The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 26, 1905, Image 11

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- . ;-j a- -. c- w -v-- w
Ill .
. Hawaiian
Heavy East , Sid .Traffic Sadly
Jmpeded by Closed Bridge .
and Poor Street.
ajrvr avaii am f now
' Madison Structure Closed, Morrison
" 'preach in Poor Condition and Steel j i
1 Tndae Approach ?we pieei
' ' . . ' ; -- . .. " .
Tlir rtnr r Mr r w. KcMuir ow cm
' 'Seldom' has traffle ttwen th east
Id of the river In Portland bean ham
pered aa mgch as it 1s at present, with
An indication that troubltaorae condi
tions must continue (or a weelr or 10
days and perhaps Indefinitely. Thrauch
combination of clrcumstsnoes each of
the'four bridges is more or less unfit
or traffic, and at the beat teamsters
ere foroed to to from ens to Ave miles
out of thetr way to cross the river. AS
there Is no ferry . from Bellwood ; to
Iwer Alblns this mod of relief Is open
bat to s small percentage of teamsters,
though the three ferries are carrying
many more people than ever before end
when In e few days the Webster 4s laid
ip.fpr repairs conditions will be truly
congested. -. .. .
t .The Madison bridge is cloeed entirely
traflio, workmen being engaged In
putting down new decking' from one end
of "the structure to the other. This
. work" hss only commenced -end will re
quire a considerable period, especially
4frtb rste of progress made, on the
Bumalde repair work, be en tndlcatlon
of the speed of the contractors.
t The Morrison bridge is all right, be
Ing distinctive in this respect, but East
- 7lorrlon street from the river to Tenth
street Is hardly aafe for. heavy teams.
Holes are constantly appeariSe; In ths
1 roadwsy and the side streets ere gener
i ally out of eerVlce, especially sines the
fir which cut off Grand avenue snd to
a considerable extent Union avenue.
' "?WUh ths two msln arteries of traf.
' tflc. clogged '. the taamsters : haatento
Bumside bridge snd after driving a
mils or more out of their way discover
. that the new eest approach ts a nul-
' aanc. Deeplte asaertions Of ths In
spector to the contrary ths new block
paving Is not reliable, and moat any day
a Workman or two may be seen wedging
tap the blocks so that they wftl not be
come so loos that they will turn under
tMllse that Istwtaat bait ef
, He, reethfel eslsr always sddf
te thtU charms. Tke aalt
Buy be geidas, klaek
- a btews. set ws
: It 'teeoows gray
r faded tbers la
aej - amearaace
f ace. . tkooch
. she any feel s
" ataaeae gray bait Is
: iimy'm HAtMIEALT il
1 Kmmstm You Looking rotrng.
Htwere feme ee tke eolof aed keeety ef
bill The &rm aad .tjP Mt "-PTZrl
oil er llaea. AUd hr ,MAiLli!Ai!?fJS
ft extbM n4 kMla the ereje. aw "aaiag a4
VnwtH Cue Ulr erowth. Ut SO. ottlea
r " e.viry 1
. , -JUS aWUiaf fVliaWua rwaaw -
. .cake Harflna MmicatM SS. .fersej
at br tHJU niT SPSMALTim CO., Hew
- ark. N. 3.. pwpald h One. aae tkla afVj-
" Free Snap eat elrea kr dnwaiit wltheet thU
t - peUre aa. aa SM. fa Balrkeaitb. . .
Ue setblag wltkmt PU1 BU "fM,r
.1 va4 "WtmktMgUm -
' V,' '
..... - .. nwinMnIMiim i ,nn HIT immnrmi ) rtrnn'i i irnir i wim rf"
Band, Jhfuslcal Sensation of the Fair Photograph by Klaer Photographic Company.
the ' horses' hoofs. Forheavlly loafled
wagons such -a wobbly pavement la a
delusion snd though under the circum
stances It Is being made to serv it
will not last long with ths Increased
service it ts experiencing. t
' The steel bridge slwsys hss been a
hard nut for heavily loaded teams to
crack.. The very heavy grad at the
west approach sUlls all but ths lightest
wagons, and the few big trucks that uas
It generally delay car traffic 10 minutea
or more-whll they alowly crawl up. the
ateep incline.' Then, too, the width of
the bridge only accommodates ' two
teams and oly a mere trickle of traffic
can filter -through the, structure, the
frequent passsge of boataua.ddlnf all
other cause of delay. -':-.
