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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1905)
J C 0 D ; " Li' V li 1 1 i L J ( A- t::2 vsat:: Tcn!;lt r-1 r7 Li wind ere;- VOL, IV. r:o. in. a POHTLAtip. CSSQON. TUESDAY vPVCimJG. AUGUST 23-15C3. SlXiSN PAGES." "J - price two cents:-s;.-;.'- ; ' I1 J l-IVh' A--' 1 .v.-i Comp !ete Acccrd Arrived at on All Ques tions In pisputeArmistfce to Be Arranged ssia Is Not to Pay i Sakhalin Will Be Divided Between the Tvo j 'I?ations-Treaty.BeMg Drava Up. "i ;'V-; :r; ' (Journal. Special -Service.)?' r? :-r V"';; v ? :- 'v;iV..';'..I--Po-ttsrtiouth,' N. H., Augf. 29. Kor6j.tovitz speaking for the'Rus sian entoys trlephoned the newspapers at 12:30 o'clock the follow h V; ine statement t -J '. vr?: 'vfi ;':.-':-" -V-, ",;',. "At the session this morning the peacje conference arrived at ' - complete accord on-all questions. ' '.;- V-;''.;'! i , -' "It has been decided to proceed to the' elaboration bfra'treaty ' laoail and Russia haveaereed fas details can be completed -meaiaieiyv-" ne envoys aiinc- mecung tnis morning mrrcu ai "complete accord" on, all questions" in disputiji VThis startling result :, was fpresha'dowed in these dispache? this morning; but t had not ' been "expected that the agreement could be reached upon aildis puted points before the noon lunch hour.! ? v : " r,' -ri " Taoan absolutely waived , J"his decision Ayes' arrived at " by statesmen at tneir exiraorgmary session .jvionaay, , A nere ; was -r neyef the least doubt but that when the Japanese envoys presented ! their concessions 4n complete fornf unanimous agreement to draw r'up a treaty of peace would' be reached. rp-.'; -c '..-" 'i.V. - - - -,The only-doubtv this, morning was whether the: Japanese gov- . ' : ernm,enti' in View,!f. tli alleged 'deem it advisable to expose their . , . . v Witte announced upon "his . been agreed upon. He says that 7 JO payf a jcopecK Oi inuemnuy, mnu a.uuii is iouc.wy iucu,; ; ; isi:niJ KEEP OF Takes but 'Three JHcoirs for Envoys to Agree on Term for Cessa -; C ; titin of hostilities Orientals at Portsmouth Shed r '.I Tears and Declare It i Portamouth. . Au.' I9l Ruulaii 'td JspancM pac. nToya announco. that 1 thar hava raaohad acoord on all polnta U. and that a traaty will ba Immediately i - araiiaa oeiween ma Miiimrcni nuinmi ' andln tha bloody conflict In tha far aaau eaee waa : brought about by '' Japan'a withdrawing, at tha InaUnca of .. President Rooaavelt, ait oemanaa lor a , ' caah Indemnity and ofrerlni to dlvldo Bakhalin with Ruaala.- , An. annlatloa , will ba at onca concluded and tba aan . irulnary atrugKla which haa coat, tna , urea or nttnoreoa ot mouaanoa. 01 now "' natlona la at an an"' . It la peaca with tonor for both na ' i tlona. but Witt baa won a notable Tic " ! tory In diplomacy in aocurinr tba aban- . domnanl -of Japan a claim a tor tribute. --'All of 4ha original demanda by Japan, , which -Avar th orhjlnal caua of th ' war, have been won and war readily . V cancadad by th caar'a enyoya. Japan :wln Kra. th avacuatlon f Man churla. th" opan door, th integrity of I .--China, th eouth hnlf tot Sakhalin aa . n.UMAM. fn bun nP nrfuiura In -Im nan th Llao.Tana- pant naula.-and haa th ' Chinee Saatarn railroad odd to Chlna. '. - Nina of the .contested point have been . ; won by Japan, thre by Rnaela..