The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 27, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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St Johns Councilman Supposed
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German Evangelical popla of . Port.
: Jand will hV a day ot rllloua rajolc
lng,nt Suhdajr, September S, whan tha
Klrat Oermaa EranveUcal church, at the
, corner of Tenth and Clay atreeta. will
be dedicated with appropriate cremn
ii lee. conducted bjT Blahop Breyfojel,' IX
- J4 of Readlnx, Pannajrlranla; - .,-
mia tHMTg, peitar. At 10:46 a. m., "Ood'i
Wrltlaa On tha Tablet at Ufa": t:4S a. n
"Tea Uenlna of lm"l T a. ta., Ipwortb
karae, leader, Mrs. T. S. McOaaiali lt a. ol
' wora Coraer Tveaty-thlM aad " Irrlne
atreeta; Utnry T. Atkinsoe, vaatar. gnadar
eroanl, 10 a. K. ; aerawa, 11 a. Bk, oa "UbaUna
Uatf"S Epwarth leaaaa. e.5 a. m. : urani,
T:45 p. ta., ea "Taa Maa Chrfct lored."
eae Ooraer Twalftk aad Tartar atreeta;
Clereac True Wllaoe. I. I)., paatur. At lO.aO
a. at, i'The AdTantage ef Having Trouble"!
t a. ., tae Me. Dr. W. W. Yoaagaoa
e( New Jeraey will praark na Tbe boat
t-hrlat," allaa Bankla , aad . Urn. .Uanlltoa.
auleleta; aaaday acbou). 11:19 a. aL. CpwurU
eWeftte) 9 44 e
T.rkr-atreel Ur. 'rraaela Barrett Saart,
' paater. At : a. at... dun; 10 : a, n.,'
W. W. younretna. - I. . D.. oa "Tb
aniptara Paradna") 12:1 a. la., Roaday ecbool;
0 p.- m., Kuworth let for; f:4a a. 1.
ekort ea "BeqalreaMBta Cur Cartatlaa atrengta"!
aprelal aololata. Mlaa Qreer aad 111a Caae.
' Oatral Ceroer Haaaell aod Kerby alraata;
r. U Xoena. Jatu, . llanlcea. 10. at) a. m.
aad p. av; Boaday acaoel, 11 a. Xpwerta
leaaa, a, a. . ,- t - .
Mnaayalde Taaahlll' (treat betwaea Tblrty.
fib and Thlrty-alxth atreeta; T. Br lord.
peetatv At 1 a. av, Bandar arboolf II 'k. m.,
aeraaaa ay tke aaatar; II wl, claaa aaeetlnz :
-U p. ai.. ioalar - Epwertb Ira gee; - :
r. Kpwertk league deeettoaal aieetlng;
a. au, aeeaehlag by the Iter. C. K. Caaalug
baa a Moauaa. . i. , K
t'eateearr corae Kaat Ptae and ' Ittatk
atreeta; Willie at U, Hekpe, D, D., paatsr. At
' 10:aa a.- ax. -The World 'a Leaae': T:e a.
Bl. paetor'a flrth addreaa of aumaier aarlea ea
-Tb Ureat Harcala-Maker ef Hlatort"! claaa.
a. av; aaaday acaool, 12;U a. at; .0
p. aa. caeraa caeiT. . , '
i, t'-f''; .; . rKESBTTUiAii. ' . V;':. '''..'
rirat Career Twelfth and Alder atreeta: Or.
X. P. Hill, peeker. At 10 :M a. m. Bee. Hbeldoa
Jeckaoa, rXM will oreopy the polplts f:W p.
' .DWF iueMir win preaca. .. ..
Monnf Tauar Edward If, Sbarn. ' neater.
leiluea. It a. aa. aad T:8 a. a. prearklng
j mtt. t. ii. rama oi uaiaaoma.-. ainaing
la rharg of lYefeeaar ,. It. Parela f Be leak
TblrdOoraer Eeat Pine and Thirteenth
atreeu; wi. Aaarew I. Mnatgoaaery, paator.
aerrtnav 1HM a,-, a. and 7:4 p. a. 4aaday
acboul, IS at. Cbrlmlaa Kadeaeor. e:eO p. am.
