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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1905)
1 r t -1 1 - r n r i ir ' C r -,. -tt i -w 4 -. .-.......- - AT u A. U. vi:iTcr xr.i uhczd to rnpv xvsav pmvitrc c? Ti:U CSAT STC.;2 TQ TIS UTII03T J . LCOME THAT IS GENUINE - " ' On Tt!rd Flo;r. . . .if- ; , Com and aup vh us on the t6a'l.saae diUcacles our demon strator serves F3EE on; Third Floor, near the? bis elevatora you'll fall in lor with7the delicious "ROSETTE WAFERS" An advertising critlj in a recently put'.Uhed article ss thst In store advertising generally there la great lack of feeling displayed, and aotea especially the fact that the wod Vi.LCOUZ la very seldom used. This writer, however, finds several escetions among the Beet-known and most popular atorea, undoubtedly having in mind this ''Old Homestead Etore" for one e have aver en;vorad to impress upon the public bow genuinely welcome they are to come and tee us, to go through the' store, to ask questions and to make themselves .generally at home. We wish this invitation to apply especially te visitors w-a modern Eve Is cooUnx with the aid of the new ''.-- "Rosette Waffle I rone." I to i p. m. daily. , in the City. Avail yourselves of our many accommodations, and remember that the welcome is genuine, . . i- - - s GUARANTEED -BOND" TAFFETAS ' AND SUITINGS IN ALL COLORS, w SOLE cTLLING: AGENTS FOR - i. ' -: . "PORTLAND. - : - Of Asbestos Ssd Irons Today en Third Floorv Housewives - r Art Especially? Incited to Attend. WATCtttO CICANrD Ah!D WACnANTCD ONE , YEAR. FOR- 75c NSW MAINS PFINGS- FOR -78c ALL OTHER REPAIRINO ON " JEWELRY . AT PRO. FORTIONATE PRICE WFIRST FLOOR, NSAR XJIRG3 The Best" Ever l Three Shoe Specials thst nobody can beat; yon nerer nw better values, neither did we, neither .did anybody else. .'The very ?fact that we make a , , cut on Pingree goods will indicate the iull force , ; bftWa special 8alc;;'' r . .,;t "THE JOOVE MolM PINGREE-MADE SHOES FORMERLY $3.00 . ON SALE TOMORROW .FOR 13.49. .. , ; ,' Nothing but high-grade stock in 7any of these . . shoes. Jn. the Jot, are all kinds; of .leathers and all shapes, now going at the unifrm price f 0.49 ; k; -: MEN'S I3.5Q SHOES FOR I2.4S..- -,:Men's Tn Russia : Calf Half Shoes, C beautifully ... .' made, r -sty 1ib, seasonable;, regular Now going for'.. . r. . . ..'..V.;,.... $3.45 V WOMEN'S -S3.00 SHOES FOR fUm.i.: -Women's Black Lvici Kid Boots, from one of the ' leading and most ' reliable manufacturers. -- j and sold for $3.00: On sale tomorrow at7,.il.98 f Special Price oitthe Celebrated . 1. 1 i.i A. r-i - 1 i ' !l II J . l , - - , in - W -- - t Ranges Quick Ms.l Ste.l Ranges are b tht manner-th .' the most good..i hawans are oweu Ik Jintd ..with asbestos thst ; no heat uTstTburitr' radiated . to points where it is most needed. ' . ! .Almost "every . raft - of .Quick Meal Ranges is of steel, ; making the r range Jihtr itronger:and. less JUblf to . bresksg c -than would - be possible - with any other method of con . truction. - Quick Meat Steel Ranges are distinctly-differehW1 from other . ranges inasmucnas they possess an tne good teattfres ot any other make withi msny special features net found in other 'ranges. ' SPECIAL PKICE THIS ' r .' , ... i. , s . . v. . i m . i ,( in i i ; - hi A:. $34.50 "icoyar? Worcester torocts - We have Just received another large shi ment of the famous Royal Wortester Corsets, and among then came soma of the new fall models. " They must be. seen and amined to be fully appreciated. . -e ' . ....'.'