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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1905)
t il. . a ciub, I). ctor r " and ! I T. tne 1 U.. i -' .'i 'v...:,!1- I .V n . Jjj; (-III,, '-'v. vl.-v Jl III II 't f 4 .V . - . Y: '" IHT OS IIATa), CUT C'v'n Fii;2 ST02E; BEIKG;0ri TE2 V7II57 Z'.il f 1 1 A e 1 '1 . H Us, t i i. Wenck, i iilp I jr t ' ta . u elubw .le aeeond ' Li u(" i !.. w-1 - A srd tbi-1 rrou'a of the aarlea wll come off on L-Z iimur t and . . zr Throw y Chirtrtr? ta R : : " t tr. 1 Ceneilxn J,,- :-V; for Mc , ; CirCr::ry. CA3VIN AN? 701:13 r i v PITCH FZrZCT CALL ;; ' ' v locals Had' a Number of Chances to Score but Could Not Make tha Necessary Hit Portland's Ea ' Running Not Real Article.; -S f ! la Anselea 1 "Portland S. t V Batteries Toiler and' Spies Garvin ' . ' and McLeen. -V 1 : .'' Portland dropped another game to Ioe Angeles yesterday but aa the eon t test; ,-wss a rattling jgeod ono In many respects,, tha loss of tha aaraa la not ' such, a thorn In the aids of tha fana aa 'tha thro previous dlssster of tha week. Tha only and deciding run of . '. tha camo waa ruahed home in tha fifth Inning on a three-bsse hit byBraahaar, who sent the ball to-the oor board. Aa Brashear waa eliding Into third base, Ats, who waa relaying from' McHale to llotfman. hit Brasheer with the ball arid It caromed of f . to tha grandstand, allowing the Angola' utility r man to register. The -fault was not Hoff i, mane, although ha ta charged with an error in the offlplat score, i -' Tha game waa a pitchers struggle. and with the , single exception ot Braahear'a triple. Garvin outpltchsd Tc- sler. Oamrln )had everything up hie leave and had perfect control. . He waa the first local to connect Tor a -nit. ana madeUt in the third Inning, driving out prettjt, double. He etruck out seven . Angels during the) matinee, and hie only . mtecu waa when he gelled-to back up ', "Hoffman at third, when Braehear made ( Ma run. Pitchera ara auppoaed to back .'.. up third bsse and In thla Instance fail ure to do so proved costly. . - Toaiar waa on the firing Una for the ' Visitors and had remarkable luck. He was not so ateady -aa Garvin, but When . bits war wanting be tightened up and refused to allow na. Portland baa sev - - cral good chances to score, but could , not negotiate a bit In the ninth In , Titna Portland could have scored If a little sens were displayed on the coach - . ins line. At hit safely and Van Buren aacriflced. Jud Smith fielded the aaori- flee and there was not a soul covering third base, and Ats had plenty of time - to have reached the third cushion. Mao lie don no he could have scored easily -- on MltohaH'a safe hit that followed. Aa Jt turned oqt Bchlafly Struck out and iouseholder ended tha sport by driving -. -fly te Ross. . ' ' . McHale. the : latest recruit - was In center field and had on chance, which h accepted nicely. He seema lively. u bis feet, sod ought to da good work after h geta acquainted with the locale" System. --.. :- T. The lrsme'7 waa 'cleanlyplayed and . thoroughly Interesting ontll the last-man died In tha ninth Inning. 1 Bchlafly should hsv been given credit ior a lilt when h drov a ""jf"'' . ' should have .botn given an error' if or ' JuggUag aa eaey fly ta center-field. The - official acore c: .it::: to x:ht r ': ' i in' i i " ' ' r Acting PreeMent Judge ateCredl of the Paclflo Coaat league forwarded the following: expresaion of tha dlretora' good will and appreciation to President Eugene P. Bert yesterday; v .. Vancouver.' Wash., Aug. H Hon. Ku sons F. . Brt.r San Prancisco Cat , Uf Dear Sir: By direction of the board of dlrectofa of the Pacino Coaat league, I take pleasure in notifying you of your election, by a unanimous vote, as preal dent for the