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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1905)
jr... -POKTCAND. OREGON. SUNDAY MORNING. AUGUST" 27, 1SC3.-7 Ijhe olds, vontr.iAN and "TIIE DIFFEnEfiT StOriE' FIFTn, SIX.TIJ AND yASIIirGtCri STI1EETS thl olds, ;;VcSTr.arAr:: LKGrSTORES'3;:-: - KIN& STORZS ti:e rcnmosr cipahtkent kzuzz west crcrccAGo " ' i 1 W ; Dress Shields IOc ' 'Extra Quality Light Weight Summer Press Bhields, sises 1.1 and 4, Special, per 1palr...l0 65c Bock Comb 39c Finest Quality Smooth .Finish SBell Bik Combe; our" Wo value. SpeolaL each.....39 65c Side Comb 39c Finest-Quality, Smooth Finish Shell Side Combe J our 65o valus.fl Special -at. each...... 39 ,15c Pifl Books Kk Klrby Beard Beat Khg Ush . Bltck and ; White Pinej assorted, in seat hook.". Special, st,.-.-. - " each f- m. 104 63c Neettie Books 45c Needle Books, leather, lance .assortment; of best gold-eyed needles, ' Spe cial at, each....... 45 Kk Garment Saaps 6c Beat Quality Ball and Socket Snaps, black or Shlte. Special. , i " i)w ..i t....6 SUMMER CROWDED OUT BY APPdDACH "OF FALL In the realms of department store merchandise August is the last summer month. No matter what freak the i weathermay te fall styles and faU goods are. due with 'September. While progressive, house like this are well prepared for the season by receiving advance shipments, our store hews today tells the .story of the old season and the new. With only four more days remaining we must give our remaining summer stocks a. push and a shove thaOrill mova them immediately. The: prices named for tomor row's seUing will make' the closing of this-sCaion an occasion to be remembered. . The edict has gone forth to dear put the sum mer' goods and orders must be obeyed. ?':."; ;' :i ' . - T.'', - .'' .'' - m, S E AS G ft! Visitors ! Cordially Welcome To Share; with our' patrons ery prlrUere of this treat store-: Its- rHKB phenea...reetroom.- writing tables fully supplied with atatlbpefr.-ati, drlnklns; founUlna with the beet cotdrunnlnc water to be found In America, lavatories and " toilet-rooms, ' lunchroom for' those 'who brine '.their "nag- and', nip" with-them., postal facilities.: free cooking school. Information bureau and directories. Parcels checked' - free and. .If you- wish to shop,. the most delightful store to roani through.: . , 7 'V :"t'ti--i 'd ' NEW ARRIVALSLcdiesYAutcmoMIe 'S Coats, Redihgotes, Shbrt Coats : saxo: loom noom. Our advance showing can' beet be expressed -by" the wor4s of one privileged to see the goods bndlsplay: "It Is simply wonder fuL". No other store hereabouts attempts to approach our display, either In magni tude or qualities. "The coats consist, of . every late style, long and short. 'made of the season's newest materials In all the ' wanted oolors. such as purples, greens.-gray mixtures, . reda..oIlves. tans and ; blackw Prloes rang from.. '...90.50 o $85.00 IJU)IE$ NEW FALL SUITS ? The new arrivals !nv Suits embrace all the ' correct styles of the season and ln -erery fashionable color." They are made In -the -extremely popular Bedlngote long coat style, alao bloutes-aftd Btons and a very' pretty style with ST-lnch looss cost. These com' In , broadcloths, serges, Panamas,, homespuns! mannish ' mixtures, " prunellaa, eherlots, " etc.' To suit every" fancy and ' ' S4 ka m -4 K f pUINk . iivwmiiVMiVV WVV . . i Just the Frock every woman wants' for wear . 