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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1905)
4- ' ' - fC. " SNv r , '-v''. jmirRuni ix)m Dm : Prrt'ri to St. Johns Council Vc'-t C5t8rmine4 to Con-;: 'u ' t.nue War. . v Jr. .. . , " 1 . ' .v ! .ycs announces that t. HZ Y.ILL ACX. INQUIRY Ji of the Accused Demand Full In vestigation, Oppoaition Sajre Their Case la Proved Already and Court d Divided 1 Night. V. east lt efSce of The JaoraellB Is .-or ef Mrs. K. W. McKIdu. ! aat strtot. T.Wpaoaa East 175. . Element madia yesterdsy by Mayor. of St. Johns and Councilman rson and Attorney McQarry, the representing those seeking to oust others, make It ; evident that the t I that hna Split the coiocll and I praocJwilly-left the tow without t rernment, will not be Battled wlth i a thorough thieshlng of the chargea i counter-charges.- , ' V den ? abi sl-itel? the , allegations a acalnat met", said . Mayor Vf. il. g. "I will demand a thoroueh htar of the charffejU.t I ro.y be Justl J before the voters f tho "place, who cted me hy good majority: I am ry the trouble hue coma, but It waa reed on 'e and I d not propose to 100th over matters and let the thin i by default to preserve the rtace e community." ' Councilman .Petereon waa equally ra ttle , Definite charges of r bribery re feeen made aaainat htm.: '-'-' ' " "I feel aa does the mayor." said Mr. lerson. "and 1 will demand a thor h Investigation into the chargea ir h' have been made.', aaainat mo. ich' I assert are entirely without "Utlon and which are due to a Pr 1 spite." V v "from- Information , which .Is In ray session." said Attorney .. MeOarry. .d which I beUeve to be absolutely .table. I am convinced that -there has eg crooked work in the council,, and r client will demand a, rial J inquiry to the. acts of the mayor and at lea at re councilman." Concemtnr therss .rmlnst the mayor ' he said: . .-. - "It la charged that Mr. Kin publicly i a ted he. would alva 5,oa If cerutn members , of the council were out of office, and when the lnveatl?atkm Is rade It will be ahown that he made Direct money offers to at leaat one uem tef of the equnrlj other than Mr. E 1 virdi for 6t r'eelanatlon. The reieon f jr hla activity was to secure a council that would favorf'tho adralaaion of aaloons. "thonaff the clttsens In June voted against the Uoenalna of 'such places. Under the charter ws hold that I'.r. Edwarda has nevarf done anything hlcJtt would toar him from memberahlp In the council, as the sale of property Is not tiyen as one of tho causes for removal and nothing mora has ever bean charted. " Mr.' Kins and Mrr-Petereon. C-rr 3 t:!-nsy end C:d j drr C!ccs3ca In Every . Fcri H!sny Pccp!a 1 ' V.2X1 TO FlfSD CUT.;. il It ia the f unction of the kidneys to nltee and purify the blood which is constantly passing through them. ; When the kidney are oat of order the ether organs are affected immediately ..and yon may have aymptona of heart trouble, stomach and Jiver trouble; and ather ailments, which are all owinf to the lldneya beisf weak and out of order ' If you are sick Foley KldaMy fj will strengthen and build up the m out tissues of the kidneys so they 1 act properly and the aymptona of -kness, - heart, stomach and , liver able wilt disappear and you will be '-red to perfect health, V t;:--v rj .V' ; ' r.6n to find out...' Too can easily determine If your kid-.-a era out of order by settijnf aside for ' hears bottle of the purine paased 1 t.!