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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1905)
-THE '' OREGON SUNDAY JQUnilAL', ' PORTLAND CUIJDAV I rcr.IJINa AUCUr C7. 1 iv-y.-y. svEv. : 1 Aii,'-mjiLi) Wli r!J I OVKRNOR8 week." It might well hare been called, for tkere nsrer perore was w a gathering of them all at ,- - in Portland and. of eourea, . . . ' w. . In HUM BDeCtal ili . h- honored in aoma apeciarwayt 2nd lirfcetwaen their buir . t the Tnin.-Mlssls.lppl end irrigation . oWt" w -ting, an their .Ut. day sercU they wer paratly and coj Y jiurelf enUrtalned. Nebraska, Colo ' rado. Utah. California and Onto had their chier wwuun. """"' " 1' i Tortfe ' lieutenant governor reoelyed ; maay aUentlona before hi departure oa ' 4 ' Tuesday. ' ' 5 Y.' ' Y."-, The naval battle- at th fair Thure ." day evening attracted a number of email partlea who had dinner, end spent the erenlng there. A Bay at the fair with - congenial little net . of frlenda 4a a : Wry popular mod of ntertalnlnavl 'tore now. and hoataaaea find that It of- Sera better, opportunity for loee ao qualntanceahtp between atranger than H ' art afternoon of ahlftlnf from onecard ' table, to another t y - V ' ' " ' 1 t The nnounemnt of Ml Luci ' Chamberlain's engagement -which cornea ' ' thla week la a mattej-of interest to the fount , woman' frlepfla Ensign Blair la to b congratulated on acuvlng a -f very charming bride.- wU known . k.viiic visited Portland Ji when h.e with the Wyoming last ' 4 People are beginning to gather In I from the coaat and the mountalna and 'another fortnight will Portland ao lty with almost all tha empty place -Itlled again. rvun n nm m wv Ik. there la always aa laruah of return , In, summer-outera Many, will be pre ' paring their daughter for another year ' r 1? nii.i. mrA Indeed a jiumber.tif theea gfrle have raay-laftoiLJJCAllf or ftia collegeai . ; "' Lieutenant and Mra. yrua Dolph ha been much entertained the paat week and Mra. Dolph, who la -a. charming J beauty, la proylng moat popular, with her huaband'a relattree and frlande. TThey are. vieitlng at the home of the Uautenant'a aunt. Mra C A.' Dolph. .. SOCIETY AT THE EX . : POSITION. . - Thl haa been a buey week - at .. the Ttah building and a number or xne eltlea of that otate hare .had apeclal Uya. Monday waa wgoen ar Informal reception waa avan,. Among the hoateeaea were Juwa -"" Orth. Mlea BeHIa Madeen. Mlaa Ada Mack. Mlaa Wanda . Mack . and ; Mia Wealthy Belknap, v-.. '..-.... ; Thuraday waa Utah day and tha re ception In honot.of Governor and Mra. - ' John C CuUer waa tha event of the week. The building waa decorated with "T'iany cut-flowera and fern. ' The Ad ' ; 'minlatratlon band played and a atrlng . , orchestra alo gave aelectlona. About 1.000 people wr la attendance and It . waa on of tha moat aucoeaeful of the gorernora" raorptlon. -' . . -' la the receiving lino wvre Governor and Mr. Cutler, Congreaaman and Mra. Howell. Colonel George M- Hanaon, : r'nim.i u n Vaaalar Pommlukmar aa4 Mr. F. W. Ftehhurn, Commtaelowr I and Mr. Webatar Greene and Mia -'-I'ltii-ix Willi, i 0aimtatnf Itadelah ' Jiuchler .Introduoed, th .guesu to . the Una '" About ' If young womejj assisted 4-". In introducing gueata and escorting -r-there -to rfrehmena 7 1 Friday' the town Of Logan waa In A power at-Utah building;, .Congreaamaa 'and Mra HowelL' whose home It la , represented tha city and Mrs. Oatin wa chief hoetesa Professor Kerr of th But Agricultural college and H. Bullln War other repreaentatlvea Punch wa . ' served and there waa'. band -mualo .'' through- tha afternoon,- intersperses - with plana and vocal numbers. -,'' ' ' The reception given by ' th Oregon commission Friday evening at the - American Inn In honor of Governor and . lira Chamberlain waa one of th hand- eomeat rfarra-f tha wek and tha first '-large function given - for --the Oregon . ' governor. Ther ware about (00 gueeU. .Governor and'Mrst McDonald Of Colorado - and Governor and Mra Cutler of Utah ' attended, with large parties from. 