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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1905)
- --I F i ?oiors jLMvvuawn. Marqtiam.. , ftelaecv.... 'Westnr-Baten B'aana' Alice of Did VlniiM-a" ; tlaAer , l.jrte ..."A UutMlur liKiulna Nlir Vauiti-vtlle .. Until Vaudeville 'aaaa.i AXE TOV 001X0 AW AT I SuberrUjers of Tko Joaraal was ft I away foc.a wk ar luuw may asve pap atopiwe at tbalr reeldeaeae end muI v to any addreae by nail at e Mahw retee. aad eoUeettoe will ba . -Bail bj regular carrier attar ratura -5 to ta. city, aaccpt at Lank Beaek . aad ' seaalde, where Tba Journal baa a rap , alar earriar dUerr ato 4 Uce of llwecu, WaahlDftoo. aaa ekarse at ... Tee Joaraal aa Leuf Beaek sod Law la C. nl laaalaa bare chart. a( The Joaraal oa geaald. ar Clataop beaca. ' ,1 Ifelirer will ba aaa 4 a at tbaaa tira &luts at csuler eaberrlptloa ratra. , Ira jva ehanga at aadnaa to year , - eerrler Paooe Mala SUV aad preapt . ' slteatloa will -ba glraa SU arders. - JLA- jWhalei through his attorney. , hae-purchaaed jth assets ln- the handa-f or"laud Oatch. the' receiver of Andy T, 'Ctflbert and Krank ft. .Gilbert, known ; ' ss that Oilbert Bros,' bank, of Sslem. , ombrlBln all book accounts. - drafts. --l' bank fixtures, vaults, etc., together with jm.000 promissory notes, 400 pianos and 300 organs. Mr. Whala irs-takanpoa' . session of the property. -The stock of plnnoa, cons)stlng of suoh well-known makes as Kranlch t Bach, Everett, rjekubert. etc., and organs hsve already- .removed to his warerootne, .211 , "first 'street, between Salmon and Main, ; and are now on sal at the .greatest bar gains srer offered In Oregon. Pianos -j ' for rent. You are Invited to celt and , examine the large stock. " "Tha City Messenger at Delivery com pany will give , permanent., employment to boye between 14 and If years of age, ,.' 'or older. Tha work laeaay, tiealthy and pleasant Delivery of talngrsms., nt : ters and small package.' ara' tha only 'dutlea . required. -, Steady, .earnest and - intelligent boys can earn from 134 to led 'per month. ' Cigarette smoking, pro fanity or rowdyism not permitted. From t :o to such boys wanted at . onca.i , jr PPiy at main omce. J0 Sixth street, or at Postal Telegrafh offlca, lie Third tl ;... Th faculty and former students' of '; . ha Portland university will have their .- . annual reunion August. J0 The com- . mlttee on .arrangements., appointed at .. last yeafa meeting, has mads an effort V'.:' So roach aB former atudenta, and trusts that any who have been overlooked will ' coma without formal Invitation, this - Vaar.f the maoMng will . ba held - In tha room, of tha V. M. C. A.; 1h tha) after ' aooh "there wilt bo ah Informal reception. s. i and In the evening buslnee .tnaelngv followed' by a banquet. - ' ' T. ' '.'