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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1905)
r ;.--yf- . ' :v rc ti no, - rc::D&T r.vz:ii:". aucu-t i:. fpesp-t) w ' ,. ' jou:. '(Jb.ytll'CLllti.' f , " New Work In Tributar Yerritory Has Cecome of Consider-1-,.) i, J."?" t abl lirortance. MINES AROUND THIS 'CITYJNCREASE OUTPUT Demand in the Orient Suggests Need ;; of a Refinery Here' .to Help . in r Building Up, General Trad Across - the Ocean; i r. Oregon and tributary territory hava srumod tb,slra f copper producer wttn -; assurancea of tiaterlal growth In this ln ajwtry. Northern California's bl new smelters, , th Mammoth and BalaJclala. Incur a fair greater tonnage of the red ;. "metal from that district than the Kea- wick and Bully HU1 planta hava put t 'out.: Th Mammoth baa a capacity of V. 760 tons' of ors dally.! .while tha pjane begun for tha BalakUla are fora-lsrger ' plant., Aa tb Keawlck and Burly Hill k" . plants hay bean, able to handls -or i- yielding jfcore thn-M0.000 copper an ;' nually, fli additions should b sola, to double th prduuet.- : . I In southern Oregon V devslopments have been Important, arid this-season ' th Takllms smelter is producing dally tl tons of . If to per cent copper ,i ' matt. Underground work Indicates 1 that this plant will hav s steady ton- -nag to work on. and It will be neces- sary to fcrjurgs th smelter whenever railway facilities ors .xtendedr"to th V district. Th Aimed a company la, alao ' irMnilnr to -install a -smelter"" Capable '2 of Jmndllng iff to 100 tons of or dally. J . .plat ih present year.' and says that a :'f" reset te keep th furnace In ooromle ' . slon for. years Is blocked out Almeda ores carry I to'l per cent copper In, two .large shoots.' -it'..--: - 8t. Helens . district of Washington, - whlfch 4 nearer 4ortland than - It is to anyetiher city, will not produc this 1 year, but has copper or In sight that ."will warrant a reduction plant when a ' railway Is given. Several strong veins - of copper ar said to hav been opened. defining or shoots of great prom- is. ...-,-.'..,., -- - ' Seven Devils district of Idaho, which will In time output Its! mineral prtfa . ;x not to th Snak river and thence. Into . ' Oregon, is liveliest this season sine tha s, Boston and Seven Devils Copper com pany ' began " operations f Oier. several v years"ago.' interest Is created, broths '-' building of a roverberatory furnace-at ' I.andor."":Th Ladd Metals company 'i has nearly flnlshad a io-ton plant there, ( rwhlrh It Is believed will be kept,pertna neqtly busy with th copper ore of that . district, ". The Seven Devils camp hsa-a most promising, surface showing, snd '' the deeper work prosecuted Is said to . .. Insure s large stesdy tonnage for the Crlloeai smelter. .. ,' ,..n .v :'. ": . &asUrn Oregon Is lust shaping-1 re , lr on ;lhre or- fourwell known cop- mcltfr la thTnilu'fT'orrne cemp nVouhT . slve a heavy tonnage. The Indiana, Is K miles from Baker Clty, has ' beeiv de rV" veloped thoroughly to ths Jos" -revel. l, snd has a. greaureserre ta -stghs. while - deeper work la giving nop to in moei r i.i k . kl ounaervaiiv mvitiiiv . Iron Dik property has what is conceded to be tbs largeat tonnage' of low'grad copper or yet opened In th piu Moua- j i : : DESTRUG 'tz 56snii Fricm the SpecU '"" Nr' 'V::;c1e;tt,,Dsys ,"' : PomeiL" . . . . 'r.'V H''.' ;j's I ,' v Pompeii In tb faUaenrnt .