MUpaBKaat Tblrteeath and Powell atreeta:
Bee. Jerome M.-McMlade. l. D., peatar. At
. 10:80 a. Bk. "The laiailneriea af Ood": n.
a-. . It. . Maelaleaa, It, 0 , if Hepklataa.
tew a. will aeeaeh.
UraDd-Aeenoe At 11 a. B. Bee. H. & Kaf
r-ei ea uaaeuie, orerea. will preara. Mlaa
) die of the I'tab Deaf Mate acneel wtB
laiernrei ne atnaoa to the deaf Bate. '
t mi rib rlret aad Olbba Btreett Bee. X. D.
Bl-ClellDdf paator. Hereleea at 10:3 a. B.
and T:a p. B Buaday scbnol, IS B. , A. H.
aarOewaa.' au per la tea dent; ChrBtlaa Eadeaeef.
: f. a. .
. Calrary Ooreer R Wreath end Clay- atreeta!
PeeW W. B. ttllbert. paator. At 10:10 a. ta.
Kr. . Alriattder Utaarlaad et lew d' Aleve,
tdebo, wlU preach oa "Tb Tea OoaiBiand
eMtedateat the Baala of BeU-lou aad Boeietr":
Be erealag aarrln. . . 7
Comber land Eaat Twelfth aad Tarlor atreeta
R. Jielaoa Allaa. paator. genluaa at 10: B0 a.
., preeeh
oi, 11
aehlag by I)r. Bay palmer; 8uDde
II ah. W. V. Dearer. aaoertnteaoVnt:
r .we Eadeaeer oarrlce 6:30 p.- at. at Haw-
tMree para. ,
t anlmeat--Coraer Cleeelaad aeeaae aad Jar
' ret eireet; Bee. 1 Mr roe Btnaar, paater.
t raeaB by the paetnr at 11 a. ta. HL-betb acbool,
1 a. a. j Be eeealag aerrloe. , f
' yirat Toraer Park and Madlana atreeta; Be.
B. U. Ha, D. II., paator. At 10:J a. n.,
aerinoa by Bar. Praacla . Taa Horn, O. D
of Woreaater, Maaeecbenetta,' A Mraaag Proat
the Baa A Berntoa for VaretWie"; ajieel.l
Baale: T: p. n., Pr. Van Kara an ''Wrong
be d popA Stady ef Ponbt aad IMacoaraae
meat"; 11:10 a. a., Sunday aehoolt 6:10 p. m
. P. . C. K leader. Mra. W. 1. Painter.
' Pilgrim chapel 040 Keren d atreet. Bandar
erhnol, p:W a. B., U M. Rice, auperlntaadeal.
HlghUad larner Prcarott and Kaat MUth
tret, aorth: Iter. A. at. Bockwood, peat'.
rtnaday arkool. 10 a. ea. : II m., "Caa W
tH Away rrna Uodr'; f:iS p. B., "The
freed, ef a rtoobter." '
t alreraltf Park Artlaaa tennle, Tortatnnarh;
Kev. p. B. Oray. paator. At 11 a. m.. "Loat
OpanrtBBltlea": K a. B., Baaday aebenL
eawnnyeide Comer of Beat Tarlor ad Kaat
f hlrtr-foortfc etreeta; Bee. J. 1. Btaab,
.'At II a. B., -The rrteadeblp of Jeeua";
fmder eebeek. Id a. ra., p. :. nr, aepena-
1-ieeet: Juator fhrletlaa Bndeaeor, p. bk.
Mlth H., euparlatendVnt i Senior Chrietlea
Jdearne, t:l p. m-i areelng aerTlce omitted
''"'' aaiaitfiaar . ''
a ""L" ''eteeatk aad r:eeeett atreete; Pr.
