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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1905)
tizz dailv- jour.iiAL. rcnxLAi.'D. cau.-day .auj 0.1fc u) OLD V v.7w.V. v., v.y v. v. V.V. VMS' !".-?' . V - v , ' '1 ' .; ttJ FOUilD i J Wyoming Hunters Blly Thty r.n o. o o ;4 Hav Oitcovertd the Door to Fortune. s UIII'IIII.P ' . W0taat. A dfgjV 44 . iyjIlipMi) ?r:m " GET A -. . l 1 U Lrd .kuSIVriOST CABiN ;r 1 V MINE AT, LAST LOCATED o Whila -Taking Vacation Jn - WUdt of ; Rant ?; Between ? Montana nd Wyoming Citigena' f Latter State I Stumble on Rich Find. A OSrBl -r rtiw fcaa A. Sheridan. Wyo. . Aug. - . Much rttoment. has. bna cwrf n,rV th. i.imnt f three refutable . business Leo, .George. H. Cutler. Thorn" imrh.u CarlK. KaeiseU who believe v..,. f..,. .,. famous Lost Cabin mine, near the aumtnit of the range or vha Big-Horn mountains, between ths iieads or LJttle ana mg vw " TOllea .from -Sheridan. ' ; , .i., . The sceno of the discovery le locatsd In oneof the-wHdeat spot Imaginable, and prospeotora muat aoale steep cliffs na 4 -crawi up. ww.-ut -(route..' Cutier an4 MltcheM were on .mtinr trin '.when tbey Encountered lapidated, broken-down cabin. In a pet aeldom traversed by man. In the . hut war found newspapers SI : yeara .ia Near br waa a tunnel and a quan tlty 6f ore on the dump. ' Specimens of this ore which were brought to Sheri- dan are heavy with gold and a metal .believed to be platinum. .. The yellow : metal, la plainly Wlatble to tha naked 'The men, hav been making- tripe to the arene of their discovery and It .la rumored that they ' bare ataked out : iumeroua claims In the vicinity of the cabin. . f i. : ,4 ..Vv i: WORKING ALC ALONE;!', -, ,, 1 in 11 . fS.V w. ateothem'Bafit Arrastr. and Cya- - .v aide Flaat ta the Koaataiss. : , ' Baedal Nfpatca U Tee fcaraatt Grants Pase, Or- Aug. W. J. H. and Henry Whltrock. who are developing ... quarts claln on Fiddlers gulch, a trib utary 'of Josephine creek, built an ar rastre first and later completed a cya nide plant with a capacity of toe pounda . m day. J. H. Whltrock took a course -in a mining' achoot and , thus . has a .knowledge of the varloua procesaea for treating gold ore.- The arreatra and , f yaqide plant a-ra. DI to vo fronv 126 to fSt a ton. ""i -1- " '" ' - - The owners n&a been at work on the claim for , the paat . two years. The arras tre ia ran by water power. , ''f MINING NOTES. ' ! Boseburg. Or Aug. 21. Mr. and Mra H W, Holcomb . of - Coos county have filed on a number of placer claim on Twelro-Mlle creak, m branch ft - the middle fork .of the Coquillo rhrer. In Cooe county.. Mrs. Holeomb atates that n two parjrot Tavel,Bhe ' gBt4 in Aug. JC-rOold- Tern of thousands have known no other soap since birth. ' For rre ' serving, puriVing, and beaudnns the skmtfor cWisinjr thesca or : crusts., scales, and dandrufF. and the ' stopping of falina hair, for sortenina, vvrAening. and soothing red, rough t and sore hands, for baby rashe. and chaiin&s, and for many sana- i tive,) antiseptic purposes which readav sunest thernselves to'modv ; ersvasweYas for the toilet, bath; and nursery, Cuocura Soap, as sisted by Cutkura Ointment the i great Skin Cure, is priceless. ' ta Calnn, Mm trail Ska air visitors are BADGE-r.TAD. Million of Advertising Device i - uivea Away ana uem&na- 1 9. ' . Abertaen.-,- -TVash... raring quarts" that pans well, found by Hri!ranarTerdeeiTT aroused' interest. . Bpeciros of' gold quarta have baen brousht.her an dif ferent times befora,' but 'none, seemed .rich enough to warrant -deTeloprnenL ' A number of bualnesa men. Including Eu gene Franca,, will advance capital to aka a, m pi fbp pronartjr, , f . , -'. .Vancouver, B. C, Aug. t. What is laald to be a. It per cent laureet In the impress groin .of veoppr-goldi elalma, ia the South. valley,, Ijo we sound, near toe Britannia mlnea. ia aald to have rben sold 'by the Boscowlta famfly of Victoria to B. F. Raymond of Wyoming. Mr. Itaymdndaecured an ontloA on the Oliver Furry undivided halt Interest for S7S.oe- soma ttaia ago.'