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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1905)
s ' , ... f - - , , - . . . . - v ' . , : , : ' . - i . 4 - 1 ' ' - - ; . , . ; ' ' . . . ..,.: ' t i, ' - T ... . V . . V . . - i ....'..., j . ... . , - - ! . - ' . , i " ' - t ' t u '(Mill! I oo 'In ita funeral dhroud, neath treacherous VeGuvius' fiery chowcr of irioiteri lava and ashesnow sleepa this proiid city of tne pasw a nis lernuie caiasiropnc is must yi viuiy unu . uu imn&iy j. piuuuvvji,- (.upimwu- wr- , ; ...... ' ' ' . ' m . . m m w m . v a mi. .' oow t TenEhi&dua low in ruins the stately palaces, temples, arches and tri- umphal columns of this vast mimic city, acn pertormance lermmaung wun a magnuitcnu 9" uispiuy ux -y....-,'-,. . ..fc.,. a.;.;-'.,,, " .; .. -t. , - --- , -hv j: j,,,. . .' , , t -'" p ,- '?-,v'?.,;,,,.;'J'.l ' V-'. am ' i"" "' ' , . ' v, '7;'' y;;ry. U7aV iv1 vv 1 n77RVr T?Yc t - Niarara;Falls in Fire! (The Spirit of Niagara) -Aseetbig, hissing torrent of silver GrcJiWkctoiJtriecr v,:: , exact duplicate, of the great pyrotechnic feature ot tne monster v am aispiaysaiw oiauium ui uic ou 4 Amuii ' and the Pan AmericariExposWon at'Biif&lo;'biily-one of the ."more than one thousandT aerial, aquatic and fancy ' W devices'ih the on Monday night at the opening of Pain's stupendous spectacle V I I I . , , . i , . . . - ' . . " i i t .. o o li ii k RESERVED SEATS NOW. ON SALE AT SMfccrc's Brno f Store, 151 Third Street, cntl lne .0.;V. r. h uy. tp. s licuei umce, jitsi ana uczr airec. V ' " - , DI6 TRADE DEEDS LARBER PLAtlT : Willamette Iron Vnd Steej Works '" lncrai Itt Capital and - , . ..t . 4. .... GROWTH OF BUSINESS! 7 .- ; . HAS BEEN VERY GREAT ."Will Cmm Doing PromUcuoui Mtnu- hcturtog end Will Devote the Im ', proved Michlnory end Extended f.Pacilltiee to Specieltie. ,.49 . ' i " - ' i V ' ' j-.V f ' ' . ;,, ... ' The WllUmette Iron Bteet Work, of thta city bee Jed eunplfinentery rt. of iSicorjwrethm euthorlelne a l crMM In the eepttel etock from I1IV000 to JOe.00 end la making- " nrAmonta and iUitlona to the BUnt, Whleb la alreedy the Ureat englnaerlnf establlahmant In orgon- " ' For "ome time,. peat. It hea ru- v.. k. nM vrAwth of thlem- atltetlon would ahortly eeealUte whence of location, end the manat mnt liaa bed under eonahteretlon e eumber of evelieble waterfront alte where extenalone. Prior to tekin eueh radl eel atep. lt waa thought advlaable to brtn the preaanrpraht'upto irht$ het eteta ot efficiency-in order to get full beneflte from the natural edrentagee offered by location ao favorable to general repair and manuacturlpg oppor tuntttea. ' . ' '. Puraoent to thla poHeyr-the preaent blaokamlth ahop will be converted Into an. additional epeee for machine tool, end a much larger end more convenient forging department wilt be built to oc cupy 40 -by 7S feet n the northweat corner ot the property. , , s. , - .'s - V . Improving the remadry. The foundry will oe extended to meet thla new bleckamlth ahop. and one oon tlnuoua apece Set teet long wilt be de voted to theae depertmente. The foun dry equipment will be greatly improved by the addition of a ie-ton an electric crane which la at the Lewie and Clark expoaltlon. The preaent erecting chop will alae be greatly - enlarged and a number of modem machine toole will be added to the machine ahop equip ment. These addltlona will utlliee to the beet advantage all the available apece of the block and will greatly Increaae the producing power of the plant ( .. . The ehlpplng facllltlee by rail are tmaurpaaaed. aa , the car of, all four tranacontlnental rallroada are available by private epur. and the riverfront lo cation of the allied Induatry, the Wil lamette boiler work a, makes the hand- S Agoaiatag Baaaa ' . are Inatantly relieved, end perfectly healed, by Bucklen'e Arnica 8 aire. C. RLvenbark, Jr., ot Norfolk. Va. writes: "I burnt air knee dreadfully. that It blistered all over.' Bucklen'e - Amice Salve etopped the pain, end healed M without aecer." Also heale all wound ad snrea. tM at ftkldmore Drug Co ling ef marine work convenient and eco nomical. - .--.";.'. '.., . Ample warehouse and eflioe require ment a are provided by the eubaUntlal brick building which occupies the cor ner diagonally' opposite the works, and in all reaoecta the Willamette Iron ft Steel works may be coneldered admir ably fitted to take care of the increasing machinery requirements of the country. Will Develop gpeelal Saaee. , The policy haa been to eliminate a large amount of promiscuous manufac turing and to devote the entire plant to the development of a few specialties. The recent progress In offsetting eastern-competition haa been a great en couragement to the hope that, the In creasing Importance of the maritime development of Portland will, ahortly warrant the installation of thoroughly modern plant where, eteel . shipbuilding and other extensive engineering under takings may be handled In a way which will bring thla city Into prominence as a port which is not only able to pro duce Its own shipe, but la able to give the aame dlspatcb te Important repair work that hue been one of the moat sa lient ft-nturee-in accenting the promi nence of some of the other citlee on the Pacific coast In fact, the drydock which la equal to any similar dock In the world can only be brought up to any real state of emclency by being op erated li conjunction with the complete equipment of a modtrn engineering ea '.abliqUmeflt. f . " V ?. v ; , .at (Joans! gaedal genteel ' Washington, Aug. The Coata Rl cart legation state that ' In the recent presidential election . 