'their ' states, president and Mra Good had expected to receive with th 11 n but owing to their lata arrival from a dlrl- j! er they wr prevented. - Introducing the line waa President Jefferson My era " Governor and Mrs. Chamberlain were aa- : slsted by Mrs, Myers, the Mla Cham. . ) berlala. Mrs. Bemmer, and th gover- ' Dor's staff, who added a pretty touch - of oolor to th Una Th Administration band played on th veranda and Par- . one orchestra for dancing. , ,i - , ' Yf Tha rooms were 'very elaborately . v : deoorated' 'with green foliage ' In the dancing hall and expoaltlon- flaga with th national colors In flower in th . dkalmg-room. The' assemblage was one ...of the snost handsomely gowned -of th ' Governor and Mra Pardee Will leave ' ' for homo tomorrow morning, accompa tiled by Mr. and Mra Walter Reed, who . ' have been guest .of the California building for live weeka. Bo many "gov- ' ernor dinner"- have, engrossed their at- .1HbUo"' jnifflaftjrB-wihaarnir.: , tain zor inenvcouia nocao so. un wea ' nasday, looking very awaet .In a soft ' - whit gown. Mra Pardee received. Mr. . I and Mra Wlgglna and Mr. and Mrs . Flehe.rcf yed In th balcony. . Al ' moat all tha Irrigation congress mem. , .. bora In whos honor the reception wa ---- rtvsn, were) preaeat. Ab4-i-nvl-; tatlona war Issued and very many re v i aponded. Tha- balcony-- wa literally . robed la green, while the reception-room - ' fairly shone with quantities of gorganu . yellow coreopsis and California popples. Y Tb buffet luncheon waa. delicious and , plentiful and a number of girl assisted . ' in attending th want Of the guesta MIaGatea aololat of th Mormon choir, , sang vary plenelngly. -.The governor re- re I v ad many congratulations before hi . Y departure on hla reelection to the presl dncT ot tn irnfiun congresa Th launch 'and lawn-'.fete given on la-otidav by the Goode (or lieutenant Governor and Mra Bruoa wa delightful, Thar war about S0 guests. Th were decorated with garland of rose and foliage and hundred of V Japanese lantern wer nuns; imm oow to atarn. Twa boatloada of singer at tntervala in th proceselon altar natad In providing mualo. Th guest dlfwnibarkad at Centennial grove and . . mm Bt4 at amaU table to be served with rarhmnta Blnger from th ' Carnival of Venlo provided more muslo eiui uiuiavlll nerformer' from the Trail onntributed to the entertainment, Tha women were far th most part In light summer costumes. Mm. .Good wore a whit Irish erocheted waist with , a light skirt: Mra Brown wore a French sawn ot gray crepe and HI Brown ' ore a simple frock of whita crepa , ' . . -.-V eV ' : Th recetition given by th. Colorado eocnmlimlon Tuesdsy afternoon for Gov , ernor. Jesse T. McDonald and hla party ..TV target attended in. th J vlll'on aahea: v adjoining ' the ', Illlnole building. . Quantltiea of green - bougha with cut flowera and palma made the building very attractive. .The abaenee of Mra, McDonald waa deeply regretted. - -l"- and a few remark wen made by . M f . and Mr.' Gilbert Mcdufg.'Mf. Goudy Mr. llaac and othera. Kealde tha aov- ernor. of eourae.- Mulc" and t Tefreeav ment were enjoyed. Among thoae re ceiving with the governor were con greesmh H. M. Hogg. General Bulkier Welle. Colonel and Mra. A. W. Hogle, Mr. and Mra-John T. Burns, E. layman wnnm rnni c. .uouayana a r. Twltohell. Governor McDonald, with Colonel and Mr. Hogle, left Friday for an ovar-sunday visit at Seaside. ; t-.v -r- .. ' w - Jr. v The dinner Tuesday evening for Gov ernor 'and Mra, McDonald of Colorado waa attendedV by a largo "number of Portland gua(a,'and the affair wa a very pretty .one. ,; Roae wero. uited- la decoration, Mra ' Good wa rthklng In a beautiful Iniported gown .of white lac over chiffon with silken rones peep ing through. Among the Portland guest war lira Helen Lada Corbet t, Mr. and Mra Wilcox. Mr. and Mra Charle Ladd, Mr. jnd Mra. 8. M. Meara Mra Wash- bume, 4lr. and Mra. U Allen lwla-; Mra C K. . Wood. Mis Wood. Mis Dolph and Mlsa- Hmeka- Mra Corbett wore a pretty white flowered lace; Mra Ladd and Mra Meara were also In lace; Mlaa Brown wore a pretty pink toilette, President and Mra Good entertained with a dinner-at the New York building Thuraday evening for Governor' and Mra. Cutler of Utah, at which about 60 gueata ware present. Tha table decora lions of eweetpeaa In light. stjed" were very pretty.. Those of the Utah, party attending Uie governor were Commis sioner and Mra. Flsnburn. commissioner and Mra Greene. Commissioner Kuch- lor. Mlsa Orth, Colonel and Mra Han aon; and tha governor' - lTlh- rlenda Mr. and Mra Irvine and Mr. anf Mra. Lpooth, Th evening ended with taulirh party on ma lake and a vlalt to th life-saving, utloa f .'. .:.?, Prominent guest it Ihe Idaho build ing last, week Included Mr.