.1,1 tha affaire' of tha Cooperative Chrlatlan " Federation of Orefron are progressing aatlsfactorlfy, and that matters pending relative to largo purchases' of lands in centrar Oregon will probably b eloaad on favorable terms this weoSTtteTr-Wj B. Wallace, "prealdept tha fade rat ion, Mtti C B. tV Wood, a Portland attorney, ; . ,who baa charge of a part of tba nagotla tlona, ara la Nw Tor. in conference kwUtba truat oompanlea. ., rj , . ' Apostles john Wenrv 8raith"and cl- Vf. He or Barrijiy city wert tn prrts tipal niwakm 'it Mis Wiuae tuts. anca of to north wea tar rotates mlsslan, Tj- t which ' Incluflea Orcgonr Waahlngson. . Idaho and Montana, in Allaky hall. Thlrrtpd i Morrison streets, yaaterday; 1 Thlm-ktsiriPmO lajrertrTirtdgnd "f f purta y submitted froitfa Jh ' 40 alders, showing - - ; mt-4ha'iVork At,-, the Mormons has T V ftroreM In sflPtha States ascent Ora- gon. Itf-Pratt. prealdent of the-north-! wvrilaiaea n laaiunv'jrraiiacav C Orand Army delegates to . the na'tlonal , T encampment that meets at "Denver Sep- Vyatember 4, ara. preparing .for the trip. ' : , Portland old soldiers. wlU. leave on August l. and will f 1 Joined by dele ' 'i" gates, from Seattle, Tacosna -and .other aauinirxon poinia. j do representation to tha 'annual encampments slowly de creases aa the yeara pass. vTbere will . "'; not be as many delegates this year aa . waa expected, owing to the fact that tha . ; bld soldier of Waehlns-ton and Orearon recently held large meetings-at Van couver and Poruand. . A mortgage bonfire on the altar of the jMrmrlal Evangellcsi church at East I jugnteentn and Tlnbelta streets will .flare aladly some time between this data and Christmas time. This church was R full t ii years ago arte the congregation . vnd pastor are working to liquidate the s .11.(0 balance ef the Indebtedness. " All ' but floe hss been paid and It will ba - but a abort time before all tha monej heeded 1 in hand.: . . J ' Among the gueats of the HojVl port' "-land are Judge and MrisT Bvraas. I.-jLm. brer and Miss !aura Ambler .of Ohio, . who are on a visit to the lewia and ' Clark exposition . Judge Ambler was bmmlncntly Identified with. the govern meTif In Manila, where he presided over a court of first instance, -, jl, T1' Bolt-for divorce hs been 1 begun- by ...vRobert J. agslnst Minnie R. Wolcka on ' the gipiind uf true! and inhuman -treat-1 r-rvment... They wre-marrled in lttl and ha ve- ona-ch lldr Naf- pro pert y interests - f in voiyea. Ll. . ' Tourists, aa well aa cRy people, flnsn- ----alry-TObaTassadrwrirTlnr IM "Port. ' : lend. Loan Offlce. 14 Third, street, the ,. aafest and .most reliable place to. trans- y aunona . mi reasonaDia, . " Any watches ; cleaned. 11.00;' main- - ... year!-1tyera Chilli" JMxlb atreefc Try a mearwithout neat at the yega . larlan eafa, 10i Sixth street ,, u ;The .Clatsop CUy aV Ochre 'company '..-.waa Incorporated this morning by W, l Dudley. I. A.- Terex and William B. . Btreeter. The caplul stock Is ,0, The Switzerland "of America tVhiBiMa Hirer swaatalna, peaka, rm-ka, kMlaea, eaarnoa, gnrgas, walaav falle Oialiaaaiaik. MO feet), graeea an-t fats Chi aaea aallJfroaa tba sacks e liie , JAWlrfCtAaflB - as. U Spencer leavbig root e Waehlnsina street a . T a. m. irTt TMr and Saixtart far The Dallea and'retnra. faaseagers aad frelgbt at towatl ealaa- ... ' y...., ., SUNDAY EXCURSIONS re rwt rotnt xm.Ltow mliab CAACADX. LOCKS AJUba aSTUag. Mavrag foot frt Waehtngina atraet at - a arrWIng boaaa- a S s aa. tccotki? Tickets ? '' Telephone Main HJ3. ' - V k . - w; rrrrcr - ' ' A' most novel bit of advertising of tha Eagles during the grand lodge All - along--the line of -maren wagons loaded with pure white anow from tha near-by mountalna was. showered upon the mrchera