'none of the delegates, obtained the necessary ma jority. In consequence of which congress will have to decide the election. SUED HIM FOR DIVOaCE BUT OERUS HIS ESTATE 7 Beautiful Artlt' . Model IGeta ; Fortune Left by Man Sho Eloped With and Deserted."' ' . . ' (Joaraal Specter-aarvtce.) Denver. X:olo Aug. !. Mrs. .' Merle Everett Fleming Brown Eaates will re oelva the tl0.0 left by Henry O. Brown when he died here aeveral months ago," despite the Tact that aha waa suing for a divorce when Brown' died. Brown made a will, but under the Colorado law It became Invalid when he married. ' As his wife hed not aecured a divorce, the ault did not forfeit her right ; ., . , The Browns eloped from Chicago to Santa Barbara where they were married. Mrs. Brown, who la considered one of the most beautiful women In the United Statea, waa In demand aa an artlsta model. . Executors of the estate aay they have had no recourse but to give her the money. She ,1a now the wife of-J. C Eaates ot St Loula One of the executora eaid: . ' "A will waa executed by the deceased before marriage which has been record ed. Although It 1s void, we wish the same so declared before wa deliver the money, ao we may be fully released. EQUITABLE DIRECTORS t- ADMIT WRONG DOINGS i - ' (Jovaal Special Service.) -'New Tor. Aug. . The Equitable Ufa Assurance society In lta answer to the charges made against Its directors by. the gUte Joins the commonwealth In asking for a full investigation in oourt of Its eVrectora and officers and their alleged wrongdoings AdrnTiltoriT guilty of Improper acta . The 1260.000 loan to the Depew Improvement com- piny, the Smith H4.000 tlosa ao-,the Mercantile Trust company, . the rental of Broadway'' premises at " Inadequate fates to tho Mercsatlle Befe Deposit company, the purchase of cspltsJ-etock In the Missouri Safe Deposit company at SISO a ahare, when the shares were wprth but 1100. together with wasteful and - Improver advance of money to agents, arg among the admissions made In the anawer. ;.-., L VainXf!hr r .'':; i- Every Saturday.-'1 Ak: Aft CaR.--Seaside Spjlsl--A.1C.RR, : a. m. 4 Leaves - : a, m. l.'tA p. m. Union Depot ' I !: p. m. Twe-day-Round Trip Tickets Two-day t On aele Saturday only. Ko. transferee , o deUya.4 No.uat C. A." 'aitairatt.'-'AgenU ill' Alder Street ' ' ' Anotejaf Zadlaaa Xaada. . ' : ' ' ' ' ' (MtaI Dtasateh te Tse JearaaL) ' Aberdeen. Wash.,' Aug. M-County Assessor Archer left today for the i nlault Inditn reservation to ber 1 work Of allotting the lands to t. dlana About toe Indiana are f to receive lands, although but 1 living on the xttervetioo- . 21 ,000 STAGE STRUCK GIKLS TSincEWYOiciry- Would-Be Actrettee Having Hard Times on Brpadway Wo ; Show Without Pull. glrte on Broadway who are seeking the atrical positions. 8peektng of her own case, aha tells of her tramp from the home.. of one manager to another, waiting in man agers' offices until sick and waary. Once aha fainted and finally came to the hope leas realisation that here Is absolutely no chance for an outsider without In fluence or "pull" to get a minor engage ment In New York. - - - . : 1' tJearsal Speefct servlee.) New Tork. ' Aug. t. Stage-struck girls from all over the country are brav ing hardship, privation and bitter dis appointment in the hope of obtaining a theatrical engagement In New .Tork. The Evening Journal publishes the story of Lotta Burnelle, a young actress, who tried for months without the slightest show of success to secure a' position. She Is a member of a well-to-do family In Long Island, and haa had some atage experience. Her published picture showa that she I personally attractive and an Interview proves her intelligence.': Mlee Burnelle estimates there are Jl.toe other Tea WALU WALLA TOHAVt- V v TROLLEY LIKE SYSTEM ' ,. ) r " ' (leermal gswial gervieat " - Walla Walla. Waab Aug. tl The city council haa passed the ordinance granting a franchise te the Walla Wall ' Valley Tract "on company for the con struction ef a street railway aystsm 1 Walla Walla. Tracklaylng will se on Eaet Main etreet next week. T company also plana an intsruroan 1 from thla city to Milton tft" 1 towna of College Place-aad tr The corporation is owned by h phla capitallsta, who own the g Fight planta In Spokane, Walla Baker. City. Boise. Salem and Kur ':v.zzr.v( killed cv arc ; yea r.ttlVt Z'-t Neve . . r twe wouil te irr'i f;r f "rre