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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1905)
, VI -Tr""uoN"r-DiLY jhur'tAii-rcTinb i!tJ!!DAY nv-'i;:o.- Augusts r: in. UiyL -0 I;:)m X5oVi Affirms Decision of; UWer Tribunal ': '.'t Against McMahori. t ; TWENTY' 6XSES ARE ACTED OM AT, SALEM Petitions -for Rehearing. Denied In cluded the Caea l the ; Oregon Transfer Company Against the City of Portland. i : . ' "ftalem. Or.. Aug. :. Superintendent mes of Uwiit penitentiary , won bis urth victory over 1 H. MeMahon . to v. ' The oupi-eme court amrmed tne nion ot the lower court J. K. Bears- against C , waa McMahona client. The ault brought alnat the superintendent oiivpel him to account for the return treasury money alleged to nave " ended by mm In private use. and to aocount for and par to the, tate isury value for services of convicts K Mm. and to restrain him ttm further jexpendlture and the yss.of nvlcts. The aupreme .court, like the er court, held there were, no grounds the suit At McMahon'g Inetlgfctlon a laat legislature cnoae a Joint com mittee which Investigated the chargee lade by bint and failed to find evidence ft substantiate them. . ,3 1 . Tk mwM Aiiuo M. Davis against le'ctty Of BU-rertonawea r evented and amlaeed. Devla won Deiow. 1 ne u a hroua-ht 'o- recover damages vfo m lnlurv to a atone wall by' afreet' Jm overaent uThe trouble waa caused; by nfllctlnar aurvevs. In the ault of F. P. Harrington agalost V L. Demara the form or decree waa odlfled. Harrington won -belosr. The ilt.r waa brought -to recover damages jatalned' by d17ralon of water for rirtion7 The aasi,gee t v Walter Whelan against .1 Hv He anon and A- at Clough.: coroner, eraed and the complaint dlamlaaed. hla waa a ault for a deereo setting .off a. Judgment for 147. ', ' - . ueorgi 4. v oner TT . - . - . and H. A. H Inkle, affirmed. Wolfer won tilow. Thta ault waa brought to force a. renJSr to vacate property .f or failure to pay reaC . :- Nation- bank,- reveraed and"' dlamlaaed. Thta waa -a. ault brought to aet a aide the aaalgninent of oertalnUa certiO featea: ' "fi . ' . . i 1 ; Petit lona for rehearing were denied In the following oaeea: . v Georga Abbott agalnat the O. R. N. company.' Abbott won below.- r r. fl. "West against . J, W. Higglna. tVeat won below. . :-' ' ; J. A. McKlnnon agalnat J. W. Hlggine.. ItoKInnon won below. - ? ' - , P. r. PoUta agalnat the city of Hood routajgftnbtTywi n.i; ' ' I. a. Darr agalnat the Guaranty Bav- Margaret Barringer agalnat John W. Ider. Barringer won below. -,0. R. Aft. company againarVmatllla county. - The county wonV below, r This - was an Important tax case ' ' Jli-MoCluag sgainst Wrft MePher lion. McPberaon won below. '. v OcUvla. Auaplund agalnat 3. W. Hig glna. Auaplund won below. . . Oregon Transfer company against the city of Portland. PorUand won below, 1 Thta case decides the proceeding of tVt. Improvement of a atreet, which on face shows that It Includes the proposed' Improvement -of two separate and dis tinct parte of a street that Is void under the charter. v - . . 1 Leonard Xabat ' against :, " Maurice Moore. Kabat won below. ' 8. O. Carroll against Auguata Bailey. j Allowed a motion to defer, Judgment. . Carroll, got the decision below. . . . -t i.'Q. Seed agalnat O. Q. Jennings. Mo tion to dlamiaa denied, diminution of . record allowed. '. - .. Frank O. Sharkey agalnat C. F. Can- ' giant Petition for rehearing allowed. auiaju won swov. ' , , : : , ' fteamar Telegraph for -Astoria. ),. ;i Bound , trip dally (except ' Friday) , .x.XeaveS' Alder street dock 7:10 a. m. Re ' turning leaves Astoria I p. m Arriving , .Portland t:30 p. m. Sundays laavea Port land I a. m- Arrives Portland p. m. ' Taft Party aS Otoagaps. ' . (Jearoal gpsekil Serrtra.r 1 Manila. Aug. 28. The Taft oarty ar ' rived i at Olongapo, . A aval . base near ,, Here, today.' . The Lion's Into Jkptembcr let, antilthen yon, -ltXet;...,.vrv.... r Ten's t8.00 and $10,00 Suits gt u ,.,. . -85 rirnV $12.00," and $is.oo :y , Cti at Utif $1100' and $20.00 TCU at ....14.00 i;n tJ.C0 Trougerg;pti.a.e5 iitnH $I.C3 Trousers at'.... 