The sun beat down with the . beat of summer g degrees. Tba Chamber of Commerce of Denver engineered the . advertising scheme for (he city and succeeded in making it the most talked of event that has happened for many years, , , DOUBLE TUX 00 liipiij W. H. Addis Says Proposed Pid- . - j- t .... V- . ' ' .i dters' License- Ordinance Is Unustvto Ranchers ' '' ' ' "a, ! ! V ' - J . i ' INSTANCES WHERE IT : V' WOULD .BE HARDSHIP The Burden Would, Fall Heavily, on tTHouiekeepara, Too,' Ht States, and CWould RaU th Prct "of . Vegeta bles and .Dairy. Products, T : ' . rrrirTb' "Farmers are not. tha only people who will get tha worst of the bargain If the city council of. Portland passes the ordi nance assessing . a heavy license - taa against .the 'rancher who brings some thing to town to sell. ' The consumers In this cltv will feel thexburden. Thev khow' it. and-hey. are aa much eposes' to this. ordinance aa. tne farmers arV" said W. H. Addis, selegate appointed by the Ruaaellvllla grange to appear be fore the council committee and oppoae the 'ordinance. ' . .. , . - . Htmdreda of farmer's have frlenda in Portland with whom ...they carry, en business, but thalr oommerrf Opes not atnovnt to enough to warrant their pay ing a huckster's license. A farmer who haa more butter and egga than his fam ily roneumss-usually. has a few frlenda In town whom .he supplies once a week when he comes to tha city to trade. The farmer who . resides I. 10 or IS miles In the ounfry ships the bulk of his potatoes "and other produce at the nearest railroad elation' to tha commis sion man. But he has , ay few friends in' town whom he auppitog with' potatoes every aeajton, anal when he eoraea to tha city he threwe a, few sacka-of the .tubers on the- wagoa .and deliver them htm-clf-rTh-hucksters' license ordinance woulf shut-hlov out. , . - XSJUSOeeV It Is the aame with the farmer who has three or four customers, perhaps living near me CHJ-- limits, out jusi Inside tha ally, avhn hMy small., supplies Of hav from htm everv v ea r. i ro m tlie'l farm to the customer's house Is two miles, but It la five mtlee from the farm n4he market-place: -The proposed ordi nance would compel every farmer to drive to -the market--place and get a clearance from the official there before he could deliver bla load of hay three ml lea nearer- home, making a useless haul of alg miles.', t - - "These mstancea are mora numerous than many, would Jaaaglne, and such an ordinance would In one way or another bit every farmer In" Multnomah county, aa well aa every farmer's-friend and customer In the-city," eajd Mr. Addis. "And what ia it all for? .They aay to make the farmer pay hla share of the street Ufc Jjrnthat- ground -the ordi nance '.Is - an - outrageous ' Imposttloa. There are .SS mllea of road Within the city llmlta of Portland .that are partly maintained - by ; the farmers taxes. These roads are sought eat and used by. city .people, because- they are ' good drives. ' Four bridges and three ferries were built -and maintained here partly by the farmers' money. - They are used too tlmea aa much by city- oeoole and city business aa by the. farmers. ' . Weald Ss a Xtouble Tax. "Tha 'taxes tha farmers pay toward the maintenance of these are enough to offset any use. made of theYn