-Thee ..itoV in ih. nuTininl oflndemnitr. the '. Interned Ruaalan ahlpa and th curtail- If" mant of naval power in tn rar eaat, v '!;,.''"'; - Oet riial Xnctrvettoma. - ." ' Both Ruaalan and JapaneeV-nvoya . received final lnatructldna from their reepectlve . government laet ' night. . Thoaa received by the Japaneae per -mltted them to make th necaary oon ' ' ceaalona to obtain peace, 'whll thoa re- . eelved by Witt from the caar left him no leeway, but reiterated the, no In : demnlty payment InatrucUona. ' With th withdrawal by-Japan- -the formal demand for Indemnity the' big , atumbllng block of th conference waa removed and peace rendered a certainty, i , Brigllt aunahln uahered In th day (n Which the fat of many natlona waa, to be ttled. The weather waa cool and v crisp with a trace' of autumn, rn th air. ' Th envoy early left their hotala and rode in automobiles te the , navy-yard, while the ' aecretarle took ilectrio - lftunchea: On reaching the iavy-yard at 1:10 o'clock the peace delegate reUred to their respective- apartmenta and aoon aaaembled In -th conference room a. Formal greeting wer aoon over-ana . the envoys began the buainesa before thenv '. "' ' -'' .-' '-, .'- XndamaltyXa. Waive. Th fire subject eonsldered Was th .v' protocol of last Saturday's meeting. A ; comparison , of : . French and English texts waa completed and the document . . alaned by both Russtens and Japaneae. The Japanese presented new demands mod I fled, according to th recommenda tlon of Komilra and Takahlra. .with the consent of tha mikado, withdrawing V their demand for Indemnity. Tha dlvla , Ion ef Sakhalin waa also proposed. . lit required Jnat three houre of the ya' time, Nio reach . an . .unanlmoaa ' , i-eoment. The new terms offered by "'.. jm.ura were of uch sweeping charac -v .t at Once. vi -. .... Kopeck of Tribute While A -i.',-".--y. rjf. it." to sien a tfeatV of oeace as soon An armistice w-to be arranged im- her demand for a ' cash indemnity. the Japanese cabinet and "elder craftiness of theRussians, would full hand.vVi," r. arrival at the hotel that-peace had under the agreement Russia is. not Is Peace With Dishonor. V ; ter and were considered by the Ruaalan aa each radical , conceaalon to their vlewe s to leave them no farther bests on which to prolong objections. - - .. Witt agreed to algn the- treaty of peace with Comura a aoon a th de tails can be completed, and aa armistice la to be arranged immediately.'' ' CabIe have been saent to- St. Peters burg and Tokio announcing the peace agreement and urging the declaration of an armistice at onq Japanese corre spondent at the hotel are almost in tear. They declare It la peace! "with dishonor and aay that their country, will be wUd tonight with Indignation.' ; V' .' 'p. - Japaaaae tm -y r". ,' f:, . Responding to congratulations pon th conclusion of peace on euoh good term .Pokotiloff.-Buaalen minister to China, . who la har aay a: fit waa a atroke of genltn, and. only one man In the world could have done It. That man i7witte.- ... . ;,- ,fr- " " . It la announced that J a Dan. la to be paid a reasonable, bunt for th mainte nance of, to.100 prlmwiera, the amount to no decided upon ' later, wmcn m ex pected to be about . ' lt haa Just been learned that at Sat urday' meeting Witt assured the Jap aneae that It they 'would waive th de mand lor a cash indemnity th Ruaalan envoy would bind themselves to pro ceed immediately to negotiate a treaty of peaoe. - Upon tha reoommendatlon of Takahlra and Komura the mikado and hla cpuncil yeaterday decided to take the Russians at their word : and walv the demand for Indemnity.. ' t Th following points have been - de cide npon. ea the baal of th peaoe agreement and treaty ending th war: ; . .JU RaoognltlOBi of Japan' preoonder atlng lnfauanc and auserainty in Korea. I. Mutual r obligation to ' evacuate Manchaiia and Russia te, relinquish to China all concessions add special privi leges. - i.N'. - : - I. Japanese obligation to- tutor tba sovereignty ana administration of China la Manchuria, - 4. Mutual obligation to respect the territorial and admtnlatratlve Integrity ox unina ana tn principle or th open (.