-inf . - If upon examination it is ' cr milky or hail a orick-dust aed : c r as&U partielea float about in it, " " are diseased and Foley's , . i ghould be fakes at once, J : :' ey Cure is pleasant to I ; r "J directly upon the parts a J a-J you begin' to feet 'better : ( t once. ' ' ' .": " It cemcU !' . t disorders In a few days and it has ci-rad tnany obstinate cases after c'.er Uj 'ment had failed. - Crt'?r: -jrjL.rldMotOva.'1,;-Peter Prey, ef .'co'-v ff, Pa., w-rftes: "After djcitd. i i t tf. t yeara with the beat physiciiES i ' 'tr'--urgr. and still -ittipf worse, Ls f. t dvuted me if k had any bua :J t J a: -1 - to I bad bet- r and to it at onca, ft t could not -.'.y live anoT v " thera waa care tor me. Folc7'a i- sey Cure I re-mmended tame tyr 'end, and i - ately sent r:y si "s store r it ad after taLiuTthrt. slbe l to ret better and oots'.. . ta ln ? until I was entirely v.r.I." , c. Ta fMsea, tt tziti. f writers h.. : uiw ... and mi Journal- tl. however, ' are under . definite charees, broubt accord I na . to ' the charter, and until theae are heard before, the proper tribunal, .the council, neither of the offi cers can act"-' , ,' Qtr Attorney Oreene believe that Mr. KdWarda was still o member of the council, and feared that the continuance of the quarrel would result In a com plete divlalon In the town that would probably cause- Ha eltunma ) d'sffvst to apply ror aamiaaion to roriiana. The f laht was carried oa. at a special council meeting- last nlfht, and after the recorder bad recoanlsed Mr.. Ed wards aa member of the body a mora was made to disqualify Mr. Peterson. By a vote of 4 to I the resolution wss carried," both Edwards and Petarson Voting, The majority then deotdea to adjourn until ' Monday, ' and under the leadership; - nf Councilman LegjeU tm preaident of tha council the., four de parted. - leaving Mayor ; King and hla three adherents to continue the session. The three selected D. Brecht td fill the alleged vacancy 'caused by the filiat ing of JOdwarda, - and 1 adjourned ''intll thia. evening. This glvea the towntw. councils of . rour members and two executive heads. Mayor King and Preaident ef the Council Leggett. , ; EPWORTH,LeACUESESSION. atkrtar to Be Held at Val- -- veralty Fark Vast Wea.'-'.--..', The' first annual convention Of - the Ep worth league of the Eaat Portland district will be held at V'nlveralty Park from September 1 to It. The Session will open Thursday evening. September 7, with an address by Bishop W. F. Me Powell, sfter which the University Park league .will receive the delegates ' -attending... -I . . J-j. ., Friday morning will be devoted to a bualneas aeealon and the dlscaaslon ef papers, the afternoon to the) -' Junior league work and Dr. Clarence True Wll on. will lecture in the evening.. 8a tar da y morning will be devoted to pa per a Xrom.eutalde leagues, and the afternoon will be given to the mlaelon workr Rev. Chan Ring Kal will be among the apeak era. "The afternoon aeaaion will close with the election of officers and the re port a of special committees. Dr. T. B. Ford- will preach In the evening. . Sun day afternoon Bishop ' McDowell will dedicate the new University Psrk Meth odist church, and In- the evening Dr, John H. Coleman, preaident of Willam ette university wlH preach.