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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1905)
r - - -v tr' - - - - - . m r LDlllULv.:J lb Gil - . .. l-itwrc's&'Lj; 4 4. I.:::. UIZ: ..'Tb Olrl ai4 th4 W""' .'.The liV-e of ttt Ao 1' ..., 1 aur. . 1 lrar .. brand . . ; fa luteal Br"'"i .Vaudeillie tOOMUW v Ul TOW ton AW AT I . Snbeertbei of Te Jearsa wbY . for a wook or bonr Buy hare ; In pw etopped t tuslr rol4Mo , - and ut to an addroaa by mail at , tne raaulai rate, aad eolleetloa will bo , ovada by raalar carrier attar return, , to tba city, eacet at Loaf Amc aad , Aaaatda, wear laa Journal baa rs- alar carrier rt-Uwr. Otto Alee ' of IIwmo, Waahiugtua. baa chare ol Iba Journal oa taaf Boacb and UwU A Co. a( toaaido hav rharae et Taa Journal aa seaalee or ClaUoe beach. ' IxllT.rr will bo dm da at tkoao two r'lnta at iwaular anbecrlptloa rataa. ie yuar rbaoa pi addrtoa to foot earrlar or Pkooe llala buO aad pro lop -t ' atuntloa wld be givea all order. -.Take a pmt Columbia River beach , ; and Vancouver , park today, a moat . charming- electric car ride from Second . and Washington streets. Anoni other attractions will bo a frc band concort. ': which. will greatly delight the tnou. aanda who will rather there. - Cars leave Second snd Washington atreete "" , every . 40 minute for the i beach and ' park and the ride consumes about, to minutes. The Dark la aald to be one of the moat attractive weat of the nocmea. The water la clear aa. cry ataj. la froah, - at this aeaedn warm, and the pure Bandy bottom alopea back to the center . of the river ao gently that even a Uttle child la In no dancer In bathing there. .The -fascinating Columbia river la no where, mere beautiful than at Van rouver, and pleaaure-aeekera could not , be Invited to a more enjoyable outing-. tie over any time , today, lou will iver regret lt'-Remember-to 4k -tha - caracal Second and Washington, . - " snie''lnventory of tha estate of Dr. r John' Welch wna filed with the county - clerk yeateray afternoon by the ap- : pralsera, D. M. Wateon, W. I Pa tn and D.J.-Holmes, and showed It la valued ' at I50,;m, o,of of hlrh J. personal . ami tine remainder real. J'ereontu prop erty, consisting, of - promissory -notes s executed In the last 10 years, sro oe- rlared to be worthless. - One by J. f. . PumIiaa for J4QQcivtiA.lnJLoTIi.onS. b? v V, Dela T. Gravea, for 111. In lltl. and ' . one .by George William McCarver -or ' .. $28, In 1184. are Hated aa a part of the " .estate, , . J v '" ,v Proteaaor Woodwatd.' he 'well-known dnnctng teacher,' haa aaaoclated Wmaelf with the Weatern Academy or atuaic and Dramatlo Art and will direct hla rlaaaea for the coming-' aeaaon In -the '-- academya hall. Mulkey bulld,tn, at See- ...ond and Morrlaon atreeta The eiaaaea ; will be on Monday and Thnraday evrrr ; . In and Inatructloa will be (Ivan In all ., the. lateat dancea. .Including- the raaci " natlng three-atep. Prof eaaor. Woodward . will have five aaalatanta and the muale -.- for the claee wll be -urnlahed , by Tver orcheatra. t 'y',,,? ;-,' f.' Th City Meaaenger Delivery com " ' pany will give permanent employment -' to boy a between 14 and if yeara of age. ' or oWer,v The work la eaay. healthy and pleasant. Delivery of telegrama, let tera'and amall packagea are the only . dutlea . reoulred. steady, . earnest ana " InteUixent .boya .can earn from ISO to ' . lad par winta. , rigaralla gmOi U-K,EtS:. . fa nit y or rowdylam not permitted. From .Apply at main offlee, 10 Sixth atreet,or . -j t FcU , ToJograpn . onje-v - -T-ora . .-Jane Bw-wirtor will bo eL tie Portland ' room U 4.-only a few daya longer. Idl deelrlna; to avail themaelvea of ; the opportunity In having the L'lrre-.