With th.MadUon bridge closed. East
Morrison street under threat of being
barricaded by the city engineer, but two
widely separated ferries In commission,
th Burnstds bridge needing constant
attention to permit. It remaining openJ
to heavy traffic, and the steel bridge
atyjampuXoX-tht wsTinil unsrsllshle,
the growing traffic from th east side
s being eerioualy chacked ana west eld
Arms afeVnot. Dromlalna rearular dellv-
jl-fas-tartasraldrcmtuiiieis. ;; .
nasi Oak ewsi aaaptylBa; Yeve Oeraas
Repair work hae been ststed on ths
East Oak street sewer, Whlfh waa parti
ally consumed by th fir Of laat Tuea
day. It will be several daya before the
sewer Is reconnected end outlet 1s given
to th river, during which Mm condi
tions, already bad. will be made much
worse. : -. . ' .
'Bine the lire a constant stream ef
sewage has poured-from th open end
of the. sewer and has gone . Into th
slough beneath, where It will stand for
months to th dellghr of vagrant fever
germs. This slough before the lire, was
a aourc of great anxiety to residents
ef th district, and since the accumula
tion ef aewege there the anxiety ha
increaaed. Until this year the watet
from Hawthorne park found an outlet
to the river, but when the fill on Water
street was mad no culverts were left
and In consequence th slough, watch
to a certain extent served as a surface
sewer te th central - east aid district,
became a dull. stagnant pond winding
hts oontkglon-stuffed length throughout
the district. .' .'.'j.. w'
No outlet hss 'yet been provided and
th accumulation of the last few daya,
with that yet to come It la feared will be
a source of contagion that will start an
epidemic Bven ware ths slough to be
drained at one the marshy land and
piles of rubbish - would absorb th con-taglon-breedlneT
material and In drying
would send gsrra broadcast through th
district. , . . ;' '."
Ceaat Taker Weoamea knep work ea
. XaU aad oUatt amksartptloas.
. Mount Tabor Woodmen of the' World
have struck' a snsg In thetr work of
bonding a fraternal halt - and the big
structure stands half completed while
the members, are hustling for funds.
Ths lodge stands In ths position of ths
msn Who counted not the cost before
h . bullded, or rather : ' th members
thought they had counted the coat and
after wurk was wall .started discovered
thst ' their estimate was ' considerably
less than would suffice. A 1 -
Work was . stopped when the funds
gave ' out end the commltteee are at
work soliciting money for the continu
ance of ths contract. , Work hss . been
advanced far enough SO" the property
will not be' damaged ,by the winter
storms, the side wall and roof having
been built. Work will soon be started
on the hall and before next spring the
lodge will have a largs two-atory fra
ternal home that will produce a good In
eoms aa wall ss provide for th various
lodges pf the suburb, v
- ' - sBBaasssaBBSBaBeBjkjewwvkaswaai
Bast Bid trawprlakled Beads fcewt tm
.'V .' dee foot Layer ef aMs.
- Xuie -a real trouble on th eeat
Id th long dry season and the general
lack of sprinkling facilities having put
most of ths roads out of eervio for all
but the moat stern business necessities,
pleaeere driving being -entirely given
up except en the very reetrleted area
patronised by the watering carts. All
ths . oldest . inhabitants are out with
statemente to . the effect that never,
even in th eld daya when one aklpped
stumps snd fallen logs to follow the
city's streets, were conditions so bad. -:
Dust baa been a nuisance every sum-
mer In Portland's 'suburbs, - lawns have
been coated, houses filled with the gray
clouds, . furnishings ' ruined, flower
wilted snd fresh frocks grimed, but up
till this year ths dust never becam'so
thick that Jt proved n effective clog
on loaded wagons and changed the sur
face of Improved streets until expensive
grading work had to be done to restore
them to their former grade. Even on
th moat important streets of th east
aide the only sprinkling' service Is .that
by the streetcar companies who dampen
narrow space on each aide of the
track for the comfort of their, passen
gers. '''. .',- , ,
' With the exception, of a few atreets.
