . , 1 M i 4 'I 7ntals..-;..i.i....o 0 42 14 , 2 " fMcIlal out fo intorfareno. ' , 8CORB BJT INNING " , ; :;... frl I I 4 t I Til ; Portlands . 1 , Hlta . t..,..t S 1 t 1 1 I Oakland k 1 lilts.; I.a i i lot J ';. f'.,; BVUUKRT.','.: i Struck out By Garvin, t; by Schmidt, i i: bGrhajnj stock All $6.00 rfrades 1 1 rttFZX 5?!SKSi"fi?";fM;; : J .; ONE DAY :r REMAINS All -J s ACS.OO and $5.50 (!?Q' -redes . . . . ;.-..-r$6b J AllC-COand TOWORROV 13 THE LAST DAY OF OUR CLEARANCE SALE . - 3 . i i . I :-C7 tz'.-j c: -T .r ' ; SStfifSSS off Graham, i. Byrnea. Dou- OaklaiMir- r -aerl- n. Krancka. Leve- reaax. wna pitch Garvin. inning tltrhed By Schmidt, 4 1-1. . Hlta off Schmidt, 4. -Tim of game One. hour and 4 mtnutea, i umpire ttanain. - PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. .i a -; , , CLCSS. IO Ansle ...JT Oakl4 m. TeDM 8s Frasciac , . Portia oj- ......... SMttl tan- 01 01 141 iai .mm 95 I 1 .IWIO 6 4 .344 a UJ2 1 T4 Thoauia Was Ut Hare, .; . ,-'r (Jaeraal Special iurlM.1 . Taooma. .Waah-.- Aug.. . Jfl. Th .An gel rapped Thomas hard, yosUrday and won nana aown.. Boor: .. , " - ' -' ' B. H. E. Tacoma . .. . 1 0 1 1 6 t a t U Angelea v 1 1 4 1 J 9 Tit t Batteries TJhomaa and Hogan; To ner ana opieav umpire perrlne. - NAJIOJMAL LEAGUE. 1 L ....5 Won. Lost t 1 P.C. New fork . .722 f ittanura . . . .S .lit Chicago . '. , , . a. Philadelphia . Cincinnati., .634 .117 .S83 St. Lula Boaton . . Brooklyn . -........ .. .217 .214 4 . . At pittas!;. -F1rt gam , Philadelphia . . ............... H.E. 2 i Httsbura- . . Ba t tar les Spark s and Dooln; Lynch and Gibson. Second gam' Plttabura- . R. M.K. .....4 11- ..... 14 I Philadelphia. Batterie rUllle. Smith, and Gib- on; uorruion. Duggleby and Munaoiv. . .' ' At atoStOB. ' - V . -in. m,b Chicago , . .. . .. . .t .i . . . . ... .10 u Boston . t 7 - 2 Bat tarlea Lund gren and KllngWfiJla and Moran. Umpire Bauawlne. " .i'.V,V,0. At aaadjraC Brooklyn . , ... , . . .... ..ri. . .1 - 8 4 Clnolnnatl ..,...(-.-....,...... .7 14 . 4 Batteriea Mitchell and. ' Bera-en: Walker, Schlel .andt Street, -Umpire ''i 'f 'AtJJw Tk.: ' V St. Louis . .. ...... ..'., .4- 4 1 New York. ... ............... I f Batteriea pVtcFarland, Brown '. and uraay; Ames ana ureenahan. Umpl Johnston. - v - , . , , .AMERICAN LEAGUET11 Won. . 47 . 42 . 41 . Si Loet. 46 . . .-. 61 61 -hi -41 ; 40 " 71 P.O. .692 ,677 .545 .612 .601 .422 .444 .266 . 1 Philadelphia Chicago . . . Cleveland , . New York . Boston . . . . ,65 Washington Detroit . , St. Louis ) 94 41- ' ' - " At Olaralam. x ' Tlret gam , - . ,, . R. H. K. Cleveland . . o 12 Philadelphia. 4 11 2 Batteriea Donahue, Hall and Buelow: rvaaoeii ana ncnrecK. Second game B. H. t levenamr --. V. . . , . I Philadelphia. .4 J uatteries em hard t and . Clark; Coakley and Schreck. . . i At St, Jboaia. R. H. E. ,1,1 .. U s Spencer; St. Louis Boston . . lv, . .' Batteries Howell and '4 . ' Toung and Crlger. .. '" R H v. Chicago t .' ........ .....'..$ ' t 4 Waahlngton . . .....4 7 4 Batteriea Patterson and Sullivan: Falkenburg. . Jacobean andKltrredge. v At Veteolt. 7.. Detroit i ...... .i .,... . .'. ..... 2 I 1 New York . . K 1 Batteries Klllian and Warner; New tonurirnjincvjujire n which to choose from our of medium weight wool and worsted trousers at following reduced prices : the I $4.50 (j ''W'-v;.. w .i79n Stork Hah - 9 ft'EWPOHT Af.D ALCArJY.' , i play TIE' mTCI.I . : , , . f- ; ', ' (SpedU Pispi4et t Ts JeajreaL)' ' Newport, Or.,- Aug. 24. For tea .ln nlnga on Sunday afternoon Newport and Albany nlnea etruggled for aupremacy, but th ti could not be broken. Th gam ended with the aoor I to 8. ' Th eonUat would hav been Sniahed were It aot for tha fact that all of the base balla in tha gam were loat. The earn, deaplta th errors, -wss full of Interest and the -thousand apectatora got their money" a worth. Th scor: - - . NEWPORT. , i ' '.'