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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1905)
' , a ' a - . . a . V V " w .. . a, as". ... - oiiuisiEini By AiKESE r '?' Small Stocks indue Brown Men to Again Buy and Reju-1 lar Business Is On. 1 NO SHIPMENTS BEING , ' ; tv MAPETO CHINESE FIRMS California Creamery Butter;' Again In 'V vades Local Market ' B&t,- Demand I Oood With Home Suppliea Small Hops Art Selling Down. , " treat Street, Aag.' tR-Tk principal feature V im roruand wholesale nutiti today ar! Tomatoes an cmnlnc wj feat, t v. ; loin weakness la peera kuUI. ' . Black crap are rather euU. K. . t (re t ed ehlpenate of maeee. crepeec"-1 r -' , , . Callforala hatter bow ta atarkaU. ' f ' - , All fruit ara Bwvtng newly. .J -1 Japanese ara haying (tour. '''.'v.''";'. y ,-vv mbirvi ajwar, crop mwr. t. rnucy weai eowa wun peer quality. Baaaaae arrive In rtpa eoadltkm., ' ''' ' Wheat mut la n4ohb an. v . V , ';i Potatoes ara quoted dull. (,' !"'. : '? ; Jaftataa Ara nTayiag Tlaar. V' A raauanMoa at lha eemand for floor Obowa from Jape. Ttea Japan aaa ara making j atta? loojttlrtaa (or lha kical prod act abip f". mu of tb e crop will b ajnlta llbaral Tlaht fraaa tba ata(. Htoesa at floa la feara aarar la recast vaara baaa aa hnr aa at pre at. . lareaanta aaar. tnara aava baaat bat avanaclyr-aiaca tba aair rar datr areat Into affect daMac tba aMBta of July. At tbat Umt the little arova axa boa ant fa aoaaMarabla kta, aaffldaat, they bellT4 at that to- tide Ihom mt (or it laaat alx aaaitl great Uortioa f tola nam araa areata oa- ae. aoaat of tha i lack of tranaportatloa. that CDiiatrr aaaeo lata tha araec aoeoar ,waa eapefbtaaV, Tha kowet- price ot wleat fat ear crop an tha eaaaaqaant reeMetmi la price of floor haa aided tba narkat tit a c alderabla ex teat. from . China there la (eaeral lark1 of taqalrlaa aad aalaa ara praa tlralhr aothlna. Oalr tha ncUah-apaakhi( peo ple of HoackoaaT ara bona near, tha L'taineee ttu dolaa the boTcatttac acU;- - , mu aaaMty Oaaaea a Baalla. Vp to thai flaw WUIaawtta oallay wheat baa tha hlfboet orlaed wheat ta tha Portia on taarkot for aaw .cropr Qoallty - haa haoa vary 4iaeppakriaa' aaef the arte haa ahowa erroral , eVcllnaa. while JJia other giailea raaulaed 'aa cbaacad. Today toaVe waa a. decline .of te ta ; valley, auk tec the artea offered today Tie. Tba eat b- -wheal aaarka waa weak today ni aeaoaat ot the central dowaward' tread la Uie aotaMa aaarkata. bat aa ebaacaa appeared1 la ojootatleaa except la tha valley. Beporta ra relnd hr The Jaarael fpaat -tba wheat- bait of oaoterriS Oreaoa aad "Vaahtactoa -aay that barraattac f tataa ahow a tearler yhrM tha tba via woe rejara ' IB in moiaiiai of uie waua TV'tlU dlaWct Baby eaata of an boabela to the ara cotaa. . wuiaawtta Taney taroraa ara etta Valley lataraa ai tbaa the piaiawa wael ... aoowlac a; r Ja Market lawart Ore fa Bettor, '. There wera aaaoral aale reported la tha bob Market today of choice tota at 17 Ho, thaa ahow- Inc. a decline ac Ho-freea prorlooa oaotatfctaa. Many addrtloaal aalaa af Maw Callforala ara re parted aroaad lea and the market there h) weeker. It bow traaaptooa -tbat npa lif Hi I AiU aa raia .aarat eaarht many eoateaeta eaT tha roatlnc crop laat aeaaoa ai maf-XIa had f h in niti l i i ii i il M it -maM 1 - - fTTrireir'Crutid aril rl)i red ac-ldturtO' ptetwJi wnaa. nay Barer joaaeei aattar awr urocoa aeraaia Draeunent aa a boB-Drodaclna' atata. . JTha Oorrala dlatrlet ,hwka ilka a Immper Tleld Cf -aad-Waodhara,"- Aorera, Mlaartaa, BlltaleVPrat- re. Bntterule and ..Chaaipoea are dotn fully wetU f not bettor, tbaa laat aeaaoa. The - . BMletara'Xof t he-pa of two days haa broa help r re tha crop aad IM Jan ar nunc eat batter. - TTx am hieaa atdrf Ilka -QO.MM halea tbaa - Teaiahioa Ard'TSeaOa- Tary TtH. ' 'I i-. Trulnea are aow caaUBt ry faat aad the . aaarket H aof ahawtac a food a tone. .1 '" . frattloBaUy oft. " ' - . s Ttiiee dart ehlraienta M paacha wore en tha mark today and rather waakeajed-the ton. . Botno redwrtloo hi price. w . -roar rare- of eeeeaaa arrrred lata aatarday : hf Hn ..... 