most of which ere little used. In the cen
tral eaat aide district, ths city water
wagons have not been eeen since the
primary . elections and la any . suburb
roads with a foot of dust covering them
can be found, or rather they alone can
be discovered ; by th moat ' diligent
ssroh. .- . ,r. t ' ', J . ' . :.
last Performance ot McEwen;
' The worM feanwned kypBetlst. salad-raeaVr,
nagiPtaa and eatertateet, MeBwea, wUI give
hie last perferaaace at the Marqvaei Oraod
theatre toaUat at S:SO e'eleeh. Thht ctover
artist see pleased eaewaX hnusss with , ale
eueOw f ul tVets. Irene VrsnkHa. the comet
soloist, hss BMde a deaMed hit with Portland
asle lovers.. Popalar prices prevail.
Kara KendaU Next Week. ' -
' Edith TalUfMTO, "rte enarta the rele ef tlV
tie Miss Moses la Cars Kendall's aew phty,
"Weather-Beatea Be ea." which eeeaea te
the Marooeaa UruS theatre aeat afoaday. Teas
es?, WedseeSay alghts, is see ef the swat
precocious yoaagstera ea the stag, and haa
made a sneceos which galte eqnale that ef
her elder later, Mabel, la -'Mm. Wlggs ef the
Cabbage Patch." Bdith earrtes en ber - tiny
sbeaklere a good deal of raeponelbllity for the
greet aainai of Mr. Kendall' a play. "Weelher
Beates Benson" kt one er the prbne hits of
tke year and Kara KandaU'e surraas fee the play
has seen eneqeivoeal. Thnreday, PraMy, Sat
erday saatniee snd alght The Bamatorater"
will be presented for the first tune ea say
stsge. . . ' , ,r. i,
' ' ' ' ( ' . " . T ' .... -
' !', Mua Moore'a Farewell. .
' "Toe Otrl and the Jodie" Is Wing presented
before a large mattose andleace thle aftaraooa
at the Belaace ' theatre and win be seen tor
the laat time tonUrtat and tonurroe sftemova
and night This la tke farewell appearaiKe
of Mlaa Lnrie Moore, as she will leave enoa,
for Ban Prancisce te Jota the Aleasar company.
The bill te next weak la "Alice ef Old Vln
eennea," which will mtreewee te the Be
leere'e clientele the new ieadtng woman, , MUe
Lilllaa tawrenee. , '- , - . . v
. Pay Foster Opens the Baker.
At the 'Baker theatre the
yesterday for the ray footer
f office seened
ineteal bnrlesiin
company wniea Beams we
st this popv
matloee. ' A
1st eineosmenl - Poe
aaason of SS weeks of
kei lisnue baa
keen hooked, .and Jndslng
the aemaml
for seats yeeterday crowded
ward Manager Bakar'a efforts,
ter eompeny wtU play alt I
matinees Bundaj, Wndnaaday,
Betarday.', ' . ' . .
ansae will re
The Pay Pos
it week with
Thnreday - end
" -'? Callahan ; la Popular
Tomorrow Is the last say ef the engage-1
meet ef Joseph Callahan, who Stskes trans
formation fnea Uneoln ts the mikado. Tula
to a anlqne act, for Callaaaa snows the Interior
ef aa actor'a dresalng-reora and explalna how
the changes are made. The Do lane. Ida Bne
sell snd many ether excellent people are ea
the BlIL Tatom. the world's greatest mind
reader,' centre neat' week.
- " i r ,'; v , -
'. Fin Performance at Star. "
Cliff leaa and eempeny are ' wow ding the
Star, wkwb ta doing a reeard bnslnans.. Deen.
aaahited by Mlae May Tutu, instate aae ef the
best little sserenee u aoe nw eoenpiea
rne stage ef the Star. Te say that both people
aulats 4e ane MSgMMtwal. Flkan nBVaat tnn4aa
9t tlM bill 1 nfr lib 0ur sundsird. .
. Lyric Comparry Successful.
The Lrrle etoek eempaay kt drawtxg the big
feat crowds ef the season In the setMsHonal
blatortrnl drama, ''Megs ef the Aleme." Nrit
week's ef terms will be the great earned,
drama, "A Heosisr .Heroine." , :
. District Attorney Brown has ordered
gambling stopped at Newport. and It
Is said to have stopped. . ,'
OHare Trembl Terisasa. '.