-A AB.R.H.-PO.A.K. Healy. e. 4 12 X 2 Hobba, aa. ......,,.. 4 2 1 2 2 O. Houatnn. p. ........ 4 2 4.0 4 4 Bailey. 2b. 6 2 1 : J 4 Fitamorrla, lb. ...... 6 4 1 1 2,4 Brigg. lb. ........... 4 0 2 11 0 Chamber. If. ..,....' 4 0 0 0 1 Fprd. rf. C, Huaton, cf. ........4 I 1 . Totals , . ....... .32 ALBANY. .IS 20 IS 14 AB. R. H.PO.A.B. Iee, e. BUyeu, lb. K. Richmond, lb. . ... 2 12 t 1 2 1 1 1 11 ! i i ; o i i : l 4 : I Willie, cf. Schulta, p. Hutler. Zb. 1 Coatea. If. F. Richmond, rf. Aahby, aa. ...... . 6 4 .11 ! Totals . ,.46 I" I J7 17 II ,: SUMMARY. ; J Struck out BY" Huaton, ' 10; by. Schulta. 4; by Richmond 7. Bases on balls Newport, I; Albany, . Sacrifice hits Newport I; Albany. 6. - Hit by pitched ball Lee, Healy. Two-bak hits O. Huaton, Bllyeu. Three-baae hit Wlllla Tim of gam On hour and 60 minute. Umpire Kenneth Frank. VANCOUVER LACROSSE ' ' PLAYERS DUE TODAY ' ! " ''Th Vancouver Lacroase club wlltTir rlv In Portland at 4:2 thla afternoon for a week'a visit at the fair. While her they hav arranged t play two ex hibition games with the Portland club on Multnomah field, on oh Saturday afternoon, tha othen on Monday, hoth game commencing at 1:10 o'clock. The Vancouver team enjoy a . a .world-wide reputation aa bejng on of tb beat chib In tha buelneaat it hsvlng won . the world's championship', three years ago. The local boys hv been practicing hard lately and do not feel that th boy from tha north Hav It on them to any great extent Ken Campbell, captain of the Portland club, ha received a letter from hla brother 'Ted- who la th par ticular atar of th Vancouver' dosen, that no brotherly love la to be exhibited on the laoroa field. . "Kenny" Is out to show his former team matee is few new tricks 4n the lacrosse line snd Is well backed tip local boys. , No doubt all, who witness- thess two games will long remember th struggls aa tha best exhibition aver given in this clty. - , r .. : ., , .,. DUCK SEASON OPENS i : FOR THE SPORTSMEN Th duck aeaaon wllu open on . rrt- day andhunter.wlll be Mppy. Already ine jocai aportamen are maaing reaay for the event, and several parties have arranged to celebrate the occasion by going after em.,. v .. . , There will be no - market for the ducka this year,' so naturally there will b a acarclty of germe hoga. only th true aportamen taking" the time and trouble to trail after the birds, wfhe "Woodles" wrM be the flrat to show In the-Columbia alougha Afterward, with th flrat good storm, th teal, mallards and wldgeona wilt come In. . Captain Baker, Dr. Alnalee, ' Morey Dunne and Leo Fr Thtbeau, member of the Oene- dobrl club, 'will shoot thla season at Hunter's .cabln. .: These portmn are conaldered flrat claasv and many Will be th talce, that they wlU brine SPORTING GOSSIP. ' Acting upon th advice of The Jour nal that McLean ahould be fined and benched. Judge McCredle yeaterday sus pended th big catcher foe th balance of the aeaaon. If mor lining were done th standing of th local club would be much mors respectable than It is at present- While McLean's order read for the reat of the aeaaon. It la quite likely that tha matter wfU soon bo adjusted. McLean waa guilty of Insubordination, but It took some people a mlghty long time to.jejJt that way. Oarvln pitched a flrat-claaa gam yea4l terday, but it would be much more in th interest