A. lr-we, rerrne. Hole eenamnnloa. i
"'"' aarrlee. II a'clorkj aalag
errlre. a .i.- i
1 Balai -Twenty eawed aad Sard atneU;
Erantellcal Church at Tenth and
. The church' la a handaome buUdlnf.
dealKnod by Architect H. C. Dlttrlch and
built by F, C StrtegL The audUortutn
la a iar extataly room, taatefully deco
rated. Large rooma for -Sunday achool
are on the lower' floor. The Interior, of
tha atrueture la flniahed 1 natural Ore
gon nr, Highly poi lahea.
Bee.' Bobert Hop, paater. BaadayelioaL. 14
a. a.: aenlcea at 11 a. Bl. aad T.'SO p. B.
Good BbFDherd Kellwood - atreet aad Va
eaueer aeaoae, Alhlna; Her.. Joha Oawaoa.
rector. Banday- erbool, ' 10 a. m.: Baralog
Berelot, 11 o'clock; ae erealng Bar rice. .
Bt. Dcrld'a Bat Twelfth and Bebawrif
atreeta? Her. George' B. Vaa Water. D. O..
rector- MoratBg prayer, II e'eloek?. ; Baaday
ocnooi, v.o e. m. ; no weening eerTMw,
Bt. Joba'a Memorial Billwoodr Bee. W. :
Powell In charge. Berrlca and arrmon, 10:43
' St. ' 'htark a Coraer Nlneteeath aad QBlaiby
atreeta; aae. j. a. n. aimpaoa. rector. At
g a. rax, holy eooimanloar 11 a. m., holy eeat
araaien aad aermon t v o 'clock, eeeniag prayer
aad aermon; no Baaday eooL
:"J;.': V'' r-'.(: '- . f V . - '
....v . . ,i...-.: BAPTIST. ..,...,.,(.
yirw Corner Twelfth aad Taylor . atreeta;
Be. J. . WhHenmb Brourker. D. 1).. oaator.
At 10 a. ex. addreaa by bee. C, A. Woody. D.
m or tier, b. eraouy. v.
Baptlat World Coogreaa";
J. b.; B. X. P. II. re
80 p. m.. reader. Harold
I..-ea "The Ureat Baptlat World
uinie arejoai, ia:io
eeetloa Bd eeretca.
aounna: i :40 a. m.. ur. Brouaaer areacaea
oa "Waa Jean rhrlst a ChrlMlaar' .
Bt. Johne ffetiloee- ta Adrentiat ebareh.
Prrachlne at 11 a. b. bn Bee. Joha Bentalea
oa "What la Worth Whll " Baaday achool. 1C
Bethany 4ellwood. ', Baaday achooL ' 11 a.
B. preach log IS B. br Her. K. A. IiBoaard
and at T:46 p. m. by Mra. P. J. Adam. .
Unleerattr Park Baaday acaool. 10 a.. B.I
yrearbtsg by Mra. P. J. Adam at 11 a. B.
Bad by Bee. Job a Bentalea at T:4 p. B. '
BeotHHl aaat Beeeata aad Aakany ttreeta;
Re. B. C Lapham, pea for. At 10 :M a. m
The laaBlratloa ef a rerelza Life": Bible
erbool. 13 aa.; 7 40 p. m. tha aerrlce will he
Uluatrated with atereopticoa, ... .
. irarrrxs xtavsklical
yirat Corner Beat Tenth aad tkeraua
atreeta; A. A. Whiter, paator. At 10 a. m.,
Buaday achool, ti. A. Starer, kaparlatendeat;
preachlBg, 11 a. a, -and I , a
Beooad Corner Parao aad Karby atreeta;
Be. - 1. Bowaraoa, paator. At 11a. am
"The Pnllneaa ef the Uentflee"; l a. a.
The ' Penkalfed Bible': Banday achool. It
m. B. Janier Bade ear,' f. a f. L, C I.,
OekVy (rreew Banday Befool t:S0 p. B.
preaoblag,' : p. B., by Be. B. B. M
Vh-ker. '
Bt. Joha'i Comer of Joke aad Iraaho
etreeta; E. B.. MeVlekar, paater. At 11 a. at..
