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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1905)
t GOOD EVGIIIHG . 1 1 ! ' rflQf'J i Showers tonight, wmrmer. Tuwdif, ' V' .- ' i W5-S . . - J V N showers; southerly winds.! : ' -v-',. 7SJ;'-"J'f "'' -'' f - VOL. IV. NO. It0. illftllCliESffltl Fight for Pric of Rudolph Jaiisetfs S Life Results in Charges of a Very V v . " . Serious "7 and: Attorneys wmrlJekcd:toi;icU-on u . awntr Judge I R. wbtr win prob charge of Irregularity In th pro- - bating of th will of Rudolph Jum, who waa killed February f . If SI." In a streetcar accident at M on ta villa. Tb charcea ara contained. In arldenoa Uiat - has been laid befora the county court bjr Frank BchlereL oouneel for the aetata. It la understood also that Judge "Web ' , ater will shake up thoroughly the de tail of the probata business as it. naa ' been conducted lately and learn to what - extent. If any, there have been Improper - acta. - ,- . ' Jhe sped fie charcaa that have caused the county Judae to Institute the lnres-tla-atlon lnTolvo R. O. Scott, admlnla- - trator of the J an sen earate, IC H. Rid dell, Bootr lawyer., and Jay Upton, bailiff of the county court, private sec retary "of Judaa Webster and, brother- , In-law of Sootc "" -- . Richard W. Ruffln already has be ' . tinder fire, and was -to hare been ar . rested today at Lone Beach, Washlng- - ton, but hs.catna this morulas; to Port-'- land and want at one, to Judge "Web ster's office to demand an- Immediate hearln. Judge Webstor refused It. but atated that ba would listen o all pre sentations 'In the case In open - court , tomorrow afternoon at I o'clock, . Wehste WU InTeatloW ;. ' KJudge"TVbster waa asked regarding , the atatua of ttoa case and replied: . t. i ,. 1 shall take UP the chargea at one '.,and prebt tt ' " " """ " f een. not y any thing at this 'time. JProbablf the) heartng ,omorrow wUl develop' the . facta." ,. " . v 'i -'. . Jay tTpton wa out of town, but Is ex. . pected back tomorrow. Mr. Rlddell dls " ! claimed any Irregularity in his coaneo y tto wlJA'Jeetate. thinTt -wrong and am not responsible In y lor It. - i want nurnu to conn back -and shall see that If possible he refund the money that was paid on the u young man's account." c - - Mr. Bchlegal gave a complete state i'i ment of th case, which be aald la sub. . stantl&lly th evidence that waa laid ba ' - for th oourt. i. - "Rudolph anam." aald Mr. Bchlegel. ; wa kUled In a atraetcar accident-,' at MonUvlllai Tebruary , 106. The nly .heir at law for such an Intestate' de -cedent was the father, who In this case ; gavs power of attorney to hi son, Hef-" ' -man, who lived in Tomahawk. Wlacon- ln. ' - . . -v" '.-"( - - rTh next morning after th death of . 'Tansen, R. 1 Q. Bcott, brother-in-law ' of E TO ra f notJEii Band of Seventy-Five Operating on New York's East ,SWo , ' : Ci toJDoramit Bigamy, MARRIED YOUNQ GIRLS .' JTO SECURE FORTUNES Morg " Than a -.Thousand Women Wedded and Deserted After Their Saying Have .Been Secured Worked Through Agencies. (Jeoraal peetal Swrlce.--- . - New York, Jkug. 1 1. Investigation of Dr. George A. WlUschoff, alleged blgs " mist, has revealed the fact that there 1 an ora-anlseoVfchnd on th east aide, num. ORG IB 7- baring ft members, who during the- met ' 10 year have married more than T; young women for their savings, dseert-- ing them within a few day or weeks, ' according to the length of time It took to. cajole them ont cf their money. ' -' Th head of this oombln la known ,itrry Kaufman, who when arrested; and arraigned In the Essex Market court two year ago,, was confronted by tt women - who claimed him their husband. - Ur. Willschoff, who, matrimonial exploit ' war, uncovered through th efforts of Mis Dora Dorf. whom he married under , the nam of Weston, Joined th organlia- tlon six year ago, and Immediately be : earn on of It lead re.