-". -"Not th Pompeii that met Its doom 1 ,(," th shore of th BAf bf Naples ' " nearly i.000 years ago,, but th big. plo- turesqu. scSntc city thst sprung .up 'In a' night at th Onke. and which la ; to sund (and likewise fall) mi th rep "i: resentativs of ths Ill-fated Roman town In Pain's splendid spectacle, flst Days ' r m Pompeii." which opena lt tw weeks' ngagemant tonight ii 1 - Th special train bearing th small v srmy of psrformer . pyrotechnist, 1 electrMans, stag carpenters and IS csr- loads of scsnlo paraphernalia used" In " ; this mammoth spectacle arrived yea- terday. and when ths gates are thrown ' open at 1:30 o'clock- tonight, ths lights "will flash nr a wonderful trsnsfortaai tlorwshowlngf -th mlmlo Roman fity 'snd a vast open-air amphitheatre with . sastlng cspaclty for 10.000 people. X Coupon-rFree -- - Honolulu, Hswallan IsUods r vots for This coupon must be voted lain sons, and confidence Is felt (no. mining men that when thia property la runnh.jr a.noothly, with a mstttngpknt or s big concentrator near the mine. It -will b a heavy producer. The Dougal group, near the Iron Dik. which waa reported to havr been bonded re cently by h. Ladd Metsh .'company, alao has an encouraging sh,.owg In all completed drifts. - Ths Copperopolla. at Quartsburg, la Juat . starting a small concentrator, and where the main, ahoot haa ben croaacut, has ,a great body ot high grade copper ore. . ( au oi tnia worn ib near io jroniana than to any otKer prominent coast point. Th product .of thes mines Insures a heavy copper uutput. , Tha orient is be coming sn eager buyer of the red metal. most Ot which haa bn: ahlpped from the Tacoana snd San Fraaalaco, refiner ies. Students 'of industrial1 conditions bcllevs that the- new work under-way warranta the establlihment of a refinery her, and offer many argument to show wherein it would b or great help to th young oriental trad tt)la city is foster- lug. ; HUNTINGTON ARRIVED. Kill for ra wertkera. o Sta SUtw, .;,0;s Bataa; SlautoA t Mlaa..'..,: (SpmuvI Dlipetcb ; U Tk : iwoel.) .i-J Eugene. -Aug. II. The new Hunt ington mill for th Great Northern mine In th Blue River, district, has arrived tt Hpringltflld and Will-at one b trans ported to Ahm mined The milt Is of ths latest Improved pattern and weighs 14, tOO pound. It. has a guaranteed oa- psoity -of -40 tons a day in ors- of ordi nary hardness. It will tsks eight horses three, dsys to get th large bed from Blue river over th divide, to th mine. a -distance of six miles,!' Everything la in readiness ror tha mlir, and it is ex pacteoT that -within .a week after Its ar rival at th.mne.,lt wilt bejn operation. Idaho sand com(ng. geologjoal Smrrey Snipping yrsa tk Cleat sj asatpasta fes atspextaaaass. - (BpeeUI Dteeateh te Tb Jvraal. . Lewiston," Idaho, Aug.- IS. Victor C Helices of -'th bureau - of mineral re source, swho hes been -alatloaed at tha exposition . with Dsvld , T. Day of the United States' aeoloc leal sucvey. Is In th Clearwater country securing a large shipment of placer sand ' for use In Portland. , It will be teatd for pUU num and other - rsr " minerals. Mr. Helkes' visit : here waa occaaloned , by discovery of . platinum in placer sand ssmples . sent to Portland, and It . la believed If much of th sand .Is avail able the pioneer - mining district of Idaho will again become tits center of a great 'activity. t v MfTHeikes Is now arranging for th shipment of t.iOS pounds-- From ; this point , th government will bear the ex pense, and a report-of th test will soon b made; '. , . .