2 J5 Uen'a $3.C0 Trouaerg at ... 1.85 i i ' - . ' . . Also marked-down price on Hats, Shoes and Furnishings. Buy i nowwYoull save money in do 4 . . v ng so. ' .-. - , f -H' Dovvn X a 1 V..: . ' X i i0 M 1 umti NW" Mariaitment- of : Consoli dated Railway Will Float Con! V Usua for Xn Miiiiona. ' WILL, PROVIDE HUGE- :! FUNDS "FOR NEW WORKS Extensive ImpcovetnenU . Content- plated and Portion of Fair Oronnda May Be Purcbased for Reort--AU Debts to Be Paid Before Dae. A nmr boad laaue will be floated by the men now in control of the Portland Conaolldated Railway oompanjyto cora- blne mil, of the tndeDtedneea ot the old atreet railway companlea under one mortgage and to provide funda for extension, and Improvemenia. la said the .company ha a Urge piana for development of the llnea. Including iha Mtahiiahinr of a eumraer reeortet Qulld'a lake and that a proposition will be madtf-for acquiring a pan or n itij. .et.r h fair eloaea. , 1 The a-alne that 1 eastern iinavu-n j- place on the Portland atreet railway ays tem la ahown by the amount of the con templated bond laaue. which la tie.. While but about $.SOO.00 Is required to take up the existing debt, nd pay for a controlling Interest at a price which the Sellgmana and Clarks paid for their atock. the remainder 1 the money to be raised froaa sale of .the bonds would be apent In-bettermente ana extensions. The company may develop additional electrjo power at tbo-UtUo White Balmon, and rprobably, acqulra other water power rights In the vicinity of Portland. 7 . - .' ' The total bonded IndebtedneaS of the consolidated streetcar companies at pres ent la 2.SS,ee. The New yora ana Philadelphia men for ta.eoe.eoe - I4,O9.O0 bought- a -cOUWOMing miervitj. They could, with a bond Issue or 110. 000,000, get back the Inveetmenv tase up all the old--bonda when -due, and hstfs sanra than- IS.O00.OOO , left t be spent for cxlenslotis. : . .The company I. expert. ir. mudhivi, left Portland a few days sgo for jo.w York after an exhaustive examina tion f the lines now in operation and proposed extensions, will make a com plete report of conditions to the Sellg man. and Clsrk banking firms -of New :. Vrfbrt and VPhlladelpnia, - It In said US' rtiMWas no .enthualaatlc la support of an eKtenwiwau, ? ; nm"u. . -v. Grove. (; r -, One of the Bellgman Arm and mem ber, of the Clarkaiouse, will some to Portland about Octbwr I, to decide upon plans for next year. ' At the ssme time. It is said, aeorganlaatio will probably be effected, and. the new owners wttl se lect the men who are to represent them In Portland. Moet.,f the-old officers oi the company de'alre to retire. G. F. Swlgertvtee-prealdent and general su perintendent, has given-iHS reaignanon to take effect aeptembe which date be wilt go abroad. ' HAVE ELECTED OFFICER? ei m tK, M.twtnil n.Hrm. ICnr- 1 liv Alas ...v ... " - , I way, floats "Siongaiae ine stsrs n stripes in front of the Arlcm hail toomy In honor ot the worwegian pangeriuv- h,mi . which la. in session there. New officers were elected-tbls morning, and follow. 1 V ' - ' ' -. - - 1 viul a lanalow. T aco ma. . president: C. Ronnlng. Tneoma, flrat vlce-preaUi dent: P. Ij. Opsvlg. second vice-presi dent. Everett; Mr. Ekne, treaaurer. Be. ettle; Nle Crlstlansen, recoraing t-rv- tary. -Tacoma; .Mrxavier, correapona ing necrtary;.sEkland, Waahlngton; John Blaawn.' marshal, Tacoma; Carlo A. Speratl. musical director, recently of Tacoma but now of Decora h. Iowa. The third annual festival or tne iMor. weatan Slnaers' association of .the Pa cific Coast waa enjoyed, and. tonlgni at o'clock the grand banquet will be held. In charge of the Ladles' auxil iary. At this the winner of the Everett cup for the best singing club will be announced. . - ' .., f. The song festlvsl ef ths Norwegians In the