.; ' -SL-' 1 ' Special Sale of Chinaware JAHD OTHER HOUSE. FURNISHIM-J GOCTDS. ' T Cftttdrc Drcdced --A - a '. r r ': t: - - f CI' VZU ITICO V a S - n ' ; '.la ay aa.Cise alona, " : : Wlntr goeda' Are eomlnc in very early this jmmbi and we' need the room for them. Rather than store ewar' the remainder of our etook ef .kIMHH1. .aI .Mil Wak Tt..a... I wllltnalva alve rou the benefit and i effer them te jroa at Just bait their actual value. ., -jf They are made of plain and fancy. ... . waah msterlsla. In tola variety ot Va Styles, and In all siaes, from. 4 to 14 - 1 any of them at SAW WOa. v , ' B1H ASTB SSHMi '- Our stock' of children's Hats and Bonnets In mull, chiffon and, lace. ribbon trimmed, waa never so pretty - as It has been this season. -. While, the stock.-. I somewhat broken St this time, there la stllK a Stood assortment from which .tose lect end reaardlesa of former prices. we nave reauosa mem alt te FineXorsct Covert for Half ' I R rS s nee.' Odd and broken lines of Corset Covers, made of eambrte or fine ' nainsook, In full front style And trimmed daintily with Isee and t embroidery; our tefular values from o te tl.Tl. , gpeelal St V-V! yiuw- ' : -;;: : ; ; , V ''t , ; ate rb bovst runu ixzan woani ne, ; "- Lsdler Whit Ionrit -flannel Skirts, Kate lanvth. made with deep riounee'and tucked: our reeular 7lo value. Boeelal Bala- price. ..........i... w;,.. ... Tw each t Ixtr ccrdlncry Circsbs. to Close the Mpnth mm hi: A i 'V:.'; $uo Value for 89c; V ' Women Extra. .Sir Medium-Weight White - Silk and Cotton .Vests and - Pants, vests with long sleeves,-pants - with Vrench bands. Ths "Merode," -you know the brand $1.50 value. Spe cial. at,-tdh...i . ..& :'"; : '$l.bO-Value' for C9c j7;,' Women's VMerode" Silk and Cotton Long-Sleeve:4Vhite V.' knee.and snkte tmsTtrr pants to - ' si.w -viu. apecisi at, escn...t.of . $1.75 Value lor 11.10. bmenf?While Silk anT'Cbtton Union ouits, jonr sieeves, snorr sieeves or no slesvee hues sad-ankle lenrtai 1 ue-8pelatlVr each.,..,.-s,f r i:op,veett foresv,,;" Wonien'a Wjiite Medium-Weight Merino VtstsV 65, per cent wooL a nice fall s wrigni ana a spicnaia aijuu vsiue. G .V . ' . Fall Silks' have arrived in aimohr'endleas varietv.' The bond suitings thaf are warranted in every shade are selling, rspiaiy plain Dldlv v . ...... .,. .. - . The plain and novelty moires are well worth making a special trip to aee. .- : ' ' ' . - r " ' ' it is simply impossible to attempt to describe the novelty chiffon taffetas and other beautiful weaves. You must really .see tnem. ; .-,. - ... .- ; t . ... PlaitT Sitkl fait suits snd waists are now on displsv, in every -new effect andtfolor, all priced lower than you could find the same elsewhtrejs .' " - .-: - .iT.f.-r.rv-, t t-- Bonnet fet Cirs world-renowhed black and colored silks shown l -:;'' V sw s 'W -sw MY.. IN OUR DRSiS GOODS exclusively, here, Fall Orebo SEMARKABLE SHOWINO 1MNDV BIDtT tlhns .. oiw yoiorea .vrcss oooos lor isu are now to, ana acre, witn out' doubt, .you will find the, largest collection ofj evety kew wesve fthd,; color shown west or -Chicsgoi The ntV Tsrtsn Plaids "mij- all -the ' different clans. New FrenchT Drsp'ete, Prunellas, snd Chiffon. Brosdcloths, that are warranted not to spot. New Rainproof - Fabrics, new -Panamas, ' Henriettas, Eolliennes, Poplin de Chenc, Chiffon 'iVoiles. Silk and Wool Poplin in fact, : everything new thaf , can bt found In the vorW's beat fashion centers ancj rosrkets. Ws wish psrticu larly to jnvite you 40 sse .our assortment of Novelty Worsted and Panama. Cloths now on diiDlsv. rsnaina in oriee from. per yara, , , r $1.00 to $2.50 Keep Coming . 1 More New Goods for Our .drand Salons Arriving Every Xivf. V :V;. LADIES' NEW FALL SUITS. : . 