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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1905)
4" ' . .'.I :3A3-'xVz:n;ra;' aucu:t r:.- r: J TII2 ; OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAITDi I..Ci 'X .JpIFOllillE LOCAL TKLI 4 Spider nBaurn Wavss Cobwtbs All Around th. wants ana. :'i , Dims Tneir Ejfigir,'xi imkAN puay baby ACHIN JHESEVENTH ' T ' ;v Indifferent Work . Results fat Another : ' Defeat for tha Home Team Catci 4 and Baum Twirl Splendid BaV, But : Latter'! Support, Was ; the Jetter. Tv. InniM 1 Portland 0. ? "Batteries Baum and tolw C and "JcLean.' - " --' 1 '. ' r ' '" U Is s asatd fsct. of Jats that whenever ths Portland teem PJf ball 1t Is cin"h Met that .It ' This la mentioned $for ths benefit of .thoss who ara always looking for a good " 4 ling. ,'...:'" ;.,' . Portias went down before the An , els yesterday sffernoon for the sixth onseeutlvs time, to the tsne of X to t, . o one waa surprised st the defeat, no ears were shed, no flowers given. ! RU11 .t waa a sad day la certain qurtea.ra periallr or the farorttes." : McLean; cam ins top weight ajidrlooklng Use ' easy, money., fell . down at th seven eighths pole, .and the talent dropped their coin. The crowdijeefed him. and he responded by call Ins down some little fcllaws In the grandstand. ' TheJ fan Who Jokea MCLan-couia waia rm tween the watcher's legs, yet he told the " We follow" few things about the tia tiensl game. ., p ,.. ;- i , - -' '' , . As In the other gsmes of the past week, the AnSels outclassed the local and deserved their victory. ' t rat six Innings Cates and Baum had pitched brilliant ball, the former weak ening in the A ret half of the seventh, when Dillon hit. stole second and wss sacrificed to. third. While watting for ; the "squeese" tplay Cats mads a wild . pitch and the Angelic captain walked home. ' McLean was slow In fecoverlng the ball and Ross' slid Into Third, c aA moment later. Roes -scored ,4 on - Spies' drive to Hoffman that was s little too deep to be handled In time to catch Ross t the plate. This left? tha acore 1 to . and as Portland couldn't touch Baum. a shutout waa Inevitable. The official scors follows: ;-vv? - . Portland; 'v; " .,vr; '' '.- ;' 4 rAa r. h. pa a. k. Ats. ii ys-.. v,;.,... til Van Buren. K. 3 ' I f Mitchell, lb. 4 ( II ! or Bchlafly. lb. s-.e... g J -t Houaeholder.f. 4 J - McLean, c. f t I I MrHale. cf. I . Si's Koffman, Jb. v tS , t I S ltea, I.. S"JM. ' 'totals . v. .Tf.:. .7i 7i l ij .Hjl -' ' A. R.5L PO,Jt fi, Flood, 2b. V.V. ....:i 4 1" '-. ' 1 ..j. Bmltn. Se, ,.f(iuu ' BraBhear. ss. ........ J a '-HDWIeWi Ibi ifiij."'4 a. o s,',i Cravath. rf. . . . .... ... a ?OS, If. i.. n,. f.. J I ' Spies, c J S Baum; ; ; -..; jg , t ii t : Total'. 4v;t,:i ; s 't n'v t SCORE BT, INSINOS. .' Portland '.' 'i-t 0 4 Hits . ..,J...4 1 4 4 4 4 1 7; Lo Angeles . rr.S 4 4 4 2 4 1 i. on ... 1 e 1 si rs 14 Struck out By fates, ; by Baum, I. Basea on balls Off Catea. 4; off Baum, ."v. 4. -Left on bases Portland, C;Xoa An- gela 7. Sacrifice hits Toman J, Ross. V. Orsvath. Stolen bases Dillon, Flood, i SchlaJly, Ross. ;Hit by pitched ball t Spies. Wild pitch Cates. MAROONS VANQUISH- V . f ; : JHE EILERS BALL NINE 4 1 - Thst aggregation of amateur nu1 towers representing tha Kllera Plana House were played off their feet In a gamg st Recreation park . yesterday Kara In g by the Bralnard company Ma roons. .. The Maroons solved Riddle's curves ssrly In ths gam and by a pretty w niv ni nine men acrosi -thS rubber, thereby winning