- alatlble and K. W. - Ooaaard. the lace iront-coraeta. which, when properly ad- Juated.. give axmmetry, eaaa ana .eie ,. gance-. to the figure. , ahould call be ; ' tween the houra of a. m. ar.d 1 p. m. Price within the reach of every one. - V The Oregon library, commlaalon can , uae back- number of tha Youth's Com ' panlnn to advantage. The Portland pub- i ilo library baa. been designated, aa tha .weatern depository or the commlsalon ,1, and. If peraona having these magaslnea ' , away , will aend them to the public library, corner of Seventh and 6Ut- ftret.lhclr Jtlndneiis will be ap- predated..., c,, .. , , ,., .:' . ' .Vancouver park, at Columbia beach, on the Columbia river, will be the re .' sort 'today of thouaanda or ought , to bo, at leant.' Cara will leave Second and : , Washington streeta every 40, tntirate J . . for that pleasure spot, and A free band - ' concert will entertain those, who make the trip. ' Thla la one of the renowned j freah water bathing reaorta of the weat .:... r... ,- . , Delightful To41oy Trlpa on O. W. P. today to Oregon City, Canemah park and Oresham. Sc;-to Estacada and up 7" per Clackamaa river points, iOc round V trip, i Dinner at Hotel Kataeada, Tie. Cara leave Plrat and Alder streeta for ' Oregon City -on the' odd hour and every - 40 mlnutoe- fv Eetaosdar. T:!0.r 1:10, . 1J :J0, 110, 1:40, 1:44. .7:11. ,',.;.,-- ' ' First Cdngregatlonal Church, Corner '" Park and Madison Streets Pulpit will 'be occupied today by Dr. Van Horn, pastor of one of the largest churches in the eaat Solon, morning by -Prof eaaor Glenn. ' Eugene university: evening by " ' Unas- Helen Daretw.-rHruan-l. Sightseers Don't overlook - the 100 mile trolley trip for II on the O. W. P. Ry. Co. with two houra atop at Esta cada for lunch; beautiful acenery, cool and comfortable: train leavea Flrat and Aldor otroeta dally( except Sunday.- at t:40 A- m., returna p." m. - v ' "Was Jeaua Chrlat Christian?"--. Dr. Brougher'o . topic Sunday night, the White Trrhple. . Sololata. Mlaa Cray no of Berlin; Inuren . Peaae. Orchestra, Morning. Dr. Wooddy. Subject,. "Bap tist World Congi-ees." Vlnltora specially Invited., i ' ro 'or Sale The Missouri building - on the exposition grounds. Send bids' M . the secretary at building. E. 8. Oarvor, '. - secretary. .: ,; V - The Mothers' club of Ctarkamaa waa "entertained at the home et Mr. and Mrs, 1 U. MrCht-nfiff' Ffloiy evenlnr In honor tj-5- -jsa-aj . . . r"-' t . '..THE Pt-ACS "TO BUT . " Pictures and Furniture ' . is At ms - (- ; CKy tktzrt & fcrtltre Store til FOURTH STREET. We carry tha largest and finest stock - of paintings, etchings, engravings, paa- tela. photographurea and other ptotarea in th city. i Aa an Introduction we will aell any of such stork at a discount of 20 per rent from regularr lint price. We also carry a nice stock .of furniture, burnt ' leather work and OLher nice things, as well aa souvenir. Be aura and give ud call before . you buy. , , j -:. z ---f"'"' t " - ' V s; Ai ' - ' jsw Ai$jyi:& Accc::t In the financial son is like a awlm mlng bladder - or Ufa preserver In actual, water buoys' rou'. up when 'Hop herself sits downcast. To oavo future trouble save money now with: our aid of security and -4V per cent in terest - compounded - semi-annually. Then you will know1 what : It la to leave worry behind. Oet our book let telling more. ' ' ' .. OregC Savins B:n!( m xommzsoaT vr. '-X' . : Wl COOPER MORRIS.. Caahier. ; .'.' "' ' 8. 1'.RXTS.::AsslB4int Cashier. Telephone Main II. -. ,; of Mrs. Eddy of Durango, Colorado, Mrs. W. W. Beeba and. Mlaa JesslA Lavflln of Seattle. After a" delightful, muaicel and-Mteiaiy pmgiaiu tefreahmenta were served, followed by Impromptu apeechea from Rev. Mr. Moore .and Charlea Clark. Among thoae present were Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cook, Rev. and Mrs. Boyd Moore, Mri-emd-Mre. -Onarlee Clark, Mr. and Mrs.' George Williams, Mrs. Artiiur Mather, Mrs. ' Spurgeon, Mra. Knicker bocker, Mrs. W. A. Garrett, tha Misses Agnes Mather, Ethel Clark, Edna Lund by, Claire Bee be, Garrett. ; Roadarnel Picket, MoCheaney and Meaara.' Herbert Clark. J. F. McChesney and George Gar rote .v. ..,.