7 The new arrivals in Suits embrace alt the correct styles of the season and in every fashionable color, . They are, made in the- extremely popular redingotc long-coat style; also blouses and etons and a very pretty style with 27-inch loose cost. -These come in broadcloths, serges, Panamas, homespuns, man :: nisb mixtures, prunellas, cheviots, etc. To "suit every fancy ' and every purse; prices from.., ......,...18.80. to. ft SO all: THE NEWVcpAti'H: -vy ' ' Long Coats, Short Coats, Antomobiles and All the Reai. ' . Our advarfce showiner can best be' exoressed'bv the words 0 one" privileged to see the goods on display t "It is simply IJMi Uglfgee"?Shirts, witlr soft. collar' and cuffs, made bf good wonderful."' No other store thereabouts attempts to approaciffslrohgjOxlord cloth; our 75c Value. Special at, each., vm uiBpiy cuncr m -miiniingi w quaniiea. i-nc coats consist Of every late style, long snif short, msde of the sesson'a new est msterisls, tn all the wanted colors, auekvas ouroles, srreent. arsy tnixMirei. reds, olivet,, tang and blscki, pricel range from : .f ;. dy : end Tfcrrty, Y I V, ; ; Asothtf 6ret VSpeckJ Sz7 Yea Chcvld klXZl I'.i' ' rirtt ruqri V A , . Special' st, each. Udie$$5IIJmbrella9 for $7,981' Ladieis Fancy Plaid Umbrellas,' covered wtrh -pure' silk In the .sweiiesc oiue ana green piaios.' ah nave tne nest: steel rods with the double , improved, lock rib Psrsgon frame. - Best natural wood handles with fine, heavy silk tossel: regular rain " size4 our $100 value. - Extra spedsl for Tuesday only 5ttf ,ech . ....) ' efee)e4 0 A? Few Straws Left VBsrtoao IrUIMov Tkem Vi'Vv.. A snsp tor .those who ire' clever at trimming theijr own hats." About tnree aoren only 01 ianies and Misses straw Shanes. 4 untrimr4ed, in. Milan and chip braids; all late styles and de ne aik1 -lfrir anK 'mm-' naw r4. Krnwn mnA lr r 1 thing foi- npwr" Value's from $2.50 ; to $3.00.- Tuesday your xooicewhaeheyUstjort ... I o v. . . .v. . . 3f NEW HATS FOR IMMEDIATEWEAR. r a Aastrian ChinaDiAner Seta 118.00.-- . ' 100-iece lNw. Austrian,hina pinner Sets;" with dabtty" bin" f Jowefs and gold liner.- Spetislt, the set M .f 18.0O -' a Haviland China Dinner Seta $27.00"" ."- V lOfltpiece New Haviland Decorated French -ehtna Dinner Sets. - dainty' decoration of small pink; .flowers and green leaves. - Special at, tne set........................... v ,, -,W Brasa Art Oooda. . SS-'V-.'' ' In fancy articles-special, each from.i. 25e tdVflS.OO ..L.'- r.i' Universal Food Choooera. ; ' f"u Uneqnatedvfor general use chops everythipgraeat, v,eglableen bresd etc. x- '. Smallssixe; special, each;?76eK -Family siae; specist, each.B-is) Large size,' special, '.Hojel or restaurant sise; spe- i each ''. -c,,' c'1 ,....... ejl.55. ' v Toaster for-Ot.' oV Oil Stoves 25c " v. No taste or smell of gss ot oil, does not burn bread but tossts . to a gpldeil; brown Special at, t ich ...... ... . . . . .-. . ..SBe - f r Roette Irona 50c.; f Latest novelty tor making dainty .deserts; price, the tU'..BOa1 i -: . . -. Oil apd Gas Heaters. ' Just the things for "wsrming up" on chilly mornings" and even- ings-'' .j..-,-.--- -M-y'-fT";'; -.v -;. f. '. Oil Heater, gunmetal Jinish Special, each.;. .. ....... )f4.00 Oil Heater, nickel finish Special.' each... .....cfO.OO Gas Hester, sttach to gat jet Special, each.. ...TS NEW GOdDS" ARRI VINO IN THE CHINA STORE.: ' New fsll ods art arriving daily-Just received, a lot of new Decorated French China in single pieces, fsncy Hhspes, new decorations Dutch figures on vsses, olWe, spoons, piiMcsrs snd jewelry trays. New electric and gis!,hdtir new finishes and colors with icsj effects. ; r - . i; . i ;. e-4vWiU weivd-srew-shipTO Learner i uiu, canuii inu vuiyi)ii pnipc, inmmca in. paunt laihr. ouilla and eold ornanAmts: sblendid hata for atreet K wear, for the 'Fair and