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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1905)
TT y Ri 'TrCZ PE THEY LARGE V-il M OR SAlALL CAN BE FILLED, at a c:.:all ccjt in the - ThrV"'"'" JOURNAL CATi:?ACTOaiLy AND ,: J IM "M, Hates 7 r "J2.!ffir IMS-!. miiw. . . a is sr 12- ' rzuraons. r---ial PllaaS. ..'' . al (lOos.... ... .Mala -M VBKXKIOir BaTXB. J, with Ssaday. 1 rtM -.-H t uriivvi- sis ' BP Ths Ts11v Jouvae -a itallr aoaraai. wita Bsuowr, w -- a Mir Jwvl, uwothe........" - icatly Journal, with ftuudJ, 3 months. ae Dally JoomaL 2 taontbs.......-'" to I-ally JoursaL with Sunday. 1 - Im Iwlly. pet (Hk, eeUrered, Beadey Ls.. Tseiy.'pet w'uiSiX'iaifii " -at eep ted..... ..." . " Vara by Kaa. "'' ''"-' "1, The fatly Jonrmal. with Sunday. 1 f". f) 00 a 1- y Journal, with I l Bunsaj, w " a , . Mi .sw a La- r JoarnaL S 5-V,i'th.': Of" T journal, wua """fi ..30 a . r aoaruai. a --- 2.00 I 'T Joaraal, 1 yasr...,. , The atomi-Weeklr 'eareel. . rsml-Weekly Journal, 8 t.iZ .--a laaaa. Illustrated, full 'asarkst- tVVda;'aabyV; a. . .edera aad email tmmuim- P. 0, Bes 1SL Fartlaa wssoa.. : w yoanal caa'-ka toaad aato at taa C-' JcAOik-Poatoflea Vim WBPWI Daaf t TvttTSbUis-. Black, Cbtaaoth a fcai- a arraats. - - - "1': " f'ITT Taa Hor Ka aP"7. . k. .tfOU-at. !. Kaaaaaagh, W aVwtt W TOaK CTTT Braatatie't, Vain J";,,, . 1HX kflllard Hotel Nawa ataad; - alaaatl talI ULKH wxr-Kaayoa Botal Kawa auads bamw Bra., 5 -Ji r'l . CT. LQU1 Phllla Boadar, eld fcecaat atraat. B. T. Jart. n Ollaa atraat. . a rHANCISOO W. Ardtac, H0 fw ataad and ion Varm't tra.t Gold- a nth Braa. t gattar atraa aad Balnt - raarla b-tal? rastar a raar, farr k : N. VaaatVr, aamabto awa ataad, aac .. r Karkft and Kaanwy atraata. . C RiBatnl' Grand Kaw BjaadrrWi -fa or. Bol Seattle Nawa atand. trxmAAB. WAfiUIJiSTON Joaa W. S-ACOatA. WJL8Hntrr01 Caatral Saw Oea. "! Hatal Taeoma Mawa atand. " . X. Book A BUUoaarr eonrpaar. . r- WZAXBXS BSFOBT. Li tilt ttaadfr abawwa hara oceund tndaj la anotbara Idaho. Kkwwbara la tha fcoftt t'artflc atataa fair wvataar baa prevailed. The temperature rbanee dnrln the laat kra baae beea allirht eieept la the interior at aortbara CaJUoraia. where It la waraw 4bla df Ttin, Id bdfcettona t - aoatlmiad Jar WMthar la tot district Bandar, with allbtl kirw sraperarore weat a the Caaeadea. . Obaerntioaa ta k p. Mailra tempara rare, 71 deeraea: minimal temperature. SO d-araar. - BlTcr readln at 11 a. m.. .t feeti enanae la peat S4 heara. 0.0 tact. Total pre cipitation, a. aa. ta p. 0 lncha. Total rrdplUtloa atnre Bplmbr t, 1904, M. tiba. Mortnal preeipltatloa aloce Heptember 1. 1U04, M.S larbea. Ueftdearr, 1X.4H iDceee. rr.l annahlne. ABenat 2A. 10lA. 11 bnOra. ill ' .....I PnaaThU annatilniL' Aucoat "3K. lOOS. ) boars. 0 mtnatea. Barnmetar (reduced to gijit). at mt.pp. . Wttaa Aadereea, J: 33, and JCttle BatUr Wrennort Taylor of Baa laadsra, 40, and ailiaaie Aa- Bandera, aa. .-t- - Aonlr'a J. Ricblea et Troatdale,' 16, and May Weddlaa Carda. W. a. kmlth B Co., Wea. faatea bid., ear. rosrth aad Waahuaftoa ata. bitxb . raw cmroi. . ; - --la ' aiaiaa " 110. - ramlir Ms Its et,...i. ' The ealy tamitety la Portland wbleb naatnau malatalaa aad cores for Iota. Iet 1 latarantioa apply to W. B ktaekeaata, , tareeeta blots, altj. W. kf. Ladd. anatdaBt. Tee Bdward BoUaaa Oadartaklag eoi fnoal dlreetara aad . aatbalataraa- t aunaet. tbooe 0T. . . ..v '. 'Sairij I. p. Malar at Bos, foaera dlraatera aad "aliaere, ear set TblrC and bfadtaoe atreeta. - -ee af eooaty eoriuar. Telapaoaa aula S. raaaral wraatha sad cat Soarara a apaelalty rt koaa City ttreaabonaa. Twaaty aaeoad aad Oat year laaui auoa end abatraeta ta teal aetata from the Title Oaaraataa 4k Treat panr. BeO Waablnctea atraet. BOTicnr. FRnr08AXs) for Bereea Xoora aad Windows , (,a of C Q. kl.. Vaaeoaeet Barracka, : afaaal. Ansnst 9S, lvOS. Beaird propoaala. ta tripTlreie. will be referred here aatll II mVW a. at.. BeBterober 3d.- IIX16, tot la ataiilnc erreees oa doora and wtndawe as aerea build In (a at fort Stereos, Or. Bpeel ' : 0-atione will be fnralabed upoa applleatioa, .. Tha II. S. raarra tbe Haht t reject or am er el DrerweaU -ac . aar" part thereof. BTeVipea . eontalnlrur " pmpoaah) ebnald be ssarked "Pronoeata ror.Bcreena'- ear adoreaaed. W. O.. HODOSON. a Q. M. ' 1-Ropoaii for bchooi, fubnitubh HeaiMi Mds will be recelTed at' tbe of rice r the Sebent Clark. Cltr Hall, as to IS aa. ' Konday, Aaaoat 28, laOS. for famlahlns - aehooi rHatrart Mo. 1. MairaoaiaB eoanty, Oresoa, with ecbool fornlture toe tbe eaaolas ! 'li'led'tbla SSd day of Anroat. lf. " , . .V. HKACH. Supply Committee. -sfzxxxxtf !Jroxlcz42 OlTAimOB LflDOB NO. 1 X. OP KAffular coaTentloa Taeeday rrenmy at at 8. o'clock la Pythlaa hall, elrhth floor, liarnnani bld. tAdoptloa of by lawa). . Vatlllny Ralybta cordially la vltcd. ' - L. E. f.BOrCH, C. C PBED P. HOLM, K. at R, and 8.' " ORROOR CIRCUS, No.-171. W. O. W-- Mettday aJxbt ta Uena hall, earner Wit basis are. sad Ramrll at., -at S o'clock. MART BANDALU Clerk. n JVtTXAL . BOTICX HATf-IKIJ la this city, Aayaat 25, ipoft. ; hnae E. HatSeld. ayd S years. B moutba , and IS dayay t'riends aBd aeanalntaaeea are ' reepectfulle Invited ta attend the , funeral aereirea. which will be held at the chapel of J. P. Plnley A- Bna today at 8 p. '"..v ' ;ur'u. romrB,. ,"',:'; lAMT Between Aadltorlnaa, ' ""aa expoaltlnn . aiwanda, aad Twentieth aad Ktoiatl sts., gold Lrnics, wreath of anxxets BMsated ea Sold . .wan. Reward. - IS North Twentieth. WwT- Abewt 10 daya art. female, eellle. dntf. fellow aad while; will party who baa her kindly eh-aee Bast 3il4 aaaT racelre reaard. Baby a Bet, r- - ' LOST Taeeday Blrbt, a nM mefcef wKb pbnta; aa eld relic: Snder plea an return, ba the Ten. ple'a reetaaraat asd recejre reward. 3S6 Rurk ac . -t ' - : UT At fabr xroeawta. tody's email yold watch. 