by farm ers who bring a few potatoea or prunes to -cltar customers, .or who have half a doseif butter . and egg . customers , on whom they call once a week.". In Mr..AddisV talk the startllna? fact waa brought out that- the people of a radius if about three miles around Rua aellvllla' annually to raise double the L. amount f f strawberries, blackberrtee na. raspeernes that are produced Ir the - emtre Hood ' KiVer'valley'.;" These crops are disposed of .to the commission men. Mr. Addis has been'intervlewins retail merchant city and cbuntv offu ue ana prlvnte citliens. sod says they are practically unanimous in onooaitlnn to the ordlhtngy that woard compel the rarmers - to , pay a license tax or shut in em out oc ne- city. snd the, ofcject 4s to manufacture ekrth enware.- paint srid other products from clay, ochre snd soil. F ' i ' . . . . Mrs.- C. H. .Larson .haa begnn suit agslnst Mary Jens for-11.00 em a chat tel mortgage, Wllhelm Marks haa saeT Emily- Palmqulst lor $80 on a promlaf The funeral of James B 81naott. who died st St. Vincent's hospital . Friday; was neia jeeierqay- morning rrom St. Mary's church, ' Williams avenue end Btanton etreet. , ' For, Sale The Missouri bulldlna 'on fhs .exposition, grounds. . , Sand . bids ' ft tne secretary at puuaiog. E. B. Oarver. secretsry. , , ,. , : . xaxnce.ior tne t caan prise, evarv luranir annmi, ai mi uvu ana Clark pavWnvh'Twenty-sevejith. and Thurman treetax . j.f r a. Of flee dhore lettered prdmptlv. Foete- 4k Kieiser vnone- e-x. ss.. , - . i FrtU'a, Itamales ati tha best, . i . 1 . .JWhUrt In Seattle -f f Oo to. the iUtbskeller. a hlchetaaa pl&e .to eat. i. flea f ood-sastera. saeata. Isrie orchestra dsiiy. ; , ' - m aaaavaaasaaaaxeaaSBXaiaBaai' "" .fMilwaukle Country Club., ' E. tern and Sesttie rscsa -Take Se - 'i Orejon City ears st First s 1 ....... r was done on" the day of the great parade session of that order in Denver. Colorado. . HOLIES OH 17ILLAT.1ETTE Sellwood Tract Will Be Center of i .'Costly ' Bungalows andf '' "V ,V; Parked i Estates. ' MANY HOMES OF CHEAPER ' ORTAtSOvBEINO BUILT Dbgena ; of - Cottages , and Mediunv Priced Residences Being Erected j All. Over "the" Suburband ?Popula- : tion of Place Is Being ' Increased. i The east side roee ef The ' Jearaaf fa to tba store ef alrav r. W. lieKlaner. SM Kaa Morrtaoa street. . Tetepbese - Baetr XT.,, . i A place of country homee; where city men of wealth can locate with a river' frontage aadVlose connection with down town offices -Is rapidly being., built up IV tn Sellwood. waterfront near; the kolf links.; For soma year, this proper ty-wa tied up and no effort waa made to place It on the market, but recently It waa ' disentangled end In the last few weeks half a dosen cltv men have purchased tracts-of -two. or mors acres there. - snd will . build homes costing several thousands of dollar a each, be sides - making extensive Improvements on the' property; . Tne is no lies -on a high bluff commanding wide- sweep of the rwillaraette. the bank sloping gradually to the river with a good mac adam road to' the tHty oa the east aide of the property. - ' . F.'W. Orsves. has purchased two ana three Quarter acrea In block K. and will erect a 11.000 bungalow. -He wilt also terrace the elope to ..the -waterfront. and