1 . v . ieedleea mPa traea Callroraia. eom "oTTSe ) ' flaeat area la tkle market for aeraral maini, today fraaa CaUforala. They wore act O eiee.' Mt the enoitaeee ada a for the hick ef erne. . The California eteamer ataff "wad -. haloaded barly to the Btorarac. The earco waa a aeml - o bat-coaalderebie aiapaa an hie CaUferala Batter cm Itarbai. The batter market la aory firm today wUk -. roreipta of local prodact ami 11. Boom CHrforriU bnttec la 'acate an tb etroet aad to eelUac at meal Taatee. voaatry etor proa act ftraa. - ' . - " v , '' ' -. Bcm and chick ma are ftrat bat aactianced -. W The foBowtoc ewatatloBo ar tbeaa paid by to - tallore for ttret-cwaa aoeeai to raaad hrta.t Pro- aacotr pnre ara aa aoacinaa: 1 wrato.' Deal and Teed. WT?AT Coerracte, lOd Now ' elab, I Bxl Itnaelan. or: hlneatem. Ur: Taller. T1 BABLB i roed. fZV.onazi.Ovl feUedi 121.10 Or 22 DO: krewlna. fOl.SOet CORN Whale, tir.eoi oraokaC par too. rtb per twt. V OATS No. 1 white, tto-OOj 'cray, X8 00. j r WVV mr m.mwnm r-fva d.Ri atralfhto, W.TS; arporta. valley, 10; krahim. Ka.ta.voi Me. ;a.Oi rye. We. .on; halea, II. Tb. i - hUT-LBTXrra Braa. $30.00 Bar ton; ! mld- allaca. t.0r aorta, eaaatry, ISS.WI city. . taiHo: rh, iiaoo, H A T Prodocere' arico Ttaaathy. WtUaaMtto Valley, finer. tll-OOi jOrdlaerr., f 10.00; aaetera refo. l-0oalA0O; mind, ll.eo; cIotii, KUWOo-OO; rrata. to-OCl cheat, tt-WOatv. .Batter, Icce and BeoiUT. .'. BPTTBB FAT Bwaat, m eeatvaSM. BUTTKR City mwrt. beat. hOo; eeeaad arada. t74bl eotahto fancy, ntfe! ardtoary, ;t atora,lHliCL Calif orato faacy, tag nBUS--Ita. 1 freah Orocoa, eaadled. tee; ' aaetera. klflsac. - CHUBB New raH. cream, twla. ltOltoi Teaec Aawrlca. 14lc: Cheddar. 14c. ' PotXTBlf Chkkeaa. ajlaed. UAlSUa not Bi heaa, - 1 pe . lb;, rooatera. eld. lie per Ibf yean. I Bor lb: bnHlere. UMI.V W lb) fryen. leHCJlM par lb; dacha, l)ie lb: drimid.. tejateet B aaahVloO .par ' wtml Veel aad H6PB fitaitract. ltW Orn.i. ' 14l3c; . Waoblnctaa. ,m ra, 1TT lor enmcoy j"an i" r mrw mmm meami VIXIL iaua ellB. veller. tdmntttMci ' Baa, . BaUl Kiiniil-neawn wa ' BHtEPgHUtt thieitac. laatia . ahart treat OejiWei toedlaai wool, Bw)el fee weal, Ortlll.0 each. ' ' TAIXOW Prlaaa, Bar Bx 44) lei Bo. t aad ' .ar- )tHc. :., cniTna babk aas , J BUEa Dry hldea. h L I em lad , JOURiiAL'S DAILY V -, , J1PS TO SHIPPERS . 'V 4 4 t 4'd) ' ' ' - - d ?Tlie t rait markets are badly 4 4 varatocked wlth evrythln Juat d d now. Thar la ft weaker ton- to 4 d the entire market. P cache are . d d ctimlna; too fact, poara" are In too d d liberal aupply and other frtiltc 4 td ' are In the aame eomlUIon. Thle ' 4) d aura to hurt Value. ' Orowers - 4 d ran help the market- by etopplne - d) d ; thalr ahlpmcnt for aevaral da ye. .d d Olvo the market a rhanra to e d clrarf np and It will do better." , 4 ---w.- f.-oipmi or aitrBe'' Company. ... v . . . d-;, X 4 'a.4dedd4d)dd THE WHEAT F.!ARKET .'-,, .-. . - . . - , 4. .ChlcltH,. - ,. .79HA.J .IH4 4 Mlnneapotla ,I!SB 4 puluth .,.., v ,7tH d , Milwaukee .... V7VhB New York. .V..ti A 1KB .17 - .74 ' i 71 h ;;, at. iouia..... Kanaa Clty.., Ban Franclaco. .TH4 i; December, barley, Tklp. BaT W , andef t I be. IdOlfMe per lb: ar kip.- He. C V II Hav ac; ary can, re. l, a naif a ine, isttiaei dry tolled hldea, eteera. Brand. 00 lha o. ar HI e, n w w ina, asc: cow, taiUc; auca kip, 1ft to to Iba, ta: IWe; calf, aoaad. and, and bulla, aeand. aa!7c aouad. 10 ta 14 Iba. Baf ler 10 lb H01U; creea (anealtcd). 1c e per It lilted. ; eaiia, ic per ib weai h. . eXSBOVTI: dry. Boneniaee. cash, f l.OOQl.BU! coll htdaa. each, zaciaue Cat ahlaa. aomn eech. lOfiiaci Altera, With wool on. Mh 9KaCI. ' - rraita and Teaotoblee. ' ' B6TAT OBB Orocoa.' Htoaoat - ear -fcto.- 5e lack: eweet. thl3o . ONIONS New Urea-oa yellow Daarera, ll.OOt raa lata, ttUW4jl,10Waila. WaUa.-41.Wi irU. amiue per id. I'RESH rBUlTB Anolea. Occeoa. VU.DO faary, 1.T5: crabapplea, tUcUl.OO oraajne. late vaieneiaa. IZ.T0U4.0U haaanaa. lb: lamona. cholpa, . r- M-AU - par - beat fancy, &tM par box i udmo. Miztcaa. ai. rer 100; .plnaapplM, 03.50 per dua; Beacbea. finer, tHlWri ordinary. ellj7nr; phiuia, 7ftc 1.66 per crare; cantajoanee,' ii.uuui.ui per -crate wateramlooe, TAcQll.OW per cwt; crapca, OreffVu; Laiirornia, at.ioitcio per . pok; pear ireaon. 11.115 Dcr bos: black berr lea. 1.20ai.5O raeajtaa, tl.60ut.S5 par due; tmk pruaae. Uliv-Drr rraic. vK4JavrABLIS Taraloa. Bw. 11.00 Bar each trVwia, t Al.tS par aack:. beeta, 11.000 ljk. ue I. : ilrmtmM ndianao. Iffta nee Aani cahbac. o) voa, - T5' pet ewt; creea peppere. owwc per do if local vwaioea. evej aoc; parwunp. ai,tniio: eiruc oeana, -ihvjxc caeiiHowe!-ine 1, ta Bar ibt areea eoca. Beaa. tc per lb; cwembere. AO a 7 be pec eaekitolery. Ookwada, Bn&TSci local, T54c . per . dean; piani, o.uu par craiei saniparaa, ie K1CD V KIT ITS iMilaa. aaaratad.