'teea D. a. en raee; reward If returned ta term Outfttllnx l'o., Sfw Waahlaxtoa at. -At tbe Aeierlran Ins, rrlday slxbt, -e- Betnra to The Journal aud jaweiva e reward. ' ' ..... "', " marhtae;' reward offered ' la i: Raae,, -Lf J!.U "' r oumal advertiser f , mt his 4 la Tbe Journal. ro SAUI XT flaiic:3,Tt:z;:.i : -'tcfi Powers ' BOOK S. O. Of ft i tf CAASOxliO fet, brick building;, tn JtOrJvv wboleimle district on was aide: rents Sl.sOV ver annum; paya per cea" net. ,.. , ,. - - roim On double brick bouae with 7 fJ rooms In each department, ,na en 7-ronm nous in coon location on weat aide; brings Iwl 7& per month. $4700; New, modern T-xm house : on Wasco at. In Holluday Park. irnA SOalOO-fnot lot. with three f jlJVJ room cottages, on corner of E. Seventh and Davla ata.: Income from rent 161 per month. tlCAA 60xlft0-foot lot. with rood . 'II roora hous; on-OorbeUatMlo rood location, on west aide. Kftfi - a-room hons on Clay at, b- Mvv tMn lith ana 7in bis.; rem 13 per month. 9fAA EOxlOS-foot lot. on corner of E. Tnth and Schuyler ata-i. nw moaern. a-room nouse. tnrft Each tot three new " modem f'JV dwelllna-s of rooms each, -on corner of ilat and Vaughn ata.; pay ments Sio caan, in per montn. $2650 8 -room house, almost new, oh corner of 21st and Wilson ata.; 609 h, 12 par month. $2400 -room bouse, now under ccfi atruction. 40xl00-foot lot. near corner Rodney ava. and HancocK at. lfft (-room house. 601 00-foot lot. near corner Sth nd East Sal mon streets; payments, 131 cash and V t .MVW .W ' , ... ,' I- . VWA f -room -house.' S5x(7-ioot ' lot. WvW .oii west aide, on Halt St., near 11th at; ran tin-for Z6 per. month. tf3AA.New 10-room house, all on j JWV j around floor. 0i 85-foot lot, near Hlchland school, one block from . car f9AAA l(k feet square, on corner 14th and Tillamook ata.; aood loca tion, In IrvlnBton. . ; t h : A-'.- s tliTA 76x100 feet, on oorner of lth wv-and Tillamook ata.; . one of choicest locations la lrrlngton. .. . $1000 eOxlOO-foot lot, on Broadway,' near 16th, In Uolladay's ..Addi tion. -.. .''.. , .' tT7C -A"tCftrt For ! Iota near Thomrt 10 bo,, school: terms $50 eaah and tlO per'month. " .." f pAA -room houne, tOxlOO, ' on corner W of Eaat Sixth and Maaon streets; easy terms, i ' ' " ' y--r ; OUTS BVMU I'ttDK . ' . ' ' .. ICrt fCCft f"or lota In South Funny W 10 U side; 159 cash, 1 per lonth: each lot 0x1110: a-raded and Traveled and sidewalks. This property is situated on south' side or Hawthorne are., bet. -3Sd and Itth ata.; each lot two .... HTT.B WABTXD--IUXX. TWO blarkamttha, and S3.60; 1 trlmmai men. S2.7S -and $S: cnt-off aewjar. 2 25; trimmer. S lumber (radars, S3; lliWOFF pllera, 2.60; box fartory bora. $1.26; S5 mill and yard Btea, S3 npu 25 woedaaieB, 92.26 te SlOO; ethere. Ofdee ones Sundays. ' , .. lyL'BtBUKMr.M'e LA BOB BCBBAr;, .fi ( j ... auoW Macrlaoa Bt. WANTED Immediately, plan lax mill -foramaa. eiaaae fHW pat aaouiai anarpee aaa aaaa eawTer. S3. Ml oar dart - mokltnc men, ftf: atalr balldera, S4; Bone bet steady and nrat claaa men need' apply. ' Addreaa ' atleaoula Lumber "Co.. Mlaaoala, kloetana. ' t WAWTKI 1,000-1 tee noaltlona at the T .- bt . A .-nhrnt acnoort xorty airteraai soojecui, u a wt-w tember So. Call at Aaaoclatloa bulldlnc. eor ec .a'oorth aad TaaUilU .stay for UluetrateJ catabarae. .- '' ' ' i IMMKD1 ATrXT Maa to travel la Ore no.' for aaatera hooae; permaneni pueition, ' ( 7 auu expeaaea weekly; mlnlater, lawyer or teacher preferred. Bead etamped eatetopt foe. reply, 40 Arcade bid., Seattle. WB want ana mora aood aaleemaa for Oreaon territory wltB eataDiiaaea Bomneea, soaa opea Inc tat the rlxbt rnaa. Inquire or addreaa room 1, B. at O, T. bid., Dougherty, Fltblaa Bbaa Ce. .: - -. STATION MEN, roe war aood prices, new work. Iota of re aua rata, au wmier, eaexera Orecoa; tree fare. Partlcalars at Baaaaa'a Kmelermeet Office. North BeeaBd at, . '-s airs; and accident Insnraaee backed by Pert' anil aennle: wen aaraoiianoa; iDotvuse wr- ceaa: aafe aad economical prated too; asaaM v anted. 70S Marosana bid .. -s.. WANTED Yoens sua ta ambit In office war ! wboleaale a tore: Bran aa qmcs ann accur ate at fl terra. A newer, (lrliuj ratereaeaa. Addreaa H SO, eare Journal. If KN wasted eeeriaibaTa, tack aim. dtetrtbajte cireaiara, aaaapNav eus.s vawimi occiipe- tVm; jrood pay. . a roar lean laioa, rastiae bM lN-f " . wlNTCD-.nrstlaaa slsnnalntara, maat - Ke. 1 eboomea: alee e aboward. writer: we employ the bat, roatat as Kleleer, lfth and aeareti. . -.'-- ' u-. WANTED Toons man. 17 ta 18 years eld. ta , wholesale etora aa office boy: mnat be brisht. and ana who caa be adTaaeee. Addreaa U be. '.care Journal. - . COMPETENT oparatora. experienced ta railroad atatloa worx, tor ana erouua v-flicajro; - atate age and upearbwea. Addreaa B M, ; Journal. . , INDUsTBIAb Inaaraaee man, rood salary ami permanent Income, with chance of rapid pr : awtloB. Apply oy ""ter, . at ju, eaumai. TWO aood lira solicitors; (and eemmktteoa and salary to liyht partlea. i, B. Joanatoa. talkar, MM waaDunrioB u i WANTED Bookkeeper, atenoerapber, t bard ware a lea men. rlntblny aaleemaa; jrather-Apcnlnn."r J10 2d atr . . . . EXPERIENCED srlckefmea and bench banda wanted at Portland gash Door. Cs., 230 - front at. WANTED Mea for mill and yard work. S.0o M . Am r I OI 10 laVUSBJo '.amAVbraj was vuvs awa In ma a Poulaaa Co. WANTED 8y te leara ptintlny trade and work la of flea. . The .naeiiiy rraaa, -a ae . ' T Front St. BAJtRETrs Detectlra 8cbool Last elaae IM tfrmT reduced rates. ' 2705, WaebtoftoTsL WAKTKD-S r"d bnya; yood waErki Apply imsieaiateiy .. . . . . . w MEN to workls sold mine; mnat Uke stock. 2il Mca ay oua. HOPPK'KEBU wanted. Apply IM Third at.; sear 'layior ei WANTED ood coat aad paataautker at 4M aSUBipik'SS sa ' ' W A NTED latborars. Oresoa Faroltore Utf Co. HTXP WAJfTTV-riltAiX. WANTED 150 strls te stake everalle aad ahlrtai Inatrtietloos tlvea a tnaaoerleBead. Apply Neoatadtet Bros., Btaadar raetary No. i, cor. Baa Taylor 'and Orand ava. . UIRI wanted for aoaeewark la smaH family. CaU forenoon No. Bast ruteaatk St., ' aeuta.. Askaoy at rino et, HANSEN'S LADIES' AOENCT. 