"The Beauty ef Jeaua Chraat": a. B., "la-
eTeaa of Mtrnmoa mere see DeBaad bat D
K. tk C L. tM p. B.J B. E. L. C A, J
"4" r 'ef ' 1 aBarmhidaw .r tf -( , t "i
... , :. CKXIITIAB. . ,
Ceatral Eaet Twentieth aad aataaoa atreeW;
iter, 4. r. vaorauer, paater. ai II t, m.
Be. Benjamin U Smith will epeak; g p. m..
Iter. M. m. uoeoe- or niaaoan will apeak
Baaday achool, 10 a. BLI Be aloe adaar, tM
-Tlret Corner
Park .and. Colambta atreeta
Mackley, mlolater,
Praaehlua at 10
a. a.- by Ker. i. Ii. Uarrieoa nt Bt. Louie.
edltur of the Ckrietlaa , Braogellatj lecture at
T:A p. a, ty Bar. rl. 1 flmltk ef rtnetnaeM,
ecretarr ef the America Cbrlatlaa Mlaalonar
aoctety, ea -Tb Life aad Work of Ales Cmp
Den. r " ' v
Bodney-Araaae Coraer Bodnay . aeeaae aad
Kautt treat. At 10:) and 1:46 p. m., aerrlcea
me ducted hy ylaltlag brethna from Baa Praa-
cure. .,';.,, ;.-.
rtret Scottlak Bit cathedral. Morrkwa aad
Lewnadala atreet. SerTlcea 11 a. bl aad
S p. a.. ahlecf 'Maa"! Baaday achool at
eloae ef Bornlne re 1 1 loo.
Second Aodltortam bolldlag. Third between
Tartor aaa aetaoa excrete, nuauer nima
at 11 a. Bt. and p. a., aohteet, "Maa"; Boa-
aay acaooi, ii a. m., in tit reaaing-rooma.
'l f now. ':"r
i Chrtatlan Catholle Apnatotle Cbarrh la Zloo
AHaky building. Momaoa Bear Third! Be.
Joka Aleaaader . Vvwle, Bret apoatla) Bat.
ikarlea A. Hoy, elder la charge. At S p.
B., Bible atady; S p. B., a prala aad teatV
atony aerrwe, coooaetea by Toe elder: g a, a.,
"Urowlng la th IMrloe Uf." ,
Norweaian Brnad !!arBe t!aat ''Tatith . end
Grant treed; o. Hagoa. paator. , Berelc
in ta roreaeoa by Be. T. n. ilahl at Uaoala,
r.-iKPB; we ereetng eereice. v
St. Jamaa' BuglUb Corner Weat Park and
leffereoa. itreeui J. A. Lea. It. D., paatur.
Serrleea, II a. a. Sundae epannl, 10 a. B.l
Lather letter, 1 p. m.i no erealng eerelro.
t. Pan! a (German) tornr- Beat Twelfth
and Cllntaa atreeta) A.. Kreaee, paator. Coa-
tetetunil arTtce,,.-0 a. a.; morning Berrlca
ana amy eommuaieee Mr-80 o'clock i erealng
aerrlea, I e'cloch, Buaday acbool. $M a. at.
Plrat BnglUh .comer Eaat Slitb lad Market
treeta! B. A. Slrwert, paator. Preaching at
r el and at B p. a. bf
B. BcaoaeraianBl Buaday acaoal, 14
a. ai.. A. Bl I titer. eenrlnla..t . V . e
ple'a allunre, T p. aa - , -
yint flermaa Cornea 'Plgkteentk lad Tla
IY'm ioaor "cber. paitorr" Bonder
acbfloL tM a. a.f aerawa atJP.M a. ra. and I
a- ' ' - j-v. - -' -' t . ,
Ike Chrlatlta aad Mlaateaary alUaaae-Utk
CUy Streets.
Berrlcea for the dedication bay been
planned with a view to Interacting- both
Engllah and Oerman-apeaklng , jeopla
At the morning aerrloe the blahop will
give a aermon In German, and In tha
afternoon meeting aervtoea In Engllah
will toe held.' . , (
aad Mala atreeta; Bee, ,r fx, flaw lie, eaper.
