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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1905)
V i Bit offlc building a an lnveetment .nave engaged the cloee atudy of com ef the best local eepftaltat for several months,.. It la held by ene claaa of mw that they are among tha safeet and moat profitable Investments poaalbla to day. Others have pointed to unfortunate experience in tbla City and eleewhere to prove that a bis building la not aura to pay more than Stt or 4 per cent la favored parte of largo cities. - It la admitted that many Instance are available bringing big building in vestment down to tha rank of bonds, with a greater element of uncertainty than, la found In federal government paper. But modern butldlnga have mad: a vaat Improvement over earlier. struc tures. Tha examples elted to ehow that tha Inveatment la not particularly de sirable, ss a rule, are bulldlnca not In accord with most' approved plana fox an office structure. Much la tha ease In. Portland.. There la not one large, modern building in tha city whloh baa -not on a fair average from year to year been found a- good revenue producer. Information aa to ..what large buildings elaewhere pay la a strong argument for thle claaa of Inveatment ' In Chicago steal structural material and lateat plana make poaalbla an Im posing office building that will eoat but a small per cant of tha aum formerly -required for putting op a structure con Gaining leaa room for tenanta,1 Soma of the great office buildings now going up and more recently completed take full advantage of advanced ' building knowledge and Improved materials, with the result that returns for an Investor have been made much heavier, and large buildings have been placed close to tha fore rank as dividend-earners. . In a general way. this point was expressed if a Chicago, building jasper! who wag In the city recently to examine a Port land office building. After looking it .ever carefully, ha said: , . . -"That building, covering about-a half block, haa earned to 4 per oent 'on tha original Investment I will - contract to take the aum expended on It--use only a quarter block for tha alt, and erect an office building that will pay 'IT to' It per cent on the Inveatment It 1a being done In Chicago yearly ' The building 'trade haa bean reduced to m science. Making everything fireproof, utilising every poaalbla inch' of space; and making the building of sufficient slse to give It especlsl attraction to any profession or claaa of offices, are cardinal-rules la the modern building. All of these rules' have. been formulated to Increase - the return for the inveator, and tha result ataftlea aome not In formed on- modern progress In our line of workv,. . i,lT:.-.- '; ';'"" . '. .:'.:.' Real - aetata' ' transfers last .week showed a marked increase over the sales of . tha 'preoedlng week, tha aggregate irp to. yesterday being: IllMli. These sales Included several rather Important I deals In business property, 'a aome of which were previously reported but Juat . recorded. . Among these waa the- alte .. for the new Homo telephone building, at - the corner of Burnatda and Park, and the aoutheaat corner of first and Stark, which waa bought by J. K. Blaster, in .' the preoedlng week. j . : w - For a midsummer week, whan a heavy , proportion of local buslneea men are out of the city on thetrTacatlona. tha record of the paat week la gratifying. Seers among the dealers forecast heavy gen LIIIJ FOR CONFLICT Germany Rushing Work Day and iV Night on Fortifications on - - Frsnch Frontisr. ,; M V5- W rfliiii'-tii 1-1 h r i 1 f 1 fi UCILT Aid ARMAMENT REPLACED BY - .HEAVIEST MODERN GUNS Trainloada of Ammunition Unloaded V; at, Forts - Which Command Rail - road on Gallic Tcrritor7---Prta of - Fatherland Hostilt. :, .'"