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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1905)
rcTr.v.:rv V;rs::z:DAY evening. . Aucthava.'' kcj.' T . af W . J - Mil nr .or 7 1 J'. T... v. Y r It will not bo vlclblo In-Portland oxccpt at our otoro at O p. m; While you aro wJtnQOolng ; - Sthol bxhlbltlon and icrueoclncr How ltlo done woMl call' your attention o the creat: 1 D Mi 1 - 1 1 11 Even the sun ery body praises , 'y city "on -the small . -it , - ,We havf) sold thousands of these spfcndid steel ranges in Portland, and have yet to heaf, the . FIRST. COM PLAINT of their "BAKING QUALITIES. Like Webster" sTDictionaty, they ire standard fa v any household y theynter;' - ' , 'Jh'fl C::'r:'L- : -L'O': '-:. '. ; .' v ' ft. :": mi "1 tj"',w nana-nvetea ana Donom atxonfijr oracca wwt parauei putea. im oven door ia of the drop atjlc, nicely balanced by an 'oil-tempered coil steel" " a . '. .a. . a 'i pnnf located in a near-casing on tne affect It and it, may be easily adjusted, "Medium." "Hot" and "Very Hot ' JAPAN WILL S00I1 RULE THE WAVE Captain Mann -Says Fleets' of -- VMl.l 11KMVII. , , III w wiiiwiiv.. . from Paciflc.':"b':.;:-" CANNOT COWPtTE WITH ' MIKADO'S CHEAP MEN Craft of All Sorts Captured as Con . traband Will Be Used in Extending , Commerce , of the i Wasp of - the Orient, ,4':.' ''-.;r.i74' - ' - ' ' CaMtaln Manw of the-Brltlshateam-shtp Tottenham prophesies that, In 10 years all the frelsht movlna back and - forth between the Paclflo coast and the f sr east -will be . carried by steamers ji flylne the i Japanese flat. .' S v . ' "Ourlna the., war." said the captain, '"fhe Japanese ruptured In the nelchbor- hood e( SO tramp steamers, whfthjthey : Intend keeping. In addition to this t j' "glares fjeet they have built many steam yuem Jn the post few. months. 'Much of Britain and shipped to Japan, where the construction work was done." - The Nippon Tusen, Kslaha line owns 100 steamers. Mltaul.aV Co. operate a ble fleet, and several other steamship . companies h Japan own a number of bis freighters snd kre gradually adding ' to their fleet. The' captured ' vessels ' have been' utilised by the frovernment as transports', they will 'be dlsposedof -to 'private corporatlons,and pressed Into service." "' . ' "Japan will be m a position to control I the commerce or tne i-scme," .concluded the captain.' - 'The Japanese can operate their steamers much more cAeplytfrri tbs Americans, British or Oertnans, and for that reason it will be Impossible for us to compete with them. ) While it Is ' true that our British steamers carry 'Chinese crews to a large extent. It la CouponFree Honolulu. Hawaiian Is lands - t vote for ,..,..... ...i; ..,..... This coupon must be voted and the moon Join" lW - Wo will Install payment plan of Ml mometer - in the "fitted with a new ' as well as other "offer you such a .: y ,1 outside, wnera tne neat cannot The thermometer indicates - also well known that w supply our men with much more expensive rood than do the owner of the Jspanss steamers. Furthermore, we psjr hlsber salaries to our officers, and any war one looks at Lit the Japanese have the peat of it so tar as their ability to run their thlpr on a cheap scale la concerned. . One thine will remain for us to do. and that will be to set off the-Pacific and let the Japs have the trade." - . , ,t ,. HOPPICKERS MOVINa : axsay Take SeM for tke ansldsSna; ' Smalt crowds of pickers have begun to leave for the hopflelds on the Wil lamette river. The steamer - Pomona carried some to Mission landing this morning and the Oregon of the same line wilt take a larger crowd tomorrow to Salem. Many, will take passage on the steamers puth and Modoc-of the Oregon Railroad ' & Navigation com pany's 