- ' . v FINED FOR ASSAULT. Troutdala Strong Mas Veaad OtOlty of aasiarlag asaU OlUsea, William ' Baylor of Troutdale, t who gaj-e the Mount Tabor constable a hard tusale when he was arreated recently, was fined tie by Justice 8areve at Mount Tabor yesterday. The charge waa that- Baylor . assaulted "Herman - Frits with such effect that Frits still preeents a much battered condition. V The defend ant was without counsel, but denied that he bad ever seen Frits before he was brought face to face with htm In the courtroom. - Other evidence flatly con tradicted -the defendant" and the Judge fined him. - If waa the flrst legal victory for Mr. Cralb, wbe ta studying Isw In connection with hla court work, and who appeared -as attorney yesterday for the firat time. ... , i 'v; ANOTHER MILL SOLD, i Bs. Jehad XtChtaer ' Oompamys " Puvat Boog-ht y. S. Breokt em Koaday. " 4 The 8t Johns Lnmbar company has changed hands, and the.r plant will be eonalderably enlarged. ' Monday A. av. Douglas sold his Interest In the milt to Daniel Brecht; the 'consideration was t JO.B00. Mr. Douglas will retire after the management of the mill- has been tranaferreV4a-the new owner; nd Mr. Brecht, who ha a for. some yaar been living In Bt: Johns, will reenter active work. The mill has a large-- capacity and until the changea are made increas ing Its efficiency It will be operated full shift to keep up .with the orders on hand. . .... ..!. ;- K . ' . ' ,! . . Thia change In the lumber btielneea at Bt. Johna b'rlnga a complete Hat ef new eapltallete Into the mills there; the change In management ' of . other plants waa noted last week. The change In each raae-has Teaulwtd In the Invest ment of mors capital; lit dne case, at leaat, the capacity ef the plant will be doubled c i - V ' n i :? 'i v-1'' 'esMaaa Teed BeadL ' 1 -" (Special Dtapatct-te Ike Joaraal) - McMlnnvllle. Or., Aug. UJmUjn Todd, aged It jreare and montha, a pioneer T1 W, jdled here yeaterday. lie waa a prominent rttlsen and churchman, ' 'nf member of the Chrlstlsn church. ALVAB MUfOM KKKB THEStPICT iircy HadBeri T-HE oortraitsrepresent some of the writers who . One story will appear, each Sunday during twenty "cntribute to the BANNER SERIES . OK six weeks-six monthtand we warn, our readers SHORT STORIES, . the first of which will ' that we are not "topping" the berry basket, The Jat appear in The Sunday journal for September 3. story published will be as good as the first. .,. f , TJe Short Story is THE TillNOo literature these Thi, it the collection:" .:v..' t ' V, tTU ' days, but the SHORT. STORYof QUAUTT the one XDEALON 'CHANGE Robert Barr. ?y,,j thiner that a discriminating public demands. omt tati op thr PP.FK"n." ' V ' fcf good short stohes thst are not known, but " pHAVArBjipH AND writers whose names are household words : THE PHONOGRAPH AN U terece. are none too good for reader, of The LITTLE HALLELUJAH'S CONVERT Alvah Mil- THE NIGHTVI lt vvur.y on . . . tt.f v,. mV,l : r-nr t wrrnw nP THE PORTE-Robert W. Cham-. THE METAMORPHOSIS, OF CORPUS .DELICTI . . i nf Tim Iniimal went into ket for short stories, and GOT THE BEST, p t The first object sought in the selection of the series; of stories was literary quality. . The next demand was" for human interest the flesh-and-blood element. -f It was then demanded that the stories should appeal to -both men and women readers, young and old. These conditions fulfilled, the nsme and reputation of the 'author were considered. RESULT this list of stones, - the best ever published in an American newspaper. ; v BEonyHraES r nnTTAirr-anv JRW5?fiRAt.ER WILL TAKE m out Tnnrnfir n n i o i emi ik! - - . s ;., UbUI III.MH UU lilbll ulLiLu UHL TIIE RESERVES w .... ' - .t- T-', .'' . i ' '" : . . . ...i"- .v . . . Government Prepares to Use lt Foreite for the Benefit of ; p,; Country arid People. PLAN NOT TO INJURE PERMANENCY OF. WOODS Wateraheda ImpoFtaht for Irrigation . to " Ba' LighUy Logged - Small Growth to "Ba Left PercenUgc of - KtWTrtti to Be left-- '-'.'