- IdlBC or lb: aorwota, OMolte ear lb; each. He ear lb lace: eoacbee. talBt par' Iht Bear. per Ih: prnnea,. Itallaa. tMAfUc ear lb! rarbj tuatue per lb: ftaa. CailtoraJa black. lOCfte per Ibt CaUforala whit. par lb: piaoia. pitted, per :.datcci sowaa. ae par ihi tarda. 11.00 Bar !- boa. V wraaarlaa. Veto. Xto. ifjaik lu-k kuli-Cah.. AO TS! 5.06: trait craaulatad, tft-60; dry craaalated, 5.60; Coaf. A, tft.60; baet cranaiated, 05 40; eitra C, A8.00: eoli 44 D, yellow, 9a adraaoi t4.0 bUa, 10c. H bbl She. bosee 00a adraaea h koala, km lb mr ret let aaah. It nfai mipia u iectioe pec IB. v TlONEV it per crate. . - uorrkia Paekaaa hraada. C1D.1B. 8ALX rim-Malaa. 1 Be. 4a. la. 10a. II. 00: labia, aalry. eOa.. 111.001 100a, lia.Ti: na aorted LlrenmoL Ha. 117.00: .iOha. tiaM; tate. tl.0f extra tine, .kola.- hi. ha. 10a, 4.a0as.M:.oJa, IBO lha. t4.00oe.00: aacka. a ALT - - - mmWa tflna. aa him. BT.eo: aua, ar too, 17. BO; Unmoi lama ra tlt.50 par toe: to-lb rack. IT -Out Vm. Ot.TB. lAboeo nrloan annle ta ealaa .of Iroa tl car . lota. Car lota at eoociai atioa aaUleot to uncinaiionai. - f -, - ARUM aidan,baH. tlU ti - - BICR-ttmiiarlal I.'Ka. t- " Ka. S. Ilta: New Ortraaa bead. AJax. 4t Cm elr. tu-. - - - - if ; - bbans Bmair whtta. IV at vet laraa arm, IHctslak. lUOSHc; bayoa, dleet Uataa, afxma . B DTB Paaaata. TUet tomeoa. BH Br Ibj raw. aie doc -to: bbctbbc Ber dost wa alaata. 14lla Bor lb: plaa aata. lOUlZHe eat lb: blchorr aata. lua Bar ro; ctieateata. eaatere. IKcllAr ne to: Bmafl ai 10 per Tb; niberta, MOlha per la; si caaa. 4llct mhaeada. IS mice er an r i . ratota.'t)eal 00c- Bto. -r- BOPB hn W.alu. tier ntaadaad. . UlAei ktoal. 10cj llala bread amaX ttke. ' ioal. tlt-Prarjpr AUn'- Ceaee. OH Bar 'tMWfwefer-Bntia,.- BMo-.-homVttni Bar -aan ion pmj am,.- aaoouawa ww Hue ner raL c , - . OABOUNK aa dec case. Ife ear ralr troa enia. soc per call atoraa, laiia. ne aair m nnia. isa aar cel. . BKk'ZINE cLda. earn. BSa aa call troa hbto. ItUr mc mt. . y . t TTJBPBMTI.(aVi.Ia eaami: Of ner mU araodae worn, gnc par en; iron anal, roe pec it- . WRITS LOAD Tea lota, Twa per Ih: 500-lb UNBKBO OIL-Pare raw. la bom. OTa par fal; case. Tie per pal; ceaatoe kettle mum. caeca, tos ear an: ntua. aoa ear cai: ra cake, car lota. $70M or teat lent than 'eta, 130,00 Ber vtoa. i - ataato, Meh aad Tir1lllml PBean MEAT ri.m. atr t.Wa, wac per Ib; perk, Mock. TUese per to peea era. THUS ear 1st holla. 4i5e Bar tb: raw a. 4oa per Ib; ailrttoer, 0470 arr Ib: lamb with petto. IHao lb; Taal. eitra. THtlac; raiaary, ta7 per la: poor, a pa w. HlUfl. .MACON. rTTT Pnrt 1. nA n. PoctUnd Back Joeall 14 per lb; 14 to 14 Iba, lbs. istke per Ihi cottace. bacon, 1510He.par l as, 10 to i iba, ii4e 3 per : ib to m ac pec jo; oreasraai picnic, -he par H regular abort elan re. crooked. i. lie d: imokKI. Jx I ner clear backa. aaaaiobed, 10c Ib; amok id, llfAc per to: Ualoa batla. 10 ta. 11 Iba. aaaanokad, 0 per Ib; amoked a per n; clear belllaa. - Imokad. lie ner Ihi 11 aar toi ahmu- dera, H Dor Tb. LOCAL TA BIX Kettle toef . 10a, ' Iteje per to; le, 11 perv'b; 'h Una, He per lb; eteam renter, lOa, iO ear Ib; fia, lOe cikhto nAL0fnwcrnaaiBto nver. l ib tana. 1.00; S-lb telle.. tt-Tw; fiacy. 1-lh flato. Il.vo; H-lb Uacy flahvtl.15: faaey 1-U arato, tXTIl Alaska tails, alnh. aoatuOat red, 1140: aiaimai u ten. ss.iaa. PISH Hock cad. Tc aar to! ttoondera. I per ; kail hat. lUi par lb: cribs. I1.M par das: atrhwd bans. llAe oar Ih: eetflah. Te per Ih; aslaaoa. Chinook, te per lot ateeihaade, Tfee par lb; Maebacka, tc per lb) berrlac, 5c per lb) erne, oo, per roi aartmoa, iu per w; aarce, 5 par lb: enad. 4e per Ibt raa ahad, la par Ib; abed roe. tOc per lb: block cod. Tc per to: eHrec melt,, 7e per lb; febst.ra, . Ucj fresh auckerel, te par lb; crawfish. 2Se per doai iloaadara. t aor lb: atnnreon. Tc per Ib. 0THTEBS 8hoalwatef bap aar aJ. M.JB: par aack. W.T5. V . . - CIMB-Bsrd aheTJ. per , box. fXOOi raaor Chuna. ta.00 aar baa. ' CATTLE UARXET'CO:iTi:.UES r-Tp,LOpX-EETTER Rsccjipte Aa' Not So Hes.iry and Demand ImprOva-Clves,: , ' -' J y Portland TTatoa StocliyardB. AnaJ XaLjTa- eteck receipts: v. , ., . .. .' ' - .' Hna-I Cattlo . Khaen Today w..w......a........Irt . f . 70 week ac.. . ........ .-..rt.iu, . M , 4z Praelaaa weak ...... n . ll ' ktt .... ktoath era.. ..