. K Furry recently elied ia an aaylum -far the Insane at New Westminster and tbe option will be .taken up. The jprlce paid forjtha Boa. . wwia interest is not given. w Butte. Mont. Aug. J. Donald oil' . Ilea and , Malcolm MacDonald have . struck it rich at Bullfrog. Nevada. They are reported to have sold their in- .. Voreat in the Montgomery - - B hoe bone to English and American capi talists for $3,000,000. It is said Charles Schwab and tho Guggenhelma are at the ' bead of the syndicate. . Stock in the ;Bhoshone com'panjt-fb 'reported to have advanced from ST.6' per aharto ju one aay, Vaat Sum of Money Spent by Ex- bibitora Who, Are Unabfa to Satiafy the' Longinga of CoIIectora for the iTtrlMimte arut Ttn'ttnnS. ' ' ' EASTERN CAPITALISTS : ,BUY HELENA HOSTELRY '" (BpeeUl Tke loaraal) ' " eiena, Mont.. Aug. IS. J-A report Is In circulation here that Wfflta a Co., the New York financiers, who recently jmrcusscu ids ; neiena streetcar and . Jignting systems for 1360.000. have also oougnt me Broadwater hotel sad ptunge, at a cost of fill.000. . It. is said to be jne jntentioa or the saw owners to op rata ina hotel summer and winter. una iv reaur pnoes at the natatorlura, th largest in the world, one half. The "CRORE 'OF POSfiEEififQM HAS. ATTACKED EVERYONE o o: o o. o, o o .4 ... . . 4 -. Then youU have the'sathfsction rfamowfej there wui be no qust, no atxnea, no co&i noTanc, to ; mxlce the kitchen untidy. visitora. - .You 1 won't have io ; nan ; home: to build the kitchen fire. It ta alwaya residy ye, not only la the motiv convenient butjth? most eccmlcs.: " -"- " " a'YJ7'. 1 ; J . Mrs. Rcrcr eaye that Oxs b the cheapest and the most easily managed, providing, of course, -that care is given to its use, and a good gas stove m (H 1 . AfU A.1 atV ' ' ! weu manxea wu, cousin in ujc umo ror, huti . jid thalxck of dust cost One-Third lets thancoaL i ;'vtNf j?r!ce ol Gcs ci1:r rJovccier 1st ivlll te $1.15 psr tcxcnJ cci!c feeU At uis j rac Gcs 13 very nzzh uzi 'V.: it- : . PRICE NOW INCLUDES INSTALLING Hiat is, for . the purchase price we win set up ready for use, which includes a run of forty feet of pipe. On' a cash sale or if ; you pay for it within thirty days we make you a discount of ten per cent Where a fuel stub is already in the kitchen and no pipe is necessary: a 'discount of 'twenty -per. cent is ' made. S r ; ; iyr'MV'-X t: r'y'-Ztr- Vc Would Dc Gfcd to Dave One o! Our SoUdtors Cdl end Expldn ttc System to You. FIFTH AND YAMHILL STS. .V." I " " 1 1 . - . - . . . , report , cannot be definitely confirmed, f the grounds with-a aeitatlaf ledair. 3ut comes from reliable. Sources usually quit. iftcr 52Year$ In curing Btomarh, liysr i ktowel disorders, rou ourht Mt in t any doubkas to the ability of the jara to cure. you. Then why delay, r1 thua prolong your suffering and melt, a cur. eo much harder? . s ' Hostetter's ; "rn , Ho. Stomach " I !- v.v""' d:m... I i; - I -C 'I, haa ' proven t, its worth so . many time that we de not hesitate In saying that 1 wlU enre yxra, too. Try it for today. For : Csiiache , r.xvMMWirJ '' y:;' cr tt Is exeal lent Wssk vai are lu .tr.nrl henad by aelng tbe I! ters each month. J Visitors to the Lewis and Clark expo sition are badge-mad. v From the .time, the 'crowds enter the galea early In the, morntng to the closing hour of the build ings men and women and children daah, around the grounds In a wild hunt for tbe little bite of .silk and tha round but tons. ;t 1 r --.: ' "i; t ., Ona exhibitor said that It th. people were compelled' to pay a nickel for each badge, the demand would not decrees ona whit.. Tha people want bad gee and tha greater majority do not car. how they get them. . '" 'Thousands of dollars have been' spent by county and state commissioners and By other and private exhibitors for these little advertisers.- .Silk, wood, mstala of nearly ail - sorts, rope, paper and. Just Jeans" go to make up these things which , have driven- the people, almost mad.. - -, .