Auditorium' at ths exposition Isst night wag-gn unforgetabla concert that roused . a vast audience to tremendous enthusiasm and covered the participants with glory. -From all parts'of ths northwest the Norse singers gathered and theVAudl- torium waa crowded to Ita capacity when the IS alnalna societies, boasting a membership of 100 singing voffflfTe- gan one of their native choruses , Tne applause waa spontaneous and the event, ss a whole, one of the moat successful yet. given In theblg festival , atructnra. Madame Ragna LJnne, a celebrated Norwegian soprano," of Chicago, was the principal soloist of the night She tias a voice ot remarkable quality and power and waa applauded to the echo each time she appeared. The Instrumental 'mutid'of ths-Trmcm was'Turntshearb: De Csprlo's Administration band-. SILEtZ UNOTRAUDS "BE1NCT1NVESTIGATED r- Two wit neM Stephen Fsrrell - of Po'rtlehd snUohit MUchelt..ptX,incoln. were before the federal, grand Jury this, morning, which Is supposed to have re sumed Its Investigation of the. frauds In the Mlet Indian -reserve. The scope of the Inquiry has evidently become much broader than: It waa atx months sgo, when the flrat Indictment of W. N Jones and hla eseoclatea waa returned. - A small army of witnesses ls In at tendance waiting to be calle-when th grand Jury begins to InveatllaVtS the op erations f Congressman wfltamaon, th Vn 1 1..... UaIaJ m Tit - ' . ... - .tin m in iu ii mi. nissa the next Subject of Inquiry on the pro gram. Aitnoughi; the- grand. Jury-will not he able to omen its labors this week, the third trial ot Congreaaman William. son" and ' his codefendants will, begin ext. Tuesday, according to the order already entered...- , , .-, to Investigate graft' v r AT BREMERTON YARD 1 gseejal gerviee.t , 3esttle, Aug. it. A' special dispatch fromAWaahlngtott atatea that Secretary EumafcarUt will make a thorough Investi gation of the alleged graft lit the Puget sound navy rrdat Bremerton. t 4 Aaka Dlvoroe. s.A w I n has bea-iin' sutr-ynr' an vbr from YA ward H. Ooodwln on the groiirtd of desertion. Tney were mar ried la Jfew Tor, iijr on oeriemoar is, and hava ore unlld, Helen. age! are. . Mr. Ooodwln Saks for one - h" fs. property.., . IUlll:t Li m, Raid El 0ey 'Saon and Rascua two . young uina .rromv ? EvJI.Influancat. ' THEIR ESCORTS ARE ' PLACED UNDER ARREST Proprietor and Hangers-On Will Face Court on ' Serious f. Charge and CouncU WU1 Be Urged to Rescind license of Place, ' ; "'' i ' KtarCHng1 dlacloaurea followed a raid made on the lodglng-houae conducted br Belle Rowley over, -the.-notorloua 1 kev aaloon. 147 Taylor street, at :IS o'clock laat night by Acting Detecttvee Kay and Jonea. Two . young men and two glrla In their teena were dleoovered In the house by the offlcera. Informa tion waa secured leading to the arreat this afternoon -of Belle- Rowley,-Harry Bowen. - proprietor of the enjoon. and Marian Hyland. an employe of the Union ilaandry. Second and Columbia streets. . ,, v.u .1 h. u. 11 i 'i - rlan Hyland has been enticing glrla to the saloon and lodglng-houaa. .The de tectives located a dumb waiter In which drinks are sent up from the barroom to the lodging-house overhead. . Evidence ha a been discovered by the authorities whtch they assert, will re sult. , In the proprietor -of the saloon losing bis. license. The liquor license, committee of. the city council haa af firmed Its intention of revoking, the li censes of all saloons which, sre found to be conducted as annexes to Immoral botfSes. r. "1 " i. When the' raid waa made! Kay and Jonea found K. Cattlin, aged?, tl, and a girl aged 17 In one room, dad Charles Fox. .aged 1). and another1 girl aged 17v In an adjoining room. - The men were charged .wlthenttctng-minora , Into - a saloon and the, girls, with frequenting such an establishment. . All appeared in the police court-today,. Judge' Cam eron fixing their hearings for ' Wednes day One girl -gave ball, the other was held;. -''- 'i. .:.vvl h 1 Iriformatlon given 'the police) by the glrla, that Marian Hyland ha.a taken them to the El Ray aaloon previously, caused Deputy City Attorney FlUgerald to draw a complaint againat her. ... Bowen .has been arrested numerous times for keeping his ssleon open after hours and for permitting "minora in his place. He Is accused of squandering hla wife's money and then abandoning her. '-,..,.'