of honest scoring were he given an error for th time he threw the ball Into th bleachere In an attempt to bead a runner off at flrat. There ahould be no favorltee In th offlclal scor. . r . .......;..., ; ' ,' -. Th players ar complaining about th wrtchd condition of th -diamond and outflald. Schlafly and Alfa declare that th infield la In a aorry condition, whll Houaeholder aaya th outfield la full of holes. ' What la th groundkpr dolus? ' , Oa the (raa Otrosit. , . (Jeoraal Special terrle.) . . . ' Providence, R, I., Aug. 20. Th featur of yeaterday'a meeting, the Park Brew racing etakes, waa not finished. Audubon was scheduled to go . sgslnst time, but a strong wind prevented sa attempt. The summary: ' . l:20laas. trotting, purse 22.000, three In five Harrlaon" Wtlkea won first, second and fifth beau and th rac In 1:11?4. 2.11, 2:11. Leonardo won third and fourth heata In 2:12. 2:12tt. - Th Park ' Brew stakes. 2:01 pacing class, purse 15.000, three In five (unfin ished) Allerson won first and sixth heats In 1:00. 1:12 . Bdwln C. won fourth snd fifth hesU In 1:07, 1:024. Walter Direct wen second and third - heata In 2:07H. t:08H. ' - - , '., '' .. 2:12 class trotting, purse tl.OnO, two In three Llsale O. won two straight heata and th rac in tMSL. 2:00. - - 1:13 class pacing, purs 21,000, two In third bests and ths rac In ' 1.07, Z:0. Queen of Spades won th first heat In 1:02. ' , ' . BaBBlaff at Sieeps head. ' (learsal Special Srrls.t New Tork, Aug.- . Sheepehead rac results: ; - ' , Bay - S1 nirlong Shotgun won. Goldsmith aecond. DArkla. third; tlm. 1:11 2-2. Bteenlechase, short course Balsse won. Grandpa second, Black Death third; ttm, 81 furlong on turf-wTank Consul won. Belle of Pequest second, Phydiss third; time, 1:14. ' ' -.-- One mil an en furlong Watertight won. Coy Maid aecond. Rose of Dawn third: tlm. !:. - - '. On mile Israelii .won, Virgo second! rtM-rie third: tlmtl:t2. ' One mil., and on furlong oa turf lCumo won,-. Alwln aecond, New Mown Hay ttyrd: time, !:.- f . Wrist Oat Ope. ' - , Sprll DtapatcS't The learaal.) . Kalams. Wssh., -Aug. 10. Rlvinton Falrman. an employe of th Northern pacific transfer, cost Tscoma, tiad hla wrist tm -nr fltlt artery while try- Ins ral-e- J-.". HI hand slipped and was - forj v - . ugn to window pan';. , . .. ;1'.'K..-- ' ' MM STRIKE Nearly, Fourscore Workmen at : Oregon City- Factory. . Quit Work. -'W- WERE EMPLOYED IN v WEAVING DEPARTMENT Diaaatisf action Has Exiated Several " Weeks snd Culminated Whef Com pany Refused "an Incresse of One Cent s Yard -., -v "' ' ' . (Special DtopatckVt Ts Joaraal.l -Ocegow City, .Aug. 10. Astrlke In volving tt employes Is on at tha woolen mills ot ths Oregon Manufacturing company In thla city. The atrlkera are th .operative of th weaving depart ment, which baa been ahut down alnc noon yeaterday. Th operatlvea walked out at 1:14 o'clock yeaterday afternoon. Th other department of th factory ar at 1 11 In operation, but the belief Is general : that the entire plant will b ahut down before th last of th week. ' The dlssatiafactlon, which haa been In ' exlatne for several weeka, waa brought to Its culmination by tb re fusal of th management to give the weavers on cant a yard mor pay. Twer month ago th management-! gan a kind of reorganisation ana com menced general policy of consolida tion and retrenchment, giving ss rea sons that the pfloe ot wool made this necessary. Xtntmg other things, a fore, man waa dl-"Krrged and two depart ments wot placed under one foreman. A strike was narrowly averted at that tlm. Then th company Installed What la known