84SI Wssbma- . m a . ae. MTenui. wpaiawa. a IIO. female, help wealed. ..vwn. ,.H,inMtf second elrl: fafat-el family; waxes ill; euhurbaa borne. 230 Vamblll. I'none stala aeis.. WANTED 10 slrls f( mv, MorrlaoB at., dreeemaklaE-. eebaoi. nr. fonrta. A OIRL for yenersl bouaework. Qnimbr a near Twenty-third, Apply 1ST COOK wanted for bserdlnS Elbteea4, sle ,.' , . ;. , CaU l4t Eaat BXLP WANTED TEMAUL WANTED Womea e"d slrbi to work In fruit . ranoerr. Apply at Kant ' 8th and DlThtlua ' ata. Ilolmea Caaolny to. 'V WANTED Ta do booae-eleanlnx by the day, or waeb norchea and keep yard hi shape.' J'L Mala 10,. J. Keh.-wer. .. , t'KKAM dipper, a nlppera and packera. The Modern Con feet eaary company. HilrtaatiUi and Hoyt ata. - -' MARR1BD rotipw bare tent room for one or two lady bopntckera; auod yard. . AUtlreaa A 1J ; care Journal. EXI'KBIENCEO gb-l, to cook and do boaa a,. as - - k- A ... la lallSh llal" wore is .zarniiy os, iww, . ari'i r Irish St. r v 4 , - . WANTEn-eBxnerlenced, makera, alao appren tlia. Narelty AlliuiMry Btore. ou iir ai. 5 WANTKP (tlrt for svseral Luaework; ai family. 571 Jackeoa. 1'hoaa Main Sa2. WANTED M STB AND TEN AXE HELP. WANTED Book xaepara and atanoeraphrra; we . placed SOT puplla In lucrative poaitiooa ounuaj . neat year: call or send for caUluaua; day at -Bhrbt; It will pay yoa. '.--. UillflKK-WALAatt BLSIKlEsa utbaea, WANTED At eace, a bright, energetic, pre. sestabla maa or womaa, a food talkar, at take BP as attractive propealtloa. laamre IB Chamber at Commerce, e a. Ba. SOLICITORS Jua or women: peraiauent ea petyaient to nnstiera; experience uuaccee aary. ' 80S. Dekam bldg. .- ' WANTED afen or woman oa apectaf newapanef work. Calklna ' Newspaper Syndicate, 817 Chamber of Commerce. DRUMMERS and scents - for xnod aids HaSK t an bet. a aud a. av, or write, avooai a, ja MorriBoa St. .... . .v...- WAITED Mors hop-pica era r beat yanlieaay to I earn money. Apply Andrew avsa at Uh, ni UiIm a, . ... HfLP wanted sad an pp fled, stale or female. K. . DBAKB. SuSW Waahlngtaa at. Clay 44SV BOP PICKERS wanted at m orbett at.; Sood bopa, shacks sad the general price paid. WANTED Hoonlrki era. Call an A,. A, Cbareh Co., zw Taylor at. ' STTUATIONS WANTED ttaU. SITUATION wanted by aa alderly .reliable man aa aujnt riera or vratenmaa or any a ma oi work, day or nlgbt. H. Kulilmaan, 800 Jlurrta at., city.. :;. . . POSITION deatred; by experienced yonny bias aa bookkeeper ar clerk In or Ilea; retereneee. Addreaa 11 67. care Journal. - . WANTED -To do bonee-cleanlnc by the day. or waah porcbe and keep yard la aaapa. AUla 107. i. Hcltoser: GROCERY clerk wlabea a Boattioa tn rorWy rest 00. . . . ' -X-. . etora and aaloob; experienced. h Aaarecs care jooraau ..- - MTTfATIOrt wanted: a wiitii to yrooery or batcher wagon. Adrdeej let Bherl- daa at. '.-. - - SjTTTf ATIOHI WAJTTgla TlktAIJ. . ' GOOD Vllable lad would Ilka bonaekaaplns tor feutlemea with one or two miiaren. AOdreei 7 Eaat' ' Twaatyndoth - at. - 1'aone Bcotl S7l. .'. .. - ... .i .; ' EASTERN dreaamaker will aeWta faiuffiaa (or a abort tlioe. f l.w per Oayr beat, Iirel-eiaae work ruaranteed. Apply B 47, Journal. BITCATION WANTED Kxperleneed anrae air I. cere or Infant ar children under a. , , XW'.t Yamblll. - i'none Main U4I8. '." - : EAKTRRN woman wanta poeltion aa Vernon- aerator; food la any (tne Aaarcea- a ov. Journal. .- , BABTEBN aalwrhidy m lamwreTlff nnarTmellt wania aitnatton. Aonreaa n rl. jmiraai. ZaTFLOYXElrT AVOEatOEB, .NjE.yjJlMftofMENftji-FlCB. suav ma 28 H. Beeand at. Psoas Mats 158. noRBEH km rui XBRnx uu. uoov -eonwwo. 1 torsi kelp free te eroployera. glB Meertaoa. f WABTaWlTjBOIXUkTEOirBV PAINTING, spraylnf and whltewaahlng trees. beacmests, barn a, dorks, ate, done; largest gasoline sprayina ostSt on the coast. ' M. O. Morgan 8s Cs., 870 Mllwsukie St. Paoas Eaat 2817.; ;'.....; WB nay blxbeat cash prices for furniture; also tike same on consignment, rortfana auo tkm Boama, 211 rirat at..- Pnone Mala Bo.5. 8EKH10N LAWS OP OREUON, 1803, special lnoa. 1905: state eonditloa aad price, c. K. '-Ebarbard, McMiaavUla, Or. . - LADY wants dlivlng-horaa for ha board; Hxat drivtBaV-nesi care; caa give references, as awer A 103, Joaraal. , BICYGLB-t-Mnat ba Bp te date and In good or- state price snd deaenba wheal. . Ad- u aa, eournai . , ELKOANT -bnrlght plana, we brut case,, new; will sell cheap. Phone Eaat 4155. .' ICTIOOL BOOKS boarbt, sold sad eicbanged. 4ones- book atore, avi Aioer st. BOOKS boBgtit, sold sbd exchanged st tbe Old Book store. 220 Yamhill st. WANTED Orxaa, saltabla for smell Sunday senooi. u oa, c care JoarnsL . XT. J. BTDEB, printer. Beetnd sad Washlugtaa sts. , Phone Main BS38. ... . WANT Te borrow 300 oa city property. L 4, eonroai. WABTzsa-doiaraa. AGENTS, WANTED Te sell aw superior high aratia num., iiutii avw ann nHuiwu ni, 'fit furnlahed free; cask weekly; write today ... for choice territory. Capital City Noraary - vo., ewarna, ircxoB. . r. , AOBNTX, can eaally make 810 a day aelltnx our goHi wmojow wtters, novelty alxna and changeable alxna; cataloxus - free. Hitlllraa Co., 404 W. Van Bursa at., Chicago,'' III. - SALESMEN wanted for axcluaire sgency, Bnder. wear sae sesnueas hosiery, rectory to consumer direct. 818 Commercial block. WANTED Two good lady solicitors: enmmbntbm AO cents on the dollar. Apply 308 Eaat Burn aide Monday morning. ., .