-and Mra C A. Elmer of Boise.. Mr. Elmer la the private secretary of Governor Gooding and waa hera a week. Mra Klmer will remain a fortnight lonaor. Mra J. 1L MrBurney of Bolae, wbose husband la a member or. the governor's ataff. waa here for a couple of day a A. B. Bcott of Idaho Fall a waa a guest at tha Idaho building while In attendance at tha Irri gation cons" res a. H leaves thla even ing for home. Mr. Bcott I tha official boat for Idaho. W';w Tha California .women are exclaiming over th kindness of inaay Portland women who have kent their mnrni abundantly aupplled with flowers ever since th opening of th building. Not a day haa pasaed. Mra Wlgglna says, that they have not had flowera ' and though more entertaining haa been dona there than at -any other building except New York, they have never had to buy flowera Thla la particularly delight ful -to the -Catlfornlan who, Ilk u, ar accustomed to fjower th year around.' ;.:.;--..!.,., ,i There will ara Star cottage on th fair ground Mra. Lorraine J. Plikin. ria-ht worthy grand ecretry ' of th general 1 grand chapter, Chicago; Mra Nettl Ranaford, i past most wormy grand matron. In- dlanapoll. and Mra Nellie W. Guern sey, worthy grand . matron, Seattle. Mra Ransfont who publishes th Kaat ern Btar monthly 'paper, haa been host ea of tha building the past month and tha reception I partly la th natur of a larewetj tojier. - J , ( . ..-...- Of tha Smaller dinners the frw11 for Lieutenant-Governor and Mra, Dium Bunday night, given by Commissioner and Mr. Huntley, wa delightful. Mra ttruc ana Mra Huntley were in white laca Mra Spencer Brown In a Perls gown of black lao over whit chiffon. mitm nrown in pean pink crepe de chin princes. Mra . Good In a- white lane Imported gown. Rosea and sweetness with , pretty fern mad' a - charmingl table decoration. ' r.- w w The people at the-Mlssourl hnlldlne have been very quiet and nothing of a formal nature ha been given. Heveral uiiormai suncheons were riven iaat week by the commissioners for- parties of It 'Or 14 Mlssourlans Governor Folk is expected September It, and the following day will t be Missouri da v wlthjta accompanying ceremonies and reception." Till that time tha commis sion pisn to give no social functlona A. delightful feature of New Tork day waa the Informal manner in which lieutenant-Governor. Brtrce received a few frlenda at luncheon after the exer clsea. Mra Gooda . held th pUtc of honor; Governor nd Mra Chamberlain wer among tit gueata - Th tabl dec orations, wer . very pretty . and the luncheon, though Impromptu, wa Very oeauiuui. , . . . YY'-w i Monday th New Tork commission gave a luncheon or Governor .Mickey of Nebraska. The dining-room wa very pretty with palm and -hotted ferns and quabiniea-of exreelpfcaJ ifid rosea decked i th table. ' - The' Nebraska party took trip up the river early In the week, t . The New Tork commission gave dinner last night for Governoeand Mra. Pardee of California, AbouX. S guest TOrs mere. ne- 'The Mormon choir waa -entertained at th American inn last week. Mlaa Gta th soprano soloist; entertained about 60 Utah and Portland friends Thurs day at dinner and aang for them. Mra W. A., Mear wa hostess at brilliant dinner Wednesday evening in honor of Lieutenant and Mra. Cyru Dolph. who ar her for a month' vlalt The dec-orations .of palma and out .flow. era extended Into th drawing-room, and in th dining-room th buffet ' wa banked with them. On th tabl were scarlet gladiolus with a pretty Mtting of dark foliage. Th garniture of tb tabl wa of acarlet nasturtiums. Those entertained beside , th hoqor guests wer Colonel and Mr. George W. Dor sey of Nebraska, Mr. and Mra B.l . R. Richardson of New Tork, Colonel and Mra H. D. Loveland of Ban Francisco, Mra J, N. Dolph and Major T. & Clark son of Nebraska. Th gowning of the eompaft? waa vary ' elaborate. - Mr Mear wqr heliotrope brocad crepe, with lace poluta and dlamonda -v Mra Dolph looked delightfully fresh ' and young -In wMl-sllk with turquoise vel vet touchln and garnitures tf whit point; her Jewel were dlamonda. Mra J. N. Dolph -wa In handsom black lac and Jet. with diamond. Mra Doraay wor an exceedingly elaborate . pari gowa of alternating" Valenciennes lac and.ghctT muile, - I Ul, diamond; Mra y - -y" -t EVENTS OF THE WEEK. k sv ' . m" m ifc& ar sa, m m 5 Mrs. W. A, Mean, a Prominent Entertainer of the Week. Richardaon. whit lac with corals and diamond; Mra .Loveland. "pompadour brocad satin with pink and blue tint rdominating. . : ". ;,.Y.. ,!:Y .