aa th two-loom-system. It placed two looms under the care of on operative. Under the alngle-loom sys torn, th operative was paid three cent a yard on certain kind or ciotn. wnen th double-loom ay at em waa installed the pay was fixed at two centa a yard. Th men claim that they cannot make a living at thla: that the work wa made much harder and no one but the strong- eat men can do th work. ; v'-, 1 ' ' ' t intiaaataxa Hell vexed. ':' At noon yeaterday th- operatives msd their ultimatum , to the manage ment Manager Jacoba took the matter under advisement. In the meantime the employes did not go to 'work. At 1:14 o'clock the management . called the strikers and stated poaltlvely that:-, th company would not meet the rlsev tv . ."".Xou may go to worl.on the farm, or anywher you please,t said he, "but we cannot and will notmak any advance In wag." ' Fifty-three employe then walked out It ia said that only ten f tbs wr directly, affected and that th other struck through sympathy. V 7 The operatlvea hav a long list ot grievances against the company. They assert that for a long lne the manager haa been cutting down wag under , dif ferent pretexta In violation. of an agree ment with the employe aoma tlm ago. They ssy that every few days an opera tiva la discharged and hla place taken by a boy at half the wages. . The asseiv tlon haa been made Dy the atrlkera that the company haesln ita employ 10 or 40 boys who are working without th per mlselon required by . Is w They also claim that In tbedyehouse department wares of some of th ' men have been reduced from 11.50 to 11.25 day: In-the flnlahlng-roora aome men's wages hav been reduced from II to 11.50. .. " . .. The atrlkera hav called a meeting for today and It is probable that an effort 4-111 ha msd to have all th employes of the mill com a out on a sympathetic strike ' ' ' -Baella t Talk. ' ' ? Manager Jacoba decllriWd'rrj.make any statement for the public thla morning. He said: '"At present we hate abso lutely nothing to say. When affaire reach a point where w can give any definite Information we will do It." At 11 o'clock today part of the factory waa atlll running. The employe in the picking depart ment were aent home thla morning. . Four loome out ot a total of 44 are running thla forenoon. 1 . The mills employ about 200 people. The strikers and - their families, ar leaving today for th hopyarda upthe river and an amjcable adjustment of th labor troubl at thla tlm aeema highly Improbable, V . -r . COLORED MEN DISCUSS . PROBLEMS 0FTHE NEGRO ' ; (lesraal Ipeeial sWvica.) ' .. Detroit, Mich, Aug. SO. Th' annual seaalon . of th Afro-Americaa .council waa -called' to order here thla morning by Dr. W. H. Steward of Kentucky, the president of tha Organisation, Bishop Alexander Walters of the Africa Math odlat Episcopal church, who la alao the executive chairman of the organisation, delivered en addrea In which he called attention -te the Increasing number of rac rlota ta various parte of tha coun try, th effort of th whites In th southern state to completely diaf ran chls th .negroes : by Ingenious law and other evils with which the colored rac In the United States' Is threatened, and-urged tb members of. th council to mak strenuous efforts to put a atop to theae advers conditional Th con ference -will laat three day and -will consider many vital ' queatloris of lnw porta nee to th colored people ot th United States. - . . '''.',''''- MISSING MAN FOUND FACE DOWN IN CREEK - - (SpseUl IMspsteh ts T JoarssL) - : Tchehslls. Wssh.. Aug. 19. The body of .Henry Wolf, who llvd on Winston, creek, east of Chehalla. wa found lying face-' down In the creek som dlstanc sbdvs his horn. There ar Indication of foul play. , H ' had been mleslng Inc June 12. Wolf wss between so and 40 years of sge and waa. supposed to hav had money, which may hav furnished a motive for th crime. W. M. Bush, who discovered the body, will, receive the $l00 reward offered by th countr-cowtmlealoner. i ' . teaa Ooaviot t raamara. .'