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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1905)
-,v - .1 , .. TlS OnZCON DAILY JOURNAL. rOSTLAKI, tlOHDAy ilea ' - ... ' "' ' l j. . ...... r ' -- l- YAeelei., Say It 'tizz on the Door More . Than Once. " ,.- - C'JCATOR TALKS ON , , YOUT40 CHANCES T-rrtfa't 4 Helpful. Addreaa, In ! Vhlch Ha Sugfaata Determination, Coon Steadfastnea,"; DecUion, Ira-lXot Action. ';. s'.'i "Ctaanoee of the Toting Maa ' Today i Bualnee and Professional L.ife" waa aubj , f an address by Dr. BenJ mlm Ita, Wheeler of the. University California before Jarge auaience tha Toon Men Christian mw yaotardayc' 1 ' - "'' ' , -r fa vet 3a- rouag- man, ml-a-ewhatber at 1 or 0 rear. If ut ha a chance. .There la abac j BO reason wky man ahould ' ba' baa bad hla day. if or no matt w Bimnr itmnM ha may meet during i career ba ahould never glve up the rlt of Soared determination to; act npllab - Bomethtag- that . will fcf ar -lerlal and . spiritual benefit to him v declining years. ' Opportunity- knock every jnans door, and It knocks more once. , , . 5 ' Toon man ahould , remember, that ' y are not going to lire forever, and onld not carry on their' pursuit . a . t ' they had an eternity in which to t -ch the aenith of a", career. , Every y they ahould be aura- they have ao e mpllabad eomethlng of Importance. J waya keep theeoAmottoea in, mind: t It now," 'Strlka today.'. Tha man o think end acta on , the auggea tona will go forward With, a ateady, i jceaalng advance :owart hi ,goal 1 ive praaeao of mind. Bee. to ft that jour mind la clear, and your thought i fsdve. Bo able te decide . for "yeur- L . Sacoeesful men are, ltlngulhed 1 r their ability -to aay. no, and auch a i m will anawer in 4 ha nUve-three t,m to every afilrrnatlve JLbeqnf mlndedneaa sometime loaea for tune. I knew a Xaaaaa farmer who onoe tied a bora to freight oar atand- t'g hear the station -and, wnt' away to ea aom trading. When he cam back tnera wa no bora and ao freight car la ajht"; v ' V , , , .f "Tchurch: and education. Da. Brspe vaOa BWr alr 'ibaaea Oat Uttla fat 0ada. - " Dr. Andrew a. . Draper, the eminent v Nw Tark educator and ChrtatUn worker, -addraaeed a' large audience In the Atidl ; torhira of the Lwt and Clark expoaW tton yesterday. Thta waa the first re ligious service at the exposition since the Trail attraction were allowed to re main ooea oa Sundays y Rev. Robert Hope pronounced the in vocation. 8p1l muslo waa rendered Draser'a theme wa ' "The ' Church and Pnnulap V'Antm Mnn ' . "There Is an education of i'S heart as well as of the mind. he said; 'there I an education of the body which la the Imperative accompaniment of a health ful training of t-e Intellectual gkwer as well as of the amotions. . education Is not confined to what is found in book or taught In schools. Indeed, the greater part of educatloB oomer from the an vlronmant. .the influence . which ' bear down on us. .. "Kxperienoa 1 -a great 'teacher. . One may turn the rough ore into iron beams. steel rail, rasor-bladre n"Me or watch- tprtnga it air depend oa the sort, ana extent of treatment. It la contact with the material which determine the quality of the finished product. It la ao with hu maa faculties. The influence of schools ha a momentous; bearing on the develop' ment.of the mlgd and soul, because it prepare' the ground for all- other la- fluenceawnd make other contract fruit ful. What W are depend very largely on the road we have traveled, the person to whom and the thing to which w have "The education of the nation-1 meas ured by the extent to which the life of the people ha been energised. - National energy 1 generated by. the contacts which result from freedom of movement, free dom of thought and freedom of expres sion among the people. Action produce power., mere is coining so aiscourag- ing as stagnation. When a nation t in Bondage the will of the Individual counts tor utile ana- toe national; tnougni ie weakened. Great national jijovementa do not . know passion or caprice;- they are the result f the Impulse of the: Bean and the convictions of the mlndi-tnay are Inspired by the spirit of the AlmlgBty Ood working In the live of ,men. , 4'cnrlstlanltv nas been more potent than?, any , other force in breaking Bia tmm a or ' ignorance, supersuaon an: ca-st, in which the world people were held throuab-long cycles ox ume. im oatlonallr as well as religiously consid ered, the birth-of Christ was one of the most wonderful and consequential, event! In aU the world ntatory. :T The Mm, ha coma" la the worhr pro cress when the' masses care little for creed. : The church must keep In touch and sympathy With the masse who are leader of thought and lovers of sport and who keep the. Wheel of the world' kffair. In motion.