-,'. Ml Elixabeth Hoben entertained a number of young friend Thursday even ing at tb residsnc of her parents. Captain and Mra Andrew Hoben. Ijirrabaa atrt, in honor or Mis May Robert of Stockton. California. The evening pasaed quickly nrlth music, dancing and speech-making. Vocal solo war given by Miss MIDI Perkins, Mis Edna Protiman. Dr. Km II Aaplund and Mr. Rylanca After- th program dell- clou refreshments war daintily served. Those present wer jCaptaln and Mra. Andrew Hoben, Mlsa May Roberta Ml Edna Protsman. Mlaa. Esther K rouse. Mis . MUll Perkina Mis Margaret Protsman. Mlaa Joule Clarno. Mlaa Ma- mi Hacermann. Mlsa Ann! Munk, Mi Josephln Andreta Hoben and Baby-Uo-ben Frank Clarno, DiTTCmll Aaplund. Mr. Btarr, fir. ityianc, Mr. -uray ana Jack PeaRUoban. - . " : - . , . r-e v- -'-V' -, r. - Mis .ulu-llon ntertaned Infor- maHy -Thurdy vnlnr ltha garden card' party iorKI Wilba Marahall of Seattle. . There were-five tabl jof Dolly. elmer and Mra George Harben, Dainty bits bf chlnawara wer th nrisea Lata In tha afternoon a chafing- dish rurper -warved and Mra Har ben and Mra Theodore Keasur presided at the tablea Llttl girl frlenda of th hostess. Mlnnl Tarher, Helen Price, Ruth Fryer and Bella .Wllaon aaalated them. Small cluster sf rosea, wer 1vn to th guests by these earn llttl girl Just before their departure. Sev eral out-of-town people were enter tained, .t ' - ...V- V. ' '.-. . V ! . ' i dellchtful dinner was given laat Sunday at th home of W."L Wilton, Which brought together three brothere, cousin snd Mr. WHton, who had not met for 2 yeara Tha oldest, Joshua Wilton, accompanied by hla daughter, Hattla and . Mlsa Ernestine Buckler, cam from Harrisonburg, Virginia; Mr. and Mra. John Wilton and their son. Harold, from Colfax. Washington; Mr. and Mra AJbert Wilton and family from Seattle. Covers wer laid for IS, of whom 1 war Wlltona Joshua Wilton and party left Tuesday night for an tended trip through California - The othera left Tor me IT nomea weaneaaajr evening, '; . v, ., -..' w Mra C. EL S. Wood gave a pretty din ner Friday evening, entertaining Presl dent and Mr. Good. Mra Spencer Brown, .Mi Dorothy Brown, Mr.- Wheelwright.-Chester Murphy and John Bar rett. Mlsa Nan Wood . and Erakine Wood were alao of tha party. Tha tabl waa vcry pretty with pink roses and candles.' Mrs. .wood waa very nana om In a ptnk-ltnad moussellne de eole. Mra,- Brown -wore black lace with jet Lflgure. Ml Brown a whit chiffon prlnceast . costume, Mr, uooa wnite lace, and Mlsa Wood whit crep de chlne After dinner th entire party attended the reception to Governor and Mra Chamberlain. he auxiliary of thaUUnots-aoelety met with- Dr. L. .O. Johnson, tt Sal mon street, laat Wednesday aftarnoon. Mra C. "M. Cartwrlght read an Inter esting paper on'The Early Hlstery of Chlcaga" Master Tnoma uonson a lighted th audience with -two long "O Dry Thoe.Tar'' (DL Rlego)-and 'Reompena.". f rom ' Mlgnon.'" ' Dnlnty refreshment wer served by Dr. -John son and her aids. Dr. W. A'Mahlon wa a welcome gut and gave a brief talk. ' Th auxiliary "wUr meet th residence of4 Judge T. Jj. Green, In Pled- mont, . Wednesday, oeptemDer 11. .'.' . . .w- -- Mr. ' and- Mra Warren Frailer of th east aid were among those giving' "cir cus partlea".. It -wa given for . MI Julia" Wllman of Ban Francisco, thelt guest, and a party attended Monday aft ernoon. -. Pink lemonade, peanuts, ; r popcorn and taffy wer all freely In dulged In tru clrcua atyla Dlnnr down town completed th day' fun. Tho of th party bealde the Frailer and Mil Wllmaivwere Mlaa Frieda Mer ger, Ml Emily Wilson, Miss Marti iZlegler, Walter MoMahon, Arthur Put nam, Wilson Bowl, Mack Sidney and Will Wyman. ' - W W .. Th rOegon Tacht club gave an enjoy able amokef Thursday night aa a "house-warming" for their new quarter In on corner of. th Oak. ' Tha club hou ia a delightful place, all done in green, and th club member and a few fortunat friends enjoyed to th utmost their orlabl curved pipes and th music. Th evening wa in the hand of H. H. Haskell, Charle Nelson, Wil liam Knight and Ralph Hahn. A aerie of privet dances ar planned t be given later through th winter. ; f : ... ' 'v - . -WW' Ml Minnie fllchnr tenth. birth, day Tueaday wa th occasion of a love ly utile iunebeoa. at, her, beach, home at Seaalde, The table wa artistically decorated with ferns and carnation sent from hera Th Hotel Moor orchestra played for th .party. Each guest" re ceived a pretty bracelet aa a souvenir. Those entertained wer Mlsaea - Flora Flaiachner, Martha Hoy a Gladys Lang, Mary Louis Feldenhelmer and Carlotta Reed. ' . . : '.-.: ' YYr Tr- w ' '; ;- '.."" Thuraday venlng a number of friend gathered informally at th hom of Dr. and Mra N. Moaeaaohn In honor of th birthday of' their son, M. -Moaea aohn. Those present wer Mra Elli H. Gross and daughter. Miss Lydla ot Ba ttle. Dr. and Mra A. Ttlser. Mra II Goldman, and her daughter, Mlaa Esther, J. Nissenson of Odessa, jkuasla, and Mr. and Mra N. Mosessohn. J - : : - w w '' A boating party was given Wednesday evening by a few young people for Mlsa Helen Ider of Sacramento and Walter Bird of Seattle, who have been gueata of fflenda for a. few daya Sixteen war In the party which 'went to Rosa island. enjoyed, a lata supper with muslo and tory-telllng. 