for automg. Prices sre very ' 1 .Aj.. t . ...J. SH.H'A SSAA IllUUia s .i,isessefsfss . vwt4 e t w sw - e. w ExtrA . New Lacet and Trimmings for f etl Vf havea very handsome -hewing of pew leoS snd trim-: mines, and although the Stock Is sMminalr complete, many others are eomlnr In rapidly. Here you wlU-And everything .that Is swell and-new ror 4rl fnlng your pretty, fall gswns. and we earnestly eequeatTtyni !t lnSpet thee, irnes earvfully bcrore buying. In, the show ing are - Y 't. ' -Baby Irish Crochet bands end f 7 and Edges Priced the vsrd ... Oe sn6V Baby Irish Crochet Allovers to matnh. - Net Top Lace - Kdgee and , Bands Priced at. the yard, tip fromi.425d and SSe With Nofjtop Lac. Allovers to match., ' i.'J . , Point Venlaal ace Bsnde snd ; Edgings-fiPrlced at, vthe. yard, up - 4. from'i....,,:i5 k P With Point Venlas Lace AH ,ovare to' match. 1 Hsndaome Black : glk Venla. Bands Priced st, the yard, up from . , ........... -TSw tlfk aferoerised Venlae Bands o -Prtod at, the yard, up from . , i , '..,.'. r.SOaV BlaekTll Net Top Laces Prld it. the. yard, up fjom ., - Beautlful RIbbons - la endless variety; Roman stnpes,' fancy plaids, Dresden effects, embroidered ribbons, silk and latin taffetas. As fine a showing ar you eve'r saw aqd suitable for millinery purposes, ties;- girdles,- tayhes or dress trimmings. All; are reasonably SATIN TAFFETA RIBBONS i f som Va inch to S inches wide,, and SILK ,TAFFETA RlB- - BONS from Vt inch to S inches' wid; priced at, the yard, from:SJ4 up to Ta) ! I -for out-of-town folks la el- ', ' '"most rsaiy. Sand youf -. ; ; name , fnd address, It Witt ; ; . be free. , 4::?::::::: Mea'a 23c Hoae for lie A line of Men's Plain Black.' Sox' of Maco yarn, with high spUeed heels and double Soles; extra value at 25c. Special at, .....,.....1S 7'..V; :' V ;. ' ' . '. Underwear. .. ; .'' ; . f. : '. .. ; 7 , " Two good lines of Men's Ribbed' Balbriggan Underwear, in brown and salmon pink. - We -wish to close out these lines ; before the summer season is we offer them at the - astonishing low price of, the garment..... jiff 8hlrta.l. - A,:..i .l-.,1 ... l..-'-J. ' . g8BBSaiJ.JIjLf-.JI'jajif, ammmyiiimmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmM - lVnh:lwee SuspVnders.V I Men'st'SiispeiidPil. In niBdlUftl iflUfgJIlJVft GREAT REDUCTIONS ALL ALONG VTHE LINE. it- e Firs Floor. , ,- fl .- Domestic Aisl Floor. $6.00 LINEN TABLECLOTHS $47S-About IS Fine Irish Linen Tablecloths, border all around, 2 yards wide, Jtf yards long, prettjr new patterns, very durable;, regulatvvalue $6.00. Special, each ...........V. n.V,...,!...;.ii.T 16c TOWELING 12c Russia Crash Toweling, can't be beat for wear and drying purposes; regular value 16c. Special, 1 the yard i . . . . . . . .i. ... i 15c TOWELING lie Heavy Twilled Unbleached Linen Towel ing, 18 inchp videji. regular Value 15c. Special, yard....tlf Hemstitched Linen Towels, three special values, at. each..;...." a Ve f eli f a s e e a 'a e e s BO S8e and 18 BEDSPREADS v85c Hetnmed Bedspreads, double size, nesf . design. Special at, each... ...... "..r... ............. ..fif MARSElLtESJBEDSPRAD&:Sl J5-Large Size Bedspreads, .Msrsejlleft' patterns, -good -for hotefuse. Ssecial sl lltu . . i' .................. CROCHETBEDSPREADS-11.50 Fine- Weiring" Ouslitv ng , Special, at Crochet , Bedspreads, made of three-olv vara. - eaoh.;w.....1..w...V...'........,...,.,..i. ,130 SATIN BEDSPREADS tf.OO-Satfn Bedspresds, In handsome (raised designs cut corners and fringed. Special, esch . .f 4.00 He PILLOW Cases 10c 200 don p:iw r.... 4nade from good touHd-thfeld iheeting. Special, each.,,.10e APRON GINGHAMS Se YARD-lO.OOO ysrds Extra Fine Qushty Ginghsm for aprons, etc Special, per. yard.. ., ..e - NEW FLANNEL- GOODS At. the . Fl.nn.l r..., wiit be found .spic tand , span new . goods arriving daily, marked at I the most modest Prints..; ,.'