In tendon t.-. Preaching, iM a. m.) SaBday
ecfeooi. u: a. b. I eoea-air aamee ur an
block aaer Pourth and Madieoe etreeta; If the
weather la anfarorable the aerrtceXwlll be held
la the caa pel at auth aad alala atreata.
96 T.
K. C A. f
tarlaB 1AT Pourth ' atreet.
At .:0 p. JB. addroB By ITealdeut Benjamin
Ida Wheeler er thou uairerany ef
Lolo Millar, ooatralto;
ae !
i-.-v. ..-. TfaTTAIIAkT.
' rtrit Ooroer ' lemlk aad Tamklll atreeta:
Be. George c. Creaeey, D. D., mlnlatar. At
11 a. a. Be. W. O. Bllet, Jr will preach
oa. The Moral Bftee. of a Or eat Kspoatrlas
wa the Com at ami ty la whiek it la Held."
Pnat Corner ef Bart Plftoeatk and Mor.
nsoa atreeu: H. C. Bbarrar. paater. Bible
achooL 10 a. m. : praarhlaa. 11 a. av and4
f p. B. X. P. B. O. B., T p. B. .
.'.-.....j . n, j. oanrmox sovrx. '
Plrat 1T1H Beeoad atreet, rreeterV kni
E. H. Mow re. paator. SerVlcea at 11 a. at.
and a p. a. Baaday acbeol, 10 a, m. Kpworth
eagao, r p,a.. - . L , r-
' '" ' , BBITEESAliSf. "'
yirat Ct it Coach aad Beat Eighth atreeta;
W. T. Small, paator. At 11 a. m. 'firteteB
doa'a Can, or Pot What la Profeauatlaa
SlgnJgeaat;" T:4S p. a., "Tainted Money aad
1 tinted aogy"i 10 a. a., aaaday acaoot.
The BeVaeaa eamcimtatlna. Oraad
aad Kaat XamblD. wlU clow aa Baaday
"'Bee Branch Got pel mlotluo Piiat near Clay
Banlnea ererr erealng aad Baaday at . aa
f:SO a. m
yirat Bptritae! eoctaty Artlaana' hall, AMag-
toa aaiMina. fjontereac. 11 a. a. i leetaro.
T :4S p. a., by Pr. M. t. Bar 11a, peatar, ea
"jteainmaaip or taa rurure. r
Millennial Ilewn Berrlcea ta O. A. B,
kali, Mulkey baUdlng, aoreer Second aad Mor-
riaoa atreeta, at eu p. a.
"Ueoeala and Orowth of the Heaua Sool"
will be the (abject of e lecture at th Then.
aophleal rooaaa, Allaky baUdlog, hall 100,
dar aeealna.
The Portlaad New Pburrk aarlaty, Swadaa
borglaa Beeeptloa ball third Soar Malkey
building, Second aad Mnrrhma ptreeta. Lay
eerrice ana eereiou t tu:ou a. Bt.
riret Bible Spiritual society A. O. V. W,
halL BalllBg-Hlrach baUdlag. : At B p,
J. A.
Johaatoa. followed br
tee i a ana trumpet paennmena ay i. A. J onset on.
Dlrlne Truth Center Dtrtne Truth ehapaL
kaU aul AUaky building, corner Third aad
Morrawa atreeta; Thaddoa M. Mlaard, paator.
here Ice at- 11 a. av. , . l4.
' (Boaelal tHapateb ta The 4erwaLI ...
Helena, UonU Aug. . A Lewlaton
specials aaye .that the coroner'a Jury
which baa bean lnrentlgntlng the death
of Samuel StudslaakU, the aged former
Saa . rranciacanr- who - was robbed and
murdered In his place of bualneaa Thurs
day nlghU today returned a verdict that
the murder was committed by aa un
known person Desptta the strenuous
efforts of the entire police and sheriffs
force absolutely no cluea have been
found which throw any light on tha
ienttty.of tha murderer. jl ,.t . i '
It has developed that a few weeks ago
Studstnskl removed his diamonds,
ralued Bt Il,t00. from the bank of Fer
gus county, and It la bellered these,
with other, valuablea known to be la
Btudslnakl's ' .posaeaalon, furnished the
motlre.for the crime. ,- fti,
The tracing of two placards. "Kansas
City-No. 17." found on the dead man's
body, waa dona by the finger of the
murderer In the blood of the murdered
man. , Btuosinaai was killed with a
large knife of peculiar pattern. The
victim baa. wealthy brother living at
zn nm streeit nan FTaaoisoo.
