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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1905)
- i S: While there arc no doubt many people . ' In Portland who have-enjoyed the great ' Fala pyrotechnlo spectacles in the east. .iCi 'here ere many thousand! to whom "The ?Iet . Days ot 'Pompeii" will be a-de- Itghtfm revelatfQnirJ)en tbey see If for the flrat time at the Monday night,-- : ' ...These magnificent open-air apeetaelea .and pyrotechnlo exhibitions are so to tally unlike anything else. In 'the high class' midsummer-night amusement line that they , occupy, a field entirely their own..- In the exciting episodes . nearly 400 . gorgeouslv.-eostumed men, women and children take part. A. large num ber of -high-class acrobatlo and : aerial specialties and ' three pretty ballets are Introduced. '- ' (.'-'..-. " -.f -t ' Following the destruction will bo seen the asuat magnificent fireworks . dla plays, which have-made Pain famous on ; Lc 1 1 c r a Fr o mt t c Pc o pic ..!.'.( -'-A Friend of ohu &. -' ' : v Portland. Aug. To . the .Editor of The Journal -While looking over your taper last night I read this -Statement ' tit the "Smell Ctmnge": "The only thing to- bo glad about wben speaking of John . JL, Sullivan .Is that he is old and can't affront and . annoy v. the world , much ; longer." - " ': . - "I think H yott read that statement T-ver -arfully-you wU-agrewlth me that It la a very insulting. and Improper , atatwnent ' for" any paper to - make- that .- contains a sporting -page. '. .' mmrmmmmmemmn abasaaslUua sTslin . Lfiulllvan Istho man we should bring ur-cMldren up to be like, but I am a tnanthat likes to look 'over, the sporting 1 pgof a newspaper, jrs and of -your - paper,, because It is very good. . I am - also m man old enough to remember very I -well when, column after, column of .the rewspapers were tolling of John I ' Sullivan and his battles and the pubHo read It with Interest, '. ,. , ; V i-. ' '.Whatever John I may be, he neve tan be accused of fighting a fixed fight; FREE BAND CONCERT ALL DAY EXCURSIONS cAIl Day Today J i ;.,'- .V..?r r.V-,--v; On the Vancouver-Division of the Portland Consolidated Railway to VANCOUVER PARK-COL- UMB1ABEACH V 1 I. On tharjiaiesric Columbia River, on of the 'mokt beautiful and at tractive resort on ' the North Pacific Coast. 1 1 '"' Caii Leave Second and Washington Streets : Every O Minutesi: -A And the ride to tha Park will oc cupy about half an hour. THIS BATiHNQEASON "Is -at ita height , at Columbia . Beach, Van Sourer Park, the dear fresh, water being just warm enough to be de llghtfuL The' pure, ,'clfan sandy bottom slopes gently out into the stream, ad that' child can sport itself In the water without the least danger of drowning. ' ;'. ! . ; ; .'; CO OUT 'WITH THE - PEO PLE TODAYI OO WITH THE MULTITUDES! And enjoy your self fishing, boating, swimming or bathing. : : - w-r: 'if. ' miE ca:;d cccect all: day bis fights' were always game.' It Is true when you said that " John I. Sullivan will soon be gone.. His white head will soon pass from amongst us, his heart that beats so. warmly In ay m path y foi those that might follow in -hie footsteps will soon be stilled iln death, - but no other word than honeaty, the foremost word In the dictionary: can bo written on- the tablet .- that marks his resting place. . Therefore as SYrlend of John I' Sulli van In his old age. may task-you. Edi tor of The. Journal, to speak, to the sa aallii faaay nta-ip nam am writes, the .'"Small Change" t have their sayings funny and not insulting to the readers of a paper that prints a sport ing page. ' A FRIEND TO TOTJK PAPER .ND JOHN L Satisfied "With TbeJoarnal. - Ill West Fourth Street, Eugene,-Or., Aug. IT. To the Editor of The Journal 4I think you are glvlnjr the people an excellent paper, clean, - dignified - and manly. I Ilka a paper that stands for the social,' moral, political and financial protection and safeguard of tha people; one ' that la not afraid to oppose cor ruption and crime either In high plaoes or low placea; a paper that will stand for the right oven though It may stand alone. I really wish you great success. 