.:.;!;. , 5 . . J Nevv Arrivals ia Lace' Curtains r ' tefc- - ' frf ISO fj mil ...4 Including 'Brussels snd ' Renafs- ssnce effect: Csble Net. Qunr. Arabian; rest Brussels, Bsttenberg, i isnd novelty effects; -more then XAJ dillerent styles to select from. . Come and see them.." .'t - Special for nVccfc SCARlET WOOL BtANKEtS Value IS.OOCs Special while -they, last, at ..4 ..... . ... . ,f S.SO . Value : 16.50 Specisli while they - last at ...... If... I, Pendleton Robes, Talue.S' for , . ; j$X9 tine NaVajoVVool Blankets; regular vslus.7.50. SpScial, , Pendleton' Indisn Robes, choicest pstterns and. colors. - vsiue f s fpeeial.. Vain I VI w rial... V!ue ill - Neckwearl,J,"i;. Men's Four-in-Hand Ties, in plain and fancy effects (.pur best' ,.3ic Vain.". Special at, each... i......,.-.... ............. fsntyepT.twltf-5ealher ends: our : 50e' Vsiue. Specist ssl price the pair . . ,., . ,..,,.".... i i t. . . . . . . . .;. . TS!K01KK ALLlUAtUtfnnANDBAGS For ladies or men. very nsndsome, well-made bags, 14-inch Size; our gJ.50 value. ' Special safe price, each....,....,............,.i..,,...3.0 - Our. $5.50 value-rSpecial sale price, each.. .;.;,. v. 4.0 Creot Hosiery? Vclii CUT PRICES THAT WILL THRONG THE HOSIEST .-''. --- aisles. :;.:..;:::'f 2i hom for lee,; V '-.fif-W ..'-!, Women's Blsck Lace Front Hose, with fsncy cross stripe, seim- Icss;?5c value. Special at, pair................. .14d .3- : ;;. -.'An Extra Hoaiery Bargain, . ' . ' -'.v' . ' ? For' fine trade, Women'sExtra Fine Gauge Black Maco Cotton . ,' Hose, German make.Jfull finished, white cotton sole; a hose v that good Judges of Hosiery will surely appreciate; 85c oust ityvj special at, pair.....,....................,.....,...Ldf -'. Vf---. Fine Rfbbed BlacteHele. ;J, ' Women's Black Fine-Ribbed Seamiest Hose; ,,V..J...... Lisle Finished 3Sc ouslitv. Soecial at. saifV. . .".- . iacx uauxe nose. Women s Black Gauze Lisle Hose; splendid 5c -quality. Spe cial at; paHr...w,........i..iv.. ,,tf V . -. . 4 '. . Mlaaea' Hosiery 19c ' : : Misses uFins-KibDea - discs nose, nnisnea iooi, eisstic nnn spliced knee; 25c, 30c and 35c qualities. Special at, pair..l f Fall Carpets 7x I1 ' NcwQooda '' t Arrlvexl 1- We are showing a new line of Carpets in the new fall styles thst is tar ahead of any previous . Portland carpet exhibit We are al wats - delighted X to show 6ur Carpets and cordially invite everybody to visit our big dsy ugnt csrpei rMm on the fourth floor. - We hsndle reliable goods onlv.-and price them- like this :M viV ':-, .V:Vw-.W., Tspestfy Brusselsi per.ysrd....... fX.vJ C3e and tl4 Roxbmy Brussels, per yatd.';.'i'.;..;..i....;. ..ft. 1 Best Body-Brussels, per yard. w , ., , .. . . ; .-. :.rzf. . . f 1.4 J Best Wool Velvet, ner yard.i...,....,..J.......i.. fl.'t Wilton Velvet, per vard.... .. ., . .t ? I ' - ' ' Upson Msrtm Axmfnster, per yard... i...,. 1 Bigelow Axminiter. -per yard $t.U '. All other makes at lowest prices. t is , t '.' ufilf 1SDTV1I ru rntiru 'nrtM't??-! v it &'. A1P "ECE GOODS. C . i . . - . , , ml Go!d Ring t 9 ' f ' . Jewelry Aisles First Floor West Annex. w-, --i,f -i. , i"" Gold Einca From 25e to Sii& Just received a .large shipment of Wm. Loeb A Co.'s So! tioid EUeli Kings in ths newet snd nsnasomeai oa.ri, r - with nearla. onala. ttirnnni ' amcthvsrs. etc also 11 ' ovsl and engraved bands to fit men, worr-n, --'-: bahiee? vain 4 rnm . . i ... .'. t . , ... a i imnM W. I- e lo. All Rin; 5 vtsrs' censtsnt use. Thou I wi.l it r:'.-ed In any stors in t L. C?.'i 1 -i tn r't I i i f h i. 1 I f l t