-''"'"h". By' Paul Vllllera J i;'' j'(Cp7rlflit, ' Hrt Kews In Ice, by tmmt 1 -'Wire Tse Jearaat) . . i -; ;. Parla, Aug.' t. In apiu of the aa ; aurance of he- kaiser and hi g&vern : ment that Oermany haa not th slightest " ' Intention of provoking war with Franca, " a great part of th German unofdolal - pra continue to publish, artlclee evi dently Intended to arouse th hatred of . th French people and - endanger th friendly understanding between th two countries .which had . begun ' to super ' . sede th bitterness . caused by, th Franco-Prussian war of 1I70-T1.' ; But what 1 more lgnlncant Btlll and cauaea great uneasiness I th feverish . -. . . activity . of the military authorities In -U fortresses along th FrancMerman frontier. . . ''.! At th very ev ' of th conference which la to settl th Morocco-affair, .Tjerman military sngtneers are working ' ' night and day to place in poeltlon new .. guna of the most formidable type In , "the disappearing armored tower of Jh : great forte Kalserln, Haeaeler- and. - Kronprlna,- near Met. It haa also become known that every " ' night trainloada of ahella and ammunl tlon arrive In th fortresees from th ' arsenals at Kiel. Th three forts named are so situated that they eomamnd the ; French frontier and th railroad on French territory a far west aa PagnyJ . . , Th work of renewing th heavy guna -','wag carried out with tha . great eat ,., aecrecy and might have been completed . undiscovered but for aa exploelon of a ' shell In on of th fort whloh killed vera! aoldlers and necessitated an In vestigation which attracted th attea .",r tlon of th press. -i. . .: j . ',-.' O. . k W. atatsnat.' ' ' '(fpeetsl fnspstch te Tse Joarsal) "L Grand. Or., Aug. tt. Work on' ' the O, R, N. extenelon from Elgin to Wallowa count 1 being pushed rapidly a poeelble. contraota for grad . Ing and clearing right of way having been let, and work began in eerneet thl . week. . " A SMrrUi Owfcbmiat. - - , . , ',! From th Atlanta Constitution. ' "Tes, sir," aald th Blllvlll eltlssn, J,th hurlcane browed hla house down, but the weather waa mighty cold, and Providence was good to him. after alt" "How do you figure that-outt" "Wall, hi houee waa apllt to klndUn' wood, ell ready tor burn, an' he mad a big fir an' shouted Hallelujah!" Prim crops pretty good In Marlon county after alt., .. . .... make favorable comparison of the trans fere taking place now, and ruling prices, with tha asms of last year, when the olty wss on tiptoe of expectation re garding the fair. There are innumer able indications at preeent which are accepted aa proving that present condi tions ara by far the moat hopeful that have aver prevailed here. Among tha visitor who have beeawin the city and who were taught that there waa such a city on the map, the purpose of buy ing later U generally expressed. , Many of these will send money her for In vestment after they tcturn bom. ' David S. Stearns received a communi cation yesterday - from San Francisco which typifies tha sentiment of many of tha prominent men of California who have Visited the fslr this season. This summer was the first time the writer had. ever been'.in Portland. Ha knew little of the place, and . thla positive knowledge . was badly beclouded with prejudices which could not be dispelled by anything except a personal visit His message of hope follower . t "I will be very glad to have you sub mit ma . any improved or unimproved Portland real -eeUte. and If the piioe la of Interest I think aomethlng can be done, a I am In the market myaelf and have access to people who will tnveat there.- Many of our people are making Investments In Loe Angeles, and I do not sea any reason why rome of them could not be Interested In such a sub stantial and progressive . city as Port land." ' - . . r - t ,. .'The demand for rooming-houses I strong, despite the fact" that the fair ha but one monthvand a half to run. It has been predicted often that when the fair close there will be a reaction In the roomtng-houaa business,' owing to the fact that so many persona nave fitted up. new places. ' C. P. Rockwell hae Just sold to I . O. Ralston, for tit, 80S, tha three-story building on West Park street between Tamhtll and Morrison. This purchase waa a an In vestment" ' V'- - There are few- private homes in ' the 'city that have not offered on or mora room to aoooramodat travel thla year, and despite thla fsot the rooming houeee have been -crowded, especially those near the center of the city, . Per son who