.. ' "This El Rey saloon Is worse,' If pos sible than the Tuxedo," aald Mr. Fits gerald. '.Thetareer of Bowen as a man who' aids In ruining girls shall stop right tiers. --If the liquor license com mittee of the council fllves up, .to -Its promise, end does its f utyboth. these dlvea will cease to exlsttn short order.". Clerk- Frank -Henneeey Of the police court received the following communi cation this morning from-City Auditor rDeVHHTWhlch bears directly on the cases oortheTxedo and ffl ' "ey aaioona: . X.ara iirsstea--esiie liquor license tiiniiiuii.ii uf ilia luuiuii lu isuuesi juu that whenever any person engaged In the business of keeping a saloon or a.rea- teHEsnt . where spirituous liquors "sre aold Is convicted of a crime or violation of the law In the municipal court, you Immediately notify the license commit tee of the same giving the name or "ins persona,, the places of business, the of fenses Tor which tney.nave neon con victed and the penaltlea Imposed. -Tour communlcatlona to tne liquor li cense committee In these cases may be addressed to HEPPHER PEOPLE HIDE lit cyclo::e celurs 1 av .. . - severe tsiorm oweepi. morrow County-TRoof of Round- ' , . v7' ' hmiaat Torn- Off.";'. iBoeelal Dismtck to Tie loersal.) ' Heooner. Or.. Aug. It. One of the worst and probably the most extensive dust snd wind storms ever known In Morrow county was experienced here yeaterday afternoon about t:l o'clock. No serious damage Is reported ss yet. The roof ot the O. R. N. company's roundhouse wss .blown off and aqme other alight damage M done. ,- PALOUSE STORM-SWEPT Toras Oevers TsUey With 2Layer jot " Bust, ' Baaaagisg Crop a. . m I . mtm . h. . t ' BCH vimymwm mm .aw wrm v Colfax, Wash. AO g. 28. At o'clock vaaterdav afternoon the sky In ths west became intensely black, and for a white yltne eloxias,'turned'wa.'"TIharIjrthe sun 1 wss obscured by the approaching duat storm. Coif as was visited by a severe wind, blowing about to miles an hour, at. about a JclQckaundayjgvenlng the air was completely isoen . wun oust. which blinded the drivers and horses sa that teama on ths road had . to atop, - The .d-ust--tertn - wss- so-severe -that often.: peOpleXJBuld.jiotAeejUvAJleet.ja front of them. The storm rased xrom until 11 o'clock at night, and covered ths wrtole Ps louse country. Pullman reports me same as tjoiiax Every expression, of the public Is that it waa ths most extensive and severe dust storm in the history or tne coun try., v 'f -i . WORK OF FIREBOAT-WINS - APPROVAL OF VISITORS ,,'.' -' - 1 1 "'' tfundreda of people witnessed an ex htbltlon drill on the flreboat Oeorge Jt wtillnms this morning for, the Volun teer Veteran Firemen's association of Ran Francisco. The bridges at thefllre hoat house snd surrounding docks on the east side were crowded with sight seers snd on the west hs-e great crowds throngl every evanable place from Whicn s gova n'w - t.mad. Mayor lne anA Fira vommis p.rrr were present. The boat stesmed from Its slip, clr mA around hv the west shore snd osme tq a standstill foe yarda from the stSrW ing point. The pumps were put in mo tion and eight Streams were thrown MO feet at one : time. Great streams 'of water were aeSt thrown lot feet sr mora from the large fore snd aft nos sie sJtm ;the spper deck end the-tatret Bodlly pain loses ta terror If you've a knttls of lrr. Thomas' Eeleolrlo Oil-In the house. - Instent relief in etsee of bums, cuts, sprains, eocldenta of aay WJ FLEET Never Before Ha So Much Ton J .nfs;e Eeen Engaged to ; " Load Here at Once. , : OREGON PR0DUCT8 WILL . EE. SENT TO THE ORIENT Seven Steamers i,Will Take Vast Quantitlee of Flour andjriniber to ; China and Japan Within NextFair ; Weeks. 