-Tb dlvUlen ef th Island of Sak halin, Japan to retain th southern half of th bland' and to be repaid for the keep, or Rnaalan prisoners In Japan. . The surrender of V the i Ruaalan leases to the llao Tung peninsula. In eluding Port Arthur, Ualny-an Blond and . Elliot island. - , ; T. The ceding of th Chinee Eastern railroad from Harbin south to China. ' tr Th retention , by ' RMssla of th northern Manehurialv railroad,, to be policed by Chid. 1 .-Fishing tight en th Siberian ooaat granted Japan from Vladivostok to Bering straits! - ; i ' All of these points- have been con ceded by Rnnsia. Jpn abandoning Ita claim for indemnity, , for the -Interned Rusetaa ahlpa and for th curtailment of Rneatan naval power Jn th far least. ;4Contlnue4on Pag Two.) ; PAY S?5,00P00"F1 r PRISON!! lU'.IAPAIJ , i f ' A I ? w a i i i 1 rZ4. ft -"i'-1' "FAG" SYSTEM English College .Custom of Fore irig Freshmen. to Be Servants .''.Xo "Seniors Introduced. i: SUBSTITUTE FOR . OLD. j METHOD OF HAZING ThoM ,Who. Refui tax Carry Trunks, Haijf Picture and Decorate Upper : Classmen 'a Room Are Forced to "Shine Shoes by Way of Humiliation (Joanal apeelal Sorvlee.) ' Stanford University, , Cat, Aug. t. Th English "fag" ' system, aorneWhat modified, '. has been Introduced - bare. Freahrden In the .men'a; dormitory of Stanford; ar undergoing a .course 'of training at - the hand of the upper elassmen never before tried at this uni versity. . f.:;. 1 yj k .'::! i ;..,"' ' Heretofore', th new -. men have gon through, nothing more serious than cold hatha and - eon recitals,- but this- year the faculty ''haa 'taken declalv aetlon against such forma of. basing. wtth a result that the elder men have turned to new forms of teaching, the "fresh- lea" that they rnuat show a .certain amount of reapeot for upper classmen. Instead of being thrust" Into . a tub of cold -rwater'Or put before a crowd to sing. - th freshmen at - Enolna hall are moving trunks for. th upper Classmen, or assisting th older classmen to deco rate their room. . ,'. -. In aome eaaea,- when the new - men show a' disposition, to disregard the re quests- ana aavrce ot . toeir upenors. they are mad to shins shoe and do other menial tasksjintended tn humiliate them ao that they wUl show,' respect to seniors Irr th future. , . - t , ' .... 1. 1 i 1 i ':' i BREAKING! MAST CAUSES - DEATH AND A STAMPEDE ;: ' .'-,l. .. . - inpeeui xtwpaira to- Tae Joamal.f : Seattle. Wash.. Aug. . PtUlIp . Spldaen, a Finnish Bailor. wae , d instantly killed thla morning by ; d the breaking of the mainmast v4 on the steamer Melville Dollar. . Rpldsen was helping to load the . d ahip. with cars for ' th Alaska 4 Central railroad- - A derrick waa 1 - attached t th malatnaat The . wetabt of a. car caused the mast e S - to snap' at the baae and In fall e Ing It Btrucfc Bptdsen on the 4 head. JT he maat broke awcy there upper, part of the' deck and stempeded cattle In the hold. - 8eveialcatOewerelnJured. d ATFIRS C"YortMXitortthrKer Hampahlre. Wgtchinr Pyvi':r, -Vi'--iv'W T IMIIOIML DATTLE Willi Determinatfon by Supreme Court ' County Recalls Case In Which . Financial Institution 'TP?'1 2V - Bought Invalid Road Warrants., By a decision v rendered yesterday by the State supreme court In the i base of Multnomah County va.' th First Na tional Bank of this city, th batik has com out vlctoriou In a hard-fought legal' battle which ha, attracted' much attention. '- , y ; , f:j ' , The suit was Instituted by th county for th purpose of setting ' said an order made four years ago. by the board of county cammUsloDerewbereby JLsy- aai cerunoate or a -race value of 1 7,1 It wer assigned to the bank in ex. chang for about 1 4,00 of Invalid road warranta. , v.