lav out-Ma place-aa a model'coua try homawThar pbt paid tortae lana waa 11.417.' J.: K. Kerrigati -iha pur-haaed-Anjirels.oOJhJjrd adjoining the Graves . place -aiad wrH.bufld.a 6.S9 realdasoei thrTUTCTii prlcb vraOT.IOOT Mr. Kerrigan! owns one str tne nana- someat homes In Irving-tot which will be blaoed on the market DrO..F. Hlmmara of Mllwauxie,. formerly or W'i'lTfft?" "Tttf Ht; Ills" UU I tliased blerk S Just east of the Kerrigan tract, and will lay out extenrive grounoa 'ana buua handsome residence. . . There ara six full; lots 1n ths block, which is trlangu Isr in shape. - - ' , ; " Aside' from ths valuable-rlyec front property ' and the' ' high- priced country homes. Sellwood real- estate In general la aellrn rapidly and. many hemes of the class are being .built or planned. , A. H. St. Oalr Is building cottage at Claokamaa ' iand - Eighth streeta ' K. C. Golden wntk build a cot tags., st Fifteenth and Manlon atreets. Jamea Beton is having built a $1,000 res idence at Ochoco and Seventh;' J. W. Warren. Jr., til building: at Seventeenth and Clackamas streets a- house costing 11.000; E. M. Sedgwick bag Just com pleted a 11.000 house at Fourteenth and Mnn-JLtreetsi-B. Wcs.ty.wlll , build a - -cottage . at :ightentn , and Linn streeta;-0. W. McConnell will , build a cottage at Seventeenth and LlnnL-W. H. having built a eetuge at Seventeenth and Sberrstt; J. W. Flaler Is oorapletlng a $1,100 realdence'at Sixth snd Tatoma; UTT. Wilson will build cottage at Sixth -and Spokane.' iF. A. Mills haa Just completed a cottage. at Eighth end Spokane, and 4 H. Griffith win have built a fioo residence st Seventeenth and Nehalem. ANOTHER OBJECT- LESSON. Zok ef Froveotion ta aTlgklaai aMstrtet . aror, By costly Fire. , Thatr-the- Highland,-Woodlawn." Pted mont. Multnomah- and Lower Alblna district. is without adequate protection was again demonstrated yesterday even' lit. when the residence of Cr E.-Ackley, st 0 Esst Seventh , street, north, was destroyed snd the- home of IX H. Nash adjoining - was badly . soorchrd. The Highland chemlcsl Twss the only -pom- penrthal eouldjpond la .time to do. effeotlvs work, snd the blsse hsd such a head way that the chemical wagon ex hausted --'tits -resources whlle( ths fire buxnsd mertilyj The Russell . street en glneiaitlved,ln-.tme to save the Naah house from- complete deatruot ka. but the run waa so long that tbe Ackley home had bee destroyed before help could strive. V The pressure from the mains waa. So weak that only an engine could be of service, and bad there been (other.. houses adjoining -the Ackley real pdenre they would Jiave been burned. A district containing several square miles of thickly populated .territory depends almost entirely on the . Highland chem ical company. sn the experience of last evening ia llkelr to be repeated when ever a fire sisfbs In. any of the half dosen suburbs there. , - . CHURCHES ENTER CONTEST. .. ,- . taity aS Clergy ef St, Johns fctaJU e- azad remBerasee OaWllaMs,;''. i The churches of St Johns, entered" the tlone commending the three members who hsd stood by Edwards were passed. The churches praised- then for keeping their pledge- to. prevent saloons . from opening In tha town. Tonight the coun cil will 'endeavor to settle the Edwards question, snd If It Is decldedh by a ma jority vote that he Is not a member ef the body, Sn . effort will be made to elect his Successor. On this point an- otiwr struggle wlU' ensue oyer the ques tion, aa to whether or not a maa favor. ing a loons-shell be chosen. The church members, besides passing the resolu tion, decided to sttend the council meet- Ing t!