- . , . . SCHEMES for hustlers free. Harry Hastier Hill, 120 Sutter at- Has Prsnrbieo, Cat " W ABTI--EAt J tSTATX. WE CAN ase some good cloee. lota on tha esat side for our cllenta. who want bovses built fur them on the Installment plan. "" MOI'l.TON A 8COHKY. , . Columbia Bldgo SW Washington St. ' HOCSB aytd lot between MocMnon and BnrnaMs .. snd nor farther ant then Thirty-fourth et. ea eaat aide, or would Imp on weat side If not : too high: give Vncatloa and price Brat let ter. -Addreaa P 81, rare Journal. WANTED A nice B room cottage, modern far oat. fnll lot. In Bice location, with fruit trees aaa sowers, ror esan; give fall Informs , tks soaj price , in nrt letter. m - a.iitf'na-1 T4J pirwr- at.-r PARM8 WANTEIVAH klads stock. ' poultry, ' fruit, grals and bop farina; maat be good 'and reasonable la Price: 'VtVa-filll daecrln. that, price snd terms. R. L. Cats, 113 2d 'St., Portland. -. ' ' i ,.- . ., ., WANTEIWTo buy from 8 to 20 scree of lend for gardening end fruit snd pool try; mnat be near city, anareaa u au, eara Journal. WANTED Small tracts snltahle for., chicken rsncbes: must tic tond snd reasonable. K. L. fata, 112 liecond at, Portland. ,- WANTED To boy a smstl ranch, clnae Is. by respnnalhle party; atate- terms. Adrdess aU b3, care (JoorSal. - .: ., WTtNTED Cheap lot or smstl bmiee and lot, close In; Alulae pr ferred. . Address f 82. . ears JoarnsL - WANTED-TTBANCIAr. ; WANT to borrow gl .WW) os good Imprnved real e.tate tnelde rily lltnlta: Ibree or fire rears, T pet cent. Address U 6ft, cart Jouraal, , - wanted to bent. OWNKItS AND AGENTS will find It to tbeir edrautare ta Ilat their vacant boaee and - flats with oar Free HeoUl department. Oat a-M.rt, etra..,.,rv baa baeume a reCOX- Blaed lualllutlon la Portland, hundred, of ttrnanla bainx .weekly puo-a m auuauie ' quartera. Ve make aa charge Wbateret and owners ehould take advantage of this service by eelllug at oar rental department aud filling la au "laformatloa Blank." If ye bare a -vacaat bouae, phone the par ; tlculara and leara the teat to uf. Wa won I ; allow It to remain loux UH. :.., ; U. k, JCDWAKD8. HOI bErTJBNlSHER, A'rea Beotal Department. . .... mb to Jl slrst 8t;-. WANTED To -rent boose neat earllns -with . S ta 15 acrea af land saltabla for berry-rala-; lng;,king lease prafarred. Addreaa F 64. eara Journal. . ' 1 I HAVE desirable tenanta for several 8 to R-mom bouaea on weat aide. Tyaon Ktneell, 8112 titniBerelal blk. Phone Main ItHSt. PITB or alx-ronm cottage, furnished, er honee- keenlng. rooma good selKlilHa'hood; perma. ' nent. Addreae H 47, Journal. a SOB BENT HOnSEXJXPINd BOOKS. POR RKNT larnlated boaaekeenUg-roems ta , beat brick block aa eaat aide; gaa ranges, ' bath, etc.; ao tranalcnta,, prices ssaderata. Losaa , bix7, . iwti union sva sir. an Alder.; I'none Cuius Sioi, " - NICKLY furniaked boueeaeeolnx rooma: brick block; Bsc of oath. 0M Buaeeii sr., sear lllaalaaliHil avenue cat Una. - Inquire Bo',. Uuaaell at. ...'..'-..-:;.-. iTKNISUKD bonsekeeplns suites from SIS Pr t month up; porcelain bath and pbuae free; gaa rangea. ' 127 Lownadalc at., neat Waah. HOV8EKEEPINO ansrtmeBts. fumlabcd. B- furntahed; beautiful mcatlua. incksua,. vai Walty Park. Pbons Scott MM. $12.00 Til RRB onstalra rooms furntahad - for nouaeseepinx; a aeuai aeuaraie Binaa, . North Twelfth at. , .. . - - ONK fnrnlahad front roam for 1 or S xentlemee; rlran; rest reaanaatile aouVfe first at., coraar aim. - . HOI'SEKEBI'INO rooms, very deairsble. ea eaat aide; one furnlahed front rooaa. . t'uooe ecott TWO bonaekeenbia rooma. S3S MontanmerT. cor. eleventh et.1 cleaa aad auiei. 1 none auia Wia. . ,-v ... .' THB fJNDA VISTA, alcely furaaihrd BOBsekeep. log aaa siagm rooms raaaossBis. aaits eua. LA RUB slcora room fnmlahed, or Buy he need rut,JMuaekeeplttg. B. iai.. is a. aeveBia. S PCRM8HED bonaekeeplng rooms, With BBS at iibone. can am 7ta ac FOB BEaTT rtrEaTBHID moostB. TUB BOYCREST. ITS Tw-iri, .. Xamblll Jast opened; exclualre rooming ee commodatlona; bones snd tutslahlaga entirely sew; elegaat suites, with hot and cold water, one 'beds; ame aipgls rooma; will teat a limited number of rooms new to psrmsaeat people; traaalanta solicited. TUB KINO New building, asndaomaly far . n la bed. aqrilnncd wUb every modem conven ience; on direct ear line to expoaltloB; all . oufaide rooma; beat, gas; alec trie lights, porce . lain hatha i- vary low rates: uka Fifth st. car , from VntoB depot to 80S Jsffersoa at., aesi City UalL ... '-,, - -,- - TUB STRWABTe-JOAi Waafalnxtoa, xeost eaa. irax joretioB la the city; aewiy ramooeieo brick building; furaVabad and Bnfamlehed bMiaekeerilnx rooaia la - an I tea aad ataxia: a Ingle aleeplng moms snltahle for 2, 82 week np; tranatrnls SOc up. Phone Bed 1822. HOTEL TAN NOT. Commercial mea'a headqnartare. Brat class. Water la all, the rooaia. bathe free, central, . direct eara te depot aad expoetttou. UVj Third St., set. Plae. LXBB RAMANN, 185 N, jath., cor nert Newly xurniaueq rooma. Bl.ou ap; aoavenieus loeauow. It groBtt te boass. car at aoloa depot direct S470. rtHNISHED ronraat- a very deairsble tncs. iilaeai anile right by the door; bath and telephone at 2M ClsysL, ; "corner "SIB "St. - " Call. PIN ELY forstahed rooma for 2; gaa, bath and ateam heat; 84 per week. T43 Vsngha, cor.. steam beau 84 per week. TV vaagna, cor. Twentyecond; tsks aay fair-cat, at leans aaa eiw. ... . - - KI.KOANTLY fumlabcd rooma, new boaee, 875 tillaan, near. Twenty-flrst, close to fair and ' bualnesa crater; urlrate family. TsL Mais ,'. 1047.-, . , ,. '' ; . WANTED Lady tor farnlabed room; rates reasonable; good place for rlxbt lady; eaat - aide sear carlloe. laqntae P 88. care JonaaL MASQHAM HO CSS, 14BH 8th Roeme ea estta or" aiagle; koaaekeaplng rooms; gas stsvss, bath, alec trie lights; traaaleats soUctted, POR RBNTWOna nicely rforntsbed gronnd floor, with aee of bath; rent reason able. 122 East Tenth at., corner Aider. NICELY fnrBlahed front room; twe to family; . no other roomera; 5 per month.. 