1 A. ".i, Mr. and' Tar. W. A. Mear gave "'-w W A. launrh narlT Monday for .. the PeflnhaJ Their gueata wer Mra 1. N. Dolph, Lieutenant and Mra Cyrus Dolph, Mia Hasel Dolph and her guest. Mis Hinck of San Joaev Mr. Hopklna of San Fran. claco and Mr. Oat of. Alabama. v Mlaa Grace Webber of Spokane-"wa the honor guest of a box party at th Belaaco theatre laat week. Nina wer In th party and after theatre a aupper wa enjoyed. - Mrs. G. H- Wilson wa the hoateaa . . .. ' -. '. w w -Y . A few member of th Oregon Tacht club ar .giving a boating excursion down th Columbia today. Friend wer invited tan th number of 20, and th yacht Glamonda carried them. ; Th marriage of Ml Lena Helen Ammer to William Albert GIU waa cele brated at St. Stephen'a chapel Thuraday evening. Rev. W. R. Powell read the Episcopal ceremony. i, , . Th wedding march was composed, and played by Frankle Rtchter. Attending th bride a maid of honor waa her later. Miss Florence Ammer. Four bridesmaids attended. Miss Maude Brad ley. Mlaa Edith Bern, Mlaa Elsr Koch and Mis Ethel Gill. Th groom's at tendant -waa Wilfred Bolre. Th Usher war AJbert, Charle and Emll Ammer and Mr. Hunt. . The brld wa gowned In whit crep de chine over like, wore a veil and car ried, a shower of Brld rosea Her sis ter In pink silk organdie carried a how er of pink rose and th bridesmaid wor whit organdie and, carried whit rosea . ., - -. After tne ceremony a reception wa given at tha home of the bride's par ent. Mr. and Mr. Charle Ammer, 168 North Twelfth atreet Onljt Immediate relatives and, jr lend wer .present. Th rooms-were- decked : with sweetness, rose and fern. Mis Hansen presided at .the punch tsbl. Mra & W. Ammer helped receive the guests. , ' v Mr. and Mr. Gill have gon to tha sound cities and wilt be at horn after September It at 1101 East -Main street - . - 'WW' Carl L. - McAuley 'and Mlsa JullaYD. Stephenson wer married at th hom of tb bride father. J. P. Stephenson, cor ner of East Ninth and Market streeta on August I. Rev. H. C. Shaffer of the' First United Brethren church ,. of ficiated. ' - ' jhibb aoei MCAUiey Of Kalem . wa bridesmaid and Melvtn McAuley of Port land waa best man. The brld wa prettily attired in whit silk trimmed with lace and carried a bouquet of Bride rosea Th floral decoration consisted of a large wedding bell made of white waet pea and asters as the central figure, with simple but tastefully ar ranged atand decoration to complete the design. A wedding supper was aervsrt to th guest, among whom were many people from Salem and Hood River; bealde friend and relativea In th city. Mr. and Mra. McAuley will be at hom at East Ninth and Market trta ' '.', - ....... - A very pretty wedding was celebrated Monday afternoon at tha home of Mr. and Mra A. Chlvllle of Hammond, Oregon, wnen tneir aaugnier.-juia nose, ' wa married to Charlea 1L Rovlg of Seattla Th ceremony 'waa -read-by tha Rev. Rydquest of Astoria... Tbelma Richards a nower-gin ana strewed res petals before the bridal procession, while Mas ter Hurry Richard acted a rlngbearer. Th Chlvllle home wsa tastefully decor ated With flowera and evergreens. After the feremony refreshment wer served nd Mr. aid Mr. Rovlg left for Port land, where they will spend their honey moon.1 The bride formerly resided In Ivrtland, whr ah ha many frlenda YY ! WEDDINGS. . ' Mr. and MrsY Rovlg will jnak thIr hom in Seattle, ' " , "v ".; - The home of Mr. and Mr. George Tacheron of Boring waa the- cn of a pretty wedding on - August . li, whn their daughter . Lucy was marrld t Orvllle Boring. Rev. H. L.-St. Cla)r of Greaham efficUted. Tb brld wor a dainty gown of . whit and carried bouquet of carnatlona During th even In musical aelectlona were delightfully rendered by Mlsa Cora Shaver and Mis Either Vullleumier of Portland and Mr. Kan. Later a bountiful aupper wa erved. , The brld la niece of Mr, and Mra A. vullleumier P' rortiano. ; Mtss Lena K Lawton of faaadena, California, and Byron L. Sutton or Rits vllle, Washington, were' married Wed nesday, at 2S0 Park etreet. Rev. H. H. Wikoff officiated and - only relative wer present. ' i Mr. and Mra. Martin Wells Parellu have Issued invitations for the mar riage of their daughter. Grace-Harriet. to Harry . Pric Palmer' at 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon. - September ' I, at