- - It waa found. through on or hi earlier wlvea, Mr. Bophl Toucar, that Willschoff had mar ' ried more than' SO young women, whose . name ar known, and la th husband of , more than 100 girl In addition,, whom h married In other eitla. ? ' This organised gang, which wa n " Kg4 In marrying east aid young women for their money, bad beadquer ; tera, and , maintained . an - association s. firmly boand together. They operated through th medium : of .matrimonial genole who were hand in glove wt.a th membere, fend who hunted up young' , women eligible, presenting them to th , .n harpies who sought their savings. ., m .Nature. - r J JTpton, wag appointed administrator and gave SiOO bond. ..The. property Of the MUM was designated as 140 In money, f 10 worth of . clothing and claim against th railway company. &Mg to Janaen. ' ;:' Tebruary Ttwo lettersiwer written on stationery or . tn county court - on th office typewriter by Upton, signed by R. O. Boott and H. H. Rlddell, to th brother In the east, saying that per haps other lawyer would writ for th case and that it would be useless "for Jansnn to pay .any heed to1 them, as Boott bad been appointed and knew all about th deceased man and hi affair, whereas a Jvldeno already, adduced shows they dl not even know his true nam, but later war compelled to cor rect the nam on th ' record of th oourt by filing an affidavit Changing th ; nam from - 'Johnson' to . 'Jansen,' and beaidea ar known to have inquired about the deceased man' affair , in a manner to prove that Mhey were utterly ignorantr or blm.--,J-.-k.'. . - tuary telegram was f sent to the brother .wyer Judge Webster aam4ntrnotinghra to address all let ters to H. H. Rlddell ln relation to th case. Judge Webster did not know any thing about th telegram having been enU - .. ..- . - 0. . ,ln March. Boott filed an affidavit say ing that there was a claim of th estate again? in consonaatea Railway cosv nany fAr the death of Jensen and thaj there" was no' money with which to be gin ult; th affidavit atated that Boott knew an attorney, H. H. Rlddell by name, who would take the oase to collect from th company for SO .per cent of th amount realised., . . .,. . .... . , IKonay Zft by hM'lk- thcompnyJrty dollar waa-bn hand belonging to this deceased, yet th affidavit cf Bcott stated that there waa no suit money. Only SU.4S would have been needed to file the paper and: try th caa. rr. !- r "Then R. W. Ruffln cornea Into th cas. - Herman Johnson arrived from th east and John Erickson, an employe Cf Ruffln, tells" Herman, that he can col lect 11,000 from th eomnany. v Herman 1 Ignorant of th customs of this coun try and cannot, resd English. ,t - .,..- -Kurnn told Herman he would hav Bcott, and Rlddell removed aa admini tratof and attorney, and on th strength of promise that h would hav a friend of Merman named aa dmlniitr.rnr in. dueed th friend to pay S40 toward th expense of conducting th proceedings. Ruffln Induced Herman Johnson to sign certain paper which he said were neo easary under ths law. . :. Thew turned ..I- (ConUnued On fag Two.) Edw84olmes(LjrPismimd1PrQnT the Depsrtmer otAriailtufe PORTLAND,'. OREGON. - MOIJDAY EVENING, AUGUST IViLL uOT BUVFAGtULATdOi" ijRS.TAQSiTiT KIM ft HOOD - OtlSO Witt'eJ ,Say Russia Rejects - Japan's. ; Efforts, In-'( t demnity ty Some Mor Euphonious Name. J KOMURA WAITS FOR . ; ; ORDERS FR0MT0KI0 Conference of Envoys Set for Today Put Off Until ,Tomorrovy Effort to Get Around ReimbunemcnV At-tributed- 16 Roosevelt, 'Comes to Nothjng-!Necotiations Halted, v d. 1 (Jenaal Special Servlee.- ' 1 Portsmouth, ' Aug. it Envoy 'Witt this morning, when asked about th re port sent ' out to the effect : that th president had ben authorised by Japan to waive all quoft(on of indemnity and offer to sell Sqfettnilo, th redemption, price to be flxecU by a mixed commis sion composed of - representatives -of neutral -European powers, aald:. v. "That is merely an Incorrect version of what I' explained -a few days ago. It la an attempt of Japan to get Indem nity - under another . nam. Russia re jected it.' '"v--.:':-4 :r ,vti -. After a oonferenoe lasting nearly an hour between Envoy Takahlra $aiid WUta, laat night at 10 o'clock MLvnta announced that today session- JaL'th pea4f i oonferenoe would ba postponed beoaus no new Instruction had been received from Tokio and meeting .will be. held Tuesday Instead of today. Minister Takahlm expreased himself as follow: i.,.'-.