. v JJearaal Bpealal Serrlee.) . ! Waahtngton. Aug.9. That It is the purpoaa ef the' federal "government to use theforast eaervea tot the benefit of the country and tha people, aa far as is consistent with the permanence and Improvement ; of the forests. is Illus trated by plans now being made by the foreatry service-to sell -mature timber Wherever 'there Is a legitimate demand. -. A thorouah inveattsatlon of reserves in the weat la unaler way to locate the principal bodlea of timber which are ripe rot tutting ana wnicn can pe toggea wlthoufTrnuFy to the forest As rap idly aa practicable mapa and eetlmatea will ba made .and - plans prepared -fo cutting mature trees under meumus which will Improve and perpetuate the foreet f- - The eeaentlal features, of aoeh msth oda of logging include the leaving and protecting of . email growth, reserving the rourtn or - nrtn or ine targe run bearing trees of the most valuable ape- elea to furnish seed. . ' f Watersheds and streams which - are Important for' - Irrigation and water power will be lightly logged so as not. to Impair the value of the foreat as a natural resource. Tops snd slaah left by lumbermen will be piled and burned to leseen the dsnger of fires. , ' . .. .. INFECTED FRUIT IS ..SEIZED. BY. INSPECTOR .: (SeerftJ Dtapatah te The JearaaL) - Balem. Or. Aug. 10. County Fruit Inapectorv Armatrong has within ' ths laat few days aeiaed several small -lata of fruit which were Infected with Ban Joe- scale, and which had -been placed on- the market. The fruit seised eon listed sears snd, apples and waa all raiaed near Balem.", The moet ef It waa deatroyed. but aotne - was returned to the growers.- - The. Balem - grocery-men are . cooperating with the Inspector In hla efforts to stop the Sale of Infected fruit,- end they will no doubt , succeed tn so doing. - i ' r - BIG FOREST FIRE IS RAGING IN CALIFORNIA J,," , '(Jearaal apaelal errlee.t't - Banta Crus. Aug. JO. A. big-forest fire 1s raging hear BaalLomond. Btudlo and Sterling place have" burned. More than 10. men are.fightlng the. flames and have prevented a spread to, Ben Lomond and Brookdale. '. , : The Jwitzerhnd of America Cohtaibla BJrar Bumataaia, SHta," 'iwkt, HHlaa. aaaynna. cgaa.'"waue- t tawrPB. rmmjmiM. nrj Mn!tDomh. S40 fnt). , fall. (Mnltnomh. ao fnt), arerss anl . (oreats asm sally frofa ae dacka ef toe FAST BTXAatXt Clias. R. Spencer - taaog rant ef Waabkiitnaj. atraet at V a. ra. (aseept VTMay anrl Saas.j) toe , Tba DaJlea ana retsra.. raaaaasars aad frrlght at lewest.rstee.,,..,-, SUNDAY EXCURSIONS to ths rotrt imxio .doliaa- . OASOAf I UKXt AMD BXIUAg. LMTlof fa ef Waatilagtaa atraet al S a. .. arrivlnr aoee at Is. at, . k:lpJs::?tiiot$? H ' Telephone Ma(rT lt , , - ' . S. W. aWMKlBsV""'' , fimymrm .venae-er, Portland Or. Reserving Man tk .Won Would - - t rr the mar bers. i . - "i . '- A -i - - K ' -J- H. Crinson. ,' ):;.. : : V. . THE LEATHER FUNNEL A.' Conan Doyle. ; V i: MRS. PROTHEROE Booth TarlTirlgton. LOVE IN A FOG Hester Caldwell Oakley. ; , THE ONE WHO THOUGHT James Barnes, v THE DAY OF THE DOG Morgan Robertson -; s THE PEACE OFFERING--Octsve Thanet.s MY UNWILLING NEIGHBOR Frank R. Stockton. IN THE VALLEY OF. THE SHADOW Josephine A GOOD DINNER Mary. Stewart Cutting. -: V n Dodge Daskam. J;Jj:m -I'm mm.-. THE GREAT INTERROGATION-Jack London.-; . SEVERAL KCJ"AKCIS William AlUn White.'