- .- . Th trial court decided In favor of tha county, but faUed to giv th full relief prayed for, and the county' therefore appealed. . The supreme court has not only reversed the decision of the lower court but has ordered tbat the suit be dismissed. -; -' -. " ',.., ....... ,. " In the year lm the county clerk Is sued about 15.000 worth of road war rants, which wer baaed jn forged time checks. The First National bank pur chased for value and in good faith about 14,000 of these warrant, but when the forgeries . were discovered'" uit was brought by th county to annul' the war rants and to enjoin the bank from pre senting them for payment' ..-The county Miwcd CArcc' ncATu it: iiiiiikii i rivku Ukn i lit : - t r; I iTWENTY-FOUR. HOURS ' Uoenal IpecUl gervlca.1 ." ; . ; ' ' Butte, Mont. Aug. JJ. After; facing death for 14 hours. Con 8ullivan,' a Utah miner, - was ' last . night ' resmd ' by a force of SO minora, who for the paat day bad. been working in gangs of three and four with feverish haste. Sullivan was on the first shift, he having come her from bury a brother, who was killed in a eave-ln three weeka .ago. He waa working en th 100-foot level of the Mountain - Conaolldated mine when a cave-lri of many ton of rock, cover ing a -dlafhne of more than feet, en tombed him..-. Sullivan had barely room enough to stretch himself, but with rare presence of mind devoted many hours of his imprisonment to leep,'.bellevlng he could- thus better - preserve. his strength, aa th air .waa growing bad. By tapping. Sullivan waa able to 'let hl fellow - miners - know that - he was alive. When hla rescuer reached him Bulllvaa emerged ' from , hls narrow prison with a amlt. undeleted. . and climbed the ladder to the top. i . Big Itr im'ohastowm.- -(Jooraal Bpeelal ervlca.l ' " Johnstown. P Aug. 20. The build ing and stock of tha Pann Traffic com pany, the largest department store In the city, waa totally destroyed byflre last night The loss 'is 1500,01)0, par tially eovsred by Insurance. - theAt Ae ForegroupA BjlllK HIS Ml f. of an Appeal ' Brought by, the 1 won Itssult, and the Injunction granted. ,'.- .- . . i .. , "ln 101 .'the bank presented a petition to th county board asking that it, be permitted - to ' exchange - the warranta for tax aala certifloaUs owned, by the county. .Inasmuch -as thbank had originally acquired th warrants In good faith and without-, knowledge of the fraud with which they wer tainted the county-commission! .consented to the proposed exchange. In th maanttm the bank requested that-tb tax eertffl eatea be turned over to Wi, F White, as th bank's assign, jnd thla was don. When George . Blfck waa' employed two year ago to investlgat county st rain he reported this transaction with th First National bank and W. F. Whit a one that shtrold Mm aside. Suit was accordingly brought by the. county to annul the order and to recover from th bank and -Whit the, full value Of the 'tax certificates.. .."4 In Its decision the supreme court holds that ln-aoaordanc with it ruling In tha recent oaa of Multnomah count vs. Title Guarantee .te Trust company the county court has power to compro mise tax claims. Having such power, the settlement made 'with - the First National bank wit a valid on and must b. uphsld. - ', . - ;,. ' : ' FIFTEEN INJURED IN r V,V; !f BARGAIN-SALE RUSH ''" i:' Jeraal Rverlaf Berrlea. ' ' : ' ' ' ' Indianapolis Ind, Aug. ' It. Fifteen person ti womn and three men- were Injured in y rush for bargains at a Washington street store. , Whev the police : reached th scene nearly 1,000 person wer crowded in. knocking down and trampling each other-in their anx iety to secure some ofytb coveted bar gain A showcase ws knocked off tb counter., ana. aemonshaa. just aa the crowd was admitted to-, the store. one woman . who. had. been "waiting -for an hour fainted and fell Just inside the docir. Other pushlnst behind kpocked two other, women down and then there waa a promlacuoua- falling Over th prostrate bodies.