- - " v 'i. The United Btalea nut Into the scnoou the -money - which other ngtiona spend on their armies. She la building for the future, and while there I always ground for solicitude, the remit are exceedingly encouraging ... i 't.ft t,' r' St ECHO MEETING, " ' '.''t't,' -! A '-'" Balafatef 4o Zaaaraattaaat Ooaveatioa af Church of Carta peak para. , : Twenty 4ele'aatea to the International Convention .of the Churches of Christ, which wa4 recently, held In ,8an Fran claco, mad addresses at gnecho meet ing at the First ChHetlat church yes terday afternoon. The ""delegates on their -way home stopped over In Port land for the purpose of attending the Lewi and Clark exposition. The address bf welcome waa delivered by the Rev. X F. Ohormley, pastor of the Central Christian church, the Rev. B. . Cj Sanderson, dean of the Eugene! JJIViniiy acnooi, maa. an auui.w vt. weloom on behalf of the pastors of th northwest, and th Rev. E. B. Muck ley, pastor of th First Christian church. Introduced the speakers. Owing to 'the number f speakers, the time 'allowed for-each address was four minutes. The speaker war: Ray. Cr"N. Chilton. Bt Joseph, ato.; Kev. ru, w. lawrence. Rock Island. HL ; Rr.; T. A. Hall. Clin- to tje r:D tmrv. 111.; Six or Sven Stories of i Wellt- xFargo Bulldirjaf WiM " 'UJ1 Occupied, " DRAWING PLANS FOR " t i.j a COMMODIOUS ROOMS Moy Will Not Neceaalut a Higher . .Buildiag Than Waa Projected and . -Coaat- Hea4quiiteri r Ajref Not At fected by the Chang of Location. :S -'i. - V: ''-T- " Bli-toseveB torle of tha W4tl- Parao building, which will be erected at the corner of Sixth and Oak atreeta, re to .b occupied by the office of th Harrlman railway system. - Eugene , Shelby. In charge of Wells Far go Interests la this sute said this morning that the matter of locating th railway office In th atructure-waa being worked out, and that definite flans In 'regard to th requirement company had not been formu lated.. He thought that from alx to even stories would be necessary, -which, oould' be provided tot without', making the structure more jhan ! storie high. - Plan are being drawn-up by the varloua railwsjt departinenta. which will be aubmltted to the apbrovlng power -for accaDtance,. Until these are flniabed and th builder -f Informed .aa to whe space will be asked,' tha totaK requlremaata of tha company cannot be published. It la atated that tha plana 'will provide for full office room on any- seals that may become necessary as the Wr railway system - develope In th . Psclflo north test. ' - ' t -gl I ' " Rumor stated that ' the' company in tended to make this place coast. bead- quarters, and that tha Office - would be fashioned tq accommodate a number of higher officials than have been wont to reside here. , Th story I not con firmed by' any of the high railway of ficial a, who say that It seem improbable that coast ; headquarters would be es tablished here, where only about ! If per- cent of' the total Harrlman coast business is transacted. Another rumor was to th effect that the Wells-Far go building would bo made higher than at first contemplated, to accommodate the railway offices: Mr. Shelby stated this morning "that th alx or seven floor to be taken by th company would leave ample, roam .for the other requirement, that were In view when th Walls-Fargo -people planned tha buUdtng.'- ." . Allen Lewis' Best Brand. by Mtes Arrllia MoQulra. orgsnlil; Mr, ton. Ma; iBaTuJ.-KuJ3arrlon. Bt. Louia, Frank Kberle and Stuart Jtouulre. Rev. T, P. TJllum. Trayere City. Mich.: Rev. C. A. Finch, Topakay Kan. ; Rev. and Jlrm. Dr. Oerould, Cleveland, Ohio; Rev. ana jars, nr.