. AnInGENUA OF THE SIERRAS Bret Hrte. " A CHANGE OF. PROFESSlON-Haryey J. p Higgins. THE FIRST STORY TO ill VJINDY-ARrel New Alaeka District ;.Haa. Shlpr ping RbcKThat ls jBeing v i Packed 'on Mules. V? AERIAL TRAM -JTHREE k - - MILES LONQ GOING UP Iteirt Quartk SenMtioii in Alaska Is th aUks Syitem Near Sksfwsy, :;at ths Boundary Between British - SKAAta sUV4aM . was j J. H. Conrad, .prominent throughout the' west as a mining man. is the heav ieat owner of the stiver-gold " properties at Ialttle Windy Arm.. Aaaka. , which have causeda,aew)Btlon, the. oaat ew weeks. Mr., Conrad la associated with C. -W. Hlne. offfoft, Hlne Co. in this city, and owns Three groups tn the"new districts comprlalng 17 . claims. Al though surtacs .work Is limited. ' con sisting of open.xuts and tunnels, IS to 140 feet deep the ora taken out te re markably rich, assaying $1,000 to i-0 a ton, a nign perceniaae svuia nvi. . , Thia district la in the Atlln Teitlon. eight miles from the line of the White Pa a Tukon ' railway. - vr. vronraa :s rushing to completion en aerial - tram that will-have a length ef 11,381 feet. connecting the Montana group of claima with steamboat' navigation on the lake system. Material n for . this tram has been delivered, and ta being peeked up the rough mountain-side. The differ ence In elevation between the mine and beach terminals 1s a.47 feet. There will e a track and a traction" cable, bucket e every -ISO feet, and utomatio dumping and loading facilities, giving to the plant Urge capacity. About 0 men. are employed on thia tram, and II' carloada of lumber, and , timber" te be used In the towers and bine have been delivered on the beach. A eecond aerial tram Is to bt .con structed . next - season to . connect the Venus group of tbe.ssms Company with the lake; this line will have less length than the first. ,. Ths contract for it has been let, and survsya are being made. ' On the lake shore, where the tram terminals have heen established, the Conrad people have secured 120 scree of ground for -terminals, mlllsltes and reaidencea.' . Conrad City has sprung Into existence, and as the rush to-that eountry sets in this place la promised the dignity nf a big town. The White Fasa-eteamboat line has -made a land ing near the - camp, and changed the schedule of the steamboats to meet -the requlrementa nf the Little Windy Arm dlatrict. On the last trip of the White peas steamboat most of the crew de serted to go to the' fnlnlng camp and make locations., and miners from the .adjacent, eeuntcy are rushing In. .The railway , contemplates building a spur to the point next year, by which time the plana of . Mr. Conrad wlu. begin to matures ", .- , ' ' '. -r ' Most ef. the work done until date has been on the Montana claim, where a tunnel hlT beetf driven. on the vein' t40 taet.. In driving this drift SOS to S0 tona of shipping ore were . put "on the Jump. This Is so rich that it la being sacked, packed: on mulee down to. the beach and shipped to the smelters on Paget aound. . .There are said te be sev eral veins on the" groups, the width ranging up- to- 10 f feet The surface work prosecuted Indicates several ore shoots which will be developed aa rap Idly aa possible; A deep tunnel la' being driven to . open ths ore .body ' exposed on the Montana claim, the first tram being at the portal, of this edit, t ' DESERTED BABE FOUND - .ON DOORSTEP-IN SALEM -.--f . - - 7 tSaeet.l Plaeateb te Tke foaraail , Balem. Or.. Aug. SO. A little baby boy was found on the doorstep of the home of BV Flenor In this lty last Sunday night.' Whose is ths little youngster or where If came from le a mystery. -A brief note written on' a scrap of linen paper In a woman's hand and pinned to' the chlld'e-rgnrmenta la ths only hit of hlntory (hat cams with it "Thia child born August 14, MOB," waa an lis sots THE GRATT-i-O Henry l tie. ok a i -y. nenry. ----- - . . ---- , APPEAR WILL BE YOUR ORDER FOR THE Excursions to Mount Hood "1IfTnl a thai Tla T XI and ' Clark exposition y I have a rare opportu- l nttv jo- r Tian hhuiu . , Hood, because of the very low $15 round trip rate ': from Portland made by the O. . ; R. . ' N''. Includea ' rail and f stage . fare, lunch at Mount ' Hood hotel (Hood River), twe-.i" nights' lodging and Ave meals at .Cloud Cap Inn. and return Ing lunch at lit. Hood HotaL - Cloud Cap InnVunlque ahd pie-. . , turesque.