- Th polio wer com polled -to as their 'clubs to clear, the ator. . .-. r ' . ONE KILLED, MANY HURT : ; IN TROLLEY-DISASTER (Jonnui BpeeUf aervke.) " ' Ivts Angeles. Aug.. 19. W. B, Erwtn, manager of the local branch of the Standard Blacuit company, formerly of Oakland, was killed In a atreetcar acci dent this morning and 11 others badly lnjuredv Tha airbrakes refused-1 work,, the car ran down a steep hiii, ovsrturn-, Ing at the bottom. .- , - 1 t OREGON FRUIT IS Discrimination by ;' Washington Inspectors ; Without , ; Just ;"-v Cause Is Plainly Shown! LEMONS CON DEMN ED FOR v v IMPOSSIBLE DISEASE Klickitat Inspector Says They Hava ,! San Jose Seal Department of Ag- rlculrure Declares That This Dis ease Does Not Attack Citrus Fruits i It .ha long ; been ' noted by frtt. shippers of Oregon and wholesaler of Portland in particular,' that Oragon fruit or in fact any other Oregon product la not well received by the dealers and authorities of th state of Washington. - Fruits that are raised In Oregon ar condemned upon arrival In the Ever green state, whether becaus of -ignor-a no , of .fruit diseases on th part of tb Inspectors or from -other motive. Apples that come from this state never reoelve th same treatment say th dealers,' that do th apples from .Call font la or ven Idaho. - ------ " Front Street dealer " have t become tired of receiving clips from ' various Washington commissioner telling- them that th fruit is a menace to the publlo health and therefor ha . been - con demned and confiscated. - I Citrus fruit from th . South that passes -through Portland dealers' hands la held up. in the. various Washington cities and generally eondemfied. Deal. re here aaaart that California Shippers themselves have no difficulty Fruit with m Portland stamp on it haa been condemned while fruit from' thS same car. but -bearing the California stamp, (Continued on Page Two. ) . LIKE SHORT ST0RIES7 READ SUNDAY'S JOURNAL What's beat f un-to-date notion that describes th series, S of short , stories secured by. Th e Journal, th flrt of which will be publtahed next Sunday. It d needs but a glimpse of the name to show you what you wUl eet e Robert Barr la the author of the-, nret to be published. "A Deal on' A e 'Change.- , on of - the Uvelleet e moat Intereatlng short stories e aver put on paper. Morgan Ron- k e erteon. Booth Tarklngton, Octave e Thanet I. Zanywlll. Jack London ana jonepnin Iotte Itaakara are a few c l"i r' y who pon trr "e t i .i . s t ie bent fJOTrUEtCOLlE- '.- r. , . .. ; ..- ' ; - ' $ BaBBSBmbBsssSaBsgSBsaBa '. ' - f Consul Cederberh Calls C duct of Lawyers In Jin; ' Case' Reprehensitls and v ;A Also Urtprofess.ior-J. , ","'hi'- RUFFIN AND IDDELUr r 1 CENSURABLE, HE SAL Jtids Webster Promises TherlWi3 Be Full Investigation Into Uan ner in xWhkh EaUts of Rudolph Jansen Was Handled srd Tat 14 Guilty They Shall Ba Punished. " "I will do my utmost to hava H. H. Rlddell disbarred from practice la th courts of this state." said ;Endr M. Cederbergh, Swedish -,snd ' Norwgia consul at Portland, today. "Th way -Rlddeli ha handled th aetata of Ru dolph Jensen, Imposed en th county eourt madei mUrepreaenU.tlon to the court