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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1905)
.V w. ' ' . . . ..... . ; '-,'.,.... f . N ., . . .... -' ' -- ; - - . -' .- -h,.v ; r x rt in the Lines of a ,,. .. .. -. . . . - '.- ..v rwp. nmtct f ;. iv-J ' X Admission to : Rmtmrwd 9atM , now on mlm ' ' c( Skldmorm'M Drug Storm, -131 Third Strmmt and tho O. ' W. P. 4 Xy. Co. Ticket office J- flnt and jildmrSf, European JerfbrmersFr ly lighted; comfortably arranged ixxxm;:xx; :e hot alvjays A f.ilLLIOnAIRE Marine Exchange Records Show Charles Sweeny Was Secre ; ; tary at Hundred a Month. : THAT WAS NEARLY A ; v v- ; f QUARTER CENTURY AGO The J HUtoric Institution, fWhost - Founders Wcr Among the Build ers of tht Sute, Moves Today to Larger and Better Quarters.' T went r-flve years ago Charles Sweeny; h Spokane multi-millionaire, was seo- retary of the local marine exchange at a aalary of f 10 a- months And. those wer days when 1100- a month 'was con nldered email. Within the last few , months Mr. Sweeny haf purchased prop erty In this city valued at many hun dreds of thousands of dollars. The ' marine exchaage la still doing bualneaa Jiere and Mr. Sweeny often . vlslta It whe he Is in the city. v - The marina' exchange, which this morning Is located, at 11 hi Stark F.treet but tonight will be at 10 Second freet, was organised December . 17. nny orthoa who founded it were, and me are, among the best-known bual-c-ss mea of the Pactflc northweat. ' The mdera weret- W. S. LadiL WUllara . adhuni, John UcCraken, 1. L. Jltkln r in. James Steel, D. P.. Thompson. D. J. : aiarkey M-. St Burrell, pan V. Iehlgh, isrlea Sweeny and P. Wasserman. In e mlnutea of -one of the. early meet- AT FOIiKS - ! T lba ISO lba. KB. B. tfUAJAVX B VUtcott BuUsla, tost la w' "t T pounds Xe la ko' iaeaes Uri ia w. . .1 iaahes boot la a-a taaaes rals plitai siee aa Mm ef my appesfw sne S.C". and i"f rsdiictfoe br Dr. tnrNP. Mr k'lltk Is rrt l a.w enJnysS rtwr fc.lU la mf h: not a rlnkl to w vhr esrry year awrdsa loacar wkea r -(Mil kasdt , frw simrantMa bis tw'wt te t kvmlMi Is wtrrr p-vjrnr. as , M .lar.taa, e atmtaa f-om tmmU . wrinkles c dlwfurts. 1. I 'm s r-1llt la M wmrrrm. il ttfmt . M ,r u tt st HI Trt. 4 -4 MAnMin( ef ths f- i f Wll teHlac-sN ahset u O. V. F. SNYDCa. M. D. J tr-" r1, r-Ji and yrcr.n V V V The Grcatcst and Grandcst, 0 Pcsibiii f .' ; ;7-.'. Thrilling, Illjriiillllill ; grandeur and startling realism, indescribable and technic Mechanical fcveri Atmospheric effects. intra It la reorde tbat Charlaa Sweeny waa elactad aacratairr and was to r. cetra $- a niontta tor hiawork. 8t eral inonthc later W. J. Lehigh entered the companr and afterward manaaed the exchange until hla death in 18(7. It la now controlled by Mra.-Lehigh.- In order not to Interfere with the de livery of ahlppinr newa to patrons, the exchange la moving today. .- The new quarters will be located at 109 Second atreet." between Stark' and Washington, a half tlock aouth of Its present Iocs- Hon. ' la the past It yeara the marine Leschanga has been moved ' numerona tlmea .but has always been within- a block of the quarters it , occupied ' In mo. BIG SHIPS CHARTERED. Chlnsss Boyoott Xxokeau as JPorUaod !. Win Samel Vow Crop Oraia There. . - James : Laidlaw yesterday chartered two - British steamers to load flour and grain here for- the orient. The steamers secured are the Oceana 1.06 tone, and the Croydon,-1.419 ton a. Balfour, Guthrie sV Co. last Monday chartered the British steamer Imaum to . load grain for ' Japanese porta. Early la the week ths British steamer Kelvlnbank waa chartered to load grata and flour hers for the , orient. The chartering of these four steamers to load- here within ths next' few weeks shows that the much-feared Chinese boy cott Is .not playing havoo with local ablpplng as some feared It would. For several days many calls for flour and grain have been coming In from Japaneae merchants and from several dealers In leading Chinese cities. , The