-0.100 feet above aea 'm level, affords ' splendid, accom-, ' . modatlona. Bummlt ot-mourj. tain emally acceaslble from 'thia . point ' Particulars and O. R. r summer-book bj" asking?-; at .Third - snd Waahtngton . " streets', 'Portland. ''P''y' r' ' ' Sood Blvsr, Orfoa. -;-'"' ' a D. GffTS FiC3,---v::'' Show vthemselves ,1n plentliude en our counters and shelves and in our showcases brushes for all sorts of painting, gold-leaf books, glass cut--ters, perfected "gralners, paints, mixed and In bulk, of couree Our assortment of painters', aide would make any decorating artist glad. - FISHERJIIORSEN&CO. oirr Ajro m osbxsov. A-Kice. Qtan, Smooth Shave Tou can always get -when you -use Henckel rasor. We have the flnnet atock of high-grades fine tempered 'steel rasnrs, that are guaranteed to be the best and most satisfactory that is made. Our atock of fine cut lery In tableware, pocket knlvea and scissors, ehears. are the best manu factured. AVERY & CO. , ' Besweeai -ltte aad Asav'i3" ' contained.' On one corner of one of ths extra garments left with ths baby was sswed with red silk the letter "D."' , A bloaalnc alike-to young and 'old; Tr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Btraw- berrv. Nature's sneclflo for dysentery. diarrhoea-an.4 sua. mar compUiat - t.afc.rrvaa. r " aaTrae"--' Have Place INCURABLE I.- ZangwilL ' v -,. , .A'HED-HEADED CUPID Henry Wallace JTHE LAST OP THE EBB H. C Rowland. THE ENGINEER'S CHR1TJJAS STORY-John'A, um.' ... ." - . ' .'' - ., . . " r THE WOMAN AND HER BONDSEdwin U Fevte -THE COURTESY OF CHRl&TIAM, THE HIGH- - A17 a V a XT ' l.llinii, -lion. v . J . ........ A nr r. T .Y - eillTU SUNDAY JOURNAL, i ; BARR Ol laKing. a auy uosc ; iu ; relieve rwiisw . pation. :f This- means ?: sensitive ; organs, , ; ";':. :;: i-t-i r'-'z) Get tortbe cause ' i T -i .' .r : ' .." ! i Cure y our Conotipatioi v '-V'e . ..uT7trit& VeWeto hy I will cure 'the worsl 1 They make your ineir worKreguiariy ' is-. y:- j j Tn 25 . In watch-shspe ootuee, flr' . ' H,ctkel? centa.:,.-..-;- .--.YBaf drufgiat, or (. N OFFER r- - - - r f ." FOR SALt. 8X .W00PARD, CLARKE A CO. , There iss been and will be ' . ; bo change tn the prices of -Mineral Water. Bode. Water. . . ,- Slphona, ' Byrupv ete. 'i the i . '. same prices will be maintained all reporte to the contrary not - 'withstaadlBg; '-.', ; , . ' ' " -' ' : ' . : STAR B0TTLI.1G WORKS ; Ksi M rts an, hit , Ooltl aw ail Orutxlgca. TmaaTmun t I fcf 4 i Ma T K4.'I MtflU tarn S I te v . a - -J.L.'J;.'!.:' j; v: II f Cwir.lrtrT-iti. i w v a-' - asm . ,. 'f Phillips. --- T "'. 17.V BE Va daily injury , to' V-t -l Y " i t ip v.-4;... yx' or tno trouoio those who Kaow ; v.1 , -case" of constipation. - I I " ROBERT W. CHAMBERS I . MOKOaJI auamTBOSl ' ' . ' : I . . 1 1 ROBERT wu7;-. .-.1 ;- -x-c: ,, i digestive organs do 4 ! - rTnaiuraiiya ' eta;' : .'--'". - ;. CHASE MFO, Cf Wewfcarfb, N. T. . : Send 5 stamps to Chssa Mfjf. Co., NewlmrtUi, K. Y., and a foU4zo 25-ceat bottlo. will ". bo taallod to you at once; Wo want to proro our words. :7rito to-day. -V r-' , - H v i 1 1 ) ; JiVicl CC7KGfTE'C foe modern dental work. World -re . newned apeclallata. toweat prleea eenaiatent with Brst-elasa ; work.--. .'. " Oa ta tha i .i. . . NEW YORK DENTIST a. vo-omrB Ajra mobbziow btb. - fre tfsi a nt-M. from lift a r -4 t :-.'V '...vf'":.r '