.It heeda but little foresight to tell
that when your etomaoh and liver are
badly affected, grave trouble le ahead,
unless you take the proper medicine for
'your disease, a Wra. John A. Young of
Clay, N. T, did. ' Bhs says:-"t had, neu
ralgia of the liver n stomach, my
heart waa weakened, and I eould not
eat. I was very bad for a long time, but
In Eleotrto Blttera I found Just what I
needed, for they quickly relieved and
cured -ma" "" Beat -medicine for weak
wnmen. Hold under auarentee by Bkld-
more tru Co., Ill Third Street, at 10
T--rr0-, -J K-rv - . . ;, r-'e
Splendid Prograrn' Ha Been Pr-
; parsd .foe Week's Cohgrast ,
j. - at th Exposition. 7-
Leading -Educators of : the .United
States Will Present Views 6n Many
"Subjects, Including Classroom Re-
iUrlon With the Orient. '-L
' The -Educational congress of th ex
position will begin Monday and end Sat
urday, under the direction of th com
mittee on oongreaae and conference,
of which W, Q. Bliot. Jr., le secretary,
cooperating .with prominent Pacific
eoaat educators. -
. All who wish to attend may go to th
Chspmsn school and enter the Audito
rium, where the meetinge will be held,
without paying. Persons who attended
previous' congresses la ths Auditorium
had to pay admission to ths grounds
before reaching the meeting place.
However, those who wish to go from
th Auditorium to th grounds must
pay th regular- admission of 6 cents
In th daytlm ed It cants at night.
Those bound or-ith congress should
leave the streetcars at Twenty-fifth
street and go north three block to th
Chapman. aohooL - ,
. Openls Say wograsa. ' .'
-The opening dsy program, whtoh be
gins at o'clock, includes addressee by
three of the moat prominent educators
af the United States. W. T. Harris.
United States -commissioner of educa
tion, will givethe convocation address;
A. 8. Draper, commissioner of educa
tion of New Tork state, will speak on
"Unsettled Questlonsln th Organisa
tion and Administration of -' Schools."
and President Benjamin Id Wheeler of
th University ot California will speak
on "Th Relation of tha Pacific Coaat
to, Education In th Orient." Praaldent
W. N. Ferrln of Paciflo unlveralty. Tor
eat Oreve, Oregon, will preside, and dis
cussion will be opened by Professor J.
R. Robertson of th sam Institution.
President Goods will wsloome th dl
gstes for the exposition. Th program
for th remainder of the week will be:
-.'."-' Tuea day, Aag-ust
General eubject for the day, TEle
mentary and Becondary Education, in
cluding the Kindergarten." B. V. Llttle
fleld praaldlng; addreas by Prank Rig
ler, city superintendent of school a
Pertlend. - Oregon, ,. ."The- Problem ' of
Classification": general discussion will
be opened by A. B. Warner, city super
intendent ef schools, Spokane, Washing
ton; addresa by P. Louis Soldan. city
superintendent of schools, St, Louis,
Missouri, "Education In a Democracy."
. Tuesday evening st I o'clock a lec
ture will be given at th Auditorium by
Professor H. iH. Lelpslger on "Adult
Education and the Extenelon of' th
Schoolhouae," te be followed by a gen
eral reception of an Informal character.
Professor Lelpslger Is supervisor of lec
tures In New Tork City.
,; . '. Wedaeeday., , 'i ,-,..
f General eubject of the day, "Norma!
School and the Education aiM Training
of Teachers," Prealdant K. D. Resaler,
Monmouth -Normal achoot, presiding;
address. Professor A. H. Yoder, deport
ment of pedagoglca. Bute University of
Washington.. ."Social Conditions snd
Elementary Education"; general dlecus
alon will be opened by Professor H. D.
Sheldon of the . University of Oregon :
address. Professor H. M. Lelpslger,
"Manual Training"! general discussion
will be opened by B. W. Johnson, super.
Intendent of the Washington educa
tional exhibit, Lewis snd Clsrk szposl
tlon. "' ''' - - '
.' Tharsda. ' ' ' .