stocks of .foodstuffs in some towns of China are run low In spite of ths fact that merchants hostile to America have teen making heroic efforts, to Import enough- leur- from -Australia- to supply ths demand., Moat of the flour shipped front : hero will - be landed i in ..Japan, where it will be resold to ths merchants In Peking,' Shanghai, Foo" Chow.' Araoy, canton and Hongkong- - " -The steamers chartered by-the Laid. low company will not be la port at the to me ""time, -although local shippers do not think there would be any trouble Id (lading cargoes for both at the same loading. The Oceano Is the first due; he la at Shanghai,' where she arrived August with a cargo of coals from Wales. It is thought that she will be here by the middle of next month. The Croydea -was chartered for October load ing; she Is 'at Ocean Island, one of the Gilbert group In the South seas, having sailed for that place July II from Mojt, Japan.' Both steamers will come to Fort land In ballast. . '; ; ' The Oceano waa built at Port Glasgow in 10; she Is feet long, 1 feet beam and ST fee hold. The Croydon waa built In 1S9S at Sunderland, Is 141 feet long. 41 feet beam, and 26 feet hold. The vessels are operated by -A. Wejr co. - -'..".., ". -T - : Tae BrTlIsh - steamer . Cralghall was also chartered yesterdsy to load grain and flour at Puget sound cities for ths orient,' : . , THREE SHIPS AT DOCK. Wlnd-Jamwera Taking Oarge at Wert Fecifle Zasabe Oompaays aUXL The dock of the NorthT Pacific Lum ber company Is ens of the busiest la Portland; three large wind-jammers, the British four-masted baris lMnmora n4 Thistle and the American bark lease Reed.- are- loading -there.. -The- Plnmore will he ftret to aalL She will be loaded die latter part of next wk with ?.. fioa feet of fir for Adelaide; AOstraMa. L- Is in command -of Captain l. AtvUlea ? 5 JHistoricaljrBiblical, 0 .00 i j c i I j y -.r-.''' ''..'. ;',. ' "V ;' " ' f. if:' f'"f."': ; 'Cv'- .'''f Awe-Inspinng Destruction of Pompeii, and arrived in this city July 1 with a general cargo from England. The Thistle, a sister ship, will "not get away for several wetka..- Ths Thistle is loading ,(IOp.OOO feet of lumber for Auttrilif and' ts n command of Cape tain England. . She Bailed from this port two - years ago - grain ; laden .for the United Kingdom. ' ; r. ' 1 ' " . . The old - American bark Isaac Reed, which many years ago was one of the smartest packets sailing on the aeaa. Is receiving cargo for San Francisco. FLOATING TOWER OF BABEL XfUrUae Brings From Astoria. Zrfad of .'.';'" Flaaermea With Money. On i the Lurllne, which arrived from Astoria yesterday, a couple of hundred fishermen who - spent the , laat few months at the mouth of the' Columbia river- came to port. There were Ameri cans,1 Italians, Rusalanae-Finns, Swedes, Norwegians,- British, Germane, Greek a French and men of mixed stock; In fact, the Lurllne waa a floating tower of Babel, if ? 1,,.. .-. All ths fishermen had money. On the way up one had two handfuls of 120 gold pieces tuokel under his head for a pillow. ' In the - morning - when he started off the boat the money got loose and rolled In all directions. He recovered most of It. ..' . - " - ; ' TELEGRAPH A SUCCESS. Speedy Stars-Wheeler Baa Bis; Fassea. .'. -' gar Zdst an Astoria Ban. - - ', -. Captain Scott Is mors than pleased with the showing that bis speed ysstem wheeler, the Telegraph, is making. Tea terday waa her eighth trip to Aatorla and aha carried over tit passengers to ths month of the Columbia. On next Tueaday the members of the Portland Rowing club who will pull in the Astoria regatta will leave on the Telegraph, and plans are being arranged to take Admiral. Smith and hla ataff from here to the city by the sea.' The Telegraph will make the round trip to Astoria next Friday for the benefit of regatta visitors. The steamer generally is tied up on Fridays. , v. . 