The Southern Paotflo ompany baa
placed oa sale at its Portland offloea
round trip tickets to Shaath Springe at
a rate) of ISO Beautiful, Illustrated
pamphlets descriptive of thle resort can
be 'secured from any Southera Paclfla
BSwmt,j..., i. .j.-.'
Judge-Tou wr alone when you com
mitted the robbery T ? ., -f - i
Delinquent Tea, your worship. Ton
see. when you've rot a mate you never
know whether he's honest er not. f-
Mayor Ouesses Not, and 'Edwards,
Who Has Twica .Withdrawn and
V Ones Sent , Unsigned Resignation,
Which Was Accepted, Smileev! '; -
The 'eaat aide efaee ef Tke - Journal la ta
the atore ef Mra. P. W. VU Sinner. BSC Boat
Morrawa atreet. . Thphaa Beat STB. l , ,
Owing to the death , of "Cottnellman
O. L. Thompson's wlfeno business was
transacted at the meeting of the St
John's council that was called to elect
a successor to C D. Bdwards.' Tomor
row evenlriB the -ceunoll will meet and
It Is aspareat that the old wounds win
be torn open, owing to recent develop
ments. .. ' 7'"' o" f" ""r ': "'"'i'V.
Briefly stated the situation u this:
Councilman Edwarda sold his property
and reelgnad; before hi roalgnatlon was
accepted . ha withdrew It; some days
later he authorised another resignation,
which waa not sla-ned : finally this rea-
Ig-natloa has. been disowned by Mr. Ed
warda, and at the last gathering pr tne
council be responded to hie name when
called by. the city auditor,. Auditor
Hanks called hie name, aaaertlng that as
only three -oouncUmon -voted Tt oust
Mr. Edwards and three present did not
record tbelf vote, there was ; no legal
action taken In tha matter, deaplte the
declaration of Mayor King that the seat
was vacant. ' , ' H -y.t -v , . ,
Charges of graft, bribery and various
ether unpleasant things' have been fly
Ins freely, but tha agitation according
to the beet sources, seems to be with
out real foundation. ' It Is said that one
party, purchased Mr." Edward" property
with the undratandlag.that ha would
aive 'up his .seat In the oounelL : Later
under, pressure from the temperance
forces he refused to leave, though hie
property has been sold, and finally he
announced - his, decision to stand pat
for -a time. ..'." : . c --.s . . .-4-
' For weeks tha St Johns council haa
been In a deadlock and without the vol-J
untaTy withdrawal of Mr. Edwards no
Immediate solutlon-of the dilemma will
ba reached..'1 f ' ...
. At the meeting tomorrow eight how
ever, a decided effort wll be made by
some of the eounellmea to air the en
tire quarrel and tha causes lying be
hind It. which effort will be stoutly
resisted by other councllmen, and prob
ably Mayor King himself, who desires
peace. If no decision Is reached coun
cllmen and mayor- will ba asked by the
eltlsene .of --the town to hold adjourned
sessions nightly . until tha question Is
decided, and the council Is legally sup
plied with lta full quota of members.
BTeey oaptkal iBvawSS. aad snsars Wffl
. Be SeejiWeal la etf fkaaevay. , ,
" O. W. Cone, formerly managing owner
of the, Cone Xjumber company of St
Joints, has sold a threw fourths interest
In his Dlant to N. 1. Blagen and others
and material Improvements aim be made
in. the mill, which was already a large
one.,, Jjnder the new arrangement the
Arm name le changed to that of the Ore
gon Fir Lumber company, with. Mr.