'fletw. '''.,: Captain. OrSham states that beginning about Saturday the hop gatherers will leave for points on the upper river -In great numbers snd continue to do so for a couple of weeks, at least In past seasons the capacity of the boats has beea taxed in handling the pickers, and It is supposed the -same condition will prevail this year. , Owing to the low wster stage the Po mona runs to Mission Landing only, but tne ugni-arsxt post Oresona is still nlv Ing a far as Balera and makes the trip every other day; The Pomona gives a dally service. Because of the low wster It Is likely that many ef the pickers will be forced 'to take pasiare, sa the MAY DREDGE THE LEWIS. VaSloaal and StaSe Xawsaakere WU1 ta - Tegse Bea-Otwraeata ef mite. Tomorrow a Washington state . and congressional ' committee will make a trip up the Lewie river to sscertatn just how much of a government appro priation should be asked .to put that stream in a flrsVelsss navigable con dltlon the year around.- Included In the party will be t'nlted SUtea Senator Plies or Seattle, sute Senator B. N. Rand of Vancouver and Representative Theodore Blackmore of Richfield. - ror some weeks low water lit the Lewis river has made It impossible te ship freight aa regularly as wss neces ssry. . ; While It Is held that dredging Is the Ha wall an Trip eeror before Sept. , IfOI. "" In advertising It, one In any home - -. , v The. cut is intended to illustrate our "G" series. No. 841, a four-hole steel range. The body is made of triple walls, '.outer of heavy cold-rolled steel, middle of thick asbestos and inner of, sheet steel, staying the asbestos in place; closely hand-riveted. This is the very latest "Eclipse" Steel Range. It has the ther . oven door a very convenient feature and is device for raising the firebox plate for broiKngr7 new features.No other firm in this town can steel range as this for , ':--''jir7'1'-:::- Warrahted-for . 15 Co Will last a lifetime!--They,re btiilt to do it Inquire of any "Eclipse" owner. ; PinC? most Important thing to be done to get a good stase of water the steamboat men say that locks ought to Je built st Kinder Rocks. With the Channel deepened and this improvement made It Is said 'that the Lewis river, would be navigable throughout the yesr for llght-drsft boots. ' , . TWO SHIPS FROM HOBART. Brlseu aaa - Vaaba a Boais Trost " , Tasmaaia to Portlaad. ...HLll . - When the Frech bark Vauban sr, rives . from Ocnca, Italy, ahe will be placed .on the drydoek to have her hull cleaned and painted.. .She passed . Ho bart. Tasmania, on Augnst li, sndMs expected here early In October. Until yesterday. It.' was supposed by local shippers thst the Vauban was en route to Puget sound. Captain Crowe, how ever, received M lettertrbm the 'owners stating- that she ' te coming here - In ballast and requested him to send them the approximate coat for drydocklng st this port , ' ' . ' ' - The French' shift Brlseux, Csptsln Gulllo. Is also en route for this' port from Hobart. having sailed" on July II. These craft will add about 1.100 tons to the grain tonnage en route, to the Willamette river metropolis. PORTLAND SUFFERS LOSS. Allan Cameron WiU OA e keadea fee Oamadiaa Paetfie BaUread., Allan Cameron has been sppolnted by the Canadian Paclflo Railroad company as Its special steamship agent at Lon don. England, and ' . will - have -direct charge of all shipments msde from Ku rooe by way ' of the C. P. R. to China and. Japan. - This is regarded aa One of the most Important snd responsible po sitions In .the steamship line. If the Chinese boycott sgnlnst American goods proves effective tHe shipments from Europe to thst country are expected to double, knd It thought that the C. P. R. will get a big share of the business. For