their homa-.TM Burnsld street. . ,. ' w Governor and Mr. Gorg B. Cham berlain announce ihe ' engagement of -their daughter. Loci Archer, to Ensign George Frederick Blair of i tha United State navy. The wedding . will tax plac early la th fall. - , , , . . --ft' . ' . ''...." Tha engagement la ' announced In Seattle of Mia Marlon ' Goodman ' to Charles Langert. ' . Mia ; Goodman - i a alater of Mra Z. Friedenthai of , this city. ( : ;:- . - T , n,. w " w ; . "." Tha engagement of Mtsa Jeesle Ruth George, daughter of Judge and Mra M. C. Georga to Owllym 'Griffith' Jonea recently announced, la of Interest -..WW ' -'--.' ' ' ' Th enragsment la announced ot Miss Kat Holmes to Max Harrlaon of SeatUa, September B is th date for the wedding. .--- '' - Tha engagement v of Mra Hannah Blumauer and - Harry Lang ra an nounced at the ooach laat Sunday. - -Mlsa.' Winifred Klly Millar. wll known in Portland and th niece of Mra A. H. Tanner, writes from Yokohama of th visit of ths Taft party. Mlas Millar is th daughUr of H. B. Mlllr. United Btatee consul to Yokohama. - Moat ot th nUrtalnlng for th party ha been done In Toklo, but. the party landed at Yokohama, where they were received with much pomp by th Japanaa o fa cial and foreign mlnlstsra - They war taken to th emperor' rthoue till they went by special train to Toklo, If miles distant "On of th larxeat af faire for Misr RooevelC writ Miss Miliar, ."wa a garden feta given by our minister and hlr wlf in Toklo. There wer 1,000 gueats tn attendanca Mia Alio.had on a Mmpl but elegant whit gown, much ruffled., with hand-worked lao Inserted la each ruffl. and a beau- - tlfnl - blnlt. hai wth 'ftunnina- tn-h ptumes on it. - w s ail reit quit proud of her. - 8h haa such repose of man ner. I think her charming and aha hat a wonderful personality and la extreme ly attractive. The Japanaa. of coursa look upon her aa a prlnceaa and howr her with flowers and prssents. Every Lwhere ah goe they giv her mot cost- ly and rare old. gifts." ' a ' ..,."' -Tha San Framrlsco eoclety notes have the following of Mra Bruguier. who was a guest at the hotel for a ahort time whll ing th fair: -. "Mra Emll Bruguier I in town for a few daya but will ebortly return to nar pretty Bungalow a Moneterey. Mra BruguUr ha but recently returned from a trip to'Portland. She 1 looking very handsom these day -' and at tracted much attention at laat 'Thurs day's function by her chlo costums and styla Mr. and Mra BruguUr ar con templating a European trip. . They will leave In abont alx week for a lengthy tay abroad. Their present plan ar range for a four year' resldenca" .'. ' , Y ; -'. '- Mr. and" Mr. E. R. Rlchardaon.' who have been entertained by Mr. 4nd Mra. W'A- Meara lately, may become prm. .vwiuciiu u& ruriwno. iasi winter they visited. Portland and wer o charmed with the city that when Mr. Richardson thought of retiring from business they Immediately -came hera He ia a capltallat, formerly of Houston, Texas, snd mor recently of New York. Mr. Richardson will find many friend here and at the Vancouver barracks, where she is well known. She I in' directly related to Mr. W. A. Meara . ' w '. - , Colonel and Mra George W. Dorsey of Nebraska were- distinguished guests here last week at tha Portland. Colonel Dorsey was a delegate to th Trana mlsslsslppl and . Irrigation . congreeeea He ssslsud largely In arranging tha exercise and festivities for. Governor "ifkeyTjr hhryati:tndiwtti,iavg taken a prominent part In the expoaltlon func tion ox tn wee. . . w w 7 ; "":.- - ", Tfte Mlsse Henrietta and Mav Fair. Ing will giv a luncheon next week for tn Ml Cox of Washington. Dls. trlct or Columbia, who with their brother end hi children have been oc cupying the' residence at 65 Marshall street Miss Cox will this week be th guest of Mrs. J. N. TeL -,, 4. . '. " - ' ; f w YY1' Mis Lillian Watt of Philadelphia wa last .-week th guest or Dr. , and Mra PI DeWltt ConnelL. Several. Informal dinner and fair parti wer gtvan for her. Thla week Mra H. P. Fish of Seattl will be Mra Connetl guest this week and there will be som formal an tertalnlng for her. 4 , , . . . " : Mr. and hlra" Frank Wl' Welcome" 6f Burns, Oregon, were entertained In th Pity last week whll on their honey moon trip. Th brld was Mlsa Frances E. Donegan, and they wer married August 10 at Med ford, th brld' home. Mlsa Jo Dbhegan, accompanied her sis ter to this city. , '... . : ' . . . at' - John I. Jacob of Loulavtll, Kn tickyt visited at th Portland laat week. H Is completing a trip around th world and goe from her to hi Ken tucky home... llr.