believe that there will be no reaction In tha rooming-house buelnees argue that' tha private "home .will largely be closed to travel when tha fair closes, and that the regular establish ment -catering to thi, trade ' will yet have about all they can attend to dur ing the winter. Rooming-houses, when properly conducted, are handsome pro ducers of reverfae, and the Investment being mad are with tha - confidence that such property will be In heavy de mand later. . The present rise In the price of bualneee property in thla city,'' said J. O. ; Rountree, head of the - reel .estate firm of U W. Whiting Co., "beere the hallmarks of a boom, yet la simply a - readjustment of conditions that should have occurred long ago In Port land. .- .'.. .-'-.. "The actuation 1 Just this; the anom alous condition has for a long time ex isted her Of reasonably high rents, ac companied by low ground values. The olty haa been growing faster than we suspected, and It haa excited no cont- g oar awn people that,wa- 16 Commercial twildlnx ; . . Second and Waahlartoa Streeta ' ke Asres All In cultivation: good oil; house and barn; good well of wa ter; about 10 bearing fruit tree: an excellent cnicaon rancn. rear car one, graded school and thrifty auburb. - ; 8 CHEAP LOTS ' v ; W have l lota, 4x7. on East Aah atreet for 1400 each, on eaay terms, via tioodown, balance eaay monthly payment: . .,- -, Maul I Von Boraat! ' room. atrletiy modern house, lor tOxlO feet On Overton t; fin neighbor hood. Loul Salomon, 111H rirat St Phono Black lttt. HOLLADAY'S ADDITION roe A aew Orwwe eottafle. all enr vealeeeee. fell eeaieat eaaemeat; etreete Slf hraat wt better tbaa anytkln k the ellr; rellr hspnved; a very desirable toeattoat eoa veelent te twe trailer Hnee. aee the wedeni, enmplele. en tone, elaitHmea sreteewe, earner nrteeeth sad CUekasies ate. Beady Bept. Uth. Lets soM ea adTaataaeoos tersM te beeMbeiklers. TBI OUOOI tllL XsTATX 00, ' SH Third at, Koeai . ." T. J. HAMMER ; 1 . ai Ooxaxaareial Bldg. ata sAA A good piece of WesVSlde f1 tripropertv, bringing tl.KO F I -I I la vearlv rentals (which la VlLtUvV ,ow ' vrhlch tt.tOO can . run at 0 per cent - Thle will pay In the clear tO per cent on the tt.OOt Invested, with the increase In value. Owner wants some quick money. Warehouse Sites " On Thirteenth atreetl sidetrack: any sta. Will bny-artrandr-and build -for tenanta on long leaa. , ' Re M. ,WI-UBUR; -r. ;-10S atUCAT sua. Money ro loan ' .On East or West Side residence prop erty, Mall A Van Bovsst! BODY OF DROWNED " ; - ENGINEER IS FOUND -'"'..y s n - -,;. : (Rpeclal Mspeteh te The JoeraaL) " " Spokane, Waalu, Aug. If. The body f Engineer : Peter-- BrokaW, who waa drowned June t In th Kootenai river, haa been found by his son, who was searching for it and will be brought to thl city tonight Or Sunday morning when the funeral will be held. . Brokaw ' waa ene of the oldest en gineers In th service of th Great Northern, having been on th road IT years. ' He waa engineer on an at boundtraln last June, when It struck a rook elide bear,. Bonner' Ferry, Idaho. The engine plunged Jnto - the . river. Brokaw escaped and swam down the stream, but waa unable to gain her and drowned about a quarter ef mil away-from tha wreck. A Mental atrata, .. - From th Philadelphia Led gar- . .Cnolly-l -wa thinking of a, trip to Europe, Snappay Batter ba careful Tou re not accAistomed to that sort of thing. Cholly Ohl I n not sure or going. I say I waa merely thinking of It ' Bnaooey That'a what I mean. Tou're not accuatomed te thinking. 