'ALONG THE WATERFRONT Captain Mann, of ths Britlah steamer Tottenham, states that he will no longer sail the seas without-an loechest. - He made up hla mind to this before'' he reached Portland and Is having a large Icecheat made after hla own design. It consists of two large Oregon pine boxes, one to fit Into the other, with about sis Inches of open work between. This will be filled with charcoal, and when tightly covered Ice will keep In it for a. long time. The chest will hold 1.800 pounds of ice. j The Tottenham is loading lum ber at " P"-'- 1 I vmbrr mills tnt north China. A report to ths merchants' exchange states that ths Swedish ahlp Clan Mae farlana, 1,44 tone, sailed from Port Los Angeles on August Ss for this city. She Is loaded with general cargo from Ant werp. Ths ship wss formerly owned by J . . Fraad Bxpoeea. A few counterfeiters have lately been making and trying to sell Imitations of Dr. King's New Ilacovery for Consump tion. CouchB and Col da. and other meril. rlnee, thereby- defrauding the public. This IS to warn you 10 oeware or such people, who seek to profit, through steal ing the reputation of remedlea which have been aucceaafully eurlna dlaaaaa for over St years. A aura protection, to you, is our name On the wrapper. 1.00k for It, on all Dr.- Klng'av Drt Burklen's remedies, as all others are mere imlta- Hone. IL y- BIJCKLRN i CO.. Chicago: III., and Windsor. Canada, r Skldmore Uruc Co, 1 Tnlr4 street. Most Elaborate, Gigantic Extravagant, Dramatic, Musical, iiMlii Tomorrow a British company. , hence -tha Scotch name..- . . ,. -, '.... ' - The- steamers Alliance, Roanoka. Aurelia and F... A Kilburn sailed from this city last night at o'clock. The Alliance only makes. Coos Bay anij jsurexa, ine other steamera maxing nan Francisco and way points. All were loaded with cargoes, and the passenger accommodations on each steamer were greatly taxed.' .'..' '...'.:. r.i Local agents . of the Pacific Coast Steamship company are planning to have the steamer Spokane stop st Portland on her way from Seattle to San Francisco. If she comes, the Spoka'ne will arrive August 1 or September 1. . , The steamer Cascade Bailed from Saa Francisco yesterday evening, for this city. She wilt -load lumber and gra hers for the Bay City.-, . .,- ' marine notes. "Astoria. Or.,' Aug. 26. Condition of Uia bar at t p. m. Smooth; wind north west; weather cloudy. No shipping moving."'"-'?.' , ..'.,'''' . .1' . -' Saa Francisco," Aug. -2. Arrtved-u. Schooner Mabel Gale, from Portland. Shanghai, Aug. 20. Sailed British steamer Imaum. for ' Portland. ' Saa Francisco, Aug. 24. 8a lied at t p. m Steamer Cascade, for Portland. Arrived at I p. m. Schooner Halcyon, from Columbia river. J Port Los Angeles. Aug. 24. Ballad Swedish ship Clan'MacFarlane for Port land. . '.:. .'; .. ,' .- IDAHO CITIZENS VOTE? , IRRIGATION BONDS v '.'. ': . " Hy . - :.; (Special Dispatch to Tae JearaaL) v Botae, Ida., Aug. 24 Settlers .of the Nampa-Metidlan district today voted to lasus f 480,00 -"bf. district irrigation bonds for. tha -purpose of buying exist ing canals, which are to be turned over to the government reclamation bureau, Thla action la In accordance with the requirements ' of r the secretary of the Interior In approving ths Rolae-Payette reclamation project by" which 100,009 acres of lands will be Irrigated. The same .proposition was voted down a year ago and carried today by an over whelming majority. -x.-". ".'-'.'.jr.rj . '..His Eyes Are Better. V San Francisco, August 10, 1905. Dr. A. Loocke. car of Walter Reed Optical Concession company, . Portland. Oregon. Kind sir: Last June I had ths pleas ure of visiting the Portland fair and by soma streak of -good luck ,1 cams Into your office at the fair. ' I had one eye that had been a erisat trouble to me for a long time. ; The optical science of San Francisco did ma. very little good, but under your treatirinut I soon became blessed with two good eyes, and I take the liberty to thank you In my .uumiue wajr x ours. truly - GEOROB W. H. PATTERSON- ' 1024 Pine street, San Francisco, Cali fornia. . '-.;.