'i'l'.'yi .v. V N. 8KIPWORTH. (. ThSLW orMaa-mali a the Teir.". ' . Portland. Aug. IS. To tha Editor of The Journat-j-Would you allow mo to make a auggeatlon, and If It meets with your ' approval something la ' that Una can be accomplished.' Some time ago therj waa- a werklngmen's 'day at the fair. A good -many- did not go because they- could not afford -to lay off work and lose a 4ayS--wage. Now Labor day Is coming on, tha factories, mills and stores, will be closed and the working men will have a chance to go. If the management will lower the prtcO of ad mission to tt cents and see that tha government exhibits are open that day It will give -some the only chance they will have to see the fair.' - ' ' " Labor day being a legal - holiday the government exhibit might bo closed. I also would suggest that some man from the ranks ' of ' labor make , an- address. There are soma well read worhlngmen In thla city who will give tha working man's side of the economic question. J.H sincerely hope , The Journal will give this matter due consideration. Hve the woraingmen a snow to see mo isir. "; W ;:; '' .' i, JOHN . AUSKKT, :( osaethlac to OrltUlse la PorUaod. - atrtrand,-Oisr-Auv-I4.---Tothe Edi tor of The Journal Being a stranger In your beautiful city the first thing to look after In reading matter was to se lect a dally paper, and several told me there ' waa a 4 "grandpa" paper and - a grandchild paper, and- one more, and I waa Informed It waa an up-to-date papal full of reliable news and one not afraid to write up the news in a truthful manner, no matter who It hurt or.'where it pinched.; I could not Imagine what was meant' by a grandpa and a grand son pa per. "-but I soon found out after comparing tha -three dallies-of your "city of roses," and then concluded to express an opinion of tha greatest de traction to this claim, to my Idea, of beauty, and having read of tha same In your free, outspoken paper, concluded to aak you to let one of your reporters Investigate the same some day when he Is out for a tide to look after news. I had opportunity to visit soma old friends In the near vicinity, so know "whereof'I1.speak," 1 took the car and rode out Will lam a avenue to Fremont street, then left the car and went west (I think it was) down to. Vancouver avenue, -and next yard to a neat little cotuge saw a vacant lot No. It waa not vacant, for It was overgrown wlth rank wreda and an old picket fenoe that had fallen ' flat from age, , I v suppose, the points of pickets Out toward tha walk and such a forlorn eight, and tha most horrible part of It la, I waa told that this lo belong'-d to one-a-f the beads at your police department - How. can a policeman keep snythlng or -any one straight when he allows his own to be come an eyesore to all passera-byf r If be is aot aware ot the situation) could ' .'-'..' :-"-( ' - i" ."'''' two . continents. One of the, principal pyrotechnlo featarea of ." the opening night will be a mammoth representation of NUgara Falla. This wlH be 160 feet long by to .fee In height - ' Another beautiful device will bo The Last Rose of Summer,"' one' of the prettiest con ceptions of the famous pyrotechnist There' will be the usual-aerial display of mammoth 'bombshells- and the big artificial lake that has been excavated especially for thla exhibition wll allow of a display of novel aquatlo fireworks. THe portable amphitheatre has a com fortable seating capacity for 10.000 peo ple; for the benefit of those- who desire a little excluslvenesa, tto cosy private box seats have been provided. .Reserva tlons of seats and boxea' may be made for any data, of tha two weeks' engagement at Bkidraore'a drug- storej til. Third street,, or' at they downtown office and waiting room. of , the Oregon Water Power-eV RaUway . company. roi . call' his attention to Itr f am not ' a - resident or would make' a complaint myself, but will close with tha hope of your prosperity and trust you will keep the good -work up for the welfare of this beautiful - city, and rest assured when I leava here 1 will take a good number of your papers with me to show my east ern frlendsV e ; 8. U. H. '.' Tae'Matttdsa Oalabwstaoa.'' : -; ' Portland. Aug. 2l.