- ss, inranminun, inoiampv 11, Ind.; Rsv. T. J. Whit. North Balti more, Ohio; B. J. -White, Trenton, Mo.; Rev. 1. a. Cupp, Flaue vity, ato.; y M. Ooode. Bt. aoeejih. Mo.; Rev. J. T. Btevens, La Junta, -Cot;. Rev. R. H. Waggoner, Kaneaa CityJ Mo.; Rev. C W. Johnson. Colorado, and Rev. B. L Smith, cincnratr.rohior U P - -1 , . 1,1 1 1 ' . -; l mmmmmmmmttmKmm jssaaBBiBBfjBjBBjB I - . , .' --v - - - -', : , i'-: ,:y. .V'h-'' ''.'J jf' t ii. J VK:i.YVXaaW Show themaelve In plantltude on our counters and ahelve and in our showcases brushes for all aorta of painting, gold-leaf books, glass cut iara, perfected - "gralnera?-- paints, mixed and in bulk, of oourae. . Our -assortment . of palntero. aide would make any decorating artist glad.' , HsiiEnvTiionsM&co; FBOjtT ajt mojuusov. TEETH NIClXTEBTn We are th discoverer and originat ors of th only callable and acianUne System at Painless DentiBtry. Wi traoL crown, fill asdolaan or treat tee tk luteiy wiuiout j pamr ea I""1" ur wars absolutely without , fain- la the best, our prioaashe lo sistent with Crst-cl TMATtnV VRXJB. m aiiaranrsan so nu - - , ,. VTI.T.INfia . ...l.Knat TBat and Sl.OO GOLD CROWNS........... f 5.00 BRIDGB WORK .........,....&.O0 jrtTLX. BET NATTJRAti TBBTH.$6.00 opcav rag aaacaeaa - mows . natural loaat. con kiXAM. tea.1 unds Coston Painless Dentist. OWB. ft Vsaab aaiu ' "HOtTRS t :I0 a m. to I p, aa, Sua- aajr, l a, BV is u:se s as. Round Trip Daily to Astoria. curslon steamer Telegraph tnal round trtpa daily- (except Friday. De parts from Alder street dock T:IOa. ra. From Astoria X p. m. Jtrnving r-oniana (JO.p. m. Bunday leavea roruano a, nvT Arrlvee Portland Bw.m, -a Account the Astoria, regatta Augnst I. t and SI. the A N. Bells Son August l, II and la. low round trip tickets, Portland e to , Astoria, good o return September 1. . Partloular by asking at Third and Washington streets. Portia ad. i - " .... J t,- - V ' You oouldn't pick a dozen men out of a hundred that are built- The chancee are that out of the hundre'd jft-" i-Jl ' '' ; , ;; 7 .core ofistout men? a few short mens some slim and some taM; tpnj p'C-;"'..-; legs, squaresrvoulders and so oVv:-t''i.:-.' rW -5 i). ' Vl wViji' prepared to fit men pf all proportlonsi-not merely j to have klats nd trousers pf fright length and size, but to "'; . V : ' ' - Caai MmanfatKaf will anrf hlinv aa f.hsV had been CUt and ' . . IISSj W BBb a a OfSsr eaa if e a a. wwa a we w aj - -V ' - - r ' . - '-fashioned bv exoert custom tailors.-. . - t; . 1 ' . ' '. ' ; , , if hv nrtw ehsnee on account of some oeculiarity of contour, .-r- . .,: gwment does not hang exactly right. our, exper tailors r-and; - , p fitters' remedy the difficulty without extra char;j cr.XJ::jyl fall stock has been opsnsd, showing the . v na t ZSs most complete assortment of patterns In tweeds, worsteds and 7 cheviots, ana tne garmenxs nave wi t own mww anr w.v fancv garments .ti'iV-A:X- models bythe rnost fashionable New York,custorn tailors.:: .Yiv'--r v. i-n . ia l.. r fA MmntM tham with ether sulfa In town at:"'; ': ! By axe f f asj J VM B W WB aaraakB w sawss' waw -w t - $15ai Fit, style and workmanship are all . I I ' III I I I I I I I I I I W - H- V X E I I I I 1 J .';:;v; : and examlno ' the styles and ttpmliyf yro f:: large you to-buy.: il.'?";:,?-WIIFM s Yfll - S IT -IrJ V III III- All. 1 1 a 5 MIV- ;: v?: If 111.11 . B WW WSB . WWjr - - . , ' !.- .,' ' . . : - . " V '- .ja, , ... ' 1 : e " - 'A ,- -;c Thc-Newntury's Greatest aAmiisem Vi t tiic most colossi - -4'Hr ... v r' h i -rv on tore's; Bnifl Store ...-.'V il51-:Thif(k Street andlatthc RiCoslTibketiOffice land Aldert Streets, r ... "j" ' '-'vf n-'T-t1 -i;----- r - -- - -, General Adiirfsslon, bcfclbj Seat; 50 Cents Reserved Seaisll; Mvate Seats $150 Admission toTHE OAKS" lOcents, ; Z':--;-' Children 'U cmpeiiM; performance begins at 8 Vi o'ii:2!L No afternoon rArformance t -: V ;. ;: of this attractioa ! ; fill !LH AMAZING ! NEW ! r STARTLING ! ? . A c rs' a --if-. -.'-"i ...... Aj ' -; " v scene-ixiat ueggtus ucwcripuon.. xiic uiumpiA w piuictuiuaw. oww-; irittceni- 42000 display of Pain's marvelous, beailtifiil, ahwbrd-fomoiis 1- ' ;3 "V1 f- a . i