-, "Inasmuch as this conference la ini tiated by th friendly efflo of President Rooeevelt w felt that w afaould be cautious . about terminating lta labor. W do not regard th situation-. hop. less, but almost hopeless. It 1 vtdnt that th real erlsla in th negotiation I at band, and that un less concession ar mtiA' y 'tv ' T- kin T- Hf Patershurg tndsr th rnnliir will com very suddenly. If Japan has nothing1 t offer-tomorrow "the confer ence wUl pass into-- history. - Witt. 1 powerless to do- anything .without im perial consent, and Xomura occupies the aame position with his government. ussln j-emsjraUl SF lndemnltv ar nlmhnrHmnL or the aot of th war. though, consenting to cede half of Sakhalin and pay th cost . . of Russian prisoners. . The same reply ha been given to tle president by th caar through Ambassador Meyer, -r rr-; : TO BOYCOTT DOUMA. earal JUilway Btrlk and STew xer- rorlst eglm .otd4 Vpoa. i-'r . (Josrnal Special Service ) . . ; Pari." Aug. r II. Plan of boycott against trf caar constitution and or ganlaation of the douma on it present lines hav been perfected, according to trustworthy Information from Ba Pe tersburg. Th organisation of a general railway atrik In Russia 1 assured, th report declares. Th commencement of th atrik will depend on th outoom of th peace negotiation at Portsmouth. A new terrorist, regime has been decided on by th revolutionary party, which only await th end of peace parleying. ent otAcrlcnhora for, Cmplkity. In tha' Cotton Ik Portrait ?$a Him John HydeUefbfth Bureau of Sutiatics'of That Department.' ; " ".J "' "riculture,,and Nex Professor M, W. Lyon,, His Wife ''and a Guide Knocked Sense- v. less by Many Successive ; ; : Bojts of Lightning : HELPLESS ON PEAK IN , -FURIOUS SNOW STORM A- Guide, Revived by Chi ResusciUtes Professor and ; Carries Wife- Till f- Rescuers - Meet Them Lyon ; , Is With Smithsonian Institution Mrsl Lyon Still Unconscious. ;.v-r' y. j. -. i ... . j i . . :-,-. :;f.:-f ;; -.f 1 1. , s ': . ,,. (Special DUpatch te The Joenul) ; Cloud' Cap Inn. Aug. . While x- amlning th records of the Masamas at the summit of Mount Hood yeateraay, Professor and Mra "M." WT Lyon of Washington, District of Columbia, and Quid Mark Wei rant were , . struck . by lightning and all three were prostrated. Mra. Lyon la still in a seajl-coneclous and dased condition. .". " r - Mr. Lyon, 1 a professor In th his tory department of th Smithsonian In stitution and wa desirous of viewing th record of th Masamas, which ar kept tail metal, box at th top of th mountain, .- WhlT th guide waa open ing the box a "glare blinded th party and a terrific thunderclap followed. All were knocked down-by th shock. The guide attempted to ris and waa again knocked to th ground by a second Jxlt of lightning.-uS i .' , I . - i, -'-;' A heavy snowstorm ' was ' sweeping lover the summit at-th time and th cnui reviyea piuaa weigani wno, aitar working -over Professor Lyon for some time, revived blm. . , t , ' -" ' Together they tried to resuscitate Mrs. Lyon, but war unsucoassful and the guide atarted down the mountain path to Cloud cap inn. carrying tn -un conscious woman. The strain wai"too much for him after . traveling avral thonsanfl feetandat lastjhe wsajnnly .able 10 OXM nTMWiiU. thrCU,,tll0 now, Meanwhile th management of th Inn bad become alarmed at th continued absence of th parties and had sent out a" rescuing party.' .'. ' .' All three were brought her and given I reu" thatWelgant ha completely . H kMfd. covered, the profeaaor is 'slowly emerg- lng Irom Ith tate of , coma the shock throw him Into and big. wife will finally recover, though ah la still but partly -conscious, i . ,; j -; - .-. Short story series FOR JOURNAL READERS - -.HI II MM . j . ..i t j.: . Th Journal. -with It eus- W tomary . alertneaa when good - 4 things for Its readers ar to be 4. - had, has secured a serles ot-lh beet modern short stories to be . be published weekly la th only .. color' . msgssln supplement . published In Portland on Sunday. The first of these, -A Deal on Change." by Robert Barr, will b . printed net . Sunday.,. , foir TWELVE .PAGES. Fair. Defendant In Divorce Scan dai. Tells The i History '. of "Her. Life and Lpv'e In ' 'Court Today FIRST TASTED LIQUOR AT HEPj. HUSBAND'S HOME Young Army Couple Loved Society and Lots of Company and Went Whereyef They - Wera Invited ; Wife Paid Most of the Expense of , Entertainmentr"" - V y.-'- ' ' t-,i ''(Jearaat Special Sarvlc.) ; ' 1 Wooster. Aug. It. Mra Taggart en tered court , thl morning prepared-, to take th stand.