'round the house" while house bold duties are In order; mad from pretty jSercales, In a variety of at tractive patterna and colors, among them blue andT white asfStrlped de-- slgns;'' values 'up - to $1.19 for.., Fall Silks have arrived In almost endless variety. The Plain Bond Suitings that ar warranted In every shade ar selling rapidly. ..'''.- - Tb Plain and Novlty Moires ar well worth making a special " trip to see. A - ,S v ; ; ir1 It is simply Imposslbls to attempt to describe th Novelty Chiffon Taffetas and other beautiful weaves, you must really ses them.-. ;- -. .- . ' A"-- ' Plaid Bilks for-snit and -waists ar now-oiT'dlsplay in- every new effect and color. All priced lower than you, Muldlnd the same elsfwhereT '-r " :j"'.r.'"j'y. " I : Bonnet jet Cle's world renowned Black and Colored Vilks snown I esuiluslvely here. ' ... . - . i . . m- ' - ii : ' ... t ' II I ' ' . .. . . . .. II , -. -.. , , ,, . ... .'. : Z , a .Bin outur-vf aui or immerrlinit- Indervvaranff i - m r omen s at Hosiery; rmsT FLOOR are tom MxxT nm womrm . ... -. so cxim. .. Women's WhIU Medium-Weight Swiss. Ribbed. Knit Veetj low neck and . sleeveless; .our too value. Special at, each...37t woicnrs son tmti tom is. Women's Seamless Whits ' Cot ton .Vests, very neatly trimmed; bur too value. Special at, " each .15 wowuri xxftxa tmoi Women's "Merode" White Lisle Knit Union Suits, long sleeves, ankle length: our fl.U value. Special at.. each ...91.05 womro fsas uvxosr suits ; Women's "Merode" Whit Silk and Lisle Union Suits, with long or short sleeves or sleeveless and knee or. fcnkl length; our velue. B pe dal st, tha suit. ............ .......$1.49 ' vonn slss nnoi sxrrrs rt. . V Women's Extra Else Whit Cotton Union Suits, high neck, long sleeves, ankle length; our IMS value. 'special at, the ult.... ...... 79 ', - vonn f mo varosr stjtts li. Women's White Silk and Cotton Union Sultei sleeveless, kne length, lae trimmed a big ll.tO value. Special at, the suit... fl.19 V. woinn tzwm mm loraiT, ? -r... ,. - woirara SB-jKoa- 4. : ... Women'--Very-TIHeT51ack Lisle Hoserit-fTK2" -Jshed imported atock, and-wrf Wjvaju Bpeclal at,' the pair,., ....V. ., ...... .... .43) '", '. .-..soo xon i"o saa..:: ? ; . Women's Fin Black Maco Cotton Hose, with white double sole; one of our best lOo values. 1 jSpeclal at, the peir j .....85s woinrro aon s,. Women's r Fine BUck Oaus -Llele Hose, with spliced heel and double sole; ottr, IOC value. Spe cial atj the pair. .........i. ,.35 . .... -i ' I, ,'.-... .-t ' ; woumwn as son sbo. . . , ..... Women's Black Lace Lisle Hoe, assorted styles, finished foot, aplendldjy made; our-8 So value. Bpeclal at, the pair. ......i... ...25 raun ssownrd. or rut n worm ' V .. '; . nrXT . VWOMMWUAM. ' .. . . i Our fall and winter welghta of Women's Xnit Underweatar now ready for your inspection. Greater quantities and better qualltlea than ever, before with prices very reasonable Bee them. tfeatitiful Ribbons in End lessVariet Roman Btrlpes. Fancy Walds. Dresden Iff ecta, "Embroidered Ribbons.' Silk andT,Bt'hT,1t Ag.fln a showing aa you ever saw. and suitable for' millinery purposes.-ttesr girdles; -ssshe or dress trtinmlnga. All are reasonably pri SATIW TArrSTA BXaaOVS from i Inch to inches wlds snd SZUC, TATTSTA IH10M from 1 Inch to ( inches wide, priced, at the yard.' from. r.. ..QHi P 75 FalLXarpetsNewJGoods- Jusl-nCrimlT We'sreihowins new 41na of Carpets In th , . . I . . 