-Vt, snd sn interesting mmIoi) Ii a;. r ii so.tie of Edwards opponents will try to unearth the reasons which msy lje back of hla repeated, resignations . snd their, with drawn la, "The churches that passed the resotrJrtlons yesterday at the morning services were L'alted Evangelical. Meth odiat. Congregational, Baptist and Ad ventlst, t . s r AFTER WOOLEN MILL- : aaMansnasasaeBMan St. iohas Takes Vp rxoJeoV rtn. WTas te Save 'eesi ' SeUWeed's. ' -It seems probable that another woolen mill will go to Bt. Johns. The Clark project having fallen through at Sell wood, after work bad been commenced and the land option taken up, the Indus-try-is seeking another location where the rltlsena will be willing and able to subscribe the needed 120,000 to start operations. A St. Johns business man aa an experiment last week spent half an hour with bla fellow-members of the board of trade and secured mors than 17,00 to, subscriptions. . The board, of trade will take up the Clark project and should it prove what it la generally sup posed to be the money. will be raised. The-mill will manufacture only the fin eat grade clotha and will not compete with the mill already at St. Johna, which manufactures a general Una of clotha and fabrics. . ',,.-. ,, 17 EAST SIDE NOTES, r- VV . " '.' M ,.: '''' :"'' An ' Impressive rendition of the' pa tronal feast of the Immaculate Heart waa Celebrated at Bt Mary's church yesterday, morning. Archbishop Chris tie, Dr. Morrison of San Francisco, Rev. W. A. DeUey and Rev. V. P. Curley were among the clergymen. The church waa elaborately decorated, and a special choir program waa rendered. -- Lents citlxens have petitioned the postofflce department ' to change the name of the office to that of Mount Scott. Older -residents -object .to the change, and a counter petition will be presented. i - . , Wtth 1 members :the Russell vills grange' was organised Saturday evening. State Deputy F. M. Gill .officiated. R. W, dill waa elected master, O. H: Lewis overaeer snd Miss Julia Michel son secretary- ..."?' '.'.. '.,. O. V. Mlsenblmer, who Is visiting his son in Vernon, Isst evening loat his foot ing, plunged down! the stairs and was seriously Injured. Mr. Mlsenhlmer is 19 years old snd the injuries which In clude, a fracture of the arma at the wrists snd serious bruises eoout ths head. wlH disable him for months. WANZER RESIGNS AT . THE MAYOR'S REQUEST City Engineer Wanxer hea oornolled with Mayor Lane's request-and haa ten nis resignation, . totake effect 1 Sapeerhber 1, Captain Wanxer stated - today that frlenda desired him to ask Mavor Lane for the causes which led to his removal, but he told them that it waa certainly unbeceeaary, aa Mayor Lane hsd the power to, remove him and,, appoint sny body h wished. ' ' " ' ,i . D. W. Taylor, Who will be named bv Mayor Lane to succeed Captain Wanser. win be , prepared to assume the duties of fhe offlce aa soon as Captain Wanser leaves. He was formerly city engineer snd will havs no difficulty In taking up tne worn.