-.,...',. ' ... : NEW POTTER SCHEDULE. -v.. ... ,... ..... . f, Addttlsaal Tripe to th Beach Anangsd tot Voyalag Stsasasx. '. . . .' . Ths T. J. Potter leavea Ash street dock for Astoria and . North (!xngl Beach points as follows: Tuesday, Au gust t. 1:S0 p. m.; Wednesday, August 10. i:10 p. m. : Thursday,' August tt. :1S' a. ra.; Saturday, September.!, 10 a: m. Particulars and o. K, N. summer look 'at city ticket office. Third and ' Washington stre ts. Portland. " f ; tow EcurToTrRttes to the EMfe ssia Mnniamnsr i a m s .riit II. and 17. h Jtock. -Island rail- wav will : sell round trip t tick ts to east eon points at greatly reduced rates. - FosvZfuil- particulars call on or address aJ tr"Mer?onald, general agent. 140 Third strV Portland, Oregon., reftmd SSock OasmsS CKods. . AUsn Lewie Beat Brand. i All I in readiness for. a perfect first nlarhf nerfnrmanr. - T Thoee who attend th performance of Paln'a great epecUcle will witness Jth most, magnificent dleplast pf high grade pyrotechnics srer-teerrlnr this Counrryl Among fhs larger devices shown" each night, will be perfect facalmllea f eev eral of the largeat fancy set pieces and most beautiful sheila exhibited In th stadium (of th St. Louis ,SxposHlon last summer. On of the prettiest pieces will be a beautiful highly colored rep resentation of "Th Last Rose of Sum mer." Another beautiful device will be "Niagara Tails In Fire." 260 feet long by 0 feet high. . There-will also b a large revolving fountain of fir In the,. center of the artificial lake, an lm- mens "golden eun wheel" and th usual beautiful aerial rockets and large shells. ror tn pleasure or the ut tie. ones a number-of com to flreworka devices will be butjned, including th .' acrobatic monkey on a horizontal bar. th "devil among the tailors," flying fish, and Walking elephant. .Th Inclosur will be lighted as brightly "aa If It were noonday. The spectacle begins promptly at 1:10 o'clock,, doora open at 7:10. Re served seats and boxes are on sal at pkldmorc's drug store. 111' Third street, snd st, th ticket office of th O. W. P. A Ry. Co., corner. UstL-: and Alder streets.',,.,, i . ' , . - na ivailan Trip MM before "ept. . !. Homeseskers Make Choice of ' , Farms on tSe" Uintah Re- serve and Cell Rights. OVER MILLION ACRES::. I OPEN TO SETTLEMENT First' Fifty of Fortunate, Claimants Select ' Property Ho Railroad Nearer Than 40 Miles. From: Scene Oilsonite Found.- ' "' (Joaraal Specufl Serviee. '" '" Vernaf. Utah. Auc. The hostelrles of this town ar taxfd to their- utmost capacity to take care of th large crowds of landsaeker sssembled here to reg ister their claims according td the ro tation In which ' ths numbers - of their claims war drawn at Provo. Utah. r Ac oording to the arrangement of the com missioners ef publlo lands ths claims were entered at several points between Aucuat 1 and 12. Th drawing st Provo determined ths order in which the claims war to be taken tip snd th Jtomosteatt registries) mads.