ths sami . with hands down. ' Moore, who pitched ,for the Maroons, was In' Tine fettle, al lowing four bits nndS'striklng out nine sBen. Klser, ths Maroon utility manJ m, sn. ana aepi up me repu tation, aa a alucser bv. noundtna- ni ' rwsffcsggers. Rlddls gsvs wsy to seven tn. put the change I CLATSOP BEACmJ Greatest: Ocean ; Resort iih tlie lacificNorth west -VIA Astoria ;& Columbia River Raflroiad : ; :;Thr?ugh -tinsTno Change." ' - ; Leave' Union Depot, daily y.... 8:00 A; M.,? ' Arrive ; Gearhartrark, 12-20 P-M ' f '' Arrive Seaside ,..'- . ThiajsceAio rfoute parallels , et .? a .4... f'''iUavCrwrhart"Park ( .-, . sMrrive Portland.. . .) 0 .tfPHlfc 7 imtcs.'tJvi.. cvci eunuiajjc m cc u'jn an its trrandeur. .w , .. -.(t .... leaaonv round: trip tickets. . ..v. i J , . : iT .... ,f 4.00 ( Saturday round trip tickets, , Single teats in the parlor f " ' , ; ''''V . For Information (t r-f- t"-'''' u i. l-J..UAYO.aP;AJ came, too late.' although Hardin, kept the 'Bralnards from adding much to the cere. ' Thla game waa (he third that theeejteams have played,' all being won by the east slders. Slats' tlunter oflV elated In the role of umpire. The score! i MAROONS. i "-:'' '-.' . AB. R.H. PO.'A. B. Henkle, f. -v. WW. 4. Sv . Trowbridge,1 lb, 4 11 Oray, aa. , , . . 1 ; , l 1. J Moore, p. . ...,.,..., T0V4 Campbell. Ib. ' , . Si a S 1 Kleer. rf. 1.1 ,lr I' f.S Williams, lb. .i..;J 14 I, 1 Brock, c. i. . ..jh.. 4 " f t ,f It fc J ' Totsls'i,, ;,.....,.l llll.tT.ll ' '.-4 :--- J .AB.'Ri H. PO.A. K er. lb. ...... ,4 S S 14.. S t)orner,' Jameeon, cf.-lb. ..ft,-,-, 4 1 . 1 lr 1 Van Nerthwlck, lf... Hrown, aa.-cr. ....... . , S Smith, rf. '4 1 Riddle, P.-3D. ; t 4. 1 t S 1 Hchults. e,-..... Hare. 2b, a. pHter. as. . i . . 0 Touis . . i ; . . .4,1 . . ,io a " -4 14 iVi 4 .SCORE! BT INNINGS. Mnroons r ...... 1 1 1 U Mite . S T S 1 1 11 Eilera SI S OS II 4 t tilts ..SI 0 1 0 - , , 5 ... SUMMARY. .;, f Earned runs-Marbona. t: Rllera. I. Stolen baeea Maroons..; Eilera, 1 Bases on balls Off Moore. 1: off Riddle. 4; oft Hardin, I. Struck out By Moere, ; by Riddle. ; by Hardin. 4. Two-base hits Campbell. Klaer J. Smith. Th baas hit Moore. Double play Camp bell to Oray to Williams. Left on bases maroons, i : cuers, . nil oy pitcneq ball Klaer, Sater. Racrtflce hit Hen kle. .Wild pitches Riddle t. Time of game two hours. . Umpire Hunter. . r-PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. A I xca... ttaklaae ........ ...k. SI 4 .sis la Ancelre Tacosw tH H T .6MI IM.. O .ft JO .two .4110 .asi Baa yraaclsm S o 4 rortiasa seattla H 4 Ust lo 12 HI 15 14 ' ' f Beals Are Oatplayed. . tlenml Special 8rvlee.t Tacoma, Waah... Aug. SS. The Tigers outplayed the Beala In both games yes terday and won easily. . Scores: - . Morning same - R. H. K. San Francisco .! 0 1 8 1 Tacoma ZtttlSIS s a 4 Batierlea Hltt and Wilson: Fltsger- sld and Hogan. ..-. . Afternoon game ' R. H. El Son.Franclsco..44144444e 1 1 Tacoma ,"...... 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 14 II ' Batterlea Henley. Hlldebrand and Shea; Kmerson and Orajliam. Umpire ... , j. --Oaktaaa Vakso Tws. :. x (Journal Special Swtee.r "Ban Francisco. Aug: tlu The Com muters won. both games from Seattle yesterday In decisive faahtons Heavy batting,. won the first, and Iberrs sffee- tiveneas the second. Scores: ,--7'- Morning came KJ-Hr E. Eteattle. ......144S4444: ( H ,4 Oakland 4 S 4 4 T 4 1 4 11 1 Batteries C Hall, Roach and Blank- enahlp: Orahaov ad .Stanley. .. - . Afternoon game K. H. E. Seattle . ,.,..4 44 4 6 44444 1S44I4I4 7 14 1 1 Oakland Ba Iter lea CV HaH 'wiDtl Slstnhfviivlalp ' piery snt Ryrne. AMERICAN LEAGUE. . ;;. ,;;.,.,. .j-jvj-Won. IysL P.C. PhllsdelphU . ; ....... 