the past four years Mr. Cameron has been agent at Hongkong for the Port land A Aaiatlo Steamship company, v WILL BURN OIL. ' Telegraph's Ownet eUeTee Th OU te ' Cheaper Than Ooal foe team. ' The steamer Telegraph, belonging to Captain Scott, will soon be converted Into an oil burner. A contract for In stalling the plant has been 'awarded to the Willamette Iron Steel worka. The greater part or the work will be done while the boat la on her regular tripe between Portland and Astoria, 'and ahe will have to remain Idle only about a couple of days'. Owing to ths regatta at Aatorta the Telegraph will make a Spe cial trip to "the mouth ef the river Fri- aay. neretoiore tnai naa Been ner oay for tying upv KILBURN IS. SPEEDY. ; Herat Soars en Boaaeke aad . Atelia. e Ban say City. After atopplng at Coos Bay and dis embarking passengers and freight- the steamer F. A. Kllburn arrived at San Fraaclsce froms Portland thU moraine; and ev- Its In the . .The "Eclips'e" Built the principles underlying hot-air furnace and locomotive ,r steam engine construction. i . V 2 In the hot-air heating furnace one cubic inch of firebox ; 'capacity will heat, one hundred 'cubic, inches of hall space.; That ; is; the ratio Ja 1 to 100. -Radiators are in ... stalled upon'this 'Vaate-WjlP' " ; -:, ' ,.' ' . In locomotive construction the ratio , of ,t the firebox -.or heating capacity is about 1 to 8 of the surface to be heated. . . - ; ,,-. ' r : -.-iV - : . . :. - , It is a simple jact, readily understood, that the larger the firebox in proportion to the oven, the shorter the time.: . rtecessaryvlcv heat the oven. ; :.' '"' :-tf. , V-' : The heating capacity of the firebox in the "Eclipse1! , Steel Range is 1 to g. ; v..-;'; .; : :-V'..-V Of its-great success as a baker. , THE FIREBOX IS BUILT QN .THE RIGHT PROPORTION . TO THE "..OVEN.': : ';;)' :'-r:y-.-:. Yeairs It Heats bak and : ' ' STO. CID-227 at I o'clock. With the Roanoke and. Aurella. all left the mouth of. the river Sunday morning at praotlcally. the asms time; the latter two direct for the Bay City. - - ;...;. ' Calling sf Marshfleld and other points on Coos bay the Kllburn lost f romelsht to ten hours. Thst she arrived at the California metropolis' ss soon ss her rlvsla shows thst she must have done some fine sprinting. . ' -.. J - v .. , MARINE NOTES, f 'Astoria. Aug. 10. Arrived down at S and sailed at 10:10 a. m., ateamer - St Paul, for San Franclsco. Arrived down A during ' ths , night schooner Alpha. Arrived at I a. m.. tug L'Roscoe. -' Arrived st midnight and left up at I a. m., steamer W. H. Kruger, from Sa' Francisco. , : Sailed atlt a. mv schooner Alpha, for San Francisco. -. . 4, ' San Francisco,,. Aug. SO. Sailed st I a. m., barkentine Amelia, for Columbia river, "-j Arrived st s. m., steamer Roanoke, from Portland for Port Loe Angeles, and steamers Aurella and Kllburn, from Portland. ' Sailed at 11:10 a. mi,' ateamer Colum bia, for Portland. . Astoria, Aug. Jl. Arrived st p. m.. schooner Msrcont from San Francisco. ' Arrived, steamer Redondo, from San Frsno.'sco, at 1-1 :10 a. m. and left up- at noon.- , s. ? Astoria. Aug. SO. Condition of the her at k m. smooth; . wind : west; weather clear, ... -- . ' ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Lloyd Deldrich. a deckhnnd en the steamer Mascot, wss arrested and heard yesterday on' a. charge of sssault and bsttery at Vancouver. The complain ing witness. wsS Alexander Siren., . The arrest grew, out . of a tight , about, a month ago. V " - . ; .The steamer Alliance IS scheduled to sstL f rem Eureka for Portland today. -Captain 8a ten sold the steamer Wlla- yu All goes well when the baby is, well. Keep the baby well by giving him MeUln'S rood. It will.' nourish him, make him grow