-...,. H two The roadltln af the cettla market to anwx hat better and price ara boldlna mora flrmla aroaad tba tap. Hog ara eominf oalt fraviy with nsndHloaa eol fair, bhecp. cwrara aed lambe tmtlna nd. Today no k n a arrived. Irrriclal price tr Trrestork: Hoca Beet eaalera Orernn. td.50: blorker ad llrtne fa on, C).r;' tort era lid feeder, o zft5.o. tattle ima eaaTorw . nim aiaara. b.t.doti to: llrht nd medlaaa waaca.. Hint enwe. trjcker and foeuers, ci.x.tdl&TIl: bulla, II. NK Hheea Wethers. 1 Sri ailaad aheap, 1 14 c; etralfbt ewee arn4e: eortac lamha. 4HC. Calrea" tloAd real. IM to 100 poande,. tUfJ 0c; raaik. aad beery. 4. . . . "'t'tMnxnm hoos rxAbt. . Chicago, Anc. Ureerock forelpta: 1 .'. Il'r IiiiIi Bheefi Chlcaco ,., Ksnaa city. ....1. ....... 1. II " ten Omaha..- .M.nnn l.aiM) o,nno Hoca Bpeejed ataadr with 1 ) Vt oecr. R eelnla a year am war U.oxo. I'rlrea: Mited and bntchars. 5.5tiaa: good and beery, Vao fll; rough aad- beery, W.704JJ.SO; ligut, 55nr.wd.On. i- .. ' y fettle meadr to 10 tower.: ' V '.' V0BTLAJTB BABK tTATXHIirt. t; ' riearlnra ............ ......... i.w..T1-tA-Ka7 ISilaac ,.n.,. ti.'ws.TP S:i i...,:Oi,i IC f:U?S!A - , V-T. vr.; ' Droomhafl Attributes This p- ,Causeof tha Dsclins In - 7-;rUvrpool Market. T- r "1 CHICAGO WHEAT A HALF ZT0 THRl-E EIGHTHS OFF Northwest CaitT Market Obod But Soutbwctt It 'Bufa and. Lowtiv Prlcee Undr. Pretture on .'Small Volume of Butineta, 1 ' . . . . .f - -; , - cioae ' " Close J ,' Txvaa ' " ' Close . . . jb"lon. - Bat. ' Mob. XeasnAco Dc..,.,Jl4 y.m juui 1.07 lay..,..., k y ; ,145b . .00. 1.00)4 NVI.I.1.....-I .IHttAI .TH . JWU HI .07 Ik , Chicago, Aac. XI. Loasa At Inu sari Tb large Baaalaa wheat roe lot are attributed by hvooathall aa the reason far the decline to Liver pool. Primary receipts are 1.100,000 baabeie larger tbaa shipments. Cash prices ta the aarth- waat aoow a firmer teaa. . Tb aoathwaat la dall aad eoarallJ lower, dee to hearto reeelntn. Through ajoat if the sees Ion prleea were clearly ander preeeura aader a email vohime of boel- aaae. The net cbsnre. beweTer. ahowa bat a . artcr decllse for tb day and. aoaatdarlag tat fatlcal aawi, euy cash prleea. etc.. eoinhlnad with aa almoat gaoeral besrleti feeling IS the iraoe. in ariioa, of taday'a market woald la dlcata that aoese aaav aeeamd mclmad to absorb "beet, sad locally woggeeta tbat tj abort Intarrat b lea tocllned to ferae the toss at tha htghaat level. Trade, bowerer, ahowa .very Uttto Improremaat aad toarkat coadllleaa seem Bechanced. . , , . . 7 . , , , ;--.v.. . Mra pi sett weakar. ' : ta Cora an aaaler raallu moiallad. A llht rally tost before tlx etose eared the laraei from cms in at- in low poait. Xhd to aea to the rlalbl was dlseoaraglng - aad nded to offset aomaarhat tha froe ooanlfta demand. The market coat In nee two-aided aad It ma ae if bearish aeatlaeant waa ahada mine BTonoaaosd. -The aata market sympathlasd eHghtly wttb the bearlneae to corn, bat trade at ao time showed argent ta aay attraction. ... ,,. - A leak, ef tappers. Tb arorlslon asarkat anffarml mM rm 1ah of eapport thaa any argent eelllnc. Pacbara eeem Inclined to stand off 'tomporarfly, ,! support being withdraws, caaaed anooraring af aum ardera. bringing aheat euUe -a sharp act- hack throngboot the ItaU , . . ... urrciai qusiauoaa or vraroaca. atarr com pan; .' i . . . , wheat. . ,: ' i' - J . . Opra,, ,;ilich.' , lew'. . Close. May,,...;. M , v'.Mlf" ZM": JH -, v . COBN. .- ... 4 .. Old flept.,. JW4 .534, - . ,5t ; .5Ht4B Old Doc.. . ,4t4 .411 .44 4'A May. .... 3 ' : .4a" ; - V4a' - 1 0AT0.. 7. 1, . Dec...-,.. - jb ' .-; jaC . .tdi May. 38B BB"B POBB Kept..... 14 J 14.M ; 14.T ; Oct...... 14.5T lenal a a i 147 . 1BMI . ' LARD. BOO v.. B.0T -"l -7.0T , 14.61 H.o ,'T.B". ran 14.VT 1X.M ,.."-t.05 ... a.o .M LOT TBS A Ort. T.PO A T.OT 1.0? i anna atua t.OB - - , i BTT B.TT ffmSl''44ltS,u' V CkVuA-a, . Aac..' tt--CabTwbeai Bid. Ask Kov S 14...........:.. ....... a .w No. I red...... No. B bard...:.., o .TO Mo. a- hard. ...... ...... u. a MthM.. . B-; .to. Jll .06 1 t II. a urk, . ' as ..r.. ............ j CHiCAfto eaanr cam tors. fhlcaaa. Aac. It. Orato ear lots: ' - ' - Vara Grade Bat. letM Wheat ............... T it 80 lit Cera ...........170 1M BTT . 001 (mhi Bit . TT Mt Sal Wheat cars todayt Mtaaeapatle see. natoU S3. - Soar ago: M lanes poUe BU. Datatt BO. , i . 1 - r uTiapooL eaant juaxrr. tiearnrsd. Ana. M. Clsaat... Wheat. Baal her. s Sd. m fewer; December, Oa Td, d d, -a .arwari aaaaary4 aa , . SAV ITUaTCaOO SBAnr aTABXXT. Baa Fraactota,1 Ang. M.