., (Special Dlapatrh'te Tb JoorssL) Salem, Or", Aug. 20. Oovemor Cham. ft..i.M -m fliinr1ntmlenL Jsmes sre considering the proposition of lesalng convicts to Termers. i nwi sre iuoui 14 prisoners for whom thre is no work. If a satisfactory i wag can be agreed Upon the idle men In prlaon will be put work clearing land. . - ; t , H Cv Greatest jOcean :; Besort r z in the Pacific North west Astoria & Co!ani!;Ia livcrf Oilrqad THROUGH TRAINSNO; CHANGE.; V : J, Leave Union Depot daily. . . 8K)0 A. M. : v v , TVi ' ? 'ArrtW nSrhstt PuliiiJilit :20 PjUi - eTV III! v, VV ias a, Arrive SeasideU..ii.i,42 0:P.M. Leave Seaside ,(....... 6 :oy r. ;mw: -: - j , Leave Gearhart Park. :..V. . 8 :l6 'P.; M. j . . ; . Arrive Portland .4. 9:50 P. M. i .-f j-'- 45 CIV THE CF TZX G-UK3 PAQT1C CCEAPI ' This scenic refute parallels-lhiiestic Columbia for 100 miles, giving every udvantage'to see it in all its grandeur. ; - Season- round trip tickets.'. .. . . . . .t. . , .J4.00 . Saturday round trip tickets, good two days.......?2.5lD - Single seats iri the parfor'car 50 cerits extra'each way. -v v - 'For information Apply 248 Alder , .' V.".;-.-; -J. C. MAYO O. P.-eVr? - Phon, m PLAH BIG GIFTS OF T11II1TED LlOly John D. Rockefeller to Give Away So Much Money a to Ae- r tonlsh the-Country; ' BENEFACTIONS WILL BE -: . MADE Off SON'S ADVICE Young ' Man Sctnrns Front - Ifurops Impreaaed With s Systetn of Dons tions ii' Force ThertH-Will Direct Philanthropic Efforts Hers. '' '.'' t i - ' (Jearaal Special Servlea.1 I - . '., New tork, Aug. I. John T. Rocke feller la planntng to mak gift 4f money for ' educational and - charitable hpurpo which. It Is said. wUl so far surpass any contribution ha bitnarto haa made that th announcement will astonish th country. Th method of se lecting obJectsfor his benefsctlona Is changd, however, and hereafter they will be mad largely on th advice of hla eon. -John D. Rockefeller. Jr., ac cording to a system learned by th younger maa whan he wa in Europ.. , Rockefeller. Jr.. haa left tb Adlron- dacka with hi : family: for Cleveland. Ohio, where he will confer with hla father upon eom of th' gift t be made tha coming autumn.- When Rocke feller, Jr., waa In Europe he waa Im pressed by th large gifts" of money msde for the public gooo oy several wealthy Europeans, snd directly- after hla arrival In New Tork spoke to his father, about making; similar contribu tion here. - '; His fsther carefully conaldered the matUr and finally - consented to follow his son's suggestions. Th son I ana loua that hla father do all poaalbl good -with hla money and la alwaya studying way and means tq that snd. , CLATSOP. BEACH CHARMS. Aad BsUght ThousaAsw f Toarlsta ; , ' aay. " ,: f vV, 1 24 Season, tickets 24. :l. ',-,. - , On sale every day. , . 11.5ft Twe-day tickets V , On aala Saturday only.. . .Through train letvek union depot I a. m. dally and every Saturday at 1:11 p. m. No delays, no transfers,, no dust. See C. A. Stewsrt. agent. 