44 44 .HT Chicago ............. 41. 4! ."' .471 Cleveland . . ......... 44 4 .644 New York ........... 64 - 4 .41 Boston.. .'....,..,. 44.' It , .Ml Waablngton .'a ....'. K4 44 , .441 Detroit , . ...iVij. 61 it - ,444 SU louls . 41 74 ; ,171 ari gan) Chlcago) Boston r. i R. H. E. .7 1,4 I I Batteries Alt rock ' Snd McFarlane; Gibson. Barry and Crlgerv Second game . ; ' ,i R. H. E. Chicago r 4 II I Boston .'. ..(.....! : Batteries Owens and Sulllvsn; Win ter and Armbruater. - , At MX. loulsJr H.V First game St. Louis . e.'.... ...... .'......1 Washington . . I I I -Batteries Pelty and Spencer; Town.- send and Klttredge. .,- ; - , Second game .-"f L-ji B- H. E. St Louts ....v.......;.. ..,.! . 7 I Washington.. ....,........;. 1 " I 1 -.Batteries, Buchanan land Spencer; Patten and Sugden. : . i - .. ! It Is a noticeable tact that thoss who are defending the Portland players from staying out su night are fellows whs couldn t see them If they ran Into them at ths early hour of S si m. At that time certain defenders hsve troubles In manipulating uieir own pacxages. -.4 rrm:-m v:it' ...f.'"-v i.-ww ww m .-lis tn ..;; X . 01, the majestic CDfumrjia for infl .'. i ; ' T l:". good, two" ilays. .'. ; ,.f2.50 car CO cerits extra each' way, r -'-' :" .' Apjly 218 Alder St. V ' ' Agent Phone Main 903 Pin joiiiisaiis Dfi Torpado-Boat . Daatroyar One Mor ( Carriat Off .Honor. f0P Expert Gunnery"- OFFICERS AND CREW ' VPOPUIAR IN NAVY In a Hard Competition tha Little Boat Surprises Department by ths Excellence' of Her Marksmanship Tha Paul Jonca Visited Portland. It will doubtlenMs a matter of In- tsrest to lwowhjtth4P8,Ul Jones, which wss hsrs-iff company with the Wyoming during ths Multnomah carni val in July. ISO, baa again aemon strated hsr supSrlorUy-over all other vessels of her class by winning ths trophy for - excellence In naval gun nery, which had been presented to her by the direction of the president of the L'nlted States for her record at target practice in 1104. , ; . - Two rears sgo tns navy aepanment formulated a scheme for a yearly rec ord target practice of all ths commis sioned ships- of ths navy, snd In addi tion to prises for Individual men on board - ths various shins making ths highest scores, prepared these trophies for ths ships making ths highest total scors In their respective classes, name ly, one for the battleship class, which wss won by the Oregon;, one ror tne gunboat class,1 which wss won by the Dolphin, ' snd ons for ths torpedo de stroyer class, which ' svsB won ' by.'uhs Paul Jones, whose record for' ths guns of ths csllbrs mounted on n destroyer surpassed ths highest records for sim ilar guns oh ? sny ship of ths bthsr classes. This- paper published very- complete account ofthe scores attained br the Paul Jones a .year ago last July, and also a description 'of ths winning of ths trophy. "" . 1'. This year ths Oregon again won ins trophy;" for battleships,' and Jhs PajU Jonea again demonstrstsd her superior ity among the torpedo boats. Ths "con ditions this year were somswhst differ ent from the previous year.rln"tat both guns ana lopeaoes were iviore in nut- Ing up final scores, whils before only guns eounted. . , ""' ' ' "' rfskls of atsrtts.'; : ' -y Below Is ths Ubls of Una! merits for ths "varloss , destroysrs competing ' In lies lor tne tropny; raui jonvs ww phytm.U; Lawrence, 101.14; Dale, 140.44; . Psrry, I4.; Decatur, , is.ii; Truxton.