8SJEast ' Market' St. Phone Eaat S231. TUB BEU.KVI'B 60 rnnros alcely farnlabed; prices 218' peg reasonable; traveling midim eoucltee. rouriB su luog iuj. - ONB nicely fnrnlahed downstairs room for one or two people, $8.nO to $4.50 par week. , 840 Sixth St., corBet Market. y hot and cnM water, bath; Sew building. -4bl r.aat - ' NEWLY niralebed sunny i front room, privste family, very reasonable;' aesr ear. Una. 72 .. Kaet Seventh north. . , - VERY desirable fnrnlahed bad unfurnished rooms for rent; - central location. . Inquire OaT . waaaingtoa at. TRANSIENTS solicited ; connecting sleeping , apartments', elexint. mooerny- a ear irom depot. v 3d at.. TWO nicely furtllabed rooma. one with alcove: Corner bouse; bath, gas, phone. . B. 1028. 12 . Hast Beeenth. PRONT parlor for tantiemes a. re floe meat wba wianea room seat ua center city. ' 1 Everett, at. M '; ''f' ' THB (ILADSTONB 81V Bsvter St., faralehed aaaar paw , saasagasMsx; prioas res- CHEAPEST snd beat located rooms ta Portland. . II week and ap. 4Mhnaa. first sad Alaee ata. POR RENT S or S-moms for Might "keeping; famished. - l-boae Heott 8148. THE CASTLE 872 Washington sc. I Pboae msib istb. - PCRKINHED rooms, wltk er without board. ,.407 East piss, w GO te xxa 4 Third at. for large front roots. BCOMS AJfB BOABD. P1R8T-CLAS8 rooms aad board for perma seat people, 122.50 -1 and $28 per month; table board 84 par Weak. Astor bouse, Ttk 1 Madison sts. TeL Main 8281. TUB- ISTINO Elexaat exorbitant cbargea; . dining-room la eaa ' section; prises rlat Co. 18th aad Irvtsg. BOOMS - with board for teaaata . reaaonabla; Brat -el ass Sixth at. eaeklaa. SSI ROUSES POB BEBT flTBBlTw-BB f OB BALE. S OB best rssalts - on "f UBNTtBB,', Whether to bay or eell, ring ss Main - PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS ,")' , . 811 first si, nnvimitn boaee: 8 rooma. Blcelv" located! , rnt 28; ewner fe"S sway; will sell for - f nw M laace m uw... mm , - ww, Hundey sfterBooae.. .,- ' . v POB RHNT 818 Modern 7-raom boose, fms locstlim; furniture for ssle very cheep If taken liy or before Heptember 30. . Address H 40, Jouraal. , - '.- . FURNITURE of room botjee, ewwWa, gond paying, slwara fnll: rent moderate; sail st I sacrifice; parties leaving town. Address U 18, , JoarnsL . - - SMALL rntugs. rent $17: fumlturs for ssle - for $IOn; In Sne locatlos. B81 Krcrett snd Mltteenlh et. carllne, FI'RNITI'RB of 4-moni hones foe ssle; - for. rent, $8 mualbly.. 818 Fourth sL POB BEBT-B0UIIB. POB BENT IB? THE DUNN-LA WBENCE COMPANY. ' , f2.00 Klegsnt H-rooui bouse. 858 San Rafael. 17.00 Mouet-n 8-ruom flat corner Lnloa ava. and bast Aukeay. 81BJM1 k-anllful T.enom beoae. flna larxs lot, abundance fruit and ehruohery. 181 ' Beet Tweatyerenth, Bear Belmont. 115.00 Mtyllah, new and modern 8-roum cotUge, comer Rodney are, and Prsaiont, Apply st 1481i 'trst aC NEW, T rooma, 81 it and Schuyler .... New, T rooma, Slat and Broadway -'New, f touma, Sd Hancock -.,.. ,,4 New, S rooms, St)0 Broadway .1 t " Phone 5002. - - tl4 Chamber o( Commerce n. m L.ll .1,. POR RENT 8-room house with bath. Sevan- tMenta and Kaat, UarrlaOB Bta.T roMrOBCSO. T. tl. Tborntoa, room S MnUsy bldg 4 at 458 Morrisou. l oone Alain sni. STUART e ratios, Mount Scott car 4 'Urge rooms, outbuildings, modera; parties Bit bout ehtldreni furniture for sale. Call tbg Belle vae. Fourth snd Salmon. - - modern honae. East Thlrty-foarth Bear Hawthorne, reaaonabla to tellable tea. .ante. Pbons Black 2U7 4. Room 420. Cum mereisl blk. ' . ' . POR RENT Modera 12-room .bouae, t acrea, Abtimlance fruit, eity water, eleetrte lights, partly, faralehed. Apply O. H. WsUs, Ablng toa bldg. . NEW, 8 rooms, Hancock and East 28th St.' B. M. UISBAUU, rbene BfW2. 814 Chamber of Commerce. 7-ROOM rottaxet- neatly furnlahed. bath. Phone and large yard, tall second honae west 01 Mt. Tabor seboolhoass or , phone boott laoSv 1-POR RENT New modern -a-room bouae. No. SKI East BecoBd M., cor. n,aaco. Inquire Na. sou Cherry at. or, pbone taa lea. -BOOV house; bath, baasmsat. large yard: Maada at; 822. Ty Klaaell. SuS Cese merclal block. Pbons MsU 2828. . 11-BOOM boass. 271 North Eighteenth SC. bat. Northrup and Orertun; aud,ra sud class. . Phone Mala 8478 or Mala .BeuO. . - ... . BOI SE of 10 rooma, aewly 'Btted. Inquire 4! Montgomery at. ."'or 2444 llret St. Dr. ""Hr-Koebler's dental rooaia. ..'' 7 . TO family of adulta, 10-room modera fconee to good lucstisB. inquire XW4 Thirtaeata, . f NEW 8-room bonae. 550 Windsor St., -'Wood- lawn; key aext ooor; 4'. 00 per moota. POR BRNT-r-Moaeva B-roon) farabihed cottage; ptaae asd taa. au rust, near Bnermaa.. A MODERN 7 -room 820 month. Apply Iebowllch Bros., 171 Third sp ftR RENT New., modera, T-i B. Third aad Uregoa. A NICB furetebed 8-rooai cottage for rest. Call No. 884 rearth etl ';.., POR RENT A-roots J'lftyjeajcond aal Esst Btsrk .sts. HOCSB and bars. lejqntre H. Klaetca, Wood. stock ava. POR BENT 4-room modera cotmge. - Poae East 2078. --' - TO BBxTtTLATS. NEW, elegantly furnlahed lower fist fee Tent for September: fneep" to Trent partiee. ui Gllaaa, Bear Twentj-flrat. TeL Mala 1047. IX rooms, first floor ef beautiful beast ea car line, full Basement, large yard. line eeranaa. Addreaa H 80, Joaraal.. - NEW" modera B-roont flats, Inclodlng stsel sad fa a range: Haieey ana xaraonaa, east mas. sqnfae .288 Larrabee. ' SIX-ROOM flat, grooBd floor, fine torarbst. Beat Madlaoa and Twenty-fourth ata; rent 82. Phone Esst 1480.-. . , - . FOB BENT New Sat wltk. fursUnre for sals; centrsiiy locaieai weex aiua. , x uoue aaaia 1X21.' - - -ROOM flat, aewty pe pored, rent reasonable. Kortnwear cor.- Tweirth sml near Ktarx ere. MOM RENT tjff ICaVBOO ALB. FOR LEA8B. losg term, top Soar Stearns bids- Sixth snd Morrison ; growta compsai as M BeBhka-waixer sssnwas college. : POB BENT-S frost office Booms eattsbst fat doctor er dentist. Apply 14rA First aA, room a. , caariae u age is. ; r,- - - OFPICB ef hah- and scalp apeelaliet; seven years estsbllsbed; bad bsalia reaesa rot seu tog. P. O. Box 87. - ..v c OrriCB-BOOkf for - reat. aoagb bldg. ABgly-elevatot. CONNECTINO offices for rent, foraltare for sale. P. O. Bog 87. . POB 'AeUn. ' v"" "". "T"" '"L " " ' '"" " ""f "- - for sale. Phone Mat uo. - I'none oetweea or ' and 12 a. m. sad 2 and 8 p. m. - I POR BENT IBS scree ea Clackamss rlvar. 