241 Alder street., about tickets, official Informa tion, time cards, etc.. and aak foe Clat sop Beach souvenir, containing 20 beatA tlful halftone Illustrations. Tickets aold at union depot. ... '. . , . . ClottOac Takea. . Bine th big stock of Holland Bros, consisting of over 100,400 worth of fine Clothing, : hats, shoes and furnishings, hss been oa aale at First and 'Salmon streets. Its great- suecee I causing Imitation salsa to spring up In every di rection. It' possible that strangers may b caught In their meshes, but salea of th fake order cannot laat long, for tha public ' la not ao easily gulled as these fly-by-nlght fakers may suppose Hollsnd Bros.' stock, - sold through Batnua! Oans A Co.. Is a sal of ' real merit, and la saving th- publhj - many dollars on dlrt! nd fin .oualltle, Whll th price quotd ar ridiculously low. Tha merchandise 1 aa described In their sdvertlsemsnts, and big aa the Immenaa double store Is, at First and Salmon, It Is piled mountain high with suits, ovsreoats, pants, shoes,, etc AT THE THEATRES. V TAHca of Old Vlncennes. .- , Shrrere.- pnia w erad by the -Setaae ..m . un ii. w. . .. - . eeanea." the heeatlrel eosiedy.dr.sia whMi H la flTlnc It bsMb week. T eepaetty ef the tbeatra tm set great eaeosh to hold the mmJ. ik.t Whli.w the olar. Ml U- rear, who am the -title ml, ha rrd a dMIset arfwaa. ., Sam bin all week. , Wltk "Harriet', JioseysMHaite follow. ,- ' ' ' SBMasMMaBssMaiaBaaBSsasi A, - " Empire Will Open 8undajr. " ' ' Tha Cnnlr at aanmwd to rt Rea- day aftemoos wl'k the first a BMnt o of theTerela atalr-HaTlm effort, -rr4 rmm lb Harem." Ttal te s ami, sttnBl melodrawa, fnll ef sew ad atartllsg tM lloM, and will a M play t caaeclty boot ' Wilton Lackay "Comin;. , ' Wlltos tartar enow 4 tb Mril Grand theatre seat1 41 eadav slt le the sinrb-tafted- about sraderUea of '"Ike fit." Ha wW be w a - - t t. e TEETH NO PAIN U0 PAIN 1NICE TEETH Ws ar th discoverers and oHglnat aro .ef . tha on! v reliable ad. SC'entlflo atem r.t Polnloes Dantlstrr. we X- tract, crown, fill and clean or treat teeth Sbaolwtely without pala and guarantee aU work for. fifteen years. Our work Is th best, our prices the low l con slstsnt with flrat-claaa work, EXAM INATION FREE. Our pistes ar unde tectable from the naturai teeth and are guaranteed to fit. . : F1XXINOS .....'.SOa T5a cad l.r0 GOLD CROWNS S.OO BRIDGSS WORK 1 S.OO FULL SET NATURAL TBSTB.BJS.OO Ooea - fow- wnsfasa aata t - 'lock srsiilsga. , ; i;' .-,. Boston Pdiilmlto lH 'starrlaoB UU Opp. 2Csia S tm) t : aad rostofSee. - HOURS 1:0. a. m. te I p. as. Sun day. I:44 at a, t 11:1 p. av - - -. ( - aiiuoorltd by tb origiaal rait la s predae tio - that I ' aald io s really BMCslfleeDt. Ovoe an people appear la ; tae panie acese, wklea aa prove or in esuoM er to paat two ana. Oa Tkaraday d rrlday Bleat aad at a matinee oa Saturday nr. Vaekaye - will eppeer ts all origiaal ereatlo t Hrenssll In BMSnlflcrat revival sf "Tril by." The sh of seat for the esgageSMSI seres at th box rie rriday. ' ' Last PerforTnancs of "Benson.,, ., Th laat petfuisiaae of the eenwdr-drama. "Weatber-BoatoB Beaaoa." will bo slvoa ts- alsht st Ik Maraoaai Urasd thearr ee'SIa- Moa at reat, betwees Hlitb and Soveatk atreete. besisnlsf at 4:S o'clock. Ears Kesdall and ar cn-eltonf eoeipany bav presented thla elever drasw before two eeowead bona. He glBsing tooorrow alsV end eostloHlna Friday sad Botarday slsbta with s apeeial-aeic aaat lee Saturdari SMney -Keaenfeld' lateet ef- Conns, "Tk amataraaor.v will be sreotsnd. Seat sre wiling tur the eatlr. wrk. - Tatum Ptrforma Wonders, Beading and . aaawarlag qoeatloua wltboet wing tke. Baser a whlra tsar -r wrirtes at en of tba feata performed every flersaoa aad atkt ay Tatam, in ainsreador. at the oraml. There will bo a apeelal matinee miwaiuo snd