- Today only th first Is or ' ths fortunate, claimants . wnose number were drawn were given aa op portunity, t have their i homestead claim a registered. Many of them sold out their land right after th registra tion of, their claims at good figure. ' Th. reeervatlon which is now being opened , to settlement comprise 1.4&9, 000 acres, waited in on three sides by th Uintah and Wasatch ranges, and extend ing on it eastern slop to th Green river, whoss tributaries drsln It. For lti greater, part It is a waste, apparently worthless, but ther ar many-spots Which csn be used for agricultural pur poses to sdvantage, Besides ther are rich deposits of gllsonlte. and even, gold snd silver, to be found In different lo calities on th reservation, although the exact location of th deposits la not yet definitely known.:'- - - -. 3 . Of the tout- area over l.'OOO.OOO acres hav been placed In permanent 'forest preserve, which guards the -timber but doe not Stop ths mlnehunters; SI9.0O0 acres have been reserved for th Indiana to grass their herds:-1.140 acres hav been taken for the Fort' Duchesne mili tary reservation; 111,000 acres: hav been allotted to the Indians In severalty. Thla leavea about 1.070,000 acres 'to ac tus T settler. Of this remaining area about three fourths ar practically val ueless or agricultural purposes, but the rest Is very desirable. Mora of ths land may be mad avallabl by Irrigation. V . - ' ' rorty KDst Pros Ballsoaa. - " Today ther Is no railroad nearer than 40 miles to the reservation, but the fact that" gllsonlte 1s found on the reservation will soon cnange xnis. j na newiy nuui ITlntSh.railway fronr Mack, r -Colorado ts Its present terminus at Dragon. 15 tah. which serves the purpose of .. hauling fgllsonit from th mines at Dragon. w!il quickly be extended .to- connect aUsonlte deposit n vsrlons'Sartp-of iUl reeervatlon. - That will b of greSV help e ths intlena and' n ill gnallP Isesei On 8trawberry creek the, except th Indian allotments on White Rock tr ITlnUh. ar to b found. ' al though those of the Duchesne bottom ar better watered; On the two streams there are fully' Its. 000 screa of "flrt bottom." or lands that can be lrrlgate-1 With abort Individual ditches. Ther are than an equal number of acres of finely lying "second-'pottom" that will neej to be watered by company or community canals. Lake Fork also drains much fin land and some of th choice tracts are ther available. f tH combination of farming and stbckgrwlng. , 3 v , . , Sapport Zrftra-a Popnlatten. V, . Th streams named ar considerable and carry running wtr In larg vol ami th year around. Their smaller tributaries hava small valleys of admira ble land that can be readily watered and will be populated by . th . ranchman, whoae farming will be confined., to a few fruit trees, a garden tract and larg hay stretches. It Is Strawberry Valley that th. Mormon of Utah most covet and to secure which an organised effort is planned.'.',..." ' ' - ? '' ... All'thrs-means that-somr-1,000 host of families ar to draw th prises ot th -reservation.,-- Thes MOO farms at th proportion obtaining In - the opened Irrigated sections of Utah and Colorado will In a few years support a popula tion of' tS.oea through farming alone, and as the years go by and- farms ar oat-down .this population will Increase rapidly. . The ground requires no clearing. With th building of a ditch to supply the wster the response; Is prompt. Th soil Is rich. For area It haa been accumu lating the, element that , grow plant and the plants to exhaust It Would not grow becauaa th rainfall la never mors than half tha amount needed." . -. MANY ARE ANXIOUS TO PROTECT FORESTS , ."' (Rpeelat-tMapetcb te Tke Josraan - Grants Psss.iOr.," Aug. 11. Quit a number of men 'who are anxious to help Unci Bam