7'n';.kl:: ' J. J. Moore a Co. chartered the steam ship Beckenham this morning to load lumber at Portlands for hlne. . She sailed from Shanghai for Seattle on July 1 la ballast In aearck of a charter, la on Puget sound, and . will leave . for thla port af once.; She la a eiater steamer of the Tottenham, receiving lumber at ths Portland mill. Is; of I.Ms tons net" j-egister; and 4s ospsble of car rying 4.000.000 feet of Oregon fir, The Beckenharoinakee five big tramps that.Jiave been rAgaged In the paat seven day to load at PorUand for the far east. The otheraare the latum, Kelvtnbank. Croydon Slid -Ooeano, the Utter two hevlngJeen Uken on Satur day tq tranaport flour and . wneet to Janan and China. The Croydon waa chartered through James Laldlaw Co. by the Portland Asiatic; Steamship company, and the Oceano by Mitsui "A- couple of weeks ago It -wss men iinA ttv Th -Journal that fhe Port land Asiatic Steamship company Ini tended to make an effort to; secure two tramps for October loading. The ..firm waa negotiating, .for the Oceana, but Mitsui Co, offered a higher rate and consequently got the vessel,r - In addition to the nve trampa nameq. tbe X"oroerl9 and Tottenham are taking lumber here.". These 'aaven trampa have an aggregate tonnage of something over J0.0OO i net registered tons ana repre sent a greater carrying capacity than any fleet of ateamera that have ever beenunder charter at the aame time to load at thla port:-?5"" i - . .r-1 : Aalde from thla big fleet a num ber of the regular liners will go out In. the next month or, two - with . full flour and grain cargoes. The Numantla will sail the middle pf September with a flour cargo-for Japan, leavlngHonf. kong front her Itinerary ' J ' ";-. ' 9 SHIPS DISABLED. raUg sf Be and i Bardowte, Vortusd """eana,- stwepe $ ftonas. The 6rltlsbshlp Fslls of Dee "sailed fromqjatfYWeoJUl.Thursday 1st Portland, f wear tne worn me vsaaj wss struck by alteavy gala, and lost Jhe greater part or her rigging ana , wss forced to put back to Montevideo for repairs. That waa about two months ssoi and for a. time tt waa feared- her cargo waa badly "damaged, , The f cslght taken st Hamburg vis consigned to Meyer.. WHsoH nrnis ueeu nyuicir" inn' i iiu luuiisa hi Bardowle .hag Bailed from Capetown for Portland. While coming from New castle Twlth a- general cargo she alao met with misfortune and- had to . put Into the South African port, f of repairs. i- CONTRACT AWARDEDr-: j rrederlok a Ward Will BUa Xoaaea fee aeverswn at Caasads lMeka,. -.. Frederick aV Ward of Hood River were awarded the contract thla morning by the anvernment to. erect Ave bulidlnra at Cscaae-lpfcwfor-llt.Ol: They will be 'ready" for occupancy ; within - tares months . br government - employes who are at wort on river , improvement in that see t Ion. :' , The TTnlted ' Statea englneera report ihet the valvea itr ;one-of the locka. which caused delay to navigation during the past two months, haa been repaired. Another valve la out or repair ana wnea la in -working order no further de lays will be experienced at the locks. MARINE NOTES.- --, ., -; - Hato'ria, Aug, trArrlved'at f. a. tn, a three-masted schooner. : j . Ssn Francisco, i Aug. II.- Arrived. steamer South;' Bsy, f i"om Portland; and schooner Novelty, from Astoria. . J Astorls. Aug. 17 Arrived down1 at and sailed at 1:40 s. m., steamer Alll anna for Caom Bavvand Eureka . i Arrived down at f and aalled it II s. m., steamer f. a. sLiiourn, ror asa Francisco. ; Arrived at f:4f and left up at I a., m, ateamer Newport, from coast ports. ' Arrived down st 10:40 a. m. 