- a. Th. badge fad Is - really aaeumlng alarming proportions. Exhibitors say that big, strapping men are Just as anx lous to get the little thlnga as are the women and the children. - With faces flushedand wearing an air of "get-a- j It baa been reported that badgea - are given away, and in anything but email still votes, demand "one 'er them badgea." And taey. usually get them. : Men -with badgea around their hats, around., their arms, on the lapels of their coats, on their watch chains, on their canea and umbrellas, 'and wherever ou their clothes there is a chance to display a badge, are to be seen strutting around And the women do th. earn, thing. And so do the kids. . Even a few "yaller" dogs hav. been used to advertise some particular, brand of cateup or biscuits or ham or th. wonderful growing tend encies of aom. cityt. ; . . .i - MllUons -of- these badge 'have been dtatiibuted alnoe th. opening of the fair. Tacoma from Its booth at th. Wash ington building haa handed -out ttrrbugh Ita representative. John Bleaw .and his assistants, more than ' 1,600,000 little seeds. Tbe state' of Oregon has given away fully tO.OOO green bannereta, Idaho has told her story with 1,000 . silken streamers, California has disseminated sunshine with more than IS.000 golden raye, Utah has sung her little song of mora than 10,000 strangers, Seattle haa passed but mora than i.OOo, New Tork gave away on Its day almost 1.000 In lees thaa 10 minutes, Massachusetts made 4.(00 happy- with little buttons, and an ovar the grounds th. same atory Is told badgea morning, soon and night. Half the exhibitors are having badge nightmares, and .will hav. them, they ruefully declare, until tha Close of th. isir. : -v Many of thee, little, silken trines are mad. Into sofa pillows and other fern Inlne knlrk-knacka. . ? . reat say for th ,.. - Poena! Special Bertta..) - , , w jrTsunton, Mass, Aug. t.Th. annua) field day of the Ancient Order of Hi bernians and. the Ladles' auxiliary of this district opened here this morning with, s thistle gsmes and conteets, which will occupy all day. Many . valuable priaea will be presented to the victors In ths variou .vents. ' . . : ., -' nranrKiiSttOTEtt AKD FOSLOSIl FUaERAL Illinois Man Stipulates That Rel- i iativM Bc'Told of Death -. . After Burial. , ; " ;: '(Josiaal tpeeUI aervles.) Peoria. Ilia. Aug. tv--No hears, to carry-th. body to the grave, no minis ter to say tha laat . word, none of th. relatives noUflsd until 14 Jiours after death and. burial, was th. ending ao corded, W. B. ' McClelland, . whose ' re mains wsr. Interred at Blmwood ceme tery, ti miles from here. last night. Two of tha dead man's friends carried out Ms dying wishes and aaw tha de tail arranged as McClelland desired. . Because he had asked that there be no car wheela under hie coffin, and no hearse, his body wss hauled - miles serosa th. country In a farm wagon. Only two man attended -the burial, Jt being one of McClellend's wishes that no relative or friends be notified when ha waa to be burled. . Today, 24 hours after ha, waa burled, aa ha requested, relatives wer. notified of his death and lntermen.t. - . .. . , .. ; HUNDRED AND FOURTH -BIRTHDAY CELEBRATED (Josrsal Ipeelal Berries.) ' Cambridge. Minn., Aug. 14. Mrs. Mar gareta Danfelaon,-probably tha oldest in habitant in this part of tho country, celebrated her one "hundred and fourth birthday today, surrounded by a large number of her direct descendants. She is still rigorous and comparatively atrong and remarkably free from the numerous , ailments - which Invariably eosae to other.- with approaching axe. Even her eyesight Is good and ah. re quires no glasaea to do her knitting and sewing-. ' Mrs. Danlelson wss 'up early and received th. congratulations of the members of her .family. In the after noon many of th. neighbor, .and towns people cam. to. call on has, bringing bar presents. ...4 . Mrs. Danlelson -was born cars at Elfdalen, Dalame district. Sweden. There she waa educated, grew up to womanhood and wss married. In mm k GAUOG CIE-Tira OF THE TOTAL DEATUO. A WTen the Kidneys fail to perform their functions properly by not straining out the poison ous waste matter from the blood as It passes through them, the polsoas are carried by the circulation ' to every part of the body, deranging the' different organs. This causes heart trouble, stomach trouble, sluggish liver and a host of other ills, all dud to deranged iuoneya .- ; corrects irregularities and cores Kidney and Bladder diseases fa jevery form, tones up tha . whole system, and the diseases that nave. cured cp caisrrrs discass. 