' President Stephen B. L. Penrose ef
Whitman college, Walla Walla, Waah-
seaaee ' arms a Byeap. -
We cannot nnderstand why snyhady enffertaf
With a eold er tnreat and rang traeble will
neslert te serrtMoe e hotile of Osrmea grrnn,
eoiS U.all rtTtllsed parte ef tbe world, without
a atnsle'reee of fall are. There are
of eonanmptlree right here In Portland that sirs
Bnerhee'e Uermaa Srmp -the sols erodlt et their
helng a lire today. Aak rear Srastlet. Price
SS ess TS Melt. .Set Qrees'e Ahnaae.
' 'GobdRetaroing; up to September 1st '
. Leaves Foot
mtn and
boy e, IS
-, breest
to '
measare -ment
.. , .
People. ' -
Own Your Home
exactly aa too pay youf
rent, and it ia not ao mnch
' like throwinf jour money
..sway. ;
Choice tract In center of
Mt. Scott district tt mln
. ntea from city Mt Soott
.car (e fare, no tranafers.
Lota flto, payable II down
- and li e month. Houaea
. built to suit you and eold
st coat with lots) at rent
rates. High, pur air, all
, eonvenlencea, and outgrow
ing all ether auburba
There's a reason. Com out
and ....'.. , .; i
Geo. W Brown
. SOS railing Building.
Phon Msln llts. j
R. A. TAYL02 it Finland
City ofllce opea evenings.
muMIh.i aitreae J. H. Acker
I , ( .v mm ... . .
.t.U .nMrintenA.nt nf DuhliO In
struction for Oregon, "Ths Problsm of
the Raral - Bcnooi"; genera oinounnion
will be led by Miss Mss L. Soott, state
superintendent of public Instruction for
T.kA AAmm Pwifuan. Jnnten lffi.
Lean 'of the University of Idaho, "The
jsaucationai miuauon in wano , son
oral dlseusston will be led by President
B. F. Mulkey or tae Aauana ,
Normal school.
TUT, .
Oeneral eubject, "Technical end In
dustrial Education," . County Superin
tendent R. r, Robinson of Multnoman
county presiding; address. President E.
A, Bryan of Washington State college.
Pullman, -Waahlngton, . Tha Higher
Agrloultural Education"! address. Hon.
Howard J. Rogers, aaslstant commis
sioner of education for th state of New
Tork, 'Education In Reference to Our
Future-Industrial and Commercial De
velopment; general discussion will be
led by A. L, MUlo or Portland,. , .
' Mtasday. ,
Oeneral Subject. "Colleges and tTnl
versHles." Presldsnt WUllam F. Kane
of th University of Washington, pre
siding: address. President P. L. Camp
bell, university of Oregon. "Kducation
and the State':; general discussion will
be opened by President - Penrose . of
Whitman college; ; address. . Professor
Samuel McCune Lindsay. Wharton
School ef Finance and Commerce, Uni
versity of Pennsylvania, "Education
for Efficiency and ths Demands of
Modern Business." v-'-
On September 11, IT, . the - Orest
Northern railway will sell excur
sion tickets to Cblcag . and return
foa ITl.e; Bt Louie and return, lT.
St. Paul, Mlnneapolla aad Duluth and
return,- , tioketa good for going pas
sags for 10 daya; final return limit, 00
daye; good going; via Great Northern
railway, returning same er any direct
route, etopovere allowed going snd re
turning. - For tlckete and additional In
formation salt oa or address H. Dtokson,
C P. and T. A, Oreat Northern l.y
111 Third street, Portland. ,
r -
' ' 1 1 I 1 1
I ' ll II
Taylor Street 7 a, m. Daily, except Sunday. , , - j
maobtzpiobstt v.. unoLOTtMUi so-aAVa tsovainr, direct
. form the Rock Island Arsenal, st only ...... ................ .fS.SO
jms96rcovzzvim7 nayv
WUl'Likely Nerer B Repeated in Portland- .