'and aalled. at 4 p. em, steamer Roanoke,-for Port Los Angeles and way ports. Arrived st 11:10 a. m. and left tip at 1 -.80 p. m., steamer Bt. Paul,, from Saa Franclaco, ' ( Arrived at noon, steamer Elmore frotn Tillamook. . . .... ' r " -- Arrived at 1:10 and sailed at :I0 p. m., steamer ADeroeen. from ean Fran elaco and Grays Harbor. JX . San Francisco., Aug. I7 Arrived at 1 p. m., ateamer coiumeia, rromrrort: ttl(t-1 -' -' . r- Bailed st p. mil ateamerRedondo, for Portland. ' -' ' Balled. stsamsr -W.-H--Krugerfor Balled .last night, stesmer Acme, for Portland. ' ' - y- -; - i San Pedro. Aug.- 17.- Schooner John A, Campbell, for Columbia river." , Astoria. Aug. f I. Condllltm ' of .' the bar it l .l. in., smooth! JT wind : essti weamer ciuuay. .-,. - 1 V i ii . .. ARABIA COMING WfTH ? ,y : VALUABLE CARGO ' With a cariosd or s4!K valued s'tj 110, 000 -and- 1.000 tone df 'other' overland freight. In addition ts a big shipment of gooda for local -merclianta the oriental liner Arabia Sailed from Yokohama this morning for Portland. ' She should arrive by September IS. She-will take a full cargo of flour on the return trip. ; - Jacaaese KasMal BeoltaX This evening a musicals will be given by Professor Iwsmoto, pUnlat, and Pro fessor Takaort violinist, SI the. T. M. C. A. Mall, Fourth and Yamhill streets. They sre , endeavoring to - Introduce Japanese, music to American musicians snd to raise funds for the maintenance of their schools. They are from the Imperial College of Mualo lnTokld. I . ,i. .! ,i i m ii . i i ii ' , Weather Sareea Caaages. .7 ' John Qrover, n' assistant' weather ohssrrari left ytrdy xs relieve J. T. 1 Kellther of the North Head Station, who will take month's vacation. ' Harry pldroe, printer1 at th westhsr bureau oflV-e. had - tendered' his . reslgsation, .to tske effect on September I. He has ao e CHARTERED Ths Doctor. . ! riTT n 'tt tt Tjrrrri u L'T3 TTw V1 flH UiUiOXl X XJXlXUJXUXsi llOrf xwa vut. i . ' Dear Mr. Flstchers I T7ish to ccrritulata you on yenr nisrcts vio-".i ; tcrin C7tr conttsrfsitsra an3 icitaton cf OiStcjia, and trust tha t&aiinctfo;; h.&iX Trhea thcsS Inferior and dbous nhturw will bs entirsly rprt:::i' :, pi - Tcu'ere riht when " erohi:t Erperiinsnt.B ,; v , drcn that lay namQ shoild ; 'Me health and life of theMttlcnehb too qftenrfight their battles for lifa mtiaTTv;v : ; Let ;me agaia commend :youthry4hhtdard'youa I fi in the preparation of py prescripti9nf? and IconflfenUy psjeve it is due, to tTij $ $Bcrupuloiis integrity you are indebted for1 t$1iwo dastoria to-day, and the steady: growth .it has hadMnce 1 &m youbollsK Baniiiactura : laboratwir qJZ C27 Jliii ilium J ;r 'i ' l iw 1 1 Trjr.,...vrr7.,Hll1MH ' Att-! fVetaratioilbrA8, slmOatir rie Food and Rc uia ting tht Siocada and Bowels of , Prbtnbtes DtgesHonX3erful nessareilist.Contalnsnrtmer Opium.Morptine nor hflnuaL JoT Narcotic mfCUlYSNUlPITCMSB Smi' Apcfcct Remedy forCoosHna Hon, Sour Stomech.Dianrhoca, and Loss OF SLe eaasssamwssBBBwsyAsssBSBB V- TseSiasW Sinamre - AS LABOS DAY V Men of Toil Are Given Holiday Ito Cefebrats . Their ' Progress. , ii4)ii (8peeUlflssatch te -Tae- Joaraal) Salsm. .Aug. II. Governor Chamber lain today laaued the following procla mation: '. ' "Whereke, the flrat Monday tn Sep tember of each year haa been designated by law as a legal holiday to-be known as Labor day, now -therefore, I, Oeorge K. Chamberlain, governor of Oregon, make public proclamation C the fact that Monday, the fourth day or septemoer. 1101,- be aet apart ae a legal holiday te rest from-ordinary labors. The pres ent friendly relatione between labor and capital in ' our- splendid commonwealth ahould be maintained in order xor a con tinuance of the, prosperity which -our people enjoy. , - ?