Blagsn ss president and Mr. -Cone ee
vice-president. - Mr. Cone received f 10.-00-
for his - Interest and - tha -transfer
snd reestabllshment waa completed but
a few days ago. and announced yester
day. -.The firm owns it acres, and last
week edded a - block to its holdings
ea the St. Johns waterfront.' Material
tmprovemaata are planned, and It Ig sine
nounced that the capacity of tha mill
will ba doubled before the changes are
completed. -At present the mill can turn
eut ei.OOO feet of lumber In a 10-hour
run and frequently a night shift Is
worked to keep . np with tha orders.
Other changes In tha lumbar field at At
Johns are spoken of aside from ths ev
tabllshment of tha big Weyerhauser
plant. - General activity is reported rn
ths lumber industry end at lsast ens of
ths other mills haa under consideration
a plan to greatly enlarge Its field and
Increase ita output In the near future:
the deal is practically made for : tha
Interesting- of a large amount of out
side capital. . .";.,'; ('...'
St. Jobas atesldeats OoaatruoMas; Kaay
' Jmprevementa at Bt Johns of the
better elsss are Increasing In number.
This week Editor Thorndyke of the
StUohne. ReylewTwlll move Into hie
new realdence. which cost in the neigh
borhood of ft.ooe. This house will be
one of three in the district near Port
land to have a new gas systsm installed.
whlch.J guaranteed to produoe gas for
cooking and lighting purposes at less
than 60 cents par 1,000 feet H. H.
Carey of ' Bellwood Is building three
IL000 cottages In the rear of the school
building-and - will rent them when fln
iahed. P. A. smith la having eon.
struoted a S,I00 residence at ths end of
Burlington street and - will ; make tha
place his horns when It is completed.
A 1 1.000 realdence is being constructed
for O. W. Oatton In the Adams addition
and several other bouses coating mora
than ll.toe are being planned. A year
ago a house costing' tl.eOS waa tha
exception in tho town but at preaeat the
majority of new homes are costing dou
ble that amount with the average of
value constantly rising.: . V ,
Beats West Bid BngbM Oewpsaay BaaUy
la Skaab. to Waterfront Blsms. ' ; ,
West slds fire eompanles cannot com
pete with tha flreboat when it comes to
getting to a waterfront blase. This
wss demonstrated yeeterday afternoon
when the brush and weeds 'on a hill
side near the Alblna dock of the O. R.
N. caught' Are and spread over aa
gore -or mors before the volunteer bri
gade had it tinder control. - A weat slds
. . rOiSOBB ts
Perbsos rau -don't realtss that man
pala pofaons originate In your food, but
eome day. you may feel a twinge -ef
dyepepaia that will .convince you. Dr
Klng-e New Life Pllle are guaranteed
to cure all alrkneas due to rtoleona of
undigested food or money back. Its
at Skidmore Drug Co., Ill Third street
Try them. . ..,'''.:';,.-.'
" '-;''.. ;; ., ,: '." . "I'-: , .'.,. :' '.--. i i' l-r.- ' t W f. . .( - ' ....... ' '-K ;-:'i. ... -.
Veill bo covoteCtf catircly to
; ;
.,Ttl' .' ,'.
; . If" -V -Lr
' f-A er,.'' , -. ' !: i - '-
TtftMS NT CASH '. i,mi
: - b
placo Monday at 0
Ptulks haytez tor' ch, ia
new wkolessla Cits, cae o!
P. M. tOD0ITlW(I
engine . company and- the flreboat - re
sponded to the alarm, and ths boat beat,
tha engine and truck to the drawof the
steel bridge by a bowsprit THe draw
swung open for tha boat and tha craft
ran -la to the shore and. stood ready to
throw a line' before the shore firemen
ceuld speed serosa tha draw. For ths
district near the river east of the steel
bridge west Side Companies respond on
tha first alarm and In several Instances
tho flreboat haa raced through the open
draw .while tha Isndsmen waited. But
little damage was done yesterday by tha
Are, which et one time threatened to
spread - to adjoining houses.