protect 'his forests took ths examination for - forest rangers her Thursday. Friday and Saturday, Among ths questions asked was this one: "Have yon ever had any experience in a round' opt"' -.' . . - ... v1 .Those taking th. examination ar: B. V- Paler, Charles Crow snd A. I Edgerton, Grants Pass; Joseph McCon-' nell. Merlin; George A. Danebrake, Cj V, Oden, Charles R. Keys and T. F. Neat, Roseburg; G. IX Brown, Fort Klamath; C E. Keya, Melrose: F. 1- Karhart and R. Im Taylerj Med ford: George and W. Wooley, Drain; J. W. Harmon, Dryden; A. F. Erno, Fort Jones, Cal,; M.,W. Mor gan, 8. A. Pratt and F. TS. Lichens, Oak Bar. Cel.; FlR. Curtis, Walker, Cal.; E. Reanr. 8flma. i iH.ii i 1 i .11 .- M S Jf. Oaa TBsn raes migt 'cr" :' "Whst a dear little girl that Is." said a lady whlls looking. st the pictures In, ths Mellln'n Food exhibit at th Lewis and Clark exposition; but It wasn't a girt it waa a boy. and the lady guessed wrong. If you' can guSa th 10 boys and girls In th Mrllln'a Food exhibit you got f 100, The Memo's Food exhibit Is In ths 'Agricultural ouuaing. - . . ...". 9 artfcv Trenbl "Tt needs' but little foresight toltell thst when your stomach and liver ar badlv ''affected, grav trouble I ahead: unleaa yoi take the proper medicine forti.ur. dlseeeA, S Mrs. JohH A. Young off ?, (My. iTdtd.7, Mheaaya: . "I had neu. J . raigia ti iiw mtr inu iinmrn, mj heart waa weakened, and I could ' not eat? I waa very bad for a long time, but in Electric Bitters I found. just what I needed.-4nr.ihey quickly relieved and etired me." Peat medicine .for week women. fold iinder jnmrante by Bkld tnor 1rug C 11 Third street, at C a bottl. ,? ' -' ' i . . : ' " ' ' ' 11,000 Square feet of well to workinimen's and tradesmen's areL Ttie, great features of this dept are the reliably of the godls, the guarantee back of them and the vgjucs you get for CAKIART CLdTlCJSTa &!1 sizes r tsi tyis&'JIkcibcjL Known un!cn issde .srpients in the r Ucitd Slates. SHEIlAtnJOAII PAirrSfiwaran- f :r WVt' -teed not IdriiAiiwW - ' lust to, per pair $L9S. Come in and get our prices TO 01 CflWlIOHS ' " OUR ADDRESS IS , W give above information go that when you art asked where the Stein- way and other high-grade pianos we sell can be found you need not plead ignorance, as in many cases hereto fore, by saying you do not know. . Dunrlore Piano Co. tSleiIwayihd Other PUnoa 233 WASHINGTON STREET. CHILDXEII: HOLD ; CnRillVAl Crownihg; Event of the Summer ; , Season; Attracts Large .' v; '., . i,' (Jsaraal gpedal gervlea.t j. , ;r Asbury Park. N. J , Aug. . This is th opening dsy of the children's carni val week, which-has become an annual Institution and Is-considered th "Brown ing event of th summer season. Ths carnival , week - uaually attracta -larg crowds of visitors from alt parts of the eaat to thla resort and this year la no exception from the rule In,. that respect. Hotel accommodation sr kl a premium kind ther Is unusual excitement smong the visitors of tb gentle sex over-th comlnawventa. , Tb principal Interest centersT'aa nsuaL. In the baby parade. which promises to be on a much larger cal than ever 4efor.CoAslderlng th fsct thst last year ther were about M0 babies lit. th. parade.. this v would mean a remarkable gathering of youngsters. The 'celebration - will begin tonight with th coronation of Miss Clara Belle Logan of New York as ueen - of the carnival. - In honor of th ; vent, ther will be S" grand