reara ltOf. HOT and 101. Also that tha board extend to you their aympatny in your recent nines ana rejoice in the promised ' restoration Of your health. Assuring you that the glad hand of good will and fellowship Is extended to you by-each and every one connected with 'thla league, and that ttfls feeling exist likewise among th good and loysl fans all over the cir cuit, and predicting a continuation' ot the fair and Just administration of the affairs of. this lea rue a by you here tofore administered. I ' remain, very truly youra. ... . W. M. M'CREDIE. ,' Acting President. I PACIFIC COA5T LEAGUE. .CLUB. ' las rraaeiace . Oakland . Los A Of Tirana Portland ...... seatus .............. Loot o 10' I 4 I ?l J at to 609 AM .Ml Oaklamd Wlaa ta sTUaa, . . tJoorsal Baaetal serrlee.) -San Francisco, Aug. It.-; Oakland de feated Seattle In the 'ninth Inning yes terday af tar tha visitors tied the aeore ln; the fourth Inning. Scor: ...-. ,1 ' K. H. B. Sesttle . ,...... l l Oakland . ......! 0 0 S 11 10 S Batteries Shields and Blankenship; Hogan and Mosklman. Umpire Mc- Donata. ... . w ' Mmim WU Agsia. ' -X : ' (Joarmal BaaeUl Barrtca.! ' tTaeoma, Wash., Aug. ' St. Williams waa too much tor the Tigers : yester day and consequently the Seals earned an easy victory. Score: . i ' v .'"''-' p. H. K. Tacoma . t . 1 1 San Francisco : . 2 0 t 4 0 e 11 1 Ha Merles Brown. Lynch and Hogaaj Williams and Bhea- Umpire Perrlne. . - AMERICAN LEAGUE. ' " " Won. Philadelphia . 4 ... Chlcsgtt . . ........... tt Cleveland-. . ....... t f New Tork , ,. SB Boston v . ........ SS . Wsahlngton . & ....... St. Louis ... I LmL P C .44 -9I '44 .171 4 , .144 41 .64 ' SO , .411 . St.. .471 crcTc:.:A::Lt:;s act of r.OYAL f.OVA CCOTIA CLU3 No Eoats to Northern Waters Kjual to Those of Viaitors Yet Latter Are Invited ' to - Compete . for Prixea Visitors, to Be Feted. , ajCtb. 4 e i . a i e Van Bnren. If. ....... 1 S 3 - Mitchell, lb.. ...-..,..! S fl lit St'bUfly. 2b. ,,r ; - 0 S f 4..0 Householder, rt I ; S I , S. . McLean, c. .uuu. 1.0 .l . L McHale, cf. I j , 1 '. S - Hoffman.' 3b. ...... ! 0- 0 ,1 S 1 Garvin, p. S 0 :'l ;" S 0 ' Totala , '1' ..........J t 4 17 LOS ANOELEa : .' . - AB. R. H. PO. A. B. ,. ,., 4 - a " is a a V L , .... ...... Flood. 2b. Tomsn, cf. Brssbear, ss. ,,.....,' Plllon. lb. .......... t Cravath, rf. ......... I Ross. If. S Hnies. o. Toiler, p. . -,.,....,...1 4 t 0 I Totals . rr. w itn it . j ' - SCOREJ BT; INNINGS. , Loa Angeles .....0 0 0 0 1 0 01 Hlta . ..........0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 S Portland . . ......0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 08 Hlta . . .........0 0 1 0 0 0 1 I i . v SUMMART. ; '.i Struclf ot By Garvin. 7; by Tosler, t. Bases on balls Off Tosler. 1. Two-base hit Gsrvln.. -Three-bss nit Braaheer. IMibls play Cravath to Smith. Left on bases Portland, 7: Los Angeles, S. Fserlflos hits Brashear, Householder, iMllon, Mitchell, Vsn Buren, McHiUe, Stolen base Ross. Time of game One hour and It minutes. .Umpire Da via.., SWIMMERS COMPETING " -;H fORTHE CHAMPIONSHIP (Joarsel Bpdal Sarrlca.) A" New Tork, Aug. 24. The first group Of events In the championship swim ming contests at Travers laland is com ing off today,. The Contests ara held under tha aasptcss of the Amateur Ath- ; letlo union and are open to all amateurs. ' - Tb principal event of today la the eon ' test for the 'half-mile championship of the United States. Besides . that there will, be a-100-yard back stroke race, 100-yard novice race, fc fancy diving contest end a 200-yard handicaps Among tha entrtee for the races today- are r-barles Ruberl. C M. Daniels, I 3. Goodwin, who won 'the recent 440-yard .championship; C. p. Trubenbach, T. K. Kltchlng. Jr- and IB. H. Adama. ot the New Tork Athletic, eluh, while among the contestants from outside are Msr- quant Schwarts of the Missouri. Ath Jetlo club. H. 3. Handy ot Chicago, the ' phenomenal boy swimmer; Joseph R. Wilson of TorontOr-Canada, and James -'V At OUoaero. ''' ' "'V First gifm - -'' ' H. H, B I ITOm Boston i .... ...... .2 I 2 Batteries Aitrock and McFariand; Dineen an Criger.1 j. ' Second game i ; R, H.B Chicago, . '.,.'