-Otflcial' close: WUBAT. , .-. - - . One. High, tow. Cine. rccbr.......ii.MH li a $11 tua Dacamber .MVh Mhi i t BmtTCAB SaUTjr T1B3IX Chicago, Aac. W Orato vtolMe apply! .-Today'. leer Ago . In . Bneh. ' Bvah. - Wheat ll.MT.ona M.into Cora 1. 106.000 l.jrrT.OOO Oata ....... ...1M71.000 0.120.000 4,041,000 111 mini t . CQTTON TWENTYTO - : TWENTY-ONE HIGHER Kew Tork. Ang. Mt Oottoa fatarca limit S9 a at potata aisnr. ; Officii l amxauaaB . ay v vrwrnaca, atarr m Opea. Rlgb, rw. Close. h'nhary ....I.....ll 1111 DM llto hrwarr .......... .IIIW 1IS ll 11U Hank i. i i1" una-iiaa IIMAU Anrtl ...11T7 'lnT- May 11 111 llMtM Aagnac ....r. i"" . i'mw IVOd i in- lttfe.mtQM .1100 ' 11 Id 11 Id 11I4J14 beorabe .......... .1110 1130,111 1123 Bw frrieaa Oertoau Near Orleans. Aug. . pt cot tea frrm with prleea tb point an; ceato; aatoa. m balea; I, a. h J00 hales. V . , r.. , ' ' ' Osttoa XWW. -"..' LlTerpook Aa. BB ottna totarag glaaa I atoady. It to t4 petal higher. . ; t , i . - - ' 1 - , !- i jrrir.T0 coma btabxr. l. New York. Ac Coffee fa tares closed to to point lower. oractaf caotittona hi Orarbeck, Starr Osaka Bid. ' Ask t Jiaosry ,.7 M tT anijaly Bl Ask. .17 B rvurff T.nd T Tol Aacaat TB) 111 la awrcn ..... ' , I : . " r . . ' J ell ...... I.IO , t.nn twrooec .... 1.JJ1 Msy ....... T T.nii "ovemhar ... T.4- T ea Jane. t.OO T.BDI nrcember ... T.50 T.H Pseeura Ceffe "Harm. la. Sn.offso adeaaeod U he til Hamaarc3 aaahanae ta H i' Ih reaalprs nlu Ihi rs, msraet pareiy areenr. m ma an dnwat Haataa 13.000 hafar atarhel , auatt aad Bchangvd. ,.' f-. - . I Bavf Ten caaa vmitm. aw' Tark. ' Aoa., . "aa eoffaei Be. aiatf.; " J- oosmoCT irurnis btockb. . - j Bad rranciaoa. A. Of Belli cleea. roc asaaloat , .-j ' , Bid. havegc ,.... .$ ,a Pefoal ......... 04 . 1 Ion 'Co .49 T.l low Jacket...'- .1 Cirlerajner ...... .41 Halo A herrroea. 1.1 . Boucher . ,.11 . cal-va.... I Jo I Ophlr . ........ AT alednnla ..... ..11 Moslcaa ..I... I 1 " m " aar.. i i Titt . . t.ta T.iai ' r i . , ,. a ,i LiCHicase cask WatiAt. ; i aaettfV awBml f-iI.V Inqu.'ra for nc-r cr.J Cr.:: IciJThrt " X:rtct'9n'.'A.2.i r.'crmd. vvv .... 13 .FFECTED BY Report that Russians and' japan eso Could Not Agree Senda.' 1 : ' - the Ctocic Market Off i j J. SOME RECOVERIES ARE I MADE. tATE IN SESSION pressure During Early Part of Ses sion Is Very OrettH-Bitf List ; Is Showing Loetea Steel Issues Off Union Pacific'Vp " i --' . LJ.., -r ' 'Dl.CPflS.' ' ' ' I .... rXIkllmonrt Parian .., AmalgimaUd Atcniaoa ......... Bngsr ...., Norfolk i N. V. Central .... 1 BnMiter, pru ..... Car df rouadry... Broeklra ......... Ont. Weet Pennaylvaala . raeiBe atsu Baltimore It. Peal Sep. ateal Aon the rn. Pi Tenn. Coal C. m N. W...,,. B Cheaapeike . U. 8. Bteal Colo. Boeth' da V. B. Steel. Onto. Hoatk Sd . H Erie. Sd pfd ...... U Oreat Wastera .... Wis. Central rat' 2 Wis. Central pfd.. 1 Reeding . 7r. ...... , s Hock lalaad'. tuinoie ueoiraJ ... l LouIotIIIo ........ 4 hock isiaaa. pro., a Msnhattaa D. 8. Banner sieiropoiitaa ...... iT. B. Habher, boar; 'ft.- Katy, pfd ........ SlWibuk ADVANCES. AtrhtoM. pfa UIBmelta e;i'jr;fa".': 5 t pftf-t,.1.. Canadian HI Hap. Htecl. loloa Facia 4k wseaah, Wall Street. Hew York. Aa. M. The atock toarkat aa ander hcary pi us sat a early, with the report that there waa a hops ef eettllng the u-aapooaaa frowote. Laier aa jan aa- ttlUM'd rumor tbat tha llnaiiM all Indemnity tba market acted better aad aone recalna were shewn. , ynciai ejaotatioaa by Urerheck, BtarrSTJooke "yon . k jf DKacaurnox. aacaaaa Mining Co.... A mil. Copper C a X Mlnloc Co. 114 do prefrred!!!r"!! Abb. Car Pooad.. com do nrerareed . 101 u 14447 fham. Soger, coai. m. Bmelt., cobj 180A x ao preferred. Biltlmors A obJe, coat, da preferred.......... Brook Ira Banld Traaait tow lto . 111. 00- Caaadlaa Peclflc, com.. Chi. Alloa, com , do preferred......... CM. a ot- Went., com Chi., MIL A Ot. steal.. ChL' Horth., cob,. Chaaapeaka A Ohlo... TO S1A 1044 19IM l,il Cola. Paal A Im. , IVd. a ... T 28H 44 i A. . I - p.imm,.,,.. OO let nrafamd . ABM Delaware A Hudson... IV ..a ik . a. - . . . . " pr"rrwa... ...... rta, -eem. M pFwIwlfatwej LaaUrlll A Naaharni' ITS MetropoUtaa 8 treat By, imriM 1 MDornn av 1M Matlcaa Ceatrel-tBr,..'