1 all with drepey aa. 1 tna ' Mr. Kebert O. Irarks, Elners, Saretoca Co., N. T.. willeai I am glad te be, aa eaeor. mniry er feniag waai sMsninceav resuie 1 oave aae irei ivutn cuts arter asvtos tries otner eeverneea sMMieiaee soa eeveeai pa it I haa mm mm, Cmmm HteM Haa aach aiaht ia raliava a blaadi a sxy eyeeisni wee ee imsaire nai 1 svaia ecereeiy see mom si "17 wr .. Ia fi.t. 1 waa aa badl v aaed as that I had aivea mm heee ef livtas when I waa afged by a trlead te try rOLBVa KIDNEY CURB. One at seat bottla worked oa dere, ao4 before I bed rnkea the third bottla ths eapeHiaeae fleeb bad gene, aa welt ae all aw at nieaey ereeeie. asv meaae were earptisee inai was smee, mm nwy ehr eya avtsBW ef Ki all theaght I waa getag te die. Every few deye seme one eenes treat aailea away te ieara 1 aaais or xae wenaenui meaiciae iaas smea ass si emgars ansaasat mmm wi mmm 1 be. Pause as asasansc. .. ' ' trtedsll resulted from disordered Kidneys disappear, because the cause has been removed. Com mence taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURB at the first sign of danger. Dp not risk, having Brlght's Disease or Diabetes. Two Circa, CO Cents end 01X0. LAUE - DAVIS DRUG . COMPANY-AND . WOODARD. 7 CLARKE :;; ft ; COMPANY. Your Heart? Is a wonderful pump that works Inces santly, averaging seventy ( pound strokes a minute, and forcing from 20 to 10 pounds of blood throughout the body each minute. The power that keeps, this wonderful pump in motion is nerve-foroe, th. en ergy furnished oy tne nerves. Disease, ever-eertlon, fright, anxiety, aloohol, tobacco and other atlmulants weaken theee nerves, but ths heart, instead-of stopping, make, extraordinary fforta and causes heart strain. Then cornea shortness- or breath, heart DalDltatlon. dlsslneas. ate., becauae tha nervea are too weak to furnish power. Tak. th. only aafe remedy. . Dr. &ffi-V Hesrt Cure It reeds, etrenathene and builds un the nerves and muaclea of th. heart so they can supply the necessary energy. "Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Is a marveloua remedy, I alwaya use It when, cardiac trouble Is preeent. It meet, ths Indica tions Burely and completely, ft- F. P. BURCHMORE, M. D., 44 Maae. Ava Boston, Ma as. . ... The flrat bottle will benefit: If not. the druggist will return your money, H8T shs and her husband emigrated to the United States end first settled in WMls Creek,' Iowa. Two yeara later she and her family moved to Cambridge, or rather th. place where thia town now stands. At that tlm. It was only a wilderness, where tha Indiana roamed and '. hunted. Mrs. Danlelson Is tho mother of four, sons add on. daughter. Th. youngeet of th. sons died about a year ago at the age of 41 years.' She la now living with ona of her older Bona, who has served several terms as regtstsr of deeds of this county. Mrs. Danlelson has 14 grandchildren - and 14 great grandchildren. One of her great-grandchildren; yeara old, was recently married and Mrs. Danlelson attended the wedding. t. ' . ARE YOU GOING EAST? 5 Xf Bo, Xaarm About ths Tory fcow O. r , Va JlaiAaJfc September T t, a and 10. the O. R, A N. places on sal. very low rat. long time tlcketa east, 'account I. Ol O. r. grand lodg. meeting. Philadelphia, Pa. Particulars by aaklng at city ticket of fice. Third and Washington streets, Portland, ; 1 ' i K . : HI HOOSIER DEMOCRATS TO ' RENOMINATE HOLTZMAN .. . - . . ' (Jesrsal Bseelal srvtte.t Indiana polls, Ind Aug. 14. Ths Demo, cratlo city convention met her. this morning and Judging from indications thsre will be littl if any opposition te ths renomlnetlon f Mayor lloltsman. Tha oonveatioa waa called to order and IB " , Vancouver Transportation Co: .I'll. weamer .-. r 1 FOR aa EOCK Makes the round trip daily, except Sunday,, leaving Taylor Street ; Doclj at ;;'A V";-i. .-7 ,8:30 a.'m; returning arrives' 6 pi m. -v':' , ,' T after : the euatomary dbniraittee. ': had been appntntsd took a recess until after lunebsdn. ' Ths premised opposi tion of tha antl-Holtsman faction seams to hav. fallen flat, and tt ia dentin expected that Mayor HolUmao will be renominated without opposition. The primaries for ward eounoilmen will be held on aVntember 1. It bed i Confl-1 bee a proposed to bold th. primaries and the convention at earlier dates, hJt the eaecutlv. committee decided that it would be In tbe Interest of th. part to mass th. campaign a. abort aa it could ooavenienuy m maos. . - . . ... ,.. v--J. .v,-;. .'..V., ; :' t- .- 1:7