., .......... ...i . .2 '42 Boston .' . ; . . . . . w . . . . .'. . . . . 2 S t Batteries Patterson and Sullivan; Winter and Armbruater. , . -Va-vvV A eBaralaad. . ' - -''i, .'ft.-H.B Cleveland . I New Tork . S 0 4, Batteries Ponahue ' and Buelow; Cheobro and McOulre. - :?- v v.. .- - ' At lomto. - . l- . ; . R,-H.B St Louis . ......... ...i.. .....1 0 0 Wsahlngton . .............. i . .0 4 1 Batteries Buchanan and' Spencer; Ja cobsen, Townsend and Hay don. -... ':" . .'' .... . ..!. R. H.H Detroit ..'.,..;...........;... S 2 Philadelphia . . : . . .- S ' t '1 ' Batteries Mullln and . Warner; Coak ley and Schfwck. -'- , ! J NATIONAL LEAGUE. ' ; i-j ' -t.'f'-f.'Won. -New York ............ 70 , Pittsburg. . 72 , Chicago . . ......., 40 , Philadelphia , . 2 Clni-lnruttl . , ......... SO St Louia . ........... 4t Boston , v., ........... 2 Brooklyn . . . .. . . . (0 Lost. - S2 . 42 i, ii 71 - 70 .; 71 PC .712 .424 .it ' .SB4 I.B24 ,28 1221 .,..I10 r ' :" At Boston. 1 ",R. H. SS. t 10 1 Pittsburg .'. ...................t 10 Boston -. - ..... '. ... ......... '. .4 S t Batteries Lyncn ana uinson; Wll bslm and atoran.'.' tTmptre Klem, ,; Ktaa ShiOtom Im Ornslimatl, ';' -' vs.- (Jearaal Special Serrlee. Cincinnati, O., Aug. 24. The an nouncement that Miss Msy Sutton,-the British tennis champion, would not only be "present but take part 'la the content, attracted a large number of sightseers to tha opening of the tri-state champion ship tennis tournament on the courts of the Cincinnati Tapnla club. Beala Wright;-who- took -part -tn the-Britten conteets, will also take part In tha contest tor singles. ' .. "Eugene F. Bert ha a ' been '; elected president of the -Coast league for the term of 'three years, a most unusosl proceeding and precedent la baseball, and especially so In the face of present conditions and recent occurrences, In Paclflo coast baseball. ' , , Kakaa saUS Ugh s. IsaklM taetaaMy. I GONE 111. - mtni ft, ' - : tfersWds TO Save TV " ' tm bftt 'tee 2fan4ets, ' rJEWDRO'S-MERPICIEJE he) eaXSZBTAX nOaPT tLAVMT ..Y43tJ3trrULCX-l - r-" aan-rwH nt "wna the ewrsss.T. It ess bs Mlt tesHHt twtr starrsn ts Sear, I. 7T - I' 7 "T"T7 TUT s te Beetles sail1 SMUse- I "T.,! .i.TTT. .TTrr lZ-iZll tl. tT arwr tmr y sm sesstr sad 1 toefcsrWesjhalr, slae eesdnff ssd fatNa llirutlTMm eenutlea by the risnvsl balr. . rMrtnr tJie m ssd aetr's llf Sl.,.i.a saw I sararai' naier ana assanaaea win rr lejt stetrei rvi., far tacs mat eomanla of Sllrktlr 4t- aaW I t tarsia bat enei4 b saved, it rear skM eenid I Warvslei taik It weald ptrsd wits yes te " I 1-t- ftrel fcvrtLUI. Seed McStMSl. ta irK: t s my-" (Joeraa! gpedsl Sarvtes.) '" Hilfsx. N. 8.. Aug. 2s. The fleetest ksels of the Canadian and eastern yacht clubs are aaaembled In Halifax harbor to attend the annual yacht race for the Prince of Wales cup, tne most coveted tronhv ever contested for in any -of the British colonies. The yachts Of the New Terk Yacht club and of the Eastern Yacht club, which took part in the ocean race from Marblehead to Halifax, arrived here In good tlm and are' now "the guests of theRoyal Nova Scotia Yacht club. In view ot the tact that, there la orobablr not a yacnt in Nova Scotia equal In speed Nio many of the American yachta Juat in Yrom their ocean race. It was a highly unselfish and sportsmanlike act of tha Royal Nov Scotia Tacht club to extena an invita tion to the American viaitors to co in nate with the Nova Sootlan and other Canadian , yaoht for t the magnitiaent prise. -.