-., .,-',..,.,.-'...-'.:,:. .Francea D. Earie haa begun A suit agalnat George W. Earla, formerly a prosperous farmer of -Yamhill county, but now a resident of Portland, for maintenance-under the lasw passed at the last seeslon of the leglalatura and which compels a hunband to support his wire. Mrs. Karle allegea that her hue band la worth 115,000. and she asks that -she be allowed 1100 a month for hef "supporfe The Earlea were married leaa than-four soon tha ago. AfterMhelr marriage a man. who was introduced to. Earla by Mrs.- EarlCas her brother. made a prolonged stay at tha house and quarrel between the newly married couple followed. Earle aays hla wife and her brother, are .trying to rob Un Of hli money. . .., - . j . . ' Beverat conductoTrDft ' t HI 1 lllid and miniiH- . . .... whlatlea similar ta those supplied pollre- moa ana iu iniior am own cvnararr- ably annoyed by the practice, a they hav confused the algnaja with - those meaning trouble.- Patrolman Galbraith made- written complaint yesterday to unier urusmacner, asaerung . tnatr on aaveral occaalona. he haa run two or three blocks, only to find his exertion haa been uaeless. '"The matter ' will be taken .up with the superintendent of the street, railway . company. Ray Clarke, the 11-year-old boy "who waa Injured In a fight with JLieo Henry, the atepaon of W. Kurt, who lives near tho Burkhnrd building, on Eaat Burn aide street.' waa pronounced out of danger yesterday evening by Dr. J. M. Batcheller, the. attending physician, hla aasallant . and Worth Rlne and Jamaa Btono are before the juvenile -court on charges of assault and battery. In view of their youth and the recovery of young Clarke It la not' expected' that . they will be severely dealt wlth;.-,- Arthur Alexander, a talented ' young musician, arrived home last week from Pari to spend tha. aummer with -hla narenta In this city. . Mr. Alexander left heaa - In ' January for . hla annual trip abroad In order to complete hla course In singing and . met with soccer 'in Franoer having been Invited many times to sing at recital and private runctlona. Mr. Alexander haa, been buay during- the week receiving hla many friends.. Georg W. Weldler. " pi oncer of Port land and for many years manager of the Willamette Steam Mill,' Lumbering oV Manufacturing company' (We!dlera mill), waa atrlcken with paralyala at hla residence, at Nineteenth and Love- joy street last Thursday. Mr. Weldler haa been confined to hla home since, bat his physicians eaid last night that he would ba abi to be out in a lew aays. - -Artl'clea ti of incorporation of " the Woody ' Inland . Fishing company were filed with the county clerk yesterday by Arigua Cox.TS. E jUorgea and George A. Bronte. Tit capital atocg la fouo. The Bartel Plumbing- company was ln- corporatod by R. A. Proud foot, W. O. Bartel and George BarteU The capital stock la. Iiooo. ,.;,-4.. ;.;t-v.'v. -v ?ne'urthcairr.''trre;':A..rwhieh haa been atatloned at Walla Walfa for aeveral year, passed -through the city last night on tta way to the prealdloil San Francisco, it new - post of duty. The regiment arrived In Portland over the O. R. A- N. at T o'clock and left for the south two hour later.; , . St. - Andrew's 1 Society . of. Oregon Member of this society are' Invited to attend the funeral service of Dr. A.-D. Msckensle at 114 Twelfth Street today (Sunday) at I p. m. K. A. J. Mackehaie, president. James Cormack. secretary. Dr. J. Whltcomb Brougher will preach at the White Tempi tomorrow evening for the Xlrat lime in nv weeks.. Hla aubjeet will be "Was Jesus Christ a Christian r ' . .