strong . and keep him happy. We are euro ' of it try it Ask the mothers of " MsUin's Food children. Bend for Vor tree book about MaUln'a rood. - - TiliftJu&tlmF''- le L mm sward ef the Lee -aa ' -;a. , Levis. It. I . , a iNt msasi. . axxxm i FOOD co, - BOSTON, vjlz awwawAA sv A awMaar Oven oven is built on scientific principle It Heats Quickly! , jit Heats iThoroughly! It does' not EAT UP $5.00 worth of wood trying dollar's worth of baking T""T . CICJILk. vis yesterday ;to the proprietors of the Rooster Rock' cannery; situated on the yvith a cargo of freight and ,a full passenger list the steamer Cascade ar rived last night from San Francisco.' Returning she will ' take lumber from the Vancouver and Westport mills. Schooner Virginia has cleared for San Francisco with 700.000 feet, of lumber, snd 'Will probably leave tomorrow., , Since she wss launched a c'ouple ef weeks ago the steamer Ottawa has been engaged towing logs for ths Vancouver and St. Johns mills. Lighthouse-tender Msnsanlta returned to Astoria last night from an Inspec tion trly down the coast. 1 Major Roessler and Pavtd B. Ogaen of the corps of United States engineers left for Independence r last evening to Inspect the government revetment near- lag completion there. ; ' Carrying a good portion of the cargo brought from the orient by the steam ship Nomantla, the St Paul left for San Francisco last night - To hsve bolts replaced the flreboat Oeovge H. Williams was drydorked yes terday and got beck to her berth In the evening. ;".- . ... . PROGRAM OF CONCERT BY HAWAIIAN BAND Bsnd concerts at the exposition tomor row will be ss follows: By" the Royal Hawaiian band, after noon program- -March, 'True Blue." Pinter; overture, "Isabella," Suppe; vo cal (s) "Mslksl Wslplo." b "Like Pua Lehua." Madame Nana A la pal; baUad. "On the See," Schubert; vocal (a) "Kj Onoono." (b "Ana Pau." Roysl Hawaii an Olee club; "Reminiscences of VerdV' Godfrey; vocal (a) Kukllakila," (b) Wahlkaahuula." Madame -Nana Alapal; waits, "Lactlcls." Fahrbach; vocal (a) "Ku Pu Leu." b) "Aheahe Apopo." Royal Hawaiian Olee club; march, fThc Invincible - Eagle." Souse; - "Hawaii Ponol," "The Star Spangled Banner." Evening March,' "Old Comrades," Plefke; overture, "Morn, Noon snd Nlght,'r Suppe; vocsl 4a) "Ka Inl." (h) "HaleLanl," Madame Nan Alapal: waits, "The Town of Songs." Fahrbach; vocal (a) "Hauls Lau." (b) "Koolau Nehlne." Royal Hawaiian 'Olee club; selection, "The Messenger Boy," Monckton; vocal (a) "Ka Llolanl." (b) "Llhollho." Madame Nana Alapal, euadrllle, "Scotch . Airs." Llddell; vocal (a) "Moao,".(b) "Mak4 Ml." Ttoyal Hawaiian Glee clubufnarrh, "The Tankee-QIrl." Lampe; Hawaii Po nol," "The Star Spangled. Banner." Xasaae f o Flftk Time. ' V , Sseetal rHstMlch te ,Tbe" JrniL) Kalama, Wash.. Aug. 10. Marslna Rawls was found ' last night at the Bpenoer. Creek mill, about a mile from Kalama, violently Insane. - She -wss brought to Kalama by Sheriff Ktrb and will be sent to' the asylum today.. She lias been, taken . tot the ssylum four times prior to this. - . - . .' Xiewis Oomaty Oeatoaaial. t ' " - (Jovrsal BpscUl Swetaat . . Lowvnie. N. T' Au. IS. The- l0t"h anniversary of the - orsartlsstfon - of Lewis county re celebrated en the fair grotinda today and thousands of visitors from this sad the adjoining eountlee are In many ranges on ARE TOO SMALL FOR THE OVENS. Hence, they bake but slowly-nd cdnsume great quantities of woof int wise ouycr win invcsugatc uua roancr dciojtq pu: Chasing.: . . .. ' Scientific Oven j.' .... J. . : . ........ " - .-'',.. T!. 1 t: i ' I ii ,1", 'Hlp issssmf - ' Fir Box ' . T- ' v"1 ; l-'iiiiiill to do ; : ; A Duplex grate. V- coal' grate, i- i A simple turn . B Adjustable damper. : May be entirely or partially dosed, allowir ' of perfect control of the oven. ' - i ' - i C Angle plate on bottom of oven, by means(of which beat is throw to the front and moat remote eornera. 