snotber rrlda r nr tb wnai.a.' tilia'i tH Is s sayesoloilc! aaiiaiatratloa. Bendea Tataa . tner I a etrong vaoaettll Ml), wbk-h eonMne Btrtb, welod,. arroMtiea, daaenaj aad aovlty.. , ,. ;. ,r In "A Howler Berohra." .whWi I the attrae tlos st Ik I.yrte -thla week, thee ta enoasii qoahlt .eoanedy . fettersilnsled wltk patbos la was a very- piewiag pel rm aiawi xae play I kx-ated ht -lb raral dlatrlrr ef Inrftaaa. ad tb character ar ta good, etd-fsablonod eoaalry folk who a re almpl yet ahrewd. Thosiw H. Clarke sd MM IA Moat fesv woe Bw ks rel ts tbw play., . . '.' I- Big Attraction st ths Star.', d Moalral Elelat la tb drawing card tt tbe Star thla' week la Wa'-art maa tea I art. The specialty le s dlatlnct novelty. - Walter rerry M one et ise seat maeiosit ts star ha ever had. Tartrk ad I-alonda ar eater talsins snd Malrille ss Awll ar bv th vrase aketch art lata, tra next Monday tb how wUl. be cotitlnaoea . from, 3:30-1 -20:44 e'elork. , . .-- Fay Foster Company st tha Baker. Lawere ef Msb clw vsdevllb aad horleean ar n)oytBg lb pn Inrmam e of in ray roater eaaapany al tb naser tnia week, a artsni eotnedy skit, s lively vaudevllb bill and s brl- Hastly etaaed purieaqti aaae ap tne neosvam. A - BMrtaM w strni - oa Rnaday. Werlneaday, Tbnraday and hatarday. Tb resnlsr Tkaraday aastbM will ee giva luaxsiuw at s:i sciock, Next Week st ths Baker. Th barleaqn ef the aeaaon. "The Brlsadler,' ' will opes st tb Baker Monday Thla will be lb ttraetme all eat ereek. . It I aatd to be tm ef tbe very ef all the big sivjtcal roaatttle of the eaasoa. Ht ar on mm. with Harfltaa .. SblaHowlth (oist aieat) aad SkiiwHewltat TkletaV-A snat- lie aa "r lrw svery iienins, dotoids, araly, bleedlot. crested, , pimply and blotchy batnor. with loa of kalr. Frrvloce clear, brli. Uaat. aaaltby skla aad far. tM, sd sa. - LfJ ensMe,arSa 4a.2r?-aanieafd.n saptlci SakiaUealtsi (olatj, to kill r-ne, e-al ta ,, .ae aaianaaua iann ' ninaa aaa a iar vaiw ajwwiwwov Bln-Ste. bUeked, redSaS. -fllW. -f. ekapplae. raagh bands, jiotkias will Sir sarb S esaMy esea. So). 1 1 ease, SS. . Bred Be:- pnatate for Fve aales ad eoklet ts tmhO BAT CO.. fT-WML. K. i. . . - aad VaaaiadTtem tie. 7T I Of" "-y '- a- ' -a-j W i , l 1 NaT 'ATHLETIC LIBRARY Acitrtcc-i Cncyc!:::!a K .. ofCtcrt - r Mia.? ornciix tootsau sviiw. X- KDITKB 4t WALTSS.CaMP. . Cnntalnlnc tb sewly ', ravlaed offlclal Playlns - -rulea for 19tn, and nlrtarea of leading in ma. esilractag r Xfiuu players. T r . . LTTTw , nn-ra a T.f. avtllC ' ., SPITED B JEROMS ttJAVWX X eoatplet aad ap-te. dat anilil containing Inatructlon roe play ing . tha gasi. II-..' luatra led with aatmer-. . eua 'ptctar ef leading . nie Amrrs Toa 104-144. FDITKO BV t"HARIM S.-C0X. ' e roataln rerorda -ef ,. the K Important Aawrl. -, r ran eolf event slur .; tbelr Inatltntlon. aad , ,l portraits of sronilneat ' - flayere . aaa ret rulrs af tb fame, Ms. Is Haw to 1v atasdball ' Br tbe world'a rhamtrtna. Mlrkael rsan. ef ' yeraejr 4 Ity. Tula book ha been rewritten aad broaifht ap to sat in every part Ira Iar. Every ' play la tboroagbly explained by leit aad dla grana. . , - j - -- ? - H. STVeuei AtlHIM. - 1 M. C. Mrrrnhy. the wall-known athletle trainer, sow with Pennsylvania, tke anther of thla bak, haa writs- It eaperlallv for tbe Brboolboy and college nun. but it hvlavehiaM Sw tb sthlet wno wianee i neei is any srapea m eioieiie port..