- ' -, I 1 . I . - ".' -- Jiow Asvortn Begatta Bates. , . Account the Astoria regatta August t, 14 and 11, ths O. R. A H sells oa August 24. 20 and SO, low round trip tickets, Portland to Astoria, good to return . September I. Particulars by ssklng st Third and Washington streets, Portland. - ' . " 7 ' " saa Aram' Broken. (gpeeial DtspaUh to TW earaaLr Rainier, Or., Aug, 24. While working t -the Columbia sash snd door factory L. W. Hunting haf " his right arm broken between the wrist and the elbowJ An accident happened to-the rip saw that. made It awing ba-k with such forr thai. It broke hla arm,' knocking blin stnselesc 7 . - . - J Scenic Spectacular W at '.;",.,.v, f V ' v'l'''--:!:. ''' :'; j-''vi i''''',''-;:r' ''".':-'--''J''- '' ''':fV by: yolcano and Eartbcuake. A scene of awful I never - forgotten." .Marvelous, Electrical "and 5 Pyro- , Acrobatic Specialties" by. noted Ameri LAHE VETOES HEIV r HEALTH LAW i. ; y . .... . t Does Not Approve of Council's Attempt to Bring" Plumbing ' inspector Under Its Control "iClVIL SERVICE BOARD V SHOULD DO APPOINTING Lane Holds Tbat Politics Should Not Control This Place and Says Tbat . )Less Bickering 'and More Work ; Would Better Conditions, " Mayor Lane haa vetoe3 the ordinance providing for placing the office of plumbing Inspector and assistant under the jurisdiction of the city council and appointing Thomas HrHulme and Harry W. Wood house to the respective post tlons. Ia his veto the mayor keenly criticises the council for sttemptlng to carry the offices Into politics instead of placing them under cltil service. He also criticises them for -attempting to create friction between tha legislative end executive departments of -the city tnstesd of working v harmoniously for the betterment of the city. "The tries- sage accompanying the .veto .follows: Keesag of ' "In returning to yon without my ap proval ordinance No. 14,220, whleb ordl-nancev-provldeafocth appointment of a plumbing Inspector at a, salary tof $125 per month and names Thomas Hulma for the place, and also provides for the appointment of a deputy plumb ing Inspector .at a salary -of $104 per month, and names Harry Woodhouae for the place, 1 have to say that there ! a question as to .where the authority for tha appointment . to these-of flees, lies, for the. reason that the laws upon the subject seem to conflict, and they may be read to confer that authority either upon the council, . the clvp service com mission, or : the mayor.. This Is shown by the fact that "the 'Civil service com mission -aa well - as -yourselves haa -laid claim to the supervision of those of fices and have called for an examina tion to fill them. That their claim is not without foundation Is shown by ths fact that the persons named In this 'or dinance as appointed by your honorable body,- have recognised its Justice snd have made application to tha civil serv ice commission '-to take such examina tion for appointment at the hands .of said commission. -- , 'v '.' Bights ef the Mayor. . . I "I will not enter Into a discussion of the rights of the mayor to appoint those officers, furthsr than -to say that I be lieve them to bo as well. grounded as those of the council, with the additional advantage to be gained by the city at large In that If the responsibility were lodged In the hands of the executive the Inspector Of plumbing .-could be made s valuable adjunct to' the health depart- E 4 aWiai assa. srss-ee-. Sj4jaa.luaJ to and Pyrotechnical Open j v II Ml I II 1 1 . ii 8 at ment of , the city and with harmonious work be or great value in Bettering tha hygienic condition of the community a result of , vastly . greater - importance than any personal or political considera tion. '-,,';, - ' -.