4 mllea Una 0. w. P. electric, una. Apply East fifteenth snd rrivlsina sts. POB . sT IJBTTIBBTSWwTJ-OOkra, POR BENT Twe er three mfarnnmed ranms; rent rc neons dm; water aaa p noae iree.- t-nona Mam BJslO. , BUSIVXSS CHAVCZB. SMITH BROS. The right place to come te If yoa want a ' rooming bona st sctoal raise. We are tbe Cinrlpal rooming -bouae dealers sad " bare wses from 3 to 168. rooaia, ia all loca tions. ' , ,s . ''- ' ' ' Have a number of customers wba desire to parehsse rest estste. . botebi, roomlng I Bonaea, farms, - eigsrtnres, ' reaUurants, ' bsrbst Shops and snaay other lines et mal- asee. -,'' . . Ws have some good bays ta roomlng-hoasee ' asd other lines. . - Ws kees in teach with esstera capital and If yoa want quick sales, small eommlaalons fooa won, can at our oioce. SMITH BROS.. ' r12H Blith-t. . . ITiona kfsla eOSO. HOTEL POR BAfjB OB LEASE. It baa 21 good rooma, 100x100 feet-ef ground, the best corner la town, established are years, dotng- s good baelaess tbe year around, ta a buay prosperous tows tn Oregon, ' en railroad snd river; will sell or lease sad - H -na fornlture. - - -- - Meeersl snd business chances Is eatslde . towae la Oregon. - - r - ORIINDY-MELBATH CO., tm Morrlaos st.. Boom 12. tlMba Bed 2871. $l,So0 hays estahtlahed -baatneae. aifD,a, nays aeanairiFi nu giwei j. boil Duya cooice cigar sno ronrecTiooery. ; . 850 buys restsorsnt ea Washington st. I.loo buys ebolee sslonn, gond location, 128 buys choice timber claim. ;,. 850 buys 12-ronrs bense en Wash. 1st. H. W. UABLAND 8 CO., l3Vi Fourth st. THB CLARK OBAIN . COMMISSION ar- 9na alettes bide. CO. PBIYATB; BfHIM POB LAJIEB. - 10 buys or sells 10 sbsres ef stock at l.Oifl knshels of, grain; eommlaeloa aa grata, H oa Mocks. Wa buy sad sell pats snd celts. -. " . . V, . ... f400 BUYS-. ROOMING HOCSB Ray wtadow reeldeara of 11 sunny rooma. In awell uptown district: all nvofitabry rented: lea we. rest only 8.1.; prlvsts reaaoaa for eclllng ao cheap. Thomssoa Wane boater, 78 Sixth St. OOLDT1ELD MINE Shanes to ret la; don't faU to lavcatlxats. Sea O. A. llrletol, fiscal ' sgent, for Isteet report ea devetopment; email ' buck of tresssry stock, sow of Cared. Boost . t, Hamlltoa bldg, TblM St. . . - FREE LANDS IN OREGON.- " FERTILE soil, pure water, viellxhtful etlmate; land et alfalfa, apples and clover. For full Information s.Mr-aa tbe Columbia SoatberB ., Irritation Cat, 848 Worcester blk.. Port Una. FARMS wheet snd timber binds, acreage, eity property; timber and bomeatcad location; ' bnalseaa chances and Inenrsnee, TOWNSEND, MAXWELL et CO. .. V Abler St. Phone Mala 1222. ByaiTAI BANT. enaaplete,. rent for seasnn $100) . rlgkl ata a caa make money. 84T Ipskot at. seSBaaBSBhassBjaBSaai xtz--x-x-siTrrv-.'' EMPLOTMrsNT office wtth real estste- snd , bualuess chance office eeunected; plenty work; plenty help; plenty business: gilt edged op portunity; belt interest for 8125. Particulars With the Home Land compaay, TS Sixth at. HARDWARE a tore In good valley town, 88,500. Ueueral mvrchandlee store, 86.0U0. Any of these euros will stand the closest ifersatlgstloa to be moncy-msksrs. , P. Pl'CHS, 1484 first st. BESTACRANT I Invite snybody to ths closest larestlxstloa that my-asrstauraBt clears $150 a Bwutb; , pries 1500, with terms; tea., gjy '- sgest. -v - P.- PUCHS, 148H first St. ' ' NEW hotel, best lore t loo. 70 rooma. all takes ' svery Bight, completely furnlahed, clears 82.000 par month, long lease ; oa account ' of sickness ' msst be sold cheap. Address O 57, cere Journal, POR BALK A flrst-clsas rooming boaee; cen, trsl location; rooms sll full; houae paying well; would tsks part trade, er soma cash snd time us. balance; price 88,000. Address H 48. care Journal. , . A SNAP S-room rooming-houaa, twe blocks from tbe Hotel Portland and oe the Morrl , aoa at. cat 41 net a good, permanent propoai ' tloa, cheap, .' Call at 184 West Park at., aasr -' MorrlaoB. .-. , ., POB SALE Ice cream parlor, candy and cigar atore; beet tncatloa In beat town In ths Val ley; doing bis business) low rent; good rssssn -' foe-sellluf. , Address Jtlirertaa, Oregon. L., ".Box 220,. , ' ' . -,. ;'. .' POB SAIJs Oa account of ale knees, atce, clean, money-making beelneeo aa east Bids;-.' salea . from 818 te 35 par day: pries Bl.4u0, er wlU Invoice; aa ageata wanted. Q 50, The Jouraal. POR SALIC Jewelry atore la s food Iocs tloa,, . cheap rest; flOO will boy Situ res snd seme ef the stock; wstcb and Jewelry work will ran S150 per month. ... Address O 62. Journal. FOB BALK Confectionery ea Baraeldo; . slss one oa Morrisna MX . cash grocery ea Com mercial at. with -atore and Hrlng-rooOH. Call or address 1008 Esst Sixteenth St.. aorta. (400 Delicatessen la beat residence section; good thing for. boslsesstlks womaa wba wanta : te ' help employed haahesd. - Boom . BUl ColumbU bldg., 3A Weahtugtoa at. .. WANT party, wtth -Sr.oes- ta pot ertta,- easte . a mount by am to build font cottages tliat will . bring $100 per month Income. - Investigate In la. -Address H 53. care Journal, .js BARGAIN Rooming boaee, caatrally located. . clearing . $100 month; aood f oral tore, low : rest,' iesse; price 8480, ' terms. . Tetephone B-acinc iva. ., . - - . A BARGAIN 84.200 will bay a let BCxlOO that will pay 10 pet cant above , all taxaa snd iBSaranca. J. Ia, WeUa Osm 84 Grand are.. , - , - . .. , POB SALE Clxsr and- ronfrctleaorr - reasonable; good location; aext door te. one : of the largest betels la tbe city. - Address H Be, JoarnsL'"' r.-; --. J------; - PARTI EH looking for tareetmant la timber or , farm Isnds rail at 214 Alleky bid. We have eome good deals.,- N. W. comer Third snd - Morrison. ' ' . POB SALE BY OWNER cigar,, eeofertlon-CT ana roommg-noass, tocetner er sens rare, us 11 OS Mala. Pbons Hood 841. , stoaeoM for Sell big. ' - ..', e : , --i..