-' -" i The cup was originally presented to the Halifax Yacht club when the pres ent king. then the Prince of Wales. visited Halifax In 140. It Is-a beauti ful ' specimen - ot the sllversmfrh'a art standing two feet blgh and of great artlatlo value. When the Halifax, club went out of existence In 1S and tne Royal Nov Scotia Yacbt . club was formed, ths latter received the. trophy from the Halifax Tacht club as legacy. The trbDhv has never left the waters on which It was flrat sailed for. Ac cording t the conditions ths trophy can be kept by the winning yacht only nine month, whan it must D returnea to Halifax, to be competed for again the following season. ' 1 Not to be outdone in courtesy by the Nova Scot lan vachtamen. Laurence ail- not ha offered A trophy to be competed for by Canadian yachts at tne aai time, when the Prino of Wales cup is sailed for.. Th trophy U band some silver cud. tb decorations of whloh are symbolical of the interna tional character of the race and of the cood ' feeling exIeUng between ' the yachtsmen of the two. countries repre sented m the race. . , T he-first race was sailed today over a course of It miles off Halifax harbor. Under the regulations of the Royal Nova Soot la Yacht club, according to which the measurement of the yachta la deter mined by multiplying the load water Una by the sail are and dividing the result by-4,400, several f the 'American boat were barred from competing In tha rae. Nevertheless both the New York Yacht club and . the Esstern Yacht club were represented at ,the . starting line, when waa given this morning. This evening the vlaltlng yachtsmen from - the United States will acl club at ' a grand celebration at . their clubhouse. On that occasion many gov ernment official and prominent elttsens will also' b present to greet ths Ameri can yachtsmen. Ths American yachta wll ' psmaln her for several daya and In their honor a aerie of minor yacht races will be held; In all of which the Americana: will have the privilege to take part ' Special prise will be offered for tb vartoua events. Tb visit of ths Americans will conclude . with grand festival. - on which, occasion the Prince of Wales, the Mlnot cub and the ether trophic will b presented. .teUthe gyspectlv winners.. . FIRST DAY OF TEAM x SHOOTING AT. SEAGIRT ' '.J - ". aearaal Bpeetal Bervlea. : Seagirt. . N.t 3 Aug. 24. Ths rifle teem who cam her to compete In the team matches of the tournament under the auspice of ths National Rifle asso ciation war out bright and early thla morning, to be on tlm at the opening of the flrat day of the team shooting. Notwithstanding ' the early hour the number of viaitors was very large., The shooting began at ( o'clock In the morn ing. ' Tb first event was the eonteet In slow shooting on the 200 and SOS-yard ranges. - Owing to the Urge number of teems competing this part of ths pro gram will, occupy all forenoon. In the afternoon there will-be a contest in rapid-fir shooting at tha 200 and 100 yard ranges. Some excellent scores were mad during tb morning, but It will require soma time to flgur out the score of the vartoua teems. - . The second day's shooting of ths most expert riflemen from the United States and Hawaii continued all day yesterday during a heavy rain storm. The first competitor to win a-prta- Captain Corwln, 8venty-flrst regiment. National Guard of New York. Captain Corwln made 111 out of a poaslbls 200 and won a gold medal and $20 In caah. Tha total scores fer the lending competitor In the first four stages f tb national Individual-championship, are as follows: Captain Corwln. Nsw York. 112; Captain MoAlpin, 120; Lieutenant Rauatln. Geor gia, 170; Coxswain Hamilton navy, 172. REFEREE STOPS CONTEST : AND CALLS OFF BETS, -' ".f'StJesrssl Special Serrlee.)