1 r - . I,-... . .... m - 13 W era ef -bualneee property erer - aceua tomed to receive anywhere from, I to It' per. cent Income -on their In vestments, while dwelling and flat yielded a high 1 end oven la per cent on their oost - ' . . . "Such a condition dose not exist any where sis on the Paclflo coast except In very email communities, and outside capitalists, who were a Ur tfeted to Port land by tha fair, war quick to peroelv and take advantage of tha situation, with tha reault that realty value have advanced the paat alx montha, ' with a very etrong probability . of atlll fur ther advanoev - ' ' r "We are going to aee the' liveliest realty market thla ' fall that Portland has experienced slno lltO. and it will be In order then for those croaker who have all along predicted that dire dis asters were to follow tha fair to organ Is dally pilgrimagea . to tha . hlgheat point of Council Croat where they can hav an unobstructed view of tha coun try and watch Portland grow.,r?," One of tha biggest real sstate men of San Francisco remarked , the past week while her: "Portland la tha beat plaoa to buy realty en the .coaat Juat now. . San Franolsco and Los Angeles hav been hammered up higher, and are In good demand, but valuee there are much closer to . population '. and promise of buslneea Xo Angeles 1 van anticipating. Many Investments mad ther are on tha basis of future worth. Her In Portland I find that the buslnes eenter and even . residence property 1 not In proportion to pres ent population, and ther 1 no upl clon of the futur' greatness of tha olty reflected In prevailing value. Thla year haa opened the eyes of ths entire coast to tha position of Portland, and the reault will be abundant money- for buelneea properties within reasonabls rmn"' --m.-:-"' r'A:::-: . Stearns roads four sstate deal the paat week which hav more then-ordinary Interest two of them be ing !tfc precursors for building opera tlone, to be undertaken" thla year or early the following season. The 1 by 100. feet -on-tha- northeast comer of Thirteenth . and . Overton streets was old by 8. B. Llnthlcura and ft JS. Cooklngham to D. Freed man for (1,500. Mr. Freed man la ready to erect A ware house on thl property whenever he se cure a tenant standing ready to put up euch building aa will be required. -. Through the aame medium, 41 by 101 loot on the east aid of Eleventh, be tween Morrison, and jrmhtlj streets, and which waa occupied by a fO-room apart ment house, was sold by Sam Morrow, president of th Phoenix Iron works, to 3. N. Teal, for tlt.iOO. The 100 by 100 feet on th southwest corner of Eleventh and Hoyt atreeta. which la occupied by a two-story frame building used by th Union Meat com pany for stables, was sold to Freed, man Broe. for 110.100. The earn In terests have a vacant lot 10 by 40 feet adjoining th ground purchased, and In tend to erect a Urge building for 'Of -fice of th firm and other nee. ' . Another Bale waa SI by Tt feat en th .southeast1 oorner of Tamhtll and Tenth, whloh was owned by R. B. Lam son, of has been sold .to D. W. Wakefled; of Ban Franolsco for 1 11.000. Thla prop erty waa bought aa fn Inveatment and ther will be no. change In th build ln for wm ttm at lot . RJasEawiillEs Is lheJ.!ost Desire zMeSntsrb Around .!... . ... . " -.. . . ' .. ; ' ' ' - . : .' '"i J-:- Yon can buy a J,. to t room modern home, full ."baaement anoVpicket fence, porcelain bath tub,' patent toilet, everything firtt claea, for coat of bnflding and pay for It tha aame as pay Ing rent, or. big discount for cash or, half caah, See " the owner, in tha big white bona at Naahville Addition.; Remem ber, these : hooaea art already completed, and ready to mora lnto ' '"" h ' ' ;' ,:''"; ".'.''-3; '. t 1 Its Scninis Quick BUY NOW r-r- TWO StOHTLIEST SUBURB ,; of Portland; lots (0x100 feet . ; ' 'with alley in rearr excellent water supply. Tak WOodetock -, .. or-Mount-.. Scott car and view ' . , thla addition of comfortable : horn. Ixt $100 to tilt. . $5 Down and $5 a Month . . lastalraieata, aaaap. A. H. DEIRELL ' McKay bldg corner td and Stark. Room I!.' Flrt't St. S1000S oom kduae and lot tOzlOO In Stephenr Addition, aide, very cheap. 7 ROOM HOMB CHfUPt We hav a new 7-room modem houee. In Center add. .on Eaat Ankany oar line. Price only I LIOO. en easy terms. Mall Von Boraatg! ata a. artnursxsa mv. ' - SIC 1 street, aeer" Bancroft avenue. .Bee Louis Salomon.. 11 tu ; I?ret et Pbon Black 1111. IVANHOE ;.T:Q r.:'i ti3 civcil up o Cy Iiuncrod dollcra ohould xrtzli cr .CCSC7,' la tnoro rlsa ilacin CkTcmaryMv6hv9ataonl in' vlZ Government Dondn aro oo cafo bat a II Ulo cssh cbould novor Cz.ll to TODAY! 5TQ?REfT-LBAK Thla' U-m 'particularly ' op portune time, aa you will find U you wiU triait . ; i . ' . ..... 