-. M.jBt. P. A Bt.f.V..' By gWajfaM rpajf , . . . , . . ii7 Its -ir mr -TC- TJH 2 "w sera ventral..., Berlhera fWia.. . JtorfWk A Wester a.' COB'. nwH JiBMrican. . . , W. V.. OnU-eVWeet.; 11 00 I BAVf sa PennarlTaida Bp.,... ,fl 4541140 144 1i P. L. A O. oa Preened BteolCar, com. nf plwf wTaTStdJ . as kaa ta 3 ll1a ate. Iroa A Htael. cam pwerreo... ...... Bock IaUad. com...... aVatbarBeeoairi?; do prsf erred. ...u.., o thorn Parlfle..?..., Bt. la. A B. W, com... r- 'rm. . ...... , Texaa A Pacific. , Teaeamme Coal A Iroa. Toledo. St. U A W , do preferred......... LBsea ractne. com.,.., V. B. Laather, pfd...., C. t. Bobber. ... 1S7. 104 51 si da preferred . S. A teal Cov cam..., do aref erred .... . . . . Lav A" 04 S II Wheel. A Lake Bria. a. Wmaaasla Central. Inas. do Braferrd..T:.77..J W. V. Trlearaoh ! -...., d ptferrd Total ae for dar. TX1 a) iium . CaU anoey cloaed 1 pec cent. "X' waiX sraxxT eaaip. :', . Haw Torb, Aag. JA Tha Wan Street Jearail era: Lawaaa oshe aaaaeriptloaa to the 10. Ouo.000 pool to hear copper aad ameltmc ataeh. ia lareiga hoada la Leadoa heavy aad anaamm aim rcry aacartaia. la Leaaon heavy, to ft below Atlaatte Coast Una eomoaar dacmaa.1 parity. par asat aaarterly drrldrad, aa Incraasa of 71 per earn, piacmg ir ea a iu par eaat haala. Actua aa sVepnblln Iroa Ctsel acafetred dir. Mead taeetd today. - Ctrona- ramora or aaria decmratloa of Katy arafarrad tlihleaA ConatX erible eelltac of Poaaaylraala ara mat parchaa.s of a marertlhlea. Ample aapply ot -nmarsa as the ama crowd. Ore! Westera care haa m aa in. en me let raa -a." MelmoMilltaa re port for June tm igaln aaiayad.. 8a mi ty -a loe roada far Jane show a act tncraa ef Alt pet rent. Bad for It man tha ehowa .50 par coat, afore meaty wilt ha aeedad to haree tha ran thaa erer Before. Mai Ira a Kathmal earnlnga for la Dura wc or aagnac a,t. ' ' tobopak immre srot '' f V " ' c Baa Pranemro. Aag; Ja. TeaeDah atecha, ef- Orlil chme, momlng aeeeioa: Bid. I -,. . alA pwotaaa. ,.....rf i'' iinxie Midways aeadan .IS ai m a me I n .... .an iiommau hi ' i .IT neimoai . ...... Jnmoo Berth Btar .5T "Hear Plch .lat 41- liaasha lUlaa ... ..15 Ooid hfnamtala... .It niecs nntra .Jl,, .23 toldea AarhrT7.or Kay O'Brma .. w..nd ' Toa. Ohk ...rPM- Jim Boiler . .! Ton ..i... .IT Toe. Breed IS Ton, Eta,a..,. a.eo ftoMBeld- .Jf... 0 inamonnaeia ... - .an Lmn aaa . .a. Baaaatarm .oa inoaMataa iA: - . - I aWJfSaT OOPTtB tTOCBa. Boslaa, Aag.iBt OfOdal copper clasa i . x . vw. t bi Adveanna) ... "o Atiaatl oa. Oaceela Parrot Pbomla lot.TRA . I05O-, aiwv ...... nil Biagheai .... M.54 t el. -h- Arla.. o.oo Ignlncy ....... 10 (a) Hhannaa ..... T.50 Tamarack - ... lan tet. Ilnl(y 0.00 I'nlted ....... tT.OO. Vtrlorta ...... , 4.50 ';. Winona "X.,.. " 11.50" T'lll la. . . 1. oa Cilu OTa.od fopoer Banc. (Vateanlal ... Paly West ... Kim Oriahf Oraena , ,'Md iMestalea. Moheark ..... MH-toisa ..... T"l.TB rrn 14 H .J 50 T.50 TAMTrtak ........ 45.T7H n "O 6TT5 r. Mining.. 54 54 -Roynl t 14. . 0.00. rrnn. Cooper., M oo, naat ra .... - 55,00 1 ,saji TBAjrciaco local stooxs.': Baa rraaalaro, Aag. Official cloaa, awra- a id. Ask. rantra Caata Wetar. 47 47 4 14 7 4 u hprrng V.ller Water. S Vataal Btartrh- IS S. Prearwon Oaa A fhwtrte. .... Tav. ,at frea;.t.,ii h Inah Y....7IfTtt"1 loathe Store where bargains are to be had in all lines. If you can" not "come Yourself telephone. Yr' brdriVill receive prompt attention.; ;V r; -v. , 1 . ;;,;.:rrr.v . Surer . Dry OrAxiulAted. ll povjidi for JI, . S5 . y , Mb. packace Cloa Starch. . , " 5 ' . J-pountJ package Cora Starch. ; -------15e'- tj S-ponna package Waablnff Powder, . ..:.:v25 II bare trood Iaundry Soap.- ,. -;i "y,rt :,p 25et -, '-"-V. : Two' l-lb. cans Pork and Boana. t t cana ConrlenacA Cream; llp pctii. Caa Bakere or OhlrardaUJ'e' Cocoa. . :-v. is---- . Pound FcUowa Bland Coeta Rica Coffee. su9 Pound Hoffman Hnue Java and Mocha-' - Ceffea.- ;. V Oor. tract Park amd WaaOaom aTAj. t. - Paoaa Blaia tf. . , , .. , . DOERS PROSPER III KXICO Colony pf fricders Estab . fished In Conchas Valley In v-' Flourishing Condition. LARGE CROPS ARE CROWN; , V COLONISTS LAY UPCASH Fanners Make No Use of Peon La bor Recralta Conttantly Arriving - Prom Pretoria and the Sooth Af- : rican tploriiea. (laaraal Special Sarvlee.) " ; , . 'City of Kx1co,"Aub. e.-JTh colony of Bcra-Hrhlch waa actabUabad W the Concha river, otate of Chihuahua, tWA-yoara aro la proaparlnc. ., Tba. praw moter of tblc colonisation . Bcheai . la Senoral Snyman. Ha dlrectcHha af lra of tba colony. ' x iand-whlctrtba COIOhfsla own' la veryrtch and la being; brought to a blah atata ot cultivation. A larce croo of wheat and corn waa rrown thli' acaaon. and' tha .onrtlawmlnynttg The farma arc) araU atocked wttn cat-1 tl. boraca and hoca. - -.