- Whll walUng th at torneys of the opponent engaged In a controversy. .. Werts and Bmyser called each other liars. - The court threatened to punish each for "contempt and order" wa- restored, u. ; '"i.. . c. ..- -...i. Taggart - waa ' recalled ' to the- stand and denied that he adt on the sofa In a compromising position with another officer- wife. He aald that he had never quarreled with the officer In question. . Mra Taggart ' than ' took th ' stand. Sh said:- ' - - "t arn SS years old. " I was born And raised In Chicago, aa ths adopted daugh ter of Mrs. Culver. Mr. Culver was a totsJUcabstainr-rl-wa--brought-p-ln that way.- I mat and loved Major Tag. gart when h waa stationed at Fort Bherjdan. I am aur b loved m---.-. .'.'I was ill after marriage, but soon joined-my husband at Plattsburg bar racks, where mother furnished a bouae. I drank bear at Plattsburg. Th major had It In hi house. I waa happy there. W moved to Fort Thomas, where I met Captain Ryther whan h was an enlisted man. 7 He and a friend, an officer' son. war permitted to call In civilian clothes. , After h waa commissioned be baasea m fHend of my husband. . "The eeyeae)- aa t lssg ssinpsiiieti. Our horn wa a gathering place for th young people. W went everywhere thae. w were invited. I paid much of the Expense myself. . Tha wa never a subject of conversation between us.' The rfr..,r. .....rm.- piate glass ironis in stores make him advance; Mra. Taggart aald whan sh joined her husband In. th Phlllpplneaafter a long separation, she found . him a changed man. Sh believed, that th hardship of tropical campaigns had In jured hi mind. Sh said that be wa so jealou that he magnified the most In nocent happening Into terrible offenses. Witness said that ah treated "Billy" Taggart aa sh would any brother or Istsr of her husband. - Sh : accused the Orrvlll gossips -of poisoning th captain's l mind with false suspicions. ENGINEER KILLED IN . WRECK ON PANHANDLE - 1 1 - ;-.-,.-.- " Jeorsal Special Servk. I - " ' Logans port. IndU Aug. 28. Th . Pan handle excursion train from. Cincinnati was derailed early this morning. Fire man Walter Bverman of Cincinnati was killed. Engineer Patrlek Qrady is prob ably fatally hurt. Five wer slightly injured. . r-! PRICE TWO ' - . .. .-!'-, -' - -. Country From Pendleton to Spokane Sul fers from Worst Sand end Wind Storm in History of District ( j--.,; S vastionp Buildings Blown Doyn Trees UK j 'M: tjookdEtmi and Grain Damaged - . ,(SpaeUI Mapateh Is Tk JeernaLy Pendleton. Or-. Aug. 18. The entire inland empire was visited by th worst wind , and .dust storm experienced in many' year yesterday afternoon and evening. From Pendleton to Spokane th. air-waa filled with fin dust blown by wind that attained the velocity or a. hurricane. Th country was anroua- ed in darknesa Th storm raged for more .than an hour leaving a trail of devastation.' " Even--fnth-bt dust- protected store dust a quarter of an Inch thick settled on the merchandise. The air waa close' and stifling. . . In th cltie much damage waa don. Plat glass window were smashed, awn ings torn down, algna ripped from build ings. ; billboards ' demolished and tele phone and telegraph wires torn down In all directions. - Trains were - stalled waitings for ordersthat could, not be given,, .V t". . . .2 " "J- Th storm cam from th south and first reported at Pendleton ar 4 o'clock. It traveled north rapidly. reaching Spokan at T o'clock. Great damage I reported in th wheat fields, stack of wheat being scattered by th wind and uncut grain shattered by the force of th storm, fruit and shade , mrmrm ttlnwn rinwn. f rillt shaken from trees, and trSb damage, to farmer will reach nt the thousands. About 4 o'clock th storm struck Pen dleton and. for several minute the city wag f 0 total, darknesa, 4 th son bevng com nletely obscured" by" stifling- CliAids 6f Oust. " - As light was gradually restored, the wind Increased In .velocity and sign, awnings ' and itree wer- torn - down. Window wer broken and a general scene of havoc waa prevalent Several wer shattered. . . Report from Milton state that when the storm struck that point it war trav eling with frightful velocity and that many fruit trees were uprooted - and those left standing