-, '... t. Dane for the 140 cash prise.' every Tuesday evening, at tha Lewta and Clark pavilion, Twenty-seventh and Thurman streets. ' . - f ,. '.,. ; , Any watches cleaned, 11.00: main spring.' 11.00; all work guaranteed en year. , MoUger 4k Co.. Ill Sixth street. Moffett Hot Spring." It II dayt- II and 111 weekr baUis. ilo. Take Regula- tor liQe)k. .. , 4 . ' - ' f. " i Duck ' hnntera attontlbn. 1SI Front atreet. "Teedf for take at Tents Noon Bag Co., 1st snd Couch. Frits' tamalea ar tba beet. . - '-I- ,. . .... 4v!.'t:,.fc.-...,M4. C.. ' ' " .''.. 'i,Vi' ..-'....V-.. '.''.W1' Dr. Sheldon Jackson, Speaker at th Indian Ittitut.' . Dfltm From' Lif by W.J. Harris, an Alaska Indian Student at the Chemawa SchooL F T TO THE LETTERS Frank 6ehlgel Sayt-He- Fourtd Some That John Erickton '6 r '' r " . M utt Explain. . BEAR STRONGLY ON THE r CASE' AGAINST RUFFIN Jansen's Lawyer Sutes Behind l)esk That . Was Not Paidfqr K Offica on Which Rent -Was Overdue He . Found' Incriminatinf Evidence :" That John Erloksona student at the Unlveraity , of Michigan.. ' waa impli cated in tha. alleged def raudingg of Her man Jansen. heir of Rudolph Jansen. out of 1760 la said to be shown by lotto ra found by Frank SchlegeU' attorney for Jansen, . yeaterday afternoon In an ae- i ciaeniai air. AKoara w. auuid.: n IIGO DIM1 !?3JSS? t lauuma -jn.iiin ui. pmi ul.uu. jjbi wmiun, building or make his weekly payments on the rurnlture he rented. The own er, of the deak and chalra took their prdpertynmy:- yesterday; and - while doing so, a letter was found from Erlck ion to Ruffln dated May 12, warning Ruffln ' that Jansen was tn , the -city, "and to be out-of the office when he comes In. ' . - '.' , This was' two day before H. H.'Rld-l dell, attorney for R. O. Scott, adminis trator of the estate, effected .a - settle ment with the Portland .- Consolidated Railway company for the death of Ru dolph Janaen. It la aald that other let ters of a similar character war found in the office, but Mr. Schlegel declined yesterday to give their contents. Mr. Schlegel aald, however,' that -on letter contained Instruction to Ruffln not to answer tha telephone, but to have soma on else apeak for him. The planraa to create In tha mind of Janaen. so Mr. Schlegel aay. the Impression that Ruf fln was- a. busy , man and a prominent attorney who had to pay soma on to Attend to hla telephone. . ' Erlckson. according to Mr., Schlegel. may ba brought before the court on a serious charge. At the. hearing of the petition for th removal of Scott aa ad mlnatrator, and Rlddell a attorney for tha estate. Erlckson testified that ha had met Jansen at Spirit Lake. Wta.. that In Portland he had . seen him .. but one before Jansen gave the power of attorney to Ruffln that enabled Ruffln to obtain 70 of the estate), - Erlckson said he was Only an "office boy" for Ruffln. but waa paid III for hla work. wnicn waa principally to alt )n the of fica, and that he knew nothing of tha deception; practiced on Janaen.. . ;-, -JRuTfln has not yet been arrested, but officers are looking for hint. As stated In The Journal-yesterday. a warrant for hla arrest on a charge of larceny was issued ny uistrict Attorney . Manning, and th officer at South Bend. Waah- Inatoa. where Ruffln haa an'oaeoainnel reaidance, were aaked to serve It.-, Ruf fln wa out of the city at th time, and. Officers .thtrnghf- ha waawat, Lopg Beach, and , to that place the warrant was sent. .-" V . AH Thing ijVv'jQ Being equal, -you would enjoy th 1 de lightful river trip to-Oregon City. It give a splendid view of th city and the hills. Boats leave Taylor atreet dock Monday morning 1 1 and .11:10: after noon a:ss. 1 - k '- '-. A Milwaukia Country Club. Eastern and ett!e race a.. Take Sell- wood and Oregon City ears st First aad Alder. . B ESTACADA o un or t. p. sLMTaio sr4 w m irsAiT or m nni ov m CXACXAMAI Birxa. . . 