Coronation ball tonight". Miss Clara - There, Haas or - Mil Orange. New "Jersey, will be first maid of Jionor and lady-ln-waitlng to Queen TI tenia In ths queen's party this yesr, Among ths other maids of honor will be Miss Julia Strong of New-York, Miss Irene McOoldrtck of Brooklyn. Miss Nel lie Dlsbrow- of Oldbrldg. New Jersey; Miss Evelyn Peering of Brooklyn, Miss Ada Smith of- Eaaton, Pennr ylvantar Miss Anna Rosasco of Penaacola, Florida; Miss Rosalind Clews Of Eaat . Orange, .. uiu rtaisv I.nln of Fort Allmon. Coals Rift. " Vrr-Edwtrir.-Obataeircon of Jiaw JorkuwUHktS-aa Tourt je st4r to Oneen Titsnla. '. : Ths number - of 'prises offered lot ' the winners at ths baby parade la larger thla rrear than ever aetor. ana never nas ther been such intense nvsiry oeiween th mothers of ths bsbles entered as thts year. ' Besides the baby parade, which will f be th principal 'featur of th carnival, ther will also be a, masquerade fete pi th board walk,, a Tiremens tburnament and a carnival on Deal laka Tomorrow there wUI be a grand recep tion In honor ot th queen of th fairies. FRANK DIXON BADlY r ; , INJURED NEAR EUGENE ' ' IBpeeUt tnavetck to Tke JearwU-l "'Eugene, Or, Aug. 1.Frsnk' Dixon, who hss Wn working In a i logging camp on- th Mohawk ylveri Js on a oot In th;J3ugen hospital .with his sknll fractured and In an unconscious condition, 'i H wss Struck on-, the head by a falling "Umb from a tree Saturday. Th physician will probably tiVphlne the akull to reliev the pressur on the I brain. In hopes of saving hi Hfe,,cs.H la a stranger her ana no ) on . seems to know where he cam front. ANNUALAEUNION OF . X VETERANS POSTPONED v,:-i i- ).. n ' (gperltl Dtapatrk t Th Jnaraal.t flmii. 1mi Or . Aur. 5I. The an- 233 Vasfaington Street pHnWraife trouble le aheed.lrfiu,! reuiilnn of the old soldiers and of . sosthsrn. Oregon, wnicn was been held In Grants rasa Sep tember 14. haa been postponed until next yegpwhen the veterans will meet With -the state encampment : of:, tha . U. A. R. and W. R. C. which will be held I Grams Pasa in Juno. Th mala rea son for the poelponement svss that vennv of the ild vetemns wanted In attend ths Lewis snd Clark fair at Portland. lighted, well ventilated salesroom devoted your money.; !--r BAP COATS and Vests, Wa!tcrsr A ; Coats and Jackets-Tall styles, ' JUEt COATS, Avto Coats, Hunlfej r a j ir..t. t.f..liJ l..'.i. .r , :--wsu cirj v cms, kuti wAu vu M ; 1 Extra tine jual, on Trunks, Suit Cases, ;Traveling?'Bags v. -Greatest Qothinf; Hoase, in the Northwest.- BAKfeAIITS jam. IN WOIIEH B : iM PSF0ED TOII ORE 017 WOMEN'S Fine Kid Blucher Oxfords, patent tips, medium eightoles,mmtaixlI heels, 8lx0 VA in ?,: I widths A to EE. Good value j at the regular price $2.50 but we mak e a special of them st . . . . . Vrsifee 14.00 TAsT S3.1S .so taws) aas loo taxi aa.46 kao TAHa jS1.7 FULL AH 283-85 MORRISON ST SPOXAL'E TAILOR nURDEItS ; HIS FATHER-JH-LAW - ; 1;. ' ' ": f ; -Vr Quarrel Between Two Men Ends . V In Fatal Shooting of ; y,'-.i;: 'A'. One... ".' ;.'' (special Dispatch te The JesmeLI ' Spokane,- Wash., Aug; St. -Remard Cohn. a tailor, shot his fatherrtesaevl W. rosnsnsky, yeeteray, probably ra tally wounding him. 