wer stripped of their fruit. - Orchard ar wrecked and th ground literally covered with ap ple. .Some standing wheat In th track of th "stOfm was demolished and th loss. .created by. th atorm I., felt throughout th county. WALL OF BLACKNESS. L Train Trembl When CoatpaoS Kass of . Sand, Dtrt and Debris Jftrike It. --r-.iapet IHanaleS t Ts Jaereal,! --eppner Junction. Aug. ,.28. The torm hit th westbound O. R. N passenger train near Coyote at S o'clock last right. Bo terrific was the' gsle of and that It wasr'lmpossibl to distin guish passengers In the coach who aat 10 feet apart. People on the train saw th storm coming, up th Columbia of James 7;;: T V f . .:-. CENTS. .,71. .TV rlvar.and became mnch frightened b. cause It bore .th appearance f an approaching tornado. For f lv mile th storm was seen coming, a perpendicular wall : of ; blackness, sweeping . up th river. . . .- . . .. . - ' In appearance the storm was no wider than the width of th Columbia. 80 eompact wa th mass of sand.; dirt and debrla that It bore a solid appearance until It actually struck th windows' of in train.- Ample time ng(jeen given for th train crW to close all the win dows, Inner well aa outer. Desplt this precaution, the dust filled th coachea and waa gov stifling as to b aimoat unbearable. -Prom Pendleton to that point there had been oeroely a breath of air and th rid had been th freest, from dust of any made-this sea son over that portion of the Iin; 7V Wlthin five minute th Clothing "of th paaaenger had been covered wltft a iayer-of sand a quarter of an Inch deep. ... Telegraph poles, fence and rock be came loat to view In an' Instatttt Th ' train shook and quivered and threatened to leave th rail. People suggested that the. ..conductor stop the train, but thla was scarcely necessary, because th ' engineer waa forced to creep along at a : anallpace. . , To makethe distance of eight mile bet ween. Goyote and Cast Rock It re- ' quired ttyree quarter of nil liuur. 1 Frew . -Castle Rock the storm had largely spent Its fury and by th lime Heppner June- ' itna.wss reached, -whlh ie 1 -mile sat gain discernible. Precautionary measure war taken by the railroad company by sending out section men at all curve where thai! MndUJw-rrfttnar-badly'"I"At . these curve th train crept at soeil-ilk pace. These precaution wer eontlnued far a Grant, which I nearly stKmlle west of Coyot. In thl entire district sand fences wer blown . down f and many place completely covered. - v . Local passenger on th train bouml for Heppner. Arlington and other town, pronounced the storm th worst that has awept th Columbia In over S0 year. . , BUILDINGS OVERTURNED . , -ii. .j . Blown Sown, ttrain bad rraift Saaiaged at Walla Walla. ; ' ISpaelal Mapetrs to The JaaraaLt 'Walla Walla. Wash., Aug. ft. Fruit threshed from .trees, standing . grain (Continued on Pag Two.) Accused Statistician of th C " partment ; of t Agrieutturf ,; - Surrenders Himself TEN THOUSAND DOLL.r.3 .'. , IS-SIZEOF H cc.:d TV Charged With Conipiracy in Connec- tion With the Prematura JEbUca-.. h' tdon of Cotton Reports Which Were Sold to Speculators. (Jearaal Ssetial SerrUe.l. 'Washington. Aur, 18. Edwin SV Holmes. Jr., former sssorlat " i4H tlcian of th department of agrleultur, surrendered to th United State mar shal thl morning In response to. an in dictment charging consplrari-lh "con nection 'with th premator publication of government crop report ' v Holmes ws indicted with Frederick. A, Peckham -and Moeee Has of New York. Th two latter had already been arrested. District Attorney ' Beech went befor Justlr Sufford Satur r and Holmes' bond wss ftsed st ll. It wa expected that Holme would ap pear In am-wer to th Indictment t day. but he failed now up until t morning., HNmea' attorney In. .WWngJon W?J5. Ieater. Both man arrived In ( ca Saturday'and the defense of Hoi wa prepared soon after their arrlv. A statement given eut states e Itly tht the eotton reports w pared by -four persona one of waa the secretary ef agrleultur. " xm la taken bF" ' r r th leak in the report oou! 1 . oncurred without m" "-'' oynlaant uf tlie fct hl-n Mr. Iester eri'l-'-!'" 1 Hoi mts gave er ' It is P"W saM tn re ssked to 1 l.o'Tie snd " ' b Jhre of I HOLLIES ARRESTED AT WOII1GTI& .... - V ,. , 'I .. is f i v '