1 i estacada; ccci a wnaAB atAtrs ash uoaxAtioa ' ' Meeetnla etlaMng. woof flanln. I Ma rir aorft. lam daartaa BOTtllaaj. Brorlded .. with tlty water aad alec trie fleata.- fine aotka. telopaoae -airort to Portland. Tsoeaaada of sera af fir t sanoaad Ike yoeas dty ot ataoaoa. m htlxs rmoit poBnAjra- . Rates nor aojr ... .... t8S Rataa par week .....1AM s,Hal tl-t-t. Ineladlag too ad trip V - faro aad dtnaar I 1.1S twtal ttrkM. larladla roesd tr1 , taro. one Blat ladctiig aad throe " SMOla ........nrrryr..r,r. .-.. ..I lit tioxr emoa nut ass aldxa rrm. .'. MARTtHEZ. Manager : : ESTACADA, 0BIO0V. ' HEARTY I'JELCOLIE TO Mayor TaJIs Norwegian Sanger, .feat Mernbers That City ,;. Glad to Saa Them. - ." DELEGATIONS ARRIVE V FROM MANY COAST CITIES Rehearsals Held for .Great Concert Which Win Be Given by the So ciety at - Auditorium on the ' Fair 7 Grounda Tomorrow Evening.":;: 'Mayor Lane extended th elty"s wel come to the Norwegian BangerfQtbund of th Pacific coast at Arlon Tiall yea tarjday . There .are approximately k 100 ainfers here, many of whom ard.eccom- panled by their families. , , ". . The member began, to arrive Friday when two special, tralna from oactied. the rlty. ' Others arrived yesterday from California citieaT . Th first of th .three day' sessions was held yesterday. t A. F. Tomte, pre! ent . of th Sangerforbnnd, Introduced Captain F. C. Hagema'n, chairman of th local committee on arrangvments. who extended a cordial welcome to th visitor. At th conclusion of hi re mark there waa a rehearsal under 'th direction of Profeasor Carlo A- Bp rati Yesterday afternoon th visitors war entertained with a ride about th city, Th members will assemble at head quarter at 1:10 o'clock this morning and go to the Auditorium at the fair grounds for final rehearsal. - ' AC - H o'clock -th women of. the party1 will ba escorted to tha lair grounda by mem bers of th Lsdlea' auxiliary. Dinner will be serve In the Adminis tration restaurant at S o'clock, - and at I o'olook , tn the evening, th concert will begin la th Auditorium. Th fol lowing program will be rendered: Overture. "WIHUm Tell" (RoaaihlT. D Caprlo'a. orcheatra; song, "Brudefer den" - Kjerulf ) j song. "Near- f jo rone blaanor" (Paulsen), Everett Singing so ciety; "Hvo har dir. du skjonna skovT' (Mendelssohn), Sllvana Singing society; vooal solo, aria from Horodlado (Mi aenet); Mm. . Ragna Linne; . "Hor. oa 8va!" Swedish national hymn (Wennar berg). - United - Singers; - ."Hayet or akjont" (Retaaingar). Ballard Singing so clot y i . song,- ."Brumbaaken t . Bumba (EdtV Grelg), Seattle Singing aoclotyj ong, "Dana ropt felen (Helae), Unit ed Singer; Poor Gynt Suite, (a) "Morn ing." (b) rTha Death of Ana," (Ed v. Grelg). Do Caprio' orcheatra; "Den Star hvide flok" (Orelg), Mm. Ragna Linn and United Slngera; "Olaf Trygvav- son . (Relaaiger), Portland Singing so elety; "Aftenrooter-; (Borg). Barlow Singing society r "On the Sea" (Dudley Buck). United Singers: '"Raven la un der Blrkerod" (Klerulf), Astoria Sing ing society; "Ulabrand (Selmer). Ta- coma Singing society f vocal solo, , suit of Norwegian songs, (a) "Elt syn (Orelg). (b) "Mot Kveld" .