Everything Goes at ONE FIFTH to ONE QUARTER AC-
TUAL COST to the Gdvernment. ;: ; ;
r :-,-.-U(. FOR THE LADIES J?71Z-
Fine All-Wool Drawers finest kind of cloth that with a lltU artera--tlon
are far superior to thos t be had In stores . for three timea tha
money ,....,.......'............,............. 65e e TSg
Sell ere' . Blue Khaki Coats for Ladle. " These Khaki Coats with a'
Cloth Cap,- just slight alteration by moving belt en Inside, make a reg
4 he thing for ular Norfolk Jacket,? Saitabla for outing or work
little airlB..aOe " .-5o)
Booming Hundreds of Supremely
: - -: .- ,-'"'- w. sroiut
ZoU sy'tte year and y iks yr,
II l1' II
II resw HI raws smsii ewe reo.eauoiov nwai awy mboh. vwuisew am Bin
aaellty atves gsere ssjeees ygrsls tl
.atewlc tk gaUes torn any atker
' You're wasting sjooey wkea roe
year house witk low-priced
se sanedrcaeep- pawt as for new
MlsntatMlsslgUMf .
eafwans nTg antfpnnat nrwasW srasnr
Ac Wake Use gj P
. . raw
I... . .... .
This choice tract ia telling fast from the Iact that tha lots are
the cheapest and best located of any suburb around Portland.
This tract Is on the Oregon City car line and river and all lott
are 00x100 feet with 60-foot streets; level and sightly, and one
iirice to alL whether you buy one lot or fifty the price- for each
ot is 150. The title is perfect, a complete abstract of titia cf
Milwaukie Park can be seen by calling at the Hibernia Cry-'
Ings Bank, owners of the tract and free tickets to and frcca
Milwaukie Park will gladly be given to all intending pur
chasers by calling at Room SOS, McKay Building. Corner ILird
and Stark Streets. Come and inspect these lots facing car Una
for $50. Acre tracts for $150 eachv i - "
Secure a
Choice loU 10. at 1 eenta a day (IS
down aad II per month).
Dont fail to vlait BVELTTt before In
vesting In real estate. The Inducements
t offer will appeal Strongly to you.
i EVELYN Is on th Mt. Scott electric
railway, tf minutea from th city.
.B." eLfohdoois
Two to flve-eere tracta, on the O. W.
P. ear line, one rail and a half eant
from the golf links; price from ill to
lite per acre. Inquire of John H. Gib
son, OWNER, et Stanley. CITT addreas.
room lus onerioca oiog. , -
Round Trip Dally to Axtoria.
. - Excursion teaaer Teleyraph saake
round trips daily (except t'rlday). De
parts irem juaer street dock T:lS a. m.
From Astoria 1 p. m. Arriving Portland
t:t p. m. Sundays leave Portland
t or n-Arrive- Pertland a. mi
Ctsimtr Tt!-
Round trip e
Leav 1 ' " r gtre
t' ' 1 -i
I'c 1 I r
y (e- t rti' ).
Ifvi T:as a. m. i -
i - rs- - Jt- '
AUG. 28, 29, 30
Khaki Suits, ' Just
tha - thin , for
. worklngmen, ' -Garment
. . .65a
Suits ..-f
eeserlag isrfses nut years -el a-eeriaf
paM asade, .'. ...
pay s salnisr, ssy, $40 for bis isbor la
paint it costs aa aeca' te srofr
Bra, see nw tra wesrs abeot raios
; , ;' f V ,
Vnnrrasnna aennasaaTw lei AsTanswvVaV
Verts. Dttroo, Mien.' , f
sjnle by
PAurr Js TaawTSM oa
- 210 TROOT ST.
'-reom new, .anodern house, en '
w "irnei. corner lot. 10x100,
SS ' room new. modern house, one
bloc from Hawthorne avenue. ;
Se$00 41 lots, with hovne thst cost ,
it.SOO. within city Umlts; good looa
tiom a snap.
Houses and lota tat all parte of the
city. - - ... ;. ,
Choice rastdeiM lots af Anabel and
Archer Place, eloseet In sddiUo ea
Mount Soots ear lineSt down. I ev
month. ........
Stevenson-Brown Co.
lie saoosm grmaagT.
New o-Roorn Modern House, I
lot. East Thirtieth between
Burngide and East Ankeay r
$500 cash, balance at 6 per t
New- 6-Roora Uedern Ho-Twnty-Ninth
street; choics
Inqnir at No. East
Street Nortb, '
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