-Jacob 1 a vry clever talker and telle many Interesting lncl- dnt stt hi trip. '' s Walter Lov of Honolulu wa a guest at -the -Church hom on the eaat !d last -week. He left yesterday for Tal to complete hi eiudlea Mr. Loves sister. Mis "BUIla, rcntly returned hom sifter spending most of the- win UN and aprlng hera w fr Mr. and Mr. W. H. Boring. Mra Vsll- lenmler and her daughter. Mlas Esther, of lhi city wr fucata at th wedding - ENGAGEMENTS.' ir . -J. s - , STRAY BlfV;vr e laat week of Ml Lucy Psrret and Or- vlll W. Boring of Boring. nar Ora- ham. Th bridal couple yiitd rort- . Mf. J. N. Teal haa . returned from a two week' stay at Oearhart. She wa accompanied by her friend, Mra Irwlne, oi npringneia, iiiinoia and cniiaren, wne wiU bra v . m- , w . - Mr. and Mra MlvUv A. Burdlck of 8alm wer gaaat in th city laat wk j on - their honeymoon tour.' Tha bride was Ml Marl E. HuntUy, and they wer married laat Monday. - . -.. .',-r,,,--..-f-r Mra. Ol ga Bartsch Lang of tht city waa the honor gueat at a mualcal given by Mayor and Mra David Stewart of Chehalla Her beautiful contralto wa much appreciated. - . W '-i '.I.'-;. ' Mr,', and Mra ' Roy -Deal-of Eugene, Who vial ted Portland laat weak, were married laat Saturday vntng at a flulet hom wedding. Th bride .wa Mlaa EtUa.Jana '.'.'. ,.' ' ' a -a''-'.''. Y ' ''Th y.).,Mrrls party returned Men day from a, three weeks' outing at their country home, Casadero. . Mra. Jamas Morrla will b with them till lat falL ' Mis Beatrice- Bhelton wa Balem visitor her laat weekf . ' , , 1 Mra W, H Byrd. on of Salem's social favorites, arrived .Tuesday with bar daughter Winnie to spend the week. . ' Mra Rachel 'Bender and her daugh ter, Mra Philip Gvurta . were at their old home in' Eugen this Wek n. Mlaa Liasl Wells, who haTjien the guest of Mrs. T, E. Poland ot th Dallea, returned last wk, acoompaaled by her host, who will be br guest hr for some tlma " ' . Mra C. Thornbury of The Dallea ar rived Monday.. .. V-. .r'1' : ' ... George O. GoodalU secretary tf Jet feraon Myer of th Oregon cotnfhalon. visited friend In Eugen over Sunday mr uvwau ia a grauuai-i ox int umrtr elty of Oregon. . '. Judg.and Mra C. E. Wolverton of 8aleta arrived Monday to apend a few daya at th fair.- '.'':, Mr. and Mra J. J. Colllna have re turned to their home la Albany after a week In Portland. - y - . , Mr. and Mra Datmower of thla elty are th guta ot Mra C-J-Stubiing at Th Dallaa , .','.".-...-,-. Dr. D. A. Pain bf Eugene waa In the City laat week. . . Mr, and Mr. M. A. Cannon earn up from Salem Monday -for a short Uy. . MI Lucll Crat of The Dallea was one of laat week' arrival In tb city. . ' Mlaa Floy Luckey has gon to Long Beach to vlalt hr cousin, Mrs. Lydla Smith, for a month. - . . , John Freak of Chicago I Visiting hi daughUr, Mra red Johnston, tot Ml'J trt -V- ' .V - , !,. i- . !v .':;'(!.:. - Mra 3. L. Thompson and her daugh ter, Mlaa Lana, are prominent people from The Dallea ependlng a few weak to the-elty.--"-'-'"'-"-'- r- ' Ml Marcla Burton of Salem Is visit ing Portland frUnda, , - - " ' t . Mr. and Mr. Carey ' P. Martin: havr mtirfned'ff-Balwii aftei Ta week' with relativea'-.' t- ''.-', Y ":-. -Mlaa Gertrude Lymaa ' haa returned hom from a vlalt with friend in Balem. Mra Edward R, Root Is entertaining her cousin. Mis Madg Falrman .of Ban Prariclaca . ' v- . Miss Jeesle Sand ha returned to her home in Astoria - She waa the gueat of Mlaa Anderson of North Seventeenth street and Mr. H. H. Hoyt,. pn th houseboat La Sleeta" . Mis Msrrea Marvin, atata commander of th Maocabeee. for Colorado and Wyo ming, Is a guest at the home of Mra N.- H. Lan.baon.on East Ankeny street She remained for "Maccabee day at tha falr.- -------i-- Mra Nellie Turner and her daughter, Una and Elmlra, of Harvard, Nebraska, are visiting Mrs, Turner' uncle, M. R. Holmea at hi resldenca 10 Fourth tree t. - j . Mr. and Mra Arthur Roblln have returned from a vlalt with Mra Rob lln' a mother in Salem. - Mra Babcock and her daughters, Grace and Mayraa of Salem.- ar In th city, i Their jrouln;-Rv. George Bab cork of Wisconsin, accompanies them. . M1aa Julia Coman left Tueaday for a three month' trip to Honolulu, where sh th gueat of Mi Stella Lov and other frlenda Mra C- E. Henkl and her daughtera Ada and -Mamie, after an enjoyable week's vlalt at the fair. 