(Agatha Backer Oraudahlfc -" -rli nd" tEll- Ing), Mm. Ragna Linne; "Vormorgen" (Helgaaoa). Icelanders Ballard) Sing ing society; Tambur alaa - en lystlg hvlrvel" (Krug), Parkland Singing o- cletv: "Landklending" (Landslghtlng), (Grelg), aolo by Olaf Udneaa, United Singers ad Orttsttnutrztr..:;: . , ..I Qj i . m ' "TV Fira Sala of Clothing. : Unfortunst for th owner. William Fet. th clothier at I0T Flrat atreet. near Taylor, hla fin stock of clothing waa badly damaged by-fir th other night. Th lo must nav amounted to several tkouaand dollars, as th rear nd of -the. building was burned Into A mase ef charred board aad timbers and th colling completely ruined. Water waa poured Into the atore In great vol ume, and although not much clothing waa actually conaumed.. fir and water created sad havoc with the good a To clean out tha whole business with a little delay aa possible Mr. Feet will, within a few day. Inaugurate a dashing fir sal that will offer bargains of a surprising nature. - Th date of th ale will be announced In a future num ber of Th Journal.- .' ' f ii i i ' .1 a n -. . .'Fair Faatura., .Administration ' Restaurant, ' fair grounda, servo popular 10c dinner from It a. m. to I p. m.; also a la cart and quick .lunch. . .J . ' Whan In Saatti fv; O t th Rathskeller, a kJgh-da ptaeo te) eat. Sea fooda, eastern -naeata, large orcheatra dally. Bllversld salmon appeared unusuatly early In th Coqulll river this year and SINGERS are numerous. Tha Indian - AffaJra 1 Confaranca Growa Out of tha Useful Taachara' Maatlnj. important con vzrrnorj ADJOURNS WITHOUT DATE Drt Jaciion Reada Xnterestinc Paper on Natives . el Alaska and TsIU What He Has Done and What He ,.: Moat Needs. ;",.V ;.. -r lySCj Men snd worn en who are working ear neatly and untiringly for tho education and redemption of American aborigines mtharad at tha American Inn on the ex position grounds yesterday and heard Dr. Sheldon Jackson. United state general stent of education In Alaska, describe th conditions of th' Alaskan ' Indian and hla moat pressing needs. ) It was the principal and final addrese of a convention that haa laated all week, but which changed Us name yesterday from Teachers' instltut to th Indian Affairs conference. , -- There were perhaps 110 enthusiastic pedagogue of poor Lo in th parlors when Dr. J. R. Wilson of Portland, chairman of th day. called -for order and Introduced. Superintendent F. F. Avery of Fort Spokane. Washington, who gave a general talk on Indian school work, the chief feature of which wa a plea for ahortar terms. He ar gued that th pupil should hav longer vacation In order that they might go to their homo and assist In - agricul tural pursuits which, he believed, would assuredly be of great benefit to them a well as a great convenience to their parenta. - . " ; , Charles E. Shell, superintendent at Pal a, California, was quite. In sympa thy . with th causa but against one thing he entered, a protest, namely, that a good many Indian boya war admitted to schools on th sol qualification that they were good football playlra. '. An Interesting paper on "Personal Hygiene" waa read by Dr. E. A, Pierce of Salem. .... Xr. Jackson ea Alaskan Xaalaasf. At 1 o'clock In th afternoon Dr. Shel don Jackaon, .the apeaker of th day, wa Introduced. The doctor had before him a large map of Alaska, which he referred to at. Intervals, indicating the exact . nature of conditions In various section ef th territory. . The speaker enumerated thd "ftr families" of native In Alaska th Eskimos, . numbering 11.000; the North American Indiana, numbering 1,000 er 4,000; th remnant of th Aleutian race, numbering about 1,000; 10 tribe of th Tbllnget race, numbering About 1,000; a small band of Slmpaheans, which moved In from British Columbia, and a very small number of Hydas. ... --. Of th total tha doctor estimated that there was a school population ot about 1,001. : , - . v "For those people," he ald.'"th gov ernment maintained last year II day ecnooia and thee bad a total attend anc of About 1.100. It 1 not enough th appropriation was not large enough, therefore, is a larger appropriation from congress; on that will b sufficient to provide opportunities (or th education of every native child. The second need I take to be th establishment of two or three Industrial