- 2fe. IT Athletic Frbaer. ' ' - ! -: " .Edited by Jam K. . SalllTaa. i Barratary-V Treaahreref the A ma ' nr Athlolle I'nlent telle bow to artaalw- . athletic ehtb. how . te enndset athletle e aaeetlns. and sires rata (or tb sorer- teH.,.. t .aiui.iu; lueeUligB. . -4 . '. . : tV 104 Tae'orUlar af Oywaaetla laarebm. By O. M. Martla. . Phyalesl tlreetr . ef ' lb Y. HV.IV A., of -YoeBfatowa. Okie. It Is s book tat akosld be la tbe band ef veefc. pkyatc! dl. , rectwef the IT. M. C. A. ackoea,- chib, .' . 14s Wtwtlts. ' Catrb iratc can r tyle. - By E. H. HttrHeork. hi.. P., of . . Cornell, end B. T. Kelllpa' of' Awkerat " l.a. To . book contain saarly. T INnarrationa of different betda.., . V. lie Tb AtkUto's Swiee.- How te become , athlete. It eonta' i ' fnll Inarrsetlene fot tke beflnner, relllng bow te asrlnl, brdlo, , jnmp aad throw 3 wellhri; senerat-bints . o rrainlnc. v Be. 144 Indoor ssd Onblaec Syasasti. Saswa. Wllfcent ' sneetlo one ef. tbe beet book of II kind ever poe- 9 llahed. compile oy Prt.l. A. M. . t'bealey, rb well-known Y. M. v.. A. physical di rector. ; , . , If.' 141 Tea Mumtar Xaareiae fw Saay 2ta. Br Dr. Lstber Halaev Oallrk, Mperlntendent f physical training la tb Kv Vrk poblle -acbonla. . ., '.. . . .' 14 How to- See' a-' 2Var.';. for many year hooka hare bees hmoed S tb art W boalns. bnt It ba remained foe na to arrant a boob that w tklak I. aura t (11 all de.aaaad.. - t '.'"' Me. 174 IMaUaoa sad Creea-Ceeatry KubbIss. By neorse Or ton. tke famous Inlreralty of PenneylTanla runner. Telia bow eoai-pro rlent t-the qnaeter, fcalf, mile, tk kmse dlalanrea and CTom-eoastry rannlng. .Mf. .ITTHew to Swk. . ' "'- By J. .H. SrerreH. tb leadlnf aalhorlty an wlmmln( la Amerleaj. - The- In trsetlona will In tee-' al lb expert aa well ae ike sovleet Ik II malrattoB were mad , f r m . . Bhotoerapb aaueelaliy : puaed, . - ; .. ..... , Be. 194 Bw to Play Baaket-Beri. ''r"' By A.' T. llepbron. ' eltee of the Ofsrlal Beeket-Ball finlde. l ostalne fall Inatrortlon for player, . hotb for tk eipert snd tk norlcr. , Me. 20 thuakbellB. " Thla la andnabtedly tke beet work en dumb bell that haa ever been offered. ' The tatbnr. Mr. O. Bolu of New York ( Ity. waa formerly nnerlntendtnt ' pbyalral enltnre la lb Ella bets. New Jeraey, pubUe rbooki. ' - ' 21. fl7 Olympl Kadwk. Complied by J. E. Snlllvas, Tklef Deportment Phyairal rnlrnre, , lmlataa Pnrrh Expoal ll.m, and) IMreetor Olymple Oamea, ion, (nn talna complete report of the Olymple Gamee' of 1n4. with Data of record and picture ef BttBdrenVof athlete; alao re porta sf lb sasw f iaB4ca4'--!VVU - t Be. tit Spalding' tawa Taal Aaanal. r-OMtalna MCIItft.1 ata. Ilallca. nhntoaranli nf leading player, ape rial article e th game.' nf view of Im portant t noma meat sad f1a rple., v . V. tta apsldi' Offlvial Orlohwt SbM. Ciilted nv Jernrnwriamerv. The asnat em nl.fc. VMrlinnk nf Ih. eaaso that B ever bee pnbllaked In Amerle. and It, cooulss a II v the yecorua oi ua xwvriooa ywr. - Bo. 21a JHaa."'- -" -'JSi-wi, A.eompletd deserlp tlon of tbt fameue Japaaea ayaiem -of aelf - def enw. - Eaeb mov thoronskly et plained and llloetrarM iwltk - assierona fall-" Ce pb-isre of tear. A,,. Mlaaml - Ko ania. Be. Hew to Vrwtl. Wlthoat ' eweevlea - the , BMt romplele nd an te "nata bank ' n wreatrriig that haa ever bees prlsted. Kfllted - by y. . Toomh, aad devoted ' aelnclpalty I (pedal oae aad tiM.. by Ueurge iiaiseu.mldt. tb "Beaaiaa Lisa." -B. 4 MaMb-BlUbv-. i Br Dr." L. :- nllrk. IMreetne ef fhylet Training In Ike New York pnbllc arneola. A complete treetlae oe th correct saelked et ' erajulrlng eraecalar atreaffk. Price 10 CcniA Per Ccpy -e- a. ItlTmaa a. ouiiesa, eic. Ti.. t hi-afo, Dearer, aaa rranrlae. ' ' Saldln(' - ratalosn f n athletle (ports' stalled tree u tay addrew. ':''' f ' : i. j -r ...J..--