- . , f -ji k , r: . The Hudson. ;; ... - ,". i Globetrotters and ' tourists who visit Portland frankly admit that the pictur esque scenery caugnt Tronj the iflecks of our boots in making' the trip up the Wlllametterlver are not, duplicated the Hudson, the Rhine or the Danube i vma il aaa it. MWl a jeaVS foot of Taylor street at. snd 11:1 a nw $: p. rn three hours' rids for 46 Cents round trip.- "jrt . ; : . .. llen-A Lewis' Best Brand. ' ' ft ' : Resent $3,500,000 'J "Tortland Branch, 144 Washington. . X A. WTLD, Manager. TriiYelcriT leffera of Tjcdit .Available in all "parts ofh world . Ill branches In Canada aad the United States. Including: ... San Francisco. Seattle, Victoria, Van couver. Hanaimo. New Westmins ter, Dawaoa (Yukon). Drafts, Issued oa X- r- eay- Branch- Tranefers, of money to or from Ttalegranu. f' A QeneralBankjng . 11th ANNUAL ASTORIA, OR. uglist;29. 30.31 Plincsaa SacaJswea ' (Mrs. ' Oeoraa If alar) Vui rule on- land and sea, snd at numerous pow-wows and war dances. There will tie free balloon ascensions snd parachute Jumps dally, f i : - - lite In. prises toTlahermen who par tlclpate ta the races. ' . 5 llos2 fearrio vm ?cftftrpbtc2 first day reception Tirade Snd land aborts afternoon of second - day r l r ' e " " In evening. -,.:the;-,.,v Canadian Bank of Commerce. . .. - r.ia.l go . . - . 3 we--,vwiwwa KEGATTA -flcviPl? 'Stgliir j - oi3)() Xhair l CT'-T'.'-''.',-' I' yi'y'i'l'S'i- j'"''-' ;VUphorstert talsttry,.'iia;!'?7' ' I :: .!- . ' ' i , .'. ' ' ;- ured velour and cmbosstd , I -f.lCi 'Je-----' '"r"' .. " !tour, v polished mahogany ' C""- " . 1 "e-" ' Wemes,", will be offered A for V " ' r ' . -N - ' ii3-v-rfe-- - I TV ';.'. '. mmm mm- m $5.00 for ; Vvwtxl nesday- u Look for the Eclipse of the Sun on Wednesday Night In our First4 Street V Window. The Eclipse,; Range sign does the work.: ' ; ; ; - . ;.y , 1 73-1 75 c'rjheatfe Direetlea Sf, W. T. ABM, O. Batllg. fi 'I aterrisaa sWaet ketweea SU aad Tta, taeae Maia SU. - - ' AXX THJS-.'WTtK, . : F,7f P A T CsatUUa Yes all Kasw KENDALL Taaiskt St 'i:B s'OlMk. Tsea., Wad. Wights,' . ' WXATSOW SIATXJf BEgSO a lomcUT-uraiaa I nrsfsy, Frisei waa iitiiTniaii ' 'A Oaaea.r-lwania by Sldaer Reseafeld;',' ' The yirst Tlaae ea aay Bias. . PRICRS ZSe. Sde-SOe. Tae. 1. I W. ' aeata are Belling j Ue eatlre weea. r Bel asco Theatre - TEt, kAiv ait' 14tk sad Wiak. Brtasra s Mayer.i fmraj ,v ; . U..., -.. . f j.;v' TOslOHT TTMT 'KM ':T MiTlJaitt ICEi OF :lByE.t.go OLD yoWETEISTK WTKK BILASCO STOCK. CO. yiNCENNES: 1 A nraoMtlaallna ef Maiirlee'1 Tanaapana'a KereL fust Arsaaraass ef BMae tlUiaa Lswraaaa. . DDlfPC Matlaeea 2V. tile aad SOe. rKlwbJ Nlstit SSe. av. SOr and TV. nil WW KSllirT I HOKITatOOS. v . ... . teAKER THEATRE ou ana x auxuiui S OkEdOX THXATKB CO.. LEMgCS. ' . OgO. U BAKER. MAXAGKS. Toiht An Tbis Week (Ne r serfbriBaaee Satoreay Slibt.) ' Hatiaess Snaday, Wed.. Thata. aad Sat, i MUSICAL BURLESQUE 0 The Bacagalsed: Leader a Tbeat, All, '' - Ftky Eostcr Co. ; KVERTTHIXO BBTOXD . COMPASIWIX. BCACTIPl't, aiRLS. OOROKOI S BTEN'ERY A NO SENSJaTIONAU NOVKLTIEH. , rWSf,,ta. Me, 85e. BOc. IS; awttoeaa; lee, SAe, S5e. SOr,' . . - XTXXT WE EX "THE BRIOASIEkS." T)1E QRAND .... r --i TATTTsI. ' '" T - -THE BTCXETg BIO r - BAST, BESSIE OO. THE DX EATS. tt-..vavik n T wrATn t - .4 - iii aaAXDiacorx. Oeaeral arimliiataMa 10 eeata: gaaarTeat aaala f caia. - Pa llr aiatlneea. entire lornr Sooe HO eeata: nx aeeia IS eeata. Saadajs coo laeeaa 1 SO 4. 