training schools, cen trally located. Thirdly, I ahould Ilk to see ; hospital with com potent ' phy siclana and nurses established for th us of native. "Then w want legislation, defining more perfectly the legal status of the native. . Theoretically, ha Is considered a cltlsen, but practically he has nearly all th disabilities of the Indians ef th states. "Congress should provld against th eatabllehment of salmon - canneries at tha month of th Yukon river or on any of th stream tributary to th north, for th roason that large bodies of peo ple, native and whit, hav vary little natural food supply in tnat country. Bfor Rs adjournment th instltut adooted th following resolutions, which will prov of into rest to all .who at Interested in Indian school worn: "Whereas. . Recognising that Agrlcnl tur la th industry In th pursuit of which th Indian, as a race, muat of neoaity depend, for lf -support and nrogreaa. and th need ef giving correct and systematic Instruction In th funda mental principle of th industry, be it "Resolved. That w. employs in tn Indian sohool service, snd delegates to th Pacific Coast Indian Teachers' Instl tut, believe that the-gatherings of this and kindred organisations aould b mad to eontrlbut materially . to-the doalred end by having a portion of the Urn of th mooting devoted, to normal work in agrtcultnre. . "Resolved, further. That th president snd secretary ot thla Institute bo re quested to confer with ltu-Hon. Efell Reel, auperintendent of Indian schools. regarding, th feasibility of giving such work a plac In the Instltut program. "Whoroaa. Farming at Indian schools snd in. the Indian country I largely by Irrigation, thus making it important that th latest development in Irriga tion practice be avnllsbl to Indian service employe, b It - -Resolved, That it would b helpful ' TtiB r CrdcfcfTashiflca Is tho aacond largeat beneficiary " organisation on th Paclfto coast, but Its chief and great recom mendation la tha it plan ia per feet Ion Doroonlf led. -It la th e nc of purttyv aad ear f o de pendent one at half th coat of old-line' companies. Its- honesty of purpose... th Integrity of' It ' careful . msnagement and ' its prompt settlement ef all Its lo- Irttlmate claims, haa oetabllehed ta reputation as sound, tollable and aafA : . ,'.. Supreme Secretary, '"V j. l r:iTci:za ' wumqvam mvaaatm, ywrtland, Ov. Cv.., - vl' And it la the only e Umsnt that in sures ultimate sue-, ceaa. So firmly are we convinced of this fact that we would rather make you a present of the best piece of fur niture in the bouse than to have it shown that we had ; misrepresented - in the slightest de cree - the smallest article on sale. . .. . . . 4 ' ' i ' : - 184-fl FIRST STREET " CLEia raaocaa na vck. Aak Our Customers. ' si Men's and Youths' Suita, Top Coata, Pants, Shirts, Hats ; iklso a general, line of Ladiea', Men's, Misses' and. Boya Shoes everything right up to date. We mvs jm 20 per cent on every dollar you invest with us. .' Our repuution is well known to the trade, having strictly one price rnarTnlafiTfignreir" 7 JOnrJ DELIAR Vlt Csa Two St;m: leaf I Czt Ccr. IXIrd cJ. C2t!s. 24th ca4 Vtx Sui Portland vs. Los Angeles ' - Amcmm aa, aa, sr. . ' Admission lie.' Omndstand. ilo. Children, ' lio. - Re so r rod ta oft aal et Ball Park offlo. tie each. . LEWIS AND CLJMKOBJBWJ9. TOirjfMD CAFS . . naxxAn xzzexTS. . Take Perttasd iBeisMl en gt ff t Heats use Tame, one slack tnaa est haa. Me oUaMsg. Stoewts elevatav. Sao soaaUtal oOoct et aoeaifal saanhlltM em tap ac tower. Xo sea oat a dalaty loacS while vtaartag the BMSt . SMgainae soanorf la AjaartoaTOssa lannlss, AAaUn sta I sont. ' - . w. s. ward; lawyer Th Allaky. OonrsJ practice. Pro bata and mortgage busln sol Id tod. Hav 111.100 to loan on oaay term a to th caus of Indian