-li.ia: Hacdonough. Tl.1T; Bstnbrtdgs, ll.7t; Worden, 41.41; Chaun- cey, 14.41; Barry. 17.41 ; Frebje,; Whipple,- 41.14 Miull. 4tv-w i-AJ.'. The method of conducting gun prac tice was as follows; I Tha target, a can vas screen 21 feet long and a feet high. was mounted on a raft anchored at the apex of . an . esullltersl triangle, the length of each side being 1.004 yards. Ths ship steamed slong the baas of the triangierat a spoadrorn knots. no gun sslwtee x there were tswi rm each gtin) fired fpr one minute, niaktng as many hits ss.-posslble in -that time, each shot passing-through-ths -screen counMnr hit. . A " The torpedo practles was conducted i follows; The target, composed of tws boats separated by a 11ns-144 feet In length.' with a small boat In ths cen- tSr tor a bullssys, wss towed st a speed of 14' knots per hour by a ship. The, Bring ship steamed .at 16 knots per hour on a parallel course, out In opposite direction to the ship towing ths tsrget. Tbs distance between, ths courses or ths two' ships-varied between 144 and 144 yards, but could not be less than 444 yards. Ths torpedo bad to pass under the 144 feet of line connecting the two targetboats to be counted a hit, and had to run at a depth 'of at least flvs feet below- ths surface of ths wster. . The element of tints also entered Into the firing, ths tlms of chsrglng ths torpedo previous to each shot being taken. - I tiw raui J ones niw in snoia wun her torpedoes, four being bullseyes and ons mors -a hit. - Tbs othsr shot wss a miss, passing Just three feet forward of ths snd of tbs lraa marking ths target. This miss wss not -ths fsult of ths de stroyer, however, but wss dus to the f set thst lbs ship towing the ' target slowsd down for soms unknown reason. ..'J" " ; -'Wins xfaws Mae. '. In addltlon-to winning several prises for excellence with their brilliant guns. ths Psul Jones also won ths navy., prise of 1104 for the brilliant torpedo . record above given, and ss her final soore was mors than that of any other vessel : or her r class, she Is entitled to hold the trophy for one mors year, or until next March,-when it will again bs competed for. v - . The trophy Itself Is a work of art. de signed by Reuterdahl, the well-known matins artist. It is a relief made- of bronss and gold plated. In the csntsr Is a destroyer of ths Psul Jones class, under wsy In a hsaxr sea, with all four funnels belching forth great clouds of smoke, and the men of the gun and tor pedo ere we at their stations. In the dlstancs Is a sinking battleship, repre sen ting the rssults of a successful shot of ons of ths destroyer's torpedoes.. At each end of the relief Is a representa tion of a torpedo snd ths name of ths vessel holding -the-trophy-'ls engraved on ons of thsm with ths yssr In which shs won. It.. So far ths name has only been engraved twlcs snd each tlms It hss been "Psul Jones," with the years 104 and 1901 following. At ths bM of tha trnntav ta tha fnllnwlnv In, scriptlont "Presented by the direction of the president of the l'nlted States to ths Vassal making ths highest scors In hef clsss st ths annual record target nrsctlcsr '..'.'