'Tha father-in-law upbraided Cohn for hla failure to aup-port-;hia -wlfes J-Thlav led e-;aY-ruarrll fh.n.iohB nullavt ' out a SS rallbre re- yniver firing -points biankr" ths -buiret entering Jonnsky e left gToin. Cohn left him for, dead running out of the house, and was found several hours latertalklng to, a group of men In front of a saloon down -town.' He mad no resistance whan arrested ' and. said he Intended giving himself up when he hsd seen some friends In regard to his de fense. ; Ha mlms ho-Shot ln"elf defena and that the old man had mad trouble in th family for years, causing hla wife to leava -hlm on two occasion. - Ths wlfs says that Cohn haa served 14 years In San Quentln for manslaughter, and two years In' Walla Walla for buyr log .stolen goods. , 4 j " i , . ,.r . u '' ratally MvrX la Wrsok. ' V''' Wears! Special 'Brric-.t ' t,6ganlxrt. Ind.," Aug., Ji. Tireman Waltot- Kvrsol of Richmond was killed, snd Knglneer Brady fatally Injured and several pns'engers seriously Injured In a collision which occurred onthe. Penn sylvania railroad three- miles' from this city vVenterday between a" freight and excursion train. . :'t- - ; ' Tha Tsrribi Sain Sceurrti Hchinc. B-mlnj, Bkadlnj. Wtpln$ Uvtin; caunf. , fjttt sMe BMSt sflleted. We Sleep, so n-t front Sunilns. Itrhlnc.' llopi ts awnnrra mm m wna weary m-atceuif. Tbere Is a alcS, aosttlv ear is c:tir:iiALTii TR2ATf.::iT Omriats nf rtergaa goaav. KMllcated, aaltees tlci Saialtealta (nlnl.l. te kill bnmnr srma, bl tb sklshgd lnp Itrhlim, sad Sklahel- Tablrts, M rtpl hom.r jrrsi. hi 1.11 Tl OKIOTHF.KSrrsSsJael vltk Hartaa ton fnr rmtni,.l-lr ruin and "nlckl cnrlng all llfMlsof iptte k tumor rmat Infawy t eM ar, foe hnrl lb kla ar hair, snnSbira all 1' ikJ sad toe siaor satlseptie ss. lnuxUuw woovajaw, -n.r e r-j,..f aad Vt- ;" t . v- ' - - 'i'V- $45357, ,!-- r . .t. ; ,- V . ;. f s . - 'v ; i 1 ' - - - teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee . J -iV'." -J 1 T 4K-K 1 1 ., ..... 000 R.ecor3s in Stcc!; ; - -J. . . '.'-aw-- 'r ..'a. - t jCOLUMDIA PHOOGIWCO. : )57l WagUasto. StraaV CohnnlVisi BuSting. Portlaist, Ora. 1 ... i ........ t. . , . . - . , . ' - - 4 w 4 7-DO NOT FAIL TO SEE ; AIJGIJdT 29th. iOlth end 5ft V Round trip ticketsria the 'Astoria tt Columbia River Railroad only f 3.00. ; Sold on Aucuat 28, 29 and 30. . Good for return until Sep tember 1. A beautiful trip along the banka of the Columbia River. For Information Se :."-:".'V4. ;""- j .- A. 5tewart, Agpt. 248, Alder Street, or Phone Main 906. , . IT DIDIN'T MUiT rZ-fr-A!, BIT is whet OMy say-ef out swtbeds et dnlsg ratal work. - We Se work toe people treat est f the -efty qnlckly to seal say dels. Kveryrhlag ap te tatv-' upra Svtalags sad SoaSajra. KUta m ; - ,, WISE BROS:, Dentists Tke raOlag. ear. Tkmt asd Wsaatsgtea. , p. wm. HSwwKHaw nAvniTriM ECONOMICAL Ornv saethod of burtaWag- gtve praetical rssmrta. Sow to aa ttsa to have . your faraae lsstllej If jroa want ens tm you hu tkla vrtatas. ' orncj as neon its', .. . . - . . ' - - . Tmurr?"!-? i t ixjuto . 4 f a 1. ii "r ... ; 1 (. . Llr Our 'ftnv-' ini K'the ibett Our prices las mm Doubt Grand PriMm :: .. SL Louts, 1904 r . mm $r.00 Per V7ee:i v - TTi in m'AnT7 o i i t JWD EFFECTIVE nf ii . i , - tixh rr?n:iTYf - Clothing Department is decided!. BB. W. A.JkVT" tha right place wherein to make your -lecons It i, brim full with prosperoua 'j "jS'uiW- Topcoata, Cravenettei, Overrtats, ' . . . MM. . ... . , . . T otyics are ine cnoice, ''"" and the workmanship fsulttsss. are right and. our terms are to your bst convenience. You can arranci t pay a portion of amount at time of pur. - chat and ta;e balance at " 01.0 z z