education end sd vancemcnt to hav th Indian aarvlc rprntd At th Irrigation oongree by duly accredited delegate,' to th end that this servlo may b directly bene fited thereby. , ;' . - - - -. "Resolved. That w believe that thea meetings of uprintndent and em ploye In th Indian sorvic ar of In talculabl benaflt both te na sad to tha service. Thar we rooommond that ail persons agagad in Indian school and reservation work . be urged , to , attend such meetings each year. - "Resolved, That we exprees our hearty appreciation , oX th adnUnlatrntlon of Commlsalotwr Franc la E. Iupp and assure him ot our support in Improving, not transforming th Indian,- and com mend his day school policy as outlined In th publlo pre." , '.- WHERE TO DINE. Th Dolmont, 111 Fifth atreet Flrst- clssa family restaurant. - Our special dinner and supper, lac - Sunda'y chicken dinner. 10 cents, at th Falcott 414 ' Waahlngton street. near Twelfth. - Xiwls ana Clark Observatory eat. 1.040 feet abov th city. Fin srvte. BannBHBaBnanBBBInsBSMnwtsasmjnaws " , Sunday at tha Tavarn. ; Tha aneclal effort whleh IK. t... makes to cater to thoaa whoa Sunday dinner ta a matter of considerable Im portance make It th ideal place for Sunday dinars. Have von - irimA crawfish T Best in th land.. Opposite th Ore son lan building. Ladlsrajinex 101 Alder. ' .- Ccn't rcrt "s c't tvt th mrt ' ' - t t city 1 ' ' .. . . ' t i . t r i t - bjaseibailil n I Iieror le -t v. . .:":Tcri t r i r and CSaxk J I hav A'st t I nlty to v!t 1 i Keod. becaus ot Cia V 1 111 thirty-day round tr i . from Portland asade ty te t . . X. at. N. . Includes, rail t '. stag fare, lunch At 1 Hood koUl (Hood River), two - nights' lodging ana 8v mt.'.J at Cloud Cap Inn. and return ' ,ing luneh at Mt Hood KotO. . Cloud Cap Ian, nnlqne end $lo : tureeque. l.tOO feet abov sA level, affords splendid aoooea modatlona, . Summit et moun-, tain aallx acosaalbl from thU point,.- Particulars and O. X. 4k K. nantr book by asking et Third and . Washington stroma. Portland. u. TJiOTn.T.a. lopKcorc Clst2Cp Z2f C - Finest sumrnsr resort la Ore gen. 1 only hotel on th beach everlootJn J t ooaan. So foods a speoiaJty. Th t ' has been rebuilt and nwly tnrmL. Hot salt baths. FlfiSSnrfn bathing i - retly HI front of th Betel - Ctrlet. flrst-elAsa. Amerleaa pUn. -Fv trm snd reeervatlona adarees DAJC J. MOORS, proprietor. - a aad Wast new SMorooC Sva sitsaiao saesaiag aad tnrtassl OrWt, att V N airy. ti40 rsonae. staaa aioaia. o hjjnv; i.isiaei Is sees w asa. a-, Lro eTaasa, nMmste. r-iaa. w4 , bMsP teaoette sojrloen, . kill t smni.o sy aan m alaasja, - 'VVftVwV w9 MUsAunta sawsjsls vTAemMf SBC ViHnSsMMs) t Xmu 9UOO tm 9S.OO m Dmj , .' xas. xas sato a. (Fwsrly of Boaat Sisyata. HOTEL SALTAIR Comrasnd" fin vtw of th . oeean. " oood namng. jBxoeiieB waiea. 000 king. Flan aervea aauy. jror particulars aoar Long Beeoh P. O Washington. "GfcaIrAneacD of CMes:2 czd Owing to being overstocked for the Fair trad and th very limited room te our tare, we ems eluded to fore our good at aae tkm sal. . .Th largeat stock f thls kind in th lty. eoaatotlng or oaaouiut inversara, sinirinii atsuma, new bras ware, ebony ' carved furniture, embroidered silk kimono and Sne deooralad porcelata tea sots, etc .' Bale oomraaaos 1:10 aad 1M p. tn. Continue retailing before or after auction; wholesale at ware- kOUB.:..: , Andrew Ifen&Co. . FtfUBj -QUALITY:; In anykind of setting.' Diamond hav sVen steadily increaalng in price for the paat svn or eight years and have proved an excel lent Invest anont for-ithoe who have purchased them There t no Indication that thy hv reached th high mark yet. V o would call your attention to ear stock. . Every stone carefully so-leeted.- . A. NoWr::: THE IOWA '33 Uorrisoa t mm ' AoeVt ., ,nwd --.:. UwMt'rrM es--" "t mVC r r -v teet: -