-;' ' ' The intention of our present- charter was that politics, should be entirely re moved from the government - of the city's affaire, and therein tha alms of the charter -wer founded in wisdom, snd so fsr ss I am Concerned" I am quite willing to be governed by them, and It la my opinion that the Interests of this city will be hast astved by turning this appointment over to' tha clvtr jservlce commission. By doing this the appoint ment will be made on merit and merit alone, as In the examination to be held the best man will win. as he by right ought to do. This branch of the service of the people will be removed frarh shy narrow bias or political prejudice and tha rights of the people in this respect are, and should be,, supreme. Also, the city will bo saved that petty spectacle of two of its coordinate branches of government engaged In a' lawault to settle their "rights" (God v save ' the mark), when they had much, better' be working together, to devise some useful method to better the condltlona of the city affaire, which are In dire need bf their beet efforta-. This la a duty for which wa were elected and we art In honor bound to attend to ft first." ' PROGRAM OF CONCERT X X. BY HAWAIIAN BAND The Royal Hawaiian band will play concerts aa follows at the fair on Sun day: i : ', ;' .; -v:' ; .. ., - ' Afternoon March, "Semper ' Fidelia" (Sousa); - overture, "Autumn ' Queen" (BlggeU-vonal (a JTtnPu Me Hana." tht "Hllcl NO 111 All." M.H.rr.. x.n AlapaU lntermeio, ."A Bit of Blarney" inen;r -rocsr is; --. jveonaona, (h) Mako Poll." Royal Hawaiian OleacTub; "Reminiscences of All Nations" - tcuwt. Malu 1 Ka Ao," Madame Nana Alansl: waits, -"Thou- and Thou" tfitrauest; vocal., (a) ."Illhla, 4b . "Mololnnl." Royal Hawaiian Olee club; march, "Man Behind the Gun"- 8ouea; . "Hawaii Ponol" r"Star-Spangleo- Banner.";T,T: . Evening Grand march, "Hawaii Nel" Berger); overture, "Victor Emmanuel" (Kllng); vocal, (a) "Hobheno," (b) "Llkl Kal O Oheie." Madams Nana Alni- finale, "Tannhauser" (Warner) vocal. (al "Kolev" -Yh "Kn U.l. Un...... Royal Hawaiian Glee club; - "Interna tional Musical congress" (Sousa); vocal, fa) "Wal Mannns." ihi "Ah n. Madams Nane AlHpal; Inteymesso, "Ka ma" (McKlnley); 'vocal, (a) "Molo lanl," (b) ."Na Noho au Kupa," Royal Hawaiian Glee Club: march. "Tha Creoia Belle" (Lampe): "Hawaii Ponol" i-Htur. Spangled Banner." . , " ARE YOU GOING EAST7 ; ! It So, Zaewn A boat the Terylow O. B. y; ;. " . s B. Bates., ; : ; Mentetnlier T : X S mnA IS K ft '.tt A N. places on sale very low rats long time tickets east, account.'!. O. O. F. rrand Indsa tneefln VhifsHeinhia Particulars by asking At Sclty ticket of- rice, , -intra ana - waahlngton streets, Portland. !-.' .' ..''' Xxearsloa Bates te Viewport. .- ' The Southern 'Paclflo eomoanr haa placed onjMleat all - rortlnnd offices round trip tickets to Newport st rate of tf. .limited to October 18...180J. and for 42 Saturday to Monuuy . tickets.' Ample hotel accomtr -jJntlone at reason- ,'':,'.;f'':: v ..'.. ""; '-;. ' y- " ' able ates are provided' at this popular resort. : u , -r. ,. . . .... : r'i.'v ; . J ' We All Love ' v." J ', Your face is 'deformed if it Is not attractive.' Nature never intended one to be fascinating; and another f hideous. e We can take. That Wrinkled Face And smooth it out so. neatly that you will k scarcely ' know yourself. If you are , envious of some ac quaintance who - Seems to have everybody for a. friend, , because beauty mantles her charming; face, besharnedf ;yottrself,-i-Sh,Ja'. only. what jnature Intended her to beand you as -welL "Tfou" may be, too. ' We Can Correct t Vc :'j Your Visual Fallings x In One Visit Xr. ?kr Without the use of the knife. -So do not longer hesitate. ' Come now, and . reap the contentment-, that beauty brings as you pass along the road to your journey's end.' Noses that are humped, crooked, dished, hooked or puggy; ears that lop over, or-stana out from the head; lips;, that are too thick or improperly shaped, can be made shapely and as nature ' intended them without pain, without dan ger, without scars or detention from daily duties. ,v, ' '," ..--'. ; The Dr. Institute Suite 17-20 Sc'mng-Mirsch Build. ing WashtngtoauStf est, be wn ' West Park and 'Tenth. , .Telephone Main 706." - Hasten f)