-. It is to os nopeo tnsc tns raui Jones will be sbls to retain the honor, which Bha has already twice won In oomnetl tlon. and thua prove herself worthy of ths nsms of trie ranwras sdroiral-whoa bones are st rest in their final resting place on American sou; ana ir ths spirit i Ad u ft e r a tlpn goes full length in spices and ' flavoring " 4 ' a extracts-ryou tninic ; it un t worth while to cheat in such trifles--fourfifths of: "vanilla1 Is tonka; cost's one or two ten J o ir$ : wjort h SchilUnj :Best are entirely jiure jat your grocer'a. ; v and efficiency, of her men and ofScsre can oe taken se a criterion, laui Jones will bs found nsxt , year engrsved I on ths Reuterdahl trophy. ' BALLPLAYERS ARE l; -r LQNG ON SUPERSTITION i . V There is only ons profession In which superstition haa a neckboia more un breakable than that whloh obtains smona ballDlaysrs. That Is the lay out of tha sailor. And ha isn't, ssys Oyra Bsglsy In ths New York Evening Msll. A black car Is ths best kind of luek for soms of them snd a regular hoodoo for others.. AU the popular things that are supposed to.hsve a bearing on ths fortunes, cood or bad. - of the human race,-collectively -or Individually,- enter Into thsyisuperstiuous maxeup ox tns balltooser. -f v. . ., : .'.,-. : i . ,. Even Dajve-'Fults. who Is a student and has been sdmittsd to ths Pennayl vanta bar. Is not exempt. Dsvs hss a peculiar ad that It he doea not see. the moon st slfi his batting will be greatly benefited.. , Tcu may bs sure, therefore. that ths eenterflelder doesn't do any atarsaslns. - Will le Con'roy wears a bunch of pig hair Qung around hla neck, under his shirt, when he plays. This. Conroy thinks, gives hint a batting ey. Ortfflth always -counts .three ss he goes to tbe coaching line..' Why the par ticular rtfrsber three, even Griffith him self cannot sxplsln, - but: It la always three. '. V : , ."..-'.t'A.r. - s '. '. ; Before spitting on -his hands at ths plats, Pat Dougherty kicks his isfr foot with his right Then he known thst he will line ope out for- a bass or mors, Bomettmes the charm works, sometimes It -doesn't, hut Pat never neglects, ts give It a chance to make 'good. '. As every one knows, Elbsrflsld's pet sverslon is having hie Picture taken. Out aide of this, ths "Kid" Is- rather free from superstition. Indeed, one . thing st- a time is sufficient for ths "Kid" to hold In his noddle box. -.- i ' - k Hal Chase .hits - ths plats with the hsndls of bis bat;twloe. Ms, tike his manager, has "great faith In numbers, but bis 1s two, one Jless thsn Qrlffs. Ths Chase omen la working pretty well Just now. , 4 ; i -. . SPORTING GOSSIP. Jrweeney,'. the new .player secured by Manager Mcfredle. In the lattera effort to strengthen . the locals. Is a. crack young plsyer. Sweeney halls from ths Rock Island t eam 'In the Three" I league. He was in college In Cincinnati In 1444 when the Toledo dub found him. On this tsant ha played II games snd batted .i:ir;He wss then trsnsferred to Rock Island, where he played II games, fielded .100 and battad .111. This year- Swoenyy was with Rock Island, ' and BUdenb Hill, manager of ths Cedar Rap ids club In ths Three X. league. aysof bis work: ."Sweeney, Is a good hitter, a good fielder knd easily Jhe kast man in ths league." Tho Sporting News of St. Louis of August II says of his play ing: "Sweeney and Carlisle, both mea-i-bars of, ths Rock Island team are-troth, being negotiated for. by three major league cluba, namely. New Tork, Pitts burg and, Chicago. Anyway, McCrsdls won but, and Sweeney will bs .hero On Wednesday of this week, ,s ' - ; r trr f- : John Lawrence McLean. Is, a . fairly good catcher, beta about .111 and has a swelled head. That la all ws know about blm, , excepting In our f humble" opinion It Would bs a first-class thing for bass ball If Manager 'MoCredler' wonld put John Lawrence McLean en the benoh f or a-.wb.Ua sad lt yunc Conraa go behind lh bat and BhotrwJlS DTTTBrl bat ta Portland fits John L. Me. - r r-- ' " A -Chicago paper says that Jack Root has returned to town with blood in his eye. , It's been so long sines ths Reno affair that bo ought to bars tha opt id healed. -,..