1 ' '" - ' - n . -Mim. porUand carpet xhJblt W ar always de lighted to show our carpets, and cordially Invite everybody to visit our big daylight carpet room on the fourth floor-' W handle reliable goods only and-prtc them Ilk this: "TV, ' Tapestry Brussels, par yard... 81 95 Hl.08 Roxbury Brussels, per yard....,..?;; 17.. 1.22 Best Body Brussels, per, yard... ........ .$1.58 Best Wool Velvet, "per ysrd. . . .7. '. . . 8 1.44 Wilton Velvet.' per yard. ..f 1.71 Upson Martin Axmlnster, per yrd. ....vflJl3 Blgelow Axmlnster. per yard .fT;!3--:.v:-.m -OA An Other Kake a XKrwest Prloes. New Arrivals i(i Lace : Curtains v Including Brussels' and Renalssanc effecU. Cable NetCluny, Arabian. Real Brussels, Battenberg, Ruffled -Net and' Ruffled 'Swiss and Novelty effects more than 100 different styles to select from.' Com and sea them. ' ".' : New Arrivals ; in Couch Covers, Portieres and Piece Goods. SPBOZAZJi rOB on - - Scarlet - Wool -Blanetr Valu 15.00 Special, while they last, at.. $2.50 Value IMO Special, while they Ust, at..83.25 Pendleton Robes, value $4.10, for... ...... $2.50 .FlnmtajojYyoot Bnfcets; regular valu Special. ach ... r. .T. . . . ... ..... .......... 4.95 Pendleton Iiidlan Robesr choicest patteriul and oolors ' f' ; .; ' ' t ' Valus $f.0 Speclsl, ..... t.0O Valu .B0 Special 85.00 .Valu IS.S0 Special V. i li . . . ; $4.75 Stationery Specials y: " --i:.: I" ON TUB TAIR-WAT." ' i ss wmiroro AP , s: A larg assortment of fin Box' Writing Papers, In 'cloth and bond finish, in white, gray or blu tints; bur Ho value. Special at, the' box.... 20 ss FAPBB trnrcra: saTS 'lT Fancy Crep Paper Lunch Seta, In aaeorted da signs, contain table cloth, 1 dosen napkins and l.dosen dollies; our ISo value. Bpeclal at,. the set ,t it,.. ..... ; ., , j.jjjis . IT. For wrapping lunches, eakeSt etc. 14. sheets In 'roll. Bpeclal at, roll. y.. .4 , -v. tassoom - soxsaoms.' ; nat auallty, nlckol-plsted. air slsos. Special at. the pair ;..22 Te w Fal I Dress Goods v Remarkcble Showing in Our Dress Goods Annex -;; ,.'-,;..',,.:'.' ; . tirst Floor New Colored Dress Goods for faU ar now. In, and her without doubt you win find th largest oonctlonof vry new weave and color shown west of Chicago.' Th new Tartan'.plaids In .all the different clans, new French TJrap'et Prunellas and chiffon broadcloths , that are warranted . not to . spot. ' .. New rainproof fabrics, new Panama. Henriettas. Eolllennts, Poplin de Chene, chiffon voiles, silk and wool poplin in fact. Verythlng new that, can be found In the world's best faahioa centers and markets. W wish particularly to Invit you to see our assortment of novelty worsted and Panama cloths now on display, ranging In prlc from, per yard...w...;...............'.f 1.90 82.60 New Silks " Next TuesdoyTwedJ' , " ; nesjlayjind Thiirs- I: ; day, 'Aug.-29,30t3l , - vw-' '::''.r. Another Great "Special Sail" You ; -v . Should Attend. : ',...