,.,y v ,. ; 11 1 1 -' ' . . 7
' The Urge number' of singers arriving
from various cities of ths Psolflo coast
to attsnd tha Norwegian aangerfest is
a surprise to ths local society. Over
1.00 members arrived from- tha state of
Washington last night on special trains
snd the California delegation was ex
pected today. The visitors were met at
ths depot by committees from, the local
aoolety. Each society bore Its .dis
tinctive banner, marched In procession
to ths center of town and dispersed to
different hotels) ' .
Msdams Ragna Llnne of Chicago, the
soprsno soloist arrived yesterdsy. : The
fljat rhsarsal took place this monvins at
Arion hall under ths direction of Pro
fessor Carlo A. Speratl of . Iowa, and
there will be another tomorrow morn
ing before, the concert in the evening. ;
T. J. Armstrong, eeeiecutor with It
M. Cake and W. C. Noon, Jr., of the aetata
of - W. C. Noon, a wealthy bag .gjanufao
turer, .filed objections in the county
court veatarday afternoon to the peti
tion of Noon and Cake for the sale Of
real property- In order to pay the debts
of the taut. la his bill of objections
At Aa . rav W
- - . S- -7- -.."',-7.777.r:-, S12 .
caieUico ot tea xcz's
V -' : Q7'?Q9 CAST lAqiON .STRttT ( lOOS-IOOT waSallBOTOrt BVf '
.: v . .' fCuawaaea iaia' at wa, ,.V '
Of -deduction lhed tceptbytjechl agreement. . . .' . v' '
A; M. .RcmciTLbcr
t-tltbt, will be served by cpobtacnt only. Two
Qotahbs tad or.e of Fi,Tie!2- will be ready tX 2
; ; fCH0LiS' IwONCWO
Armstrong saya ths debts of ths estate
amount to about $00,900 snd the credit
ors are demanding payment ' His co
executors wish to sell the real property
first so as to pay tha debts, he saya
He believes.. ..the personals property
should first bo disposed of and ques
tions ths right of ths court to order ths
sale of tha realty- before the eals of
the persons! property. ' a , .. . -
The real property in Multnomah
county, , he saya, has '-a ground rent
value and If ths executors Joined in a
lease a tenant might be secured. - Of
tha farma li Columbia county the "bill
ita tea that ; ths ' personal "-property
thereon la -not .neceaaary for" their fu
ture operations and ho asks thst this bs
SOld. -. ". . -' '' ' i ' . '.-')
trip lnx'tl-
, ! TWO. WAYS EAST: BY WATER, . : .; .7 .', '
The Northern. Stetmsnip Co. will operate gteainshlp North-West"
between Duluth and Buffalo and stetmihlp "North-Land between Chi
cago and Buffalo, calling at intermediate points of interest Return rail
tickets good for this water routs en alight additional payment ;
. ..' . 1 acBOPBAX 04 , ambbicast run. . " ...1, .;....7' . 1 ...
' .' .Aawrtaaa Plea laeladea all aapiait ea ea ticket, j ' .Xr.'
; ''V'v1'.. -vX'.; I. 1- "lterth-Ued" leeeea 0hiae Btardaye
X, v .. i. i. . 'OMonfc-WMt, bene belaU teaaays . ''.-. v.','": '
Par fall pantoulaaa apply a wrHe e H. DI0BB0B, a r. Si . IBS M at, rvtiaad. 0.
total tho c
this h tho last ycc!i.
,;.The federal 'grand, Jury. wllJL" resume "ZZ
Its investigations tomorrow. Further,
evidence concerning tha operations of -W.
N. Jones, Thaddeus S. Potter and
others." In tho SUets reserve, la to be ;
preaented, snd ths grand Jury will oon- '
alder the alleged conspiracy of Con- -gresaman.
Williamson,- lr.-Van Qeaner r
and Marlon R. Biggs. It Is expected "7
that ' a new Indictment egalnat these
laet defendants-will ba returned. r
Dry land , farming surprisingly sac-eessful.-
How slowly men learn.
t is
;4 -
: . ii ' ' . .'7,