1:4S a, aw - - T HE STAR xnrsTCAi. xazriT. ' -- - , MELVIUJt AZELLE. . - TAEICK A tALOSDA. : --. ' '" WALTER EISBT. , ".. . ROT M'BRAIK. , - . THE STAROSCOF. Oeseral a4mla4rka 10 eanta: raserved aeata tn eeata. IHllr , aiatlneea. eatlr kiarrr Soor IO eeata: no ariara XV eeata. ' Baadaira ea- tlaaeua s:so lat lutes p. sa. . RIC THEATRE ' WXXX OF HOBDAY,' AXOVST M. AIIOOSIER HEROINE" rletaatel eolaeitraiaa la tur aeta with Isdlaaa sackgroaae. . .'i t 1 Of AtMiasibN: 1 A Reserved Se-U so I VC LWisjftD CLJtnKOBSERVJt. ' 'yrSXTXAXB KXIOKTA. Take abetlaal Betekte ea aad MS mIT mk Hewtkertf taeraea, an blnrt- va ear ttaa, Bis euaik,?a Eawtrle ekeeaae. ae SMuiirai aiswt ef eewerm aaaeasneet freai taa-t a. wot. Xoe aaa eat a Salatr laaek Wkll. la A- wlae the aaast siaenineet mewrp . j Osea Ba. as.lea, Aua , d w' , . ..AinrnansTTS. 0ily:$2.25 vVcdncsday I; Qevurtz-& 1 "OEVUfttZ SELLS IT FOR LESS." ' '.v- First' St. r-r- 2 1 9-227 Yamhill St. I !!-.-. I. Pi c a leirviiO I ; ODtUIll -1 w " 1 1 I rmnnnnir rrr; offering an introduction ' price on s Una of Solid -Oak Dininf Chain end Extension j Tablea that makes it worth while teT . all who need or will : aoon need these foods. 'They ; are all (oodaof tha kind that it ia pleasure, to sell and a ; . jlaasure-to-own quality. . Pricea and terms that -' ' - make oar business grow, FIRST STREET, CLE A 8 TBROCOU TBS BLOCK. Ask Our-Customexsv- PaystoLcokArouod - Do net get excited over those BANKRUPT , or FIRE SALES "best foryou to take time to In- VstIgat ths"grade of goods-ranf"' make up your mind to trade with honeat people, where yoo, are safe with eveay cent- you Invest get ting foil -vslue received. -If you are looking for bargains you get t h em from , us just ss well such'ss." ''.'. .'' ,'' L . Ta i Rhoeew t S. So and 84. So - rid?ioVHl-.80.'--at--v-v-.' uaatmrOToa 01 Mens Suits for 96.00 and 9T.50. Regular PanU for S1.T5 and 2.00. . Regulsr fl.tO Underwear ' for BOea Y - ; . . ..,' . .... , Special cut on Children's School. Shoes. t'. ' r ' .'...' ' J--- Tou wilt be plessed if you trade tklth ''... ,- - .:..;. JODN DCLLAC ; ' AI Two !;rcs : Ccr. Firs! tzi Yciin crJ I . . . -. j w, Tea a" A s?!aara-aa ) It eacSaf g" l;.io(to introduction I 1 1 LJ IYU 1 V U R. I in COVELL'S M 1 Tha Oreateat Spedai Bargain ..J -Yet Offered! See Our 'Yamhill ' Srae U-J . 7: I - . ' '' .. - '-'. - v The wise hoDDcr. . krioWinir' furniture values, . will btirjuick to take advantage off these . .special sales,. Here ii ,one pt -our -ery . belt special.. The , , drtt toicome- will . have jSie ;holce "of designs, as they are 'not all alike i".;'.'- ..':"; nvf a nr-CTTwr CHOICE of 5S and C3 Summer Walatc late styles and jicpuizr fabrics, beautifully trimmed OCl OP only,;.. THdlCE cf all 52.50 to Vaists- tyllshly-" m ad e and taicitncd-rp ' a - - V Omy a a e (9m tka Basisva'a aaad ei" pleased oaaaoaasrs a dot- 1 ms s week will aieae yea.,, The Sttart Your Crclt b C::i MSfEOKI CMiTTLJSCO ::i nAS:r:.i 'snrr rr "wa will 1 -a r ' . . . HE I (