- .t. ajto OFFomxuaur to atnr Children's Colored Wash Dresses -at-HalFPrice: " IN BABT-fO-HISS SALONa ;" , . "J - . Wlnfer goods are coming In very arly ' this seaaon and we "need the room for - -them. Rather than ator away th re- malnder of onr stock of Children's Colored -tWssh Dresses we willingly g1ve yon th oenent ana oirer mem 10 .you at jun . half thels-actual value; ' . -They are mad of plalf and fancy waah' materials. In a big variety of styles and in all elses from 4 to 14 years, - Tour un restrlcted. choic of, any of 1 them at.... XAU nidi nuoi ok oxxuDBnra - , ajto lonm : XATS Our stock of Children's Hats and Bon neta in mull, chiffon ' and lace ribbon trimmed was never so pretty ss It has been this season, -V While tha stock Is somewhat broken at this time, there is still a good aaaortment from which to eelect, and regardleea of former prices w hav reduced them Wo. SiU X0 rnr coaanT ooTaaa ros aiir. . ' , SECOND -FLOOR. ' ' ' . , ' Odd and broken tines of Corset Covers, mad of cam brio or fin nainsook. In full front styl snd trimmed daintily with lac. or mbroldery; our regular values irom soo 10 i.k. .va Special at.................. ......... y .JLAXJP TMXC T ros ,son tumL imn wot to. Xadl"' Whit rraet Flannel Skirts, kne length, made with deep flounce and tucked; our regular Tlo value. Special sal 7I I MMMIIoi' V'Wf a 1 " ' B0TA& WOKOSSTBB OOBSTS. ' Wa have tust received another larg shipment of th famous Royal Worcester Corsets . and among them came some of tha new fall models. They must be seen snd examined to be fully appreciated . rXadfes' Fancy -tittiAlJInhrMwmi- pur silk- In th sweUest blu and green plaids. All hv th beet steel rods with th doubl Im proved lock rib Ps'ragon fram. Best natural' wood handles with fine, heavy, silk tassel; regu lar rain slse; eur l.00 valu. Extra, special for Monday and Tuesday only at, aoh. 2.98 Miondoipecial Dorgairis in Domestic Aisles-T-rirst Moor '. ' . . $C00 XXKMM TABUS CXOTKS S4.T8. About 7i Fin Irish- UMn Taoie 'Cloths,' border.; all . around. I yards wide, t yarda long, pretty new patterns, very durable; regular value $.00.' Special, each. ... v . .7.94.78 lo TOWBUHO) UM. Russia Toweling, can't be beat for wear and , drying purposes; regulsr' value-ta - Special, th yard..l2H ----'- IBo TOWIUTO 11. . i .Heavy Twilled Unbleached Llneq Toweling, rl menes -wwe; reguisr vslue lto. Bpeolal. the yard. .1 1 Hemstitched Linen Towels special values at each.. 25 35 and 50 sxDgraaAsa aso. .. Hemmed Bedspreads, doubl slse. neat design. .Special at each.. .86 KAJuraxuaa sromsiM sias. Larg 81s Bedspreada, Marseilles pattern.' good for hotel us. ' Bpeclal at each 91.25 oaoonT aiomiAPi iln. Fin Wearing 'Quality Crochet Bed spreads, made of -ply yarn. Special at, each - 91.50 ittv awTJSnBmaAIia aa.00. Satin Bedspreads, In handsom raised designs.' cut corners and fj1"? SpecUl, each .. -93.00 . IS FtUOW OASSS 10. . imu. rva from aood round thread sheeting. HnacIaJ. each APBOaT onro: leTiBD. ..aa .a- vwtr. win. ouaiitv "oinaham for aprons, eta. Special. ,,uv. 7.1 u v. . - - . ark per yard . ............ m vr.amT. OAATJSL At the Flannel Counter will be found- aplck and span new goods arriving dally., marked -at th most modest prices. . I5c Tooth Brushes 5c ' 1.009, Extra-Grade Tooth I Brushesj our 1 to yalue A great', extrsj ' special at. .each... ,,.B 1 '8c Hand Brashes 4c j Larg' Sis Fiber Hand Sural), Brushes, " with olid wood backs; our, to ' value. . Special at,, i ; each. i.,..'MMt.,,w44 ; .Motfe B:is to Czxzr Our JIo value. ' Bpeolal at, thf box. ...... ..3 - , $15 rouaUla Syringes 98c.. Red Rubber Fountain Syringes, mad t bast pur-- gum, guaranteed,' i-quart -else; .our : $1.11 valu. Special at, -each ..............98 I9c Chamois Skins 12c Medium 81s Chamola Skins, beat quality; our. 