-To the Editor of Tha Journal On the fifteenth day ot September, prox- there Is to be held' at the Lewis and Clark fair a celebration In commemoration of the -. invaluable servicer of the Hon. F. X. Mlitthleu to the United mates, at the historic con vsntton of cltlsens of the country -now known as tha Lewie and Clara-item-Tw-tCVeld-May . iii..- arxhsjBpga now Marlon county. Oregon, met for the-purpose of settling the question of national control whether all w that vast territory ' should, bo given to Oreat Britain, according to the disposition of no half of tha members, of .the eonven tlon, or whether 4tBhounKbecomar and remain Dart of the-"Unlted States.- ' Whlls the celebration may be said to be Intended to commemorate-tha event Itself, 'all Ita .feature's 'and ceremonlea are to ea-ln honor of Mr. Matthleu, the only survivor, end the one to whom, more than -all others. Is to be credited the great and lasting benefits to the United States, resulting from the action of -that memorable convention. It will bo remembered that the -con vention waa composed of 101 delegate? brave, determined frontiersmen and that at first they were equally divided. Fifty-one were in favor of hoisting the British flag and proclaiming the al legiance of all the people of that vast region - to her majesty. Queen Victoria, while an equal number were for adding the great area now divided into four flourishing states '- to the ' American union. - Through Mr. Matthleu. at that time by birth a British subject, and his friend. Peter Lulce, a Canadian French man, who spoke none of the English language and who was Induced by Mr. Matthleu. to change his attitude upon the question. Tha vote when cast stood It to iO In favor of tha United States. Since that day Mr. Matthleu has been an honored citloea of thst government to. which through bis Influence came the 'sovereignty or the northwest- em pire. : .. - , - - .., 1- --. t : s. To honor him and to commemorate the important event-the celebration la held. To It the people . of -the whole northwest are most cordially Invited. The exposition - management . and- the committee having F - the . ceremonlea .la preparation Indulge the hope that a very large number of cltlxens will honor themselves by being present to partici pate in the effort wo shall make to ap propriately celebrate tha event and pub licly proclaim pur grateful recocnUioa of the herofo services to our common oountry of our beloved, venerable eltl sen. T. X. Matthleu. . . - . That thla Invitation may have general publicity. I lespoclfulry 1 'suggest ' that you request 1 alt - publlo journals or the northwest ' to -reprint this communication..- - r-r-JOSEPH BUCHTEL, . Chairman Executive Committee, Stsamsr 'Telegraph for -Astoria. Round trip dally (except ' Friday). Leaves Alder street dock 7:10 a. m. Re- turhlnar leaves Astoria's a. m. Arriving Portland 1:10 p. m. Sundays leaves Port, land a. m.. ' Arrives Portland 1p.m. LYRIC THEATRE M 1 Xeetbftr ft Flood, Xgrs. , ' ' , XOim OF atlOUMSSaV - tBI OF HOMDAY. AUG. 23 "A nobSMi .. Celebrated :. comedy drama. In ' four acts, with Indiana back ground, ' ' . ' . . 