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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1905)
. c 1:the 'ozzgou cui.-day' jour.iiAi fo-tlAi.-d. euudav SHUR-ON 1 4a .a 1 Yea cca vLa tiitcir izi tsvat3 cf yczr trcri 2-3 vr!lhcrt f 1;, I f j ...... . .r. 7 .... . . ' j t - - '. niiiTiimninii n m . vORE SI RlfiG Billy Taggart, Who Carried Coal r and Kindling,; Leaves Bud ;' J Impression in Court. V ;;."'. . RELATIVE'S TALE! CAUSES f ' MAJOR MORTIFICATION " Faced ' Hail of Lead in , Santiago , Trenches but Wilts ' Before rVain Civilian's - Testimony JudgeXto Look After Children. (8pmU1 DUpatc Lau4 Wlr ta Tha Jornl) J Weoeter. 0- Auk. !. When BUI Taggart, the alleged lover of Grace Tag. . cart at Orrvllle, left the stand today, , ha left with a bad Impression. A gloom ' settled over tha defense, for behind Billy . waa the unexplained receiving by him 1 of a suit of clothea from lira. Taggart from California. He admitted he got them and that be still haa them.'. Me : i admitted having the ring and having j', loat It There are tboae who claim he . told them at the time It waa worth 1S0O, - ' and belonged to Mrs. Taggart.' i-r-H Admitted that hia anderwear "may r . have gone to the laundry with, that of . Mrs. Taggart, but fixed the time bo that - . the . incident -could mean nothing an-l also that he had regiatered the names '. i of hlmaelf and Mra. Taggart .at the Akron hotel., giving the wrong address. : , His explanations of this, were watery. -..Then be talked about the pair of No. , , S shoe Mrs. Taggart bought' for him Akron., aaylng ha could not-get bis -Ziaort of shoes at Orrvtlle. v Harab and ut of tuns-was his tetl-1 ' , i mony taken from him aa tha - dentiat ...takes a tooth,, and out of line with i afternoon calls and military courtesies which Mrs. Taggart' had bean aocui- rtomsa.- Oaabad Drafts for. Womas. gigging i" tad that ha had received ' a letted from vMre. Taggart while shs was In Callfor- nla and had caahed two drafts of ISO each which came' from her banker, Hul- f bert. of the Corn Exchange National ' Bank )f Chicago, but which, he said, -was uead to pay debts left behind' by ? rMra. Tatgafflrnwarw-Tgn OH VUW l for Christ hoapitaL f : i . He denied baring received money, rcg , ularly from Mrs. Taggart or that she -, bad been keeping him. ' j 1 . . .. ' : v in the aherif rs office sat MraTag : , gart while tbeae statements were being wrung front Billy. She chatted along .evidently light hearted and not wholly .concerned with the proceedings. . Inskle tha railing eat Major Taggart, hta face it atudy. of torment. Ha wae flushed : with an unnatural redness, which as the hours passed deepening Into a color that , suggested . mortification. On the wit ,,nesa stand the other Taggart, a distant , relative, looked at him doggedly and . dully, occasionally rubbing - bis hand i .limply across his mouth. . Here waa the dashing captain who had shaken hands In tha Santlaro , trenches with officers of the Sixth over .their own dead. In the language of : Mra. vnarias Wright Miner, wlfs of ,v the brigadier, general . who testified a l Taw daya ago, the slaughter that swept ' the Sixth at Santiago softened the . hearts It did not still, and for a time : 'obliterated the social Iniquities on the -.line. , ; There .wae a picture worthy of some Fair Bulletin 27th Hawaiian Band: Sun day servioe in Au ditorium; Norwegian ; SaengerfeeL . r i Educational xonfaranos, -1 and Tuma day. t SHURON Eye Glass Mountings r uivv grnai pleasure to tne wearer Decauss The arc Made to -STAY ON" and ' Improve the look ss well. Are of simple construction, will retain their shape and are especially fins for saae and comfort. . , Consult Our .Optician v .Tor ah 'accurate and per -manent correction. j mi I 1 ' i i v l i L - i i -1 i f r ' v 5 . . , . j.v ,-. ..... t - - r .1 It' . x Mrs. E. F. Taggart, Major Taggart and Their Two Children, ' . ,' SiaaTeVllana-ot S' Wall WHBW 'TOUt H8 ahell had not - daunted but who was f slvlllan, Whoas vanity had appeared by dollar ring and who la aiiegeo to have said upon receipt of a $10 note that he would never bays to worn again. The high calling 6f Major Taggarfs relative had been to carry ooal n1 kindling and earn $1 a week as a clerk. but that was In the uaja wnen ne uae'i to work. The session until noon wss taken up In the continued examination of Wil liam Taggart, after whom wltneases tes tified to Mra. Taggart b exemplary con duct since shs came to Wooster 13 months ago. , . J y .. "j".,; i , , " " V'' wood Word fo Woman. -' And these wltnesaea, goo cltliens of this city, were of one opinion as to Ma jor Taggart' a' wife. .. Her reputation since ahe came here was shown by them to be' faultless. In a ruling today, on a side Issue, Judge Eason had occasion to refer to the Tag' gart children and a hint of what will follow In his decision may be forecasted by what -he said. Ths Judge told bot Bides, that whatever either Taggart or hia wife bad been guilty of, the children are Innocent. ,- , ' ."The litigants.' said he. "can take care of themselves, but the court will take -care of theae children, whatever happens; you can rent assured of this fact.' - It Is surmised by some lawyers barn that this might Indicate that If he fit the Judge may take the children from the custody of both. . While there Is ro effort to anticipate the verdict of the court,. Jhls probably was suggested by blB honors few but determined words. All kinds of rumors somehow got afloat here, moat of which are without founda tion.. There Is a persistent rumor that Mra Taggart and a prominent Wooster man have fallen in love with each other and that soon after the divorce Is grant ed, they will be married. Mrs, Taggart of sourse, denies ft.- . , v. f, AT WORK JT jlBjL. Party Arrives and ' T$egistersas Being With the Oregon ' 'Eastern Railway. (Special DUpatch toTba JoarnaU ...J,'. seven railroad surveyors arrived In Eu gane this afternoon from San Francisco and registered at a local hotel with the "Oregon- Eastern railway" onnoalta roaiv names . K.r lunkin ia mt tm head of tha Tiarty. He left t Imraedl- BtelV foe Nstran. fh, .mi (ham AMnM of the Southern Pacific company's east sioa Drancn, wnicn is also on the route across the Cascades via Diamond pi as. . Upon hia return Rankin waa asked for information but replied ha was not at liberty to talk and made-mo atatement further than that they . were railroad surveyors and that they would begin work Monday, He made arrangements with a local hotel for accommodations for it mors men, who will arrive In a few daya It Is believed hare that this crew la In the employ' of the Qould Interests and will make a preliminary survey for a road - running through southeastern Oregon to Portland via Eugene, as has been rumored for soma time past. , ., ,';.?"'.". f- -Asa Sag Xlowa, .ir-':l. FishermanYoung man. where la tha best plact to dig for flab bait around nrfT,-'-.- r--.-T-r---r..v , . SraaU Boy-i-Dowa -Jit year pocket. .' 1 fiOULD RAILROAD SURVEYORS FULL PAY TO LlEfl JH SUBLlilRIIIESl As Result of President's. Trip Be ': neath the Waves, Sailors ; Get More Money. ; TORPEDO SHOT FROM ; K DECK OF THE PLUNGER Porpoises MisUks ' Tiny " ' Craft for One of Their Number and Roll and -.Tumble Over . Her Three "of the V Fiah KUled, .' V f-; ' : v : V V.- v l- yy (Special Dispatch by Leased Wire to Tne Joans!) New York. Aug. President Roose velt's appreciation of ths dangers he ran 1n going down In ths submarine boat Plunger at Oyster Bay -Friday wss in dicated by bis order to the secretary of ths navy to put submarine crews on fulj -sea pay beginning' nut Monday. He declared that dally duty under such hasardous conditions ss he experienced for three hours waa deserving of fullest remuneration. ' The president's- second day with the Plunger today was made exciting by the firing of a torpedo at his spec4arequeet. - ,-". -. . Standing on the bridge of the Sylpb be signalled to Lieutenant Nelson that he waa ready for the demonstration. The Plunger dived. . then came to tha Bur face opposite ths deck; of ths Seawanka Corlnthian yacht club, close to the Sylph. .- - v " '''-' ' ' . - Tbs bow of the -vessel rose, a few feet out of the water, there was a' gush of foam and the torpedo skimmed along the surface of the bay for alx hundred feet.; - The discharged projectile wa plclred up by ths Sylph's launch. - The story of tho president's daring exploit Friday resulted In a swarm of pleasure yachts -naJiV!?fWTJ'' Dung ai uynr jyu furthtr testa. '" llis j-luiigetrwaslml t'nuugli alt lni paces and JUewtenant Nelson wss com pelled to exercise all his Ingenuity ta keep from colliding with the pleasure crafts. After one deep dive the' Plbnger cams to the sUTfacs within 100 feet of a yawl and was forced .to djvs again to prevent jamming' her, y- , While th submarine was maneuver ing, a school of . porpoises, .svldeatly mistaking the Plunger of one of -their own species, gatnered around her and refused to be driven away by