without authority ompromlaed a settlement with th streetcar com pany ' and accepted the same, xep. tns money tn th bank la hi own nam without turning it over to tn aamtni trator, paid 17(0 of th money ot th estate to R. W. Ruffln without permis sion of the court and va at different time falalfled oo. th witneaa-ctand.. tried to get away from th facts la the case and in general eoadaoted! hintsolff in a manner Jin worthy th profeealon of eh Uw, idessrves that dieoarmeTi prnoiedlnf sJr Instituted at oooe, and shall, not rest untu sucn pxooeeaui. j . have been brought ' - -. - ' "The sam may b said of R. Wi J Ruffln, who a a lawyer has deoelvevl xh Swedish youth, Herman Jansen. ' brother of Rudolph, 111 conduct ha been rDrhnalbl and should b pun ished in the interest of the good nam of the United Btatea. I shall report the case to-my. government offlcially, set ting fJrth th facts in ftOJ,1, - ,' . radg irm at Satav. - v.. County Judg WebaUr la Aaarlns; th evidence In th settlament of th eatau of Rudolph Jansen. who waa killed Feb ruary t, 110S, in an accident toia Mon tavllU streetcar.- Th oaa baa devel oped sensational features, with? de-, mand by Endre M. Cederbergh. m':.u:i and Norwegian consul, for th dlsoar- ment of H. H. Rlddeli and R. W. Ruffln from practicing law in Oregon. In th hearing th county Judg wlX. probe th charge that Rlddeli aa eoun--seUJEL O. Scott as administrator of th estate and Jay Upton. Judge Webster1 prlvat secretary and ballllC of. t..e county court f war guilty of lrrer -larlties; Prr to going en th bench.-JucT- Webster refused to dlacua. the ca- i, saying only that h wouldfko to t-. . bottom of it and learn all fact. . R. W. Ruffln, who cam froca.LonJ Beach, Washington, yeaterday to de mand hearing on. allegations that he had taken 70 of the money f te tat Improperly, today produced a written contract algnsd by, himself a Rlddeli, of the law firm of Dufir . Rlddeli, in which Ruffln sella to Lx 'at' St Rlddeli on half Interest Jn his c t tract with Herman Jansen," brother c '. the deceased, for 10 per cent of at! money recovered from th Portland Consolidated, and Dufur A Rlddeli sell to- Ruff ha on half Interact la their contract with th admlnlatrator of th state for (0 per cent ot all money realised from th company. ' ; "t -- rstrTI. " " "I Wa paid 1750." said Ruffln. "b Rlddeli on his own check oo tb Mar.' chant a National bank as myehar-.of th 11,600 which w were to have from;, th 12.100 w collected from th Street! , car company. Th renorde of th bank' wUshow that Rlddeli himself paid we th money, and, if k now attempt to load on m th responsibility for th . transaction. 1 shall sbqw in court today this eontraotu- "I had a contract with Herman Jan., sen. and Rlddeli bad on, and w mere t pooled Issues, and war to divide 0 per cent which w obtained front X oompany. "If there was anything wrong. W' H I do not admit." saM ha. "then Rk. t Is Just aa wrong as t am. for we sck1 together, went together to Colph, i -1-lory, Hlroon aV Gear!' ofnc and settled th Janaen claim for 13,1": the com. panVe check for that amount was mad in Rtddell's name, wh banked it sntf then drew hla personal check for me f . 70." Herman Jansen asserted today t" he bad been induced by R. W. Ha!T sign papers the true nature ef w. he did not know, i , : "Kufflri promlsei-ni 14,0 share of th 1S.000 whl-h he " would get from the railway e II told me absolutely that be k .1 arrangements with lb mn"" I It.StfO, snd that he woiild t. . . give jrie half." . "llarman W. about i j edacated m fwni-a ai t formed on matters - r viietnma of tt'a letters front " I r-r.ri to the 14.. -re re f ir Uarmaii -. tCc- ' .. . '