1 A . ADMISSION I CONCERTS BY VENICE . i. ; COMPANY. AT FAIR TheVenloe Concert company 'will give the following program at the fair at :t0 o'clock each evening of the weak begin ning tomorrow,- the .selections being from "II Trovatore"j ' -Overture, - band; salutation chorus; aria, Selecto, Mons. Reser; song "Sing Ms to Bleep," Nelly Horn; aria,-. Seleqto, Charles Cutter; duef "81 la Stanohessa," Miss JCramer snd Big. -Antonio Baggetto; Sria. H.'Balen Delsua Borrice," Oall lalr;:,Tho Towar Scene." Mmo.' Mara koff,J Big.- Baggetto ' and- choruai-daet, "Stride ; la VamDa.' Marie Soharf and Desldoro Plaaettl; anvil chorua; band. .- ; I US -,! L V - LL.I -J ;lj; Li;;U.: lliisiiiofciii liiliSilyLiSj '-.-. v'.'t;-.,l': . ;.. :r :'vU. '.:,?'.: : v.. -7-. ''St --' - ' v'-- li - Mnw Malar 1 vill L rffle on jlani a J?Thcrc will and par- acnutc jumps aauy. . : , , ; iJ- f m'-i . ..' ;...v. , To Fishermen Who Pa .. a;;.- . V, .:vf v ',fc i ''''-' "-(-''''-Vi :f , ,. . 'V'y' ': :;':-' -.. '... ;.; j 1 ' t ," -'7 '" mum HOSE TEAMS. WILL, PARTICIPATE First day reception. Parade and lan4 sports after noon of second day and marine parade in evening. .. J.-::..FojrsfArjr''ses. ' w. . rxwatt. nsmmn KAMAeia. " H'.';.:,-'-r, jfpirectles M. W. T. IsMiistiea.- O. eUig. XieaMeat. . ' , ' .hi ' ' xomxisosr . mnt, asi w mmm. tame ajtd nrara XOsTDAT, VOaAT, Wl I J tl & Tbt Ccatdlia Yea All Know -.. ' ,- '''-, .: . . . . . ' . -v , , .,. . . . '; ; U Sis LeveMs sad lesgaaMe Oieatisa. a' .-':' "VVEATHER DEATEN BENSON" '-;'v; -U: '.n ,;- With sa Ueel Ussier sad Oemgeay -OaaU -.,,! Jtlj.'. .' Sea tha Moss BaaUetle Balurterm ver Frodaaed) aet the) Saa. WPATHPP- "An ws waat Is rahfc jaat tels."--MrrBSa.' W 1-4 a I tirei whea the aura a-fla e heddle the earth will BOM ba 1 - AICrrM f m e saddle.'7 "k rei aan' baa water m kls ayes." - -ZT-sl A aTIY TO ZuSUOX, BUT Z OAJTX MMXmW IT. .' ; ' THURSDAY, FRIDAY; SATURDAY , Tin rtetaetlea sa Aay Stave ef BTEWIT aosnrrziD OOXXST-SsAXA : - ." : , IV TMMMX ACTS, KVTITUS, "THE BARN STORMER" :'v'. ''r-V",,' -. KATiarmi satitboat omw. . : ''y',Tf; tTXJmre PXIOKS twn Soar, esrept Ust S rows, II. SO: last ' fews. IL Balesey. Srrt S rows, fl; aaooad S raws, TBe4 bat S lews,. Sue, waUery, SSe asd SSe Beaei and kgea, 1. ' MA TTim niOXS Parqsvt. Ill Baronet eh-de, T5e. Baleosy, Snt S lews,. TBct last S ' raws, sue. - Oallvry. SO and se. SKATS ARB NOW 0!t SALS rOR TBS BlfTIRS WEEK. v PHONS , MAIN- x -, (Fcrmarl Columbia Thostre) Belaaeo A Merer, Pfopa, MATI1VE0 TODAY AND TONldHT LAST TIME5 OP -THE OIRL' AND THE JUDQB V S- , . ' . .1. Commencing Monday Night, August 28 v ' 14thVeek of the Belaaeo Stock Compemy, Presenting ; , ALICE OPGLD DramstlgstioQ of Mauric Thompson's ' ..- Nore), N'.-;. -: By Edward K. Rose FIRST TltlE' IN PORTLAND v Miss' Lillian Lswrence, the new leading lady of the Belasco Stock Company, appetrs for the first time in this play. BAKER THEATRE MUfllCAiTBURLEOQUB flEAgQfTr: Ciit cck, Otcrtlng Cundiq Mallnse. AUCe C? - (No Performance Saturday. Nlgbt.) 1Z?AX7' ESsT'mCr'IZJ'sCiAHD HSR COTKKXX OF . AMussMxirr puxvBTOsa VI V I I - sraoTAOinbAB) sosnrzo msvxa A li ) U V I Wl BuocsiaA. straaratna wad Mara , TaaiflavflU aaA ;,- Tsaro wt SSaAy. ef Xtfettaaav. AS ka TOW XATB Il - THE FAY FOSTER COT PRICES .............. lBe &4 &Se) sawl t. J SEATS NOW SEIXIKO. PHONB MAIN HOT. NEXT ATTRACTION r THE B2IQADI2n3 EXCLUSIVE VAUDEVILLE GRAND Xezlz ct IP ECIJ9L BMGJtCBXIBJtiT yTH E'G'R 'EAT 'TA TlTfT ,M tnd 7H at dmr -: si a d $T m e r m mm r . -C T Hart, Bessie & Co. . ' Legitimate Sketch Mr. Fred Parrlntoa " "Down on' the Farm." - liV ifMWMvJ V-' sTOTBXVV AC3dBATsV JrTts DtFcyt Musical Comedy. "The Serenade." Gsnerfil Admi$s!:n !0c - n:::n':dS: BXOBi- aright, SSe, saa, aoe asA rso. iraetaeae. see, SBe seal Mattaees, Satorday aaA Soaday. NEXTj WEEK HAUinT'C II0NCYr.:C3N " VaudovllloT C nrklA IT1) Vcc!l c Iloadliracra Jl J - Ac.CC:: H C Jt G B XJ B N T aT X T R AO txl H ) ft Y THP riMictr am ret mcT . M MM . 'I UUIWJlrf J lUik M I Character 'JIV . - - - i Tonr' 1 .' o r ' r " " ' ' I r.r. r.:7 11:7 i . C i L . . 113 f i"Iia-va r-r r--t'"-e V fii' -Vf ' I Tp-' r ' ' S