1 ; Choice tract in oenter of Mt Soott district tt min ute from olty Mt. Scott ' . ear to fare, no tranefera. ., Lota tltO. payable ft down and tt a. month, Houee built to suit you and sold ' at oost (with lots) at rent " ' rates.. High,-pur air, all': conveniences, and outgrow : Ing all other auburb. ' - There' a reason. -Com out 1 and . : ( ;. v'. Geo. V Crown .i SOI Falling Building. Phon Main Hit. ' R. A. TAYL02 tt Firlmd , ' City omc open ' evening. ' . . ' 'r.v -: :':' : 'V '" J- 1 ; i New Additions DlnrfKam'a On the Fulton car line ' and Mount Adama road, and directly opposite the Oregon-Furniture Manufacturing Co.'e plant. All loU-iOxlOO feet Prices i liOO to too. , 3 .. , Madras ':. fw. On th O. W. F. Co.' line, near Stewart' SUtlon. Ixts tl00 to tltl. Overton Park Acres We have sub-divided Tract TT Into . acre lot and can sell them' away ; down. - Take the O. -W, P. pa' ear to Anabell or Stewart's. .'Price t450 to ttoo.. Term to ult - . Wakefield. VFrieo a C6. 14. , ; SSS Stark Street (WHAT TOtT SAVU) WILL BBCOMfc TO'lOItROVrS PLEASURE especially If th object In view 1 a nom or your own. an wyeacmeni in city realty la one of the aafeet waya to fiac aurpiu earnings, ana ine ract hat you ara acquiring a good property will make It aay to create a surnlua W offer you a rare opportunity to buy 4ots,ai Greatlv Reduced Prices .In a tract now containing tt lota, which ara belnsTsold for tl00 less thsn their real value. . jfnoe irom te. per. lot.--j ' .. -vw -, Portland Trust Company Of OCCGON v -r ;: 109 THIRO STREET.' ; -777-7:S12tO00J-V';.i;V leftslot corner. Alder atreet. , $12,500 ; Business comer, Tenth treet; Income, tizt per montn. e $13,000 Pull lot. Park street, adjoining- new six story brick; two houses on, lot .- . '::::.U $9,ooo, r Corner Washing-ton street; ever two lota. E..J. DALY y sas vauiaar mug. ' ' $17,000 - Chaapett ' property in Portland; 50x100 with 3-etory aolid brick- west aide, in center of wholesale district. Cannot be beat aa a sale and profit able Investment. Half cash, balance to auit,;-r"":r:-'. .A,r..yj--Jr" Fi FUQtlS J.149X First St;"':- 'y DKSIRABUS P1BCB QP' " Z'j..' IMPROVED BUSINESS PROPEnf Y Central, par Pr c,n nt 0n the In vestment. See u for partlculara ,. it Pcrrish, WatMns 6 Co. . Jl AIDER STMTBT.' .. (o.u.c:::i 30S 4th CLt. HOrM Tr" ox ihi al -oa, rr raic-a, - j ; ' . ? ve. - WHERE 'Vf '; ' V NOW IS THE' TIME TO BUYl ; ' k' :V' r:jy ".-;.:- pricks are steadily advancing, w'--'"x -r- c ; ip yoU WANT TO EITHER BUY OR SELL, CALL OR WRITE. ; :,;:-' WE GIVE BELOW A FEW OP OUR BEST BARGAINS." f " 120 AcrW-Near city houae 7 roome, fine f'rame'barn 40x50, family orchard, T Cif. , 1 plenty of timber, line, brook through place; near main road. If told quick..- e71eJW "li'Acree Fine poultry farm, 7-room bouse, barn, incubator cellar, brooding: room, heat : , ing apparatus, 24 acret atrawberriee, 200 thrifty fruit treet. , S4 000 Close in if., ,,,, w,, -if-,,, - vr 1 -20 Acres Fruit and hay farm, neaffirte country town, excellent for poultry, 5-room house, --k- barn, wagonshed, -woodhouse chicken-hoose, etc.;: fine orchard. .Further details fur- 'nisbed. Near Portland; low railroad faferchol; churchy Atk us about Jt ol this place ....... ,.i;v;... ... y9JiU Stock Farms 365 acres, 1,000 acres,. 1,002 acres, 1,200 acres othera. Ask vm.' Hop V farms, Dairy farms, fruit farma, grain farma, poultry farms. Every kind and aixe, from a 1-acra chicken ranch to a SSO.000 stock farm. --v. v "w-, ' iHOMES FOR ALL. WHY PAY HIGH RENTS? I-WILL BUILD YOU A HOME ON INSTALLMENTS. ' IT WON'T COST YOU A CENT TO COME IN AND . TALK IT OVER, ANYWAY. WHY NOT OWN YOUR OWN HOME? , ;' , :. , -r.'