-' POB SALE Half Interest sr entire rqrbt e a varaaow patent, er win exenaag ror real ee tate; a fortune tor right mas, U 40, JoajraaL WANTED Parmer with 850 te. S100 la very paying, oesirsine bBsuetas-ampkysieaMtf ae aired. Call ar addreaa WM 440 Northms) at.. - PARTNER Also general sgent: 800 te $50t - capital. required; light Biannfartorlng; f nor ' atone proflta. Room 18, first St. POB SALE 8-rooea boass, . aarety farnlabed; 18 boardera; price SK200: maat sell et eace. -Rand Oe., reeea 8 Hamlltoa bldg. DESIRING tn dlsposs of ens of my three eater- prises, 'Will eell ene reetaaraat seder wu foom Botel very ebsap." 402 Third." . r?,; MEATMABKEJ for asls cheap; If yea are lor lag for a market, ae hettsr IocsUob la .-'eity. Call s?a Berth wick at, .p Snap -Party . Biaat go .eaat: ssloes sad eoa ; feetleaeryr- let 84x70, Stock (atA. tor $2,41x1 Aoorees -r aj, cars joaraal. $200 BUYS btlf established business; tnvsetment secured: ester porensssr hi. weekly r tall SuBta Morrhtoa at, Boom I. - - SAWMILL for sale, 18.000 fast cenadty; plealy 01 siuiueT am emu, line eroaaamaaB, AB drees O 80, eare Joaraal. , . . - WHEN looking for meatlos, sltber dtp or , country, cau ea the Northwest lausa CP. WH Morrisoa St., room 211. - PHOTOORAPH gallery for Bale; clearing ever Sioo per month t strkasae the reaxea tor ssU lag. 2na 14 first st, ; '' POB SALE et For Rent Hotel is gottTon-. - try town. Pet particulars see P. K, Mil ler, Silvartoa, Or. . --'...,:...- r 0ROCEBY first Hssa earaer, good- stock asd eoinx aa excellent 1 doing sa excellent sqsiacss, SOUU. Address 47. .care . JoursaL .', V , , PARTNER WANTED la reel estate efsce: fllt-edx'd Brnnueltlos; complete eatSL . 202 om merclal blk.. . i FOB SALB--Best located son venlr atand , city; Inside; ether business. Address F - care Jouraal. ...... , -v , ,. - la $180 STOCK and Sxtoree sice cigar snd to bacco atand doing good busiaess, Call 158 Nortk Sixth. - - -. . - FINK millinery store la fine nlley town for ssle or exchange for Portlasd property. H 48, . JoumaL -. .1- ' ... . .--.. . FOB, SALE Good restanrant wltk lease end three Sue pedigree nappies. ' 412 Morrlena at. POR BALE Rrlck hotaL 88 rooms, sea tare, splendid lease; hi Portlasd. V 4s. Joaraal. TINB onoortnnlty la estsbllahrd bualnesa; seed help snd repitai. Aouress as, care joaraal. CARrENTER wagts te bnlld bouse snd ta lot ss part nay. Carpenter, 888 Johnson. , take FOB SALE A reatanraat, goad location, doing good bualnesa, cheap. 272 OUsaa at. FOB SALS! Small bnslness en a good snltabls for tody er seat. 232 ad st. HOTEL for ssle la a sood Mv town, Willamette . valley, . Address Box 188, Eugene, Or. X5O0 TAKES good-grocery store with bring rooms to rear. jga AllSSy DMag. WHO IS kf. L MOBOAM 4 CO.1 j V FOB SAXX RIAL 1ST ATX.' FINB BO-acre farm 10 miles from Portland, 2H , miles from rallroBd atattoew-eO la eajtlreteei, : 10 acrea ercbard, good dryer, lore ef fruit this year, . good honae sad barn, wall toasted am bendy to erbonji: 84.000, bait eaah; will take etork ef groceries ss pert pay., y 70 scree SH miles from car Has, S cleared, ' 40 well feacad, fine creek running through plaos, some good bottom, bones, barn, - shop snd chicken-boaee; $1,280; half cash, balance $10 per month. I-room bonae, good lots aa Meant Tabor car line, $L408; $300 cash, balanee $1S par ' smth. B acrea la city limits, fins lot ef trait, sood "' spring sad ru using water, boaee, barn, and ' ehlrkea-bonse, sll for toss then tbe price ef ' ene tot, $1,800; halt cash, helaace la eat -aad twe years. -- .r, "'.'" . ' CHABLESON It NEILL, ' - . 818 Alleky Bldg. Pbona Weat ; - , .; AOBEAOB NBAB PORTLAND. 40 acrea 2Mj boars' drive te city, acres enl lira ted. balance timber and pest ore; bonee, t frnlt trees, stc-i 0. 1 solli a bargain; $1,800; ti tarma. , 15 acrea near, city', good koaae, new bara, t orchard, S seres la garden, fine location, splen did soil; will self tor $2,000; terms. 15 scree near eity oh ear I Ins; 8 acres cul tivated, balance eaally cleared; owner leavtos State; meet sell; 'only $1,000: terme. . 20 seres, fine locstloa aesr city, T miles -from court hemes ea good road) adjoining land sells for $150 per acre; wlU call tula for $80; .. terme. ' ' " ,r Cbb-kea ranch I acres, new bonae,' frhit, , bertiee, rhlckea yard, -etcn minis -frees V l"ortland, 8750: terme. - -," OREHOM AHrHMllATKD KXI.HAKUE. lofty, fourth at. FOR SAI.B Modern 7-ronm bones wltk barn, frnlt snd four lots; mica 12. oral. Asm store - tmtlfllDg sad barn. J. P. Hnrglns, one bench - north, roar west, Tremont etsllen, O, W, P. ' Una. Take Maust Beott car. UNDZ3 t::Y CiASZIFICATIOI. v"; Tin Cciti ra'lia' No sd takes for toss thsa toe pet day, Seven, worda, ss a rule, conatttuts a Una, bat each line Is chsrged reaardtcss ef the iweW of worda. BAxC T tease'1 s '(lselad'ng eae banday lasae) kd L.eTS par Las KoaTBxir B ATI fiseludlag all uutoy bvanaa) 81. fa net tma Bat moatb. ADVtalUi lilt mast be la Journal busiaess siaos bv 18 s'elsok weak daee --..aad by 18 e'eleok Swtaraay svenmg far . ih anuasey aaar, as. Bestirs clBSSiaoanoa, Display rates glee, Veea atollsatiea - at wis . exBoa. . , THE JOURNAL BRANCH OFFICE WtB ' bt ' received at regular BMlaffles rates. Following 1s a list of sutbortard sgeats, - who -will forwsrd year ad, art lee. meat la time tor puuilcatton la the saxt ' B0BTH SIDE. - B. A." Preston, ' droggtat, Tweaty-thlrd aad Thnrmsa streets. 1 i ' Nob HIU Pharmacy, 880 Ollsas strseWJ eorner Twsnty-arst. - A. W. Allen, pilar audit, lxteeatk sad Mara hall streets. ' McCommoa's Phafmsry, Nlneteastk-- asd Waahlngtoa atreeta. ,-, a" ., s -- - Mimi snx. 1 ' B. F. Jones 'A Co., drogglsfg, froot Bad Glbbe atreeta. Oottal Drop company, First sod Orast strssts. - . ftblaa - BrerTey, Soggitt, - 400 Jsfferasa Street, eorner Tenth. . . - Bettmao's - Pbarmacy, cotssr Six lb sad Harrison streets. Plammer Drug comppny, 280 Thud street, corset Madtoos. ' --..rp....