- Clma,iCaU Aug. 14. Referee Roach stopped tb Ryan-Gardner contest In the fifteenth round last night and declared all (beta off. i Ryan'a second, "Spider" Kelly, declared that a foil) bad been committed, but tb .. referee thought otherwise, and on account of th pecul iar betting that Gardner would win In II rounds, , Roach decided that-everything waa-not straight, so be called it off. The referee's decision met with im mediate "approval. Gardner could bave easily won the battle from tb way thlnga were going. . y. ; j. ; SPORTINO GOSSIP. TT . Poor bsserunnlng and a bad throw coat Portland another gam yeeterday, ... " . ' ' ' ;. .' Garvin pitched a masterly gam, but w hair I ta use of star twirling when your team mates cannot ' bat In .runs nough to- wln7. ".'.."i .vy , , .'-? ' - , i- Recently Corbett failed to back- up third base on a play snd Portlsnd lost th gam. Yesterday Garvin failed to bark up Jtoffman and the ball went te th stand snd Portland lost. It nlayara iLTD VEAT STUL O TZ2 UTZSX WITH A - OTE KD1D LC2 C7 IliD 7A2E IH ErCID TCCLS, US1YKSAL STOVES, KLZGtS CD EEA1ERS E17GUC3 TO STAID TE2 tZAlN UmU OUR. flEW STCK3 AKSIYES . A't::::TJ j : ui t5 :::,c:: PHONH s main 1332 . VO : WO LaMLiilJUa.LU-,U ;:::' : Up-to-Dite Ylxxtuzxs a Tiawere Aitrxzzr: . . a IIS . A . . .... H ......,'.,- ' e ' ,'Por tre JVionih of 5 Ajuoyst irTvsnms-Kov wrti n note S TUX 1 O'CLOCK T.AH.T. . ... ; i . ; t2. H.J. FD1TCX, Nitcpia ON AND AFTER AUG. 30 f will . bs . toand lenseaeseed Is! sy l..t . us auartara. 815 Twelfth atreeW- eoraes Osv. . This j resioval la porely toe the purpose, of enabling aw. te better care for n apeedlly iBoreaa tmr eaalMas. Vaat snltltsdes have leaned ,k. ll 1 1,1 ,nj -amw. - nrm aat boms sary te ear them e( tbeir Ilia, and aa. f mnlnv Mlth-r. nt thaaa sir .eltentele has Alter AlVOn mr w .u.m i fnr both reatdeece ana orsre win oe nam 212B. sld sir erBcs hoars trosi B . m. to 12 m.. 1 to s ana b m iv v. m. rnra eoe btorSi froa tbe Thirteenth street ears and two Mnrk free, the. Jeff eras etreet earune. Tbia selection waa saei tersely ea aceeant of tne pmeet ajaiet use eoui beAas, ,;. , , - DH.N. J. FULTON '- 2T ATVmOPATK. ' : - genu SO-tt Sewla BU;. ; - ... ,860 Ilorrlso, eor. Park. . ' ' - Pkeae staia SliS. t ... ; - ; 'SUNDAY EXCURSION ; . j ?' .' The Steamer.' That Darts Throufh the Water Like a Chicken-Hawk After Its Preyr v 7 Lcjiv AIicr Street Deck . , . -h - ' ' r .. . Arriying at Astoria in Five Hours.' ThaJepertfas; From That City a 2 JO, Is Back la Portland Acsfat :2 YOU CANT RIDE AS FAST AS THIS ON ANY OTHER : ; STEAMBOAT . ON THE' NORTH PACIFIC ' COAST. . t ! y The Xelapaph Is Elegantr FurniaheoV-Its Cabins Are Like a Parlor-and Yoo WUl Like the ; Boat and ,r Its People, Too. There .-VVhiU Folk." iiiUMptiifiNUiiiMiM9HiititsiiitMiMMMitxH3t:u:s::::::::: TEETH :.V " s NO PAtN vNO PAIN NICETEBTH , ' We are the disooverers, and arlglnat ors of th only reliable ' and sclentino system cf Pslnlsss Dentistry. We e- n anil 1omi nr trt teeth sbeolutely without pals and guarantee ail worn ror niieow yean. u' w. Is th beat. ur prices the Uwst con sistent with flrsf-clsss work. EXAM INATION PRES. Our plates ara sna e- ! a. Ka . natural taath mnA are guaranteed to fit - . rtLLINQB ...... 50 TBatrJid Sl.OO GOLD CROWNS... ,....... 