the shouts and laughter of the people In ths sur rounding boats. t They rolled and tum bled about her, knocking themaerves agalnat her sides and leaping over her" little decks as If attempting to estab lish communication with her. . Three porpoises were killed' outright through thelr rash curiosity. .. ' .' President Roosevelt was not able on account of an unuaual press of business at Sagamore Hill.' to -gr. out Into the sound with ths rest of the party for the main exhibition of the Plunger's ca pabilities and therefore, for hia benefit, a special demonstration was "given In the waters of Oyster Bay. '- ' Several divea were made and before the prealdent was forced to leave and return ashore, a torpedo was fired. Tbls was at the request of the president himself, who declared while .'on board the -Plunger the day before that ha wanted particularly to witness from the outside the firing of the projectile. The weather was clear and-, calm and the sun waa shining over an unruffled aea when the presidential party arrive on- wo- r west Kooseveit pier at t:30 a. m With the president were Mrs. Roosevelt, Ethel, Quentin and 'Archie Roosevelt. Phillip and Hall Roosevelt, their cousins, Mrs. J. West Roosevelt and her children. Mr.-and Mrs. Emlin Roosevelt and daughter and Mra Clif ford Richardson. Ths party were taken over to the Sylph- In launches, ths pres ident himself going in the Sylph.- ' Pise r I mi I nation." ."From the Cleveland Plain Dealer,' '' . "I see It stated that several dead men drew $25,000 a. year out of the Equita ble." .-.y ;V ; ';. . ' .. '. ;." . "How , much . dld- Chauncey - Depew tfpaw" '. : 3 ' ' .V; ;.!; - T,nf fll,ina t " i hi i ' ' n 1 " ' 'Wonder why they didn't give him the other five I" . . - - - - NEWILL KI VERV1EW ACADEMY A Boarding and Day School for Boys and Young Men.' Military Training. Students Erepared for sny "Calling. K, '.: A. diplomas received by the Universities.' ; Fall term begins September 21, 19Q5. Write for " prospectus to A. C Newill, Principal and ; Prop. 940- to i.948 - Corbett Street," Portland,' . Oregon. Phone Main 2699..:. ; . fat are headquarters for7 .these iamous Classes. Our. prices are 25 per cent less -'than others charge. Come in and try on a pain .. . Oregon Optical Co. fI; :": 4th and Yamhill BEII FltlKLill '.'it ' ' ' " .. .'i '; ' .. . . ,.. v. .. Municipal Coiincll ; of s Paris to Monument to Inventor of of Lightning Rod. ' EDWARD'S SON-IN-LAW r ; v ALMOST A BANKRUPT Duke oi Fife Unfortunate in Specu lations on Stock Market and Forced to - Sell His "Home New Bride for Alphonto. ; -, - (Casrrlaht. Hearst News Service, by Leased ... , Wire to Tae wraat - (By Paul.VUIlers.) , A Paris, 'August J.Tha - municipal council of this city has unanimously voted to erect a statue of Benjamin Franklin at Passy. ; Already a street la that pan or xne city, formerly known as Rue euve-sades-Mlnlmes, bears the -name of the hrami, American -whO from 1777 to 1T8& lnhabltated amall pavilion or CTHr Hotel Da ValentlnolB, now. situated In the Rue Rarrouard. : " v It waa while living hers that Frank lin f lrat conceived his idea of the light ning rod, The statue is to cost o,oov francs and French and Amertcansculp tors will be asktd to compete. V s. v : rife toSall Skaea Mouse. - V;. ' There are rumors -that the Dukeof Fife has decided to sell Sheen bouse. I l Richmond, wnicnxi he and his royal wlfeTtne , end retreat. It has been known for a long time that the duke haa been very unfortunate In - hls Investments .and speculations, . and although the king hlmaelf Is very fond of a "little flutter" in tha stock markets, his majesty die- approves verAmuch of speculation In a son-in-law, especially in tne , present case, for It 1s well known that tho duke Is not over popular with ths royal, f ami ay. ' ' " ,-. .m- . Ths duke gold soma years ago a por tion of his Scotcb property, and al though ths princess has a good gov ernment Income ths couple are by no means ss well off as they should be, in their position. In addition to the Sheen house and his Scotch property ths Duke and Duchess of Fife have a large house In Belgravla and an equally - imposing residence at Brighton to keep up . JTew Bride for Alfonso. ; There Is at present disposition among court gossips to believe that King 'Al fonso of -Spain will hover become en gaged to Princess Patricia of Con- naught, for' the simple reason that ths latter absolutely . refuses to be co erced Into ths engagement, and now It Is being gently hinted by way of a feeler that the young king of Bpaln Is really In love with Princess Ena of Batten burg. , - .