- IaR grjjl, W. S. Love, druggist, earaer Grsad aveaus akd Eaat Burnside sUeet. , Nlcbole A Thompson, 128 Russell street, earner Albtns srenue. Jsacke Drag compaay, cor act Hawtkeras And Grsad svsaaea. W, C. Cable, druggist, 'eoraea- Holladay svenne aad Larrabee street, near . steal bridge. B. A. Wilaos, IBS Grand sveaaa, - asss East Morrison. B. W. Ball, IBS Esst Seventh street Stephens. ' ': . , . . '!"" WT AWT A til v. r... F. J. dark, druggist, loot JNortk Valea aveaae. - ' .- ... ., -. 't : IDBBTSTfiX. '- - i- . Wortk. nbaratocltt 80S Belmont Beeoklyi Pbsrmscy ssmpssy, Pswtll asd MUwaMala Atreats . - ' , ABLITA ORXGOkT. ' - , Arista pkarsiacy. Here aad Foster streets. FOB- 8TF BT8T, ESTATE, $1,000 Timber rtolnT, wilt cut S.OOn.ooO feet, close, te river snd sswaiili: gouU tills, Tula Is srsnap at tlie price eased. 8X250 A well ImDtoved rsach ef 30 acrea. ,SH ur-orcbard. IVh acrea to strawberries. I sera la raaoberrara. balance In Dot a toes, corn , and bay; bonae and barn, garden sod cuiek-n' ' Jafd. This place la tocated near a good Wan. '. i miles from Poalbind. - - . ,3. 82.300 s seres, sll clear and ua peered, seer ' Be car line; fair bouse sad pern. If you are , looking for snjrthlug of . Into kind yoa eas t beat It at tbe price. ' ."-"-'. ,- We hava a large ilat cT cltr. preeerty, -end If yea ara.tooku( for 8 kome come la sbxI. fiCVTT WATT. ' Room BT Washington Bhlg. Pboae Msta 48T.V . . . BKCHTEI.Sl gfKlfXlX. .t t ' room, .ssodaia bense oa Heat HirrssMe. and Twentiefb1 SB elegsnt eei,ance.- - ' Wan bases sad factory loreikeie. -eeeM, en elevated roadways asd eelid greund asal ' , rsHrosds.- :- .v.... . --i --... t wo sb Sere for 30 oc-CO seres' lnsbto city t'TIWilie snrtktiwj11 tor piiiiiiasi Two dwellings en Esst nomaioe. raws tn. XJrine. 8-rouui ilwaUmg.ea. Jtsst Eighth. "Owe -v : 7 roacn Am East . Everett, net earn Mute sni ... . Tenth., One 7-room oa Bast Davis, tma T-mea on Kaet Tenth. All modera and low - price and goad I' nmi, - Farms larxe'and small in sll parts ef Oregon. - Pine term, acrea i - uwder -eultirstlon, . good buildings. 835 )r - ' " "HOUSES FOB SALE. " ' $3,000 Rura splendid t-room bouae aad lot h . , . -.-choice realdenea distrk:t, ' cast aide, Haaroek. near lOtb. . . 48 ,000 Klexant lo-mera banes ' tn " PI'dment. J xraaew j,"'ti,w, w. aniw , v pronerty offered. - Ti. . """ 4 $8, 008 New modern S-room bouse snd full ror- . .aer lot, Ksst 28th sndlMsdtsoa;. only ; 'Sot) down. - -,800-AIU-ranm house, planned right, bnllt . ' . v right; a msgnlScent bonis: on Jib si.. south ef Port lend betel; high, sightly i-- corner lot? terms. i '. . ,.'" COM PTON GIBSON. Pbeae Red , , - . 100- Ablngloa Bldf,- - trvf-rpTinxAL BAB0AINM. - 1 A-room beuae, Weat Clay, Bu.oon: terms. -v S-room. East t8tft. 82.8nu; easy , tarma. ' a-room.. East , Portlsad tleights, $1.200r '"Laufl sereadne j lasd,! 40 allies ef Port land, 85.50 en acre; terme. -t lO.Ono acrea Sue timber laad, 29 mllrt of -portlaod.-rbeap; terms. . . , 4 tots en Portland Heights. $1,200. ' '-a-rimm new himar. St. Johns, $t,2O0. it, , ,, - f. 10-roem loosing boose, tlornann, fl.niw. IM HOIK m HEKtKII,, . . -f 20BM Morrisoa, Room 8. ;'" v 0BEAT WESTERN LAND A INVESTMENT CO. We fcsve some choice fsrma, close tar ttos emue Improved 3, 5 and 10-ecre tracts, near city.- Blg--snsp-ta S west side lota. Liet ysur " property wltb aa; we can sell It. - , Wsntsd Best boose 8I.2W will boy, CkW tn, Wanted To real bouses, close In; we fcsve tots of calls. . - - - - $20 acres heavy timber,, fir and eedari smith. , am Oregon; cheap; er exe bangs or PurtlsuJ sonTkV bMg., Cor. Third asd Morrisoa sts. (760 (-ROOM cottage, 80x100; $00 cash, bal ance own terms, ' .... ' $2,500 7-raom cottage. Close In. easy srslk liif distance: BMW cash. $28 nionthly. V U00-r-aoase..fnefaU tot, 11 btorki te BarnsMe or Morrbwa bridge; 40 cash) bal snce $ao monthly,- - - - " $1,750 fms new 5-mom modern honae with . latest lmprovemenU $260 casht balance AJS ? "jiro rant 8 sood home at the tight -t T. PCCnS,- laSt, - lfssa-.. j:irr-. ' , WEST SIDB. . lOOxTS-Waab at., sear 17th :"' JI Boxloo Wash. St.. 8-story bl ...... "' 0'J . 60,100 Morrisoa St., 5-story bdg..... L.JJ 100x50 -Morrteoa st- 7-sttirr bldg ,,aex 2HO,0OU EAST BIDE. -. - , 200x143 and 10-room bouse ad logs i .1 . v...,-7r ""'JL- TABOR HEI0UTS. 100x100 snd S-room bouse, Wonditoek, ,. I, 2Vk blocks from csr line; ceh BBn..Bi.asv. 71 " . cDKIflUTON A CO-.... ''". t .V; rf - Third St.- - -v"" $2,000 Fine comer lot near car line; asu . . .sloe: $500 eaah, balance easy $2,-08-115x14; sigbtly atte. tosirMt.. Tsbnccar. fine; emsll eaah peyment. BOO 4 acrea seat ML . Scott l Une, It 88, 500 SMa cm'ob bank ef nacksmsg Heerj hslf la caltlvstloa;. 1 mils to railroad ala.ewa4. $4,20028 seres j convenient tn Htr hy 1 T. or rail; boass. bsrn; A 1 lasd. 1 DAVIDSON.. WARD CO., by rlvtr ... .'408 Chamber ox ws- BABOAINS IN4 ACBEAOB. , V.. Wne ssle 80 seres In bsrrles snd frnlt ; ' foedkSTldlngs: T mites of courtboose; IVh ; "Vr .'ie.UTMIlw.ukto; .11 1. camva. Uoo; good buildings: price $1,800. - f , 1 seres st s bargain; acres In berries; , " seres In frnlt; 6V miles from sour t beuae; bouse snd barn; cash er terms. , Oinar scrsaxe la small tractt on sexy terms, ' " BASTSIUB REAL B8TATB CO., 4M Bast Morrison St. . rbone Esst $2$, FOR BALE NOB HILL 1 ',1 i Reastiful home on the corner et Twenty- ' fourth and Irving strssts; 8 rooms, elessntly fbilehed rhmngnont. thoroughly , amdern; has fnmare, three fireplaces, pore oa two sides af the bones, - fine town, with abandanee wf ' rose hoe baa and running tines, . This to one of the choice homes of the city, and we ran a-ira Immediate pneaeaaloo. i-OhMLAND TRI ST I O Of OBECON,-" ava inirn av ( f , 1. 1