-' '..; i.' A J Ths "squash' tournament will soon be held at ths Lswls and Clark exposition. Enter ths Portland team and see how quickly prises .wilt bs won, . - We've Just discovered why Tom John son stopped race track betting in Cleve land. -People who bet on ths races lost sll tbslr money, and psopls who bass lost all thslr money have to walk home, and when people walk home the street cars do not pay dividends .: 'J. 'iPor not reporflng for practice on Sat urday morning Ats, Jonss and McLean ahould be fined 1 51 apiece. . Thess fel lows need a good fine Mastered upon them be f pre . they begin to sppl-ectate tbs locslUfisss of affairs. , v . -After thinking over whst Mr.' Cos. f Boston did with the 14-opund shot," we agree with Ralph Koseltnat tners t nothing lert zor mm our to seek an eau cation. --. ' ,-.'.; J - ' 'k ! ;:' -, . --. F " - aj.s :j w ;-,',.. Terry McOovsrn wsnts to bs snasstss ant sUrter st ths New Tortrrace tracks. Let's see, didn't Terry stsrf something on a New -Tork track the other dsy and get put off?-. v ...'-. J, .;' ' Los Angeles made Its last appearance sOJie season here yesterday -afternoon.' The Oakland leadera come tomorrow for a week's series. , "Watchman, what o tbs nightr , ' " ' ; .: ..-,"! ' : It Is understood Csptstfi John McOraw of ths Nsw Tork National League Base- ball club accomplishes many otherwise Impossible things by -resorting to . pro fans .language. "? ; .'.,;- -' ', -' ' - "'" .v! f First' It was the strenuous life, then ths simple lite. thesV the Equitable life, and now a Midway professor has discov ered ths nap-doodle life snd ths patent Isstbsr life.- Pretty' soon man will hsvs ss' many Hvss as a tomsn f- V NATIONAL- LEAGUEbf" won. New York . CZ..M&i l LosLj PC. .717 AH Plttsbura 71 Chicago .. - l.uiii II Philadelphia , . II Cincinnati . . ......... 14 St Louis v-. , r. ,. '. .( 44 Boston . . ........... II Brooklyn . k II 4 7 .411 .444 .817 .114 .121 ill Playlag fos CkssxplonskTs. . , Ban "Antonio. Tax.. Aug. zl.-rTns Teg- nlar annual lawn tennis tournament for ths Texas-stats championship in singles Snd dotiblee opened hers, todsy with lsrgs numbsr of entries from all Prts of ths ststs. . The tournament Ms held at tha courts of the Ssn Antonto Tennls club. Wlnnsrs In the singles will hsvs the 'privilege of challenging Semp Ruas of tbeSan Antonio un Tennis club. tha tholderv of , the - champloilshlp. The winners '.es the doubles may challenge Wilier aSd Leon Walthall of the aame clp&vkwh-o won the championship In doubles Isst year. Flrat and aeeond prises will bs swarded In both svents. W. B. Hamilton, Jr,iwlll referee the mstcnes.' r- . " - , -( ..... " : ' ', . . f Wesaea's Osli Toaraaateat ' jJeerssT Special Servtea t Jhlcsgo, 111., Aug ll.o-Ths snmnrl tournament for ths women's - western golf championship opened St the links of the Homewood oolf club this mora- Ins. -The first event was , tbs . tsant Cpif&the sxtrnbsphere and epOTticz center in five hours v THE REGATTA xJ8TS-THEfEE DAYS AlfQTHB FARE IS . UrvesAlier St. Dock ct 7:35 a.m. !