-'.' . I Unlike other farmera Af Mekleo. tHe Boera are doing- without If exlcaa labor ao much aa poaalbl. Experlenca with Af axleana tha flrat year proved unreliable and onaatlafaetoryv ' '' k . The colony la wnaUnUp receiving? etulta from South Africa. Tha latent to arrive la W. J. Vlljoan and hla wife, the parents or General Bcalamln VII Joan. General VlUoen baa foar grown gone in tna colour. , , ..; NEGRO LYNCHED BY' , SOUTH CAROLINA MOB , " Sperlal Diaoeteh te traa Jearaal.l Kawbarg. N. C. Aug. 'it. A mob yve- tardsy- of 100 maakad tnen armed with rinoa took John MoorftK a, 19-year-old negro youth, from tha Craven county Jail In thla city and lynched .him. With both hand tied behind htm the negro waa led to tha bridge over h Nua river, and hanged to on of Ite bracea and Wlf body riddled with bulleta. Moor antereeV.tb,country atore ef Oeorga Bu banka near bare laat Friday when tha propnator a who waa alon and at tempted rwbbary, atriklag Mra. Eubanka on the head with a meat ac Uifllctlng mwwjujwiw. afuai aasavaianavi'-ana pev rht came ta her reacue. Tha jiagra fled but waa later captured In VivimD. Tha real eauaa of tha lynching la aald ty b that Moor- bond waa fixed at tha mall ahm of 1100, BO aTaWVOB. Tha . Southern Pacific eotaDaav b Claood ra Bale at an Portland efflcea round trip Ucketa to Newport at rmU or t. limited tr Octobec te. ltOS, and tor ii saturaay ta Monoa ticket Amplakotel auctrmrrirjdatlona at raaaos' able rata Br provided at thla popular la Boat) to portlaaa. . , . Joareal Special fmrrl.) . . ' Sea Uie. "Waah.. Aug. St. Thomaa T. Ryan of New York, who reont)y ao quired ' controlling Interwrt la 4th Equltabt Life As C ra no aorkfty. to In tha. city on rente Potttandla4 Sea rraactaeo.. -..-X' --'r-"-'-. f' . ' -.; k . : arpinlal BUnjajahja aUaaa. ; Vary low 10-day fjekata eaat effarad hy. O. R. . e N. BoptmbT It, 17. the O. H. N.- Bella to-day ape. clal azewrwtoB tieketa to aaatars polntat otopovera granted golag and returning. Pnrt leu lar Of C W. Btlncar. city ticket agent ft R.4K Cex, Third aad Waah. tnfton atreeta, Portland. , --'f- v . ' ii, ; ' Tha Bouthera ' Pacific cwmpaay aaa placed an aale at Ha Portland fftcM round trip tlckcta to Shasta Springe-at rate afi Ia. Beautiful. Uluat rated pamphlet eeacrtptlve ef thla resort can be aeeur trem , aay SouUiara l Paelfl neat. . Rawallaa romaiisnlal f lt 14 '4 Hunataa BacarV a........a Him aaieeaj Makswalt Ras ......... a x , . . . aata ......... Ha. tT ion" 0 Ala.k Parker'. California Prat fw-aanle , Bteamahlp Pk-I'Vj Caaat sWras lh.. PaHrm hiaa Telenhno. ..i'4 at' CatrJt V, ad AaaoclerVnt.'. Deliver on Beat Sid Svary Dy. 9?.-. ;;V i V : ., .', Fellows m jit i , oasaa, cancer, paralyala. tumora, rheuraatlaia and uil dlaordere ot t atotnach, liver and kidney. He baa bad great aucceaa la curlnv eon. ' aumptloa when tba vlatlm ta not too much rua down br the o,as ' and will atop hemorrhagaa In an Incredibly abort time. " He brewa hia ' f'wn medlolnea from Chlneae root a, herbs, buda, bark and vagatabia ; eaa, all of which ar entirely harmlena, and whoa medletnat-propertle ara unknown to American doctor a He uaae In hla practice over 500 d.f- , ferent Oriental remedlea. Hundred of taatlmonlala frora rateiul pa" , It V0BTX T0TJBTK ITUIT. at RlXVVAU:hlX4I-lXC:iTS fldjii cholca tract 1 gelling fail from the fact that the loti trt ' OVlato APlABeBaXA.a4 tm-ka4 Waha4 1dA.a4 mX a mM aha W.wctoU am.weMt Tat.a-Af --V 1 I t-aAii V4IV.h aTAAayU BnPVaBV VVTV4BtaV0eU a mt ttbci ib on uie urceon vy car une ana river ana -ew-st) are 50x100 feet with Bfoot stfeets; level and sightly aa or.3 !rice to all, whetjier youuy one lot or fifty the price for esch ot is $50. The thle is perfect, a complete, abstract of titls cl Milwaukie Park can be seen by calling; at the Hibernia'av . ingsBank, owners of the tract and free tickets to and from Milwaukie Park wilt, gladly ' be "given to all intending pur chasers by calling at Room 805, McKay Building ConiCT Ttlrd and Stark Streets. Come and inspect these lots facing car Una -- for $50. Aftre tracts for $150 each. ;.'''i;-i'' H'-l'K '"' ' ' " ' ' ' "' ' ' ' ' ' . ii ii-T. SPECIALS W WEEK OKLY We have a' fine lin of Hand Parlor Flower Standi which we reduced ratea-and we trost you tunity and make your money go C Hand-Canred Chairaf regular nana-warvea farior iower otanaa, ); tpeciai., .