- . To aalar in prolonging mis mucn ae- elder condition, J earnestly prsy tnat there may be a gensentnuspenalon of all business on that day, thus Set spart, and that employer .and employ will meat In social and friendly Intercourse, thereby coming Into closer touch and re lationship each; with the other and be coming better acquainted .with the In dustrial life and condition Of the whole neoole. - ' "v --1 -Jn-teatlmohiLwhereof I have hereunto set my hand snd caused ths great seal of the-.state to be affixed thereto..... - Done st the capltol. tn the city .f Salem, thls'llth day of August, A. J?. lsos. -. v--. ' ' -. -laMKO05-a-CHAMBBRl3Al: . governor. ORDER OF-EVENTS AT . - THE FAIR TOMORROW Ths events for tomorrow-ths, fair will Include ths .following: .ir I a. m.' Eihlblt outings, govemt rpent exhibit snd Trail pen. . ". a., m. Educational tnffraace, Audi torium. - .- '-.-. '. . a. m. to 11 m.--Cohcert.. Adminis tration band, Transportation building bandstand. '' , ; II a. m. Airship flight, ' aeronautic Concourse (weather permitting). 10:10 a. M. to 12. m.--Conoert, Che ma wa Indian band, Agricultural bulld lng.. , - - - 1:10 to 2:10. p. m. Concert, Tenth Infantry- -end, ' transportation . building bandstand. -r ' ' ' 1'to I n. m. Concert, Administration band, Washington building. . 1:10 p. nvr-UranU concert,- Royal Ha' wallan band, bandstand. Gray boulevard. 2:10 p. mi Or ganf. 'recital. Professor F. W. Goodrich, Forestry building. .1:10 p. m. United Ststss, llfesavlng exhibition on lake. 1:10 vto 4:10 p. m. Concert, Tenth fn fsBtry band, Odvernmaht terrace. 4:10 to 0 p. m CoScert, Chemawa. In dian band, TrapsporUtlon .;' building bandstand. i :10 p. m. Government exhibit eloaea p. m.Cxri'll'lt buildings close. i;10". p. - m. Grand operatiO concert, Klralfy s "Carnival of Venice;' company, Oil. rustle' steps (free). .. ! s 7:10 p. m. Grand concert, Roys) Ha wallan band, bandatand. Gray boulevard. I p. m. Grand electrical illumination. ii - no 1 ' 1 TT . 1 I ' " 1- la r : - " - nrntir , v.. .--:.', :: '.- Vrit-J Gi Cotllw ycil csy in ycur. dvertiments that, it ii v Eljicnca n V V ' J-f--.r:; ' -v' :'-- - '- ba iditci'irith'iiiiltu the) KlQd Ton Hte Always Bong ht, od whlelt haa been j h'ln use. for over S6 year,-baa borne the signature, of f QU UUJ9 - s Aal - Allow . All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Juatis-goodM,aro bu T( . Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of .' .', infantsnd Caildren---xierlence against Experiment; W W S IMw.. :swsr Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. IS contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Na&otioL anhatsmee.. Its aare is Its sruarantee It destroys Worms and allays reTerlshness. It cures frlarrhos and Wind r Colic.-It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation ; j - and Flatulency. , It aaalmilatea the Food, regulates the . 'i Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. tThe Children' Panacea The Mother's Friend. onriuiwc CASTO RIA alvmyo Bears the The KMYouHaTe Aiwa I nUeo For O tsearrae- eoav. rr STEAMER SPOKANE TO CARRY PASSENGERS! e A From, now oa tne sag iern - w visitors tonbs fair Will be abrs-e e to go i to Ban - Francisco by e e steamer without having o en w i gage their bertha two or three weeka In advance, aa the south bound fleet will be Increased on Thursday by the arrival of the Spokane from Seattle, - She is scheduled to ssll from Portland for the Bay City at I o'clock .Fridsy , .evening. The steamer, waa . chartered this morning-by the San Francisco Ss. Portland Steamship company and wilt carry all her . passengers from this city. She :can accom modate II first-class passengers. While the matter Is not definitely settled at is believed vS-tbat ar rangementa will beiade to e ..operate her regularly m cojinec e tlon with the Coiumll and SL e Paul until the cloee of the fair.. d The Spokane la owned by the d - Pacirto- Coast ' Steamship com d pany and for the paat season has d been plying as anexcurton host e betweeq the sound and Alaska. e e e.4 CHARLES N. MARBLE DIES AS RESULTflF FALL Charles N. Marble died Jst night st (hi residence of hisfsther. tn Korth Fourteenth street, s4he result of sn sceldentln wrra hrown from wagon to-thastreet in Kast Portland, about a week ago. , -. J 'TTZ VUa-waa-a--temstearrwas driving, "nwhen.