- Lecves Astcrl J Vt 2 Malces 4he round u-ipdafly, eceptSuhday. leaving: ;':'-v' vv. ? ,l M;;8:30 TaKc SPECIAL TICKETS OINf; SALE Leaves Foot EC competition against bogey for ths Hlg gins trophy. In the, afternoon a one club match, nlns holes, for thoss scor ing In' ths morning -. games. , was played. '' The tournament will close on September I. - ' ; ; ' Soath Vortlaad Defeated. ' - The Bandy Road team defeated tha South Portland team In a wtgll-p!ayed gams at ths Istter's ground f ' by the score of It to 11. Ths features of ths game were the pitching of Probst snd ths hitting of ths Sandy Road, players. Ths lineup: -' ' - ' '' t Sandy Roada. Position. ' S., Portland. W. Probe t,. .. j. J',.p. . . ,t Finnigan A.' Oleblscl. ss... . Smsrt J. Jleblschr.,.....lW......... Harwas J.. Leahy . .c ...... . .. .' . -Weber B. Anderson. ...... cf. ....... .W. Kysn R Wstklns . ..'.,,'. rf . . , . ;. Twrss H. McKtnlsy ...... lb Currsn J. Adams,- tlDi'rh'. salmon T. Murnnne. .. ..If ,T. Ryan SCORE BY INNINGS. " Sandy Road ...,J 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 411 a Portland I 1 t 1 11 w .';- . Tlstodoaa Ftsss. - The Pines detested the Stephens tenm yesterday afternoon by the scors of S to 1. Ths llnsup: . . ' Pines. Position." : , Stephens. K. Vodnalsi , . , ,V7. Kmerlck H. tsylor....... ...p. Hlggins A. Houston. lb.,., Healls P.' Myers..-.? ... . Pries J. King. . .j ... . i j.. . 4. Foley a. : Bross.'i ... ... lb .'.,.,... , Fleming L Llstmore.. ....... If, 4. Frye Brlggs. ............ Skid B. Howard ...... rf ....... . Whitehead '"I hsd a running. Itching sora on my leg. Suffered tortures. boanV Oint ment took away the. burning and Itching InslantlyJMd quickly effected permanent cure." . t W. Lenhsrt, Bowling Green, Ohio. . . is ; .. . Oarakaaa Fallaf t , Ths North Portland baaeball - team defeated t he -Carahan tean In a- one sided gams yeeterday by a ssors of II to I. ..The festure of ths garner was ths batting of ths North Portland, team. The llnatip: ... '" t. ..-..- . ''-.',' k.. N. Portland. Position. V . Csrabana. Turk .ss. . . Kennedy Lodell . ..... ... . ... lb. ..... McKlnley Conrannon ....... ..rf ........... . Wise La Rean.,..,.,'. .. .If. n. Sharkey Costela .j.....'... .Jbv' Thompson Ssnkuschsr and.' Shee, ;.,..e,... Kelt Paff .............. lb.. (,.,,. MoHOUand KoUrain .p. Mint Goddard .Van Arden ' ". jLToahdaar Saras are tnstsntly relieved, snd perfectly healed, by- Bucklen'e Amies Salve. C. Rlvenbark, Jr., of Norfolk. Vs.; writes: i Dumt mv gnee oreaaruny; mat it blistered sll over, ttucklen'e Arnica Salvs etopped the pain, an without a sear.". Also' s snd sores. -- lit at bkL. an . and heeled it ail wounas rs Oru( Co., 111 TUrd at. paws the .water as it dashes down the celebrated ... et, ,.4.V.1'P ATR'TT? A VP.T .TTIfl TTrtT? : VOTt I ft-- Vancouver vTriihsportotlon Co. a. ai,. returntng arrives 6 2nr 'f v .-,',. Oood Returning up to September, Taylor Street 7 a. m. Dafly, 2PZ "un u u Acnted OALC : DATO 'All $6 and $.50 ' ' -. --,t ?v '.-:; 'X .."V'.Vt ir xrasssKssy' . - ir1 t . " m . K II i 1 .it. ni t '.-, v - 4 . i ; 4. iiK "k-'V - - 1 V ...."-"-.a. " Ai$5and;$5.50": -;7all.;l iAl$nd4.50 - c ' : ." LOOIi IN THE WINDOW AND SEE;! y"v I :..:,Tx..' - , ; ' - . , , ' '. '..' : rV n; - . - T - . ... j ' j end is la Portia SHA1 11 ' - vf'JT f Taylor Street Dock at : p. m. 1,; :r - i 1 1 II V I AUG. 28, 29, 30 t 1st V. except uhday ra a) es a a si w u ( 7 have Already nveded ; . themselves ; of the , a J opportunity pre- v by our sale of fine J-J wool and ; worsted trousers that opened todays 2 -ii ;:v ONLY -LAftTft f O HQ V - DCN'T DELAY ! - - ::'.f. V.-V" .'rtn.OMT 'f f ; cm f'" 7 it