5.00 BRIDGB WORK ........... '...BJO.OO mix SET MATTJItAXi TEETH. S3B.OO Ope fes bmalasse ata S 'cloak eVesJags. ,:''xj''' -.;..', 'i ' Boston Painless Dentists Silt ttosMssa ak, Opp. Kele m Pra4 ... aad VoetafSe, HOtmS 4:20 a. m. to p. as. day, t:S0 a. ss. to 110 n, as. - IVhafsin a Name?":' Everything if you refer to Pianoa. When tne piate nas cast in it one oi the following; names you are assured that it is an instrument that haa given perfect satisfaction to every buyer: -'; 1 STEIN WAY''v (c A.B.,CHASE;'V'V.;.''t EMERSON , RICHMOND. Dundore Piano Co. -k. "i Steinway Dealer Z ' v : 233 WASHINGTON STREET ESTEY ir': starr HELLER ft CO. do not back up bases, on their own so eord, why doesn't the, captain order them to dd toT-ryT".--- The race matins st Irvtngton track thla afternoon for thbeneflt of . the horeemen promises ttf- be well Attended. Th csrd la a good one.' . v -rref erred treseb Canned Oeod. AUen Lewis' Best Brand. '. S 2.C) Cstrc2sss lfiilli!re? of New York, find, us with a few sets on hand of their greatest psblScatica ' sT "V Vi r " .which we must sell to reimburse us for advertising. ;;The sets are their latest edition'doTra to the fall of Port Arthur, new, just from the bindery, beautifully- bound in half-morocco. 2 - About one. half ol the established price will suffice to pay our bills, and, we shall sell these tzts, "first come firstserved,'' at price less than even damaged gets have ever been acli 2 y Hundreds(who read this have already decided to buy Ridpath tome day; now is the tloev S r No'fneed for us to tell you "about Ridpath. .The'Engl speaking; world has pronounced this the only, history of the world worth having. It is today . in nrrty' 200,000 American m ., nomes ana is inaorsea oj- tuuntiiwicn 'iiuuviw uus"'s m mijuuu 5 who knows history. 7:' '" g t Sail . Xlreck, Rabbi Slnal Temple, Chicago, aays: ) t Uke pleasure In recommending Rldpth's great J work aaone that should not be absent from any library.'', -Tbia hlsfory deserves a strong bold on th sympathies of ' . U classes, th student HQ ! thn th general reader. rref. a. M. tVoaa. Bupt Public Schools. St. tnlav aays: - "I nahelttlngly command, Dr. 'Rldpath'o History of th World th ablest work n that subject whlok I hve ever examined. . "Th Illustrations aJon are worth th prte ot Ct ".;vjVV..r.';.', -r- Why.You OuflW to Duy IliiQ's Cz'.cry " BBOAtm Ridpath ts theonly historian who has dared to ehamplon-the cauae of'th common people ( 'to tell th whole truth without fer r favor.. t'..,,'t '--.. .: ' , . " .: N ( BaOAVtS you. ar no esoeptlon to th rule that every eav should hare at hand a comprehensive I torlcal reference work t freshen misty recollection and eupply missing facta. , c . BnOAim It will attract your children. They will learn to love history-reading Instead , f tb' . w. .... -a KAnk, ti.i muu naool are ao ant ta waata tlm aver. . , '. A nOAtrn th ninth Tolum tll th' utory of rcnt w tnlffht &lmocit My eamtit ; m - a as.- rt-jmm tea sakAltlwa1 aMMIrafa mwA lhiwH.I1 aalUVU wX- tjtwaaa ts. M loww BUUAUU HIUPwIUl ' tXAS Wf W am wwwwa n,vw sJ "IVIVUflllf IVllBtUlTA UW, IWw -pent tb span of an ordinary lifetime In writing It, and eaerctaed th utmost pain In fylng a very doubtful eueetlon by reference 10 u existing autnonu.-, - 1 ' niunn if m rfon't order now and get ons of. the sets front our.-hankruot you will pay nearly, domel our prlc for Identically th asm books In tb sam '. binding. ' ! ... .7 ' '.,. , . - ... , . Rldiwth'o la the on. 1 Sf ywa pref e you may pay in assail swm monthly, pvMd you saaatt thara to us by mall. Omr arts wm not aumu or tne cost or eendlng eollector. You ahould hv' World' History In your home. Tkie la your.chanoeMi auy ax a : Vafei. Writ ua today. ; SBC J ll. . . r . 1- ; vert- X ' LZZ. , X-.' aw sale . .. V, -.. twelass. Sw. A n-.s-4 w- Sl " r t S AAirers Ohio rrohibttloals-t. .' .t.. (joanai gpactat Bervte.r V' a' . nku tit. fl a -1n sccord- U I U III , uiira, - sqc of the slate exeeuUv committees decision th '-- of th Pre It' tlIMM . m,. 1 . . k.M 11.1 I I with r r , H wl'J be drt t i: t 1 i J - .1