(.vaaa.7 Hand-Carved Stoola; regular $12.00, specieU...r-,!..f .f9.S p . ' A large asaortment of Batkets how on hand among which are the" " latett things in . Lunch Bitketa with straps. Large size, 90 cents; ! ' medium, 35 celtta, and smalls cents. -;;H - v , ... V4 '' .See ns before urchardnc eltrprbrW;':'v'"V:"- fZ'th f'V'"' 'l i,- - - at -:-firpt U I .-v l p., , .3 r ,-1 1 t . ... a ... f . asiiklrhad:itT." onjemoBra.BM Thottsands la Perflaad and atl ever tb anrthweet raa taatlfy to aa great aad as axaaipled ajina. . ;. y. GONORRHOEA B?ay be atteaAVd with the gravest caaapBe. tloaa If aeglected or ImpaiDerly , traa ted. We have a epecia traa I maid vhaCh awa JMcaty, nni aaw jr. i. SYPHILIS I another aegnlred aieae, -th rave tea ef which ' a ken forty developed ae pea eaa deorritm. Whaa It ahowa ky ekta amptloaa ee by aoraa la awath or throat Ita horreea are ebraady hegaa. W aafelr aad thae. eachly car yea sad Be mineral polagaa aaa eassloyod. . ..-v..--."'."'. Varicocele and y- HYDROCELE " W tract aad care, 'ont bp' the old sarrVal araeedara, pot hr a palaleaa method eniely ear own. Wo Bkawlae will cere ra aad saee yU the aafferlag aaei dated with Berceao DeWllty, Laat Ma ahead, lmaotaacy. tjirmatiMiki, Beataiaal gmmilaaa, Pre. matara Pool Ine, Lena of atenry, Iaeigp aad Amhttiea la th arte fast time It eaa he done aad we laeare yea a safe aad positive ear. Oaneaitatlee aad asamteatiea tree. Writ for symptom bleak aad book If yen eannet en. ' Ofac Hoarat S a. av ta S p. av Saa ay. 10 to li . . . v..,, i,; . ., . f : ; ST, LOUIS ; ''. Mtdlhal and Surttoal ' ' DISPENSARY ' Oar. M aad TamhU aaw pnrtiaad. 0. ASK WOMEN TO EXPLAIN u REASON FOR RACE SUICIDE - t IJeawn jopacia. nnTwa.f .. - Boaton. ; Aug. It." eupplatnen tarv bart ef the atata eeimus bow being compiled ' Chief, Pldgen baa undertaken datarmlna tha facte relating to race aulclda." Every1" mar ried woman In the atato wll be aahed .ueatloiid calculated to) enow whether th ,x-cUd race,, tulcld la actual ar - merely ' the . apparent outgrowth, of present .conditional . : . - 'Ptdcfft haa the rhcory that the birth period, ta three yets, and Inquiry, will b mainly directed ,'to determine ' thla point. , The QUetIons will be the of the' woman at marriage, number of htldren bom-wlth date, .number of children orn by' the mother. and granJ motner tn tna wuroau Doing queaiiqnenr Tne occupation of married women mflf alfer Inquired Into, to ae' If thla haa nV Influence on the .birth rate. . 'Bcrofuto, aatt rheum, - eryatpotaa and itheP dlhtreaalng eruptive dlnonaoa vlnld quickly and permanently to the cleann- lnc. puniying power of jiurdock lilood Tstaivi a. - . ovn -'A- Hem;. era Chicago Bo rd. et T i r-rrr- r C-ait!-- .ua wiii. v i'oijtTBDik-zPonrih::: ' simce t$ao Ro la eaftexl treat beauao bo rura r" : dlsesaaoa without raaortinc to the -an' ,J '. Call and have a fro lamination. He a i , tell you the) exact nature of your trcml . : He treat a auooaaafully every tern of I . : mala conDlalnt. all nrlvata and blood d - PVadVaaaOe M - SsMV WIVbUV A VUiabi aS VeV V adU t - Carved Ebony Chairs, Stools and are offering to ydu this week at will take advantart pf this oppor as far as poaaible . , 125.00, ntxAl......,.,..91ft,a0 m ' ' ' m : d importing vo eeeeeeeeeMM4ae4Me CLAIRVOYANT Erotier VfJIiaa, Tkc (hulsr PrtrU IT n irgT AB CHEAP TO tEB TUB ttZjt Miitf yssy iimi hsisieian. . . - - tOW PBB. , t do herebv eemaalr aarae aad aaaraafe Is make no eaarga If I faft ta call yoa f same la talL aamea ef year frteode, aaaarh-e ar lira Is. i preasleo to tell yoa whether yaaa haabaad, wife or eweat heart traa ar faaaa; tell yoa how to gala tba area af the aaa yoa moat doatre. area theagh mllee sway: how te ,. esse la pnaiasaa. apacamuaa, jawenroi r la marry tha ea af roar ahnlre-: hovrv!.- regsla poor snth. health aad vitality, f o moras cell ' tndneacaa, . aacaa drink baeaa, Iscates tiea saiea. SlSVk WaadalahrbBB Wm O0C, t aVaTtB. . fH an. a. a. a ' a aero aaw owns 1ia am aw .- t . Be change ta th price, ot '! I Mineral Water. Soda . Water. Slpboaa. Ryrupa, ; ato-r the aaa price wtU be maJntalnaat . . an report te the contrary ' ' aylthatandlBa. '. $TA2toTTLr:3;:r3. aVanTB BhtB I Turkt!) Belli and good Baa) thaj tbeaUgaaUllWCaa KI3 s Ccl . Beveatt aad Wi lagtoei Bta taoatty. . tI01lrHed - tr at3 a.rracrr ggji.. leWkBak .m-' " ''hi mi. mm:. I linm U alw aTts