- . - ravoxltee of ths Xing'. : Mrs. George Keppell and Mra Ronald Greville. two of the king's moat Inti mate women friends, were ths most sought 'after people .at, Cowes regatta during the Anglo-French , fetes. Whenever they stood near the gates of the royal yacht squadron, they were surrounded by men and women anxloue to get Into tho sacred Inclosure by stealth. : The guardian at tha gate, how ever, kept the pushing ones st a safa distance. He la quite a .character, this guardian, and only allows, tha king to enter ths garden when he has made quits sure of his majesty s Identity. ' The "maneuvers of ladles anxious to errteTtne-girrdan were moarBmuaIng to watch. No womsn Is allowed In ths gardens unless accompanied by a member and the guardian has his whole time ocuoled In Dreventlna lariina from queexlng In. In the hope of being -un- OBsnrved. witn av number or male mem hers.' "Mrs. Keiuetr However, appeared to te aoove tns ordinary law.' She only had to say "pass this ladyand all was T well. InTOra"wajr"Mra.Keppel mansged to pass all her fellow guests on ooara tne utron verorest s yacht, ' : ... ..': DECLINE If! STOCKS CAUSED BY BUCKET-SHOP RAID Two Millions Wrung From, the ''Lambs in a Few Minutes by Vr. Wiping Out Margins. (Spedei Dlspatcb by Leased Wire ta Tk Journal) New York. Aug. St. It -developed In Wall street today that yesterday's re markable decline In standard Issues In the stock market was the, result of a bucket-shop raid by which tha public was cleaned out of about $1,000,000 n a few minutes by the wiping out of mar gins. .:. . i Tha big bucket-shop men, who 'are among the wealthiest men In the Wall street districts, simply worked an old game.'- With every extended movement on the bull side the bucket-shops faced a Ipsa of,mUllonn. Tbla -was the situation-yesterday, wharf they maneuvered In such a way as to suddenly knock down, prices,- wipe out the , 'margin of thatr customers and '"cover at thsir lelaur. l-- ..,..... ,-;. "' , The, break cams within ths first half ... , HOIlORnEMORYOF Modern dentistry is an exact - adence.. The , moat successful ; work is performed by the niost , . skillful practitioner, ' provided f ' that he is conscientious in hia ' . work. We have been established in , Portland during the past 10 . years and now enjoy the lara . eat practice. . Why? The high eat grade of skill and consider- . ate treatment ia the answer. ' V. 343 OFFICE C3US5 1 8 A. H. to 5 3 BIG DAYS OF BOAT RACING Round Trip Tickets. $2.25 Don't miss Sfeiiiinieini v,-.;- :.av-''-' - - '" 4 - '' - y---'j- - '-. Leaves Alder Street Dock at 7:30 a. nia FiYe , SPECIAL TICKETS ON SALE ''-vi''k i :; ..Good Returning up to September FARE FO 7 Leaves Foot i: Makes the round trip, hour Of yeaterday's trading, when prices declined within 10 minutes as If some body wss trying te bear them down.. ' The rapid recovery meant that, after having "coopai" their ' uBtomers ac founts,- ths tuokt-Bhop men were eorar. tog their short contracts to en up. ' - I : . i I f , '"' ' " Bsisfc if 1 THZ PATXESS a l- Weuhlaston Street, Corner P. VLt 70.rV It to &30 F. H. , SUKSATS 9 to L PCCE KO 2119 T COOD TO RE. .TURN UNTIL' this treat. And ride down the tvery other boat that floats R ROUND TR I P 02.25 Taylor Street 7 a. m. Daily, except Sunday. . f f ; ; 2nE Vancouver Transportation :, Co. daily,' except Sunday, leaving 8:30 a. m, returning arrives 6 -. tt ', The , Bey'' OmesssS lfk. .'Tow.- In order to ubtract.' ss. plained th teacher to tha class in math, amatloa, -things have ta always be of ths- asmo - denomlnstloti.' -Tor Instance, ws couldn't take three applaa from four Fear ofpar haa influenced " untold thouaanda to allow their teeth- to become useless and a ' menace to good health, in V former years thero waa some ground for the horror in which ' the dentist was held, and even ' today a number of the proies. -sion follow old , methods. We f guarantee no - pain while ' ex. tractlng-or filling teeth. ' - t-- , Seventh AND REGATTA Sept 2 river cm the . ; . ' :.T V "SS. . y kSV:v cgjrftpET) i- '-' -Vi .4 Hours MaRes thfc Run AUG. 28, 29, 30 1st' ;-' ''sZyVtyi v.. i,- Taylor Street Dock at p. m. ;v., .it- pears, nor alt horses from nine dogs' A hand went vp In ths back part fit the room. .- ' "' '.J ' '.'.'.U - rTachs.' shouted a small boy. "can t you take four quarta ofT, mUK ' f roo three 09 war. y . V. .. ; . r "V. J .' .