19o valu. . Special at each ..............12 10c Writiag TableU 6c Best Quality Ruled Writing Tablets. .: white, not sis,' for Ink; our lOo valu. Special at. each . ....... .e) Ladies' $5.00 Umbrellas tor S2.9& the Monday Soecials in . B . Jevyelry Aisles - 'J- FIRST FLOOR WEST ANNEX. GOLD' RINGS FROM 23c Just reoelved a large aaaortment of Win. Loeb A Co. Solld-Oold Shsll Rings. In th newest and handaomeat designs, set wtth pearls, opals, tur quoise, amethysts, etc, elso In plain oval and hgraved bands, to fit men, women, misses and babies; values from, each. ....1. 25 to 91.60 TAsuurrn. -AH Biags stamped W. b k 0 art warraatea o wees- S years' onstaat use. Those that fafl -to gtv satisfaction wffl be replaoed ta any stove 1st th TaltoS State whew W. X Oo.1 Bungs are soUU Was. Zoh Ooh Makers of Mings, Prevtavo, SV. a- - Exquisite New taces aiid r Trimmings for Fall - W hav a very hand torn, showing of New res"todTTmmgpaJiaamough thr Stockr ls seemingly ' complete,-many others are coming In; rapidly... Her you will find everything that 1 swell -ana new for trimming your pretty tall gowns, and w earnestly request you to Inspect these 'lines carefully before buying. In the show ing ar:'- . ; BABT TRfSH CROCHET BANDS "and EDOE9. priced at th yard '......90 95 BABT IRISH CROCHET ALLOVXR8 to match. NET TOP LACE EDGES and. BANDS, priced at th yard, up from. ............ ...25 aad ZS4 With ' NET TOP LACH ALLOTERS to match. POINT -VENISB LACE BANDS ' and EDQINQS. priced at the yard, np from. ,,...15 aad 2ff With POINT VENISB LACH ALLOTER8 to match, HAND BOMB BLACK SILK VENISB BANDS Priced at the yard, up from...... .........75 BLACK MERCERIZE&.VEIttSB BANDS Priced at th. yard, np from....yi.s......T;'.i..8o BLACK SILK NET" TOP LACKS Priced at th yard, up frUm.. .......75 PERSIAN 'BANDS. In elegant designs priced at th yard, np from............. .'.23 , PERSIAN VELVET BANDS, Very handsome new trlmmlng-i-and BEATJTIFtTL NKW. EM BROIDERKU BAND8 in fancy Prrslan effects. Savings in Men's Goods tnroxmwBAB ros 10. ;.Tf good lines of Men's Ribbed -- Balbrlggan Underwear,-In brown, and salmon pink.' , W wish j to dose out thes line befor th summer season. Is over, so w offer them at the aatonlahlng low pries of, th garment....... 19 mm r ) H OJUtUUia AXAXOATOB ; For ladles or men very hand some, well-mad bags : ' ' ; . 14-inch sis; our tl.SO valua - Spe-" cial aale price, each...... .92.60' Our' fS.IO valu. - Special , aal prlc, each 94.00 MIBS BOO lUMMUlBg SS.. Men's Bus penders, in medium anf light weights and plain on fancy webs, with leather nda; our lOo value. Special sal price, th pair.... ..25 . yj ' .. SB rOtrsWraT-HAaTPS IS. '.. Men's Four-tn-Hand Ties, -in plain and Taney effects; our best 16 valu. Special at each. 194k ss ion TOM ISO. A lln of Men's plain Black Sox of Maoo yarn, with high spliced heels and doubl solea; extra valu at 15c , Bpeclal at, th palr...........lB : J ' y ' TB SXZXTS TOM 49o . Vn'u Neglige Shirts, with soft collar and cuffs; made of good, strong Oxford cloth our T(o value. Special at each...... ...............43 Millinery Bargain onJijonday; fo nn 111TC rnn -, New silk shirred dove-shape Turbans, in navy, black and brown ; , good, $3 value, . Special at . . . . . . .. . . . . .$1.C5 rwuo iS6.50 HATS m THeiewJetterl ifat, the latest, a s;! did) line. m thcsc,-.trimmed wit'j ; spangle and ostrich tips : So