-lJ- tha,breaklng of the wagon, he fell, alighting on his head and break ing' his back. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 10 o'clock from the family residence, TWENTY LOST AT SEA -V ; OFF. FLORIDA COAST .i. -. i (Joernal gpedat tarries. ( JscksonvUls. "Fls-Aug. IKThS American 'steamship Peconle, ealllng from. Philadelphia to New Orleans. with coal, ssnk last midnight, carrying down 10 Of tier crew of 11. The two snrvlvors reached Amelia Island at noon today. ''. FOUR NEW. NOMINEES IN CONTEST - FOR THE JOURNAL'S HAWAIIAN TRIP When' the vdts In The Journal's Ha- wallaucontest Is published tomorrow It will be found thet nearly every candi date In the list ass made substantial gains. During the paVt ,two dsys the ballots hava 6een ' pouting la . by tne. thousands, sme of the candldatea ma. Irrg as high a gala as l.eoo at a jump; Thess big gains sre' largely due to the fact that the friends of the candidates sre securing the special coupons given with esrh paid subecrtptlrm thr (pa per. Then In other Instances the friends of some of, the candidates have' cut .the coupon from The Dslly Journal, ssved them until they got quite a num ber snd voted them before the expiration '.lata-o- the. ballot" ' . ' - to " ! Ik d) -" ' . ucou uiauvj auM r nunlilns alno Its tnflaiieT. ' - no one'to deceive you In thla. '- ''. ,sw. w - w A- Signature of vorifcTca ra esaaat av. ttier eaaa emr. 1ETERH6IIT mmmm .A. Qui. Bqbl,CWho Dis&ppsartd From Chicagrf With His Errv : - ploytr's Furids, Captursd. ; 1 ' (Spedsl Dispatch te Tse- Jearaalt : r ' Seattle. Wash., Aug.; 21,-i-Gus Bobb. csshler for Charlea A. Stevens Co; of Chicago, who, while taking a. deposit of $10,000 to the Corn Exchange bank on August 17. disappeared with It, was sr rooted this forenoon at the Washington hotel by SDertal Officer Frank Clark. , V8 ought ; U A reward of $500 was offered for hla . capture. : - '. -".- ' . Bobbs was acting as cashier during, the vacation of the regulsr mssfFall- . Ing to return within an Jtour, the matter . waa renorted to the police. . On August . -, 10 a package of checka and the fircn'SyVjl bankbook were found In a Chicago drag. f store. The deposit slip waa aiso mere, i ahowlna that Bobbs had got away with! showing that Bobbs had got away $1,10 In cash. . . He arrived here last night from Port land, where he hssbsen, taking In the exposition for scleral days. . After go- tng to his room ft return to the office snd-left $1,700 fn cash In the safe, snd ; thla amount has been reodvered. He admits his Identity Jbut refuses te discuss his trouble. The circular offer! Ing .the reward end furnishing the poj lice with a description of the man only- arrived thla morning. Clsrk jussat-th e-l hotetxa-msetlng -ilvlb 4n-he-of f eev I recognised blm from the, description. j'.-r CREW IS RESCUED AND x , 4- DERELICT. SET ON FIRE . a London, Aug. 2.--The AtlsntloHrans- ' port llnei steamer Msryland srrlved tov day wlttt-the crew of ths Norwegian bark F. -C. Sleben, Which she rescuedj" In mldocesn August' 14, about $00 miles - west of the Llsard hesd. Ths cfew was 4 i,il f mn, a vatar Joaaed vessel and -' the hull set on Are.- When last seen the . acreiici was Piamins n.reir,. 1. . 1 -. 1 .. . 1 11 : If you writs to e Journal edvsrtlsef asy that you read tile ed la The Journal. ? Severafe aew candldatea have aUo beea nominated, thus Increasing the Intereet : In the contest. Among the new cSndl datee fg rs.ttcee from Eugene. It Is svH. " dentlhat tb: people of that plaee wtlf make a bWikftght te capture the prise for their district. - The new nomlneeg sre" Miss Msdge Bsttee. MUs Stella, linker and Mass Emma Moffett The ,. sastera part of the state Is slso coming try the -front, In the- wis II thle-moriirnf -Vise Effle Mfe King of Ontario, waa romlnated. Miss King Is a. daughter ef Attorney King and : she W - widely known and popular ht issterit Oregon. . The vote for the' vsrloue esndttee will t 1 .'.v.--i teaierrew ev j. .,' 't .. ' - , ...