1, ; ' ; ': ' ' ! D Bottom -due, through , which' heat escapes after-, encompassing-tl : j ' oven.' 1 "C'.i '. -i ' ' ' -i jirc .'-'! '" ' ARRO-Ws indicate course of heat when 'damper' B ia close'd 'L V. mm ' e i. mV i Mfsiiti is , i mtV Hca, Mat b This? ' Somcthfn, New? A syawnle eleetn, vseasia sppll sare. A hone ears for weekoeea, nataral elMtractona, lorai rbeasM, vsrleneele. locomotor stsxla snd sertras eehllitr. Bead stamp for free SMrrlpttTS seek. Dept. , Kr.lU . Applltaee. U.. Besttle. W.h., er call snd see It at 103 North Sllta at.. Portland, Or. gathered here to attend the celebration. This morning ' there waa a big parade with many handsome historical floats. In the afternoon there will be addresses and field sports and In the evening a rally of pioneers. Half a dosen bands are furnishing the music for the cele bration. . - .:.- . Ho, for Astoriae. '. Swfft stesmer Telegraph feaies Alder street dock 7:10 a. m. daily excepr Fri day. ' Returning leaves Astorls I p. m., arriving Portland (:I0 p. m. Sundayg- leaves forusna s a.' m., asioria s:s p. m. Arriving Portland p. m. ; . , Flttaknrg Bxposltloa Opens, (Jouraal Special Service.) - r . Pittsbtrrg, Aug. 10 The annual In terstate industrial exhibition was opened here today. The opening v ceremonies will be held this, evening and many prominent speakers will address - ths visitors. The exposition is rar superior to all nrevloua exhibitions held here and particularly the Canadian exnlbit is at tracting conPKierauje iivniiwn. ins music hall has been redecorated- and re furnished lnce-last year and. the initial concert will be given there by the Dam rosch orchestra. . ' , - 1 . ' '. .' Snashiae. . . Human sunshine rsdlstes from ths happtv - smlllngeoes - of the Mellln'e Food babies In the Mellln'e Food Ex hibit at the juewia ana Clara expos! tlonrNearly every face haa' a amlle and each face Indicates a happy, healthy child that, snows its owner to be-' joy rorever- in tne noma. There le a chance to guess en some of these babies. Mellln'e Food Booth In the .Agriculture building. , apeeisi araourmoa aVitee. Very low 1 0-day tickets east ofTered by O. R. a N. September 10, " 17. the O. R. N... sells to-day spe cial sxcurslon tickets to eastern points; stopovers granted going and returning. Particulars of C. W. Lunger, city ticket agent O. R. N Co. Third and Wasa. Ington Btreet Pot . si Bodily pain 1 t --or if you've a bottle of I-r. ' -tri Oil 11 the house' In. i c of burns, cuts, i sort. e i , s is -a & si j i i-x is the market the FIREBOXES "V ,; -;;- : V ofthe; of the rod converts it Into a wood or y Cortland Washlnir! ton St. ' ij IF YOU AXE SICK Van Cort land WiS Tell Yon Whet to Do. Tea Bay wkth ts knew If It 'te sd Tlsable te Bake S caase la bulls. Is lore, la manias. "Shall 1 succeed la ay new nder taklnil" "8b.ll t obfala my aeees, mj wishes. BT amhltlonaf" , "Shall I eear essy tse texorlss mt I wealthy . . . ; "ixx snothar sbar the , love Out rlfhrfslly beloss te Br , ! "If so. wbunr' . . . '"Am I lured In reterar ' '1 there a In ay kjesy Wh.n .hill tor v affair terminate la ir,rrlfl'1 "When shall My ooSMStl trouble 'eaST' - "How esa I Bake By lite sad kesM .-happy ft' - ' .- ! ' a 303H WttL!-stca Ctnzt of ttta .Jltrest. CUAIRvbYAlNr ErcL'K-,.,JJ3.TltQrr: 1, 4 it is jrrr ah rnff to r.n r T israu ' jai 1 r i'LAJAV. tow trt. I Sa Unbt mm,,'i", te sua e riert " asM la foil. " ' or rtnla. I srl te U-il ' .-nrt, Wlf t..l roe hew te ln ! mmt evelr.. ,.ffta ieloe . IK.W tu arry ! ee .' PMr.hi T . b . .. .l - t . ic... , -rm V ' ClaimyiauiMct:c SO- :r-v I '-303jf 'F J)- - r 1.