. STOP THAT RENT DRAIN- ACT NOW. f v; .. , 4 113; SECX)ND STRECT (1 s Flowers, Fruit. Timber, Grain Betwixt Rolling ' I' " '. We have said all the time ill we could fat people to make Vernon a visit we would sell Vernon prop- " arty, and to aay tha least w are well pleased with tha auccesa wa are havina, for w rery seldom fail to eell to people that aee Vernon that really want to build homes. Why? In the first place tha aha suits therm neat, the price and rern they WTaha I or drop into our office and aea 1514 Sixth Street Investments for the Wise Who Come to Us for the Best r-;:..: :- ''.V',' it too Very handsome room residence. ., all modern - conveniences, ewell " locality, Hoyt street. The beat .' buy on th wt,id. ; l StaOO 20-aere place within tV4 miles business center city; small "" house, rich soil. llvln--watar; convtnt to electrlo car,..,-., S8SOO Very "fin , snd strictly modern, - up-to-date 5-room eottaare, on -- Corbett street, walking disUnc i '"' . buslnees center. $1,400 Very nice quarter block near th Lewis and Clark fair grounds. ,1,100 BeautlfiA nw" modern' l-room . .. cottaae. East Tenth, near Bea V -. con, Brooklyn. , ' , 9 0 t full lot with handaoro t . . room residence. How street, :," Woodlawn. ,,-..,,,,. a TBO t full lot, neat l-rootn cottage, t4 bearing fruit trees, abundance ' of berries, fine garden, Plymouth 1 street, Woodlawn. f SOO (0x10 lot. with email cottage, on block electric ear. , , - . per th beat bargain you should not fall te ee , . ,t r f THE DUNN I J LA WHENCE CO. - T . . . leSH Plrst atreet. " Just Think of It nr ras bats op nam srtrwen Th Canadian People are Ulvlng aa Free Homesteads 110 acre of th finest prstrie land In tha world to th eerneet eettler who is willing to give three yeara to prove up hi entry, in a Und of progress, pros perity, plenty and peace, la the Oaaadlaa kertkwe, - -Por further particular apply to th CcssIsa Government Agency g, Chamber of Ooaunerea, Pert- Sccuro a Homo in Choice lota lite, at it cent a day XI! down and It per month). "-4 i Don't fall to vlelt KVEtTN baTore In vesting in real eetate. The inducement I offer will appeal atrongly to you. PVTt,TN t on the Mt Scott eleetrie railway, 26 tnlnutea from ta city. : EVELYN not . 00 profitable. road T Tho Journal OPPORTUNITIES RKIQN mm terma ara all tftey can as tor, ana aa .Vf M 1 I "l the aalee wa have made uv theiast month. MILWAUKIE vPAPJI Thi choice tratct is selling; fast from the fact that the lots art the cheapest and best located of any. suburb around Portland. This tract is on the Oregon City car line and river and all lots are 50x100 feet with 60-foot streets; level and sightly, and one price to all, whether you buy. one-lot or fifty the price for each lot is $50." The title is perfect, a complete abstract of title of Milwaukie Park can be seen by calling; at the Hibernia Sav ing Bank, owners of the tract, and free tickets to and from Milwaukie Park will gladly be given to all intendinjpur chasers by calling at Room 805, McKay Building, Corner Third tnd Stark Streets. Come and inspect these lota facing car Use for $50. Acre tracts for $150 each. : V . .V" , FARMS Write' or call for our list of larca to undertake to advertise. best farma -on the, market. ; . JENN I NQSrLODQE TRAGTr- . We have choice acreage in our two new additiona to this elegant auburb on the Oregon City car Una; rich soil; fine location; easy connection by river and rail, and a locality that will rapidly develop In tha near future. . . 2'2Jtr;' ' - ' Buy while lands are available. The Investment will prove better . than any sayings bank interest and hiat aa safe. ,- . . -. - , Win aeu acree at prtca or single easy paymenta on paiance. , -1 ; It wjjll paw to investigate at once. - ' . v" The Shaw-Fcar Company, 243 Stark Street Acreage We have, a few acre left for sal In tract of two or-more acres on th bt W P. electrlo line, short distance eaat Of Sell wood, at ;1S- per acre, payable In montKly Installmenta. 1 ' ; j Kiiapp Ci Llcc!;cy ' Boesa S, Casket ef Can.:ii " ; LAP.G X7AT.ZTZOVBX POR : Rr:rt ..t.l- TnT.TESNTTI -. 1 zr rrr cx Tlio SUPREME I arid Hops fivers i iuuj iuy,- wnen mey aea i. i .... t .:,-. I r f . - -v. - , Phone Main 16 4-: . ".-.( farm properties. It le -entirely too Buyers can select from tha vary j V . loxa eisewnere; wttn. part jaouiV'l STARK STREET ' wa Ama avtuoxum arr rani . UNIVERSITY CLUB Tor asli their property, lot feet Jn lUr' and l feet-en West Perk. f-.-.'f - - $ 1250 Hou "d 101 ,nW0OdI,r"' $ ISwOi rtirn1t 1 $' 4a ftit,ri snd lot n Hoyt, vJtween list sud lid at. $ T-eon-n modem houee r --'C , between 12th a . 1 1 - r .irr Work, 4 .. - 1 I u' 1