'have returned to their home at Philomath, Mra Tallant of Astoria was th guest FOURTH AND WASHINGTON : PERSO,At.V ';: 1 t0tmm.'mMmm.K,m',mrmm,m J L High Grade Tailored Suits Important Reductions to Close - Thig U almoft our final word ol the Great Suit Clearanca. The odd grid end we still have on hand must b told in tha "neit few daye, regardleM of cost, to make room for our rapidly ; arrlyin; fall stock. , Starting Monday and continuing until sold, -wa oifer at the, following cut prices: :;,Y:''"' 'Y'1 "' -'" 'YY i J' ,'v ' 1 V'S .;'..';.. , f v1. vy'.y V''V''"''-"';'' A' $ to $25 TAILOR MADE (ft Q Cj f) Y' SXJITiS as)Aee.eedaa .aa)ej ' e $2500 to $35 TAILOR MADE" Q 1 Q C fY suiTsrt;.....:.;..:........ tj)ADVJ $35.00 to $45 TAII-OR -. . ' , SUITS iMl-'-'l-.-.llU, -. !... . y Ayctch f curth of Miss Peart Luckey and other frlenda nsre last week. Mr. end Mra E. J. Fraaer and fam ily of Eugen are in the city for a proiongea stay. - . - - Kenneth Miller, eon of R R Miller. United SUte consul to Yokohama vraa ' in guest or riativa a raw days oa hi return from Japan. He haa gone to ; Berkeley to complete hie etodiea - Mr. and Mra Frank Vincent DuMotxdf are apendlng a few days at th coaat Mr., and Mra J. , K. Weatherford of Aioany ar visitor at tn fair; . Mr. T. B. Wlloox 1 expected home from the-ooast tbl week. - Mra J. L. Wilkinson of Chicago vis ited east aid friends last week. Mra Harriet K. McArthur is Vlltlng reiativee at Kicxraau, uragon. . - . ui .iHi 11 w. srviu visit with her sisters. Mrs Ohllng of Albany and Mra Nichols of Plalnview. Mr. and Mra, Thomas Luckey of Eu-. gens wer in th elty laat weak, the gueata or relative. Mra B. I. Bogard waa among Eu gene visitors at the fair last week.. Mr, ft. C. Dunbar, her soil Harry of Eugene,, accompanied by. another 'eon, Elmer, and hi little daughter, of Wolf Creek, era vlaltere in Portland. Mrs. Frank Ankeny of outbrn Ore- gon ie In Portland. l - Mlaa Pearl Emken and Lou Cuslck are among rornand gueat at ivocksly Hall, eeaaia. ) -- '..- Mr. and Mra. C. W. Rontoek and Ml Wanda Rosenstock ar visiting for- I a xw daya. with Mr. and Mra H. B. Chmor at Forest Grova Mr. Rosen- stock arrived with hi family from th Philippines laat week and they will remain in the vlclajjty of Portland till the-clos of th expoeltton. ... 1 -Mr. and Mra M. Flelachaer and their daughUr Flora, who hav'ben at th Hotel Moore, are gueata at the I. N. Flelschner cotUg Tor th rest of this month..' - '.'' "-., .. : . ' Mr. and Mra 8. Danilger of San Fran cisco, who have been visiting Portland, have gon to Astoria for th remainder or th summer. ,Mlss Adelaide Marx, the guest of Mra N. D. Simon the paat three months, has. left for her home-In Albany, New York. Miss Ethel Sharpa Who haa apent th paat four weeka at Seavlew, will be - home Monday morning.' Mr. Alan Welch Smith has gon to Oearhart for a t day vlalt with her ' mother. Mra John E.' Bennett and her llttl ' daughter . Margaret Smith, who have been apendlng- the summer there. Ml Hlldrd A bra bam son of Helena Montana la visiting her cousin. Miss Hasel Abrahemson, . at lit ' Madison Street . ' - . . I n. Mra A. Tllaer has returned from a short trip to Seaside. - -.- Mr. and Mra William Elaroy Curtis of Washington, district of Columbia, war visitor in th elty laat week. Mr. Curtl- la the distinguished Journalist and writer. - Mra S. 8. Burt. Ml Lllllsn and Mis Edith Burt of Victoria, BrlUsb Colum bia who have been enjoying the sea air at Long Beach aa the gueat of Mrs. Burt's sister. Mrs. R. Knoll, have re turned to Portland for a. short visit before proceeding noma . , ..Afra Whitney of Chevenna Wyoming. I . . . -. - - . i . 1 -njoying a two monme visit wun relatives and mends in th city. Mr, Whitney Is superintendent of the Union Paclflo and had to postpone his visit till later because at the heaVy traffio ffe" 'T . , -.. ' General and Mra Oate and their son were guest last weak at- the Portland.. Th general, is , one or ' juaoamg -g x- govrnora -'." , . . . Miss Eva Fortmiusr er Eaat Twelfth street, who has been vieitlng her aunt t Albany, hm . returned homa. ; 1 MUSICAL NOTES. Samuel H. Ooodwyn. mualcal director of Ben Greet' English playera who were here last eaon, I expected in Portland thla week. He ha written to H. T. Ov4att that h-wae eo well pleased witl) the city that he arranged to make hla home in Portland aa soon a he ended his engagement .with Greet Me expect to teach music. COMING EVENTS. The Ban- Greet Endeavor society of First PresbvUrtan churoh la preparing' for a trolley party tomorrow evening. The member will tak frlenda and a Jolly time I expected. . Y .- Dancing. ' Mra Nina La row' a hall, Twarrty third and' Kearney. . Ready to com menea aeaaon. ' Phon or call till S P. m. and evenings after 7. except xnuraaay. FOURTH AND WASHINGTON MADE 01 C HH "' . . 01. UlndoW ' I 'Y ' r